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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pointer28 wrote: »
    You're really getting stuck into the turbo work Dory!

    Glad to see you back and healthy.

    I'm really trying to get stronger on the bike, so yes, trying to build strength with turbo work while trying to get in some decent proper (hilly?) weekend rides.

    And I am getting back to good health. Still way behind where I'd love to be, but I'm hoping to stay smart this time around. Fingers crossed! Thanks! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, May 16th, 2015


    Another hot and sunny day for this 3.5 hour ride on the Mad One....but it was honestly too hot and sunny for me in the end. Ugh. I did the same route as last Saturday's ride, and I basically repeated the total time and average pace of that ride today...however, I finished stronger last week than I did this week - I pretty much faded miserably in the last hour today, I suspect due in large part to two reasons: 1) I ran out of fluids by that point, and 2) my nutrition was off/down this week, as is my weight. These weekend rides are only going to get longer, and the summer is only going to get hotter, so I'm going to have to remedy this hydration issue - I may have to either stash water along my course, or I may have to consider wearing my camelbak. ?? As far as my nutrition goes, I know how to remedy that, it's just a matter of me actually doing it.

    But the ride itself was going really well up to the point I became parched and sunburned (I had sunscreen on!!!). !!! My impression was that my average speed for the first 48 miles was up from over a week ago, and I was way, way, way comfortable sitting on the Mad One, using all bar surfaces available to me and eating and drinking with ease. The only other two issues I had today were a sore derriere after 2 hours of riding, and an uncomfortable sensation in my right leg. I'm not sure if the sensation started at my right cheek or at my right foot, but it basically encompassed the entire leg...and at times it reminded me of a body part that had fallen asleep, which (maybe?) could either be from my shoe being too tight (feet swelling?) or from the position/pressure point of the cheek on the seat. ?? I'll have to watch this as it was extremely annoying and fairly uncomfortable.

    While the worst miles of this ride were miles 49 thru 58, the best mile was on mile 29 when I ended up behind a young black bear cub who was strolling on the road. Oh my gosh you should have seen how surprised he was when he realized I was behind him! :eek::D After some lumbered running, and after crashing into a fence trying to get off the road (good grief the racket bears make!), he finally scampered successfully into the woods and into safety. :)

    Actual bike: 57.95 miles in 3:44:14 for an average speed of 15.5 mph and an elevation gain of 2,992 feet


    Good god this was awful. I'm not known for my ability to run well off the bike (just ask catweazle ;)), but this set a new standard for ugly Dory runs off the bike. :eek::( The transition of bike to run was a bit long as I needed to get some fluids in me...then I had to put my shoes on....and I had to make a pitstop into the bathroom....then I checked my phone for messages :o....but even all that didn't help the slog that was a mere 4 laps around the field. I was melting in the sun (nearly 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C)), and I was truly hating life...and you honestly don't want to know the conversation I was having with myself. But I kept moving forward and wouldn't allow myself to walk a single step (yes, it was that bad). I intentionally didn't wear my Garmin, but my pace was shocking. If you forced me to guess, I'd say it was 12 minutes or slower per mile. I'm sure getting behind in my hydration while on the bike didn't help this little trot, but I also know running off the bike is an area I am weak in, so I'll keep working on it until (hopefully) the body adapts and embraces the concept!

    Actual run: 2.8 ugly, horrid, awful and shocking field miles

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Is 'the field' on your property?
    Hop off the bike after your turbo sessions, put on your runners and run...even a half a mile at race's the first couple of miles off the bike that decide your pace for the rest of the race...get into a slow slog and it will be a slow slog.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Is 'the field' on your property?
    Hop off the bike after your turbo sessions, put on your runners and run...even a half a mile at race's the first couple of miles off the bike that decide your pace for the rest of the race...get into a slow slog and it will be a slow slog.

