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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, August 8th, 2015


    4 hours easy outside

    So, have you ever had a bee get caught in your jersey?? Or more specifically, in your very tight sports bra??? :eek: about setting me on fire. Holy sh*t....the burning pain...and trying to dig the b@stard out with one hand while traveling down a hill at 24 mph was a thrill a minute. :eek: I honestly wasn't sure exactly where the SOB had stung me - right, left or center - but my boobs felt like they were on fire!!! (I am allowed to say "boobs" in this log, aren't I? :confused:) Seriously, grown men have wept over less pain. Not kidding. Note to self: zip up cycling jersey while bent over on the tt bike as cleavage (even what little I have) acts as a great funnel for the angriest of insects. :mad:

    And now <clears throat> back to Dory's regularly scheduled training report:

    The dark and dreary morning turned into a hot and sunny afternoon....and it was me and the Black Cat getting this one done! I did my Shenk Hollow/Rocky Branch route for the first hour (that would be the hour that contained my near death experience with a killer bee), then I headed out to the tri course to spend some time reacquainting myself with those roads again. I was a bit short time wise, so I finished off the 4 hours back out Shenk Hollow way (to show those killer bees I am not afraid!).

    The ride went pretty well, but I'm not exactly sure how to define "easy" while living where I do with the hills I have to go up and down to get anywhere on a bike. But I kept everything low-key, and I never let a single hill rattle me while on the Cat. I'm getting more and more comfy-cozy riding on the fact, I think I'm starting to prefer the's like my upper body gets to be lazy and rest while my legs do all the work. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself. :)

    The supplies I took with me were: 2 gels, 4 homemade energy bars, 1 bottle of water and 4 bottles of nuun drink.

    The supplies I consumed: 2 homemade energy bars, 1 bottle of water, 3 bottles of nuun drink.

    And here's my Garmin link:

    Actual ride: 63.61 miles in 4:05:11 for an average speed of 15.6 mph and an elevation gain of 4,050 feet with boobs on fire!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, August 9th, 2015


    On the treadmill...
    30 minutes at 6.6
    30 minutes at 7.0
    30 minutes at 7.4


    And......done. :)

    Actual run: 10.5 miles in 90 minutes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Sunday, August 9th, 2015


    On the treadmill...
    30 minutes at 6.6
    30 minutes at 7.0
    30 minutes at 7.4


    And......done. :)

    Actual run: 10.5 miles in 90 minutes

    That;s your shortest log ever!

    "Boobs on fire" :D:D

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    The bee died happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, August 10th, 2015

    Rest day!!! :D

    Tuesday, August 11th, 2015


    30 min warmup, including single leg drills
    30 x (1 min at race effort building through sets of 10 and keeping cadence at 90+, 30 sec easy)
    15 min cool down

    I did this sneaky lunchtime style, and I worked this like a big girl!! For the first two sets of 10 I used two gears - one gear for the first 5, then up one gear for the next 5. On the third set of 10 I used three gears - one gear for the first 5, up one gear for the next 3, then up one more gear for the last 2. I sort of goofed up the first set of ten - I had to take a phone call from work to put out a fire (but I kept pedaling) and I missed hitting the lap button on one of the intervals...and then I started to have trouble hanging on to the progression by the end of that set. But the next two sets of 10 were much better. Average power for the 1 minute intervals was as follows:

    129, 134, 134, 140, 147, 155, ???, 182, 175, 170
    130, 141, 143, 148, 155, 180, 191, 189, 189, 201
    144, 154, 156, 160, 162, 183, 186, 193, 218, 226

    Actual bike: 90 minutes of huffing, puffing and sweating on the Cat!!



