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Birth Stories Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Don't know if I'm allowed do this on Boards... bump!

    *hoping to entice more ladies into sticking their birth stories down in between feeds & nappy changes*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Mink wrote: »
    Don't know if I'm allowed do this on Boards... bump!

    *hoping to entice more ladies into sticking their birth stories down in between feeds & nappy changes*

    We'll let you away with this time. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Xdancer

    I'll take the bait Mink!

    My little girl was born here in Spain 4 days early on the 6th of December 2011. Our local hospital is quite advanced for Spain as regards giving birth, as they like to do things more naturally than most hospitals and it is predominantly midwife run (once you are in labour, until then you deal with obstetricians only)

    Anyway on the morning of the 6th, I woke up at 6am because I felt a bit wet. Went to the bathroom, and I must have been still half asleep or in denial because I went back to bed again after putting a towel down! I woke again about 30 minutes later because I felt a big gush!! I woke my partner, and we both noticed that the colour wasn't quite clear like it should be.
    I went off to have a shower and do my make up (you'd know no contractions had started!!) while my partner finished packing my bag (when going public here they give you everything in the hospital - nightdresses, towels, pads, nappies etc) and off we went to the hospital.

    The midwife examined me, broke what was left of my waters (which was a HUGE amount) and said she was admitting me due to meconium in the amniotic fluid. I was 2cm dilated but the contractions still hadn't started so I was put on an oxytocin drip to start the contractions....and about 15 minutes later they did. I was amazed at how calm I was. I wasn't in the slightest bit scared, which I think helped me deal with the contractions (I barely had time to breath between each one) until I was given the epidural (which I have been told isn't as strong as the Irish dose, but I don't know) at 3pm. I was examined again after the epidural I was 8cm, and an hour later I was fully dilated and really felt the need to push.

    Nothing was happening after 15 minutes, my little girl wasn't desending as she should and she was showing signs of distress. The midwife apologised and told me that they would have to move me to the more clinical delivery room, as opposed to the lovely relaxed room I was in. I didn't care, I just wanted whatever was best for baby.

    I was moved to the very clinical delivery room, but in the awful chair with stirrups (very awkward when one leg is numb from the epidural), the obstetrician and the pediatrician were called.
    Meanwhile, my contractions had slowed down and I was still very relaxed. At one point I turned around to my partner and asked if he was ok. Everyone in the room burst out laughing, saying he should be asking me that!

    Baby still wasn't descending as well as they liked, and I was afraid that they would use forceps or suction to get her out (didn't like the thought of those damaging my baby's head), but no, to my surprise the obstetrician stood next to me, leaned across me and while I was pushing he was phyiscally pushing down on my stomach with all his weight!!!! Very strange, but it worked! Little Amélie arrived at 5.10 in the afternoon weighing 3.56kg. They left the umbilical cord intact until it stopped pulsating and then the pediatrician took over, cleaned her all out and gave her a clean bill of health.

    We were then moved to a room so the 3 of us could bond etc and after an hour or so we were moved to the ward (a whole 2 beds in a public room!!!)

    I think on the whole I had an easy time of it 11 hours 10 minutes from start to finish, and in my case the contractions were so much more manageable than I feared.

  • Administrators, Politics Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 25,947 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Neyite

    Mine was an emergency C-section. Timeline below is approximate :p

    7.30 am
    I woke up on the Sunday morning in my half asleep state thinking I needed the toilet. As soon as I stood up I felt the dripping and realised my waters had broken, and that must have been what woke me. I grabbed a maternity towel and went off to the loo. The only thing I could remember was that if your waters break you have to go into the hospital as soon as possible because of the risk of infection. I had no contractions either, other than a couple of faint period-like aches.

    I checked the pad again and my waters were tinged with colour -
    the shade of weak tea.
    I called the maternity dept and described my status and the colour. The midwife who answered told me that indicated meconium in my amniotic fluid and to come into them right away.

    9.00 am
    We arrived an hour later and straight into the labour ward - I was hooked up to the trace and given a drip to begin my contractions. I was offered the epidural but I held off to see what the pains were like first.

    I knew that due to the meconium, they would monitor baby closely, and that my hopes of having a natural labour were in doubt if it was taking a long time, I hadnt really considered that I'd need a C-section before, but that morning I knew it was a possibility, as after the examination, it transpired I was only 1cm dialated. The pains were coming closer and quite sore, so I was disappointed that I was only 1cm.

    The midwife started hinting at an epidural and I knew that if I got one, and ended up having a C-section, then they would top it up and I'd be awake for the birth, but if I declined it, there was a good chance they would put me under entirely for the C-section in order to quickly get baby out. So I opted for the Epidural. So they called the Anestheisist.

    11.30 am
    Anestheisist came and positioned me for the Epidural. I had been curled up on my side for the contractions, holding onto my partners hand, but when I sat the way I was instructed for the Epidural it made the pains easier: My bum was on the far edge of the bed so my legs were across the full width of the bed, leaning forward with my bump between my legs, and holding onto my partners elbows, he was sitting on a stool with my lower legs either side of him. So, if you are going for natural labour, I'd suggest you try this position, as it gave me great relief for the contractions.

    The gyanecologist came in to examine me, and went through the spiel of a possible C-section if the baby's heart rate was erratic, examined me and I was still at 1cm.:( But at least I had no more pain - I felt the contractions, but not the pain of them.

    The babys heart rate was starting to cause concern, and I was examined again. Still 1cm. So they told me I would need a C-section, and started prepping me for surgery.

    1.30pm It was all very fast, and before I knew it, I was wheeld in and the epidural topped up until I couldnt feel anything below my shoulders (but could still move my arms) My partner came in then once the screen was up and sat at my shoulder. He was great at distracting me by getting me to guess the gender, telling me we would meet our baby in a few mins, and trying to start a row over possible names (as we hadnt picked any at that stage)

    While this was happening, I felt my bump being pushed downwards, and heard a wail. I bawled. My partner cried, and for that endless moment we were wondering what sex it was, then the nurse popped around the screen to us with our baby boy weighing in at a respectable 7lb 4oz

    They had to clean him down and dress him for us probably due to the meconium and the risk of infection. He was handed to my partner while I stared at them for a while then both of them whisked out the door, while I was stitched up.

    Finally, they were let back in and I got to hold my son. They helped latch him onto my breast, but I couldnt feel him suck, I was numb! It was also really hard to see the baby as I was lying down and couldnt lift my shoulders. I was really drowsy from the drugs, and parched, having threw up water I'd been given earlier, but fought to stay awake.

    I was wheeled to a ward, which happened to be empty, and baby was left to nestle with me all day, nursing on and off, with the nurse changing us from side to side periodically, and my partner getting cuddles from time to time. I think I dozed a lot. They finally (apologetically) asked my partner to leave the ward at 1am. I had started to get feeling back in my upper body after a few hours, and my legs by nighttime.

    The next morning I finally got tea and toast. Before I could eat it, the nurse came around to change my pad and clean me up. Then the baby started crying so I latched him on, and finally I got to eat stone cold toast and tepid tea and it was the nicest thing I ever tasted. :D

    Recovery from C-section
    I was lucky that the Diefene suppository
    gave me diahorrea
    for the first 2 days as the idea of straining /coughing etc with the scar was daunting - it was quite sore for the first couple of days. I was on paracetemol and Diefene for the first 5 days (morphine on the day of C-section) then from day 6 -14 paracetemol only. The stitches were a bead stitch, and were taken out on day 5, the dressing coming off hurt more. It healed perfectly and even the skimpiest of knickers would cover the scar.

    While I would have preferred a natural delivery, I am satisfied that it was necessary for baby's safety, and that was all I wanted too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    My Birth Story July 2012

    11 days overdue.

    Was brought in for my bed on Thursday night as I was due to be induced friday.
    I was put into a ward with 7 beds, every other woman in there had their babies except me, so needless to say I did not sleep a wink.
    Friday morning came and went and me and OH spent the time playing plants vs zombies level by level!
    It got to 1pm when I got fed up and went looking for info, there happened be a bed on the labour ward so I was told to get my bag and head down.
    The midwife had explained they would give me gel to soften my cervix, I then told her that I had already had a sweep the week before and that the doctor told me my waters could just be broken as I was 1.5cm dilated.
    She wouldn't listen.
    While she went to get the gel ready, my doctor who gave me the sweep appeared and informed me I was 2cm and within 2seconds in there,she broke my waters! What a strange,warm sensation lol!
    She told me to get walking and come back in two hours.
    So off we went back to the ward I was on originally to get lunch.