    Yep, it's my field here at home. I've been doing some post-turbo short runs already, and they've all gone fairly well.....of course those turbo sessions are in cool air with plenty of food and drink at hand - totally different conditions than what I was exposed to yesterday. However, yes, running off the turbo is a great idea, and I'll continue to do some of that. :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Is 'the field' on your property?
    Hop off the bike after your turbo sessions, put on your runners and run...even a half a mile at race's the first couple of miles off the bike that decide your pace for the rest of the race...get into a slow slog and it will be a slow slog.
    How you perform in IM run has more to do with your bike, and bike nutrition. At the very sharp end i would think your pace point holds true, but for lesser mortals like myself the marathon needs to be conservative so cumulative fatigue doesnt make you blow. Knowing how to start easy is crucial, or the last 15k will be one hell of a slow slog.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, May 16th, 2015


    This was to be 90 minutes of running, but because I am still easing into the run, I broke this up with 60 minutes of field running, and 30 minutes of tub trotting. :D

    After yesterday's miserable run off the bike, and after being totally wiped out from the heat and dehydration last night, I wasn't sure how this was going to go...and I even considered just doing the whole 90 minutes in the tub....but, I was willing to give it a try and see what might happen. Long story short, the run went pretty well. :) I started out good and slow, then tried to keep the body nice and relaxed while seeing where the pace would settle. The third mile was way too fast way too early, and things just sort of naturally slowed down after that third mile...until I got to the last mile, on which I intentionally upped the pace to see what I could do.

    I'm pleased with this run - pleased because the overall pace is "respectable" for where I am at the moment, and pleased considering the work I did yesterday. I'm not exactly flying, mind you (even if it is mid-May ;)), but 7 miles is the new milestone post-fracture, so I think I'm starting to see some progress.

    Paces for today's run:
    9:25, 8:47, 8:27, 8:45, 8:54, 8:40, 8:17

    Post field run, I hopped in the tub and did my 30 minutes with a wave pace of 1:57. It took me a few minutes to get in the groove, but before too long I was humming in harmony to both the hydro-treadmill and the music.

    Actual run: 7.01 miles in 1:01:20 for an average pace of 8:45 min/mile....and 30 minutes in the tub!


    This was a lovely little evening recovery swim. :):):)

    9 x 300s done as follows:
    300 freestyle
    300 free w/every third lap backstroke kick
    300 band only
    300 kick
    3 x 300 buoy-band
    300 kick
    300 freestyle

    I honestly can't remember the last time I kicked backstroke in a pool, but it was a nice memory for me to have my hands clasped with arms stretched out above my head while kicking on my back. I used to be deadly with the kick. Not so much anymore, but a really nice memory.

    Wonderful easy session tonight - perfect in so many ways. Sessions like this can be worth their weight in gold for what they do. When I've put away my racing goggles, racing gloves, and racing shoes, there is no doubt you'll find me swimming in my pool for the shear joy I derive from being in water.

    Actual swim: 2,700 of the best recovery yards ever

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, May 18th, 2015

    REST DAY!!!! :D

    Seriously luvin' my rest days. And I won't apologize for it!

    Tuesday, May 19th, 2015


    25 minutes warm up, including 5 minutes of 30 second single leg spinning
    10 x (20 seconds spin @ 100+rpm, 40 seconds easy)
    3 x (90 sec HARD, 90 sec easy, 60 sec HARD, 60 sec easy, 30 sec HARD, 30 sec easy)
    7 minutes cool down

    It's always amazing to me how long 90 measly seconds can seem when you're gritting your teeth and pushing the pedals as hard and as fast as you can. :eek: I did this same session last week, and I am pleased that it appears today's lunchtime session has slightly better numbers than last week's - I honestly wasn't sure as I was doing this. :)

    Actual trainer: 60 minutes of noontime Kitty love


    400 free
    300 buoy-band
    200 kick
    100 IM
    3 x (300 @ 5 min, 4 x 60 @ 60 sec, 300 @ 5 min)
    200 easy cool down