    400 swim
    300 pull
    200 kick
    100 IM

    200 @ 3:00
    4 x 40 @ 45
    300 @ 4:30
    4 x 40 @45
    400 @ 6:00
    4 x 40 @ 45
    500 @ 7:30

    I was not feeling the love during the warm up. Ugh. I really had to get my head together here. It's funny, swimming is my best discipline of the three by far, but sometimes I find it the hardest on me. Not sure if it's a mental thing where I put so much pressure on myself, or if it's just that swimming inherently suffers first/most when you're not fresh as a daisy...??? Even during the first 200 I had to have a little chat with myself to keep my chin up and to keep the right perspective about me...but I wasn't feeling it....I wasn't feeling it, that is, until I hit the wall and couldn't believe my time as it was in direct contradiction to how I was feeling. And that's when things improved. I relaxed, had a bit of confidence, and kept to business....and was breathing every 2.

    200 yards - 2:40 (1:20/100 pace)
    300 yards - 4:04 (1:21/100 pace)
    400 yards - 5:24 (1:21/100 pace)
    500 yards - 6:50 (1:22/100 pace)

    Actual swim: 3,080 yards with my chin up and the right perspective about me

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, August 12th, 2015


    30 minutes warmup
    5 x (5 min at 130 - 150w, 3 min easy)
    20 minutes cool down

    This was done rise-'n-shine style. Whoop whoop!!! And talk about the "rush" I felt afterwards. GOOD MORNING!!! I grabbed an energy bar and a yogurt, both of which I consumed during the warmup....and I had one nuun drink and one bottle of water, both of which I sipped on throughout the session.

    The first 5 minute interval may have actually taken the most effort to "push" on - seems a lot of my first intervals take the most effort to "push", then I guess the body adapts. Loved the luxury of a 3 minute easy recovery. :)

    Average power for those 5 x 5 minutes:

    131, 135, 139, 147, 151

    Actual bike: 90 minutes of spinning as the sun came up over the Blue Ridge Mountain



    300 swim easy
    400 band only, fast every 4th 20
    100 swim easy
    20 x 60 @ 60, sprint for time every 4th 60!
    400 buoy-band
    100 kick

    This was done under a full sun on a gorgeous, gorgeous day. !!!!

    When I saw I was to go "fast" with the band only, I laughed out loud. Ha! I couldn't quite imagine what that would look like...but actually it wasn't bad. Tough, yes...but not bad. Basically when you go fast with your upper body, your legs don't drag as much. Silver lining. ;)

    I tried to blast the sprint-for-time 60s as much as I could, and that resulted in some very slow-and-easy recovery 60s in between....but I guess that was sort of the point. Timed 60s came in as follows:

    44, 43.5, 43, 43, 43

    Bouy band felt grand...and the final kick reminded me how little I use my legs in the water anymore. Nice, sharp session!!!

    Actual swim: 2,500 sunny day yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, August 13th, 2015


    Treadmill time!!!

    20 minute warmup
    5 x (3 min @ 8.5, 1 min easy/off)
    16 minute cool down

    Oh....the treadmill. I honestly don't mind the treadmill in reasonable doses, and today it was just fine. And just like yesterday's first interval on the trainer, today's first interval on the treadmill was a real slog. My mind asked, "how the heck am I going to be able to sustain 5 more sets of these?" But like magic, the intervals "seemed" to get easier and easier as I checked them off....however, I will admit that by the final one I was being reminded that I had done some work!!!

    Actual run: one hour sweating on the treadie!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, August 14th, 2015

    Off!!!!!! :)

    Saturday, August 15th, 2015

    Run, bike, swim....

    Tomorrow is the local sprint triathlon, so yesterday was an "off" day and today is a bit of a dabble in all three disciplines.

    First up was a 20 minute easy trot in the field. This didn't feel too bad, if I do say so myself. This was 3 laps around the field sans Garmin - but because I know every square inch of my field, I know the distance was 2.1 miles.

