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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, January 28th, 2015

    Run plan: 60 minutes hydro-treadie

    What a gorgeous day today!!! But very, very, very cold!! So, I've no complaints that I did this at noon in my cozy tub of water with a nice view of the snowy and bright outdoors. (the snow was not falling, but rather laying about)

    This was a good session - actually, probably the best aqua run to date. My usual wave current paces for running are 2:16 for very easy, 2:07 for easy, and 2:02 for putting out some effort. Well, I thought I had set the pace for 2:02, but I must've looked away from the clock too soon after putting down the remote because when I glanced at the clock about 15 minutes into the session, I understood why I was having to grind it out and was creating so much turbulence - I had accidentally set the pace for 1:57. Whew! But it was okay. There was good, solid effort on my part, and I really enjoyed the work. I think my technique is getting better and better, and the resistance of the water is really quite interesting.

    Actual run: 60 minutes of serious wave action


    It was kitty love on the Black Cat after work. The first 30 minutes were spent easing into a good sweat and cadence, while the last 30 minutes were focused on maintaining an even effort at a respectable level. Legs felt really good. These 60 minutes felt really good. I am aware that there is little "structure" to both my swimming and cycling sessions right now (and I am aware my time in the saddle is horribly limited at the moment), but it's a balancing act for the next few months. Trade offs with priorities. And I am happy with things and the choices I have made. :)

    Actual trainer: 60 minutes of sweating and spinning

    It was time to hit the mat after the stretch, foam roll and do some much neglected core work. !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    When are you traveling and how are you feeling about Donadea?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgibbo wrote: »
    When are you traveling and how are you feeling about Donadea?

    I leave the states late Wednesday the 11th of February and arrive in Ireland the next morning, Thursday the 12th. Over night flights are killers, and not the best prep for a 50k jaunt in a forest 48 hours later. But, I feel fine about Donadea. It's not necessarily a target race other than for gaining experience and having some fun. I honestly don't know what to expect...nor do I have any lofty expectations in any regard. Haven't even thought about time or pace at this point. The only thing I know is, I have to get on a rented mountain bike in a rented helmet with a bunch of studs and studettes the very next day and do something I've never in my life done before!!! :eek: Now Sunday in Ballyhoura could be ugly....and hilarious! Especially if there is post race beer to be had! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, January 29th, 2015

    Run plan: 7 miles steady



    Okay, here are my excuses for my complete lack of discipline and raging disobedience:
    I did this on the pancake flat Greenway...there was no detectable wind...I had very effective music playing...I've gotten 2 really good nights of sleep in a row...history has proven my Garmin has an inaccuracy factor of 1.5%...I had my pink adizero boston boosts on...I tend to look better on paper than in reality...air has less resistance than water...this was only a 7 mile run. :o

    Feel free to look away at this point....just scroll on down the page a bit if you've seen enough. For all others...

    I'll be quick, like pulling off a Band-Aid...
    I did this over lunch. The first mile felt good...the second mile felt better....was shocked at the speed of the third mile....was marginally horrified at the pace of the fourth mile....slowed it down for the fifth mile because what I was doing was ridiculous and so off script...had a battle in my mind and couldn't totally let go of the effort on the sixth mile and inadvertently sped up...was hanging on by a thread on the seventh mile with my I'll be damned attitude and unwillingness to let the Garmin show a pace of anything other than 6:xx. :o

    And of course there always is the possibility the Garmin is totally wrong. Not sure I actually believe these paces...even as flat and runner-friendly as the Greenway is, I'm not totally buying this. Either way, this was way too fast, so my apologies to the author of the plan.

    7:13, 7:07, 6:48, 6:39, 6:47, 6:43, 6:55

    Actual run: 7.2 miles in 50:07:45 for an average pace of 6:58 min/mile


    Thursday night is usually swim night, but because I tend to feel that spinning on the bike does wonders for my legs after a hard run, I opted to hop on the Cat for an hour of recovery work. I'll hit the pool tomorrow.

