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Alive! Magazine on "Homosexual Agenda" in Africa



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭TylerIE

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    Tricky situation isn't it.

    Now, both TylerIE and KillerPidgeon now my thoughts on being gay, I don't give a crap about sexuality.

    I'm honestly more in objection to the Ugandan Government (and a few others) that openly murder people based on their sexuality.
    It's just plain wrong and disgusting treatment of mankind.

    I do not agree with what Alive! said in the article, I will however go against anyone to support their right to free speech.

    Unless they actually publicly say that Homosexual's should be murdered, they are not breaking any laws, eg Incitement of Hatred.

    Sonics my objections to "Alive" is that they present the article as if it is a factual assessment of the situation. If it was given as an opinion piece then Id be less annoyed, but its presented as the total facts of the situation, and some people see it as same.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,872 ✭✭✭strobe

    jive wrote: »
    Leviticus 18 22
    "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."

    It's an oldy but a goody.

    Most of the major Christian denominations agree that Leviticus is no longer binding on makind and it's nearly impossible to get those guys to agree on much.

    Ephesians 2:13-15 "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that He might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility."


    Leviticus is out, hence all the Maine lobster that gets eaten by Christians every year.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭LighterGuy

    jive wrote: »
    Can believe people still watch that guy.

    I actually have watched a good few videos of that guy after watching that video. Never heard of him before tonight.

    While, he definitely comes off as a p*ick in his videos (the way he talks and handles himself) he makes points ... and in other videos.
    But then I came across yet MORE videos of him. Mainly the videos he makes in responses to other youtube videos or comments ... and he really shows what he is... and thats a fat wan*er who wants to sh*te on about how much he is right. Its all about what He has to say. And hell, does he love the sound of his own voice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,248 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    TylerIE wrote: »
    Sonics my objections to "Alive" is that they present the article as if it is a factual assessment of the situation. If it was given as an opinion piece then Id be less annoyed, but its presented as the total facts of the situation, and some people see it as same.

    Whenever I see an article in a rag like Alive!, Daily Express, Daily Mail etc I instantly go with "Opinion piece" or at best, complete dribble.

    I find it hysterical seeing papers like Alive! promote that people act more like the Good Samaritan and show compassion to people, but constantly blame foreigners for all our problems and even promote them being removed from the country.

    Methinks they should go and actually read the Good Samaritan.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,030 ✭✭✭✭Chuck Stone

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    Unless they actually publicly say that Homosexual's should be murdered, they are not breaking any laws, eg Incitement of Hatred.

    In this case Alive! is creating the 'gay agenda' bogey man when it's clear that withholding aid it is not some 'gay agenda'. Could that not be considered an abuse of free speech?

    I think they should be ignored personally - the oxygen of publicity and all that crack.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,102 ✭✭✭Stinicker

    Who really cares what a bunch of catholic nut jobs think anyway?

    As for the aid issue, that is more concerning (not due to the Gay issue mind you)

    In July 2010 whilst Ireland was happily sailing towards the abyss, the current leader of Fianna Fail Micheal Martin commited us the taxpayers to donate €166milion euro in foreign overseas aid to Uganda over the next 5 years.

    Within weeks Tullow Oil an Irish oil company was granted licences to drill for oil in Uganda.

    At the same time Uganda ordered some new fighter jets from Russia costing hundreds of millions expensive even for Ireland never mind a third world country like Uganda.

    Now here is the clincher for me, Three FF (Fiddle and Fraud) TD's are shareholders within this Tullow Oil company.

    So to sum it up,

    • FF Minister commits millions of Euro in Irish taxpayers of "aid" to the corrupt Ugandan Government.
    • Weeks later coincidently an Irish company gets permission to drill for Oil in this country.
    • FF ministers were shareholders of said company.

    Am I the only one putting two and two together and thinking 3?

    Oh, btw, this is not some new story, just rather conveniently ignored by the FF controlled media.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 638 ✭✭✭theTinker

    I completely agree with gay rights being equal etc, infact I think the question is silly itself. A persons sexual attraction behaviour is incredibly silly to judge people on.

    But. The magazine has a right to publish its nonsense. Nothing in the first post was anything i think i disagreed with. All it stated was that the US admin withdrew its money aid because it wants to force the country to change its homosexual laws to make it more inline with the US belief. ? This is true 100%

    It stated the same roughly for germany.

    If i was going to be angry about gay rights, I'd be angry at the goverment and people who allow and enforce it. Most seems to be directed at this magazine though?

    Correct me if im wrong, but If we're going to jump on the irish high horse when that horses stable doesnt even allow equal rights to its own gay population and doesnt allow parenting rights even near equal? It seems really hypocritical from that standpoint.
    Its bullying by the US and Germany, just because it has a positive outcome, doesnt make it any less so. Its like locking up junkies, they'd be fairly clean by the end of it, but its obviously not the way to go about it.

    The money(I hope) would go to the poor who need it, for food, water, shelter etc. These are the people who would suffer most....also the corrupt who will no doubt skim a little off the top.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 638 ✭✭✭theTinker

    Stinicker wrote: »
    Who really cares what a bunch of catholic nut jobs think anyway?

    As for the aid issue, that is more concerning (not due to the Gay issue mind you)

    In July 2010 whilst Ireland was happily sailing towards the abyss, the current leader of Fianna Fail Micheal Martin commited us the taxpayers to donate €166milion euro in foreign overseas aid to Uganda over the next 5 years.

