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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, July 15th, 2015


    10 minute warmup
    5 x (1 min L, :30 both, 1 min R, :30 both)
    5 more minute easy
    30 x (1 minute race pace, 30 sec easy)
    15 minute cool down

    I was to increase effort by sets of ten on the 30 x 1 minute race pace intervals, so I picked a gear that was challenging for the first set, yet not so challenging that I had nowhere to go. I increased by one gear in the second set, and by one more gear for the third set. My cadence for the first set seemed to average between 84-88, for the second set 81-85, and for the third set 78-82.....and power increased with each passing set. I think this was good - my only wish, while I was pedaling away with the Tour as my distraction, was that the tv had been on the floor as I tend to lean over the bars and look down when I'm working my little heart out.

    Actual bike: 1:30:00 lunchtime Tour time on the Black Cat



    920 warmup
    6 x 60 (20 sprint, 40 easy)
    3 x (20 x 20 band only, 200 for time!, 120 easy)
    200 cool down

    This was good. :) This was my best set of timed 200s. :) Unlike my previous effort, I was aggressive from the first 200 instead of playing it conservatively for fear of dying on the last one. I also suppose the step back in training this week didn't hurt. ;)

    3 x 200: 2:36, 2:36, 2:34

    Times were pretty even, but boy did I throw the kitchen sink at the last one...and I honestly thought I had a shot at 2:32 on that last one because of the way I was working, but perhaps that will be another night. Happy camper!

    Actual swim: 3,440 gorgeous and happy evening yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, July 17th, 2015


    500 warmup
    5 x 100 buoy-band @ 1:35
    10 x 200 as:
    3@3:00, 2@2:55, 1@2:50, 2@2:55, 1@2:50, 1@2:45
    500 warm down

    Ten 200s doesn't sound too horrible on paper, but it really is a tough session. This went pretty well - honestly not too much to report other than I had a bottle of tri-berry flavored Nuun drink on deck with me....and all 200s came in between 2:43 and 2:48.

    Actual swim: 3,500 yummy-fruity-drink yards



    Friday nights are my swim-run combo night, so that meant the usual epic battle with the sports bra immediately post swim. !!!!!! :eek::(:mad: But once I won that battle-of-the-bra, it was out to the field to get this done.

    And what a gorgeous evening it was - perfect for a run. I didn't bother to wear my Garmin, but I had my Friday night Foo Fighters crooning their Skin and Bones cd in my ear to tell me when I'd been out there movin' and groovin' for an hour. I settled into a comfy pace after about 2 miles, and I was enjoying everything about this little trot. I have absolutely no complaints about this one - 10 times around the field with the bunny rabbits rolling their eyes at me. Slightly faster pace (I would guess) than last Friday's post-swim slog.....but nothing smokin' hot either. Happy though. :)

    Actual run: 7 miles in approximately 1:03:00 for an estimated pace of 9 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, July 18th, 2015


    This was a proper bike ride in the spitting rain. Ugh. The good news is, it wasn't torrential. The bad news is, it pretty much spit the entire time I was out there. And because I am Chicken Little on the bike, I was very cautious on the slippery this was a conservative and slow ride. And I had to laugh to myself - I never once came close to tumbling on the slick asphalt, however I did a pretty good fishtail on some gravel that had washed into the road. :eek: Good god, I even saw the gravel as I was approaching it, but it never registered that it could take me out! :o

    I did my usual routes with my usual quest to get in as many hills as possible. Up, up, up....down, down, down....please, please, please rack up 1,000 feet per hour. I mulled over in my mind whether I need to start varying my weekend route a little more as I wondered today if there is muscle memory by doing the same hills over and over again, thus compromising the benefit of going up and down those same hills. ??? But it's my nature to gravitate to things I am familiar with, and I thrive on repetition.

    Overall this was an okay ride. I got a bit bored, to be honest. I ate two energy bars and drank just about 3 entire bottles of water/energy drink. I saw one dead deer, two huge clusters of butterflies, several dead birds, and two of my favorite dogs that make me smile three (actually six since it was an out and back) times. Oh, and I nearly took out a chicken that was crossing the road. Not kidding. :D

    Actual ride: 51.7 miles in 3:32:06 for an average slippery slow pace of 14.6 mph and an elevation gain of 3,088 feet



    This was to be a 20 minute run off the bike....and, like last Saturday's bike to run, it was another very long T2. However, once I got out to the field in my running garb, I lost satellites on my old Garmin watch pretty much immediately - and that was just the excuse I needed to convince myself to do this indoors on my treadmill. Tracking my pace for this little trot was important - 9 min/mile pace - plus it was god awful muggy after the rain, so I honestly didn't even want to be outside at that moment. Therefore, into the house I skipped, down to the basement I trudged, and onto the treadmill I hopped. I set the treadie to 7.0 with no incline, and away I went for 20 minutes in the comfort of my climate controlled environment. :)

    Actual run: 2.32 artificially yucky post-bike miles in 20 minutes

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Oh, and I nearly took out a chicken that was crossing the road. Not kidding
    And I bet you were so focussed on the training it never even occurred to you to ask her why....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    And I bet you were so focussed on the training it never even occurred to you to ask her why....

