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Do you believe in Demons?

  • 23-10-2011 2:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭

    Hello everyone.

    Last night myself and the GF decided to have a Paranormal Activity night to start getting into the Halloween mood.

    So we started off with watching the 3rd in Cinema (which I thought was brilliant compared to the other 2) and then followed with the 2nd and first at home. (In reverse order of course).

    So we got into a long debate whether Demons and Witchcraft, was real or not. Of course she brought out the point of many Spirit worshippers and Satanists in isolated villages and places such as Haiti and whatnot.

    I honestly don't know what to believe. I remember we used to own a Ouija board in Canada when I was a kid. Some strange things happened before my parents got rid of it. Could be purely coincedence, but you never know :S

    Just wondering what everyones thoughts were. Do you believe that there are Demons roaming this earth?

    EDIT: I don't want this to spark up any bashing at anyones religious beliefs please. :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,987 ✭✭✭Ziycon

    I think the belief in demons has a lot to do with ones religious belief system which in turn would make me not believe in them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Ruth KPS

    To be honest, I have no belief in them.. and it will stay that way until I see proof.. which I don't at all expect to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 423 ✭✭stone roses

    i look at it this way, we all know evil is real we see it every day on the news, norway massager ,9 /11 etc etc !! to every reaction there has to be a postive or negative reaction, you cant have one without the other, so if evil is real which it is then there has to be a force to fight it!! i have seen real evil in my life and it was no joke , no dream and very upsetting

    as humans we undersatnd very little only what we are told!! i believe we have no real concepth of our real suroundings, we only judge the world buy what we see, feel, hear and touch, i believe other beings linger in different zones which we can not tap into!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    i look at it this way, we all know evil is real we see it every day on the news, norway massager [...]

    Lol. That massage he did was horrific alright. biggrin.gif

    Ah, but seriously, I'm not too sure about demons. By the way, do people mean demons as in creatures that originate from the Devil? That's the usual thread.

    Yeah, I've heard about Haiti supposedly being vexed because of all the voodoo carried out there, particularly under 'Papa Doc' Duvalier's rule back in the '60s and so on. I'd say he only used voodoo to strike fear into the population, so that they'd submit to his command. He just cleverly capitalised on the people's highly superstitious natures.. But you could say that many nations have been vexed, including almost every African country, Syria, North Korea, Libya, etc. They aren't exactly peaceful, abundance-filled paradises, are they? No place is perfect really.

    I've never encountered anything 'bad' or 'evil', e.g. a demon. I've met some very creepy people alright (creepier than your average creepy person, lol), which may not have anything to do with this type of thing.

    I honestly don't know about demons and the like, but obviously everything and everyone has the capacity to be good or bad. Barring any psychiatric imbalances, that's a conscious choice.

    Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever heard about a demon terrorising someone in a house up the country or whatever. I mean, you might hear about someone supposedly having a ghost in their house causing a ruckus, but that's about it really.

    The only Ireland-based demon stories that you hear about seem to have happened about 90 years ago and they're all 'hand-me-down' stories that you can barely trace back to the original witness. Even at that, the original witness is usually dust by now, so that's no good. Not much to go on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭Logan

    For me demons do exist, but one thing to keep in mind, they keep themselves well quiet. I was told once that spirits can portray demons very well, allowing alot of people to believe they are haunted by Demons but infact they are been tormented by very negitive spirits. There are cases out there of truly demonic hauntings, but this is rare. The main objection of a Demon is to remain hidden, to not allow itself to be caught or recorded. Majority of the time, if people think they caught Demonic evidence, this would be a negitive spirit emulating a demon.

    I've dealt with cases that included demons, but also dealt with cases that I originally believed was demonic only to find out it was a very negitive entity portraying a demon to get the more added effect of pure fear.

    So for me, I do believe in Demons, but alot of the time, it's just a negitive person, acting as one to scare the family/person it's attached too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    Cobbe354 wrote: »
    Hello everyone.

    Last night myself and the GF decided to have a Paranormal Activity night to start getting into the Halloween mood.

    So we started off with watching the 3rd in Cinema (which I thought was brilliant compared to the other 2) [...]

    I understand why you brought up the demons thing because Paranormal Activity 3 veers into that area, ha, ha. The end of it was fierce daft though -
    the old people behind that door across from the main house and all that.
    My favourite scene was when the wife was in the kitchen and found the whole place bare, only for all the utensils, table and chairs to suddenly come crashing down from the ceiling.
    Class. :)
    Cobbe354 wrote: »
    I honestly don't know what to believe. I remember we used to own a Ouija board in Canada when I was a kid. Some strange things happened before my parents got rid of it. Could be purely coincedence, but you never know :S

    What happened with the ouija board in Canada? I'm genuinely curious.

