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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Amazing! Your commitment to training is inspiring as usual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, December 29th, 2014

    Run plan: rest day 4 miles recovery

    You can only imagine the panic that shot through my body when it was suggested that today be a complete rest day. :eek: But, but.....I have this little gig called the December run streak that I'm sort of involved with...and there's only 3 days left...and I can't stop now....not that I'm in a pissing match with any of the other athletes or's just that, well, I just can't quit.


    Thank the good lord above an edit to the plan was made - an active recovery was suggested, and I snatched it up like a addict on crack. :D

    But, I didn't feel in the mood to make the effort to change into all those layers of winter running clothes I'd have to change into if I were to do this outside :rolleyes::o, so instead I did this sneaky lunchtime style in the warm and cozy basement on the trusty treadie. Other than some general fatigue (I need more sleep!), the body feels pretty darned good! And today was day #1 of weaning myself off the holiday crap and onto healthier food. New Year's Day will see a complete cleaning up of my diet, but I'm still on the fence about giving up my Strawber-Rita-Margaritas. (and those seasonal Cranber-Rita-Margaritas are pretty yummy too!) May have to either flip a coin or consult our resident alcohol-as-a-training-tool advocate, Mr. K.G. !! ;):)

    Actual run: 4 warm and cozy recovery treadie miles

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    New Year's Day will see a complete cleaning up of my diet, but I'm still on the fence about giving up my Strawber-Rita-Margaritas. (and those seasonal Cranber-Rita-Margaritas are pretty yummy too!) May have to either flip a coin or consult our resident alcohol-as-a-training-tool advocate, Mr. K.G. !! ;):)

    You put in the years of denial when you were Little Twist, time to live a little now. In that regard I'd suggest you keep them, it's all about balance. You seem to be capable of limiting your Strawber-Rita's to a sensible amount, so that they don't affect their training. Bottoms up!:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    You put in the years of denial when you were Little Twist, time to live a little now. In that regard I'd suggest you keep them, it's all about balance. You seem to be capable of limiting your Strawber-Rita's to a sensible amount, so that they don't affect their training. Bottoms up!:)

    :) Then bottoms up it will be!! No sense arguing with poster of the year. Plus, this bottom will be bottoms up in the pool very soon. :D Electrician coming out to plug that bad boy in at 8:30 tomorrow morning!!! Whoop whoop whoop!!! (note the 3-whoop-er!! ;))

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

    Run plan: 4 miles recovery

    I must confess, I have totally enjoyed these two days of recovery. :) The body needed them, the mind needed them, and after running my @ss off last week, this was really necessary. Kids, rest and recovery are reallyreallyreally important!!

    Today's little trot was done on the treadie this evening after work. Not much to say about it - shorts, t-shirt, hair in a pony tail and twisted up topsy-turvy. Oh, and there was music, of course. Tomorrow will see me easing back into some easy mileage...then a bit of quality work on New Year's Day.

    And speaking of New Year's Day, today was day #2 of the pre-New-Year's-Day-detoxification detoxification (translation: steering clear of the remaining cookies, fudge, cakes, confections, pies, and candy!), and it went pretty well. I keep trying to think of catchy little sayings to amuse me, like, once on the lips, twice on the are what you eat...or...garbage in, garbage out. And of course the controversial quote by Kate Moss, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels, was also in the queue...but when I think of that saying I also think about body weight and running performance. Any hoo....

    Actual run: 4 easy peasy, comfy cozy treadie miles

    Followed this little trot up with some nice stretching, loads of evil foam rolling, and a bit of core on the BOSU ball with the medicine ball.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, December 31st, 2014

    Run plan: 5 miles easy, am...7 miles easy, pm

    Well.....alarm went off at 4:15 this morning, and by cracky I was on that blasted treadmill doin' my thang by 4:30. :eek: (I really do need to have my head examined.) Good god there is not much worse than running at that insane hour of the morning...but if I wanted to get both runs in, then it was going to have to be one before work, and then one over lunch. Ohhhh, but that's right...I don't have to be over at a friend's house until, oh, 8:30 this evening...which means if I had gotten the memo about when my presence was requested, then I would have had time to knock out one of the runs AFTER work, which means I could have done run #1 over lunch, and run #2 after work, which means I got up at that awful hour for nothing. :(:mad:

    Any way...