    All of a sudden I couldn't sit down,couldn't continue to stand,couldn't talk... Literally all I could do was breathe.
    This continued for 30mins till I couldn't cope anymore. I thought to myself "Urgh I'm gonna be one of those women who scream the place down at 2cm and can't cope"
    I started to cry at this point and my angel midwife gave me gas and air and checked to see I was 5cm and ordered my epidural!! 2-5cm in 30 mins!!

    I got the hang of the gas pretty fast and soon was telling the midwife she looked like my old home ec teacher and about the time I got stung in the face by a wasp(painful by the way)

    Epidural guy showed up at 3pm and by 4pm I was pain free listening to electric six's gay bar,chatting to OH about what colour hair our daughterwould have... It was very calm and comfy.

    By 5pm I had fully dilated (4 hours on my first-screw you myths of long first time labour) and the midwives changed shifts and I was told I could push in an hour.

    At 6pm I started to push, it was literally the hardest work of my life, as I couldn't feel contractions I was relying on new midwife to tell me when. This went fine for half an hour and baby's head was visible. Then midwife told me she needed to go for supplies and to kep pushing...I COULDN'T FEEL ANYTHING SO DIDN'T KNOW WHEN!!

    After an hour of pushing(half of that I was guess pushing because she left me) midwife told me I would need assistance.

    Enter the punisher.

    Consultant told midwife to add top up to my epidural while she put suction cup on baby's head. My legs were put in stirupps and I pushed for dear life. Started to feel lots of pain?
    After 45 mins, the punisher said baby was huge and back to back and that's why she wasn't here yet. She said if baby did not show in 20 mins that I was to be sectioned.

    After a quick snip down there and the biggest push I could muster, baby Z was born!!! Peds took her aside to see was she ok, she let them know she was mighty pissed off my the suction!!
    She was declared healthy and put under my nightdress.
    I had envisioned I would look at Oh and we'd both cry and hug this 9lb 10 beauty but all of a sudden I felt light headed, an alarm sounded, daddy took baby Z and there was no longer 4 doctors in the room, there was about 15.
    I remember two things, the fear on my Oh's face with his top of holding this little swollen cherub and also the face on a student doctor at the door.

    My placenta had gotten stuck coming out and the midwife started to pull at it, causing it to rupture and the cord snapping it, trapping it inside me.
    I was told I would go for a c-section to remove the placenta and was wheeled to theatre. Here it was found the contraction ditching,cord snapping midwife had forgotten to top up my epi, so it was general anasthetic for me. Turned out I didn't need the c section as a doctor got it out by hand!

    When I woke up I was in ICU getting transfusions and daddy and baby Z came to visit. Baby Z was HUGE!! She latched on straight away and we had skin to skin.

    The next day I was well enough to go back to ward, Private room this time. Think they felt sorry for me!!

    3 days later we got to go home and there my Oh and I had the moment I wanted where we thanked each other for this gift and cried and hugged.

    7 days on, I'm pretty much healed, I'm anaemic as I lost 80% of my blood and haven't a single inch of arm that isn't bruised from IV's!

    Yes it was traumatic, Yes it was scary.

    But, It was worth every second to have my beautiful daughter asleep,possibly pooping on me and I can't wait to do it again.

    It truly does make your life worth living and I honestly see myself as blessed!x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Holy S**T Java! That was some experience......Eeek!

    You have inspired me to write mine too. On the morning of the 26th June I started getting contractions. They were about 30 mins apart so went out to other half and told him that I was getting contractions but they were all over the place and baby would probably be here in a couple of days. They then stopped after a bit and that was grand. Went about my day, went and did some food shopping, not a bother on me.

    About 5.30 that evening, contractions started again.....they were alot more regular and about 20 mins apart. Other half was out milking so went out to let him know. I rang the hospital and they said I would be hours yet so just keep an eye on things and ring again when contractions were closer together.

    So other half comes into the house and I'm cooking dinner, chappy arrives with info on farm jeep that other half is thinking of buying. I say to other half to hurry up and get your man out of the house as the contractions were getting really bad and about 15 miins apart. Well your man wouldn't leave. He just kept talking. I gave up trying to cook dinner and rang the hosp that seemed to move your man....just.....I was like do you want to feckin deliever the baby or something! GO HOME!!!!

    Rang the hosp and they said not to come in till the contractions were between 5 and 7 mins apart for about an hour. Go and have a bath and relax you won't be in for hours. This was at 7pm.

    At 8pm, the bags were in the car and we were driving in, I was in bits. The contractions were horrid!! Arrived in the hosp and the midwife was quite suprised to see me, a bit dismissive actually. Oh I meant to say I had a show about 6pm.

    So I was hooked up to a machine and they did an internal about 9pm and I was only 1cm dialated. She was going to send me home but then my waters broke and it was like niagra falls!! And my blood pressure went quite high so they decided I could stay and they admitted me. Went through all the questions and stuff for the epidural and they said they couldn't give it to me till I was 3cms and all they could give me was paracetemal. I kept telling them the contractions were awful so they sent me for another bath when I got up to the ward and to stay in the bath for an hour as this would help with pain. Which it did....for about 5 mins before I realised that all was going a bit quick....So with help from my other half I got out of the bath and back to the labour ward. Met the mid wife and told her that my contractions were really awful about they were 2 mins apart. She didn't believe me and said she would go find a dr.....she went off for about 20mins. By the time she came back they were about a 1m apart and I couldn't move. They put me in a bed and examined me and I was 7cm dilated. The look on her face was priceless.

    So 2 hours to go from 1cm to 7cm. They took me down to the delivery suite, in the bed thank god as I literally just couldn't move with the pain from the contractions. By the time I was in the delivery suite and up on the bed I was 9cms. The poor midwife who told me that it was too late for the epidural got such an earful from me. I think I must have called them every under the sun.

    I got a massive urge to push and told them so, they told me to wait, I said feck off I'm pushing so away I went! The gas and air seemed to be totally useless to me and I panicked big style everytime I had a contraction and pushed. Eventually after an hour they did an episotomy and used the suction cup to get the baby out. I was totally exhausted and just couldn't managed that 3rd push on every contraction!!

    I was so relieved when he was delivered, most amazing feeling. I completely forgot about the pain when he was placed on my chest. They started stitching me up and I yelped, they forgot to give me the local before they started stitching......gotta to love them.....:rolleyes:

    He was born at 1.18am so a very quick labour which apparently runs in my dads side of the family, so delighted with that!!! Just wished I had done more insisting before as I felt I was being dismissed alot from the midwives in the labour ward!

    My poor other half was absolutely traumatised at the pain I seemed to go through, he was brilliant the whole way through, held my hand and mopped my brow! I had my eyes closed the whole way through....He was also ready to deck them at one stage. He was a bit peed off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Right... I'll chance mine too!! My pregnancy was difficult enough: I had hyperemesis and problems with my thyroid which was swinging between under and over active and in turn was affecting every part of me: so basically by the end of my pregnancy I was extremely exhausted (and had 7 inpatient stays in hospital!): I'd had a show 3 weeks previous and was having strong and regular braxton hicks for those 3 weeks too. Because of all of this going over my due date was never an option for me so was brought in for an induction.

    They started inducing me on Wednesday the 4th July (I was due the 8th): they gave me the first lot of gel at about 10pm: started getting strong period like pains and was completely exhausted so was given a sleeping tablet and went to sleep. Thursday morning they gave me the second lot of gel. Cramps started getting stronger and stronger (now I'm convinced the tiredness was what caused me to think the pain was worse than it was!) and went out walking the hospital. Was examined by midwife and then doc: they still couldn't break my waters so was giving more gel (which really hurt this time): the trace was showing contractions just not regularly. Was told at this stage I couldn't get any more gel by this doctor and if it didn't work I would probably be looking at a section: but that I would be examined again tomorrow.

    That night the pain from the gel was awful: I was convinced I was going into labour, and the trace was showing regular contractions, but varying in intensity. Midwife examined me and I still wasn't dilating but my cervix had shortened. Gave me pethidine and off I went to sleep.

    The following morning (Friday) at about 5am they put me on the trace. Baby wasn't moving: they gave me apple juice, orange juice and iced water to drink and got me to eat smarties (normally got baby moving) but nothing. Except then I started to vomit :rolleyes: Midwife started moving baby in my belly trying to wake her up: after about 5 minutes she started moving and they gave me my 4th lot of gel: and still wasn't any more dilated. Hubby came in at 9am and I put on my clothes and walked the grounds of the hospital: at this stage I was tired and emotional still hadn't seen my consultant (despite the fact I attended his high risk clinic). Was reexamined about 1 o clock: still wasn't any more dilated. They gave me my 5th lot of gel, and the doc examining me told me this is what happened when people interfered with nature, and that if I didn't start dilating by that afternoon he was sending me home for the weekend. At that stage I had had enough: I was exhausted, emotional tired and extremely worried about my baby who I hadn't felt move except when the midwifes moved her for the trace. I started to cry hysterically and someone decided to get my actual consultant to talk to me.

