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All Eyes On IM Lanzarote...



  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Hopefully the bike is sorted for tomorrow.

    I was going to cycle into work today and see how she rode but was too hungover - night out with some architect's killed any training on Thursday evening & today... I could force myself to do a session but I wouldn't get any benefit out of it.

    Going to take it easy today and try make an early start to long bike-run brick session planned for tomorrow. Thankfullly the weather is looking good!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    No training


    No training - whopper hangover all day!


    AM: Bike; 1hr 45mins; 45km - A couple of laps of Swains Lane & then a few laps of Regent's Park - The original plan was to head out and do a long spin but I wasn't feeling it so I filled it with Sunday's training
    PM: Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3000m - W/U: 1000m with a good mix; Main: 2x200 on 3.30; 4x100 on 1.45; 2x200 on 3.30; 4x50 k/tech; 16x25pull as tect; 4x50 k/tech
    PM: Run; 1hr 15mins; 15km or so - the usual route - feeling good but a little tired/dehydrated towards the end


    AM: Bike; 4hr 15mins; 110km - Really steady aerobic ride - I knew I would be tired from the day before; tried to pay attention to my HR and keep it about 150 or lower;
    Did a 15mins brick run and felt good - maybe a little dehydrated but was holding 4.10-4.15min/km for about 150 hr. Felt good.
    Tired this evening however and feeling really dehydrated and thirsty!

    Weekly Totals
    Swim: - x3; 6.2km; 2hr 15mins
    Bike: - x3 Commutes + Hill Reps 95km; x1 Short Spin 45km; x1 Long Spin 110km - Total: 250km 10hrs 30mins
    Run: - x2 2hrs
    Roughly 15hours or so...
    If I didn't have to go out Thursday night it could have been a really good week's training - all in all happy however.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nice pace on the run off the bike today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Nice pace on the run off the bike today.

    Thanks buddy - would have like to have done longer but had to be back.
    Hope your training is going well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    10 Weeks To IM Lanza...


    PM: 30mins runs to swimming; 45mins swimming; 30mins run home


    Training - Raging to miss my intervals but was stuck in work later - pissed off!


    Bike to/from work; In work late again so had to cut my session short - 45mins runs with 10 x hill reps of Primrose Hill


    Home to Dublin - No training


    AM: Long run up the Dublin Mountains; 2hr 15mins; circa 25km & 1000m of climbing; An excellent run - took no nutrition on and felt excellent; a little beat up towards the end but that was more mental than anything else


    AM: 4hr mountain bike spin along the Wicklow Way and back via the road - really enjoyable - out with a friend of mine who I have not seen in 12 years since we were in Junior School together. Legs felt tired at first but OK once we got into the swing of things.


    45min spin on my bike; I went out the night before and was feeling super tired; never the less is was a nice day so decided to head out on the mountain bike for a short spin; stupidly I fell off my mountain bike and banged up my knee so cut it short.

    9 Weeks to IM Lanza...


    No training


    Late night & early 'red eye' flight; super tired = no training! Ahhh!


    Bike to & from work; 1hr15min; 30km

    4 days of pretty much no training...
    Starting to get a bit worried but more annoyed at myself for my lack of discipline and will power - thankfully the hour goes back soon so should hopefully help things... Hoping to finish the week off with some solid training however, but unfortunately have to work on Sunday which really throws a spanner in the works...
    Need to get my game face on.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Training hasn't been the best the last few weeks - A trip home meant missing a couple of days training & Tuesday missed due to tiredness resulting from an early flight. This last week and the next few are going to pretty hectic as well so going to have to be focused, for example I had to work this weekend as well which I could have done without.


    AM - 1hr run easy to work
    PM - Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3500m - Main Set: 3x200m on 3.40; 3x100 IM on 2.15; 3x200on 3.40; 3x100 not f/s on 2.15; 3x200 3.40


    PM - Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3000m - strange set but a good mix of strokes and technique


    AM - 4hr 30mins on the TT bike, felt good considering how tired I was when I woke up - keeping an eye on the HR; averaged about 145ish and did about 130km or so
    PM - 30mins easy run in the evening; again feeling super tired & dehyrated as I discovered that I got slightly burnt out cycling - in hindsight I probably should have given it a miss.


