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a log with no name



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 13th:
    A hectic day in work so didnt get out for my run,
    got home late so stuck the turbo in front of the box and watched the Stage of the tour.
    Didnt push it was feeling very tired so just wanted to paddle
    Distance 72k
    Time: 1:52
    cad: 83
    Power: 177
    Nor Pwr 178

    Friday 14th:
    Swim set feeling better then Wednesday.
    Cant recall the details of the sessions :(
    Total 3.5

    another busy day in work, and was very late getting out, planned on a short run before heading to Carlow; but getting a bottle from under the sink I noticed a leak, one of the pipes was dripping so 90min later this was sorted and I was late so had to leave the run.

    Saturday 15th:
    feeling very tired so didnt set the alarm felt I needed the sleep, was slightly later getting up than I wished, I had the turbo with me and was planning an hour on it before I ran, but asked to drop a car over to a garage so this but halt to that plan, so brought my gear and ran from there.
    After talking to MCOS, I was told to run at what I plan to run the IM Marathon at, so set off on 5min/km. (maybe wishful thinking)
    felt like I was running for ages figured it was about 15k into the run, I looked at the watch and it was only 11k:(.
    the rest of the run was boring, after 17K the pace went over the 5min and I could not get it back, my head was not there, I had almost ran out of water and on these back roads there was not a shop anywhere to get more.
    At the 30point I was shagged, and not in a good way.

    Time: 2:43
    Dist: 31.5
    Pace 5:11min/km
    hr 132/165

    Sunday 16th:
    a brutal nights sleep, woke at seven and had only 4 hours, I could not drag myself out, so made a deal with myself a few more min and then out.
    open my eyes and it was 9:30 :mad:

    Got up and got out, the planned 5 hours was not out the window.
    Had the venom with me with the new stem so maiden voyage. Hid the power and HR display, only had time so I would ride this on feeling.

    The position on the bike felt ok, not great and not overly comfortable, I will need to play with it a bit more, widen the arm rest, I rode the bar height by 2cm from the Giant so this may also need to be lowered.

    As I had only 3 hours I had to replan the spin, Got into the spin and the chain kept jumping ended up with 2 cogs which were fine, (New block on Monday)
    I was feeling the weeks training in the body, it was tired and mentally weak.
    Ended up with 3:30, got off the bike and did an easy brick run,
    The young man came with me on his BMX, this was fine on the way down but when we turned, he struggled as its a nice 1 mile uphill.
    med bike
    short brick run

    Dist: 97
    Time: 3:25
    Spd : 28.5
    Pwr 176
    Nor 201
    Hr 121/159
    Cad 64

    A very hard week, 2 runs of 18mile+ and this brought me up to a weekly total of 17hours, missed a few hours which would have had me close to the 20,
    10k swimming, 220 bike and 72.5 running

    the past block was 45hours
    9 swimming (23K), 21.5 bike(620) and 14.5 running(172)

    with 6 weeks to go, 4 weeks of training and 2 taper,
    I'm not happy with the lack of 100+ mile plus spins (only 1)

    this is meant to be a recovery week this week, but the reports from other IM's this year have put the .... across me and thinking of continuing to build on last week, and continue this for 4 weeks then taper,
    probably the wrong thing to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Absolutely the wrong call. A recovery week now will pep you up for 3 quality IM weeks. Skip it and the last 2 weeks will likely be junk. Stick to your plan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    +1 stick to plan, you stick a big week in now instead of recovery and you will end up doing junk sessions. At this stage recovery is just as important.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Absolutely the wrong call. A recovery week now will pep you up for 3 quality IM weeks. Skip it and the last 2 weeks will likely be junk. Stick to your plan.
    +1 stick to plan, you stick a big week in now instead of recovery and you will end up doing junk sessions. At this stage recovery is just as important.

    Thanks for the validation, I knew it was the wrong choice,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 17th:
    Was considering heading to the river for a swim, but I was shattered; really tired so decided to head home and relax, and take the recovery week as planned.

