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Thesis on fighting games.

  • 31-10-2011 3:06am
    Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭

    HI to everyone thats looking at this post. Some people will know me as Joe Chu well some people won't know me at all. Well I'm a 4th year animation college student and I'm writing my thesis on fighting games which my lecturer allow me too. (concentrating on deisgn mainly)

    well the reason I'm posting this cause theres some questions I would need answering and I was hoping some people that have the spare time would answer them, no matter how stupid you think your answer is.

    well first up I need to to know about the sterotypes of characters of from fighting games. The games I'm concentrated will be sf/tekken/mk9/BB ( that includes the anime style sf alpha as well)
    what i mean by this is for eg Ragna from BB, His the main character with spikey hair and a big sword very commen sterotype in japan as a main protagonist (thats just a simple answer) I will be talking about that as well, But I know quite abit on that sterotype
    so I'm hoping the people that know alot about SF chars could explain the sterotypes of the chars in the game. why you pick your characters in terms of design and esthetics

    so the big question is, what do you see in these character/why you pick them (this is only if you pick them cause of your style and looks not because there good or not) So Doom I hope you can tell me why you picked guile :D why Voa picked tager or why you tend to pick the big guys (please don't answer with just a 720) or even why fergus only pick sakura or girl characters.

    The feeling you get in playing fighting games and what your mind is like competition or competative environment. My thesis is very open, cause Its just fighting games. Like I said so far my lecturer said to concentrate on sterotypes for the chars in these games.
    so All I'm asking is if you got the time and know some stuff about your characters, please share

    ps, not sure right now but i think my next chap is about mecahnic in the games, so I'll be back again with questions.


  • Registered Users Posts: 429 ✭✭Linoud

    Me first!

    Well why I play Ragna is because I'm usually the type drawn to those types of main characters. He is very stereotypical shonen main character. Like you said, Spikey Hair, Giant Sword. It's a pretty simple stereotype to achieve. I think I'm just drawn to the type of characters that have cool looking combo's and attacks. Ragna's fighting style is pretty cool to watch, especially anything to do with Blood Kain. Darkness/Demon elemental attacks, whatever you prefer to call it, they're just cool.

    What first got me to start playing as Ragna was actually just his design. He's got a pretty cool one. I'm a fan of spikey haired characters myself, e.g Cloud, Goku, etc. Also, from hearing about him having a giant sword which is infact a scythe used to reap souls was pretty interesting too, couldn't pass up the chance to play as someone with such a cool weapon design. Actually, that being said, alot of the characters in BlazBlue have some pretty nice character designs. It's probably why it's my favorite fighting game. But yeah, I generally picked him because he had a pretty cool looking design in terms of clothing too, his Red Jacket is pretty nice.

    What I see in his character IS the stereotypical shonen main guy, but he's also more than that, he's a badass one. I really liked his character once I started playing the story more too. Turns out, he's not like most main characters in anime's who're out to save the world and are goody-two shoes about everything, he's just out to do his own thing, get revenge, and is pissed off by everyone interfering and getting in his way. He's actually just a nice character, but has some ****ty luck and is just looking for revenge against Hazama for screwing up his life. He's also got some pretty cool quotes from time to time too, even if he is the stereotypical main anime character. He's got that demon thing to him to balance out the usual main character being super nice and full of justice.

    Fighting Game Stuff
    Other reason I like playing as Ragna, aside from the cool looking style of play and combos, is that he's a rushdown character, and that's generally the type of character I prefer to play. I don't really use zoning characters much at all in fighting games, I just prefer to get up close and personal. Hell, Ragna's "projectile" if you really want to call it that, is him swinging his sword for a short range Demon Shark thing. That's how little I care about projectiles. :P
    He's a pretty in your face character both in terms of playstyle and actual personality. Pretty fitting for me really.