    Next, I transitioned to my bike for a short spin to make sure everything was in good working order. I went up and down the gears, checked the brakes, and relaxed on the bars. Yes, I am riding the Black Cat tomorrow. The most significant thing I noticed today was a bit of instability. ??? Then it hit me - I usually train with 3 to 5 filled water bottles on the Cat, but for this ride I had none. Weight. Bottle weight, or any kind of weight, really does effect the stability of the bike...but on the plus side, I also noticed the lack of extra weight when I was going up hills. :)

    Then it was the brief swim....and the swimskin. :(:mad: Ugh. Long story short, apparently I did not bring home my swimskin from Eagleman - I have someone else's, and that someone else is bigger than me. Crap! @#$%^@&amp;#%!!!! Swimskins are supposed to be tight, and they are worn over your tri kit when the swim is not wetsuit legal - tomorrow's will not be wetsuit legal. So.....ugh and crap.....I guess I'll still wear this thing, but it won't be giving me all that it is supposed to give me, however, I think it will be better than not wearing it at all. Bottom line, it's the best "bad" choice. Poop. The swim itself felt so-so. I felt heavy and slow and like a slug in the water. Ugh, crap and poop. But I had my ROKA X1 goggles on, and I was loving the wide field of vision!!

    Actual run, bike and swim: 20 minutes, 40 minutes, 20 minutes

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    Dawn run by ur ancestral gaff...

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Race report please, m'lady

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ultraman1 wrote: »
    Dawn run by ur ancestral gaff...

    I hope you stopped into Mickey's Bar. I'm sure my cousins were still going strong at dawn! ;)
    Oryx wrote: »
    Race report please, m'lady

    Will be up later this evening. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    Didnt upload...i put it on ur other social media thingy

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ultraman1 wrote: »
    Didnt upload...i put it on ur other social media thingy

    I'll fix that! Try again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Congrats !!

    Btw, Dan Feeney was brought in as a ringer in a local race here. Folks came from long distances to have him kick their butts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    (This is going to be short and sweet ;))
    Luray Sprint Triathlon
    USAT Short Course Regional Championships
    Sunday, August 16th, 2015 we are in August and it's time for my local triathlon to rock the town. Whoop whoop!!! There is always such a great buzz around town on triathlon weekend, and this year was no exception. In fact, this year we had the added excitement of a production company out of DC filming a triathlon documentary of some sort over these 3 days - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Can you say "15 minutes of fame"? ;) I'm not exactly sure what the spin in the film will be, but they seemed to target the "quirky" participants post race for all the interviews.

    Okay...yada, let's take it straight to the meat of the story - the race itself.


    As I mentioned in my post last night, there was a swimskin swap-a-roo at Eagleman that left me unknowingly with someone else's swimskin - a swimskin that is too big for me, the worst kind. Ugh. Crap. Poop. I had made the decision last night to just go with the swimskin for the race thinking it was offering me some compression, but after slipping it on over my trisuit before the swim this morning it was obvious that it was not offering me much, if any, compression at all. So I made the executive decision to go sans swimskin and hoped the trisuit would not have too much drag to it. My fingers and toes were crossed.

    I am very aggressive when it comes to the swim start at this triathlon - I line up in the front and dare anyone to get in my way. The crowd participated in the countdown as Salt n Pepa's Push It blasted in the background, and in five we were off. I was in the 6th wave, and there were 3 minutes separating waves so I knew I'd be running into swimmers within a few minutes, and sure enough I was swimming into the breaststrokers and backstrokers and slow freestylers before I made it to the first buoy. Ugh. But I have learned to expect this and I didn't let it bother me...I just kept swimming and swimming and swimming. ;) The swim course is shaped like an upside down triangle, and as soon as we turned for the first time we were hit smack dab in the eyes by the blinding sun - perhaps the most blinding sun I have ever swam into, not kidding. I had to stop for a moment to find the next buoy - and all I could see was its silhouette, but thank god I could see that! But once I passed that buoy I could not find the next one, so I said screw it...and I made a rookie mistake - I followed a group of swimmers ahead of me. :o Folks, never ever ever never ignorantly follow swimmers ahead of you. !!! I know this...I know this with all of my heart, but I didn't want to stop and find the buoy so I took the lazy way out and followed others right off course. And oh boy did we go off course. At some point I realized we were heading in towards the final leg of the swim without going around that last turn buoy and I knew this was not I stopped, pulled up my goggles (sun was burning in my eyes) and saw we had really f*cked up. The other swimmers continued on and skipped the last turn buoy (cheating?), but I swam back to the proper race line and made my way around that last buoy properly. What a freakin' waste of time. Please, if you only learn one thing from this race report, learn that you do not follow others on the swim without sighting for yourself. The final leg home went fine for me, just like the first one did. I felt strong in the water, and really enjoyed the swim even if my time was pretty dismal.

