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Birth Stories Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Ps moonbeams...nearly missed your post, Congrats on pregnancy number 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    So I though I would write my birth story before I forget it haha :)

    So my lovely little bundle decided to keep me waiting, was due on the 14th of August and after 2 sweeps head was still so high, there was still no sign of baby making her appearance so I was booked in for induction on the 23rd of August.

    I arrived at the hospital at 7.30am i was brought into the labour ward and put on a monitor for an hour after which the doc came in to examine me, babys head was still so high, he went ahead with the induction, applied the gel and warned me to be prepared for a long long day and was sent back down to the ward to wait J myself and OH went for a walk and got some magazines and the paper and went back up to the ward again for a while, once an hour the midwife came into check the babys heart beat and to see if I was ok, and nothing not even a niggle, I was beginning to convince myself that it would be the following day before anything at all would happen. I went for a walk again at about 1.30 up and down the stairs to try and get things moving along some bit. Went to the hospital shop to get a cup of tea. Headed back up to the ward again and went into the bathroom to go to the toilet 1st and low and behold at 2pm while I was in there my waters broke J woohoo at long last something was happening, I went back down to the labour ward again and they examined me and there was a big gush all my waters were now gone and they were lovely and clear, I was put on the monitor again and after about 10 mins my contractions started and were coming every 2 mins J at 3pm I was sent back down to the ward again with a tens machine to progress myself, come 5pm my contractions were coming thick and fast and I was in a lot of pain, I was brought back down to the labour ward again to be examined and I was 2-3cm delighted, I was given pethadine at this stage which I found to be useless it made me drowsy, and light headed and kinda out of it really but I could still feel all the pain L so I took the gas and air as well. I was kept in the labour ward at this stage to progress away. Around 8 I was in a lot of pain and the midwife examined me again, I was now 3-4cm but my contractions were now slowing down a lot, so I was given a drip to strengthen them again. They came back quickly and more painful so I gave in and I asked for an epidural J 9pm I got the epidural after 3 attempts, the first 2 attempts were done by a young doctor and im convinced it was his 1st time on his own and he couldn’t get it in place so a consultant was called and within 5 mins he had the epidural in place and I was in love with the epidural man J at this stage with the epidural in place I had a bit of a rest, they brought my oh in some tea and toast to keep his strength up which I thought was a nice touch J 11pm I was examined again and I was now 6-7cm and I was delighted I was now getting somewhere J examined again at about 12 and I was still 6-7cm which kinda upset me a bit, the doc came in again just to see how things were going and she said she would be back to check on me again between 1 and 1.30 and told me to try get some more rest, 12.45 I was feeling a lot of pressure and said it to the midwife who said there was no way could I be feeling any pressure coz I still had a bit to go but I asked her to check anyway and guess what I was 8-9cm, so she called the doc again as my little lady decided to turn and was facing my left side so the shoulders were at my front and back so they were thinking it would be a difficult birth. 1am I started to push and I was getting places quickly but I found it all overwhelming and the doc said I wasn’t going to be able to deliver her myself so she started setting up the vacuum, the midwife continued on with me though and kept getting me to push and telling me I didn’t want the vacuum, so I pushed and was then told to start panting and the head was out and then my lovely lady was born at 1.16am on the 24th August weighing 6lb 14oz. The doc was in shock J delighted I proved her wrong though haha J I had bad rips front and back from the way she was positioned during the birth but she was so worth it J I was in total shock when she came out that it was a few mins before I realised that she had been born, I had a lot of stitches and was watching my oh try and dress her, fair play to him though he didn’t do to bad of a job J and I looked over at them and he was just sitting in the chair holding her and that’s when it hit me, it was wonderful, eventually all the stitches were done and I got to hold my lovely little bundle of joy Rachel. We were over the moon J

    The midwife that had booked me in the morning before who had said to me to expect a long few days because of how high the head was, was in shock when I delivered J I never did get to drink that cup of tea I walked down to the shop for at 1.30pm the day before haha, so when I was brought back to the ward they brought me some tea and toast. OH finally got to home to be at about 3am exhausted, was so worried about him driving home as was 30min drive but he said the adrenaline of everything kept him awake. They took Rachel off me and left me have a rest for a while and I fell straight asleep only to wake again at 5.30 I just couldn’t sleep. She was brought back into me to be fed at 6.30 am and has been with me since, I never thought I would feel such a instant love with someone but as soon as I held her I was totally and utterly in love with her.

    5 weeks on its all like a distant memory and Rachel is flying it, doesn’t like to sleep much during the day but she is good at night only waking once for a feed so I really cant complain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 507 ✭✭✭elly123

    I love reading the birth stories and although i get a bit nervous when i read them, they are all so different that im actually really looking forward to it. I've a long way to go yet another 25 weeks :)

    Congrats to all new mammy's you are amazing women :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Ok I've been meaning to this for a while now so here goes(while he's asleep :))
    I was due my baby on the 19th of August 2012. On the 13th, I had an appointment with my consultant, my blood pressure was through the roof and there was also traces of protein in my sample so I was told I was being kept in indefinitely! Up to the maternity Ward I went and was put on a trace and baby was hopping mad :) they started me on bp tablets that evening and I was told I'd be just kept in until it came back down.
    My consultant around that night and told me I was showing signs of pre-eclampsia and either way my baby had to be delivered the next day :-O
    That night I was given the gel to bring on labour. I thought that whole night I was having labour pains(they were like really annoying period pains) but I was told they are false pains brought on by the gel. If any of you find yourselves in this situation ask them to fill you a bath, it was the only rest I got that night,I slept for an hour in it.
    The next morning I was brought down to the delivery Ward to get checked. They broke my waters there as I was only 1cm dilated. I called my OH to come in at this stage. Two hours later I was brought down to delivery Ward again and they said they were going to put me on the drip(can't remember the name of it) to move things along. At this stage I opted for an epidural as they said it would come on hard and fast. Can I just say too that I found getting the epidural absolutely fine!its just a little nip And you can't see a thing. They also let me use the gas And air during the procedure when I needed it as I was still getting pains. That was about 11am I think. Once I got that I Was on cloud nine :) a few touch and go times when baby's heartbeat dropped and a bit of commotion and I had to be put on oxygen but all came good thank god. So about 2pm, I was told to start pushing, which was a bit strange as I couldn't feel where or what to push, I actually felt like i was pushing in vain but seen as everyone kept saying how well I was doing I kept at it ha ha. The doctor was called as I needed assistance as baby was quite comfortable. they used the ventouse,if that's how you spell it. I also had to get an episiotomy. But at 2.50pm on the 14th of August my beautiful baby boy was born weighing 7lb 5oz aNd absolutely perfect :)
    Everybody had told me the usual things, you forget about any pain as soon as you hold your baby etc. And for any first time expectant mammies reading this , I can tell you that every bit of it is true. It is the most amazing thing you will ever go through and I wouLd have done it again in the morning. And it's all talk about pain relief but what people forget to tell you,is how bloody exciting it is! :) so I'm writing this now with my 7week old boy lying beside me snoring :)