    Tuesday 18th:
    80min recovery spin on the rollers,

    Wednesday 19th:
    A hard swim, cant really recall the session, was told that Im loosing time at the wall, my technique was brutal.
    total 3.1k

    Evening run, a nice evening after a while I noticed I had got into a rut with pace, so after a few K picked it up a bit.
    Time: 70min
    Dist: 14K
    pace 4:49min/km

    Thursday 20th:
    Lunch time run, added in a few drills but the rest was easy
    Time: 42min
    Dist: 8.2
    Pace: 4:53min/km

    Jumped on the bike in the evening and did\tried to do a few hard efforts
    feeling good, but we had a few in-laws over and their kid kept coming into the room and kept getting close to the back wheel, so every time this happen I had to slow down just incase, so after a while I called it quits was not worth it. I can shout and curse at my own kids.
    total 40min

    Friday 21st:
    Got to the pool early to make sure I got a warm up, felt better this morning.
    Lead out some of the set and struggled to hold the pace near the end, the 100's dropped from 1:40 to 1:50 after 12\13 reps

    Once the set was over stayed in the water and added a few extra meters.
    total 4k
    Work was mad so missed my planned lunch time jaunt.
    didnt get out that night as I had a garden to cut, with the rain there was a few weeks of growth and this took hours,
    I twisted my back at one point and this hurt.

    Saturday 22nd:
    Set the alarm clock to bring the young lad to a hurling blitz, but we all slept through it, when we woke he decided not to bother going, so I got my LSR in,
    a lovely morning, set off and it took my back a bit to loosen up, stopped after 5K to stretch it, then the Garmin battery died.
    so the rest of the run I have no idea of pace.
    time 2:30

    Sunday 23rd:
    Set off and there was a strong enough wind, in the wrong direct from planned. So readjusted the spin,
    The power meter was acting up and I kept loosing the signal.
    Rode the full spin at IM effort, or what I felt it would be like,
    THe CCT included 2 efforts up the Glen of Aherlow and a wall, First time on this drag and an experience, a sharp left and I came to a halt was over geared and stopped had to go back to the flat change gears and go again:eek:. bloody wall

    The bike position is close, having trouble relaxing my arms, and may rise the stem another cm,

    still working on nutrition, just trying to get the right balance between solid food and gels, and liquid for the bottle

    Dist: 148K
    Speed: 26.8
    hr: 120/145

    taking these with a grain of salt as over 1/3 of the spin was missed.
    Power : 166 (Pedalling 186)
    Nor: 188


    A nice recovery week, almost 15hours with a day missed,
    a bit tired over the weekend from additional work after the training sessions, but looking forward to the next 3 weeks,

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 455 ✭✭Brick Session

    Hi Bennymul,

    Its possible that I may be in your area for a few days next week and am looking for a bit of advice please?

    I am looking for a pay as you go swimming pool that does adult lane swimming that I might get in a quality session or 2. Does the UL pool open to the public?

    I will be on a few days holidays so I am not fussy about times once it is not 6am. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Hey, no problems
    UL is pay as you go, and open from 7 till late,
    I will pm you my number.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 23rd
    more inlaws so river swim off, they were late leaving and I was tried so a bad start to the last 3 weeks training.

    Tuesday 24:
    as i missed the swim yesterday got to the pool early.
    Arms felt like lead starting off
    500 wu
    1K b+b
    1K b+b+paddles
    500 swim
    total 3.5K

    Bike was a treshold set consisting of 8*5min efforts @85%FTP and 1 min rest.
    5min warmup
    then into the sets,
    the first was brutal, power all over the place and was worried for the remainder but it settled down.

    all efforts came in between 85-90% happy with the set,

    Wednesday 25th:
    Tri club swim, got the a bit late so only a short warm up.
    they had the groups divided into 3, I jumped into the middle not thinking and was slightly out of the dept. (pardon the pun) struggled to hold feet and had to work hard.
    500 wu
    500 kick

    and I did 900 swim to bring the session to the 4K mark.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 26th:
    Got nothing done last night, so had a plan to commute to work, if the weather was ok, (down to carrying a laptop in a bag)
    woke up early and it was lovely out so off I set, A nice have 32k in, on the way home I extended it to 45K, total of 2.5 hours

    Got into the house and had to run to the GAA pitch where there was an field day for kids and the wee man was racing,
    He got 2nd in the 100m, won the long jump and 2nd in the 300m, a great race to watch he held back till the last 100m and then let rip passed at least 10 and got second right at the line, I has a proud camper.