    :D Yay!!! This wasn't totally lost on everyone!!! ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    :D Yay!!! This wasn't totally lost on everyone!!! ;)

    Real opportunity missed here. Next you'll be saying you found said chicken in bed with an egg and you didn't ask THAT question either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, July 19th, 2015


    <grumble, grumble....>

    Yuck. Barf. <grumble, grumble.> This was one trail run I'll try and forget about quickly. My first mistake was not going back to my usual haunt...instead, I thought I'd spice things up and try new territory. The condensed version of this run goes something like this: it was hot; I had my Camelbak on (read: extra weight on my back); it was too frickin' rocky and dangerous in places to run safely; it was too frickin' rocky, dangerous and steep in places to even walk safely; there were a zillion annoying bugs bothering the crap out of me; I took a wrong turn and got lost; the random fella with the VA Tech t-shirt on who I passed along the way took a wrong turn and got lost too; the random fella was convinced we were not lost and he convinced me to turn around and head back in the direction that I was going only to hit the same dead end I had already hit and thus wasting even more of my time. Ugh. The best thing about this run (if you can even call it a run) besides being done was the flock of turkey vultures sitting on the lookout at the peak.

    Actual run: 2 god awful hours of trail running on a trail I never should have been on!



    5 x 300 swim
    5 x 300 buoy-band
    5 x 300 swim

    Sunday night swims are a total slog-fest by design, and this did not disappoint. I will admit, I was surprised how much the trail run had taken out of me - I honestly thought I had wasted that fairly important 2 hour run by pissing around in the forest today walking a good bit of it, but as soon as I started swimming it was obvious the body knew it had done something strenuous earlier in the day. Other than the water in my pool nearly boiling me to death, this swim was fairly uneventful.

    Actual swim: 4,500 yards in my cauldron of a pool

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, July 20th, 2015

    Rest day!!!! :D

    Tuesday, July 21st, 2015


    30 min warmup with 10 min of single leg drills as 1 min right, 1 min left
    10 min @ 120 watts
    5 min easy @ 95 cad
    8 min @ 135 watts
    5 min easy @ 95 cad
    6 min @ 150 watts
    5 min easy @ 95 cad
    4 min @ 165 watts
    5 min easy @95 cad
    2 min @ 180 watts
    5 min easy @ 95 cadence
    10 more minutes easy

    This may have been the best I've done this session. I was controlled, deliberate and disciplined. And it was all manageable. !!!!

    Results, stated as average cadence...NP...average power:
    10 min - 86 rpm...122w...122w
    8 min - 88 rpm...135w...136w
    6 min - 82 rpm...150w...152w
    4 min - 84 rpm...165w...167w
    2 min - 77 rpm...179w...186w

    Actual bike: 1:35:00 done sneaky lunchtime style on the Black Cat while I watched yesterday's stage 16 of the Tour and admired the best body on a bike, Peter Sagan (hubba hubba), descend like the free spirit he is!



    400 swim
    300 buoy-band
    200 kick
    100 IM
    3 x (300 @ 4:40, 4 x 60 @ 60, 300 @ 4:40)
    200 easy

    This went pretty well. I'll be honest and admit I kept things relatively comfortable as I wanted this to be a fairly even effort and speed throughout - so it was a rhythmic swim while breathing every three. All 300s came in between 4:15 and 4:20, with the last two coming in on 4:15 each.

    Actual swim: 3,720 yards of comfy-rhythmically splashing about

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    This may have been the best I've done this session. I was controlled, deliberate and disciplined. And it was all manageable. !!!!

    Sounds like a new FTP test might be in order!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    joey100 wrote: »
    Sounds like a new FTP test might be in order!

    Shhhhhhh!!!!! ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015


    Treadie style...

    10 minute warmup
    15 min @ 7.3
    15 min @ 7.6
    15 min @ 7.9
    15 min @ 8.2
    5 minute cool down

    Life is a bit crazy right now, but I carved out a chunk of time late morning to get this done. I wore my addizeros (I've been avoiding them on the outdoor runs at the moment) and every single time I put them on I lovelovelove them. I love the way they feel....I love the way they are so light....I love the "everything" about them. But they also remind me of when my femur fractured at Donadea.

    The only thing marginally remarkable about this little trot was the side stitch I got on the very last 15 minute interval. Ugh! I'm getting tired of these damn side stitches...but I got it worked out and all was well with the world again.

    Actual run: 9.34 miles in 1:15:00



    2,000 yards easy immediately after the run

    This was a real treat!!! I mean, who doesn't love an easy-breezy swim in the sunshine immediately after a good, sweaty session on the treadmill while watching those lycra clad boys on bikes in the Alps?? What luxury!!!!