    Best of luck to all the expectant Mum's on here and enjoy every minute of it :)

    PS:sorry its so long!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭DoubleB

    Why did I read these stories....I'm so scared now! Is anyone else like this?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Aw don't be scared. I used to love reading these when I was pregnant! Everyone is different, but I liked reading all about the different labours etc. But that could be just me, I was also a big fan of one born every minute :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    DoubleB wrote: »
    Why did I read these stories....I'm so scared now! Is anyone else like this?

    dont be scared double b everyone is different, but everyones experience is different, x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Gee_G wrote: »
    Aw don't be scared. I used to love reading these when I was pregnant! Everyone is different, but I liked reading all about the different labours etc. But that could be just me, I was also a big fan of one born every minute :)

    I'm the same, I love hearing the birth stories, even the gory ones! I also watch one born every minute (and make my OH watch it with me!). It kind of scares me, but at the same time I want to know what might happen! It makes me feel like I might have some control over the situation...even though its all down to baby at the end of the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,208 ✭✭✭Gee_G

    Rachineire wrote: »

    I'm the same, I love hearing the birth stories, even the gory ones! I also watch one born every minute (and make my OH watch it with me!). It kind of scares me, but at the same time I want to know what might happen! It makes me feel like I might have some control over the situation...even though its all down to baby at the end of the day!
    I used to make my oh watch it too! I was the same with the whole control thing! I don't like not knowing! So all those programmes and books and these threads had me well prepared :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Oops - I thought i had posted mine but clearly didnt! Will do in the next few days cos its a fairly positive c section / breech baby story! Apart from the excessive blood loss that had me almost unconcious it really was a weirdly pleasant experience! Quite amazing what they can do really!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I avoided every single birth story before living my own, to the point of putting my fingers in my ears and saying lalalala when people would start 'helpfully' telling me theirs.

    Being scared is normal, but remember that literally billions of babies have been born with no trouble whatsoever, and medicine is awesome. You'll both be fine xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I just kept telling myself (repeatly) that if millions of women have babies every day ( and go on to do it again) then so can I.
    You never realise how strong you actually are until you have a baby.
    Women are amazing :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    i think that you find new found respect for yourself after having a baby. And a new found respect for all mothers esp your own. It is the most amazing/exciting/frightening time of your life. once you've had a baby you can do anything :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,954 ✭✭✭Betsie_xr3i

    pushkii wrote: »
    i think that you find new found respect for yourself after having a baby. And a new found respect for all mothers esp your own. It is the most amazing/exciting/frightening time of your life. once you've had a baby you can do anything :-)

    very well said pushkii :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Looking forward to hearing your birth story DL!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 348 ✭✭sleepytrees

    Here goes my birth story, don't continue reading if you scare easily and everything that could go wrong did!

    I was admitted on 31st of October on my routine check up at Rotunda.
    They found a small trace of Protein in my urine and my blood pressure was 170/150 and I was admitted and swept to a ward rather quickly. I had no previous blood pressure problems in pregnancy so I was quite shocked. I was 36wks and 4day pregnant. They did a 24urine test on me and put me on 200mg of labetalol twice a day as my blood pressure wasn't going down! I was on a ward with women who were in early labour and listening to them moan with pain and some of them screaming I was terrified. Barely slept that first night.

    The next day they decided due to my uric levels and my bp to induce me.
    I was brought to another ward and told me they were going to insert gel and that it was unlikely to work the first couple of times. A couple of hours after my first gel I got bad contractions and was given Pethidine and managed to sleep that night. Early night morning I was examined and my cervixs was favorable and 1cm dilated. None of the gels hurt, it was just a slight burning and more of a fear of the unknown. They decided to do another gel and within a couple of hours I was 2cm dilated and because of BP problems they broke my waters. They put what looked like a giant cocktail stick up my who-ha and broke waters. It was painless and just uncomfortable. Rush of hot waters followed. I was then moved to the Delivery suite, which was huge! (everyone told me I'd have no room for my labour bag and baby bag and partners bag but I had so much room was a relief to have bags all with me)

    Delivery suite
    They put me on a drip for Antibiotics because I had Strep B, and because they decided to put me on Synthetic Oxytocin drip to speed up labour I was advised get an Epidural! Something I swore I'd never get because I heard so many horror stories of complete leg numbness etc. The
    anesthesiologist was called and for me that was the scariest part as he kept advising me to stay still and told me some of side effects that could happen if i wasn't completely still and to let him know when I was getting a contraction. It was done very quickly and I felt in heaven as I was in agony before Epidural kicked in. God bless the epidural. I don't know what I would of done without it. It was heaven.

    I was hooked up to BP machine and babies heart was monitored. Hospital was very busy as it was weekend and a number of emergency c-section were being done. We soon became an emergency as my little babies heartbeat kept dipping and my bp kept going dangerous high. There was no free theatre for a C-Section and the Baby Doctor, Consultant and a host of other midwives rushed in. They tried to push back my cervix and deliver when I was only 7-8cm dilated :eek::eek:

    They also took a blood test from my baby when he was in womb to see if he was losing oxygen but all was grand.