    At this stage it was just after 7, and the 10K was starting and I was undecided as to run or not, but at the last min said feck it. raced home on with gear and raced back signed on and raced to the line 3min before it started, then I remembered I had'nt eaten since lunch time, got a 90min spin in and was also thirsty always a great way to start a race.
    The race started and I started too fast the pulse still racing from rushing still in the blood, ran the 1st K in 3:47 (fast for me) then the road started to go up and the HR was allready well up, I held my own going up the hill, got over the top in about 15th, a slight down hill and i made up some time, but I suffering badly but kept going a few passing me and vice versa. The main problem was in my mind I have the route planned that when we hit the Tipp road it was straight in, but nooooo a left and up over a short steep hill, this almost killed me, but over the top and were home a nice downhill and I knew there was only 4min of suffering left, turned right into the pitch to finish and guess what they had a lap of the GAA pitch to add insult to injury, this did kill me.
    I was spaced crossing the line,
    Pallas 10K
    Time: 42:05
    dist: 10.06

    Friday 27th:
    morning swim, jumped into the slow lane to try and hide.
    400 kick to start with
    6*100 with fins long easy strokes.
    then threshold set. and I was moved back into the middle lane. :(
    (100 off 2min, 50 off 1:30 )*6
    then 6 *150 off 3min (I think)
    600 cool down.
    total of 3.4k

    The body is very tired this morning, I am not getting enough sleep and making a stupid mistake of trying to lose a few lbs, both of these are messing up the quality of sets, and my health after getting a bad dose of cold sores (usually get these when run down)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 27th:
    went for a garminless run, just to relax
    est 8k.

    Saturday 28th:
    Long run planned with a turbo session before hand, but another football blitz left very little time so removed the bike session.
    The was a very slow starter, unable to get going (hate early morning runs my old body does be a stiff as..) after a while I loosened up, but never got really going, never under pressure either,


    Sunday 29th:
    Planned to do RedB 3 county spin, I did leave the accent out of Cratlow out of the route this morning,
    The Gap was alot better than the last time, felt comfortable riding up it.
    the decent was another matter, the roads were wet and felt very greasy and I didnt fell safe, also felt so stupid here it wasnt the warmest so going over the top and pulling up the arm warmers, my hand slipped and I punched myself in the jaw :o,
    Got to Killaloe and headed to Nenagh, I love this road and with the sun out the views were stunning, Once in Nenagh headed to SliverMines for the last official drag of the day and up the cuts, (first time on this)
    Took off and felt fine but it is long and steep in places. again the decent was dangerous, a lot of moss and crap on the roads, and the hairpin were like glass.
    From here headed to Rearcross and more climbing.
    Long very Slow Bike
    Not happy with the average speed. was down on what I would have liked.
    felt good getting off the bike, got changed and went for a quick 2k run, legs felt ok pace was where I would like it, but not sure what another 40k would do.

    Time 5:50
    Dist 151k
    Spd. 25.7 km/h
    Hr: 120/154
    Elevation 1650m
    Power 172 (head unit still acting up so not 100% valid)
    196 pedalling\200 Nor.

    Solid week training:
    Total time 18h
    Swim 4:20 - 10.9k
    Bike 9:30 - 258k
    Run 4:20 - 53k

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 30th:
    Long OW swim planned but work was mad busy and I was late getting out, so the planned 4K turned into a simple 1K,
    The river was empty no boats nothing it was nice,

    Tuesday 31st:
    As I missed the long swim, hit the pool before work and did 4K straight.
    the effort was easy and got the set done no problems, the pace however was slow coming in on 23min for the K,

    Lunch Time run:
    5*6min @zone 4. 2min recovery
    Happy with the set. the last two were a struggle as I started to get some GI problems,
    6min were 3:53,56,4:04,14,14
    5 * 6min

    Wednesday 1st:
    Tri club swim:
    Straight away I felt yesterday in my arms,
    sessions started with a 400, I struggled to hold feet and was going nowhere.
    we moved to 12*100's I made a mistake and jumped into the back of the slow lane, should have stayed where I was.
    anyway not a great set.
    total 3.5K

    Got to work and was wrecked, no matter how much caffeine I drank I struggled to stay alert. I had a hard turbo session planned but it would have been a waste of time, The young man grabbed me to play that lasted till after 9 and I was spaced so called it quits and got sleep.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 2nd:
    A handy commute to work, the morning spin was a bit slower than I would have liked, The evening one was fine never really pushed the power
    Time 3 hours
    distance 77k,

