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Half Iron Elvis



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    interested wrote: »
    Congrats on the swimming, great progress being made and hopefully it all comes nicely together early September.

    Thanks for that i'm just glad to finally see progress in the pool !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    10k at 5:33 pace at lunch, no crazy fast but felt good !

    The heat was really bad and i didn't have enough fliuds on me. I had to stop at 7k to cool down for 30 sec, legs and chest were fine but i was just overheating.

    Good strong finish and its nice to do a 55 min 10k on a monday lunchtime, i'm happy that my running is coming on as well seeing as this time last year 60 min 10k was the norm for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on cracking the swim!! You've obviously broken the code and there's no stopping you now!! Congratulations!! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done on cracking the swim!! You've obviously broken the code and there's no stopping you now!! Congratulations!! :D

    Thanks, i have no idea what i did but something clicked !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Swim this morning, i actually had some time so split the session up

    2 lengths to make sure nose clip and goggles were right.

    12 lengths ( roughly 220m ) i did this as fast as i could as thats the distance in our club test tri, i've never got it under 6 min. I did it in 5:38 today so i'm starting to progress.

    Next 22 lengths at normal pace ( just under 400m ). I wanted 400m as a test session set, i did the 1st one in 11:58

    A 2 min rest and calf stretch

    Another 22 lengths and this time it took 12:20.

    I then got out of the pool and got into the sauna for a few min. From there i hit the steam room.

    Again i got back in the pool and did another 22 lengths, this time on 11:03 so the short rest helped me.

    I was then going to get out but decided to do another 4 lengths that ended up being 22 which i didn't time but it was slow !

    So in total roughly 1800m done. I was tired after it but i am starting to see progress in my swim after such a long time.

    Tomorrow is a long brick to test out fuel on the bike/run and give myself some confidence that i can get to the end of Lost Sheep.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Long brick yesterday and i used it to work out my fuel for Lost Sheep.

    99k on the bike with one serious climb at 45k to 52k. It went well and i kept my average speed at 26k which is roughly what i'd like to do at Lost Sheep. I don't want to attack the bike too fast and have nothing left in the tank for the run. The wind was tough and i felt strong after the climb so i think my bike is ready for what i want to do.

    I had a bag of wine gums, 2 energy bars, 500ml of water and 750ml of energy drink on the wasn't enough, i needed more fluids from 75k onwards and another energy bar.

    Off the bike and i felt ok, 400ml of chilled water and off we went ( another guy from the club came who is a much stronger runner than me ) we had decided to go out at half marathon pace but ended up just below 10k pace.

    I we a 6k loop and i was amazed that i could do 10k pace off that distance of bike, i actually had to slow us down a few times. I slowed down for the last k and treated it as a warm down. 6k in 34 odd min which was ok and would have led to a 57 min 10k.

    No food on the run but i'll need to have a bar when i get off the bike, some more energy drink and some jellies on the run.

    Overall a really good session and i know when i get out of the water the cycle and run is well within my reach.

    Cycle will be at yesterdays pace but run will be slower.

    Just to add i had choc milk after i was finished and within 45 min i was back to normal, a small hypo but feel fine today.

    No training today, i'm working tonight so busy busy.

    Pool tomorrow and club test tri on sat morning and i'm looking for that magic sub 50 min !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    I'm bloody tired !

    Working til almost 4am and back up at 7:30 to head out the door.

    I have to decide now if an evening swim session would be counter productive. I think i'll still go over do it and do some sauna and hot tub time for the legs.

    I do 1k and then club test tri in the morning.


    220m swim
    14.7k cycle
    3.6k run

    I've been floating at 50:45 or 51 min for the last yr and i really want to get it under 50 tomorrow. It would really boast my confidence !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Crazy busy week or so with 7 gigs in 9 days with training, working, commuting and the kids i'm wrecked.

    I got one long session in last week with a 65k cycle and 10k run. I got soaked and destroyed on the bike with the rain/wind. I only put in a few short hills but they are getting easier and easier.

    The 65k was done at an average speed of 32.7k and i could have pushed it harder but stayed off.