    It was all a blur from then but they used suction cap and forceps and my little baby arrived safely but was rushed off with baby doctor for an hour :mad: scariest moment of my life but thankfully he was grand!
    I had to get an awful lot of stitches and the next few weeks of recovery were hell but it was all completely worth it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 730 ✭✭✭CuteStuff

    All this chat of moving from ward to ward. Why can't we have a proper maternity ward. Your own room/delivery suite. I was horrified that I had to walk with my ass on show down a corridor ... yes your dignity goes out the window but is it really necessary to feel so degraded?

    I love my baby boy (born June 2012) but the birth was a shock. I was expecting a long drawn out affair but from waters breaking to holding baby was 7.5 hours. I was in so much pain and epidural didn't work and I was so stressed out. It was at my 6 week check after having baby that I was informed my baby was facing the wrong way - back labour. So all that time I was thinking I was a pathetic weakling and couldn't cope. But the big thing that really bugs me, they insisted I was on my back to monitor the baby. That is the worst possible position to be in. It sounds silly but I am getting angry just thinking about it.

    There was a change in midwife and she was briefed by the one going off duty but she didn't bother checking me. Instead she gave out to me for pushing (i wasn't pushing! The only way I can explain it is that my body was like a concertina and I had no control) Then the doctor walks in later, I was so relieved to see her, she was such a lovely woman, she lifts the wee sheet and says 'o!! look at that, baby's head, push when you want' I took a quick look at midwife who looked really uneasy and a bit like a rabbit caught in headlights. :mad:

    I'm sorry this was a bit of a moan but I'm really shocked how bad the hospital was. The only patient toilet in what they called the delivery suite was down the corridor. These wards / suites were obviously designed by men without a clue what a labouring woman needs. The paint was peeling of the wall, the ceiling tiles had damp spots on them. It just looked really really grubby. My waters went at home and they insisted I come in because risk of infection. To be honest, I feel it would be the hospital that would give me a bug!!!

    Again apologies for the whine... I hope I'm not alone and not just being a princess!

  • Registered Users Posts: 179 ✭✭xiwang

    After a very spicy Mexican dinner, I had my first contraction at 2:30 am on a Saturday. The next one at 3:30. By 4:30 I realised they were contractions and I might be in labour. They were 20 minutes apart at 7 in the morning so I went to have a shower and wash my hair. When I was done with that they were 10 minutes apart. I sat down with a stop watch and pen and had breakfast. I still wasn't sure if that was the real thing but at 8 minutes between contractions I rang the hospital, then woke my husband. We basically left for the hospital as soon as he was up. I was checked by midwifes at 11 am and was only 1 cm dilated. I was on the tracer for an hour, then was given a bed and was told have walks and have baths. Contractions were 5 minutes apart.

    By 4 pm I lost my patience with walking and baths and avoiding OH's family, so at the start of visiting hours I asked the midwife to examine me. I was shocked to hear that I was only 4 cm then. So there I was in this shiny brandnew labour ward and was told I would have the baby today, probably in the next three or four hours. Pethidine was administered at 5:30 and I kept falling asleep for a minute or two between each contraction, which was great. By 7 pm I was using gas and air as well. At 8 pm my waters were broken. By 9 pm I was finally fully dilated and the pethidine effect had worn off. Shortly after I was told to stop using the gas and air because I wasn't focussing on pushing enough...

    Some two hours of pushing later (without any pain relief now) I finally finally gave birth to the most awesome little man at 23:35. He was 8lbs 11 and the first thing he did was punch me in the face when he was put on my breast straight after delivery. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. Can't wait to have No 2, especially with the knowledge that my next labour probably won't last 22 hours :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Rachineire

    Its been a while since I've posted...little man has kept me on my toes alright!

    Here goes my story-its quite long apologies!

    I was due the 15th of December and was told that if I didn't go naturally that I would be brought in on christmas my due date drew closer I began to get really stressed as I wanted to have babs before christmas! I had an antenatal appointment on the 17th and begged the consultant who agreed to bring me in on the 20th, but if they were busy I was told I would be sent home again. She also gave me a sweep, which wasn't nearly as painful as I had thought it would be (it was just like a pap smear really!)

    After the sweep I had some bleeding all afternoon and then nothing, no a braxton hicks, nothing. The next day all was quiet as well. Then on the 19th I woke up at 8:30 in the morning- I had a contraction and it had woken me up. It felt different than any braxton hicks I ever had. I told my OH and he started timing on his phone. I went to the bathroom and saw that I had my bloody show as well! My contractions once they started lasted about a minute and a half and they came about every 6 minutes. I rang the maternity and they said to just hang out at home until they were every 2 or 3 minutes apart.

    I spent most of the day sitting around eating roses (huzzah for christmas tins!) and watching tv....the contractions were painful but bearable. I even sent my OH to work and told him I would call him if I went in. Around 4pm my contractions slowed down big time from having one every 5-6 minutes to there being 11 minutes between them, or even a half hour between them! I was so upset, I thought i had been making such progress and was devastated that they stopped. I decided to go to bed and take a nap rather than sit around and mope. Around 9-9:30 another contraction woke me up- this time they felt different again, stronger. I could no longer walk or talk through them. My OH got home from work around 10pm and I told him to get the bags together we were headed in!