    He repeated what the registrar had said: told me to go home for the weekend if nothing had happened by about 6 o clock and they would bring me back in Monday morning and start me on the gel again :eek: After 5 rounds of prostin and no baby movements they wanted to send me home. Particularly when the main reason I was been induced was my risk of losing my little girl was higher: and I couldn't feel her move. I genuinely was close to being hysterical at this stage: even posted here hoping to god someone could give me some solace about my failed induction!! Hubby argued with them at this stage because I was so upset: I refused to go home and they finally relented and let me stay: to restart the gel Mon morning. At this stage all I wanted was a section and my baby out of me!

    Kept walking and praying was in genuine real unable to talk during contraction pain by about 8: midwife put me on trace and told me nothing was happening, and wasn't going to. At 9 I felt a pop: told my husband that it was the weirdest feeling! At 910 walked to the bin came back and my waters broke as I climbed onto bed... I actually cried with relief! They put me on trace and baby was fine and sent my husband home at 10: said they'd put me on drip in morning, and gave me pethidine: and told me not to get out of bed on my own!

    By 1045 despite two heat packs I could not cope anymore with the pain. They brought me to delivery room where I was 2cm: 2cm! I begged for an epidural: doc said no. Was using gas and air and passed out (pethidine & gas&air!) during a contraction. They examined me again: still only 2cm. Midwives decided to get drip up and running ready for epidural: doc was still saying no. Finally (finally) said I could have epidural at 2cm this was at 12. By 1230 epidural was in they reexamined me and I was fully dilated. And my husband over half an hour away and noone had rang him yet!

    He was in for 1.10 we talked away: still needed the gas and air for contractions: the edge was taken off with the epidural but I still needed it! Started pushing about 2am: soon after they changed something to do with the epidural machine it was faulty (hubby told me after). He left at about 25 past 2 (I think he was about to keel over and really I was glad birth is not dignified at all!!) and at 236 my 7lb 15oz girl was born!! There was supposed to be a paedeatrician there when she was born as there was a small risk of her going into shock: there wasn't something I'm still furious about. Someone examined her over an hour and a half later.

    She was worth every second of it :)

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Warning LONG!!!!!!!

    Went for my 39 week appointment as usual. Thankfully somehow I got my consultant again (I was going public). My consultant had admitted me the week before for 2 days to observe a reduced amount of movement and low fluid levels. This time he did another mini scan and again couldn't get junior to move, so he said he would induce me in a few day, but would try a sweep while I was there, I still don't know what he felt but he ran off telling me I was being induced asap and I was possibly not favourable and I might expect a failed induction with a section at the end so prepare myself for the worst.
    There were no beds free so I spent some time on a trace in A&E for a while, then I go the phonecall that there was a bed free in the pre labour ward and I could go on up.
    I felt like such an impostor there, everyone else was in pain or early labour an spent an average of 4 hours on the ward before being moved to the delivery rooms, I spent 2 days there. My Consultant pulled some strings and managed to get me a slot for an induction that night, so I got my first gel on Tuesday evening. Had a second on Wednesday morning and the final one on Wednesday evening. They don't give more then 3 gels in total. I was still barely 1cms gone, everytime I got a gel I had about 2 hours of pain and then nadda.
    All the time I was on a trace and juniors heart rate and movements were still quite low. I was told that they would try and break my waters on Thursday morning, but they didn't have much hope for it to work and so I was fasting from Wed. 11pm just in case I had to have a section.Getting my waters broken was bad, made more so by the fact I had seen the SHO who turned up to do it, basically butcher the woman in the bed next to me the day before. After 10 tries they finally broke my waters, but I was still less then 1cm gone, I still sorta wish they were unsuccessful at breaking my waters. SO off walking for 2 hours, had a shower and a wander, and when I got back to the labour ward I was being moved to a delivery room. For some unknown reason they didn't give me an internal again but just stuck me on the drip, had that at 9am, did the full ramp up to 2:30pm, at this point my OH was going to kill someone as I wasn't allowed off the bed and was delirious with the pain.
    Midwife was useless wouldn't tell us anything, kept saying we'll see. All we wanted to know was a registrar reviewing my non progression. Eventually another midwife cam in and saw the pain I was in and told me I should have the epi, even though my midwife had told me I'd have to wait. So got the epi at 2:30, used gas an air while getting it n that made me drunk and puke. Then the stupid Epi didn't take and we could hear the midwife outside saying "she's saying she still can feel pain" it sounded like she though I was lying so I had to lift myself up and move about to show I still had feeling, do she then ran off and to a top up into my line. The epi for some reason didn't take in one place so ended up using it all up and the top up and finally she ended up replacing the whole epi. From 2:30pm to 3:30pm I had the max amount of the oxy drip. Finally at 3:30 they examined me again, now they hadn't checked since 7:30am and our issue was nothing else had worked so should they not be reexamining me while I was on the drip and in the bed so they could make sure I was progressing, because the drip did bring on my womb contractions but no one was checking it was making me dilate, and since everything else hadn't worked we'd hope someone was thinking that too. Plus Juniors heart rate was dropping everytime I contracted and it was setting alarms off left right and centre, and she kept saying it was fine, but I'd been hooked up to a trace all week as he had such a low heart rate and movement in the first place that I knew the alarms and dipping that much was not good. So they examined me at 3:30pm and after those 9 hours I was only 2 cms gone. The epi had taken at this stage so I managed to doze off, I'd also been fasting since 11pm the night enforce just in case of a section and I still wasn't even allowed water at all. At 5 a reg came in and told me this was it he'd be back in 30 mins and examine me and if there wasn't significant progression I was heading to theatre and he was off to prep it in the mean time. At this stage we were relieved as I was so shattered and sore at this point. At 5:30pm he came in and somehow I'd fully dilated, so gone from 2-10 in 2 hours, so thank god I got the epi when I did! So we waited an hour and got ready to push, finally I was allowed some water so had about 3 litres of it! At 6:55 they told me to push, so on the first contraction his head came out and back in again. Then I had no contractions for 10 mins! Got 2 really quickly and got his head out on the first contraction, OH was actually down there so I could push against his hip. She told me to pant and I did and stopped pushing but he flew out! He had a very short cord so only for that he'd have fallen off he bed! So cord was cut and he was put under my vest. I also think the midwife pushed me way too hard to get the baby out that quick, think if she'd let me push slower I wouldn't have ended up with so many stitches. She then had me try to deliver the placenta, like java mine got stuck and the cord snapped due to its length, finally after about 105 min of trying the placenta popped out. I actually had to wait for 2 hours after the birth to get stitched! Anyway he was 7lbs 4 in the end and he's so tiny, but I think he's going to be an only child after that :D I think the short cord caused all the problems as he didn't descend at all till I was 10 cms gone.
    Junior is an absolute dote and I really had a fast labour pushing wise, but the actual induction was awful, we just felt so abandoned and ignored by the midwife, we just wanted to know what the next step would be in the process, but it was like pulling teeth with her. Although the other midwives that popped in and out were lovely I just think I got a bad one!
    I'm in a good bit of pain still, on Solpodine and Ponston for the next 2 weeks.
    I really am besotted with junior, we were blessed with him, but I do think I'll be asking about the possibility of a section f I was to have a 2nd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Wow great stories girls (well definitely traumatic but you did so well!)

    Really goes to show how stretched the system is, I just can't believe the midwife left you to push on your own for 1/2 an hour Java, especially with an epi in & you can't feel what you're doing.

    And cyning I can't believe your consultant wasn't monitoring you every step & then no pediatrician for hr & half, after your pregnancy history. That's the entire point of the consultants - for high risk pregnancies/births!

    Just feckin mad, the cutbacks are really affecting things.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Ginny, I was the same on my first birth too, felt ignored, was on the drip, babies heart rate dropping, alarms going off. No one telling me or my partner anything. He actually ended up shouting at them (all in a group hushed whispering to each other) "CAN SOMEONE LET US KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE, SHE IS THE ONE GIVING BIRTH YOU KNOW!"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I meant to add that one Dr attempted to give me pethidine and I asked what on earth was she doing had she not seen my notes.....yes she said. I said I can't have pethidine, why not she asked?

    Eh because I'm epileptic and pethidine lowers the threshold for seizures, therefor could bring one on. Oh she says I didn't know that......

  • Registered Users Posts: 87 ✭✭tinkerbell79

    Omg notsobusy that's terrible it is definitely a case of you need to know what you want and don't take no for an answer!!! If you hadn't of noticed her giving you the pethidine, I wouldn't like to think what could have happened!!!