    Actual swim: 2,000 easy yards in the midday sunshine

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, July 23rd, 2015


    20 min w/u (12 min easy spin, 6 min alternating 1 min R/ 1 min L, 2 min easy spin)
    5 x (6 min big gear aiming for 60 cad at 125W to start and working UP from there, 3 min easy spin)
    5 more mins easy
    8 x (:30 sec very hard! well over 250W here!
    2:30 super easy spin)
    5 min more easy!

    Today's sessions were in jeopardy of getting done due to life's twists and turns, but with some hustle in my bustle I managed to squeak them out. I won't take up too much space jabbering on about this, but in a nutshell I think this went pretty well. My first thought regarding the 6 minute intervals was to up the power by 5 watts from one interval to the next, but upon finishing the second interval, I decided that my initial plan was a little too conservative and decided to try and up the next three by ~10w each. And for the 8 x 30 second bursts, each one had a max power well over 250w, but I only managed to average over 250w on the 6th one. All I can say is I tried my hardest.

    6 minute intervals stated as "average cadence...NP...average power":
    62 rpm...125w...127w
    63 rpm...131w...132w
    61 rpm...143w...144w
    62 rpm...151w...153w
    56 rpm...163w...164w

    Actual bike: 1:39:00 of big gear grinding on the Cat



    On the treadie IMMEDIATELY after the bike:
    10 minute warmup
    20 x (20 sec "on", 40 sec "off" (done as 10 @ 9.5, 5 @ 9.8, 5 @ 10.0))
    5 minute cool down

    After a quick change of shoes, I was off and running like the sweaty mess I was. But this was good!! Loved this quick little session!! YAY! I took the warmup very easy....and just let the body "go" on the fast 20 second intervals. Was great fun - good for the mind and body.

    Actual run: 35 minutes "on" and "off" the treadie

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, July 24th, 2015


    1000 band-only
    200 easy kick-swim
    800 band-only
    200 easy kick-swim
    600 band-only
    200 easy kick-swim
    400 band-only
    200 easy kick-swim
    200 band-only
    200 easy kick-swim

    This was done over lunch in the sun-shiniest of sunshiny days. I felt a million miles away from everything during this swim, which was nice. It's a little slice of heaven out there today, I tell ya!

    Actual swim: 4,000 yards in my own oasis

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Festival
    Our Community Place
    Saturday, July 25th, 2015

    This ride truly is a treasure! It's challenging and scenic....well organized and reasonably priced. And best of all, it's for a fantastic cause - it helps support a community kitchen where everyone is welcome, especially those who are on the fringes of society and deserve to be treated with dignity. Their mission is to invite folks from all walks of life to come for a meal, no strings attached...with the intention that those who come to eat will help with the meal preparation, and those who come to help with the meal preparation will eat....and in the hope that this simple act will bridge social boundaries and enhance everyone's lives through this interaction. This is Our Community Place's 24th annual bike fest - my second year in a row attending this event - and after watching the various volunteers from different walks of life/ability/income/education work together in such a seamless and mutually respectful manner to put on this ride, I can personally attest to the success of this very simple concept. :)

    Any way....the ride. I arrived at 6:30am to a perky reception at check in. Breakfast was being served (no charge!) for anyone who wanted a meal before the ride. Promptly at 7am, those of us doing the century (100 mile!) ride were called to the line. After a few brief words, we were off on our big adventure on one of the most perfect of mornings for a bike ride. Yay us!!!

    I'm honestly not going to bore you gentle readers to death with endless bike-ride minutia, but rather let me condense this way down for you as I am quite sure you have better things to do with your time than listen to me drivel on about what amazing thing occurred at mile 10, or who did what in spectacular fashion at mile 38, or what incredible catastrophe happened at mile 74. In a nutshell: I met some nice folks...I rode up and down an insane number of hills...I pretty much rode on my own and did not have anyone to draft off of...I stopped at all 4 rest stops to stretch my legs and grab some refreshments...there was a guy in pink socks and wearing an all white cycling kit :eek: who zoomed past me after the 3rd rest stop but whom I reeled in on every hill and kept referring to him silently as "Mr. Pink Socks"...and when I would get bored or start to tire, I would say "Vincenzo Niboli" over and over in my head because I liked the way it felt and sounded, not because I particularly care for him as a cyclist. :D

    I arrived back to where I began nearly 7.5 hours earlier to a warm reception, hearty congratulations and a hot meal of quesadillas, potatoes, corn on the cob, cole slaw, fruit smoothies, and several dessert options. Not kidding. And no charge. Oh, and they were offering free post-ride massages. And we can't forget the uber cool white and black event t-shirt that I love! Next year marks Our Community Place's 25th year, and you can bet your bottom dollar I'll be back for that quarter century celebration. :)

    My Garmin link is below, but as a side note when/if looking at the Garmin data - I forgot to turn off my Garmin at one of the rest stops...and the elevation gain reads too much via Garmin Connect, and reads too little if I enable elevation corrections, so we are going with what the organizers swear on a stack of bibles is 100% accurate.