    When I generally play BlazBlue or any fighting game for that matter, be it competitively or casual, it's because I find it a really interesting type of game, constantly evolving and improving your playstyle and adapting to your opponents, trying to find the flaw in their pressure or approach, and countering it. Your fighting style is constantly evolving depending on who your playing against. I particularly like BB because alot of the match-ups you have to play quite differently, even if your constantly using the same character. For example, you can't just try rush down a Tager player, rush down against a grappler character just isn't going to end well, though that's the same for SF against Zangief, your just not supposed to get close. :P It's all about how well you can play your character, not like other genres where it's teamwork based, like Counter Strike, where you've got a certain set strategy on each map, and weapon based strategies like Halo or Gears, where a lot of the gameplay boils down to who can control one key area or weapon on a map. (Though I do find that fun too..)

    In a competitive environment, I just have alot of fun because I know whomever I'm facing is playing at their best, and that's where you can go all out and then just get better from there, win or lose, your going to improve, at least if your opponent's at the same or higher skill level. There's a lot more at stake, so it's a lot more likely that everyone is going to be playing at their best. I do like playing casuals, as it's pretty fun and your always getting better, but there's something different about tournaments. Everything becomes serious and more intense and fun. It's pretty exciting watching a lot of tournament matches, be it MVC, SF or BB, when it's two players who're close in skill. You get to see some amazing moments of game play from both players.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    I'll try to answer some of this during the week.

    In the meantime, please read through this blog:
    LOTS of stuff on character design etc.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    NOTE: WIBBSDRINK post incoming

    If you’re talking about characters and archetypes you really need to look back to the characters known as the world warriors, the twelve from Street Fighter 2.

    From my perspective, nearly every character in every fighting game since has been directly inspired or evolved from these characters.

    This goes on a basic level for both character design and moveset.

    I assume as an anime fan you know the sentai theory of character design? Plenty of fighting game casts also fit nicely into those archetypes nicely, too.

    For example, Ragna to me is clearly an evolution of the Ryu archetype. The lonely fighter who can appear distant but who has a heart of gold. He’s also not to far off being a full blown shotoclone (He has the DP and deathuspiku is pretty much a tatsu- a move designed to move you across the screen rapidly).

    Ken represents the “wanker who can back it up” that for example Johnny Cage and Terry Bogard fit into nicely. They’re also usualy the “rogue” to the Ryus “leader” in Sentai terms. Ken and Ryu however lack the “fighting over the girl” dynamic usually in place between the two (Guy and Cody, Cyclops and Wovlerine, et al).

    Gief is a really obvious one, there was pretty much no such thing as a grappler before him if I recall correctly. So every tank character can draw a line directly back to him. He also fits nicely into the big brother/ tank stereotype in sentai teams. Obviously Tager fits right in here. It’s interesting to note in WW there’s no other character with a command grab- Gief is very unique because of it at this early point.

    Chun Li obviously fits into the “girl” role of Sentai but her influence is more easy and more difficult to see at the same time. More easy in the sense that she was the first really popular openly female main character in a game, selling millions of posters et al and setting up the rise of Lara Croft and the like.

    She’s less obvious in the sense that good game development these days won’t just have a female character as super fast with multi hit combos but no health. Sometimes. In addition, you have multiple girls in FGs now, not just the one to fill her slot.

    The rest of the characters fit less into the Sentai scheme but still represent stereotypes of other kinds.
    Guile, the man out for just vengeance. Guile was a direct appeal to the American audience in his design and represents the stereotype of Americans seen in Japan at the time as apparently military bases are common there.

    The really interesting thing about Guile’s design is, like Gief, he’s kinda unique from the rest of the characters- While there’s other charge characters he varies wildly from them (he’s the only charge character with a projectile in WW, and the only one without a move which allows him to offensively move across the screen rapidly. Now that I think about it, he’s also the only one without a HHS variant). While being hugely defensive it’s interesting how the quick recovery projectile can also make him a combo machine.

    Honda design wise is actually kinda similar to Gief- the brother type who is strong and perhaps a little simple- but move wise in WW shares the basic charge type with blanka. Ball and headbutt are v similar in WW, and their only other specials are their HHS variants.

    Obviously the differences between the two are there when you take walk speed and normals into account, but at a basic level, the two are variations on a theme.