    The second run of the day was done in a much more civilized noontime fashion. And I hit the jackpot for this last run of the year - gorgeous sunshine was in crazy abundance on this crisp winter day! Talk about feeling alive! Wow. And this run, with all its moving parts, set me up perfectly for a little introspection and reflection of 2014....and for some unexplained reason I was listening to a cd I've NEVER listened to while running, and I found myself doing my best Amy Lee, and it seemed so appropriate for the day it is/was. Confusing, but really not.

    Any way....

    This second run was good. It was my first proper run since the intense weekend of running and my legs still have all 32 miles in them. Fatigue. Even though I had two days of active recovery, the legs are no where near fresh. But, still, I kept this easy, and I could tell the last 2 miles were my strongest today. Nice final run for the year. :)

    Actual run: 5 god awful treadie miles at 4:30 in the morning!!!....followed up by 7 really nice year ending field miles while singing in the sunshine

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx


    Btw Happy New year... which it is in this timezone :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Oryx wrote: »

    Pot meet kettle....

    HNY to the two best examples on TDAR of what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. That we all may achieve in 2015 a fraction of what you two did in 2014.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Pot meet kettle....

    HNY to the two best examples on TDAR of what you can achieve if you put your mind to it. That we all may achieve in 2015 a fraction of what you two did in 2014.

    Your note is perfectly timed. Here I was writing up my final kiss off to 2014 when this post of yours came through on my phone. Perspective. Perspective is a funny thing....see...I was writing about what a crap year 2014 was for I was riddled with mechanicals, injuries, poor performances, and personal dynamics that were out of my control....and then you offer your perspective of my year. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me of a few things. :) No pity party here tonight. Nope. A few doors may have closed on me in 2014, but the windows that opened more than make up for what was lost. Thank you, Dilbert, for putting this in perspective. Happy New Year to you....and may everyone on Boards have an amazing 2015!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    A successful year, not despite the things that went wrong but because of them and because you didn't let them hold you back. Facing forward with optimism and confidence and the discipline to make the most of your talent. If I could end 2015 able to look back at half that I'd be, as they say round here, quare proud.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    From one year to the next.....

    Helloooo 2015. Where have you been all my life?


    Oh, don't you love new beginnings?? Don't you just love fresh starts?? Sure, every day is a fresh start when you awake in the morning, but New Year's Day is the granddaddy of them all - it's The Lord and Master of fresh starts....the grand pooh bah of magical beginnings....the big Kahuna of all things possible. :)(I am so freakin' excited!!!!)

    I'm so done with 2014 - in too many ways it was a flop and disappointment for me, but I will admit it also was not without value. Sometimes the byproduct of crap is something shiny - shiny in the form of knowledge, strength, acceptance, resolve, understanding, wisdom, and/or clarity - and I think I gained a healthy dose of each of those things in 2014, or at least I hope I have. Last year was full of distraction and lacked any real clarity - it felt like I did everything half-@ssed and nothing really well. This year will be different. Unless something happens that's unexpected or out of my control, 2015 is going to have clear and concise focus, with clear and concise targets, with clear and concise goals. In fact, it already does. :)

    I've four big races - Donadea 50k in February, Boston marathon in April, Eagleman 70.3 in June, and IM Louisville in October. Run focus, then IM thing at a time....and hopefully each one will build on the next. Oh, I'm sure mistakes will be made along the fact, I've probably already made a few...but overall I'm happy with my choices and with my approach for 2015 based on the goals I've set for myself and the things I want to achieve in this year. 2014 was it's own year. This year will be different. And I suspect 2016 will be even different still. (Another fresh start just a year away!)

    It's only 11 hours into the new year here, and it's a spectacular in which the sun could not possibly shine any brighter nor the sky be any clearer. A good sign? I think so. Happy New Year, again, everyone. May 2015 be the best year ever!!