    Actual trainer: 60 minutes of recovery spinning

    Hit the mat with one house cat in tow for stretching, foam rolling and core work. I've been noticing that I am making gains in the flexibility department - hoping this is a good thing for me and my Speed Concept. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    You are an amazing advert for the plan !
    That's a cracking result for a session where you were not aiming to hit those paces. Still ...don't leave your race on the Greenway ( to the tune of "I left my heart in San Francisco")

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    People will be asking you to do the run leg of a Tri relay team soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    You are an amazing advert for the plan !
    That's a cracking result for a session where you were not aiming to hit those paces. Still ...don't leave your race on the Greenway ( to the tune of "I left my heart in San Francisco")

    Take those pace with a grain of salt! I'm still not a believer. But.....I know what you mean. ;):)
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    People will be asking you to do the run leg of a Tri relay team soon!

    Swimmers don't do the run leg of a tri relay!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, January 30th, 2015

    Run plan: 4 miles recovery

    It was bitter cold with way too much wind for this Dory to be doing a short little recovery run in the out of doors today. No, no, no. This gal headed for the warm and cozy basement in shorts and a t-shirt to do these 4 miles revolving-runway style at high noon. Watched part of Winter's Tale. Lame movie, but the lead actor reminded me of a particular boardsie so I just kept watching.

    Actual run: 4 recovery miles done on my trusty treadie


    Most Friday nights I don't do any training, but because I didn't get my swim in yesterday I decided to hit the pool after work this evening for a little splish splash. For the first 30 minutes, I had the wave current at a 1:27/100 yard pace...and for the next 15 minutes, I had the wave current at a 1:24/100 yard pace. I was struggling with a headache, so I cut the swim short at 45 minutes, but it was arms knew they had been asked to do a little more work in those 45 minutes with the increased pace.

    Actual swim: ~2,850 meters in the tank

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ....and various boardsies google Winters Tale.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, January 31st, 2015

    Run plan: 8 miles easy

    This was a good old fashioned street stomp immediately following morning work. After Thursday's 7 miles steady at anything but steady, I had vowed to keep this disciplined and easy....and I initially thought I was doing that, but after glancing at my Garmin after the first mile, I knew I was slipping back into bad habits. I managed to pull it back on mile 2, but succumbed to the glorious feeling of running with an open stride on mile 3. Ugh. In my defense, I would say that my paces were pretty indicative of the ups and downs of the hills I was facing - our town is anything but flat. But I knew for certain on mile 8 when I was huffing and puffing and feeling a bit of a pinch that I had used up too much credit early on. Even though the early miles felt easy, it was proven they were too fast for this type of run. Tomorrow's 16 mile run will be different - I will pay better attention to pace, and I will start off at a much more reasonable (read: slow) speed even if the body (or is it the mind?) is trying to tell me otherwise.

    7:59, 8:26, 7:51, 8:27, 8:20, 8:40, 7:55, 8:34, 6:22 (8:51)

    Actual run: 8.72 miles in 1:12:37 for an average pace of 8:20 min/mile


    60 minutes of sweaty spinning on the Black Cat was the order of the post-run.

    Actual trainer: 60 minute spinfest

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, February 1st, 2015

    Super Bowl Sunday!!!!! And the Patriots are ahead as I type this.....
    The Nationwide commercial where the girl thinks she is invisible was pretty funny. And who doesn't love those Budweiser ones with a cute puppy and gorgeous Clydesdales....? Oh, and the Fiat/Viagra commercial gave me a chuckle. :)

    Run plan: 16 miles easy

    Well, from the get-go, the legs were not impressed that I was asking them to run 16 miles today. :eek: Thank god I had promised to go easy from mile 1, because quite honestly, I didn't have anything but easy (read: slow) in me for this one. In my renewed quest to venture outside my comfy field and hit some honest hills, I did the Lake Arrowhead Loop with its ups and downs at varying degrees....and that means that the first half of this run is at a net elevation gain, while the second half of this run is at a corresponding net elevation loss.