    For me, Blanka kinda fits into the scout sentai position- on a character level he’s quite a weak sad thing, looking for his mam. He’s also very agile like a scout should be.

    As for the boss characters, they weren’t originally designed to be played, so it’s hard to look at them from that perspective but they’re pretty obvious bad guy stereotypes.

    Balrog is the hired help. He’s also the dark side of America. Nuff said.

    Vega is the narcissistic Patrick Bateman psycho as only pretty people could move fast in the old days of games :D
    Sagat is the most intriguing of the 4 bosses. Firstly he’s that most common and popular of bad guys in pop culture the Doppelganger. Moveset wise he’s the dark mirror to Ryu (it was explicitly hit home at the time that he developed the Tiger uppercut in an attempt to counter the dragon punch). So he is Venom to Ryu’s Spider-Man, Joker to his Batman, Zod to his Superman.

    From the FMVs I think Ragna and Hazama have a similar relationship, although their move sets are dissimilar.
    Sagat also isn’t really a bad guy, he’s just fallen into a trap of doing whatever it takes to get his vengeance. He’s similar to Guile in that respect, although Guile’s redemption arc is done by the end of WW, Sagat’s is not totally complete til SSF4.

    Then you have Bison. Like, how evil does evil have to be? Visually based on a nazi crossed with the bad guy from doomed megalopolis, he’s pure evil. There’s not much more to him at this point, but that’s ok, he’s there as a foil and nothing more in WW.

    As to my own choice, I’ve only been a Guile player in specific since SFIV. All the way up to ST I played the shotos, Chun Li, Guile and Vega. In the alpha series I played the same witout vega and with Charlie.

    I do however find myself attracted to the more heroic characters. I always have since I was a kid, I was mesmerized by Optimus Prime as a small child and still hold a fascination for that character.

    I didn’t delibrately pick Guile in SF4. I went through several characters before him, including Abel, Gouken, Akuma Chun and Ryu.

    When I picked Guile he just felt natural to me and fun. His strong zoning and anti airs made him a good pick for me.

    I don’t think I’d ever felt zoning was my strong point before now but the increased quality of my competition as an adult has forced me to play to my strengths in order to win. The simple fact was I was winning more with Guile in Vanilla than any other character. In Super, Guile was tonnes of fun to play Sadly in AE, Guile feels weaker as a character for me than he’s ever been. If I could go back, I think I would have gone with Sagat, but three years in playing as one character it's difficult to shift my mindset :)

    With the superior knowledge I have now about learning games I am looking forward to the next fighting game that I enjoy so I can learn anew, with a bit more wherewithal than any other so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    I don't really know what to say without shaming myself :pac:

    I'll give this a think and I'll post when I have something

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭Naphiel

    For now I'll stick with BB, but I might try write something on Paul or Jun from Tekken later. I'm just going to steal the layout Ken used because it's clear.

    I've always liked Hakumen's character since the first time I ever put my copy of CT in my PS3, but I was never able to get anywhere with him since I lacked the execution to play him and was terrible at defence at the time. I really liked the sense of mystery around him and like finding out more about him as the story progresses. Over half of the cast are terrified of him and rightly so as he seems to crush almost anyone he comes across in the story.

    I've always been into the whole sword and suit of armour style in any form of video game, so naturally I was interested in Hakumen. The symbols for Zanshin (his counters), Yukikaze and Retribution just appealed to me.

    He's your stereotypical mystery fighter style character you see in plenty of anime, but I like that.

    Hakumen is a really stubborn character but I really liked his determination. No matter what had to be done, he'd do it and would never waver. This makes him come across as inhuman a lot of the time, as he seems like a literal suit of armour, but in certain scenes we're reminded just how human he is (the scene with Tsubaki in CS). He has a strong sense of justice and admires characters like Bang and Tsubaki who share that quality.