    Loved this session!! Loved the structure....loved the rest....loved the fact that I could swim strong. All the 60s came in on 50 seconds....and all the 300s came in between 4:20 and 4:25. This type of set is all about that second 300 as it is the toughest coming off 4 x 60s, but I managed to pace everything fairly evenly and managed to focus on the strength of my stroke....and I managed to have the very, very last 300 be one of those 4:20s I referenced above, so I'm very pleased with that. :)

    Actual swim: 3,720 solid yards in my outdoor oasis

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, May 20th, 2015


    The intention of this session was to try and get some turnover in the legs - to kickstart a little speed in super short bursts on the conventional/land treadmill.

    20 minutes easy warmup
    20 x (20 seconds on @ 8.5, 40 seconds off)
    20 minutes easy cool down

    I did this over lunch in the cool basement on the trusty treadie. Hello trusty's been months since I've seen ye." Loud music to distract me, check. Bottle of cold water in case I need it, check. Pink adizeros that I haven't had on since my trip to Ireland, check. :D

    This ended up being a really enjoyable session. I'm loving the newness to some of the stuff I am doing - fresh is good. I did the first 15 x 20 seconds at the 8.5 setting on the treadmill, and then because I was feeling so good, I upped the pace by .1 for each of the final 5 x 20 seconds, so I did the last five at 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.0. I decided to take it out to the sunny field for the 20 minute cool down since it is so amazingly gorgeous here today. The only negative thing I can say about this session is that I immediately could tell the treadmill surface is harder than my grassy field - my left leg seemed to ask me what the heck I was doing subjecting it to such rigidity. There was never "pain" as I was running, but it is something I will watch and consider in the coming weeks with training (and racing).

    Actual treadmill/run: 40 minutes of some funky foot work on the land treadie, followed by 2 miles cool down in my sunny field

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, May 21st, 2015


    20 minutes warm up, including 6 minutes of single leg spinning (1 min each leg)
    5 x (6 minutes big gear, 3 minutes easy)
    5 minutes easy
    8 x (30 seconds HARD (over 200 watts!), 2 minutes easy)
    5 minutes easy

    First of all.....single leg spinning sucks when having to do it for 1 minute each leg. :eek: Good god. Just when I was starting to sort of master the art of spinning for 30 seconds, now this!

    Second of numbers are still seeming to improve. Yay! But I know this is the easy stuff - meaning, I'm so bad and weak on the bike that I'm bound to improve some just by sitting in the same room with my Black Cat! But, alas, grinding in the big gear while listening to some crunchy and raw music is a little patch of heaven when you're focused and in the mood. Which I was. My data from the 5 x 6 minutes of big gear work is sort of interesting in that I believe it shows a correlation between gear, cadence and power. I pushed the same gear for intervals 1 - 3, then upped it one gear for intervals 4 and 5. I very, very briefly tried to up the gear by one on the 5th interval, but it was immediately clear to me that I'd die a slow, miserable death if I was so bold, so I popped back down to where I was on the 4th interval post haste!!

    Data stated as "average cadence...normalized power...max power"
    #1 - 63...130...184
    #2 - 65...145...183
    #3 - 66...152...201

    #4 - 62...159...201
    #5 - 63...165...206

    And all of the 8 x 30 seconds HARD were above 200 for average power (normalized power was way lower, but I assume that's due to the brevity of the intervals), and I had a max power of 301 on one of those pushes! :D Okay, so it was fleeting...really fleeting...but I still hit 300+ watts! Which is like...omg!...6+ w/kg!!! Whoop whoop!! ;)

    Actual trainer: 95 minutes of muscle building thigh work on the Cat


    500 warmup
    5 x 100 @ 1:40
    10 x 20 sprint/easy @ 20 seconds
    25 x 60 buoy-band @ 60 seconds
    300 cool down

    Ahhhhhh....finally. :) I'm starting to feel like my old self in the water again! I honestly think all that endless pool swimming got me off kilter a bit. ??? Don't get me wrong, that pool is the bomb and is so worthwhile...however, it is not the same as swimming in a "real" pool.