    Actual ride: 98.53 miles in 6:26:22 for an average moving pace of 15.3 mph and an elevation gain 7,927.50 feet

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Actual ride: 98.53 miles in 6:26:22 for an average moving pace of 15.3 mph and an elevation gain 7,927.50 feet
    Nice work. Hilly :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, July 26th, 2015


    After last Sunday's debacle of a trail run (get it out of my mind, get it out of my mind....), I headed back to my usual trail, but with a twist. This particular trail I run has two other offshoot trails I tend to avoid - but not today. Today I decided I'd go exploring on one of the trails....ugh. (why do I go off-script??) This new trail is actually in very good shape and quite lovely deep in the forest, but it basically goes up, up, up.....up, up, up.....up, up, up. Wtf?? Where is the down?? I kept thinking surely this will level off and maybe even start to go down. Nope. And I had my camelbak sloshing around on my back adding a few extra pounds to my already tired-from-the-century-ride legs. I even stopped at one point, slightly disgusted with this constant upward trajectory, and questioned why the hell I was dragging myself uphill when my IM run is basically flat with only a few hills here and there. ??? Crap. I looked at my watch and I had only been running for 30 minutes, so I had an entire hour yet to go. Double crap. So I bargained with myself to continue on until either my watch beeped the next mile, or until I reached a point where I would start to descend. Needless to say, I turned around about a half mile later when my watch beeped. When I arrived at the bottom again, I still had a good bit of time left to run, so I slipped onto my normal trail and my legs found some joy. The body was happy....the mind was happy...and the "running" felt pretty dang good. Happy ending to my happy trails. :)

    Actual run: 7.74 forest miles in 1:30:48



    15 x 300 done as:
    5 x 300 swim
    5 x 300 buoy-band
    5 x 300 swim

    I did this in the late evening as the sun was creeping down behind the Massanutten Mountain to the west. Usually my Sunday evening swims are a heavy slog, but tonight's actually felt a little lighter and not so slog-like. Yay. Happy with how I recovered after my century ride. I think the extra sleep and good feed post-ride helped!

    Actual swim: 4,500 nice evening yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, July 28th, 2015


    20 min w/u (12 min easy spin, 6 min alternating 1 min R/ 1 min L, 2 min easy spin)
    5 x (6 min big gear aiming for 60 cad. at 125W to start and working UP from there, 3 min easy spin)
    5 more mins easy
    8 x (:30 sec very hard! well over 250W here!, 2:30 super easy spin)
    5 min more easy!

    This was sneaky lunchtime style on the Cat...and it went fine. The increasing power for today's 6 minute segments was very similar to last week's 6 minute segments, and I'll take that as a plus since I could feel traces of Saturday's century ride still in the legs. Data for the 5 x 6 minutes stated as "average cadence...NP...average power":


    And I actually managed to get 4 (or 5?) of my 30 second bursts of power over 250w for the average of those 30 seconds, which is an improvement over last week. Yay!! I'm still struggling with this power thing, but today was not so bad. :)

    Actual bike: 1:39:00 sweating on the Cat



    2 x (100 each swim, kick, IM, pull, swim)
    4 x (100 @ 1:35, 100 @ 1:30, 100 @ 1:25)
    10 x 40s FAST off 60
    400 cool down

    This was done after a fairly stressful day at work. Ugh. UGH! But my pool is my oasis, and this session went okay. Most of the 100s came in right at 1:20, but the range was 1:17 to 1:23. And the first nine 40s came in 26/27...but on the last one I decided I'd try holding my breath going up, then breathing every 2 coming back, and I came in on 25. ??? I still have zero speed - I actually don't even want to go short and fast - don't like the "hurt" short and fast makes you feel - I'd rather have the "hurt" endurance makes you feel - but I'll keep trying to embrace the short and fast when needed.

    Actual swim: 3,000 short and fast <cough> yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, July 29th, 2015


    Hill repeats!!! :eek::eek::eek:

    20 minute warm up
    12 x 1 minute hill repeats
    20 minute cool down

    Holy f*ck this was hard. And ugly. And very slow. :o I haven't done hill repeats since before my fracture, and my loss of running fitness really showed tonight. I did this on my usual hill on Main Street after work, and all I can say is, I'm sure I ruined everyone's dinner in the restaurant that I ran by 24 times (up 12 and down 12). I'm sure they all thought, "oh dear, that poor girl is dying and looks miserable out fact, she looks like she could just throw up!" Between you and me, I wanted to quit after the second interval....but I kept telling myself that no matter how slow I was going, as long as I was trying, there was value in these repeats. And trust me, by the 9th one I was going pretty slow up that hill. And tonight's session amplifies how poor my running is at the moment - shocking how much I seem to have lost over these last 5 months. I fear the marathon will eat me alive in October, but I have to keep the faith and trust in the plan. Fingers crossed I'm on the right path and have enough time left.