    With the run i got into a nice rhythm from the off but i went off too fast, i wanted to do it at the pace i'm hoping for this weekend but was too fast.The 1st 5k i did in 28:40 and i needed to do that in about 33 as there is a tough up hill section in the 1st half on sat. My 2nd half was in 30:30 which was a little slower but i was getting tired as well.

    I went with wine gums, energy bars and energy drink. All went well !

    For sat i think i'll addd the energy jellies for the run as they are easy to carry, no gels for me.

    I did another few 5k runs but nothing too special.

    Final long swim tongiht and i hope it goes well as i need the confidence.

    I know if i get the swim out of the way i'll get to the finish line, i'm enjoying the cycling and the run is in my legs ( evne if it is slow )

    I have a sore left groin so i'm going to keep an eye on it. I changed my car and i think my body has to get used to the new seating position !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    No swim last night as my groin was still a little sore. I put it off to this evening and i did a nice 1200m.

    First 200m was awful until i settled into my stroke and then it was just length after length. I did it in about 30 min which is crazy when you think a few months ago it took me that long to do 750:o

    Club aquathon on tomorrow and i'll just do the swim to get some ow !

    Bike cleaned, energy bars sorted. I'm getting my gear together bit by bit.

    Its getting real now and come 3pm on sat my log will have ben fulfilled !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Got a visor to soak up the sweat as it looks like its gonna be warm, also getting a short sleeved cycle top as it might not be very warm at 9am.

    No swim this evening as i have to get all my gear together, i'm working a half day tomorrow.

    I think i'll grab a sneaky 60 min nap before registration as well:)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Best of luck at the weekend elvis.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Best of luck at the weekend elvis.

    Thanks !

    My wife will have FB updates going on my own page and Up and Over.

    Once i get the swim done my race starts, i hope she gets a pic of the smile on my face getting out of the water !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Lost Sheep was 88% ok :D

    Puked 3 times on the swim and finally had to give up i wanted to do the cycle or run.

    I did both and the in the end it was a tip toe down the hills cause my calves were in bits.

    I crossed the line in 6:46 which would have be correct had i finished the swim, offically it was a DNF but to me it was a 900m swim, 83k bike and 21k run..........

    Full report tomorrow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    So i suppose i should do a report of some sort !

    Arrived down on Friday evening where we had a house rented between some club members. We brought down our own dinner and had that before heading to registration/briefing.

    Got that out of the way and it was back to the house to set up all our equipment etc.

    Race Day

    Up at 5:50 and did some porridge, sat down with the other lads and had a chat while listening to some music.

    6:20 and off we went to transition which was lovely going through an empty Kenmare. Bike/helmet check and in we went.

    A lot of our club members were racked together which really helped with the nerves as i spent a lot of time just talking etc.

    I got some fluids into me and set up all my cycle/run gear along with food and drink.

    10 min warning came and on went the wetsuit. Then it was time for the 1.3km walk down to the pier to start.


    Most will know this is my weakness and the sad thing is i had to retire from the swim but it wasn't for the reasons in the past:(

    Down to the pier and we have to bring footwear with us for the run back to transition. I went with my crocs as i love wearing them any chance and lets face it i wasn't going to be sprinting back.

    Into the water and the 1st thing i thought was, wow the temp is great.

    I put on my goggles and got the head under the water, all was good.

    The horn went off and i stayed at the back, into a nice slow rhthym and stroke but my goggles started to let in water so i stopped and fixed them. Off i went again and lot long later it happened again........stop, fix, off !

    The 3rd time it happened a jet ski came over and i rested an arm on him while i fixed them. I pushed off too hard and went under swallowing a few gallons of water:o i thought i was ok but soon after........PUKE. I kept going but once again.......PUKE and my nose clip went this time so it was a rather large burst !

    I stopped and was asked was i ok. I had to think and made the decision to get out as if i had kept going i would have ( and did ) puke again.

    All in all i hadn't even made it to the 1st buoy so not even half way done on the swim.

    It was a hard decision but i wanted to do the cycle/run and if i had kept that up i would have been lucky to get even the swim finished.

