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2 Infractions From SPARKS

  • 29-10-2011 4:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,172 ✭✭✭

    I was taking part in a thread regarding a deer letting in ISD costing €6000, on post #59 a poster by the nickname of grizzly45 posted the following comment

    Great...Because we could learn alot from them.They only suffered under an oppressive Communist regime for fifty odd years which would make anything oppressive we had in Ireland look like a paradise

    The poster was talking about Hungarian people being under an oppressive regime. This poster is of German descent and is constantly telling us how great eastern europe is in general when compared to Ireland.
    That kind of rubbish I can tolerate but when he compared the Irish struggle for freedom to being a "Paradise" I felt it was a step too far.

    I replied as follows: Being under British rule including Famine (Resulting in the death and forced emigration of millions), persecution, zero rights and summary executions of anyone who tried to stand up to them for 400 years.....Yeah Griz, I'm sure it was a walk in the park.
    Dont get carried away with your praising of other countries on their triumphs over oppression and say how great they were and dare to say what the people of this country suffered for far longer was "Paradise" - Thats a complete insult.

    MODS: sorry if I deviated away from the OP but that kind of remark is not on in my book

    Grizzly45 the replied with the following post:

    You know Vix... a great Irishman George Bernad Shaw once said.."Irish history is somthing the English should always remember and the Irish should try and forget!"You should try that somtime.. After removing the rose tinted " woe is us Irish history" glasses

    Sorry,us Irish dont have the exclusive rights to misery and oppression on the planet.Maybe if we stopped bitching and moaning throughout our history,grew a spine an odd time,stopped ratting each other out,and generally got our acts together we would have been shot of the English a lot sooner.

    Dont blame the English for everything either ..There were enough turncoat Irish "squireeens" who made up "the Ascendency" who were the worst sinners in the Famine. I get sick and tired of the famine bein trotted out at every convient opportunity as a sign of how bad we had it.It says NOTHING for us as a race that when we had lost everything,had nothing more to lose other than a lingering death by starvation,when death by baynoet or musket ball might have been a blessing we obligingly dragged ourselves off to die in workhouses,by the side of the road,or in coffin ships on the Atlantic,when we could have at least tried to rise as a nation against our "English oppressors".

    Even the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto when they knew the game was up rose against the Germans,to such a state that a bunch of starving raggedy ass Jews with a few rifles and sMGs between them all held out long enough to require THREE crack waffen SS divisions to be diverted from the East front to level the ghetto to the sewers,where the remnants still fought on.For five months!!Let me know when you find somthing in our Irish history that is as equal if not better to that sort of utter hopeless futility of defiance against overwhelming odds for survival!Then I might your huffing more seriously..
    My last word on this OT topic.
    Good day!

    I replied to the above post with a reply that was just as "Looking For A Row" as Grizzly45s post but received an infraction from SPARKS for "Looking For a Scrap".
    I told Sparks that I found Grizzly45s comments offensive and he replied as follows:
    He'd posted his remark before the mod warning went up; but I'll mention it to the other mods. Those kind of posts aren't our cup of tea either.

    I thought this was a fair enough reply and waited a few days to see if Grizzly45s post was still on Boards and it was.

    I posted the word "YAWN" after Grizzly45s post as I wasnt allowed reply how I wanted and received another infraction from Sparks who said the following:
    Vix, if we say we're looking at something, it means we're looking at it. If we don't get the answer you want in the timeframe you want, that doesn't give you leave to restart a row.
    Post deleted, thread locked.

    The above infraction was given to me on the 19th of October, its now the 29th of October and although the protocol for complaints procedeure states that I should receive a reply on the subject within 2 days, its now 10 days and neither have I received a reply nor haizzly45s comments been deleted from the post in question.

    I await a reply


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,945 ✭✭✭trout

    The relevant mod/cmods may have missed this thead - rather than delay things any further, I've read over the thread & posts in question.

    Having read the thread in question, including deleted posts, noting the direct mod instruction to drop the sniping, I believe your subsequent posts warranted an infraction ... and arguably a ban taking the sequence of events in consideration.

    Really, you should have reported the offending post(s) - and not risen to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,172 ✭✭✭vixdname

    trout wrote: »
    The relevant mod/cmods may have missed this thead - rather than delay things any further, I've read over the thread & posts in question.

    Having read the thread in question, including deleted posts, noting the direct mod instruction to drop the sniping, I believe your subsequent posts warranted an infraction ... and arguably a ban taking the sequence of events in consideration.

    Really, you should have reported the offending post(s) - and not.
    risen to it.

    Well if you were to ban every poster for posts like mine you'd have a very small boards community as I've often read posts way more argumentative then any of mine and they were left there.
    Secondly, are you taking any action against the other poster as his posts were just as atgumentative as mine ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,945 ✭✭✭trout

    You were infracted, not banned.

    DRP is not the place to discuss actions or behaviour from other posters - this is about your dispute.

    Like I said - report offending posts, and let the mods deal with them, it's the best way. Reacting badly to posts is not likely to end well.

    As both infractions have since expired, and I'm not reversing them, I'm marking this as closed.

This discussion has been closed.