    1hr commute to/from work; 25km;
    Working no training :mad:

    8 Weeks to Ironman Lanzarate...


    AM: Up bright and early for the first morning swim session of the year - really didn't think I would have been saying this last year but better now that ever - really enjoyed it and definately going to try make a few more this year.
    Whopper set:
    1hr 25mins; 4300m total - W/U: 5x[100f/s,50k,50pull]; 16x25 pull bt ankles - tough;
    Main: 4x300 on 5.00; 4x200 on 3.15; 4x100 on 1.45; 4x75 on 1.15; 4x40 on 45 - I didn't make the 75's nor were the 50's on 45s but finished the set;

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    PM: 50mins run around Hampstead Heath - A good hilly run; 150avg HR - feeling strong
    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km


    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km
    PM: Run Intervals - 8x800m w/90s recovery on the track - all 2.40 or under
    -> 2.40; 2.38; 2.37; 2.36; 2.36; 2.37; 2.39; 2.40

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    Bike to/from work + hill reps after - x5 no. Swains Lane. Legs were tired on the reps; 1hr 45mins total; 40km


    AM: Supposed to be my long run but cut it short; not feeling the love for it; legs were heavy & the bag on my back didn't help things either. I need to do a least 1hr 45mins this week & not too sure where I will fit it in!!! Ekkk!
    1hr 15mins; 150avg HR
    PM: Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3300m;
    W/U: 2x[200f/s, 100bk, 100 bs] 4x25 k&f/s;
    Main: x3 Continuous [3x100 on 1.50; 2x100 on 1.45; 1x100 on 140; 4x25 IM on 55s]
    C/D: 300 easy as 25 bk & 25 f/s drill

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km


    AM: Bike 4hrs 30mins - 125km; 812m of climing. A good ride on the TT bike
    I spent alot of time in the time trial position and was pretty happy. Getting more bearable even after my only second ride in about 2 years or so on. I didn't eat for about the last hour or so and was feeling abit flat at the end which was to be expected.

    Good to practice my Ironman nutrition which I am working on at the minute. The plan is to get my calories from a mixture of High 5 Isotonic Sports Drink with Nuun tablets mixed in, High 5 energy gels and Nutrigrain cereal bars... Still working on it though but not long left now.

    PM: 1hr 30mins easy run
    I missed my long run this week, so I was determined to try and fit it in. Ended up heading out in the evening - was feeling a little light headed at the beginning but towards the end or the run I was turning the legs over well. The motivation wasn't really there, and I was probably alittle dehyrated towards the end, but a solidy run all in all


    I was feeling tired this week due to the increased volume in training, hence I took a day off on Friday and I also tried to ensure that I got at least 10 years sleep on both Friday & Saturday night.

    PM: MTB; 3.5 hrs; 62.0km; 481m climbing.
    A later start today, and the legs felt a little heavy this morning, but excellent as things progressed. The motivation was not really there however but all in all a solid 3.5 hrs on the mtb with 500m of climbing.

    All in all a solid weeks training:

    Weekly Totals:
    Swim: x2 session; 7.8km; 2hr 35mins
    Bike: x4 commutes & x1 hill reps; x1 MTB; x1 TT Bike; 305km; 12hrs 45mins;
    Run: x4 sessions; x1 hilly run; x1 intervals; x1 semi-long run; x1 easy; 50km; 4hr 10mins
    Total - 19hrs 45mins or so of training... Good stuff...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Nice weeks work put down, entering the home straight now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Mixed bag of training this week...


    No training today - feeling alittle jaded after yesterday's efforts


    Bike to work; 30mins; 12.5km
    PM: Swim; 1hr; 2500m - felt like a brick swimming; 30mins easy run home; 6km


    Bike home from work; 30mins; 12.5km


    PM: Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3.3km; Main set - 8x25 IM; 200 pull; 6x50 rolling IM; 2x100 f/s, 100 IM and back down again - felt better in the water today


    AM: Bike; 3.5hours; 100km on TT bike; 684m of climbing - not as much time spent in the TT position as I would have liked. Legs felt like crap and I wasn't really feeling it.
    PM: 50mins hilly/easy run in the evening with a good stretch in the evening.