    13:06.....1st in age, 14th woman, 26th overall


    Okay, I brought the Black Cat (tt) for this one. I honestly wasn't sure how this was going to go since I have more confidence on the Mad One (road bike) and since there are some healthy hills to contend with on this bike course...but I have to learn and get that confidence I lack, and the best way I know to do that is to force myself to ride the Cat in uncomfortable situations. And I'm very glad I did!!! This ride went as well as I could have hoped for. Better than I could have hoped for, really. I was only passed by a handful or two of men on tt bikes wearing pointy helmets - no women passed me at all. Yippee!!! And I felt great for this entire ride. I have the advantage of knowing this course very well, so I knew when and how to push it, I knew when I'd get a break from pushing it, and I knew how to plan sipping water and grabbing a bite or two of an energy bar. I have zero complaints or criticisms about how I executed or performed on this - the Black Cat did me proud, and I found the confidence I needed to let go and not hold back - including taking turns and not riding the brakes (and trying to stay aero) on the downhills. Don't get me wrong, I've still got more confidence to find and tons more work to do in this regard, but today was a good day for me on a very hilly course on this bike.

    54:18 (18.5+ mph)....1st in age, 9th woman, 53rd overall


    I hate this run course. In fact, I hate this run course so much that that's why I won't do the Olympic distance - because you have to do this awful run twice! Barf. I can barely stomach this run once, so it would be beyond pure misery for me to have to do it twice. And today's run did not put the course in any better favor with me. It was hot, and the same hills were there with the same twists and turns. Yuck-o-rama!!! But I sucked it up and kept the body relaxed and fluid - that truly seems to help me - and just ran. I will be totally honest with you folks, I did not push this run to places I did not want to go. I had no desire to make myself sick out there, and I didn't. I know I am a pretty crappy runner off the bike, and today shows I haven't improved much in that regard over the last 12 months since today's run time is essentially the same as last year's run time. I also think I have a bit of a mental block when it comes to this run on this course - I always dread it, and that probably feeds into my lackluster performance. On a good note, however, there was plenty of fun support at the water stations, and I got doused with many cups of cold water by the enthusiastic volunteers. :)

    25:02....1st in age, 17th woman, 91st overall

    Total race results:
    1:36:35....1st in age, 9th woman, 44th overall

    So, with 8 weeks to go until my IM, this was a good day - I learned some things out there on the course, and I revealed a few of my weaknesses (including that my transitions are still woefully slow!). Therefore, I guess without further ado, it's now time to get back to work with a slightly better focus and understanding than I had before! Fingers crossed that I can actually capitalize on what occurred today! ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, August 17th, 2015


    This was an easy 90 minutes on the trainer to spin the legs out from yesterday!



    This was an easy 2,000 yards to shake the body out from yesterday. This little swim revealed some soreness in the quads and a few other places. But otherwise, I'm in decent shape!


    And, free to a good home: one blueseventy woman's PZ3TX swimskin, size WML. I have no use for this as it is too big for me, so I am looking to give the swimskin away to someone who can get some wear out of it - someone who might have a non-wetsuit event coming up. I am not, however, interested in giving this to someone who might turn around and sell it. All inquiries, send via PM!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, August 18th, 2015


    This was 60 minutes of easy field running at the noon hour. And this was a bit of a slog. Ugh. Legs were heavy and body was not really feeling the love. It took all my strength to stay out in the field and get this done, but out there I stayed. I sort of employed the "shaming method" to keep myself going the full hour. Reminding myself how deficient my run is at the moment was great motivation to keep the carcass plodding forward. :eek:;) The best thing about this run was the rain that was lightly falling from the dark and gloomy sky above. It fit my mood. :)

    Actual run: 6.3 miles in 60 minutes



    3 x 300 easy swim
    300 kick
    3 x 300 buoy-band
    300 kick

    This felt as good as the run did bad. :) The easy swim was perfect....I enjoyed the kicking...and who doesn't love the buoy-band??!!!