    I partly think this is why on your second or other births they go a bit better as you now know what works etc... And the midwives take you more seriously because you've done it before! Not all midwives don't listen most are brilliant but I definitely think they take more notice after your first birth!

    That said I hope that's true and my babs(3rd) is a doodle lol...

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    I have 2 daughters and here are the stories...

    It was new years eve 2008 and my 1st baby was due in 10 days. We were supposed to be going to a New Years party in a friends house which was about 45 minutes away but more or less the same distance from Holles St.
    By the time the evening came I did not want to go and by 23:00 I suggested amybe we go to the hospital so we did:)
    The contraction were painful,when we got to the hospital I was only in early labour so walked the corridors and rang in the New Year with the nurses,heard the 1st baby of the year being born,I can not remember times exactly but I officially went in to labour at about 4 and my little girl was born at about 6.
    A friends mother was a midwife on duty that night and she was like having my own personal angel,she really made the experience so much easier for me.
    The pain was terrible but I got through it and only needed a few stitches after. I spent 3 days in the Merrion wing in Holles St after,it was bliss!

    My 2nd was due on the 25th of January 2011 and at about 5am on the 22nd I felt twinges but had a nice bath and decided to have a walk around,woke the other half and told him I might be in labour,woke him again a while later and told him to call his sister to mind my big girl.
    I think we got to the hospital about 7:30 or so and my 2nd was born at 8,no stitches this time.After such a quick labour I was in shock but ok.
    I can not describe how bad the pain was terrible but even if I wanted pain relief it was not an option due to the speed of the labour.
    I had gas and air both times but I am not sure that it helped and I had a tens machine the 2nd time which at least distracted me!!
    I was on a semi private ward with shared showers off the corridor and there were 6 in the room,it was awful!! but I was home the next day.

    I am due #3 at the end of Dec:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I'm adding mine too - more July drama

    After a pretty straightforward pregnancy, I was admitted to hospital 2 weeks before my due date with suspected preeclampsia. I was in the pre labour ward, and have to say - it really made me question my decision to have a pretty natural birth - far too many agonised screams and cries of "I can't do it!"

    After a week of endless traces and observation, they decided to induce me the day before my due date, because of my blood pressure, babys size, and a calcified placenta. So cue a week of frantic reading up on inductions!

    We arrived at the hospital only to find out that there was a bed crisis and that I would have to wait for a bed. After about 6 hours of hanging around, they sent me home explaining that they might have a bed the following day. Dejected and upset, I went home.

    The following day, Friday the 13th, they called me at 10:30 to come in. So hubby and I did the trip again, and went through the whole barrage of tests and traces again, only to be told again that we would need to wait for a free bed. I nearly burst into tears there and then. So, we waited and waited and waited some more. After another 4 hours I went back the desk and asked if I was going to get a bed or be sent home, because if I was to be sent home, I'd rather go now. But lo and behold,there was a bed free! (I'm still wondering if I had stayed politely in the waiting room, would they have given it to someone else?)

    They gave me the gel at about 6pm, after discovering that I was 2 cm dilated. Almost immediately I started getting lots of back pain and cramping, but had no idea if that was the start of contractions, or just cramps. All i knew is that they hurt. They put me on a trace, and trying to lie on my back, and keep relatively still was agony. Of course, any time I fidgeted, the trace would lose the baby, so I was on it for almost 2 hours. Eventually,they gave me some Pethadine at 12 pm to take the edge off and I fell asleep. I woke the next morning to find that the cramps had stopped. But the docs examined me and decided that I was ready to have my waters broken, and that we just needed to wait for a free bed on the labour ward. Delighted that things were progressing, I spent hours on the birthing ball trying to help my cervix to ripen. In the afternoon, I was checked again - still 2 cms, still ok to have my waters broken. Still waiting for a bed.

    Soon after, a bed became free - and as soon as they told me, I vomited - nerves, excitement, labour - who knows! So up I went, with hubby in tow, practically shaking. After another long trace and comments on my BP, the registrar finally examined me. She shook her head at the midwife. I looked at my hubby in a panic. "You're not ready yet darling, I won't be able to break your waters". I told her that the last two doctors had said I was ready, but she didn't even try. Instead, I was sent back to the ward for anothe round of gel. I was devastated, not to mention confused. The midwives on the ward were genuinely shocked to see me back so soon.

    Given the cramps of the day before, I was not looking forward to another round of gel, but either it was milder, or I was better prepared, but they weren't quite as bad. The forced inactivity of the trace was still like torture though! Late that night, I was examined again - still 2 cm and still ready to have the water broken. I questioned this, and the doc said that she would have had no issues breaking my waters at all, all they needed was a free bed. So hubby was sent home, and I was given another dose of Pethadine. At 8 am, they told me a bed was free. I told them if they brought me back up there I was not leaving without my baby. They laughed at that, but i was not joking! I was terrified that they would just send me back down again. No vomiting this time though.

    Hubby was not there that early, but arrived during yet another trace on the labour ward. The nurse examined me and tried to break the waters, but it didn't work. She paged for a doctor to come and have a go but while we were waiting for him, I felt a gush of liquid - I genuinely thought I had wet myself - and that was that, my waters had broken! I was never so relieved in my life! Apparently I had a lot of liquid, waters kept gushing the whole way through my long labour!

    The trace showed that the baby was happy out, but the nurses were very worried about my skyrocketing blood pressure. Each check had it higher than the last, so eventually the consultant was called and they recomended the epidural ASAP, as that would bring it down. So unlike all the pregnant ladies who are kept waiting, I was given an epidural having never actually decided to have one! The anaesathist had to add another IV line, which he made a total balls of - i ended up with a big bubble on my wrist instead of a line in! I told him that I hoped he was better at the epidural than the IV, and it turned out he was, because it worked like a charm, and preceded the calmest part of my labour yet.

    I was in zero pain, so just lay back and waited for my cervix to dilate, reading my book, chatting with hubby and the midwives, and even posting on Boards! My BP was back where it was supposed to be, and the baby stayed happy throughout. It took 10 hours, and the drip was up to the max, but eventually I was 10cm dilated, and the midwives told me I had to wait an hour before pushing. At this stage, I was feeling pressure on my tailbone during every contraction (which were coming string and fast according to the trace)

    Then came the pushing! The midwives gave me 10 minutes 'practice pushing', and we tried a few positions. I could feel the pressure building with each contraction, so I knew when to push, and I was pushing with all of my might. After about 20 minutes, the midwife confirmed they could see the babies head and told me to give it all I had. I really, really did, but as time went on, I got more and more exhausted, and there was no progress. I swear that if the midwives had told me to 'get cross' one more time, I would have punched them. They eventually decided that i was going to need assistance and called the doctor to check me out. Of course, it took him ages to get here, so in the meantime, i had to keep pushing. I was so knackered at i was puking in between contractions. Hubby was great, incredibly supportive, but after almost 2hours of pushing, I was thoroughly sick of having my brow mopped, and being told I was doing well - I knew this baby was stuck!

    Eventually the doctor came and examined me and confirmed that I would need help: they would try for forceps and if unsuccessful, go straight to a section. And that's when it got freaky. I was prepped, and my epi was topped up to the nth degree,then rushed into the theatre with approximately 10-15 people surrounding me. It didn't help that the shift had just changed so there was no familiar faces at all. Poor hubby was left out in the hall, which terrified him. With the epi at section levels I could barely move, and I definitely couldn't feel anything. They gave me something sweet to drink, which of course, made me vomit uncontrollably. So, there I was, trying to puke into a little cardboard bucket that was too high and too farback, whilst hearing the doctors mention things like episiotomy and shoulder dystocia and distress etc.. They called in the head honcho of the department, Professor Cotter, as there was shoulder dystocia and that is quite rare, and the doctors in call wanted her advice. I was frantic at this stage, because I hadn't a clue what was going on. After what seemed like an hour (and what was infact less than 5 minutes), Professor Cotter had seen all she needed to and supervised the procedures. My legs were put up into giant stirrups and pushed back close to my head. I was given a lateral episiotomy, and they told me to push as hard as I could. I opened my eyes while pushing and saw one doctor using what can only be described as barbecue tongs to tug on the baby's head, whilst another doctor was pushing with all of her weight on my abdomen. On the second tug/push/squash, her head was out, and they let hubby come in for the rest. The shoulder was delivered next with assistance, and after that it was over in an instant. She didn't make a sound for what seemed like an age, and was rushed off to an incubator - all I could see was a giant spike of hair and a bruised and bloody head. Then I heard my baby murmur for the first time and I burst into tears, and turned to my hubby who was doing the same.

    Eventually, they finished stitching me up - I found out later I had a slight internal tear from the forceps and of course, the episiotomy - and they put my baby on my chest for some long awaited skin to skin. It was the most amazing moment of my life.