    AM: Swim; 3.0km - I had planned on doing a timed 4km TT but there were too many gubbers in the lane so cut it short to 2km straight; and then 1km on technique

    Did a 1hr 20mins run straight after with the Muldoon Monster around Hampstead Heath - 2xHilly Loops. A good run - I felt like dropping off the pace at about 40mins as my stomach wasn't feeling too good but, as Martin highlighted it important to learn how to run on an uncomfortable stomach as that it what you will experience in Lanzarate. Excellent run though; 168 hr avg;

    PM: 40mins easy run - I knew that I wouldn't have a chance to do my 2hr run on Sunday/Monday so I decided to head out for another run - felt good - the legs didn't feel tired or tired on Sunday morning


    PM: MTBing around Epping Forest - 4hr 45mins on the bike - I really couldn't face heading out on the TT bike as the weather was stinking so just headed out on the MTB. Really should have gone out on the TT but trails are so good right now


    I had planned on a long spin to the Surrey hills this morning but the weather is much unfortunately - going to do some hill reps later with some core work & stretching after. Done the hill reps now.

    PM: 80mins easy run with x3 Hampstead Lane (about an 800m long climb at 10% gradient) & by x3 a short sharp climb. Some other hills thrown in too.

    Less than 6 weeks to go...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km
    PM: 8x800m on the trach w90sec recovery; Not really feeling the love but went to interval training anyway - the aim was to take it easier - I took some easy but others not so... 5xSub 2.40 & 3x2.45

    If the weather is good over the weekend & I get my long bike in on Saturday then I am hoping to do my long run on Sunday incorporating a 10km or 15km race to test the legs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    Bike to/from work & 10 reps of Swains Lane after work; 870m total of climbing; 50km; 2hr 15mins. The legs felt good for a change.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    PM: Swim; 1hr15min; 3400m; Main Set: 2x[3x150 on 2.30; 3x100 on 1.45; 3x50 hard on 60s; 200pull]. Didn't feel the best but hit the times.


    Unofficial rest day. Was going to cycle to work, but so tired and in early so I dropped that. Thought about running home but was tired so decided to drop that as didn't see what benefit I would get. Spent much of the evening tinkering with my bike - major pain in the ass bikes are


    AM: A hilly 165km on the TT bike around Surrey Hills; 1700m of climbing; Felt good but just hard to get all the calories in without stopping and wearing full winter gear. Confidence builder though. Spent alot of time in the TT position whenever I could. Not always possible especially cycling back through London which is nuts at the best of times. Only got hit by one car today - why indicate or use your mirror when turning left? Second time in one week!
    Plan was to run in the evening but had no grub at home to eat, so by the time had gotten food in me it was too late and I think I would have been teetering on overtraining.
    Good day but I wish I was doing this spins all winter not 5 weeks out from IM. Must remember to cop on, get a coach & train properly next year...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    AM: Swim; 45mins; 2000m - Shoulders were tight after yesterday's effort on the TT bike but the swim loosened them up nicely.
    I only got one swim in this week hence I felt it was important that I got a session in this morning.

    AM - 1hr run - Hill work; 3xSwains Lane & 3xParliament hill
    I was hoping to double up and do another hour in the evening but I just didn't have the heart too. My legs are a little tired but a bath helped loosen them out nicely. My abductor has also been given me some concern lately too.
    Hopefully going to try and get a long run in tomorrow night after work.

    In hindsight I probably would have gone mountain biking today & try gotten a 45mins easy run in, but unfortunately I don't have the power to see into the future.
    Good weekend though - the Saturday ride was good - felt I could have easily kept going as long as I was fuelled up...

    Only 33 days to go now... scary... Got 3 more weeks of hard work, then a 10day taper. Still looking forward to it though. Looking forward to it even more when I think about kicking back and relaxing with a few cold ones after.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    10days taper are you sure thats enough chief, what you do with regards to taper in your last one.

    Good work on the tt yesterday, good for the confidence.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    I have not done an IM yet - how long did you take last year for IMUK? I feel that 10 days would be enough for me though. I will be out in Lanzarote a full week before and will be taking it super easy there, just swims & some light run/bikes.
    Any thoughts?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    snack_ie wrote: »
    I have not done an IM yet - how long did you take last year for IMUK? I feel that 10 days would be enough for me though. I will be out in Lanzarote a full week before and will be taking it super easy there, just swims & some light run/bikes.
    Any thoughts?

    2 weeks for UKIM and it was probably enough at the time although i know this year will require 3 weeks with the work involved and approach. It very much depends on how big your last block will be (week 5 into week 4). If they are big weeks I would be going with a 3 weeks taper. Just remember its not like they are recovery weeks, week 3 & 2 in taper will still be busy enough but dropping off in volume and intensity.