    Highlights of the run are: the weather was cold and cloudy...I took water with me, but no gels (didn't need them either!) favorite moment of the run was on mile 6 when an adorable border collie came rushing out to greet me and give me some love :)...there were times on this run that I started to fade, but I found if I just kept at it, my mojo came back...effort was quite steady throughout the entire run...and I was delighted to have some kick left in me for the final mile or two.

    Paces as follows (on mile 14, I accidentally hit the lap button, thus goofing up the recorded lap):
    9:31, 9:36, 9:22, 9:28, 9:29, 9:33, 9:39, 9:00
    8:58, 8:52, 9:07, 9:09, 9:05, 6:41 (8:49), 8:55, 8:36, 2:10 (8:24)

    Actual run: 16 miles in 2:27:20 for an average pace of 9:13 min/mile


    I put in a 30 minute leg spinner on the Black Cat immediately upon returning home from the run. And I was multi-tasking like a big girl by consuming my lunch while in the saddle.

    Actual trainer: 30 minute lunchtime (literally!) spin


    A pre-Super Bowl swim was a must. The wave current was set to 1:27/100 yards, and it was the perfect effort for me tonight. I know I am not getting in any spiffy sprints, nor any grow-hair-on-your-chest 400s or 800s...but just ask my arms 45 minutes into a swim of this sort, and they will tell you it's all about strength. :)

    Actual swim: ~3,750 meters of swimmin' in a tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Spoiler tags m'dear, some of us are recording the Superb Owl to watch it at a more friendly hour!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Spoiler tags m'dear, some of us are recording the Superb Owl to watch it at a more friendly hour!

    Oops! Apologies. :o Who's what Bowl....???? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, February 2nd, 2015

    Run plan: 30 minutes hydro-treadie, am....45 minutes hydro-treadie, pm

    I was up before the rooster had one eye open, but because this first little aqua trot was only 30 minutes long, I was able to stay in bed a bit longer than normal for an early morning session. Tunes cranked, hair swirled on top of my head, and off I went splish-splashing with a wave current of 2:02. This felt great. Truly a wonderfully gentle way of waking the body up.

    The second "run" was done over lunch....and this was even better than the morning session. I am really loving running in water - I love everything about it. It's constant work of the entire body, and the moving water creates ever changing resistance from all angles so you're fighting it at all times no matter your movement. I was also aware of my up and down movement today. I've never had any sort of instruction on "how" to run - I just "run". But I'm starting to wonder if running in water is trying to teach me proper form. ?? I'm not totally sure...but it is forcing me to lean forward a bit, it's made me very aware of the path of least resistance with respect to arm and leg movement, and now it's getting me to think about horizontal vs. vertical movement and corresponding efficiencies/inefficiencies.

    Actual runs: 30 minutes, am....and 45 minutes, pm....both in the tank


    And for the third time in one day, I was surrounded by water! (I am definitely getting my money's worth out of this pool!) I set the wave current pace to 1:27/100 yards and for the first 30 minutes got into a really nice rhythm. But by the 45 minute mark, my arms wanted a break so I sprinkled in some breast stroke. In fact, to add a little order to the free/breast rotation, I started counting 50 strokes of free, then 10 strokes of breast. I pretty much did this for the final 15 minutes. I think this endless pool is a great tool for endurance swimming - no stopping, no breaks, no rest for the wicked. Tough stuff....and I've got much work to do.

    Actual swim: ~3,750 meters in a tub of water

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I think this endless pool is a great tool for endurance swimming - no stopping, no breaks, no rest for the wicked.

    Just on that point- can you program it to do intervals? Say, 10*100 so it stops for 5 secs after each "100" has been swam?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Just on that point- can you program it to do intervals? Say, 10*100 so it stops for 5 secs after each "100" has been swam?