    My sister's friends played that years ago when they were kids and one of their brothers (who wasn't present) was 'predicted' by the board to be hit by a car (didn't say when though). One of the lads who was there was told he would die at age 24 in the sea. They were freaked out but didn't think anything more of it until that guy's brother was hit by a car a few weeks later. Then they forgot all about it again for years until the other guy drowned off the coast of Thailand when he was 24. That's when they thought of the board again. Probably a coincidence though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    Logan wrote: »
    There are cases out there of truly demonic hauntings, but this is rare.

    Where did they (supposedly) happen? Are there any cases in Ireland to date?
    Logan wrote: »
    I've dealt with cases that included demons, but also dealt with cases that I originally believed was demonic only to find out it was a very negitive entity portraying a demon to get the more added effect of pure fear.

    Was that in Ireland, or somewhere else? Was there any common 'link' involved in each case? As in, a church and graveyard located nearby, a newborn baby in the house, and so on? I'm just curious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 532 ✭✭✭Gingko

    Oh dear? It's mushroom season isn't it? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    Gingko wrote: »
    Oh dear? It's mushroom season isn't it? :)

    That's your weighty contribution, is it? God, why even bother? You could have made yourself a cup of tea/coffee in the time used to reply to this thread with that smart-ass comment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 532 ✭✭✭Gingko

    That's your weighty contribution, is it? God, why even bother? You could have made yourself a cup of tea/coffee in the time used to reply to this thread with that smart-ass comment.

    Bit late for a coffee but the Chamomile tea is made thank you. Your most welcome to join? No? Ok leave you to it so!

    But seriously I do not believe in Demons etc. I believe in the Human brain and all the psychology that goes with it. There are certainly energies out there which we can not explain at times? Good, bad and indifferent. Not trying to ruin your thread. Enjoy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 66 ✭✭Cobbe354

    My favourite part of the movie for sure, that kitchen camera swaying from side to side made me very uneasy haha. The ending was very dissapointing I think, but I suppose they left room for another one next year ^_^

    Suppose I better explain some things quickly before I go into more detail. My parents are both Irish (mom's from Roscommon, dad's from Dublin) I was born in Canada, and have moved back and forth between the 2 countries a few times.

    Yes, I remember it well. My parents had purchased a Ouija board and played it over at a family friends home.
    It had predicted that we would move back to Ireland twice. Which is only really strange now because at the time, we had planned on just living over there permanently. However we then moved over in 1997 the first time... then returned to Canada in 2000 because of my dads job (he's an architect). Then we returned back to Ireland in 2004 because of my grandmothers ill health. Not really that strange but when the board predicts it, I suppose it's something to think about.

    Then theres the most creepy night I have ever experienced. Cannot recall what year it was, but I was probably about 10 or so. We were all sleeping in our beds. (It was the summer and we had our windows open as the temperature as you may know is very warm over there in the summer even at night.)

    There was no wind whatsoever, and there was no crazy thunderstorms, no tornado warnings. Suddenly I remember ALL the doors slamming at once, my sister crying in the next room, and my dad trying his hardest to open my door, which he could not budge, it was as if there was a crosswind stopping it from opening. My mom grabbed my sister and ran into the basement, and eventually my dad was able to open my door. So he grabbed me, I was crying uncontrollably :P and followed suite into the basement.

    That was really it, nothing too special. No lawnchairs or tables were thrown around in the backyard, none of the neighbors stuff was thrown about. Could have just been a crosswind that swooped down and flew through our house. Just a bit strange more than anything. Parents got rid of the board soon after. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 627 ✭✭✭rossc007

    Cobbe354 wrote: »
    My favourite part of the movie for sure, that kitchen camera swaying from side to side made me very uneasy haha. The ending was very dissapointing I think, but I suppose they left room for another one next year ^_^

    Suppose I better explain some things quickly before I go into more detail. My parents are both Irish (mom's from Roscommon, dad's from Dublin) I was born in Canada, and have moved back and forth between the 2 countries a few times.

    Yes, I remember it well. My parents had purchased a Ouija board and played it over at a family friends home.
    It had predicted that we would move back to Ireland twice. Which is only really strange now because at the time, we had planned on just living over there permanently. However we then moved over in 1997 the first time... then returned to Canada in 2000 because of my dads job (he's an architect). Then we returned back to Ireland in 2004 because of my grandmothers ill health. Not really that strange but when the board predicts it, I suppose it's something to think about.

    Then theres the most creepy night I have ever experienced. Cannot recall what year it was, but I was probably about 10 or so. We were all sleeping in our beds. (It was the summer and we had our windows open as the temperature as you may know is very warm over there in the summer even at night.)