    I arrived at the hospital at around midnight and was checked in- the midwife did all of her checks, and checked to see how dialated I was...for some reason this was incredibly painful- I actually screamed and started bawling- I'm not sure what she did since even breaking my waters didn't hurt that bad but it wasn't nice. I was pretty disappointed to find out I was only a centimeter dilated after all of those hours of labour! They decided to send me upstairs and put me in a bed since I needed to get the anti-biotics as I had the strep b. The room they put me in had 3 other women sleeping in it (this was around 1am) who all had gels in and were waiting for labour to start. The midwife started my iv drip and had me on a trace so I had to lay on my back- I was told the iv would only take a half hour and after that I could go on to a delivery room where my OH could meet up with me again (they sent him to wait in the car since he couldnt be in the ward room with me) I have to say this was mentally one of the hardest parts for me. I was all alone in the dark, trying to be quiet because of the other women sleeping, but I had nothing else I could focus on except the pain! The nurse asked me if I wanted some pethidine which I did, but it took her nearly an hour and a half to come back to me with the shot! After lying there for 3 hours (and waking up all of the women!) I begged the nurse to check me to see how dilated I was- she checked and I had progressed to 4 centimeters...I was delighted as I was told once I got to 4 I could have an epidural. I was on the fence about the epidural but I was in a lot of pain and at that moment really wanted one!

    The nurse then told me after she checked me to get my stuff and had me walk myself to the delivery room (on the other end of the hospital....not easy to carry a suitcase while in active labor!) Once I got there things started happening pretty fast- I would say it was around 4am at this time. They had me change into a gown and started me on the gas and air. I really was not a fan of gas and air- it made me feel extremely drunk, like the entire world is spinning drunk. I don't remember a lot of the last part of my labour because of it!

    The anesthesiologist came in to give me my epidural and I remember he was back there for quite a long time- the first time he placed the line he did it wrong and he tried a second time. He got it in right the second time (after which my OH nearly passed out! He said there was a lot of blood back there...yikes!) but the epidural never worked during my labour. I remember asking the nurses when it would start working and they all seemed concerned as to why it wasnt working- they called the anesthesiologist back but it took him a while to get back to me. I remember feeling quite frantic and upset towards the end there- I believe thats due to the gas and didnt really take away the pain for me, just made me feel out of control! I kept spitting it out but the midwife kept pushing it back in my mouth, which if I ever have another child and another midwife tries to do that to me again I will tell her where she can shove it!
    Now as i remember it I only pushed for about 20 minutes, my OH told me it was closer to two hours. Once the anesthesiologist came back and gave me a top up the epidural finally worked, unfortunately that also meant I couldnt tell how I was pushing, but I do remember how good I felt after that! I could have kissed that man haha! Somewhere around this time one of the midwives mentioned something about the baby's heartbeat being distressed- apparently there was a murmur and all of the sudden the room filled really quickly with nurses and doctors. They decided to assist the delivery with a vacuum- I think its called a kiwi, a hand vac. I vaguely remember the doctor putting on a green apron and then being told to push really hard. A few pushes later babys head was out, a minute later I was told to push again and a few seconds later my baby was placed on my chest. He was born at 7:20 in the morning on the 20/12/2012.

    Its so completely true when they say that it all melts away once you see your baby. All of the fear and the pain instantly vanish- it was such a surreal moment, I was meeting my son for the first time and it was great, indescribable really! I had a fairly bad 2nd degree tear and the doctor was stitching me up for about half an hour but I barely took notice of that, I was definately on cloud nine. I wouldn't say that I would do it all again tomorrow but I'm really happy with how it went. It wasn't the easiest birth ever but it was a good experience. I'm glad that I went on my own- and honestly I never thought I would be the kind of person that would be able to get all the way to 10 centimeters without an epidural but I did! at the end of the day its all about your mentality. And the tea and toast afterwards, the best damn tea and toast of my life! :D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,102 ✭✭✭Digs

    Thought I'd add my story here as it was such a positive experience!! I would honestly do it again in the morning although the prize at the end helps :) cannot praise the midwives in holles street highly enough, lovely women, very supportive, encouraging and willing to listen to you.

    Evening of the 22nd I was 11 days over and had given up all hope of going naturally. Full sure induction was looming. My dad dropped in on the way home from work to try console me and as he left told my husband to txt himself and my mum no matter what time of night it was... I admired his optimism.... Little did I know!

    Went to bed at 11pm and fell asleep for a change. Woke with a start at 1.30am and headed for the toilet. Within a few steps I felt this funny warm band of pain stretch across my lower stomach. When I got back in bed it happened twice more. Still didn't cop it was contractions but told my husband I felt funny and headed down to the TV and gym ball in the living room! Bounced about for a bit and continued to feel funny. Within two hours or so the pains had gone from every 20mins to every 10 than every 7 mins. Hubby made me tea and toast about 4am and I made him go back to bed as I was sure he'd be in work the next day! By 5.20am I thought I had stopped feeling baba move so had this major instinct to go to the hospital, still not sure I was in labour by the way!! Got to hospital at 6am and was examined by a midwife who thought my waters may have gone, was then put on a trace for a while which was not comfy! She said I wasn't in labour but cervix was favourable and to walk the corridor for an hour, they'd check me then and chances are they'd send me home as they were busy and I'd prob be more comfy at home. Hubby decided to drop the car home and get my dad to drop him back, save on parking. So I began walking the corridors tens machine in hand. Within a half an hour the pains were coming every 2 mins and I was getting nervous! Husband made it back as the midwife called me to examine me at 8am, and surprise surprise I was 7-8cm!!! Que much shock and surprise! Was brought to a lovely bright and airy room. Midwife gave me gas and air. Turns out my waters hadn't broken so the midwife broke them for me. Took the tens machine off at this point and just went with the gas, genuinely didn't feel the need for any other pain relief, that's not to say contractions didn't hurt like a mother but I just concentrated on my breathing. By 10.15am I was ready to push, so I got up on my knees on the bed and leaned over the back of it. The midwives let me at it and I pushed when I felt the urge. 15mins later my little girl entered the world squawking as soon as her head was out (although she's been super quiet ever since!). My recovery has been much easier than I thought, I had a few stitches but genuinely didn't even notice them! Already hankering after baba number two ;) although both midwives said to be careful on number two given how quick my first birthing experience was, baring in mind my daughter was only a minute old at this stage!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 178 ✭✭DoubleB

    Fantastic birth story Digs. Massive congratulations to you on the birth of your baby girl. Thanks for sharing......roll on June now and hopefully I will be sharing a similar one!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Fab story digs!!! Just shows you what can happen unexpectantly!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Chattastrophe!