    Not that I am aware of - and I seriously doubt it. But that's easy enough to remedy - just wear your fancy pool watch and have it programmed however you want based on the pace you have the current set at. Easy peasy!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

    Run plan: 4 miles easy, am...7 miles easy, pm

    I had a committment after work this evening, so I knew I'd only get these two runs done and nothing else today. And because I had to do the first run in the early morning hours, and because my body really hates to be jarred on the conventional treadmill at that time of day (is it even day at that ungodly hour??), I took the liberty and made the executive decision to do this in the tank instead. And wouldn't you know, I heard from the head cheese midmorning and without me saying a word about what I had done, he sort of gave me the green light to use my judgment about where to do these early easy runs - surf or turf. :D So the surf it was...for 45 minutes. I was workin' it.

    The second run was done sneaky lunchtime style in the field. It was brutally cold, but thank god for the full sun!!! And my body and legs were tired on this one. I'm not sure if it's all the aqua running fatiguing me...or if I still have last Thursday/the weekend's sessions in me...or it could even be that I've not slept well the last 2 nights. ?? But fingers crossed the legs find some joy by noon tomorrow because they are hitting the track!!! :eek:

    Actual runs: 45 minutes splashing in the tank, am....7 miles running around the field, pm

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

    Run plan: 2 miles easy, 3 x 400 @5k, 1 mile @HMP, 3 x 400 @5k, 1 mile @HMP, 3 x 400 @5k, 2 miles easy - 1 min recovery between the 400s, 3 min recovery before and after 1 miles

    I was sort of dreading this session all morning because I was so tired and honestly felt like this was going to be an epic fail. But come lunchtime, I tossed on my running gear, pulled the hair back, slipped into my pink boston boosts, and shelved the "oh, poor pitiful me" attitude. It was a day at the track, baby, and what a glorious, sunshiny (yet windy) day it was out there. Attitude adjustment, complete. :)

    I honestly may have held back a pinch on the first set of 400s. I just didn't want to die an early death, but looking at these paces and reflecting back, I may have been deliberately too conservative.
    The second set of 400s was probably the best - good, honest effort...and felt controlled.
    I'm not sure if I fell asleep or what on the first 400 of the third set, but clearly something went awry. ?? So in my quest for redemption, I gave it all I had on the remaining two, only to be greeted by the worst wind of the day on the homestretch of each of them. Ugh. But, wind be damned, I reminded myself that the resistance of air is nothing compared to the resistance of running against a wave current....and my mantra on those two windblown homestretches became, "I run in water....I AM A TUB TROTTER!!!" :D And it worked. :)
    The two 1 mile segments were fine. I'd say I started each of them off a bit fast and had to reel it back in over the second half, but they were dead even in the end.
    If you look just at the 400 and 1 mile paces, they appear to be very similar, and not to plan - 5k vs. HMP. But if you take into consideration that I was running one full time around the track for the 400s, and understand that the track is actually longer than 400 meters....and then also keep in mind that the 1 mile paces were hotter per the Garmin than in reality (due to inherent inaccuracies and added oval track issues)...then I believe the difference in paces was closer to what was intended in the plan. Really!!!

    Good session! :)

    400s: 1:41, 1:40, 1:38
    1 mile: 6:40
    400s: 1:36, 1:35, 1:34
    1 mile: 6:40
    400s: 1:39, 1:34, 1:32

    Actual run: 10 miles in 1:21:39 for an average pace of 8:10 min/mile


    60 minutes of kitty love to spin the legs out....followed by some stretching. I should have done some foam rolling, and I'm betting I'll be sorry I didn't tomorrow!

    Actual trainer: 60 minutes of spinning

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, February 5th, 2015

    Run plan: 4 miles easy, am...7 miles easy, pm

    This seems like a very long day....

    I opted to do the first run in the tank for 45 minutes with the wave current set at 2:02. Wiped the sleep from my eyes and turned the tunes up.