    She's thrived ever since. I've had some setbacks, my stitches disappeared after 3 days and the wound subsequently got infected, so I ended up back in hospital when she was 4 days old.

    But we're moving on, and getting used to the monumental change she has made to our lives. Anyone who doesn't believe in love at first sight has not had a child :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Moonbeam wrote: »
    I am due #3 at the end of Dec:)

    Congratulations Moonbeam!!!!

    I find the birth stories here amazing. I'm reading about how much pain/discomfort ye endured & all it is doing is making me broody! Must be the sado-masochist tendencies in me :D

  • Moderators, Education Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 18,953 Mod ✭✭✭✭Moonbeam

    Girls reading your stories would putting me off having kids over!
    What some of you went through was horrific :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    The July thread really has produced nearly every pregnancy and birth scenario! We've got 4 to go so we'll see what comes of that :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,302 ✭✭✭Cadyboo

    So on Monday 40+1 I had a hospital appointment and asked consultant for a sweep. He told me he normally doesn’t for first timers as they don’t work, but if I still wanted one he would give me one. So he did and I didn’t feel anything as such so left feeling it didn’t work and a date for induction the following Monday.

    Feeling disheartened when there was no changes all that day I prepared myself for induction by reading up on it. At about two in the morning I awoke with pains. Was unsure what they were as they were in my lower belly and lower back. After about an hour I realised they were like contractions so starting timing them. They were changing from 8 to 10 mins and lasting from 30 secs to a minute and a half. Got up about 6am and had some tea and toast and a shower. Still felt bad so got out tens machine and went into bed and timed them again. Still coming the same distance only pain was getting stronger. I then went for another shower about 10am and the pains subsided… Crap I thought. False alarm.

    So I then noticed what looked like a show. Pains got kind of worse and decided Id head to hospital for a check as the pain was really low and I was afraid something was wrong. I arrived to the hospital about 1pm and was seen by triage who examined me and told me I was NOT in labour that I wasn’t effaced and the pains and pressure were baby moving down. The show I had was just a result of the sweep I got the day before. I was then hooked up to monitor to check babies movements and while on this I got 3 fairly bad contractions. The midwife came back said baby is fine and “ sure you got no contractions there at all”. I said “ are you serious, I got 3 bad ones”. “Well they only came up as a little niggle on the machine”. And off home I was sent and told see you next Monday!

    I was in a lot of pain on the way home and for most of the evening. I was so tired and kept falling asleep in between the pains. I was so frustrated thinking all this pain was only for babys head moving down and that I could be like this until induction.
    Around 8pm I rang hospital as the pain was getting worse and coming every 5 to 7 mins and lasting nearly a minute. Was told I was not in labour, that it was only the sweep take paracetemol and try to rest, have a bath and go to sleep. Back in shower, back on tens, paracetemol, walking.. Nothing eased it up. Settled onto the couch for the night knew I wouldn’t be sleeping in my bed so was getting prepared to stay downstairs. Pains progressively getting worse. Rang hospital again at about half ten. Begged them to give me something stronger. Told the same as earlier… paracetemol, tens, baths, showers, rest up etc.. And then “ sure you couldn’t be in labour, if you were in labour you wouldn’t be able to speak to me here like this”. I said “ I am getting contractions every 5 mins and I am only talking to you two minutes”. She said “if you want to come up then do, but there is nothing much we can do for you until you go into labour”.

    Back downstairs. Was sooo tired by now was bouncing on ball to see if Id get relief and was falling asleep on the ball in between pains.
    About half 12 that night I went to the toilet and there was bright red blood there. I remembered reading that bright red is never a good sign so called himself and said come on!
    Off we went me screaming at him to avoid the potholes. Rang and told them I was on the way as I was not going to wait in the er to be seen this time. Met midwife, told her the story of the day. She hooked me up to monitor baby and said she would examine me afterwards and would give me pain relief regardless of me being in labour or not. Told her Id take anything, give me an epidural.. There is no way I can deal with the pain any longer. I didn’t care what was going on then as I knew Id get something off her. Told her I want an epidural even if I wasn’t in labour. She examined me and told me I was 5 or 6 cms!! Was in shock. So much for me not being in labour.

    Off to labour ward about 1.30am, met midwife. She was setting up a drip… “Whats that for” I asked. “Your epidural” she said. “No thanks” I said “Ill wait and see how I go“. So I spent a fair bit of my labour on the toilet and leaning over the bed with gas and air. Didn’t really like the g and a but used it a bit. Got to about 7cms and was falling asleep between contractions and my midwife went on break another one came in and I didn’t like her at all. She examined me and told me my bag of waters were there and I was close to 9cm. She said things would go quicker if waters broke so she broke them.
    My other midwife then came in and was not happy with that at all. She had quite a few words with her about it. Felt I needed to push and told them so, so they told me to go with it. It was 03.40am. I was pushing and pushing, falling asleep between contractions, stopped using the g and a very early on. At about 4.45 midwife told me my cons was on the way as I was pushing for a long time and he could help me. So baby had to be vacuumed out and I got an episiotomy, which I could feel every bit but baby was then in my arms and I didn’t care. It was 5.13am! He was trying to come out with his hand on his head.
    A boy and he was perfect.

    I then proceeded to lose quite a lot of blood and clots and was put on a drip with picotin to stop the clots for a few hours and thankfully worked.
    Was moved to the ward about 8.30am with my little man and I would do the same thing all over again tomorrow.:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Thought it was about time I posted my story here!

    Baby Kildareash was born on June 22 at 3.58am, three weeks and two days early. It went like this:

    Thursday, June 21
    Felt very uncomfortable getting ready for work that morn, lots of pressure down below and period type pains. Thought nothing of it, tempted to ring in sick, but I give OH's aunt a lift to work and didn't want to see her stuck.

    1pm: had a lunchtime meeting in the hotel across the road. Walked across, bent down to tie my lace, felt a pop and a little bit of warm water. I wasn't sure if it was urine because of the way I'd bent over or my waters so stayed for the meeting. The hospital was only down the road, so I was in no panic to get there!
    It wasn't until after the meeting that I felt more definite that my waters had broken. Rang hospital and was told to come on in.

    Waited a while to be seen in the hospital, but when I eventually was taken in, the doc went to examine me but as she went to put the speculum in there was a gush of water and she said your waters have definitely broken, and she didn't need to examine me! They monitored me for about 20 minutes and said I wasn't in labour.

    I was admitted and spent the rest of the day walking the hospital. By evening I was getting pains every 2 minutes, but they weren't lasting very long and again I was told I wasn't in labour.

    10.30pm: They send my OH home! He didn't want to leave, but the midwife assured us nothing was going to happen that night and he would be better to go home (40minutes away) and get some rest. Luckily we have some good friends in the same town and he went back to their house just to be close at hand.
    The nurse suggested I try a bath to relax me in the hope that I would get some shut eye that night.

    11pm: I got into the bath. It was lovely at first and I started to doze off. But at 11.30pm, the pains suddenly started getting stronger, but weren't much closer together or lasting that long.

    Midnight: I got out of the bath and started asking for pain relief. I was still tolerating the pain with breathing and just keeping calm, but I didnt think i'd be able to cope for much longer. The midwife told me to get pain relief I would have to go on the monitors and there were no labour rooms available! She offered me the tens machine, but it felt like it was hours before she came back to me with it.
    I kept ringing the bell every few minutes, as I was now doubled over on my knees on the floor and I wanted pain relief, but she kept on telling me I wasn't in labour, there were no rooms available. I wanted to ring my partner to come back to keep me company, help time the contractions, but she said I wasn't going to have the baby that night and he was better getting some rest.

    I eventually was brought down to the labour room around 1am! That hour was the longest of my life.
    I will never forget the look on the midwifes face when she examined me...I was 8-9cms! I kinda panicked a bit now - obviously it was too late for any type of pain relief and my partner wasn't with me! She rang him at about 10 past 1 and he was into me by half 1. It was raining really heavy that night and he had got soaked walking in from the car park, but I accused him of waiting to have a shower before he came in! I don't think I'd even had gas and air at this stage.

    Before I knew it I was ready to push. After pushing for about an hour and a half, I was exhausted, it had been a long day and I'd been awake for almost 24 hours at this stage. Baby was well down, but my contractions were very short (I was only getting two pushes in) and I don't think they were strong enough. I had imagined much worse pain, but I was tolerating this.

    The doc was called and at 3.58am my beautiful baby girl was born by suction, weighing 7lbs 8 1/2 ozs. I had an epistomy and she tore me! He was an hour stitching me up, while I gave out to him for not being able to tell me how long it was going to take. By this stage, I was off my face on the gas and air though!