    And now, let the new year training begin!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, January 1st, 2015

    Run plan: 2 miles easy, 7 x (1 mile @ HMP, 2:30 recovery), 2 miles easy

    Doing a quality session after less than 5 hours sleep and inadequate nutrition is never ideal, but the show must go on, and on it did!

    Cold...quite cold, actually. And there was a bit of a breeze I had to battle that seemed to be more noticeable as the run went on. And frost...frost was on my path in the shaded areas too! So I did this all bundled up like an Eskimo to the point that I got way too hot and tossed my gloves aside after the warmup.

    When I wasn't slipping on the mud in the frost-melted areas, this run was fine...but it definitely got harder and took more effort as the HMP miles ticked by. I walked pieces of each recovery, which then morphed into a trot before I was back on my spiffy HMP pace (target was 7:15ish min/mile). I noticed I was quite slow on my cool down, which to me indicates the effort for the quality segments may have been higher than it should have been. !!!

    2 miles easy (stated as an average for the two miles) - 9:29 min/mile
    7 x 1 mile @ HMP - 7:14, 6:58, 7:02, 7:09, 7:07, 7:09, 7:13
    2 miles easy (stated as an average for the two miles) - 9:54 min/mile

    Actual run: 12.4 miles in 1:46:24 for an average pace of 8:35 min/mile

    Hopped on the Cat immediately after the run for a 30 minute little spin. Then it was on to the mat for stretching, core and foam rolling. !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Dory, you're absolutely killing it lately, and you still manage to be so upbeat and bubbly about it, if anyone deserves a killer season, you do.

    Best of luck in all your races!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, January 2nd, 2015

    Run plan: 5 miles recovery

    Done sneaky lunchtime style in the field. Seven times around the field plus a smidge extra, and it was in the books!!

    Actual run: 5 sneaky lunchtime miles done field style

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

    Run plan: 5 miles easy, am....7 miles easy, pm

    Got home from early work and headed out to get this first run done mid-morning field style, but as I stuck my leg out the door the heavens opened up and I said, "uh-uh". Not happening. Not today. Nope. Nada. No way. Too cold for this chickie in the rain on this day. I wanted comfort and warmth. Or at least not this! So...down the steps I trundled to the trusty treadie. Tunes, check. Water, check. And away we went....

    The skies cleared in the early afternoon, so run number 2 was done all bundled up in the muddy field. Legs and body felt great (nice to have had an easy week :)), and I felt weightless as I if my load was lighter. Music of choice to keep me company was Audioslave's Revelations. I love Chris Cornell's perfectly imperfect voice...and the cd was apt for my mood. All good! :)

    Actual runs: 5 miles easy on the treadie, am....7 miles easy in the field, pm

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    i normally have audioslave ( the first album ) turned up to the max on the ipod or in the car before a race , brilliant for getting motivated, in terms of a singer/voice though eddie vedder is the man..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Have to agree, that first album was fantastic. I Am The Highway, Like A Stone and Cochise would be my favourites.

    I'll second Eddie Vedder as well, pure legend as we say around these parts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    woody1 wrote: »
    i normally have audioslave ( the first album ) turned up to the max on the ipod or in the car before a race , brilliant for getting motivated, in terms of a singer/voice though eddie vedder is the man..
    pointer28 wrote: »
    Have to agree, that first album was fantastic. I Am The Highway, Like A Stone and Cochise would be my favourites.

    I'll second Eddie Vedder as well, pure legend as we say around these parts.

    Okay boys, I will agree....that first album is solid - just breezed through it on my iPod. Of course, I like the moodiness of Last Remaining Light.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, January 4th, 2014

    Run plan: 16 miles steady

    Oh my....I had serious hesitations about getting this done in the out of doors today. The wind was absolutely insane! In fact, it was so rough out there that the deck furniture was being blown about! :eek: Holy crap! But it was either the field or the treadmill, and I honestly didn't know if I could stomach the treadmill today for 16 miles at one steady pace, in a stationary position, listening to tunes while staring straight ahead. Barf. So I decided to brave the elements and see what might happen.