    Actual swim: 2400 yards in the pool after work under the setting sun

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Congratulation on the sprint DD, you're serious training is really paying off :) I'm so excited for your Ironman :)

    ...... and as always, a really great report, you capture each discipline perfectly, well done :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Congratulation on the sprint DD, you're serious training is really paying off :) I'm so excited for your Ironman :)

    ...... and as always, a really great report, you capture each discipline perfectly, well done :)

    Thanks Needy!! :) I feel the clock ticking.....the IronMan is coming fast now. :eek: The sprint definitely sussed out a few deficiencies I have, so fingers crossed there's enough time left to improve in those areas. I'll try and be as ready as I can be on the day.....that's really all I can do. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    And Masters winner too ! Congrats.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    And Masters winner too ! Congrats.

    No, actually I was third masters. The two that beat me were in an earlier wave, which to me seems wrong if we are vying for the same award. Seems we should be on equal ground from the beginning with the same bodies to swim over and around....and the same bikes to have to legally pass. But, I honestly shouldn't complain - I had a good day where awards are concerned. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, August 20th, 2015


    Treadie style....

    15 minutes @ 7.5
    15 minutes @ 7.8
    15 minutes @ 8.1
    15 minutes @ 8.4

    :eek: Good god I hope this was supposed to be a tough session because if it wasn't, then my running fitness is in the toilet!! :eek:

    The body didn't know what hit it during the first 15 minutes with me asking it to run 8 min/miles from the get-go. The middle two 15 minutes actually weren't horrible - the body sort of settled into a rhythm, not that it had a choice in the matter. But holy crap were the last 15 minutes some work. Yikes! I forced myself to pay attention to how the body was feeling, and I kept telling myself that the way I felt (which was stressed and pressed) was okay. Mental exercises. I'm going to need some serious mental toughness on the day, so why not practice it in training!

    Oh, and I had some pretty loud and noisy tunes to see me through this....thank god.

    Actual run: 8 miles in 1:00:20

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    No, actually I was third masters. The two that beat me were in an earlier wave, which to me seems wrong if we are vying for the same award. Seems we should be on equal ground from the beginning with the same bodies to swim over and around....and the same bikes to have to legally pass. But, I honestly shouldn't complain - I had a good day where awards are concerned. :)

    Ooops. Sorry, not sure what I was looking at ... I am no good at this cyber stalking thing :o.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, August 21st, 2015


    30 minute warmup with 6 minutes of single leg drills
    10 x (20 sec 110+ cadence/40 sec easy)
    10 x (1 min big gear @ 55-60 cadence
    1 min easy spin
    1 min easy gear @ 90-95 cadence
    1 min easy spin)
    10 minute cool down

    I did this sneaky lunchtime style on the Cat.....and this was one crazy, sweaty session. And this was tough!! Grinding in the big gear....then 1 minute easy....spinning my heart out....then 1 minute easy. :eek: The 1 minute easy intervals seemed to get shorter and shorter, and at times I had to really think which interval was coming up, the big gear grinding or the easy gear spinning. :confused:

    In true Dory style, I had my Garmin record all the 1 minute intervals, and then I had a look at them to see if they told me anything. Here they are, more for my record keeping purposes than anything else:

    Big gear "average cadence...average power" / easy gear "average cadence...average power"
    59...169 / 94...178
    66...167 / 90...168
    61...189 / 94...189
    60...193 / 94...178
    59...201 / 92...179

    59...186 / 91...168
    60...192 / 92...174
    60...185 / 90...169
    60...196 / 91...173
    58...200 / 94...185

    Actual bike: 1:30:00 of some wacky fun on the Black Cat



    900 warmup
    6 x 60 (done as 20 sprint, 40 easy)
    8 x 400 @ 5:55
    300 cool down

    8 x 400??? :eek: Two quality sessions a mere 6 hours apart! But, this is what I signed up for, so.....