    Hope it's OK to revive this thread! I remember reading it when I was pregnant, and it really helped me a lot, reading everyone's stories.

    My due date was 4th January 2014. I had a fairly smooth pregnancy, just a few minor issues. Lots of morning sickness, up to six months, so I didn't start putting on weight until after then. High blood pressure on-and-off throughout, but whenever it was investigated further, it was fine after a few hours lying in bed in the hospital. Very very little movement throughout, but it was because of an anterior placenta, still worrying though, especially further on in the pregnancy!

    Well, my due date came and went. I was worried about visiting my parents over Christmas, in case he'd come then, but it didn't happen! Even though I was so sure all along that he'd arrive early. The first week or so in January, while I was on maternity leave, I was visiting the local shopping centre every single day and having a good wander about - in the hope that it might "shake" him out - I was always in fear of my waters breaking in the middle of a shop though. :D I was bouncing on my ball a wee bit, not that much though. I think if anything maybe the walking around helped a bit!

    I didn't look 9+ months pregnant, I'd say at the end I looked around 6-7 months. And I never (even at the end) felt that "heaviness" or pressure that everyone talks about.

    At 40 weeks 6 days, on 11th January, I had my usual weekly appointment at Holles St at 8am. I remember getting period pains on the train on the way into the hospital, and being worried about my waters breaking there and then! :D I had been having a "show" the 2-3 days before that, with a bit of dried blood. The doctor did a scan, and said that the baby was well down, but sure they'd been saying that for the past several weeks! She said that the show and the period pains were a great sign that things were moving along, but she still set up appointments for a scan and an inducement the following week. So I took that as a sign that she didn't think I was going to go anytime soon, and I went home disappointed!

    On the bus home, the pains were getting stronger, but still nothing to write home about. They continued throughout the day. Basically like Braxton Hicks, where my tummy was getting rock-hard ... but whereas I'd no pain with the BHs, I was getting strong period pains with each contraction. Certainly not unbearable, though. And they were coming anywhere between 10-25 minutes apart, with no regularity. I had a big pasta dinner around two or three that afternoon, to give me energy, just in case! :D Then I went for a lie-down.

    At 4.15, as I was lying awake in bed, I was getting one of the pains, and I actually heard a big massive POP in the middle of it! I knew straight away it was my waters, and I ran for the en-suite, and made it just in time before they started gushing. They were totally clear. I collected a sample, as we had been instructed in antenatal classes, and rang my boyfriend, to tell him not to come home from work straight away, but that we'd be heading to hospital when he got home.

    Then maybe twenty minutes later, with my next contraction, I got another gush of waters, and there was meconium this time. Not a massive amount, but enough to make me head straight into hospital. I had to ring a taxi, and he couldn't find the house, and while he was ringing me over and over looking for directions, my contractions were getting closer and closer together. By the time we made it to the hospital, they were maybe four minutes apart - but still not very strong, I could walk and talk through them.

    At hospital, they didn't really believe that my waters had broken or that I was having contractions so close together, as I was fine, I was standing and acting normal. On examination, they found that it was true, my waters had broken and there was meconium, and I was getting close contractions. However I had barely started dilating, and my blood pressure was high, so they decided to give me Oxytocin to speed things along.

    I then went through three hours of absolute hell. The thing is, I can't really know if that's how bad labour actually is, or if it was only that bad because of the Oxytocin! :confused: If it's always that bad, I can't imagine how anyone ever decides to go back for more! I nearly went into a trance-like state. The contractions were coming strong and hard, with no real breaks in between. I can just remember random little flashbacks.

    They told me, when giving me the Oxytocin, that the vast majority of people who got it ended up needing an epidural, so was I OK with that. Grand I says, I wasn't going to try to be a hero, although I'd have preferred a natural birth all along. But, if I was going to have an epidural, I wanted it as early as possible - make the most out of it, you know! But they wouldn't let me have it until at least 5cm.

    5cm came and went. Then there were all kinds of arguments with the anaesthesist - basically as far as I remember he started to prepare the epidural, then his beeper went and he asked the midwife to check it out, she went outside the room and came back and said it was all fine, then it went again and he went out and came back and started giving out sh*te to the midwives about unprofessionalism and lack of communication. And I do realise 100% that he was maybe needed more elsewhere, absolutely fair, and I didn't even argue that, but it's hard to understand when you're going through absolute hell yourself and he's got the drugs right there in his hand but he's too busy arguing with the midwife to actually do anything.

    I was stuck flat on my back for most of my labour. First they tried the trace, but he was moving all over the place so they kept losing it. So then they had to put the monitor on his scalp. I wasn't allowed move around at all, I had to go into whatever position they put me into. So, with the contractions so close together, the epidural was hell ... 15 minutes sitting perfectly still with my legs spread leaning forward!

    And then it was over and it was time to push, so no time for the epidural to kick in. Maybe 3-4 pushes over 10 minutes, and he was out. Very hurried, very frantic, I got the impression the whole time that he was in distress, and I was just waiting to be rushed off for a section. I got an episiotomy, they just needed me to do big massive pushes at the very end, he needed to be out straight away.

    And then he was born, screaming straight away, drenched in blood, big massive head of dark hair on him. Seven pounds three ounces. He needed to go into an incubator for maybe 30 minutes, because they said his temperature was a little low.

    Breastfeeding didn't work out, and he spent his first night in intensive care due to low blood sugar.

    But he's a perfect little boy now. :) Nearly five weeks old, just flying it, getting bigger and cleverer every single day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I haven't put my second story up yet so here goes. I was due on 25th April last year and was convinced I'd go a bit early like the first time around so when my due date cane and went I was like a thundering b1tch.

    On 29th I had a check up in the coombe and the lovely doctor asked if I'd like a sweep if favourable. Id declined the week before but I told her at this stage is do anything to expedite the eviction process. She checked and said I was good to go within 48hrs.