    When i got back to the pier the guys from Cork Tri club were straight over and were so nice to me.

    I had to wait until the last person was out of the water before i could grab my gear and head for transition.

    As i did i get clapped by the crowd and felt like stopping to say, hey i don't deserve that keep it for those who actually did 1.9k

    Back to transition and with my chip gone i had to time myself. I still got through as fast as i could as there was still the matter of 80k bike and 21k run to do.


    I opted for tri suit and cycle top over it as my gear. Out of transition and yikes.........nothing in my legs at all. I was pushing and doing a nice pace but for a change it was taking a lot of effort for the 1st 15k and then i got a good feeling for it.

    In the 1st 10k i met at least 5 guys coming back in who seemed to have given up on the cycle which i found strange.

    Reached the 1st climb of the day which was about 3k long and had a few twists on it (1st energy bar here ) Girl i passed thought it was the Healy Pass, she almost cried when i told her were hadn't reached it yet. I got into a comfortable position and just worked the legs the whole way up and at a pace i knew my body was used to. Soon enough the 1st climb was done and we were decending which i enjoyed and passed a few on the way down.

    Some wine gums before i hit the Healy.

    Next it was the Healy for real and this will live with me as long as i do. The climb was good but when you think your at the top and you go around a corner to see another 2k ahead of you:).

    My pace stayed roughly the same and i just kept plugging away, a few passed me but i didn't mind as i was racing myself and not them. So finally i reach the pinch at the top and fair play to the guy from Waterford Tri Club who were there dressed up as bananas and the devil getting people over it ( i swear next yr i'll bring down a dj rig and set it up there:D )

    The decent from there was just wow, wow is all i can say. I felt blessed to be there on such a lovely day and to be able to do it.

    Another energy bar at the bottom and wine gums before i hit the Caha.

    Between that and the Caha pass there is one long drag on a main rd that goes on for ages but as a short fast decent that i hit 72km/hr on which is my fastest ever time.

    Not soon after i picked up some energy drink and the Caha started. Just at the bottom i got cramp in my hamstring and had to stop for 5 sec to stretch.

    The Caha was just long and boring if i'm honest, around another corner and another small climb. It was a lot easier than the Healy but went on for so long and legs were tired from the climbing.

    I had a bag of Power Bar energy shots going up the Caha.
    Finally i seen it...........the tunnel and that meant doooooooooooooown hill !!!! I enjoyed this with wide turns and speed until i hit the bad surface which shook me senseless and i passed out another 5 or 10 frok here back to Kenmare as i got down in the bars ans stretched out the legs.

    Bike time was 3:17, amazing my said my mate i'd be happy with 3:16 which was his 1st year time.

    As i got off the bike my hamstring cramped and i lost a min.

    I limped/ran back to transition trying to stretch it out and it seemed to work. Cycle top off ( sun was coming out ), visor on and some energy drink before i headed out on the run.


    All i can say is holy $hit that was a tough half marathon. I started off at a nice pace and two guys who came out with me quit within 1k with cramp problems in the hamstrings as well.

    The 1st 5k was fine, a steady pace and some climbs that i said wow it will be great to come down them on the way back ( more of that later ). I walked through the 1st water station and took on some fluids slowly. After that the energy begun to drop, i had eaten some more Power Bar shots before i left transition but the loss of my breakfast etc via the puking was coming back to haunt me as i needed more food that i didn't have. I just kept saying 1k more and i walked up hills and ran down them.

    I made it to the turnaround point and that seemed to give me some energy and i ran for 3k constantly. But from then on it was a struggle. My calves were starting to feel bad and if i tried to push it at all they were getting ready to cramp. This was made worse when i tried to go down hill at any sort of speed and they said noooooo !!! I was to tip toe down the hills after walking up them so i was left with no energy, no calves but a will to get to the end.

    There i was with 6k to go and it was a run/walk/tip toe to the end ! I kept it up and rounded the corner with 1.5k to go. I said right your running this no matter what happens and i did. I pushed and pushed until i was guided to the end line where Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy,Hey Girl was playing which was fitting if you know it !

