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One more log!

  • 19-10-2011 2:20pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 39

    Howdy everyone,

    Not a complete beginners' log but certainly welcome to opinions/new info. Have a log on another site but this sub-forum has much more traffic so I said I'd start one here too.


    Age: 21
    Weight: 79.4 kg
    Height: 5'11"
    BF: Unknown


    Running Goals:

    Late December: 10km race in 43 mins

    Current progress: have gradully been getting back into running over the past year, key word being gradually as I didn't train frequently so hadn't seen any progress until the last 2-3 weeks. Started hitting the treadmill more & more the last month or 2, focusing on interval training switching between fast running/sprinting & walking. Over the last 2 weeks I attempted 3 5km runs which I was very happy with as it had been over 2/3 years since I ran close to that distance. It is important to note that each of these runs killed me so although they're respectable times I am by no means near any sort of required fitness.

    Times were:
    1) 25:14 2) 25:30 3) 24:10

    My aim for the next 2 weeks or so is to try to get reasonably comfortable with a 13km/h pace over the 5km before moving on to focus on the longer distance. My target of 43 mins may be a bit optimistic for 10km but may as well aim high.

    April: 13 mile race.

    Haven't set a target for this obviously as it is so far away but for now the aim is to be able to complete it respectfully. I am going to sign up for this half-m soon as it's good inspiration to keep training and also at a cost of €70 I won't be so keen to give up.


    I would love to take part in a half-triathalon or maybe even a slightly smaller one around March/April. This would definitely be my main aim. So until Dec the main focus is on building up running fitness but I will definitely try to get some swimming in and work from there after Christmas.

    Strength Training:

    Here's where it gets tricky. I have all of the above aims but I don't want to lose the muscle I've built up over the last few years. I'm not extremely strong or muscular by any stretch of the imagination but running constantly is synonymous in my head with losing fat & muscle (bar leg muscles maybe). Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure someone has some information regarding this. So I plan on also doing weight sessions, maybe 1 per every 3 cardio or something like that. I'd appreciate any feedback anyone has on this.

    Finally, diet:

    I eat reasonably well & am well aware of what sort of diet someone should be on if they're looking to lose weight. Eggs for breakfast, lean high-protein meats and veg for lunch & dinner snacking on nuts, fruit, etc throughout the day. I already adhere to most of this but also indulge on milk, high-carb foods (pasta.potatoes) & sweets regularly so just need to monitor these. I'm wondering, for my height & weight, what amounts of calories I should be taking in on training & non-training days if I want to lose weight?

    That's everything I can think of for now. Any feedback is greatly appreciated and I will keep this up to date as much as I can.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 FeetMagicII

    Might be a bit too long. TL;DR: looking for help with the following please:
    I don't want to lose the muscle I've built up over the last few years. I'm not extremely strong or muscular by any stretch of the imagination but running constantly is synonymous in my head with losing fat & muscle (bar leg muscles maybe). Maybe I'm wrong but I'm sure someone has some information regarding this.

    I'm wondering, for my height & weight (5'11", 79.5 kg), what amounts of calories I should be taking in on training & non-training days if I want to lose weight?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 FeetMagicII

    Bump -
    I'm wondering, for my height & weight (5'11", 84.5 kg), what amounts of calories I should be taking in on training & non-training days if I want to drop in the region of 10kg?