    The other midwife was still on shift when I was brought back down to the ward. She said no one was more shocked than her to hear I was almost fully dialated when I went down to the labour ward. She was extra nice to me that night when she came on duty and even took the baby down to the nurses station for a couple of hours so I could get some sleep.

    I was ready to go home on the sunday, but unfortunately the baby was jaundiced and they decided as she was technically premature to put her on the billiebed to clear it. It only came down a little bit and rebounded back up over the treatment line after 24 hours, so we had to stay another day for her to go on the billiebed again.
    The paeds consultant still wasn't happy that her levels were far enough under the treatment line for us to go home and decided that she should go to the scbu under the UV lights. This was a really strange experience, as I ended up justifying his decision to the night staff and some other doctor, who felt she wasn't bad enough to require that treatment. A very tired and emotional mammy got snappy with the staff! But finally after six days in hospital we were allowed home.

    So, that's my long winded story! I love my beautiful girl to bits, but I don't think I'll be rushing to give her a sibling, I'm still a bit traumatised from how quickly everything happened.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    My little guy was born in the early hours of a Tuesday morning at home (planned).
    My pregnancy was very straightforward, no real morning sickness and only had the usual aches and pains towards the end, as well as heartburn etc. I had no complications and baby stayed in correct position and head started engaging from approx 36 weeks.
    I was nearly 10 days overdue and I started to get period cramps during the early hours of Monday morning, they woke me up a little. The few days prior to this I'd noticed my mucous plug coming away but I had a bloody show on the Monday morning & was so excited. The cramps continued throughout Monday but there didn't seem to be any pattern. I had been getting strong Braxton Hicks from before 30 weeks but they were never sore. These started happening more along with the period pains. At no point could I definitely say yes I'm having contractions, they were so mild.
    We started timing them maybe about 4 or 5pm that day and they were 5 mins apart on average, over 2hours. I was texting my midwife throughout the day to keep her updated.
    At about 8pm I felt a little gush and my trousers were wet at the back, I figured it was just a bit of waters so I put on a maternity pad to see how fast it got wet. We started getting the birthing pool ready (we really should have got onto this sooner). I also started having diahrrea. Somewhere between 9 and 9.30, I felt a massive gush, luckily I was also sitting on one of those maternity mats which had been dutifully sitting on the couch for weeks. I legged it up to the shower and stripped off & as I was standing in the tub the waters were still gushing out of me!
    After about 1/2 hour the pains started getting a bit closer together and more intense. I spoke to my midwife and she figured she'd come over as waters breaking can really set things off, and they did! By the time she arrived at about 10.30pm, I was having to lie on my side for the contractions and breath through them.
    It was at this point that I realised how sore this was all going to be, I think I got a bit frightened at this stage. My midwife got all her equipment set up and my OH was finishing getting the pool ready. She examined me and I was already 6-7cm, I was amazed.
    From this point on I had to get my OH to rub my back (vigourosly) throughout every contraction but I was chilled out in between them. The midwife was happy for me to get into the pool. To be totally honest, I didn't find it that much of a relief, I think my hopes were a little high for it. I did spend about 1 1/2-2hrs in it so I reckon it helped things stretch further and possibly did help me relax. I got sick a few times from the pain (or the contractions pushing my stomach, one or the other) and also had to leg it upstairs for more diahrrea. I was mortified to get my OH to rub my back while I was sitting on the loo but I couldn't cope without it. He wasn't fazed in the slightest, I was being silly.
    Then I got back downstairs to the sitting room and just sat on the couch and asked for gas & air as I was really finding it difficult to cope with the contractions. Again, I didn't find any actual pain relief from the gas and air, it just made me drowsy. But for some reason I felt the need to suck on it for all my contractions after that, it was more of a distraction. I found the mouth piece great for biting down on (my jaw was very sore the next day).
    I hadn't been examined again and the midwife said she would check me around 3.30am or if I felt that something had changed, I was fine with that. She regularly checked baby's heartbeat and my temperature and blood pressure. Somewhere around 2.30/3am (now Tuesday) I think I started to feel the pushing urge and told her. It's all a bit of a blur after that but apparently I was in the pushing stage maybe 1/2hr to an hour. Started off on all fours for a good while. I was panicing a bit at this stage and OH and midwife were trying to keep my calm. The pushing urge was a bit scary, I had no control over it. I did think to myself oh my god I can't do this, but I knew I just had to get on with it as there was no option for an epidural now even if I transferred. I just went with it. At some point the midwife had to push the last bit of cervix back, that hurt a huge amount but it helped move things along. She got me to go on my side and then for the final few pushes onto my back, just to get him around the corner. It was so hard trying to hold pushes and also dealing with the pain of the contractions. I had to really get the hang of holding them so that the head didn't keep going back. But then when I was on my back the head was out in maybe 3 pushes and the rest of him came out straight away He was born at 3.57am. Apparently the cord was tangled around him a bit. He cried straight away and was a lovely colour, no marks and I managed to get away with no tears or cuts, just bruised & grazed. He was 8lbs 6oz and just absolutely perfect (I know everyone says that about their baby, but he really was!)
    I was so relieved thinking it was all over but literally within 5 mins I started getting the same contractions for the placenta (she gave me the injection to deliver it, at my request). It probably took the guts of 1/2hour to deliver the placenta but it felt like forever, I had to give the baby to my OH as I just couldn't hold him and cope at the same time. It was absolutely massive when it came out, like another baby!
    I was shaking and really really uncomfortable, the midwife and OH got to cleaning me up, clearing up the equipment, getting baby wrapped up and over to me to breastfeed. He had a strong suck from the get go. I think we got into bed around 7am maybe, I was so out of breath getting up the stairs to bed.
    It was a very good birth experience and went like clockwork. I had a hard time after the birth, I felt awful and overwhelmed and a bit in shock at the whole thing. I was disappointed that I wasn't high as a kite in love with my baby like most others say they are or say you will be. I was disappointed that I didn't cry with emotion when he was born, I was more thinking of the pain and discomfort I was in trying to get the placenta out.
    I felt increasingly bad over the next few days though all my obs (blood pressure etc) were fine and I didn't really recover until near the end of the first week. This was because (we figured out later) I was very sensitive to the hormones dropping. They drop significantly after the birth and then again around day 3/4. I was unable to sleep at all, completely anxious, got the shakes, getting hot flushes (very like menopause), very nauseous, couldn't eat anything, couldn't enjoy my baby. I did go into the Rotunda 24hrs after the birth but they wouldn't admit me as couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. They just said the same thing as everyone else "get rest, relax etc". Well if I could do that I would have! We also got an on call doctor out on day 4/5 as I hadn't slept at all and was completely and utterly desperate and out of my mind. My poor OH was probably terrified but he was very strong for me and trying to help me in anyway he could. His parents came to stay the night to take the baby so my OH could try calm me to sleep. I really felt I would never feel normal again, that I was a horrible mother and it was like being awake in a nightmare. The midwife also did everything she could for me and visited regularly and had organised for me to go to Rotunda etc.
    Around day 5 after the GP had been out, I just decided to force feed myself and I made myself eat. It was awful as I wasn't producing any saliva so I had to drink water with each mouthful to be able to swallow. The force feeding actually helped the nausea, my stomach had been in knots eating itself. I started to turn a corner and managed to drop off for 20min stints here and there. Then my mother-in-law got me a herbal tincture from the pharmacy called Valarian Hops, for sleep disorders. I took that and it settled my stomach further and I was able to sleep for a couple of hours.
    Each day I felt better and better and I'm completely back to myself for days now and I can sleep at the drop of a hat (which you need to be with a newborn). I'm loving my little baby and finally able to bond with him and enjoy him.
    As an aside, when I went into the Rotunda with baby 24hrs after the birth (in an ambulance, how dramatic!) poor baby ended up getting admitted as they heard a grunt in his breathing and were concerned there was an infection. So he was in there 2/3 days in the neonatal unit and we visited everyday. But again ridiculously I couldn't sleep while I had this opportunity to recover! The bloods came back showing no sign of infection but his oxygen levels and respitory rate improved while in there and he got loads of sleep and recovered himself! I felt so bad that he was in there and I was a mess. I still don't think it was necessary that he was admitted as the grunt would have cleared up itself, nearly all newborns are grunty at the start because the mucous has to clear. But they were just being cautious. All the nurses caring for him were lovely.
    Sorry for the long post-birth story but I thought it important to say as there must be other women out there who are sensitive to the hormone fluctuations and experienced something similar and I want to let them know that there is an end in sight and you will get back to yourself. It's very important to talk to someone if you are feeling bad. If you are having feelings that you feel bad about, find someone that you feel safe talking to, even a counsellor. I was not suffering from depression, I don't believe it was post natal depression at all, it was a severe reaction to shock & hormones and went away within that first week. I say this as this would not be treated by anti-depressants, so don't just take any prescription going!
    The birth was great but I definitely had some shock from it and found the first week hard, which I was unprepared for!
    Loving my little man and adjusting to my new life now. No amount of books, internet content or maternity shows really prepare you for birth and the aftermath in my opinion.
    I would definitely have a homebirth again, I know I can do it and because I know what to expect now I feel much more confident in myself to do it again.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 569 ✭✭✭Funnyonion79