    A very easy lunch time run at recovery pace
    time 40min
    dist 8k
    pace 5:04min/km

    Friday 3rd:
    Morning swim, got there late. was 1/2 way there and I remembered I forgotten my shorts, so turn around and headed home; crept in so I would not waken anyone (again)

    Time: 80min
    dist: 3.2k

    Afternoon run:
    ran the first 5k at a nice pace, not feeling the pressure, (4:45ish pace) but after 30min I started to slow down, was fecked and the pace feel right off.
    Afternoon Run
    Total 12.5k
    Time 1:00
    Pace 4:57/min/km

    Saturday 4th:
    The body is feeling very tired and had to drag myself out of the bed for a run. the run was just slow. Never comfortable and from 22k I was stopped
    struggled home and was shattered for the rest of the day. this took a good bit out of me.
    Long very slow run

    Time: 2:58
    Dist: 32.7
    Pace: 5:20min/km
    Hr: 135

    Sunday 5th:
    Long spin planned, but as soon as I left the house I knew it would be a bad day at the office, and in hind sight should have turned around.

    Dist: 115
    Time 4:25
    Spd: 26kph
    hr 107/135
    power: avg 143 nor:163 (wayyyyy below par)
    Another crap day

    Monday 5th:
    the big day, was planning on cycling from Carlow to Limerick (with a bit of a detour)
    So after the last 3 days of feeling crap I was not looking forward to this.
    As the family were staying for a few extra days, I took this as an opportunity not to have to get up early and leave later in the day.
    This was also the day to test the potential food for the day.

    so off I set. first stop Mount Leinster. up the Corra Butt then 9 Stones.
    Felt good climbing, hitting nice power numbers (where the display would tell me -its acting up) trying to climb without spending too much time >FTP.
    over the top and took my time on the decent. And headed for the second climb of the day, from Graiguenamanagh to Thonstown not steep but long (6k @3%), dropped into Kilkenny and a headwind:( it should be there for the rest of the spin. once in Urlingford I have the pleasure of a tractor to chase, he was approx 500m up the road when I spotted him and slowly pulled him in, he extended on drags but as soon as I was on the flat the gap narrowed. this helped pass the time and was needed. From Cashil I headed to Cahir and planned the 3rd climb of the day. when a few tings happened.
    My saddle bag broke and had to throw it in my pocket, most uncomfortable and did (I thnk) cause some pain in my lower back.
    then the garmin died and as the power meter was only picking up 1/3 of the spin I could not be sure of the time, at this point I was running out of food and getting hungry, when I found an extra bar :D:D some good news.

    the last climb was the Glen of Aherlow, felt good climbing it and was albe to keep(ish) to FTP on it. the decent was slow enough as the roads were wet and my back tyre was slipping.
    from the here the rest was grand,
    Long spin - missing the end
    Dist: between 200-205K,
    Time ~7:20
    Spd: ~27.5km/hour
    Climbing >2000m
    Power: ~170, Nor ~191
    Hr: 124/156

    Got in and changed went for a short run (or planned a short run) was planning a simple out and back 3 miles, when I was chased by a german shepard, $£$%$$ he is usually tied up but not today :(, so the 5K turned out to be 9k, in approx 50ish min.

    So 1 week of training to go, and then taper.
    feeling so\so about the day, after reading a few reports and waiting for one to finish (cough cough Red) I am not as confident as I would like to be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Just (re)discovered this log. Some serious training going on here, well done Benny. I'm based in Carlow myself and I'm a big fan of Bunclody to the nine stones - I did all my hill work on this for Hardman last year including one day when I did it 3 times in a row. This year I've yet to go up it, been too lazy. I suspect I might regret that in a couple of weeks. Best of luck in Kerry :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Just (re)discovered this log. Some serious training going on here, well done Benny. I'm based in Carlow myself and I'm a big fan of Bunclody to the nine stones - I did all my hill work on this for Hardman last year including one day when I did it 3 times in a row. This year I've yet to go up it, been too lazy. I suspect I might regret that in a couple of weeks. Best of luck in Kerry :)

    thanks Griffin, I did read your log for the hardman and do recall mention of the laps of Mt Leinster, and did mean to do it but never seemed to get the chance. (one day)
    See you on the start line.