    Briefly, the 100s all came in on a very comfy-cozy-breathing-every-3-steady-as-she-goes 1:25. I did the 20s sprint/easy as 40s off 40 seconds. And the 25 x 60 buoy-band was another comfy-cozy-breathing-every-3-and-loving-life set that was very evenly paced with a good 5 to 7 seconds rest between intervals. I'm luvin' the buoy-band. I could never see the value in using a band with the pull buoy before, and I'm still not 100% sure it does much at all (??) in the way of making you pull any harder than with the pull buoy alone, but I find that it totally relaxes my legs via the complete immobilization, and I really enjoy that. :o;)

    Actual swim: 3,000 comfy-cozy rainy evening yards in my warm pool

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, May 22nd, 2015


    600 warmup
    6 x 100 @ 1:40
    6 x 40 (20 hard, 20 easy) @ :40
    10 x 200 done as:
    3 @ 3:20, 2 @ 3:15, 1 @ 3:10
    2 @ 3:15, 1 @ 3:10
    1 @ 3:10
    320 cool down

    Cool evening out, which makes the pool feel all that warmer. :) This was a session about even pacing, and I managed to do a decent job at it. The 100s all came in on 1:25, and they were comfortable and I was breathing on 3. The first five 200s were bang on 2:50, and were also comfortable and breathing was on 3. The last five 200s were a smidge more of a push as the arms were starting to feel the effort - these all came in between 2:50 and 2:55, and I was breathing on 3 throughout.

    Actual swim: 3,760 yards in a toasty warm pool


    I hopped out of the pool and scurried up the stairs to transition out of my Speedo and into my running duds. Do you know how frickin' hard it is to squeeze into a tight fitting sports bra when you are still dripping wet?? :eek: Good god, that was ugly. But the run went pretty well - it was a gorgeous evening to be out in the field, and I just let the body dictate the pace.

    And speaking of paces, they were: 9:16, 9:18, 9:06, 8:54, 8:56, 9:24, 8:52. I didn't look at my paces while I was running, but seeing them now I am surprised at mile 6 (9:24) as I had no idea I had slowed down, however I ran into some deer in the field on that mile and stopped briefly, then turned around and started running in the direction I had just perhaps that's why it stands out like a sore thumb. But all in all this felt pretty good....however, I was glad I didn't have to go another mile as I was ready to be done with both a swim and a run in the body at that point. :)

    Actual run: 7 miles in 1:03:51 for an average pace of 9:07 min/mile

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, May 23rd, 2015


    The weather has gotten cooler around here while the sun is in full swing, making for a perfect day for a bike ride! Whoop whoop!!!

    I had intended on breaking out the Black Cat today, but circumstances conspired against me and the Mad One won out for this breath of fresh air. Right from the start this one felt pretty good. The speed is still mediocre, but comparing this ride to a nearly identical ride I did 3 weeks ago, it's up ever so slightly. Baby steps.

    But, if you want to know the best thing about this ride....:D....I'd have to say it was when I met up with my dear old ankle-biting and tire-chasing friend, the dreaded Jack Russell terrier on Elgin Dr. All I've got to say is, fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me. Yep, that's right, my trusty water bottle and I were ready for that yappy-snappy-four-legged hazard - he wasn't so bold with a stream of tri-berry energy drink aimed at his face. :) It's the little victories that make me so incredibly happy. ;)

    Actual bike: 44.12 miles in 2:38:15 for an average speed of 16.7 mph and an elevation gain of 2,050 feet


    5 x 800 done as: easy, moderate, buoy-band, buoy-band, cruise

    Seems anything done after a long-ish bike ride requires more effort than usual, and this swim was no different. It took about 1,000 yards before I started to get in the groove, and things definitely improved from that point on. The best section of this swim was by far the buoy-band - good upper body work there. And the final 800 was way beyond cruise effort - it was more like a relaxing-on-a-catamaran-while-sipping-on-a-fruity-drink-with-a-cute-little-umbrella-in-it effort. All good!