    Within weeks Tullow Oil an Irish oil company was granted licences to drill for oil in Uganda.

    At the same time Uganda ordered some new fighter jets from Russia costing hundreds of millions expensive even for Ireland never mind a third world country like Uganda.

    Now here is the clincher for me, Three FF (Fiddle and Fraud) TD's are shareholders within this Tullow Oil company.

    So to sum it up,

    • FF Minister commits millions of Euro in Irish taxpayers of "aid" to the corrupt Ugandan Government.
    • Weeks later coincidently an Irish company gets permission to drill for Oil in this country.
    • FF ministers were shareholders of said company.

    Am I the only one putting two and two together and thinking 3?

    Oh, btw, this is not some new story, just rather conveniently ignored by the FF controlled media.

    Thanks for the information. I'd say im shocked, but it barely makes me think twice after all the cr*p uncovered the last few years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 702 ✭✭✭Turpentine

    Leafed through it once, and the first article I found was a movie review that went on to tell me that Cameron Diaz should try to have as much fun as possible now because she's going to die alone and go to hell.

    Was that for Gangs of New York? She was pretty bad in that alright.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,635 ✭✭✭TylerIE

    theTinker wrote: »
    I completely agree with gay rights being equal etc, infact I think the question is silly itself. A persons sexual attraction behaviour is incredibly silly to judge people on.

    But. The magazine has a right to publish its nonsense. Nothing in the first post was anything i think i disagreed with. All it stated was that the US admin withdrew its money aid because it wants to force the country to change its homosexual laws to make it more inline with the US belief. ? This is true 100%

    It stated the same roughly for germany.

    If i was going to be angry about gay rights, I'd be angry at the goverment and people who allow and enforce it. Most seems to be directed at this magazine though?

    Correct me if im wrong, but If we're going to jump on the irish high horse when that horses stable doesnt even allow equal rights to its own gay population and doesnt allow parenting rights even near equal? It seems really hypocritical from that standpoint.
    Its bullying by the US and Germany, just because it has a positive outcome, doesnt make it any less so. Its like locking up junkies, they'd be fairly clean by the end of it, but its obviously not the way to go about it.

    The money(I hope) would go to the poor who need it, for food, water, shelter etc. These are the people who would suffer most....also the corrupt who will no doubt skim a little off the top.

    Gay men and lesbians are not locked up for merely being gay or lesbian in Ireland or Germany. It does still occasionally occur in the States, particularly Texas, but Obama doesnt exactly support it. The US and Germany were witholding money over human rights abuses against some of the Citizens (those who happened to be gay), and over a change in media freedoms (Which alive didnt mention). The human rights abuses were extreme - and the article didnt state that either.

    The article implied that the US was wanting homosexuality taught in schools or an immediate introduction of marriage equality or something equally progressive, not just that the country wouldnt lock people up for being gay.

    Furthermore I have no doubt that as the relevant sums were already in the aid budgets of the countries concerned, they will still be used - only somewhere else that is probably equally as needy.

    MY other objection would be that Alive quotes President Bingu's advisor - without stating that President Bingu somehow found funds for three helicopters, forty new hummers, and forty new landrovers to be used as part of election convoy a few years ago? Or that he ejected the British high Commissioner from the country despite the UK having a huge role in bringing volunteer professionals to the country? Or that Canada and a number of EU countries have dropped aid to Malawi over a number of other concerns (Human Rights, Corruption, etc)?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,661 ✭✭✭✭Helix

    jive wrote: »
    It's their country and they can enforce the rules they want

    and it's the west's aid money, and they can offer it with whatever conditions they want

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,509 ✭✭✭✭randylonghorn

    Manach wrote: »
    Shock Horror, Catholic paper prints an article that aligns with official Church doctrine on homosexuality.
    It doesn't actually.

    Even the weird old men in Rome don't advocate imprisoning or executing gays any more, haven't for centuries, nor do they (publicly at least!) buy into a conspiracy theory about "the homosexual agenda" manipulating government foreign policy.
    I'm straight, and I think it's wrong, and that they're fcuking eejits.
    Couldn't have said it better myself! :)
    Morlar wrote: »
    Should the idea not be that people decide to do that themselves, y'know on their own volition ? Otherwise it's just a conciously manipulative effort to tip the scales.
    Well, people do decide. Unless you think KP is exerting some kind of influence over you through your screen?

    If he has figured that out, wish he'd share it with me ... it would make a handy mod tool! :pac:

    That said, I agree with those who think it's a pretty pointless exercise, and that the "Barely Managing Editor" of Alive! will just bin it anyway.
    theTinker wrote: »
    All it stated was that the US admin withdrew its money aid because it wants to force the country to change its homosexual laws to make it more inline with the US belief. ? This is true 100%
    Um, seriously ... I think you should read it again. In no way was it that objective or factual.

    It is worth noting that Alive! is not an official Catholic newspaper. Even the Catholic church with all its traditional hang-ups about certain aspects of our lives, especially sexuality, won't sanction the type of fundamentalist tripe Alive! comes out with!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,018 ✭✭✭Mike 1972

    jive wrote: »
    And what's your point

    Lets put it another way.

    If you had good reason to believe your next door neighbour was abusing his kids would you report it to the authorities or leave well enough alone on the grounds that what goes on in his house is his business.
    jive wrote: »
    Serious questions for you though. If you find the magazine offensive then why do you read it?

    If Im not mistaken someone is pushing it through the OP's letterbox