    Fighting Game Stuff
    Personally, my favourite thing about Hakumen is his fighting style. Hakumen controls the match. He has possibly the strongest defence in the game, controls spacing and forces your opponent to really think things through. If a Hakumen player downloads you and knows what you're going to do next, unless you manage to change your playstyle, you're doomed. I also really like the style of his combos, as he can carry you to exactly where he wants you on the screen and looks stylish doing so.

    Also Yukikaze.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 289 ✭✭SirAuronDX

    I'll give you two sets of areas here from my chosen character in street fighter and chosen character in Blaz.

    Normally im the kind of guy that plays obscure characters who in story wise are just there or have some wise sense about them.

    Design- Valkenhayn
    I always enjoyed the wise old man stereotype. But for him hes nimble and lethal as he can transform into a wolf. Who can say that? I use a werewolf old man butler.

    Design- Cody
    If there was a character i do enjoy its also the fallen heros. Aka "that guy who don't give a damn". Cody fits this concept to a t. Was loved and adored for being a hero but all he wanted to do was fight. He continued fighting and was slapped up in jail. So his prison stripes and handcuffs gave him the badguy look. But his demeanor gave off the look that he really didnt care

    Character- Valkenhayn
    Valkenhayn will always do what his lady asks. but this doesnt mean he has gripes of his own. He being one of the six heros had that encounter where terumi ended up dicking them over. For a calm wise man you can hear his anger and rage breaking through as he fights hazama. Whereas if he fights an old friend like hakumen his voice still remains calm and wise. Even going to the point of pointing out how hakumens armour is only giving a fraction of his strength and how old valkenhayn has become he declares it "A fair duel"

    Character- Cody
    As guy says he still thinks cody has some sense of justice to destroy evil in him. But cody puts it down to his own will to fight. "i fight by myself nowadays". He wanders along just wanting to get into a fight.

    Fighting Style- Valkenhayn
    IMO i love valkenhayns style. Most people look upon the old man and think he'll have some sort of slow movement. But then he transforms into a wolf and your world suddenly turns into seven shades of trouble. He uses intense pressure and mixups to his advantage. In a trade off however he can't get out of pressure for free unless he has a distortion which is still unsafe.

    Fighting Style- Cody
    Cody picks up rocks. Throws sand. Uses a knife. I'd say cody is the closest thing to an actual street fighter in this game but all sense is lost when he picks up rocks from a steel girder. Anyway. Cody is a power house. he keeps pressure on and if he gets a hit he will more than likely end up doing obscene amounts of damage. Like valkenhayn the trade off is that he has no get out option and the one that can get out is unsafe.

    Maybe i just like characters who do insane damage and pressure but when knocked down they lose the match

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭Vyze

    Guess I'll just do a short overview of why I picked my character in BB:

    I guess Nu looked pretty stylish in CT. I mean, every character in BB is designed after some kind of generic anime trope so nobody will actually look original, but she at least looked a bit more distinctive to BlazBlue, I couldn't imagine throwing her into any other anime fighter and having her fit in, whereas half of the rest of the cast wouldn't stand out as being odd in games like Arcana Heart or Melty Blood. Her combos always look slick in every game, so even the simple stuff looks impressive.

    I dunno, I try not to pay too much attention to fighting game stories. She's a robot and makes cool "vrrrm" noises when you do her D moves.

    Fighting Game Stuff
    What I like about Lambda is that she's a zoning character but a lot of her play is about moving from full screen to in your face and back again. It's not just a case of running away and throwing **** all over the screen (unless I'm playing against a Tager). Plus she really seems to reward being creative. A random D intended to force the opponent to block might land and you have to be able to improvise to get the opponent in the right position to jump into a combo. You can essentially modularise all of her various combo pieces and put them together like a jigsaw until you've built a combo together. This way, instead of learning 10 different combos for 10 different situations, you learn 5 important building blocks and work out how to move the opponent to an appropriate position to make one of those blocks work.

    Now, I'm pretty terrible at Tekken, but I feel that Lili is quite the same for me for the gameplay and stylish combo reasons.