    For some reason i thought you done an IM before. I found hitting the distance in each discipline very helpful for my first time to take doubts away from the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Food for thought... cheers for the advice


    No training, rest day


    Get up at 6am and look out the window - no way I am running in that weather. Back to bed.
    PM: 2 hour easy run after work. Legs tired now and stomach not feeling the best. Good to get it done - required the use of some serious will power and podcasts courtesy of Competitor Radio. Clerkenwell -> Angel -> Canal to Camden -> Regent's Park -> Up Through Hampstead -> Lap of Hampstead Heath -> Back through Hampstead Gardens -> Home

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Busy week this week work wise, not so much training...


    No training today


    AM: 1hr easy run into work - felt laboured as it always does running in the mornings. I really struggle to get going in the morning. Even on the bike cycling to work the legs always feel heavy.

    PM: Swim; 1h15mins; Main Set: 4x100 hard, 200pull, 4x40 hard, 200 pull, 8x25 hard, 200 pull


    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km


    AM: 2hr 15mins; 60km easy on the TT bike - not a huge amount of time in the TT position.

    Toyed with the idea of going out and doing a long spin but my heart was not in it. The weather has also been crazy this week with monsoon like rain commencing from lunch. Needless to say it didn't rain, at least where I live. But I have also been feeling tired this, and been working long hours & conscience of the fact that I want to get another swim in.

    PM: Swim; 1hr 15mins; 3300m Main Set: 3x300 f/s, 3x150 pull, 3x300. Turn around times were easy but cruising at 1.35pace/100m - Felt good in the water!

    Toyed with the idea of going for a run this evening but my head is not in it, and I don't see what benefit I will get from it.

    Got to work tomorrow afternoon so not much training going to happen tomorrow... Trying to take this week as an easy week here a couple confidence/race prep training over the next two weekends (that's the plan in my head at least!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    MTB; 5hr Spin - 1hr spin out on the roads, 3hrs of solid muck, 1hr spin back; 90km.
    Good spin - felt strong - when I can't stomach heading out on the road bike its always good to get on the MTB.

    Swim Competition: Easter Egg Meet

    Literally staight home, shower and straight back out the door. Just a casual club event, but a bit of fun.
    200f/s - 2.48
    100IM - 1.28
    25f/s - 14.7
    50f/s - not sure, maybe 32 f/s

    Need to remember to quick of the blocks, kick harder & get a quicker turn over of the arms...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    Rest day of sorts... no training


    Bike to/from work; 25km; 1hr
    PM: Swim 60mins 2700m Main set 4x[100 hard, 100 easy, 2x50 hard, 100easy on 2.15/1.15 respectively] - Tough session - Holding 1.22-1.24 for the 100's hard and 38-41 for the 50's hard, Easy 100 was about 1.40-1.45 pace
    Easy 30mins run home - felt strong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    No training...


    PM: Swim; 1hr 15mins; 2700m; Main Set: 4x100 desc, 4x25 hard, 4x75 desc, 4x25 hard, 4x50 desc, 4x25 hard.
    A tough session; hitting low 1.20's on the 100's
    Easy 30mins run home after


    Easy 45mins run home after work - bit of a **** effort to be honest...


    Ahh the weather - Rain, rain, rain...
    PM: 30mins run to swim; Swim 1hr 15mins; 30mins runs home
    Swim: Main Set - 3x[300f/s on 5.00, 100 on 2.00 focusing on stroke, 50 hard on 90s, 100 on 2.00 focusing on stroke, 50 hard on 90s]


    Whopper hangover... no training


    PM: Long Run 1hr 40mins


    Bike to/from work;
    PM: Run Intervals - 12x400 on track with 90s recovery, knocked them all out at 71sec of better per rep - Happy with that...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km

    Bike to/from work; 1hr; 25km
    Swim: 1hr 15mins; 3400m. Main Set: [4x100f/s on 1.45, 100IM on 2.15]x4 30mins run home after

    Bike to work; a few beers in the evening

    AM: 2.5hours on the bike - Long spin cut short due to rain
    PM: Swim: 3000m; Main Set: 1x100 on 1.45, 4x25IM on 40s increasing to 4x100f/s on 1.45, 16x25 IM on 40s

    AM: Bike; 100km 3hr 30mins; 45min brick run @ HR 160avg

    PM: 2hour easy run around Hampstead Heath

    Its now officially taper time! Easy swims, bike & runs in the lead up to Lanzarote - Looking forward to it even though I am going to suffer like a dog!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Best of luck at the weekend, have a great race. Race no?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    All the best this weekend

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Good luck snack. Have fun.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Good Luck Snacks

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Best of luck! Let us know how it goes

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Good luck tomorrow.