    Glad I did.

    The wind was no doubt a factor at times...and in particular I noticed I was unusually thirsty out there, and I also needed a few gels (3) to get me through. I imagine the wind dehydrated me and sapped my energy as that's probably the most water and nutrition I have needed during a run of this distance in a long time. However, I will also note that my grocery consumption has been down these last few days, so perhaps that contributed to my need for 3 gels.

    The run itself was surprisingly manageable. In my head, my steady pace was to be 8-8:15 min/mile, but I was giving myself a little wriggle room and had decided that if the wind was bad enough, then I'd have to make this about effort and not pace but hope to keep the pace under 8:30 min/mile even though this was not to be about pace, but rather, effort. :rolleyes: Any way....the last 4 miles were the toughest, but I kept telling myself that "it's just a feeling" when the body was whispering "wtf??" The paces were surprisingly respectable...and with the wind, they were honest since I always think my Garmin makes me look better than I really am.

    Paces as follows:
    8:27, 8:07, 7:58, 7:59, 7:55, 7:54, 7:50, 7:47
    8:01, 7:54, 7:55, 7:52, 7:43, 7:53, 7:52, 7:42

    Actual run: 16 miles in 2:07:01 for an average pace of 7:56 min/mile

    Hopped on the Cat for a bit of a 30 minute spin, then the typical trio of stretching, core and foam rolling.

    Aaaaand...this coming week is going to be interesting!!! Just sayin'. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, January 5th, 2015

    Run plan: 4 miles recovery

    This was a little sneaky lunchtime action in a sloppy field. And, this was slow going. But then again, it was supposed to be!

    Actual run: 4.2 s-l-o-w sloppy field miles

    Considered doing my first ever swim in da-wave-pool this evening :D, but the water temp just isn't quite perfect yet. I'm not chipping the ice off the surface of the water, but I like it closer to resembling the Caribbean and less Siberia. It is interesting, however, the heater is raising the water temperature approximately one degree Fahrenheit every 2 hours. By early tomorrow morning, I should be dipping my toes in the tub! :)

    So instead of swimming, I did a 30 minute kettle bell session with my baby bell (I only dropped the bell about a dozen times! :o Hand transitions!) And then did my standard stretching, core, and foam rolling.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    What weight is the bell? And how the heck are you dropping it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Good luck today! PS Have you hooked up your treadmill to your pool heater motor...?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Good luck today! PS Have you hooked up your treadmill to your pool heater motor...?'s the bomb. :D Pretty awesome....did the hydro-treadmill this morning. What a fab way to start the day. :)

    (And what a great idea....treadmill : heater. !!)
    Oryx wrote: »
    What weight is the bell? And how the heck are you dropping it?

    Weight? <cough> Um....5 pounds. :o This is only my second time ever touching a kettle bell - going slow, very slow. I kept dropping it during the hand transition of the figure 8. I got better as the workout went on. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    When you get to 16kg youll be more careful, I guarantee. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, January 6th, 2014

    What a long day it seems!!!

    Run plan: 5 miles easy on the hydro-treadie, am....7 miles easy, pm

    Got up at the ridiculous time of 4:15 this morning and was in the Endless Pool for the very first time (YAY!!! :D) by 4:30 with tunes cranking. Rise and shine!! :eek::cool: I really wasn't sure what to set - treadmill and/or current - so I started with the treadmill only, but I had the feeling as I was running that the return current from the back of the pool was trying to push me, I turned on the swim current for added resistance, and, um, yeah....I was pretty much thrown to the back of the pool. :o Good grief, that was fun....had me laughing out loud. :) Obviously, I reduced the current and life was grand. Really grand. Absolutely LOVED this "run". I was singing and smiling and thanking my lucky stars for being so lucky....and I got so carried away that I did a little more than I was supposed to because I wasn't watching the clock. I also realized that as I was running in shoulder deep water that I naturally used my hands to cup the water to help move me "forward".....but then I thought this might not be doing my running any good (helping my upper body, though), so I made my hands into fists and it became all about the legs!