    My half marathon was about 2:32 ( i forgot to press stop on my garmin ) which was slow but i did it.

    The clock at the end said 6:46 which tells me if my swim had gone as planned i would have been very close to that, i was hoping for under 7 with it being such a tough course.


    Looking back today i'm not on the finish list, i have no time, i am a DNF. But i'm not alone, some quit during the cycle, some at the end of the cycle, some during the run.

    I'm happy with what i did overall. I've gone from this time 3 yrs ago not being able to run 50 metres non stop to crossing the end line in one of Europes toughest half iron races ( is it one i've been told it is ?? ).

    I might not be Half Iron Elvis yet, but i'm not far off it:)

    Today i feel fine, i remember starting my journey and after a 5k run i couldn't exercise for 4 days after it. Yet tomorrow 3 days after 700m (ish) swim, 80k cycle with 2 mountain climbs and a half marathon...........i'll be doing 6k at lunch.

    Finally before i forget thanks to all who have replied to and follow this thread, those i had met and those i haven't, those i like and one i honestly can't stand anymore;), You've really helped me over the last 6 to 8 months as i worked towards Sept 8th so thank you so so much.

    My journey will go on and for 2013 Up and Over is my main aim...........BUT..........I am going to do Tri An Mhi Half Iron at the start of May !

    I'd rather spend one day living like a Lion than 100 years living like a sheep.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Hats off to you for the mental strength to get on the bike like you did. That takes guts when you know you won't have an official time. So, the swim did not go well, but you havent had much practice in open water, and you were just unlucky on the day. Massive kudos to you for completing the race. You are Half Iron Elvis. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Hats off to you for the mental strength to get on the bike like you did. That takes guts when you know you won't have an official time. So, the swim did not go well, but you havent had much practice in open water, and you were just unlucky on the day. Massive kudos to you for completing the race. You are Half Iron Elvis. :)

    Na i have to see my name on the finishers list, i'm not far off it and just glad it wasn't panic etc that finished my swim. I wouldn't mind but i wore the aqua sphere goggles as they are normally stuck to my face:o

    Still it was an amazing experience and i think i like these long distances races, mad as it sounds.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Na i have to see my name on the finishers list, i'm not far off it and just glad it wasn't panic etc that finished my swim. I wouldn't mind but i wore the aqua sphere goggles as they are normally stuck to my face:o

    Still it was an amazing experience and i think i like these long distances races, mad as it sounds.
    Sounds like a potential Iron Elvis talking :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Oryx wrote: »
    Sounds like a potential Iron Elvis talking :)

    2014 in Frankfurt has been mentioned and so has divorce:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I agree with Oryx, your mental strength and determination to cross the finish line are impressive - I don't think the word "quit" is in your vocabulary. The swim will come - it doesn't have to be pretty, but you will get it down and gain confidence as you rack up the meters in the pool.

    Regarding the goggles, I always make sure I practice a few times in the goggles with the exact swim cap configuration I'll be donning on race day. For me, a swim cap changes how my goggles fit. Another thing that I've found is my goggles tend to leak if I have any kind of moisturizer or lotion on my face - I guess it prevents a good seal. Just a few ideas for you...

    Again, impressive day....and super report. Nothing but respect. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    In the 1st 10k i met at least 5 guys coming back in who seemed to have given up on the cycle which i found strange.

    I accounted for one of these (didnt see others) - Id a slight calf strain coming into a race I was DNF'ing in anyhow (broke right foot at end of May after entering 3 different HIM ;) and no where near enough running done since to chance it). After the swim, I really tweaked the calf whilst moving to transition and it was screaming at me all the way on the bike. After 20k I came to the conclusion it was best to turn around since after that its kinda the point of no return.

    Congrats on getting around. The 'puking' ? may very well have been caused by the jetski helping you. They emit so much fuel into the water its ridiculous AND one of them deemed it appropriate to whizz across the entire field as the race was starting. I really wonder sometimes - since Kenmare is the only place Ive seen these things used for 'safety'.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 707 ✭✭✭d4r3n

    Fair play for continuing when you were pulled from the water, I'd imagine most would have packed it in.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    d4r3n wrote: »
    Fair play for continuing when you were pulled from the water, I'd imagine most would have packed it in.