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭chueytoo

    Thanks for all reply smile.gif I knew doom you would give me alot of info on the sf cast, cheers. I was just wondering could you guys also state difference in how you think when your in a competition in a these fighting games and when your not. basically whats inside your head when your in DOC/CXC/Inferno etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 158 ✭✭Liquidswords

    You might find this video quite interesting. Besides the characters that flat out didn't make it there's some early versions of characters that did. Dude licking the knife looks like a psychopathic Cody.

    As far as my own character choices I played Fei Long in vanilla because Bruce Lee was a bauce and Fei Long is super easy to play. Plus it's cool how he's so nonchalant about how he's going to get all up in that ass. He's not good or evil he just wants to slap people about and prove he's the best, that's awesome. His aggressive playstyle was another factor in maining him, defensive characters are boring and make you look scared, frightening people into making mistakes is way more fun than boring them into making mistakes.

    After vanilla I switched to Akuma because he's more of a stereotypical street fighter character with a more complex playstyle than Fei Long who's linearity had made him a pretty stale character to play. While he's an "evil" character with sexy purple air dookens and demons his main goal story wise is simply putting boot in ass, he doesn't want to save the world or take it over he just wants to wreck your sh!t, awesome. He has to turtle up a fair bit though and be patient a lot of the time which I simply can't cope with.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    I'll do up a write-up on my main characters in SF/BB/Tekken

    Sakura is a schoolgirl, pretty traditional character really that you would see in anime and the likes. She looks up to Ryu after watching a video of him taking part in a tournament.

    Her character is what appealed to me the most about her. I feel in a way that she and I are similar in some ways, we both look up to people and we both are very impressionable. She works really hard to try and improve and show that she's capable of holding her own against the tougher established fighters and that's how I kinda feel coming into this scene. And I like her "cutesy" attitude as well in round win poses.

    Fighting Game Stuff
    Sakura has one of the highest damage outgames in SFIV. Her zoning/keepout is average but her pressure is very good and her damage is insane, her tatsu loops are a little execution heavy. She opens up the opponents with CH setups from her cr.lp > or her lk tatsu or even her cl.hp which leads into a lot of damage. Her playstyle is an "inferior" version of Ryu's with her own little twist on it. Her shouken is actually a bad habit, she tries to do a shoryuken but always took a few steps before doing it.

    Noel Vermillion is a lieutenant of the NOL and her role is to get a fellow member Jin back to his post. Noel is the main heroine of BlazBlue. She is dressed in her NOL uniform. I don't really know much about her backstory so any BB heads correct this up if they wish :p

    Noel is a very awkward character, she tries to see the good in everyone, she only wants to protect those that she is close to (Tsubaki, Makoto, Carl etc.). We have similar characteristics and Noel finds out at the end of CS of her true origins and this has emotionally shattered her and she changes.

    Fighting Game Stuff
    Noel is very similar to Sakura in the fact that they both have massive damage output and bad zoning/keepout. Noel has to resort to using unsafe methods to open up her opponents so she is a high risk high reward character. Her main combo started is her sweep which is unsafe on block. Noel can go random with her 4D and 5D although I think they can be hit out of on reacton. I'm not really sure :p

    Emilie De Rochefort is the daughter of a successful oil businessman in Monaco. She is a very graceful character, dressing in fancy clothing. She is portrayed as a "spoilt rich teenage girl" or even a "daddy's girl" Her costume is based on "lolita" which is very popular in Japan

    Even though she is portrayed as a cocky bitch in her intro/win poses, she has a deep affection for her father, her father does not support violence but Lili enters the tournament in secrecy to save her father's business although she actually ends up running him bankrupt. She speaks in a very posh accent.
    She is a very competitive person, she has a constant rivalry with a fellow school student Asuka Kazama. (Bit like me and ladnopoka :p)

    Fighting Game Stuff
    To be honest, I don't really know her playstyle much. All I know that she has very solid damage and especially against the wall, she has very high damage output with her cartwheels. She has good long range pokes with d 3 +4 and d + 1 (I think that's the step kick).

    The similarities with these 3 characters is that they all have very high damage output and fun combos to boot. And I like the character design as well. Basically "the young teenage girl" stereotype applies to all of these characters.