    I went home and decided this baby was coming out so I started cleaning windows. That evening I felt funny and I just knew something was starting. My mam rang at 7.30pm and I said I felt it was starting. I had my first contraction at 7.45, another at 8. I told my husband to get someone (his aunt, mother whoever) over asap to mind our son. I got into a bath at 8 but the contractions were very irregular but strong so I got out, got dressed and by 8.45 said I felt we needed to go to hospital.

    It all kicked off once I was in the car. I just kept screaming at him to break the red lights. Ha! Got to the coombe, I could hardly speak. They put me on a bed for an exam but I vomited everywhere. They checked me and sent me straight to the delivery suite and I was kneeling on the bed by 9.45. My sciatica kicked in again so every position except kneeling and lying again the headboard was agony.

    I actually wanted the epidural but then thought it's slow everything down and I knew I just had an hour or do to go so focused on that and used gas and air. I never had a build up of contractions. It seemed I went from zero to full on straight away. I'll never forget the intensity of that pain!

    Anyway my waters burst with sac and all around 10.45 and I thought it was the baby coming out as it was the weirdest sensation so I was quite disappointed. Then there was meconium in the water do things got a bit serious. They put a trace on the baby and she was fine so I was left to deliver myself as it was only minutes away. Two pushes and she was out at 11.02pm. She was taken off me straight away to be checked out and we could see the midwives and doctor but they told us nothing for a few minutes. Then they said everything was fine and gave her back to us. Jesus I'll never forget the relief of that after the initial fear that something might be wrong.

    We stayed in the delivery suite for over 3 hours. I needed a few stitches so my feet were put in stirrups which are medieval looking things. We got tea and toast, latched her on, I had a shower and changed into clean clothes. We had a lovely trainee midwife with us who was probably my age (late30's) and had her own children so she was very nice and gave us so much time together. Then I was put on a lovely small ward with 2 other women and A latched on for the whole morning and we snuggled.

    She's 9.5 months now and us crawling, pulling herself up to standing, babbling, clapping hands, into all sorts of mischief but is the most lovely, happy baby ... It's hard to believe she's only been here for 9 months!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Roesy

    Found this thread riveting(and scary!) in the run up to giving birth so I might as well add to it now that its been revived.

    My baby was due on October 28th. It had been a relatively straight forward pregnancy up to 32 weeks when the consultant raised some concerns about my fluid levels and the fact that the babys stomach was behind in size so he signed me off work for the rest of the pregnancy and told me to take it easy. I was monitored weekly from that point on and was told that if growth slowed down or the fluid levels dropped baby might have to be delivered at 37/38 weeks. It was weird being off work because I felt absolutely fine. At about 36 weeks baby really started to take off in size so we were relieved. At my 38 week appointment I was offered an internal to see what was going on but I declined. By 39 weeks curiosity was taking over so I got one that week. 'Sealed up tight' were his exact words I think! He arranged to see me at 40 weeks and said we'd talk about induction then.

    40 weeks rolled around and I had no sign of moving. Bump never really dropped, didn't seem to lose my plug or anything. I was booked to go in on the 6th of November to start gels. At this stage I was sick of bouncing on my ball and walking. People kept asking was I sure of my dates because my bump wasn't that big and was still so high up :rolleyes: I also got the very helpful comment of 'Oh, you don't want to get induced, it's much more painful!'.

    The big day arrived. The plan was that I would be booked in at 4pm, checked out, have a trace done and provided all was well I'd get the first gel at 6pm and the second at 12 and that the consultant would see me at around 7 to break my waters if necessary. We were told that all going well we should have the baby in our arms by 8pm. I ended up getting the gel around 6.30 and was confined to bed for an hour. After that I was sent to walk the legs off myself. We walked for ages. My husband reckoned he hadn't seen me move so fast in months. I sent him home around 10.30pm even though he was reluctant to leave. There was nothing stirring at that stage and we had been told to prepare for a long day the next day. I started watching an episode of Criminal Minds on Netflix on my phone and decided after about 20 minutes I'd try and sleep before the next gel. I dozed fitfully on and off for about an hour and was put on a trace and got the next gel around 12.30. After about an hour I started feeling irritable and had a bit of pain in my lower back. When the midwife popped her head in to see how I was I told her this and she gave me some paracetamol. This did nothing really and the pain in my back was getting worse. She said it was gel pains and offered me some pethedine. I think I got another trace before the pethedine. In the antenatal class we were told that the pethedine would probably make us sleepy so I was looking forward to a bit of a snooze. To be honest I got no real relief from it. I said to the midwife that the pain in my back was still there so she suggested a bath. I have a high pain threshold but I was inside in the bath thinking that if this was just gel pains I was going to be a complete wuss during labour. My bump looked really weird. The baby looked like it was completely jammed over to one side. I went back to my room and tried to bounce on the ball but it was just too annoying and my back was still killing me. I tried to watch more tv on my phone but I couldn't concentrate. The midwife stuck her head back in the door and suggested I try the shower. I was in and out of the shower 2 or 3 times while the pain in my back remained constant but worsened in waves. I decided that I'd better take a look at the contraction timer on my phone so I'd know how it worked for when labour got going. The pains in my back were worsening every minute to 2 and a half minutes. Around 6.50 I hopped back into the shower. I was in bits at this stage. Around 6.50 I heard a voice calling my name in the room so I hopped out of the shower and started drying myself off. There was no-one there when I got out. I just couldn't get comfortable sitting or lying. The consultant arrived into the room around 7.10 to find me on all fours almost crying on my bed as it was the only way that didn't feel awful. I heard him giving out to a midwife outside the door saying 'she's on all fours in there!'. He examined me and told me I was almost at 7cm. I asked at this stage was it time to ring my husband. This was met with a resounding yes! I stood up to get ready and had a small gush of fluid. He went off to get a delivery suite and an epidural 'as quick as humanly possible'. I rang my husband at around 7.30 and told him he should come in. He was wondering did he have time for a shower :P Thankfully he was staying in his parents and not our house or he mightn't have made the birth. By the time he arrived 20ish minutes later I was in the delivery suite and pushing. The consultant arrived back and told me that if he was me he'd leave the epidural as I went from 7cm to pushing in a very short time so I trucked on with gas and air. After about 20 minutes pushing the baby got into distress so the consultant advised that he would have to assist with vacuum. Our beautiful girl was born very shortly after at 8.38am almost 12 hours earlier than we had been expecting. Daddy cut the cord and I had a bit of skin to skin time. She was quite lethargic so there was a bit of a question as to whether she would have to go to the neonatal ward. Thankfully she picked and started to feed so she got to stay with us. I had a second degree tear and was stitched up. Then began the name the baby ordeal :D