    I approached the 400s with the goal of trying to keep them as even as possible. I did a fair job at this, but I started to fade just a wee bit towards the end. The first four were my best, all coming in between 5:40 and 5:43....and the last four were still respectable, yet the slowest, coming in between 5:43 and 5:45.

    Gorgeous night out there for a swim!! I can tell the days are getting much shorter....but I'll try and squeeze every drop of summer out of each day for as long as I can!

    Actual swim: 4,760 quality yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, August 22nd, 2015


    Oh, the wacky things that can happen when you're out for a 2 hour and 15 minute jaunt about town. Like....the little chihuahua that came storming off the porch, making a bee line for me, but tumbling off the curb and into the street. Poor little fella...he gave my calf a good shot, but in the end his diminutiveness betrayed his plan. And then a mere 2 miles later, a beast of a dog rushed out of his yard and gave me a serious scare, forcing me 4 lanes over to the other side of the road. I heard him before I saw him, and I'll be honest, my first thought was not "if" he was going to attack me, it was "where" he would make his first bite. When I realized I was losing ground and it was inevitable he was going to reach his mark, the only thing I knew to do was to make myself as big as possible and scream at the top of my lungs while stomping at him. Oh my, if anyone saw me or heard me, they surely thought I was crazy. But it worked. He turned tail and ran.

    And then my iPod started acting up - it would not advance the song it was playing, so it played the same damn song over and over again. Good god. I tried to figure out if I had accidentally hit a "replay" button, but I couldn't figure anything out. I finally decided to manually advance the song each time. I did that for 10 miles. And then on mile 13 I found myself running in the local shopping center parking lot....running around the perimeter of the lot, and then up and down each parking row. Wow. I've never done that before...and that was certainly not premeditated. And the last wacky thing that occurred was...I had about 7 minutes remaining in my run when I hit my starting/finishing point (which was the clinic/work), so I finished the run by doing modified figure 8s in the parking lot for those 7 minutes. Gah. I was desperate to finish this blasted run.

    Pertinent details of the run - I did this on the streets of town, and up my 4 mile gradual climb towards Lake Arrowhead and back down. I had my camelbak strapped to my back (it weighed over 4 pounds full of water), and I drank every bit of it! It was hot, and my legs were dead when I was done. My pace was okay, and I'd say the run was fine. I'm not feeling confident about my run at the moment...feeling that it will once again fail me on the day. But I've got 7 I keep plugging forward.

    Actual run: 14.6 miles in 2:15:19 for an average pace of 9:16 min/mile



    Recovery swim:
    5 x 800s done as: easy, moderate, buoy-band, buoy-band, cruise

    This was done late in the evening. Thank god it was a recovery swim because my body was beat from the run. I'm not sure you could classify any of the swim 800s as easy, moderate or cruise...rather they all seemed to be of one effort - body beat easy.

    Actual swim: 4,000 late evening recovery yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Another great days training DD, well done :) Have faith in your run, you're doing great training. It has to pay off in 7 weeks time :)

    p.s. dang dogs, they put the fear of god in me too

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, August 23rd, 2015

    Training ride for the Shenandoah Mountain Century route of the 2015 Alpine Loop Gran Fondo

    Wow. This was every respect.

    There is a very popular pro mountain biker in our area, Jeremiah Bishop, who puts on an event called the Alpine Loop Gran Fondo each September. It's a crazy event that has some crazy climbing in it and has KOM sections with polka dot jerseys as the carrot. The main event in the Gran Fondo is the longest ride with its off road section and over 11,000 feet of climbing. :eek: But this year he's added a few other routes, including an all paved century with over 7,000 feet of climbing. I've signed up for that century. :) And today's group ride was a training ride for September's event.