    The second run of the day was done tromping in fresh snow in the field over lunch with sunglasses on. And you know what? It's not easy to run in snow!! So this was slow, and the legs grew tired towards the end of the 7 miles...but it was enjoyable because it was so clear and crisp out there in my private wonderland. A perfect winter day, in the truest sense.

    Actual runs: 6.2 rise-and-shine-in-a-tub-of-water miles, am....7 sunshiny-in-my-snowy-field-over-lunch miles, pm

    Aaaaand.....drum roll....after work it was time to test out the pool for a swim. (So excited!!!) And...if things couldn't get any better....I tried out my brand spanking new waterproof bone conducting headphones....and they work!! Really well!!! (Who knew??) So not only was I swimming for the first time in 3 months, but I was doing so while listening to the Foo Fighters! <squeals of delight!> The swim was good....but it was tough. I could really tell it's been a while, and I took quite a few breaks...but I really, really most sincerely enjoyed it, even if it was rather short. What a day!!!

    Actual swim: ~1,500 meters in water going nowhere with Dave Grohl and a smile

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    There'll be no stopping your training now with an endless pool! Not jealous in the slightest. I thought I was getting posh with a turbo in the attic :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

    Run plan: 2 miles easy, 1 mile @ HMP, 1 mile easy, 3 miles @ MP, 1 mile easy, 1 mile @ HMP, 2 miles easy

    I had no choice but to do this after work due to a routine dental appointment smack dab in the middle of the day. And I had no choice but to do this on the treadmill due to the snow and ice laying about in our deep freeze here in Virginia.

    So...down to the treadmill I trudged....with a plan in mind. There's honestly not much to say about this session other than the longer it went on, the better and "easier" it felt. I really think there is value in doing some sessions on the treadmill...I really do...mentally and physically it is different than road/field running, and diversity is good. I had the treadie at a 1% incline, did the easy miles at a slow 10 min/mile pace...the HMP at 7:04 min/mile (a little fast, I know)....and the MP paces as a very slight progression at 7:42, 7:36, 7:30 min/mile. Happy with the session and effort. :)

    Actual run: 11 miles in 90-some minutes, I think ??

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, January 8th, 2014

    Run plan: 6 miles hydro-treadie easy, am....7 miles easy, pm

    I was up and splashing about by 4:30 this morning! :eek: I feel like I'm back in my competitive swimming days when I'd be at the pool at 5am for my first 90 minute session of the day. The only difference is, back then I had to drive 30 minutes to the pool!

    This aqua run was harder than the aqua run on Tuesday.....I'm guessing it's because my legs have a bit more mileage in them? Last night's session perhaps? However, I noticed that the second half of this session was better than the first half - probably a combination of my body waking up, and figuring out body position. I kept my fists closed for most of this run, but when I could feel myself drifting back, I'd open my hands to briefly assist my forward progress.

    The second run of the day was done sneaky lunchtime style on the conventional treadie. Why did I not do this outside in the field? Because, my little darlings, it was only 18 degrees Fahrenheit and that's just a bit beyond my pay scale! Brrrrr!!! :eek: In fact, it's beyond brrrrr....more like holy-freakin'-crap brrrr!!! So instead, it was 7 miles in front of the tv watching the awful news about the horrid attack in Paris. Je Suis Charlie. Peace to Paris.

    Actual runs: 6 early morning splish-splash miles, am....7 mid-day dry-as-a-bone miles, pm

    I took the liberty of doing a little swim in da tub after work. :D And this was easier than the swim on Tuesday...go figure. My only focus for the moment with swimming in the Endless Pool is my stroke - keeping it complete and getting some upper body strength back - slow and strong. I had on my nifty headphones conducting some mighty's honestly way cool. Bone conduction. Yep, way cool.

    Actual swim: ~1,800 meters

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Tell me more about that aqua run, is it a treadmill in the endless pool? I am confused!!:confused:

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    Tell me more about that aqua run, is it a treadmill in the endless pool? I am confused!!:confused:

    I wondered the same but the pic earlier in the thread explains all. It is indeed a submerged treadmill.