    No i had spent months getting ready for it and when i was on my way back in i was actually laughing as i i knew the swim was my problem but before this it was panic attacks and just not being able to do be taken out for another ready was just ironic.

    The only bit i didn't like was being clapped from the pier to T1 as i hadn't earned that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Had planned to run yesterday evening but heading on holidays tomorrow and nothing ready so had to wash/pack and i still have nothing ready:D

    Finished in work early today so i hope that i can get on the bike for a quick 20k or so.

    A funny thought came into my head this morning.

    In 2006 i was a crazy weight and started dieting and trying to lose weight. There was a walking track beside me that did a few times a week and i was slow. I would watch others running it and go wow i'd love to be able to try that. I did one day and lasted 100m:o

    Until this morning i have never thought if it.

    Since then i've lost over 3 stone and have done half marathons, marathons, triathlons and 88% of a half Ironman.

    In 2013 i'll do an event thats 1007km over 11 days including 5 marathons in 5 days.

    All this from a guy who less than 6 yrs ago couldn't run 100m.

    I've come a long way baby.

    Time for 2 weeks off ( well not really i'll run and swim ) and then all focus moves to Up and Over.

    No updates until Sept 29th............Lanzarote here i come:cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Had to post to say i got the job in Laois and start on Oct 1. So my commuting days are over, gone are my 20 hrs a week commuting and it will be about an hour in total:)

    Still haven´t done anything in Lanzarote but i do intend to do so in the morning, i´m sick of beer:o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Well i'm back and started my new job last week. Its a shock to the system getting out of bed at 7:10, having time to shower and still making it to work for 7:50:eek:

    I got new runners a few weeks ago and hadn't used them yet so headed out for a short run this morning to break them in. Just a gentle 5k to bed them in and get back on the training horse.

    Main focus until christmas will be running and swimming. I need to be up to 10k a day with ease in order to be ready for Up and Over training !

    Swimming is always my problem so with the pool 400m from me in work i'm going to get in 4 times a week.

    Cycling will be a turbo session once a week and a spin at the weekend.

    The next 12 weeks are very important !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Had to post to say i got the job in Laois and start on Oct 1. So my commuting days are over, gone are my 20 hrs a week commuting and it will be about an hour in total:)

    Best of luck in the new job. You wont know yourself with all that spare time! I would love if I didnt have to commute to work.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Best of luck in the new job. You wont know yourself with all that spare time! I would love if I didnt have to commute to work.


    its some difference. I'm in training for 7 weeks so i'll see timing etc when i start proper and have to arrange my other training ! But this 7 weeks gives me a great chance to work on my basic fitness !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Finished work at 16:15:D and went for a quick 6.5k at 5:50 pace, legs were fine but chest played up in the middle. Felt good at the end and nice to do a post work run and be showered and finished by 17:30 !!

    I met with a big sponsor for up and over this evening. They are providing full sports science and biomechanics for us.

    I'm getting new orthotics, biomechanic profiling, nutrition, hydration, physio. They are going to help me and focus on weight loss with my training by working on my fat burning zone.

    I'm going to start wearing the HR monitor on runs and keeping some info for them.

    I'm also getting the V02 max test done in Nov.

    I'm chuffed to get all this, it will really help long term and not only with Up & Over !!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    Nothing today but spending a lot of time working on Up & Over, there is sooooooooooo much to be done !

    Running at lunch tomorrow, prob 6.5 to 8k depending on time.

    Back swimming Thursday at lunch.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,197 ✭✭✭elvis jones

    5.5k today at lunch. I'm still trying to find different options on routes etc. I have a good 5.5, 6.5 and hope to put some of them together to make a nice 8k and 10k.

    Anyway i took off at a slow pace today kept it at that for the full lap. Enjoyed it and finally getting some feeling back in my legs after a few weeks off.

    Plan is to run tomorrow and swim on friday because of timing at work !