    Tuesday 7th:
    popped into UL on the way home for an easy swim
    main set was 500 b+b
    1k of drills (fist, one hand, catch up, skulling)
    total 2K

    Got home and stuck the bike on the turbo and watched the Mens Tri from earlier.
    no power, speed anything the only thing I had was HR and cad
    kept the cad up > 90 and the hr <105

    Wednesday 8th:
    Tri club swim, felt ok in the water lead out the lane for most of the set.
    400,300,200,100 *2
    then speed work

    total 3.3K

    Evening this was a struggle, got home from work later that I wished.
    made the mistake of sitting down for a min, and got very lazy.
    So got changed for a run and was undecided to run around home or head over to GlenStal and much deliberation I stayed local, and was I glad
    from the off I was dead and struggled. the HR was too high and the pace was brutal slow.
    I could not get going not sure if it was tiredness or the heat getting to me

    total: 1:27
    Dist: 16k
    Pace 5:27min/km
    Bad Run

    Thursday 9th:
    Was planning an early bike session but my body said no, So pushing it till later. Threw the wet suit in the car and if time would get an ow swim in,
    On the way home went to the river and it was heavenly out and a few bodies ahead of me, so I was not compeletly insane.
    set off and had a mental distance of 2k down, the swim down was nice didnt push the pace swam constant effort with a few short stops to check the river for boats and stuff, at the 2k, i saw the second set of wires MCOS mentioned so a bit extra wont kill me, after a 5 min I turned as I was worried that while I could get to them now, I didnt know how far they were away and how much this would take out of me on the way back.
    on the way back seemed to take longer and I got depressed when I went under the first wires (only here wtf) but I pressed on, the joys of a quite river I swam out from the edge which meant less weeds to deal with.
    A nice swim, the pace was something I felt I could hold for another k at least (now could I is another kettle of fish)
    OW Swim

    on the drive home planned a short spin, but had a few mail and calls waiting for me so evening session called off and work took over.

    Friday 10th:
    Morning swim, and my arms and shoulders were dead, no power in them at all. struggled all morning.
    total 2.5k
    this had me at slightly over 12k swimming this week the longest yet.
    Met RedB and found it hard not to ask about the next installment, wanted to leave it a surprise :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Friday 10th cont:
    While waiting on a call for me to head back into work for a few hours,
    plan was a 15*3min @90% ftp, but the thoughts of jumping on a turbo when the sun was out killed me, so off on the road I set.

    so did a loop with a nice 6mile climb, and rode it hard the whole way a good constant effort for the drag, once over the top had a slight tail wind so just sat in the TT position and flew along.
    once back quick change and out the door for a very short run

    Bike total 55k
    Time 1:45
    Run total 3k
    pace 4:33min/km

    Bike with the Sun out

    Saturday 11th:
    the family stayed in Carlow, so I decided to cycle back up to the them,
    Left early and was greeted by a head wind or cross wind which would basically be there for the entire journey :D:D.
    the spin was mentally tiring as there was very little rest from the wind.
    was happy enough with my condition feeling comfortable and strong enough on the bike (not jumping out of my skin - but not under pressure at any time)

    total: 130k
    Time: 4:41
    Hr: 123/149
    Spd 27.4
    Power: no idea meter not working correctly :(

    Sunday 12th:
    up early, got into bike gear and picked up the running gear for a brick session, went downstairs and went to leave and noticed that it was pi$$ing out :(. then noticed I had left the helmet and running shorts upstairs, so spin was done with no helmet, a few years ago this was normal and i prefer it, but now it just feels wrong.
    this was a nice easy 40min spinning the legs.
    Got in and changed ran in cycling shorts. the first few k were grand and I was happy with the pace. turned to run up a 3k climb and the pace shot down, I had to much gear on and was over heating so took off 1 layer and got going again, 20min later the heavens opened and top back on, At this point i was running through rivers or what felt like it with the water flowing down the roads, this thankfully didnt last too long, but I never got dried from it. Took a Gel around 90min and tried to pick up the pace but nope could not get it below the 5min/km pace.
    coming up on the 2 hours I had a decision to make head to the 30k or just finish, however a stomach cramp made it for me, so head for home at a very slow pace, when to round the fine morning off the heavens open once more for luck.
    Crap Run

    Total 2:21 (3hours total)
    Dist: 26.3
    Pace 5:23min/km
    hr 131/178

    Weekly total
    |# sessions|Time hh:mm|Distance
    Running|4|4:55 |55
    Total|12 |25:00|492.60
    So that finishes my IM training only a taper to go. my time to start panicking

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 13th:
    Took a well deserved day off, ended up working so not relaxing:rolleyes:

    Tuesday 14th:
    Missed the morning swim as the battery on the phone died during the night so the alarm never went off.
    In the evening, Turbo session 3 * 10min @ ~85% FTP. 4min recovery
    felt good and each set was fine (228, 230, 227w).