    There was no wind whatsoever, and there was no crazy thunderstorms, no tornado warnings. Suddenly I remember ALL the doors slamming at once, my sister crying in the next room, and my dad trying his hardest to open my door, which he could not budge, it was as if there was a crosswind stopping it from opening. My mom grabbed my sister and ran into the basement, and eventually my dad was able to open my door. So he grabbed me, I was crying uncontrollably :P and followed suite into the basement.

    That was really it, nothing too special. No lawnchairs or tables were thrown around in the backyard, none of the neighbors stuff was thrown about. Could have just been a crosswind that swooped down and flew through our house. Just a bit strange more than anything. Parents got rid of the board soon after. :P

    Thanks for the Spoilers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    Gingko wrote: »
    Bit late for a coffee but the Chamomile tea is made thank you. Your most welcome to join? No? Ok leave you to it so!

    Chamomile tea - my nan drinks that.
    Gingko wrote: »
    But seriously I do not believe in Demons etc. I believe in the Human brain and all the psychology that goes with it. There are certainly energies out there which we can not explain at times? Good, bad and indifferent. Not trying to ruin your thread. Enjoy!

    Yeah, I'm sure a lot of 'visions' and the like do stem from neurological and/or psychiatric problems. It can happen, and the person probably genuinely believes their experience was real. You can't always prove someone has something wrong with their brain, unless they undergo some MRI scans, or they have psychiatric tests.

    I remember that case of the Enfield poltergeist in London in the late '70s, which has obviously divided opinion, and it was suggested that demons were involved in it all. I doubt it though. God knows what was there, but a lot of strange things took place in that house.

    Anyway, they tested the girl at the centre of it all, Janet. As in, she was taken for psychiatric tests and brain scans in a London hospital. They couldn't find anything wrong with her though. One of the doctors there, who wasn't involved in the poltergeist case, said that she demonstrated psychokinesis (the ability to move an object using the mind). It's in that book by Guy Lyon Playfair. I must root it out again. A lot of independent witnesses reported very odd, unexplainable goings-on.

    I do agree that there are many things out there that cannot be explained (yet).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,433 ✭✭✭MrMojoRisin

    rossc007 wrote: »
    Thanks for the Spoilers

    What spoilers? :confused: He was only going on about his ouija board experience - not about what happens in Paranormal Activity 3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 285 ✭✭Moon Indigo

    I believe there is something. I am not sure if they are 'evil' spirits/beings or maybe something just possesses certain people at some stages. I have had one experience when I was younger that I KNOW happened to me and I felt that they were as close as I came to a demon. My cousin and I were in a local graveyard where we used to go as kids. (No playstations etc back then!).
    Anyway we were leaving and two people came out of the graveyard and they were not there or could have come in un-noticed.
    Anyways ... We were standing outside the gates of the church and these people (man and woman) appear. The church had a big roman numeral clock and being a cheeky kid I asked the woman what time it was.
    She told me to not be so cheeky with this really evil grin/sneer is the best way to describe it and called my some name then she full on slap me in the face.
    I had a massive red hand mark on my cheek. I just stood there while she stared at me with that horrible look and the other lad just sneered.

    Sorry for the long post .. The worst bit was she laughed and walked off. There is a road in front of the church and both of them walked into the road, looked back at me and a car drove straight through them. I mean like they disappeared into air. I know I am not mad and I saw it with my eyes. Something was not right about them. Bad 'Things' in whatever guise I feel do exist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭allydylan

    i'm open to the belief of demons, but thus far in my life i have seen nothing that compels me to believe in them *and fingers crossed nothing ever happens to me that makes me believe in them *

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭meryem

    I also happen to believe in spirits' existence. They can be good and bad as well. Since they don't like getting public with their existence like humans, some of our friends feel it hard to believe them. :) That's what I think about them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 Paramad

    Logan wrote: »
    For me demons do exist, but one thing to keep in mind, they keep themselves well quiet. I was told once that spirits can portray demons very well, allowing alot of people to believe they are haunted by Demons but infact they are been tormented by very negitive spirits. There are cases out there of truly demonic hauntings, but this is rare. The main objection of a Demon is to remain hidden, to not allow itself to be caught or recorded. Majority of the time, if people think they caught Demonic evidence, this would be a negitive spirit emulating a demon.

    I've dealt with cases that included demons, but also dealt with cases that I originally believed was demonic only to find out it was a very negitive entity portraying a demon to get the more added effect of pure fear.

    So for me, I do believe in Demons, but alot of the time, it's just a negitive person, acting as one to scare the family/person it's attached too.

    May I ask what cases you have dealt with that included demons?