    The second run was done over lunch in the field, and good god it was bitterly cold and brutally windy out there today. :eek: I was bundled up like the Michelin Man, which made my running form and movement a bit comical and with lots of swishing sounds. And this was slow. Had no desire to go any faster, but it was as it should have been.

    Actual runs: 45 minutes in the tank, am....7 miles in the field, pm


    60 minutes of spinning while aware of some soreness in my thighs. I really should have foam rolled last night!!!

    Actual trainer: 60 minutes on the Black Cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, February 6th, 2015

    Run plan: 4 miles recovery

    I decided to take the recovery day concept to heart and kept things super low key today. I needed it, to be honest. We all need it from time to time, and with no guilt. !! These 4 miles were done this evening after work on the treadmill.

    Actual run: 4 recovery miles done treadie style

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, February 7th, 2015

    Run plan: 8 miles easy, am....10 miles @ MP, pm

    I had intended on doing this first run in town street-style straight from morning work, but the running clothes I packed were based on a warmer weather prediction...and because I would have frozen my patootie off with what little I had to toss on (apparently the warmer weather wasn't to arrive until later in the day! :o), I headed home to fetch appropriate attire, and decided to do this in the field instead of on the streets of town. At that point it was just easier. So 12 times around the field with my boys from Foo Fighters, and the first run of the day was in the books.

    Actual run, am: 8.4 easy miles in the frozen field

    And.....2.5 hours later, I was back in running attire and heading down to the Greenway. Marathon pace? What is my marathon pace?? A bit of a sliding scale and guess work in that regard due to my Garmin making me look better than I am and the fact that the Greenway is flat. But I like running on the Greenway because it is not interrupted by annoying intersections, traffic lights, automobiles, trash cans, and sidewalk hoggers.

    I felt pretty good for this entire run, and I had it in my head to stick to a pace of 7:20 min/mile (I thought that would be honest MP effort all things considered (Garmin and flat))....but with each passing mile, the pace inched up a smidge. I kept a check on my body, tried to be honest about effort, and stayed relaxed. I'd say the last three miles pinched a bit - I had probably entered the not-honest-about-marathon-pace-but-couldn't-turn-back-now zone. But not a horribly undisciplined (by Dory standards) run either. :)

    7:22, 7:15, 7:19, 7:15, 7:13
    7:13, 7:10, 7:10, 7:05, 7:00

    Actual run, pm: 10 miles in 1:12:11 for an average pace of 7:13 min/mile

    I had intended on getting in an hour of swimming this evening, but when I arrived back home from late work I decided I was just too tired. Normally I would have sucked it up and hopped in the tank, but knowing I am facing a transatlantic flight and will lose 5 hours in 4 days, I just couldn't justify it. So, instead, I'm lounging on the couch and will get to bed early! Yay! And tomorrow I must force myself to start packing. Boo! I absolutely friggin hate packing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, February 8th, 2015

    Run plan: 13 miles easy

    Probably the less said about this little run the better....but here goes....

    Did this immediately after early morning work on the streets of town and up Dry Run Road towards Lake Arrowhead. It was a pretty chilly morning, just above freezing to start with, and my legs were nicely tired from yesterday's two runs. As they should've been.

    First 3 miles were on Main Street in town. Kept things loosey goosey, and while the legs knew they had some solid miles in them, the fatigue was not preventing me from keeping a nice easy pace and enjoying the run.
    9:18, 9:17, 9:06

    The next 4 miles were up, up, up...and the up gets steeper with each passing mille. The highlight was on mile 6 when I got me some Border Collie love from my 4 legged, furry friend. :) The paces were slow, but honestly I was not bothered nor disappointed with the paces, all things considered.
    9:26, 9:28, 9:43, 9:45