    Actual run: some easy running and some awful hills on Main Street on a steamy night!!!



    2,000 yards immediately after the run

    Um, the above line pretty much says it all - 2,000 yards immediately after the run. Body was pooped and legs had no interest in kicking, so this was pretty slow. But it was a lovely uninterrupted swim with zero time pressure, so what's not to like??!!!!

    Actual swim: 2,000 yards immediately after the run

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, July 30th, 2015


    20 min warmup with 6 min of 1 min R/1 min L
    3 x (4 min at 125W, 3 min at 145W, 3 min at 155W, 1 min at 165W, 3 min easy spin (42 minutes total))
    Then, 30 mins at 120 to 130W
    5 min easy

    Whoo wee!!!! OMG, this was one toughie of a session!!! What made it so tough was increasing the power without the luxury of a recovery interval between power intervals. :eek: But I turned up the music, closed my eyes, and kept my focus on being disciplined and hitting my targets, and I think I did a very good job with this. The only thing I did outside the lines was on the 30 minute segment - my average power was a smidge above what it was supposed to be, but I was like a dog with a bone and just couldn't let it go. I think I can be forgiven. ;)

    Data stated as "average cadence...NP...average power":
    4 min - 82 rpm...123w...125w
    3 min - 80 rpm...145w...146w
    3 min - 72 rpm...156w...157w
    1 min - 68 rpm...163w...167w

    4 min - 84 rpm...124w...126w
    3 min - 79 rpm...144w...146w
    3 min - 72 rpm...157w...157w
    1 min - 68 rpm...164w...168w

    4 min - 84 rpm...126w...128w
    3 min - 80 rpm...147w...149w
    3 min - 73 rpm...158w...158w
    1 min - 70 rpm...172w...173w

    30 minutes - 77 rpm...133w...133w

    Actual bike: 1:37:00 on the Cat while doing some serious sweating!!!


    Run off the bike!!


    I'm pretty horrible running off the bike, so I need lots of "practice" at this. Ugh! The only thing I changed off the bike was my shoes, so the transition was as speedy as they come for me. I eased into the first mile and tried to find some love in the field, and then my hope was to be able to up the pace without totally blowing up. Success!! But I'll disclose two things: 1) my Garmin ALWAYS makes me look faster than I really am (so add 10 to 20 seconds per mile to my recorded paces below), and 2) after the first mile, I kept to the fastest/flattest section of the field (so I sort of feel I cheated a little, however I kept to that section of the field because there was deer in the other section of the field after that first mile and I did not want to disturb them).

    Paces were: 9:17, 8:19, 7:59

    Good session! In fact, two good sessions tonight. My legs are toast at the moment, and I feel I'm currently always training tired, but maybe these are good things!

    Actual run: 3.07 miles in 26:07 for an average pace of 8:30 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, July 31st, 2015


    900 warmup
    6 x 60 (20 fast, 40 easy)
    3 x (20 x 20 band only, 200 for time!, 100 easy)

    This went okay. Nothing spectacular, but not in the gutter either. I've been tired all week, and I honestly believe that of the three disciplines, swimming suffers first and suffers the most when you're tired.

    I believe I did this same session last week, and from memory, tonight's 200s all came in 1 second slower than last week's. Boo hiss. Oh well, I guess it could've been worse!

    200s: 2:37, 2:37, 2:34.5 (yes, I am employing the ".5" as I was definitely under 2:35, but not quite at 2:34 ;):D)

    Actual swim: 3,360 yards as the sun was setting over the Massanutten Mountain



    This was my usual Friday night swim-run duo. I kind of like this swim to run - the body definitely agrees more to this transition than it does to the bike-run transition. And what a gorgeous night it was out there with the fantastic blue moon coming up over the Blue Ridge Mountain. A total wow factor of a perfect 10!!

    I started out nice and slow....stayed relaxed and loosey goosey throughout...then upped the effort a bit on the last 2 miles. I ran in one part of the field on miles 1, 3, and 5 (the slower section), and ran in another part of the field on miles 2, 4, 6, and 7 (the faster section)...and you can see that reflected in my paces. I'm quite happy with this fact, I'm more pleased with this run than I am with my swim tonight.

    9:21, 8:37, 8:45, 8:30, 8:45, 8:00, 8:02

    Actual run: 7.01 miles in 1:00:03 for an average pace of 8:34 min/mile

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Best drumming ever?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »

    Best drumming ever?

    Anything with Dave Grohl rocks! ;)

    But my fave Queen of the Stone Age song is probably this one (even if it is sans the Grohl-ster)....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, August 1st, 2015


    Hello August. How I hate your heat when I have to train.