    Wednesday 15th:
    coach prescribed swim, feeling good today
    a total of 2.6k, felt odd getting out early.

    Lunch time a simple 30min jog no watch just relaxed and ran into a brutal headwind for approx 4K, and back

    Thursday 16th:
    Last speed session,
    set was to call for 6*800m @75-80%hr and 400m recovery
    cant find the garmin dongle to upload,
    times 3:50,4:00,- 4:10
    the last 3 the HR was above the zones and I eased back to get it down and control it, this resulted in the slower times.

    An easy spin was planned but I was not feeling 100%, not sure if this was Taper "sick" as both kids are coughing like mad with the eldest down with the flu, so I am expecting the worst.
    so in essence I left the bike.

    Friday 17th:
    coach prescribed swim:
    3*400 80,85,90% effort 30 seconds rest.
    3*200 (stopped after the first one)
    4 * 50 flat out, off 2 min, each length was in around 43-45 seconds.
    50 easy
    and repeat.
    400 doing drills.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Saturday 18th:
    Planned session went out the window, a day of running around with nothing done:o

    Sunday 19th:
    a nice spin, spinning the legs, met the local racing group and rode with them for 40min, sat on the front with an A1 and the power went up, so did the HR, but made sure not >ftp.
    Once off the bike quick change and brick run

    total 2:30
    Dist 70k
    avg Spd 29k
    hr 125/160
    power 180
    Nor Pwr 215
    40min effort:
    Power 235
    Nor Pwr 259,
    hr 143/160

    Recovery Bike]
    Brick Run

    Monday nothing
    Tuesday 21st:
    an easy 8k run slow pace kept the HR down,
    in the afternoon an easy swim, brought the kids so spent more time playing than swimming.

    Only a few days left, and suffering from a sore throat, which now has me croaking and a cough. taking a bart load of Vit C to try and keep it from moving in to my chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A long cycle in the wind and rain on Saturday will sort that sore throat for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    griffin100 wrote: »
    A long cycle in the wind and rain on Saturday will sort that sore throat for you :)
    I will be in Killarney if you fancy joining me for a spin:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 23rd:
    Simple hour on the bike, rode some at im pace, my HR was too high during these, and the sore throat is still there and feels slightly worse.

    anyway 2 days to Hardman and to pop the IM cherry, and I am slightly nervous to say the least, ohh the things I should have done different.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Best of luck. Youll be grand!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Thursday 23rd:
    Simple hour on the bike, rode some at im pace, my HR was too high during these, and the sore throat is still there and feels slightly worse.

    Ah the taper madness how i miss that :rolleyes:

    Best of luck on Saturday you have put in a savage amount of training so I will be expecting a good time all going well

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    But taper madness feels so real. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Very best of luck to you.....and make sure you enjoy the day. You'll be more than grand with the work you've put in!! Looking forward to your report. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Thursday 23rd:
    Simple hour on the bike, rode some at im pace, my HR was too high during these, and the sore throat is still there and feels slightly worse.

    anyway 2 days to Hardman and to pop the IM cherry, and I am slightly nervous to say the least, ohh the things I should have done different.

    You'll be grand. Best of luck with popping the IM cherry :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,469 ✭✭✭RedB

    Enjoy Kerry - its gonna be brilliant! Will be rooting for you throughout the day

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Good luck Bennymul, brave man taking on the distance in your rookie year. Could be a wet one. Apt for an Irish long distance tri though eh :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Best of luck chief, have a great day...if you can:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    All done and dusted.

    11:23 ish dont have offical time. 5th overall.

    happy days.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Great result Benny. You looked really strong when you passed me going up Molls Gap, how did you know it was me?

    Results are up via the Hardman website.