    And what an incredible opportunity this was for me. This training ride was intended to consist of a small group of riders (there was a cap) so that the pro/guide to rider ratio would be high. And it was. There were 21 riders, and 6 guides. Fantastic! Before we got going, Jeremiah went over a few things, including technique and tactics of what we'd be doing. Then we were off.

    The first 14 miles were relatively flat, and we all stayed as one big group. At mile 14, the first of two major climbs began, and that's when we all started to spread out. The climbing was insane. I kinda-sorta thought I could climb, but today's ride put me in my place. This first climb was 9 miles long with an elevation gain of 2,102 feet and elevation loss of 14 feet. It took me basically an hour to reach the top. :eek: The second climb was on the return trip over the backside of the mountain, and the major section of that climb was 5 miles long with an elevation gain of 1,601 feet and elevation loss of 10 feet. It took me more or less 45 minutes to make it up those 5 miles. :eek::eek:

    And the descending was equally insane. And let's not forget what a crap descender I am. :o But, one of the guides was giving me tips - she recommended that I descend in my drops for safety, stability and braking I did! And she was right!! I seemed to do much better in the drops, and that gave me some confidence. I'm still a crap descender, but boy-oh-boy did I get some good experience today in that regard.

    Again, this was a brilliant day out for me in a gorgeous part of our region that included riding through the George Washington National Forest. Jeremiah and the other 5 guides were incredibly helpful and attentive. They had organized a great lunch spread at the halfway point (it was an out and back route) with sandwiches, chips, trail mix, drinks, etc....and they also had another meal waiting for us after the ride. Jeremiah took center stage after the ride, once again going over all things bike related - he couldn't have made himself and his knowledge more available if he tried. Two funny things I noticed about him - he rides with Coke in one of his water bottles.....and he uses a Garmin 920 XT. :) I asked him about his Garmin, and he basically said it's lighter than an Edge, plus he cross trains by swimming and running. Super guy. And maybe secretly a triathlete at heart.

    Here's my Garmin link:

    Actual ride: 62.6 miles in 4:54:05 for an average moving speed of 12.8 mph and an elevation gain of 6,376 feet



    This was supposed to be a 30 minute run off the bike, but I totally forgot to pack my running shoes this morning. !!!! So, 2.5 hours later, I did this in my field.

    The goal was to target a 9 min/mile pace....but looks like I went a smidge faster than that. In my defense, the section of the field I ran in is flat and tends to record miles a bit short, so I would suggest we add 15 to 20 seconds to the below paces for a bit of realism. Oh, and the body was screaming bloody murder at me for making it run this little run. I think it thought I had put it thru enough torture today without making it run for 30 minutes!!

    8:37, 8:23, 8:29, 5:04 (8:27)

    Actual run: 3.6 miles in 30:35 for an average pace of 8:30 min/mile...+/- 15 to 20 seconds ;)

    What an amazing training day this was!! Perhaps one of the toughest I've experienced in a very long time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »

    Actual ride: 62.6 miles in 4:54:05 for an average moving speed of 12.8 mph and an elevation gain of 6,376 feet

    Elevation gain of 6,376 feet :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: there's no words, you're some hoochie

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Monday, August 24th, 2015

    Rest day...and reflection on my big ride the day before. :) I've never in my life climbed continuously like I did on Sunday. My head is still sort of spinning. I remember looking down on that second climb and seeing a cadence of 48 rpm :eek: and a speed of 4.9 mph :eek: displayed on my Garmin and just sort of laughing to myself thinking of all the "you know you're going slow when..." jokes I could come up with. ;) I'm so, so, SO glad I did that ride. It was a stretch for me in some respects and put me in my place (respect the mountain!!), and I'll even go so far and admit here that it made me question if I'll be up for the 100 mile task on that same mountain in a few weeks, but screw it...I'm doing it. That which does not kill you makes you stronger. !!!!