    So....I got a brand new cassette on the Black Cat. :) I had my fabulous boys who take such good care of me at the bike shop to swap out my 11-25 for an 11-28 so I can start preparing for the hills of Louisville. (Jeez, I hope I'm doing the right thing by taking the Cat to Kentucky. !!!) And today was my maiden voyage with it....and I think it went okay. I definitely noticed the extra "spin" on the hills on her. The Mad One has this same cassette, so the feel of this gearing is not new to me, it's just new to me on this particular bike. But one thing that is different is the Cat's crank is slightly shorter than the Mad One's....and I like it shorter. :)

    I started out by taking my usual path up Shenk Hollow and then Rocky Branch...but then instead of heading out to Vaughn Summit (like you folks even know where the hell I'm talking about!), I made a bee line for the local tri course. I think the last time I cycled the tri course was at last year's race, and to my sheer disappointment, those miserable hills are still where they were last year, and they are still very miserable. Poop. But I made my way along the course down on my aero bars as much as possible, and then I started seeing signs for the bike race that was on today. Huh?? Oh god...the road race!!! Crap. Oh well....move over racers, Dory is in the house. :D I actually didn't meet up with them until I was on my way back around a 10 mile loop...and there were three staggered groups, each group bunched together and being escorted by local law enforcement...and in my opinion, they were going pretty "slow" for being in a race. ??? I'm guessing they all just stick together until someone decides he or she has the legs to scramble to the finish faster than anyone else. ?? I haven't a clue...but I shouted words of encouragement at each group, however it looked like my words fell on deaf ears as not a one so much as gave me a glance. Perhaps if I had yelled "slow pokes" or "you call yourself cyclists?" I might have gotten a nod. Any way, they didn't look like they were pushing too many watts to me. :D

    And speaking of not pushing too many watts, good god my power is low. Looking at the Garmin file, there were a few moments of effort on paper, but in many places it looks like I was loafing. All I know is I worked the hills, and the legs couldn't believe I was going to make them run off the bike. :eek: Oh, and I ran out of water even though I had 3 bottles with me. <grumble, grumble> The Cat's bottles are smaller than the Mad One's. Must. Do. Better. (hello camelbak?)

    Actual ride: 48.67 miles in 3:04:17 for an average pace of 15.8 mph and an elevation gain of 3,043 feet



    It was too freakin' hot out there for me to run for 45 minutes in the field. I would have melted into a puddle if I dared try it, especially as thirsty as I was. So instead, this was done in my climate controlled basement on the treadmill. Tunes were cranked, and I set off happy as a clam to have some comforts around me. The first 15 minutes were super easy at a 6 setting...and then I upped the pace to a nice 7 setting for the remaining 30 minutes - the incline was at zero. The goal was to hold a 9 min/mile pace for those 30 minutes, and 7 with no incline satisfies that.

    This was tough. My legs were completely in let-me-lie-down mode and were not amused that I was asking them to do any work. I had several conversations with myself about this run, the way the legs felt, why I was putting myself through this, and how beneficial this feeling was going to be in 2 months. I convinced myself just enough to get the 45 minutes done, but I'm not sure I could have gone much further today. I've decided not to tell the legs they've got over 2 hours to run tomorrow as they might declare mutiny!

    Actual run: 5 miles in 45 minutes on my trusty treadie!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, August 2nd, 2015


    My poor legs.

    I didn't tell them they were getting up at 5am to get this done early, but it was up and out the door as quickly as I could get up and out the door. I pulled my hair back, tossed my camelbak on, grabbed a bite of an energy bar, and out into the darkness I went. However, it wasn't too awful dark as there was a bit of daylight just starting to make an appearance. But holy mackerel!! What a fantastic time of day to be getting your long run done. Wow. The stillness of the morning that gently unfolds into daylight....the peaceful silence that slowly fills with sound....the monochrome canvass that magically illuminates with color....the slumber of a town that wipes the sleep from its collective eyes. You have to time your run just right to catch all that...and on this morning, I did. :)

    And my run went okay. I had no expectations at all for this run other than to get the prescribed time in and to keep a comfortable effort going from start to finish. I wore my Garmin, but I didn't bother to look at my paces while I was running as there was zero point in concerning myself with pace. Now, I'd be lying to you if I denied my desire to have an average overall pace below 10 min/mile, but I also told myself it wasn't the end of the world if I didn't manage that pace since I had the pink Camelbak strapped on my back filled with water, emergency snacks, cell phone, and keys. Plus, my legs were pooped, it was 5 in the morning, I hadn't had anything of significance to eat or drink since the night before, and this was going to be the longest run I've done since Eagleman (because I've been trail running for my long runs). :)

    And now to the nitty gritty - the highlights of the run: headed west to the hills on Main Street...hit the Greenway where I saw a very adorable muskrat...had to pee but the bathrooms were locked on the Greenway so I slipped into the brush...hit the hills again on the west end of Main Street...was nearly blinded by the sun coming up over the Blue Ridge Mountain when I turned around and headed back east on Main Street...and finished up the run in the happy confines of my field. Looking at my splits, the first 4 miles were 10+ min/mile, the next 8 miles were 9:30ish min/mile, and the final 2 miles were sub 9 min/mile. All things considered, I'm actually tickled to death with this run. :)

    Actual run: 14.1 miles in 2:15:44 for an average pace of 9:38 min/mile



    15 x 300s done as:
    5 x swim
    5 x pull
    5 x swim

    I did this in the late afternoon under a fairly intense sun...and my tanned back can prove it! ;) This was to be a recovery swim, so I took it easy and didn't push the pace. I kept the body comfortable and let the stresses of life just float away.