    Actual swim: 4,000 yards of fruity effort

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, May 24th, 2015


    This was to be an easy 60 to 90 minute spin, so I decided this would be perfect to break out the Black Cat for her first road ride since IM Maryland last September. It's high time to get a few miles on her...high time to get comfortable riding her again.....especially if I'll be showing her off in a mere few weeks. :eek::o

    All went pretty well, but I was unreasonably and illogically disappointed in the speed and effort I expended on this ride. I'm not going to totally bore you with the details, but long story short, the first 15 miles of this ride and yesterday's ride were the exact same miles, but yesterday's 15 miles (on the Mad One, aka Trek Madone) were faster than today's (on the Black Cat, aka Trek Speed Concept). Go Mad One!!! Yesyesyes I know the route was hilly....and yesyesyes I know I was barely down on the aerobars....and yesyesyes I know this was supposed to be easy (but I honestly didn't treat it that way)....but somehow in my pea-brain I assumed I'd be faster today than yesterday just by perching myself on this stealth weapon. This may be a bit of apples and oranges, however I couldn't help but hear the warning by one of our boardies to not expect a spiffy bike to make you into an amazing cyclist (and I am paraphrasing very badly here - sorry!). Point being, it takes hard work to be competitive at anything you do. Hard work. Used correctly, the spiffy bike just evens the playing field a little, that's all.

    Actual bike: 20.55 miles in 1:13:32 for an average speed of 16.8 mph and an elevation gain of 1,286 feet


    I did this after my late shift at work, so this was done in the early evening while the sun was setting. It was still pretty hot out, so it was summer running duds and a bottle of water out in the field for me!

    The goal was to run for 75 minutes - the longest for me in 14 weeks - and in doing the math and reflecting on where I have been and where I want to go, I had it in my head I wanted to put down 9 miles come hell or high water. I didn't have my contacts in so I had some difficulty seeing the paces on my watch, but by the third mile I had a feeling I was going too fast...and after squinting my eyes and studying the Garmin, my suspicions were confirmed - the pace was too hot for my current ability. Ugh. And I was starting to feel my mistake....yet I was too stubborn to let go. Double ugh. So I hung on best I could and kept repeating the mantra I've been using quite recently, "shut up legs"...but honestly on mile 8 I had had enough so I made the executive decision to treat mile 9 as a cool down mile. All. Matches. Burned.

    The pro - I did 9 miles on tired legs.
    The con - I couldn't have gone any further without it getting really ugly.

    Paces were:
    8:51, 8:25, 8:21, 8:24
    8:36, 8:35, 8:31, 8:44

    Actual run: 9 miles in 1:18:46 for an average pace of 8:45 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    I wouldn't be too worried about your speed on the TT bike.

    It's your first time riding it in ages, the position is different and you're using different muscle groups so it was probably just a small shock to your system and you'll be flying once you get used to it again.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You are running again. Let me repeat YOU ARE RUNNING AGAIN. The injury is over. Now its just rebuilding the ability. And you and the Cat just need to get reacquainted. First time's never perfect ;)

    I like your log these days :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pointer28 wrote: »
    I wouldn't be too worried about your speed on the TT bike.

    It's your first time riding it in ages, the position is different and you're using different muscle groups so it was probably just a small shock to your system and you'll be flying once you get used to it again.