    I had a lot of blood loss during the day so it was touch and go whether I'd end up having a transfusion or a trip to theatre so our first day together passed by in a bit of a blur. Thankfully by that night things settled and by the next day I was allowed out of bed and finally got a chance to care for my daughter. I can't believe all that was 14 weeks ago. Time flies!!!

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    My first birth story is somewhere on this site but I'm not digging it up!

    Short version: Long back labour, baby's heartbeat slows during pushing, emergency section, a lot of money spent on therapy for me!

    My second son was born at the end of September. Even before I got pregnant I knew the only way I would be able to go would be to have an elective section. This was for my own head and sanity, nothing else.

    The pregnancy went really well once the first 15 weeks were over. No bother at all.

    I booked in at 10am on the 30th of September. Did bloods, etc. Put on my TED tights and gown. Walked up to surgery and got my drips put in. Was given the epidural, which I didn't like one bit, but needs must.

    Lay down, the consultant came in and we had a little chat. 5 minutes later Baby Rory is out and I get a look before Daddy takes him off to get checked out and have his cord clamped. He comes back and the we can't take our eyes off each other, he holds my finger. I barely notice the stitching up and then I'm brought out to recovery for an hour, then down to the ward.

    It was such an amazing birth experience. It was exactly how I wanted it to go.

    My only complaint was that the dissolvable stitches stung as they started to break down. Apart from that it was perfect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,510 ✭✭✭nikpmup

    Now from lovely to chaotic!

    My pregnancy was relatively smooth, a few ups & downs, sciatica towards the end and anaemia, as well as a couple of kidney infections. When I was 36 weeks, I became very fluey overnight, and had horrible pain in my back. I rangHolles street and they told me to come in. This was Wednesday 3rd Oct. I had a few blood tests (was like a pin cushion, nobody seemed to be able to get a line in!) and was admitted straight away to get IV antibiotics and fluids. I got no sleep really that night - between the pain in my back, and the five-minute bathroom trips, as well as the fact that the ward I was in was full of women being induced! When I was admitted on the Wednesday, the trace showed that I was having uterine contractions - the midwife told me that they'd either go away or would turn into labour. By Thursday morning, the pain was much better and my temperature was normal, so I was sent home. Thursday night was spent up & down to the loo and more back pain. Finally got to sleep about 6am, and woke up at half ten. About twenty minutes after I woke up, I bent down to pick up my slipper, and felt a pop - my waters broke! I managed to dash into the bathroom before I ruined the bedroom carpet and hollered for my other half. After a few minutes discussion, I sent him out to his mothers house (she's disabled, and he needed to make sure she'd be okay for a few days while I was in hospital) I rang my sister to come help me finish packing my hospital bag and shower.
    By 1.30pm I was having strongish pains every five minutes. I had showered, hair straightened (priorities!!) and OH was home, so we headed in.
    When we got there, we were assigned a lovely midwife (Kate) and I was examined. My cervix was thin but wasn't dilating, so I was given an hour or so to walk around and try to get things moving. After said hour, although the pains were strong and regular, I wasn't dilating so I was put on an oxytocin drip. Evil stuff.
    Half an hour or so later, I couldn't breathe or speak. My contractions were one on top of the other, with no gap, and I was sucking on the gas & air like nobody's business. I was on the birthing ball at this stage, but the trace couldn't keep track of baba's heartbeat, so I was helped back on the bed so the midwife could put a clip on his head. I was 1cm dilated. After a few minutes, the midwife told me that the baby's heart rate was dropping with each contraction, and couldn't come up again as there was no gap between them, and that she would have to make a call; not to panic but the room would be full of people in a minute. Cue massive panic from me. Thirty seconds later, I was being told I needed an emergency c section. I was shuffled over onto a trolley and wheeled at great speed down the corridor and into a lift, with a doctor running beside me asking questions. I was still having very strong contractions, and I didn't know where my partner was (he was running behind)
    Into theatre, needle in my arm, mask on my face and out cold.

    I woke up an hour or so later in recovery. I was on a morphine drip, my belly stung like billy-o. I remember asking what I'd had, (a boy!) and trying vainly to convert 3.1kg to pounds and ounces (couldn't do that at the best of times!!) it seemed like an absolute eternity before I was brought down to the ward to meet my son. He was tiny, and beautiful.
    Two or three minutes after he was handed to me, I noticed (in my morphine-fogged brain!) that he seemed floppy. I called a midwife - she took one look at him and ran. I was left, lying in the bed bewildered, my partner trying to find out what was going on. He was taken up to special care a few minutes later for the night. I told the midwife to take away the morphine - I was sick of being so muddled, I wanted a clear head. I spent a very uncomfortable and long night without my baby. The next day we were reunited.
    He's a sturdy four month old now who has just discovered that screeching is great fun!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    So I posted before about baby no 1 and seeing as I love birth stories...

    I was brought in for induction at 39 +4. I had had a sweep the previous week and despite Braxton Hicks which really hurt nothing was happening. My first induction was difficult so I was dreading it, but at the same time I was so so over being pregnant! I wasn't favourable for induction at all. And my only birth plan was no pethedine!