    Mink wrote: »
    My little guy was born in the early hours of a Tuesday morning at home (planned).
    My pregnancy was very straightforward, no real morning sickness and only had the usual aches and pains towards the end, as well as heartburn etc. I had no complications and baby stayed in correct position and head started engaging from approx 36 weeks.
    I was nearly 10 days overdue and I started to get period cramps during the early hours of Monday morning, they woke me up a little. The few days prior to this I'd noticed my mucous plug coming away but I had a bloody show on the Monday morning & was so excited. The cramps continued throughout Monday but there didn't seem to be any pattern. I had been getting strong Braxton Hicks from before 30 weeks but they were never sore. These started happening more along with the period pains. At no point could I definitely say yes I'm having contractions, they were so mild.
    We started timing them maybe about 4 or 5pm that day and they were 5 mins apart on average, over 2hours. I was texting my midwife throughout the day to keep her updated.
    At about 8pm I felt a little gush and my trousers were wet at the back, I figured it was just a bit of waters so I put on a maternity pad to see how fast it got wet. We started getting the birthing pool ready (we really should have got onto this sooner). I also started having diahrrea. Somewhere between 9 and 9.30, I felt a massive gush, luckily I was also sitting on one of those maternity mats which had been dutifully sitting on the couch for weeks. I legged it up to the shower and stripped off & as I was standing in the tub the waters were still gushing out of me!
    After about 1/2 hour the pains started getting a bit closer together and more intense. I spoke to my midwife and she figured she'd come over as waters breaking can really set things off, and they did! By the time she arrived at about 10.30pm, I was having to lie on my side for the contractions and breath through them.
    It was at this point that I realised how sore this was all going to be, I think I got a bit frightened at this stage. My midwife got all her equipment set up and my OH was finishing getting the pool ready. She examined me and I was already 6-7cm, I was amazed.
    From this point on I had to get my OH to rub my back (vigourosly) throughout every contraction but I was chilled out in between them. The midwife was happy for me to get into the pool. To be totally honest, I didn't find it that much of a relief, I think my hopes were a little high for it. I did spend about 1 1/2-2hrs in it so I reckon it helped things stretch further and possibly did help me relax. I got sick a few times from the pain (or the contractions pushing my stomach, one or the other) and also had to leg it upstairs for more diahrrea. I was mortified to get my OH to rub my back while I was sitting on the loo but I couldn't cope without it. He wasn't fazed in the slightest, I was being silly.
    Then I got back downstairs to the sitting room and just sat on the couch and asked for gas & air as I was really finding it difficult to cope with the contractions. Again, I didn't find any actual pain relief from the gas and air, it just made me drowsy. But for some reason I felt the need to suck on it for all my contractions after that, it was more of a distraction. I found the mouth piece great for biting down on (my jaw was very sore the next day).
    I hadn't been examined again and the midwife said she would check me around 3.30am or if I felt that something had changed, I was fine with that. She regularly checked baby's heartbeat and my temperature and blood pressure. Somewhere around 2.30/3am (now Tuesday) I think I started to feel the pushing urge and told her. It's all a bit of a blur after that but apparently I was in the pushing stage maybe 1/2hr to an hour. Started off on all fours for a good while. I was panicing a bit at this stage and OH and midwife were trying to keep my calm. The pushing urge was a bit scary, I had no control over it. I did think to myself oh my god I can't do this, but I knew I just had to get on with it as there was no option for an epidural now even if I transferred. I just went with it. At some point the midwife had to push the last bit of cervix back, that hurt a huge amount but it helped move things along. She got me to go on my side and then for the final few pushes onto my back, just to get him around the corner. It was so hard trying to hold pushes and also dealing with the pain of the contractions. I had to really get the hang of holding them so that the head didn't keep going back. But then when I was on my back the head was out in maybe 3 pushes and the rest of him came out straight away He was born at 3.57am. Apparently the cord was tangled around him a bit. He cried straight away and was a lovely colour, no marks and I managed to get away with no tears or cuts, just bruised & grazed. He was 8lbs 6oz and just absolutely perfect (I know everyone says that about their baby, but he really was!)
    I was so relieved thinking it was all over but literally within 5 mins I started getting the same contractions for the placenta (she gave me the injection to deliver it, at my request). It probably took the guts of 1/2hour to deliver the placenta but it felt like forever, I had to give the baby to my OH as I just couldn't hold him and cope at the same time. It was absolutely massive when it came out, like another baby!
    I was shaking and really really uncomfortable, the midwife and OH got to cleaning me up, clearing up the equipment, getting baby wrapped up and over to me to breastfeed. He had a strong suck from the get go. I think we got into bed around 7am maybe, I was so out of breath getting up the stairs to bed.
    It was a very good birth experience and went like clockwork. I had a hard time after the birth, I felt awful and overwhelmed and a bit in shock at the whole thing. I was disappointed that I wasn't high as a kite in love with my baby like most others say they are or say you will be. I was disappointed that I didn't cry with emotion when he was born, I was more thinking of the pain and discomfort I was in trying to get the placenta out.
    I felt increasingly bad over the next few days though all my obs (blood pressure etc) were fine and I didn't really recover until near the end of the first week. This was because (we figured out later) I was very sensitive to the hormones dropping. They drop significantly after the birth and then again around day 3/4. I was unable to sleep at all, completely anxious, got the shakes, getting hot flushes (very like menopause), very nauseous, couldn't eat anything, couldn't enjoy my baby. I did go into the Rotunda 24hrs after the birth but they wouldn't admit me as couldn't find anything physically wrong with me. They just said the same thing as everyone else "get rest, relax etc". Well if I could do that I would have! We also got an on call doctor out on day 4/5 as I hadn't slept at all and was completely and utterly desperate and out of my mind. My poor OH was probably terrified but he was very strong for me and trying to help me in anyway he could. His parents came to stay the night to take the baby so my OH could try calm me to sleep. I really felt I would never feel normal again, that I was a horrible mother and it was like being awake in a nightmare. The midwife also did everything she could for me and visited regularly and had organised for me to go to Rotunda etc.
    Around day 5 after the GP had been out, I just decided to force feed myself and I made myself eat. It was awful as I wasn't producing any saliva so I had to drink water with each mouthful to be able to swallow. The force feeding actually helped the nausea, my stomach had been in knots eating itself. I started to turn a corner and managed to drop off for 20min stints here and there. Then my mother-in-law got me a herbal tincture from the pharmacy called Valarian Hops, for sleep disorders. I took that and it settled my stomach further and I was able to sleep for a couple of hours.
    Each day I felt better and better and I'm completely back to myself for days now and I can sleep at the drop of a hat (which you need to be with a newborn). I'm loving my little baby and finally able to bond with him and enjoy him.
    As an aside, when I went into the Rotunda with baby 24hrs after the birth (in an ambulance, how dramatic!) poor baby ended up getting admitted as they heard a grunt in his breathing and were concerned there was an infection. So he was in there 2/3 days in the neonatal unit and we visited everyday. But again ridiculously I couldn't sleep while I had this opportunity to recover! The bloods came back showing no sign of infection but his oxygen levels and respitory rate improved while in there and he got loads of sleep and recovered himself! I felt so bad that he was in there and I was a mess. I still don't think it was necessary that he was admitted as the grunt would have cleared up itself, nearly all newborns are grunty at the start because the mucous has to clear. But they were just being cautious. All the nurses caring for him were lovely.
    Sorry for the long post-birth story but I thought it important to say as there must be other women out there who are sensitive to the hormone fluctuations and experienced something similar and I want to let them know that there is an end in sight and you will get back to yourself. It's very important to talk to someone if you are feeling bad. If you are having feelings that you feel bad about, find someone that you feel safe talking to, even a counsellor. I was not suffering from depression, I don't believe it was post natal depression at all, it was a severe reaction to shock & hormones and went away within that first week. I say this as this would not be treated by anti-depressants, so don't just take any prescription going!
    The birth was great but I definitely had some shock from it and found the first week hard, which I was unprepared for!
    Loving my little man and adjusting to my new life now. No amount of books, internet content or maternity shows really prepare you for birth and the aftermath in my opinion.
    I would definitely have a homebirth again, I know I can do it and because I know what to expect now I feel much more confident in myself to do it again.