    ^^^ True. And I also know the elevation profile of what I did yesterday doesn't exactly smack of tt-love. I think that profile is more made for a proper road bike. I think this coming weekend I'll have to ride my quasi-flatish 2.5 mile piece of road that I am fond of over and over again to get me aero and mentally/physically in the tt-grove. (I don't live in a flat county!)
    Oryx wrote: »
    I like your log these days :)

    I'm almost afraid to ask why. ;)
    (shhhh.....don't tell me!!!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, May 25th, 2015

    Yep, another Monday rest day! Whoop whoop!!! :D

    Tuesday, May 26th, 2015


    15 minutes warmup
    30 x (1 minute @ race effort w/cadence 90+ rpm, 30 seconds easy)
    15 minutes cool down

    The 30 x 1 minute intervals were to be done with increasing effort through each set of 10.....however, I was feeling too big for my britches and started out way too hard on the very first few intervals and sort of struggled through the first 10. I improved my pacing of effort on the second set of 10....and did a pretty decent job on the third set of 10. It always amazes me how long 1 measly minute can seem when you're sweating like a pig and pushing your legs and lungs to the limit. And wouldn't you know, for some unknown reason I forgot to wear my headband for this one, so I had sweat rolling down my face and into my eyes the entire time. Not enjoyable, to be honest, and won't happen again if I can help it. Good session, and power still seems to be creeping slowly in the right direction.

    Actual trainer: 75 minutes of sneaky lunchtime sweating on the Cat



    400 swim
    300 pull
    200 kick
    100 IM

    200 @ 3:20
    4 x 40 @ :45
    300 @ 5:00
    4 x 40 @ :45
    400 @ 6:40
    4 x 40 @ :45
    500 @ 8:20

    200 easy cool down

    I approached this session as a pacing session - so my goal was to keep my pace as even as possible throughout the main set. The intervals were generous, but both the quality and success of this swim were high. I had decided I would target a sub 1:30/100 yard pace through out, and I was bang on the mark - didn't miss a one - and I did so by breathing every three, which means I was comfortable and controlled. Times/paces as follows:

    All 40s came in between 30 and 33 seconds (1:15-1:23/100 yards)
    200 in on 2:52 (1:26/100 yards)
    300 in on 4:25 (1:28/100 yards)
    400 in on 5:50 (1:28/100 yards)
    500 in on 7:10 (1:26/100 yards)

    I'm very pleased with this. My speed may be non-existant, but at least I have some ability to keep an even pace over a moderate distance.

    Actual swim: 3,080 even evening-time yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭pointer28

    Have you got a big ass fan beside you on the turbo (the wind generating kind, not the foam finger waving and cheering kind)?

    If not, well worth the investment, buy the biggest one you can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    What pointer said, and even better a remote control one if you can so you can speed it up and slow it down depending on what your doing. If your going to be doing a lot of turbo it's something you really really need.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pointer28 wrote: »
    Have you got a big ass fan beside you on the turbo (the wind generating kind, not the foam finger waving and cheering kind)?

    If not, well worth the investment, buy the biggest one you can.
    joey100 wrote: »
    What pointer said, and even better a remote control one if you can so you can speed it up and slow it down depending on what your doing. If your going to be doing a lot of turbo it's something you really really need.

    I do NOT have a fan by the turbo. :( In some ways I sort of thought a bit of sweaty suffering might build a smidge of cycling character. :confused:;) And there are fans with remotes??? Good lord....the only fan I have in the house is from my childhood (certified antique, then ;)) that is quite substantial and like a piece of furniture!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, May 27th, 2015


    20 minute warmup
    8 x 400 best average @ 2:40
    20 minute cool down


    This was going to be a track session, but our local track is under much needed repair so I opted to do this on the Greenway, which is fairly flat and made of a very black asphalt. And because I didn't have the simplicity of the already measured and very static track, I had to use my very imperfect Garmin to estimate 1/4 of a mile, and I had to mark Point A and Point B and run up and back between these two points 8 times to do this.

    Honestly - Not. Much. Fun.