    I hope that helped and stuff etc.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭ogiekeaney

    Certainly some of the character design was influenced from classic martial arts cinema.


    Fei Long and Vega

    Chun Li and Dhalsim

    or just nicked from real life

    M. Bison errr i mean Balrog

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Only barely related: King Cobra, oh my god. How was this smooth mothafúcka passed over for Rufus/Fuerte?
    Further proof that Ono/Capcom is out of touch with reality.

  • Registered Users Posts: 567 ✭✭✭Vyze

    Fergus_ wrote: »
    Fighting Game Stuff
    To be honest, I don't really know her playstyle much. All I know that she has very solid damage and especially against the wall, she has very high damage output with her cartwheels. She has good long range pokes with d 3 +4 and d + 1 (I think that's the step kick).
    Just to help a bit with notation, but I assume you mean d+3 for her step kick (the one where she uses her left foot). 1,2,3,4 are left punch, right punch, left kick and right kick respectively.

    Her d+3+4 is a pretty short range launcher where she does a handstand and kicks almost vertically into the air.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    Vyze wrote: »
    Just to help a bit with notation, but I assume you mean d+3 for her step kick (the one where she uses her left foot). 1,2,3,4 are left punch, right punch, left kick and right kick respectively.

    Her d+3+4 is a pretty short range launcher where she does a handstand and kicks almost vertically into the air.

    Oh I was thinking of the one where she does a backflip towards the opponent kicking them.

    Oh it's df 3 + 4

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Joe are you happy with the answer form the guys are doing so far?

    I don't want to go off on a crazy tangent if 95% of what I write is useless to the question you want answered.
    For example, Ragna to me is clearly an evolution of the Ryu archetype. The lonely fighter who can appear distant but who has a heart of gold. He’s also not to far off being a full blown shotoclone (He has the DP and deathuspiku is pretty much a tatsu- a move designed to move you across the screen rapidly).

    Can't really argue with Ragna's archetype, I think it's interesting that they set up him in the first half of the CT opening to look like a villain.

    Crazy zombie-like walk, differently coloured eyes, prominent black/red colour scheme, and apparently shooting blood out of his hand and sword. The only character you see him fight in the intro is Jin, who is styled as a very traditional looking protagonist (lots of whites/blues).

    It's only really at the end of the intro when he smiles you think that maybe he's not a bad guy.

    Move-set wise though, he's pretty much Fei Long. He's got the DP, the Chicken wing, and as well as the traditional Rekka attack. In fact, his DP and his chicken wing also "rekka" into other specials.

    Worth noting as well that he DOESN'T have a fireball. Nobody here has claimed that he does, but I think it's kind of unusual for a main character in a game where there are fireballs to not have one himself.

    As for the boss characters, they weren’t originally designed to be played, so it’s hard to look at them from that perspective but they’re pretty obvious bad guy stereotypes.

    Sagat is the most intriguing of the 4 bosses. Firstly he’s that most common and popular of bad guys in pop culture the Doppelganger. Moveset wise he’s the dark mirror to Ryu.....
    From the FMVs I think Ragna and Hazama have a similar relationship, although their move sets are dissimilar.

    The relationship between Ragna and Hazama is pretty complex, but I don't believe it's a dark mirror/doppelganger one.

    Without going too much into plotwhore mode, Hazama is more or less the Devil.

    Pretty much every bad thing that has happened in the lore of the game can be attributed back to him. Including the destruction of the world, and almost every single personal tragedy that every character (playable or other) has experienced.

    He's ruined a lot of peoples' lives, but Ragna's more than most. Ragna is just out for revenge.

    Hazama's goals and interests are way wider in scope, and complexity than anyone realises. As far as we're aware for most of the plot, he has no interest in Ragna at all.

    Ragna's "rival" equivalent character is Jin (even though that stops making story sense after the end of CS2) and Hazama's is Relius (they don't have any antagonism between them, but they're the Red and Blue onis of the bad guy team/mirror opposites of each other).