    Actual swim: 4,500 afternoon yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, August 3rd, 2015

    <drum roll......>

    Rest day!!!! :D

    Tuesday, August 4th, 2015


    20 min w/u (12 min easy spin, 6 min alternating 1 min R/ 1 min L, 2 min easy spin)
    5 x (6 min big gear aiming for 60 cad. at 125W to start and working UP from there, 3 min easy spin)
    5 more mins easy
    8 x (30 sec very hard! well over 250W here!, 2:30 super easy spin)
    5 min more easy!

    Like a total goof I had forgotten to recharge the Garmin Edge after Saturday's ride. Boo. And when I turned it on, it only had 11% left. Boo hiss. So I grabbed the pool clock and set that in front of me and the Cat so I could track time, and I made the decision to turn off the Garmin and wait until I hit the 6 minute big gear intervals before I turned it back on. I had my fingers crossed it had enough juice to get me through all 5 of those 6 minute intervals, but no dice - it crapped out on me 2 minutes into the final 6 minutes. The first 4 intervals went pretty well, and the last interval was going okay up until the Garmin's lights went out, and I honestly haven't a clue how I did after that. All I can say is, I think I work harder and have better focus when I have numbers in front of me to tell me where I am. When I don't have numbers, I feel like I'm lost at sea with no horizon in sight. But, here's the data I have....and I have no complaints with what got recorded.

    Stated as "average cadence...NP...average power":
    66 rpm...128w...127w
    63 rpm...136w...136w
    60 rpm...146w...147w
    61 rpm...155w...156w
    58 rpm...162w...166w

    Actual bike: 99 minutes on the Black Cat done sneaky lunchtime style



    2 x (300 swim, 200 pull, 100 kick)
    2 x (3 x 200 @ 2:55, 4 x 60 @ 60)
    400 easy
    10 x 40 (done as 20 sprint, 20 easy)
    200 cool down

    Gorgeous, gorgeous evening...sunny, yet fairly windy.....and I can tell the days are getting shorter by where the sun is in the sky and the angle of the shadows being cast. And tonight's warmup was a tester for some new goggles I ordered and received today. (more than one pair :D) I had to fiddle a bit with the straps...and had to adjust and re-adjust them on my face...and I need to do some more adjusting with the nose it's an experiment in progress, really. No conclusions or opinions on them yet!

    And maybe I was too focused on the new goggles because the 200s in this session were all over the place! Gah! :( I'm honestly not sure what happened, but they were not very consistent at all. I may not have pushed as hard as I should (could?) have since I pretty much held to breathing every 3 on (I think) all but the last one. Breathing every 3 tells me I am trying to stay comfortable and not pushing but so much. Breathing every 2 tells me I am in a hard rhythm and working it. Times as follows:

    2:40, 2:45, 2:48
    2:43, 2:45, 2:38

    But the best thing about this pool session was the 10 x 40s - specifically, the 20s fast! Whoop whoop!!! I had on one of the new pairs of goggles - the one with the wider lens best suited for OW swimming - and for whatever reason, the increased vision under water transformed me back into the sprinter I once was. Dory found her kick! :D Oh these were fun! Can't wait to do them again!!! Yeehaw!

    Actual swim: 3,880 fast and furious yards

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    What goggles did you get?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    What goggles did you get?

    These!!! ;)

    The X1 was the pair I had on while doing the fast 20s, and I actually loved pretty much everything about them. The field of vision is pretty amazing, and their comfort is also equally impressive. The only thing negative I can say at the moment is that they tried to leak a little when doing flip turns - but there are no flip turns in open water, and I imagine it takes more than swimming 400 yards for my face and the goggles to figure out the right fit. I have another swim to do tonight so I'll try them again, and I'll probably try out another pair (or two) also!!! But my first impression of the X1 is a good one....if you don't mind looking like a bug or a bullfrog!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, August 5th, 2015


    Hill Repeats from Hell, Vol. II


    20 minute warmup
    12 x 1 minute hill repeats
    10 minute cool down

    Okay, these might have been a wee bit better than last week's hills, but the inferno that was last Wednesday night was reduced to a raging smolder this evening. Not exactly comfortable out there, mind you, but at least the sweat that was rolling down my face wasn't making my mascara run this time around. ;)

    I didn't bother turning my Garmin on, but I did watch my time on the clock, and it pretty much took me ~65 seconds to run up the hill on the west end of Main Street that goes right by a restaurant (those poor patrons!!!). That's still slower by a good bit from when I was doing these hill repeats 6 months ago. :( But I'll keep trying. After each slog up, I had a lovely jog down the hill and past an adorable pup who really, really, really wanted me to come give him some love. The pup is a client of ours, and he is super cute with his ice blue eyes. I gave myself 2:55 between each repeat, then I'd start the slog up the damn hill again. :)

    Actual run: 12 x 1 minute hill repeats sandwiched between some easy stuff



    5 x 500 buoy-band with 30 seconds rest, immediately after run!!!