    Give me the track any day of the week to do this. Heck, give me my trusty treadie to do this. For whatever reason, I did not enjoy this one little bit. Could it have been the fact that it was sweltering out there today at high noon and I was wilting under the sun? Could it have been that this was my first time running on asphalt since I trotted around Boston Common with our ultra-iron hoochie by my side and it felt very hard on my body? Could it have been that my splits today were beyond crap and it is quasi-discouraging for someone who used to be able to do a good bit better? But, I know I am rebuilding. And, I'm grateful to be running at all. It's just frustrating. However, I'll get there...slowly but surely, I'll get there. !!!

    The odd numbered 400s (and I realize my measurement could have been slightly more or less than 400) were on a slight decline and with a slight tailwind, and the even numbered 400s were on a slight incline with a slight headwind - thus there is a corresponding slight discrepancy in splits/paces, up and back.

    1:41, 1:44, 1:41, 1:43, 1:40, 1:44, 1:39, 1:41

    Glad. It's. Done.


    Actual run: 6.65 yucky miles on the Greenway over lunch

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Hope you don't mind this question Dory-

    Are 400's a good idea so soon, coming back from a broken leg? What benefit do they have in your program now, over slow runs gradually built up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Hope you don't mind this question Dory-

    Are 400's a good idea so soon, coming back from a broken leg? What benefit do they have in your program now, over slow runs gradually built up?

    I don't mind the question at all. I guess the first thing 14.5 weeks post-fracture too soon? Sports medicine gave me the green light with no restrictions (obviously, as long as I am experiencing no pain) to begin proper run training after 12 weeks. I've built up my slow runs to 9 miles, so that's going fairly well (even if I was dying on that 9th mile Sunday....but I had an accumulation of activities in those legs....and that was the point of doing that run as the last session of the week). I'd like to try and get a bit of turnover in the legs, and my body is telling me it's time to try. No ill effects from yesterday's Greenway 400s. And I'm even feeling a little better about my times and effort. :) Thanks for asking!!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    . And I'm even feeling a little better about my times and effort. :)
    Hallelujah to that!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I don't mind the question at all. I guess the first thing 14.5 weeks post-fracture too soon? Sports medicine gave me the green light with no restrictions (obviously, as long as I am experiencing no pain) to begin proper run training after 12 weeks. I've built up my slow runs to 9 miles, so that's going fairly well (even if I was dying on that 9th mile Sunday....but I had an accumulation of activities in those legs....and that was the point of doing that run as the last session of the week). I'd like to try and get a bit of turnover in the legs, and my body is telling me it's time to try. No ill effects from yesterday's Greenway 400s. And I'm even feeling a little better about my times and effort. :) Thanks for asking!!!

    Cheers Dory. I don't like questioning other's training (not qualified to), and n=1 is always going to be the best sample with which to judge what is good for each individual. But I've found it helpful when others have called me out for coming back from injury too fast rather than just back-slappin', so I'd query if the risk/reward from doing intervals so soon is worth it, over (say) continuing to increase your easy run volume or easy run days/week.

    As above, just an uneducated 2c, but I'd be interested in your take on it, I could learn from your answer for my own injury comeback.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Cheers Dory. I don't like questioning other's training (not qualified to), and n=1 is always going to be the best sample with which to judge what is good for each individual.

    Except for that one time in The Merchant, eh?:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    zico10 wrote: »
    Except for that one time in The Merchant, eh?:)

    Haha :)

    Case in point, sometimes its better to question and be wrong; you end up learning more that way. I was pretty skeptical of your swim volume training, believed your time could be better used elsewhere. Looking at your results, I was wrong- but something learned along the way about how one discipline feeds into the others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Cheers Dory. I don't like questioning other's training (not qualified to), and n=1 is always going to be the best sample with which to judge what is good for each individual. But I've found it helpful when others have called me out for coming back from injury too fast rather than just back-slappin', so I'd query if the risk/reward from doing intervals so soon is worth it, over (say) continuing to increase your easy run volume or easy run days/week.