    Tuesday, August 25th, 2015


    30 minutes warmup, including 5 minutes of single leg drills
    30 minutes big gear work holding 130w and done as: 10 minutes @ 70 rpm, 10 minutes @ 60 rpm, 10 minutes @ 50 rpm
    10 minutes super easy
    8 x (30 seconds ALL OUT, 2 minutes easy)
    10 minutes cool down

    Well, I sort of screwed up all the cadence targets for the big gear work. :o Crap. :( But, there was still some pretty good work taking place over my extended lunch hour! :) Basically, I had a hard time getting the gearing on the bike to match the cadence and power for the first 10 minutes...and sort of the same thing for the second 10 minutes. However, my head must've been flooded with delusions on the third 10 minutes because I was patting myself on the back the entire time thinking I was bang on target in all respects. It didn't hit me until I was off the bike that that last set was my "worst" set of the three. :confused:

    Any stated as "average cadence...average power" is as follows:

    75 rpm...132w
    66 rpm...131w
    59 rpm...138w

    But on a positive note, I think I redeemed myself on the 8 x 30 seconds all out as they seemed to go really well. I picked a gear I could manage yet push hard on. I'm happy with the power, even if it was only for a measly 30 seconds.

    221, 216, 235, 228, 243, 260, 258, 277

    Actual bike: 1:40:00 over lunch on the Cat



    2 x (300 swim, 200 kick, 100 pull)
    400 @ 5:55
    2 x 100 @ 1:25
    300 @ 4:30
    3 x 100 @ 1:25
    200 @ 3:05
    4 x 100 @ 1:25

    The warmup was quite lackluster and I wasn't feeling the love - my body was tired and I just wanted to fall asleep. (have you ever been so relaxed and weightless in the water that you wanted to take a little siesta right there and then??) I braced myself for a crappy swim session, but a funny thing happened on my way to swimming 3,400 yards tonight.....I hit the targets and I felt good in the water. Maybe it was not putting any pressure on myself since I was certain this session was going to be a dud....??? Who knows. But my times went something like this:

    400 - 5:35
    100s - 1:20, 1:20
    300 - 4:10
    100s - 1:20, 1:22, 1:22, 1:23
    200 - 2:45
    100s - 1:20, 1:22, 1:22, 1:20

    Actual swim: 3,400 yards on a spectacular late summer evening!!! ( is SO frickin' gorgeous here right now!!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, August 26th, 2015

    Today was an unusual training day.....

    Early morning easy run

    :eek: This was a deliberately scheduled rise and shine run (wtf???) - short and sweet....and easy. And because I am at work by 6:30 in the morning...this meant I had to be trotting my little heart out by 4:45....which meant my only real option was the treadmill. So, it was the a very slow....slow....s-l-o-w pace of 5.5 on the machine. :o I actually started out at 6 on the machine, but dialed it back to 5.5 as 6 was just too ambitious for that dreadful time of the morning.

    Actual run: 30 minutes of slow, sleepy trotting



    And...for the second run of the day....this was scheduled to be done on the treadie!

    10 minutes @ 7.5
    All @ 7.5 - 2 x (3 min at 2% incline, 5 min flat, 2 min at 4% incline, 5 min flat, 1 min at 6% incline, 5 min flat)
    15 minutes cool down

    I did this sneaky lunchtime style.....and it was good! This is the second time I've done this particular session, and I had two thoughts while running on my stationary conveyor belt: 1) how "easy" an 8 min/mile pace feels when going from an incline to flat, and 2) I wondered if running at a 6% incline would feel normal if the earth was formed in such a way that we all walked at a 6% incline all the time...and then I wondered if the earth was indeed formed so we always walked at a 6% incline, would running on a flat surface then feel easy, or would it feel like running at a 6% incline did for me today. ??? (It sounded so much better in my head while running at that 6% incline.)

    Actual run: 8 miles in 67 minutes