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    Uber I think you're kinda missing the entire point of my post that the SF characters are simple archetypes which other games have built up upon. Of course Ragna/ Hazama's relationship is way more complex than Ryu/ Sagats, something would be very wrong if it was as simple as theres was. Hazama is not a doppelganger indeed but he clearly slots into the archrival position for the main character the way Sagat does.

    As for your second question Chuey, I am not sure if I completely understand it- because I play in a lot of tournaments, when I am playing at home I would usually spend a large proportion of the time preparing for tournaments, so there wouldn't be a huge difference in my mind sets between the two, save for I might go for a few more difficult combos at home as I'm practicing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Uber I think you're kinda missing the entire point of my post that the SF characters are simple archetypes which other games have built up upon. Of course Ragna/ Hazama's relationship is way more complex than Ryu/ Sagats, something would be very wrong if it was as simple as theres was. Hazama is not a doppelganger indeed but he clearly slots into the archrival position for the main character the way Sagat does.

    I don't think I'm missing the point at all, I'm just elaborating on some of your points since I know you're not that into Blazblue.

    What I'm saying is that I don't believe the comparison you're drawing in this case is equivalent.

    You're comparing Ryu and Sagat based on their moves and your knowledge of the plot (fair enough), and Ragna and Hazama just from them sharing screentime in FMV sequences (less fair).

    I think it's a case of lone hero versus big bad being more marketable in promotional media than anything relating to the plot. That's why Arksys pair them up in FMVs. It just looks cool.

    Capcom did it too:


    There was zero plot or design rivalry between Bison and Ryu at this time.

    Similarly, Hazama isn't a rival for Ragna. He's the big-bad.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    You're comparing Ryu and Sagat based on their moves and your knowledge of the plot (fair enough), and Ragna and Hazama just from them sharing screentime in FMV sequences (less fair).

    I think it's a case of lone hero versus big bad being more marketable in promotional media than anything relating to the plot. That's why Arksys pair them up in FMVs. It just looks cool.

    Similarly, Hazama isn't a rival for Ragna. He's the big-bad.

    Uh... No I'm not, I follow BB's plot quite a bit.

    They don't just share some screen time in FMVs, Hazama as Terumi tore off ragna's arm and killed his sister then cloned her so I think it's fair to say their might be a bit of animosity between the two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭chueytoo

    Yeah I'm happy with the answer so far. It allows me to get a general idea on the archtype.

    oh my 2nd part of the question, is to do with how you think other pressure. I know you would still do your best at home when practicing but in a tournement something is usually on the line. (well for some anyway)

    Like if you were playing online, usually you would think differently or care less when your in a toruney (then again some people care alot about online) DOn't worry that question isn't too important.

    its sterotype and arch types of the characters and why people pick certain character design (and what that design means to them) before they even play them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,239 ✭✭✭UberPrinny_Baal

    Uh... No I'm not, I follow BB's plot quite a bit.

    They don't just share some screen time in FMVs, Hazama as Terumi tore off ragna's arm and killed his sister then cloned her so I think it's fair to say their might be a bit of animosity between the two.

    You only mentioned their presence in FMVs together in your initial post. I didn't know you were into the plot (you're actually only half right on both of the points you bring up though :P).

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  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    chueytoo wrote: »
    Yeah I'm happy with the answer so far. It allows me to get a general idea on the archtype.

    oh my 2nd part of the question, is to do with how you think other pressure. I know you would still do your best at home when practicing but in a tournement something is usually on the line. (well for some anyway)

    Like if you were playing online, usually you would think differently or care less when your in a toruney (then again some people care alot about online) DOn't worry that question isn't too important.

    its sterotype and arch types of the characters and why people pick certain character design (and what that design means to them) before they even play them.

    I'm personally not very happy with my tournament play at the moment, but I think a lot of it is frustration with AE Guile.

    In general I play very lame in tournaments as you don't like to take risks but am prone to panicing when on the defensive and throwing out flash kicks. Back in Super you'd have meter to FADC it but not any more :(