    As above, just an uneducated 2c, but I'd be interested in your take on it, I could learn from your answer for my own injury comeback.

    I guess the best answer to your risk/reward query is that I honestly don't know, but time will tell.

    As noted above, it's been 14.5 weeks since the break...however, I haven't exactly been sitting on my arse eating bonbons - instead, I've continued to train safely. Granted, my run training has been severely reduced and modified, yet it's not like I am coming back from anything that remotely looks like inactivity. Sooner or later I'm going to have to start doing intervals, so why not now? I've not had any pain in my femur for about 3 weeks, I was released from all restrictions after 12 weeks (obviously, assuming I was having no issues - which I wasn't at that point), and I can promise you if I had had the slightest hint of pain yesterday I would have put the ol' kibosh on the session immediately and not tried intervals again for another 2 weeks, per my sports medicine peep's instructions. And it wasn't like I was doing an hour of intervals - it was just ~20 minutes...or actually, 8 x 1:42 average split = 13 minutes and 36 seconds. ;) As I mentioned above, time will tell if the timing is right to introduce a little speed work, but my gut says it is. I'll keep you posted. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, May 28th, 2015


    800 band only
    200 easy swim
    600 band only
    200 easy swim
    400 band only
    200 easy swim
    200 band only

    This was done over a very sunshiny lunch hour (you should see how tanned my back is getting!!!)....and all went very well. As I've mentioned before, I am luvin' the band. Okay, I sort of prefer it with the pull buoy, but the band alone isn't as horrible as it once was. Legs bound together, dragging behind you, wanting to pull your lower body towards the bottom of the pool - now there's some real upper body value in that! I honestly enjoy it. Gritty work!

    Actual swim: 2,600 noontime yards


    20 minutes warm up, including 5 minutes of single leg spinning
    5 x (1 minute each at a cadence of 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60...then 3 minutes easy)
    10 minutes cool down

    The goal for me was to keep my power for those 5 sets between 130 and 140. I find that I have more power on the lower cadence/bigger gear intervals, so my power graph is shaped like a "U" even though I was trying to keep it a straight line. As I kind of mentioned to zico on his log last week, think of the power I'd have if I could learn to stay in a bigger gear but spin faster! Gosh, if I could train myself to be in the 60 rpm gear yet spin at 70 rpm....or be in the 80 rpm gear yet spin at 90 rpm. But maybe that's exactly the point of this session. ;) Oh, and my NP for those 5 sets was as follows: 133, 134, 137, 136, 139. Happy with that!

    Actual trainer: 90 minutes of some good work on the Cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I don't mind the question at all. ...... Thanks for asking!!!

    This reminded me of you Dory...(not that Kurt was correcting you but some people don't take kindly to being questioned...)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, May 29th, 2015


    1,000 warmup

    All 40s on 50 seconds:
    1 x 40 Fast, 1 x 40 Easy
    2 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    3 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    4 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    400 easy
    4 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    3 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    2 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E
    1 x 40 F, 1 x 40 E

    500 buoy-band

    This felt good....not too much to elaborate about here...did this after a long day with no lunch. But, I did down a few of my homemade energy bars prior to this to give me my boost. All fast 40s came in 28/29ish....and all easy 40s came in 33-35. Fun session!!!

    Actual swim: 3,040 good feeling fun yards


    Out of the pool and into my running duds....including that damn sports bra that is impossible to slip on when wet!!! You boys don't know how lucky you are!!!

    This felt great. I kept things nice and relaxed and all loosey-goosey....and I let the body dictate pace. The only time I peeked at my watch was when it beeped each mile, but even then I had difficulty seeing the pace because I had taken my contacts out before the swim. !!! Paces as follows:

    9:17, 8:43, 8:30, 8:30, 8:01, 8:17, 7:52, 1:42 (7:08)


    Actual run: 7.24 miles in 1:00:56 for an average pace of 8:25 min/mile