    Hey Mink, just wanted to send a quick reply to say congrats on your little boy and well done for getting through that tough first week.

    I remember when my DD was born, she was taken aside to be checked and DH was crying and saying "look at her, isn't she beautiful" and I remember just still feeling painful contractions and saying distractedly "is she ok" and as soon as he said she was fine, I was asking the midwives why am I still in pain and all I could think about was that. I had forgotten about the placenta. Then once that was delivered, I had to get stitched for my episiotomy so that was another thing to concentrate on.

    When I got to hold DD I was happy but felt a bit detached and shell-shocked by the whole experience. The way I described it to a friend the next day, was something akin to being in a car crash. What I meant by this was that it was the most traumatic, earth shattering, life changing experience I'd ever had - but it was all in a good way. But I was absolutely shaken up after it and so so emotional.

    I remember looking at DD for hours as she slept and then realising that I'd wasted all this time staring at her when I could've been catching up on the two days sleep I'd missed out on whilst being in labour!! I started to panic then thinking that she'd be due a feed soon and I was responsible for her and I'd never be able to relax or sleep soundly again. I started to feel over whelmed and so panicky. I took some deep breaths and told myself not to think about that. Just take it one hour at a time and that's what I did.

    So I can totally see how and why you felt the way you did. I was a big reader of books before I had DD and found that I couldn't read a book for months after she was born - I couldn't relax focus on them cos my brain was in overdrive thinking about DD all the time - is that how you felt when you couldn't sleep? Like your brain wouldn't switch off?

    Anyway, glad to hear all is well. Well done Mink xxx

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,143 ✭✭✭Thumby

    Congrats mink. Delighted the birth went so well for you and its great that you are back to yourself now and enjoyin your not so little man :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    So I can totally see how and why you felt the way you did. I was a big reader of books before I had DD and found that I couldn't read a book for months after she was born - I couldn't relax focus on them cos my brain was in overdrive thinking about DD all the time - is that how you felt when you couldn't sleep? Like your brain wouldn't switch off?

    Anyway, glad to hear all is well. Well done Mink xxx

    Thanks, yeah it is a bit like you've been in an accident and are in shock, not like that for everyone obviously but I felt like that.

    When I was going through all that hormonal crap in the days after the birth, I would lay down to try to sleep and I just couldn't turn my head off no matter what I did. I was just spinning and so anxious. I've never suffered from anxiety/depression so it was quite scary as I didn't know what was happening to me. When I would drop off my whole body would jolt me awake so I was only dropping off for 30 secs at a time.

    Ah, glad it's all over. I can sleep at the drop of a hat now, when little one lets me :D

    I'd still do it all again, at least I know now if I suffer from the hormones again that it will be over in a few days

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    My son is 8 months now so it's about time I posted my birth story :) be warned it's a little rough! I'm due #2 in Jan next year. Very close together so I'm crapping having another delivery the same as prev but in saying that I got through it & I'm fine now & he's worth all of it!

    I was due Xmas Day 2011 & after a check up on 21st Dec they decided o was to be induced on the 27th as he was a big baby! I was happy to know the end was in sight ad I had a rough pregnancy & the SPD was so sore & I was huge at this stage, I just wanted my baby!
    So I had my Xmas dinner in my Dad's & was in terrible form all day so we went home early so I could just relax, I woke at 6am on Stephens Day & the bed was soaking! I had a quick sniff just to be sure lol which my OH thought was hilarious but it had to be done! So I called the hospital & they said to come on in, I didn't have any pains what so ever! I was checked by 2 Doctors & they said that it was the back waters (try reckoned) but there was still loads of fluid around the baby! So they decided to keep me in as I was to be induced at 8am the next day. So at 9am I was walked down to the labour ward for the gel & the Doctor checked me and said he was still to high and could feel his was and said he was just too big to go natural, she said I could try but it could end up in an emergency ceserian & put baby at risk so I went for the elective section.. I was convinced all along I was gonna have a ceserian as all my family had big babies so I had my head around it (at least I thought so) I had had breakfast so I couldn't get the section until 3:30pm, I felt ok until the anesative arrived and because I had a tattoo on my spine I was refused the epidural & had to go under so my OH had to wait in the corridor outside :( he was told it'd be 40 mins in total, baby would be born after 10 then 30 mins for me to come around. I was shaking uncontrollable in the theatre I was so scared & begged for my OH but they just said no. I was put out fairly quickly. My OH said 10 mins later he heard our boy whale & he was given to him & he brought back to the ward to wait for me with our boy. 4 hours later not one person had come to check on him & he didn't know what to do as it was our 1st baby, after another half an hour thinking the worst had happened to me he went looking for a midwife who told him then that there was a few complications but I was on my way up, baby was now crying for food & I wanted to feed myself.
    I had woken up from the section in the worst pain I could ever imagine, I couldn't even bring myself to ask how my son was it was so bad, I just kept screaming for relief.. The doctor had given me morphine but for some reason morphine had no affect what so ever on me :( after 3 doses (the most they could give me) & a morphine pump that gave me little bits every 5 mins I was allowed back up to the ward still in agony. The only relief I got was because I got so dopey I was drifting in and out but it never dulled the pain, the doctors were so surprised it didn't work for me but there was nothing more they could give me! The trip to the ward was horrific as I felt everything & had to be lifted to my bed as I couldn't move myself.. I was then shown my son but nearly remember it, I couldn't feed him as I was in too much pain so my OH gave him a bottle. At about 1am I started to come around and insisted that I wanted to try feed him myself which he took to instantly :) I was given paracetemol suppositories which helped the pain and with help from a midwife I was able to sit up. It was the 1st time I really got to see my son and hold him.. He was born at 4:17pm and this was after 1am. I lost alot of blood but thankfully didn't need a transfusion. I bonded with him straight away :) he was so amazing I just couldn't stop looking at him.. I was besotted! Over the next 5 days I got more of a handle on the pain as all I took was paracetemol and everyday I was a little better. It took a good 5 weeks before I was ok enough to get into the car for a trip outside the house!
    The midwives were amazing & I'm so Greatful for them & my OH was just amazing! It was only afterward he had told ne thought he'd lost me & had broken down when he saw me in so much pain but couldn't do anything.
    My little boy was born 27th Dec @ 4:17pm weighing 9lb 11oz.
    Thankfully the hospital have agreed to give me the epidural this time as I went through hell. There is no reason why morphine doesnt work on me, it just doesn't..
    My little boy was worth it all though & I feel so lucky to have him & to have another on the way even though I'm terrified about the delivery :o I'm sure this time will be grand & sure even if it's the same I know I'll get through it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Tigeress..., gulp! U poor thing :( i promise you when the pain relief works it's really not a bad experience. You need to insist on serious pain relief in what ever other methods they can think of. Your prepared this time - dont be frightened - you'll hopefully get the birth experience u deserve after that ordeal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Thanks DL :) I hope this time works out better too! They told me the only other pain relief they could do is the epidural, nothing else! I have to sign consent saying I've a chance of spinal meningitis but sure that's a possibility if you don't have a tattoo! Fingers crossed it all goes well :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Tigress, good on ya- you are some woman,I don't know if I would be brave enough to have another after that! good lord that story gave me a small fright....but you still said it was all worth it in the end so that gives me some hope haha!! The thing about the tattoo and the epidural scares me! I have a tattoo on my back on the spine, right where the epi would go in...I was told though that as long as the tattoo was more than a year old that it would be no issue...can i ask was hospital were you in as i know some hospitals/anasteologists can differ on policy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Rachineire wrote: »
    Tigress, good on ya- you are some woman,I don't know if I would be brave enough to have another after that! good lord that story gave me a small fright....but you still said it was all worth it in the end so that gives me some hope haha!! The thing about the tattoo and the epidural scares me! I have a tattoo on my back on the spine, right where the epi would go in...I was told though that as long as the tattoo was more than a year old that it would be no issue...can i ask was hospital were you in as i know some hospitals/anasteologists can differ on policy!

    I think it's a case by case suituation! My tattoo is 9 years old but they reused me 1st time.. I'm with Portlaoise Hospital.. I didn't mean to scare :o but it is very worth it Rachineire :) couple of weeks of pain for a lifetime of happiness!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23,862 ✭✭✭✭January

    Tigeress, I have a tattoo on my back and I was able to get the epidural on all three if I wanted (I didn't on number three but that was only because I ran out of time, they were just about to put it in when I got to 10cms!). I'd be asking this time if it's possible before the birth just in case.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Tigress! Oh my god! I am speechless...and that doesn't happen poor thing.

    I know my sis in law the epidural didnt take with her so they brought her in at about 8 months the second time to test a few main reliefs on her in preparation for the birth...could you ask for that maybe? I inure its not the same thing, but might be worth asking for?

    Still in shock!