    I started my 4 mile downhill...and kept things nice and easy....however, this is when the wheels started to come off. As I was nearing mile 9, I got the sharpest stitch in my right side. Ugh. Shades of last summer. Wtf?? I kept running, but slowed it down. No better. Started massaging my side as I ran. No better. Started deep breathing as I ran. Still no better. In the end, I had to stop at least a half dozen times to stretch and twist and arch. Finally, with 2 miles to go the pain started to subside....but by that point I was getting pretty low on energy. No gels with me, but I haven't been using gels on these long runs...however for whatever reason, I think I could've used a bit of an energy boost on this run today. But, I got it done....making 31 miles of running in about 24 hours. Never done that before!
    9:20, 9:39, 9:47, 9:48, 9:39, 9:56

    Actual run: 13.2 miles in 2:06:34 for an average pace of 9:35 min/mile


    Hopped on the Cat for 30 minutes of spinning as soon as I walked in the house. Then hit the mat for stretching and lots of painful foam rolling. !!!

    Actual trainer: 30 minutes of post run spinning


    And.....hit the tank this evening for 30 minutes at 1:27/100 yards. Felt good to be in the water, and I think my legs appreciated it too!

    Actual swim: ~1,880

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    tbh, you were probably due a tough day. Far from "not a day to remember", instead it was a day to tuck away and remember when things get tough in the latter miles of a race.

    I am puzzled by this
    due to my Garmin making me look better than I am
    Seriously ? Do you think the Garmin is faulty ?

    ... finally ...are you packed yet :) ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    tbh, you were probably due a tough day. Far from "not a day to remember", instead it was a day to tuck away and remember when things get tough in the latter miles of a race.

    I am puzzled by this

    Seriously ? Do you think the Garmin is faulty ?

    ... finally ...are you packed yet :) ?

    No. Not faulty. Just generously inaccurate. ;) History has shown mine to make me faster by about 1.5%.

    Packed? yet. But I did dig out some cycling gear options for the day of mountain biking we'll be doing while I'm over there!

    And thanks for your kind words of encouragement. That was one ugly run yesterday!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Ugly runs are irrelevant as long as your race is pretty!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    OH MY GOD....I LEAVE FOR IRELAND IN LESS THAN 48 HOURS!!!! :eek: (packing could be going better than it is :o)

    Run plan: 4 miles on the hydro-treadie

    45 minutes in the tank after work this evening....and shades of my stitch were brewing under the surface. ??? This is a bit reminiscent of last summer when I started to struggle my hope is these next few days of reduced training will kick the stitch where the sun don't shine...because lord knows, 50k is a long way to run cursed with a sharp pain in my side. !!!! Heck, just sitting here on my couch and putting pressure on the area of the stitch is unearthing soreness just by touch. ??? Is that from my muscles tensing yesterday?? Ohgoodgrief! I really don't need this right now!

    Actual run: 45 minutes of evening tub trotting

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    Are you sure it is a stitch? Maybe a recurring injury?
    Have a wonderful trip and wishing you all the very best in Donadea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Are you sure it is a stitch? Maybe a recurring injury?
    Have a wonderful trip and wishing you all the very best in Donadea.

    My gut is it's just a stitch and not an injury....and the residual soreness is from me trying to run thru the stitchy-sharp-knife-like-tensing-muscle pain.

    Thanks for the well wishes! We'll be missing you!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    My gut is it's just a stitch and not an injury....and the residual soreness is from me trying to run thru the stitchy-sharp-knife-like-tensing-muscle pain.

    Thanks for the well wishes! We'll be missing you!!! :)

    Running in cold weather can make stitches more likely. The suggestion is to warm up (ie get the breathing going) indoors. Also (and this is a personal observation so take it with as many grains of salt as appropriate) I would knock things on the head until the pain is gone otherwise tensing against the pain is likely to make it reoccur. Don't let this play with your head.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Running in cold weather can make stitches more likely. The suggestion is to warm up (ie get the breathing going) indoors. Also (and this is a personal observation so take it with as many grains of salt as appropriate) I would knock things on the head until the pain is gone otherwise tensing against the pain is likely to make it reoccur. Don't let this play with your head.

    You are dead on in more ways than one. ;) Thanks. :)