    I went into hosp on the Tues night at nine o clock after putting my toddler to bed. Got popped on the trace baby was very happy, so got the gel at 10 and stayed on the trace for half an hour. Hubby went home I went to sleep :) I slept most of the night was getting pains but assumed they were a combination of Braxton hicks and gel pains! Midwife came in at 6 am popped me in trace so the pains were contractions and I was 2cm! The plan was to break my waters after breakfast.

    Pains kept coming: I was standing up leaning over bed and my waters broke (and broke and broke and broke....!) the midwife helped me put on Tens machine (best thing ever by the way!) and I rang my husband: this was about half seven. The woman in the bed opposite was fascinated as she had had two sections and had never seen anyone in labour! Hubby came in and contractions were coming faster and faster. Somebody asked me did I want pork or chicken for dinner. About nine I decided I needed more pain relief (and to get out of the ward with 5 other women) and rang the bell. I was told there was no one available it would be about ten minutes by the narkiest midwife ever.

    A few minutes later a different nurse came in and thought I'd gotten sick because my waters were still breaking and the floor was wet. I was brought down to delivery room when they realised noone knew how dilated I was and contractions were quite constant.

    I got gas and air begged for epidural but I was 7cm: they got the cannula in my hand while my terrified of needles husband stood outside the door: one of the other midwifes was sending him for coffee and he had to be ran after to come back: I was 10cm had no epi and I needed to push. Babies heart rate dropped I pushed (and screamed with every push!) and she arrived all 8lbs 12ounces of her at 943 :) the cord was wrapped around her neck but she was fine . They popped her on my chest and then my hubby took her and held her. The midwife kept calling my placenta a Dirty Duncan: I hadn't one flipping notion what she was on about but it was wrong way round or something?! Anyway all was good.

    Got my stitches then: I got a terrible terrible fit of the giggles from the gas and air. I'd say they heard me laughing down the corridor: Legs in stirrups, doc stitching, midwife writing notes and I there telling them I needed some of that gas for nights out much more fun than drink. Yup. I was drunk on it!

    I was up and walking around in less than an hour. It was such a lovely lovely birth experience: I was clear headed (well aside from the stitches), breastfeeding was easier to establish when I was clear headed. It was so much easier than my first birth. I went home the next day :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,129 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    My little VBAC lady is 6 weeks old now so finally getting to post my birth story (spoiler alert, it's long :D ):
    Had a show on Wednesday but felt fine so went to the cinema with my sister, niece & son as it was my son's 3rd birthday.
    Woke up Thursday morning with a stitch like feeling on my left side, niggling but not too serious so continued on with whatever errands I'd to do that day. By 2pm though I was more uncomfortable so headed home. Hubby arrived home from work at 3pm, he said I didn't look well & I said I was experiencing some pain however I wasn't sure if they were contractions as the pain was just on the left hand side & didn't feel how contractions were ever described to me so I made dinner & tried to have something to eat.
    By about 5pm I found even breathing painful so rang the hospital who said it was probably just the way baby was lying. By 9pm I told hubby I wanted to go into the Coombe & be checked out so my sister came round to mind my son, I fully expected to be home by 11pm.
    In hospital I was told I was contracting but they were irregular & I wasn't actually in labour but they wanted to keep me in over night so hubby went home. Throughout the night the contractions were getting stronger & more regular but completely managable, I even managed to get some sleep, I used earplugs to zone out any noise & just concentrate on resting & staying calm.
    The next morning I was checked & was just 1cm so was going to be sent home. Hubby came in to collect me, I was starving so decided to have brekkie before going home. Just as well I did as the contractions suddenly got so much stronger, I was finding it hard to breath through them or even sit down. I was checked again & was bearly 2cm but there was a little blood so I was sent around to the labour ward. Between that time & getting to the labour ward I went from 2 to 7cm. The pain & pressure was getting unbearable so I asked for gas & air. My waters were broke & minutes later I was at 10cms & ready to push. 3 minutes later my little girls was born with one big gush. She was put on my chest & moments later was latched on & feeding, I can't even describe that feeling!!
    I did end up with a 3rd degree tear & a large blood lose (1.2litres) due to how fast she ended up coming (stage1 30mins, stage2 3 mins & stage3 10mins. Total labour 43mins) but it was worth everything.
    She is my last baby so was delighted to go out on a high note ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    My son turned one last Friday, he's a gem!
    Mine is a story not for any nervous Mum to be!
    I was induced 41+3, I had been told that he would be a big, I did find it odd that I hadnt been brought in earlier, then again I was a newbie so what did I know,.
    I 'put my trust in the team and decided they knew what they were doing .

    We arrived at 6am and I was examined and given the gel, Nothing happened so it was repeated at midday, a few hours passed before anything started , I then started to feel like I needed the loo , but was put on a trace and the midwife confirmed it was contractions,
    there were no breaks so it was just one contraction getting rapidly worse.
    Over the next few hours I was given paracetamol (no relief) then gas and air (a mild distraction) was examined (2cm dilated ).
    My midwife was amazing , consideratetly she tried to break my waters to help thing along but couldn't get to them so I was given an injection to slow down the contractions so my body might catch up , ten mins later they were worse than before, two more nurses had a go at breaking the waters with no joy , so the consultant was called ,he managed to break them without the aid of an instrument which was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life , my partner was distressed at the amount of pain I was in and was about to tell him to stop that I had had enough, I was told that I must Cooperate adding insult to Actual Injury !
    Was then given pethadine, mine and baby's heart rate were dropping , meconia in the waters meant they wanted baby out soon, a section was mentioned as a possibility, I was exhausted so they gave epidural, meanwhile I'm still only 2-3 cm dilated so off to theatre.
    Our little boy was delivered at 1035 pm weighing 9lb 5 oz

    Almost all of that was a blur my partner helped fill in the blanks.

    Five days after the section my wound burst and I had blood clots just under the incision. so back for more surgery, the whole experience was horific but I'd do it all again , my partner is fantastic as are our family and friends who helped round the clock to look after baby and I,
    One year on I'm suffering with pnd probably caused by the trauma, but things are improving every day .