    What's not to like about a set like this? Low stress....all about the swim cap....lovely evening....peaceful...and more new goggles to try out!! :D

    I tried out the ROKA F1 goggles, and they are fab. Very similar to the Speedo goggles I wear - and I'm not sure the ROKA's are any better than the Speedo's - but being new, the F1 was fresh and clean, didn't fog, and I love the color/tint. I also wore the bug-eyed X1 on the last 500, and again I was impressed with the field of vision.

    The swim itself was fine. Nothing really to report - I'm getting quite used to all these back-to-back sessions I'm doing - I guess they are referred to as brick sessions. Training this way frees up my lunch hour, but it also makes for a long evening!!!

    Actual swim: 2,500 yard of pulling post run

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    (OMG!!! Krusty was in the house!!! ^^^^ :D)

    Thursday, August 6th, 2015


    20 min warmup with 6 min single leg drills
    30 x (1:00 hard with race cadence (80-100) and building through sets of ten, :30 easy)
    10 min easy

    Two things to note: I goofed by accidentally combining the first 2 x (1 min on, 30 sec off) on my Garmin (so that power data reflects garbage)....and my cadence for all the 1 minute hard intervals was well between 80 and 100 rpm.

    Beyond that, I'll let my numbers do the talking....

    Stated as average power:
    105 (garbage for #1 and #2), 132, 133, 134, 145, 152, 154, 153, 187

    124, 134, 140, 137, 160, 159, 159, 168, 194, 193

    163, 163, 168, 176, 186, 195, 202, 207, 210, 211

    Not sure what I was smoking on that last set of 10, but apparently I worked it like a big girl. :)

    Actual bike: 75 minutes going hard and easy on the Cat



    On the treadmill, immediately after the bike:
    10 minute warmup
    20 x 30 sec on/30 sec off...done as 10 @ 9.5, 5 @ 9.8, 5 @ 10.
    5 minute cool down

    After a quick transition into my running shoes, I was moving and grooving on my treadmill. I've done this little session before, and I love the short, sharp snap it has. I also love how the short, sharp, snappy intervals get easier as the session goes on. Fun!!! :)

    Actual run: 35 minutes on and off the treadmill

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, August 7th, 2015


    900 warmup
    6 x 60 (20 sprint, 40 easy)
    4 x (20 x 20 band only, 200 for time!, 100 easy)

    Work was absolutely positively nuts today, which meant I didn't get home until a little bit later than normal, which meant a little bit later start than normal for my Friday night swim....which meant I knew I'd be pushing daylight on my post-swim run. But I didn't have time to worry about that as I was busting my butt to get the session started.

    And this session went fine. However, just like last Friday night, my times were a wee bit off than 2 weeks ago. ??? Not bad, and maybe I am nit-picking and need to cut myself some slack, but numbers don't lie, and I am not hitting the high notes like I'd hope to be. Times for the 200s came in like this...and yes, I am employing the ".5"!!!

    2:38.5, 2:37, 2:35.5, 2:36

    The first 200, I was all over the place while swimming. It was not a pretty 200 - too hurried and rushed. I slowed things down after that and tried to channel my inner Katie Ledecky, and the times started to come down. There is no point in rushing your stroke if becomes inefficient due to the rush.

    Oh, and I wore my new ROKA F1 goggles tonight and they really are fab. A few nights ago I believe I commented that I didn't know if the ROKA's were any better than the Speedo's...but after alternating between those two brands of goggles tonight during this swim, I honestly think that the optics in the ROKA's are superior to the Speedo's. And I've had contact with ROKA sales people directly a few times, and they are fantastic. !!! Not kidding! They want to make sure their product is the best it can be, and they want to make sure you are happy. I get the impression that they are a very small/young company, so fingers crossed that they can retain their personalized service and product quality as the company grows.

    Actual swim: 4,060 yards later than normal



    1 hour in the field immediately after the swim

    So.....I had to bust a gut to quickly transition from Speedo to running duds since I knew I was losing daylight. !!! And once I got out the door, I didn't have time to dicker around with the Garmin not wanting to pick up satellites, so after one failed attempt at picking up satellites, I just glanced at my watch and kept track of time that way. Pace on this type of run is not important.

    The run was fine - and I had Gogol Bordello to keep me company. It took a good 2 or 3 miles to really get comfortable, but I've no complaints at all. And as far a daylight goes...yep, I basically ran out of it by the time the hour was up!

    Actual run: just over 60 minutes in the field while disturbing one poor bunny rabbit and one rather large yet unafraid deer!
