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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Ah Queens of the Stoneage and mashing pedals. Quality!
    Merry Christmas to Hoochie DD and the log of the year xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Ah Queens of the Stoneage and mashing pedals. Quality!
    Merry Christmas to Hoochie DD and the log of the year xx

    Merry Christmas to you, Sir Stud-muffin! xoxo

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, December 24th, 2015 - aka, Christmas Eve :)


    This was a treadie trot at a static 6.6 on the treadmill Richter scale. My legs were heavy from last night's bike-to-run antics, so it took a good 20 minutes until they were feeling some joy. But the joy came...and it more or less stayed for the remainder of the hour. I had lots and lots of tri/race/training things swirling in my head pretty much the entire 60 minutes - funny the way we can keep ourselves occupied as we are passing the time! Any way, this was a good little run!

    Actual run: 6.61 miles in 60 minutes on my artificial runway to my triathlon goals



    Today was not a prescribed run/swim combo, but due to my holiday entertaining schedule :D, it pretty much was a combo session. Out of my running duds and into my ratty Speedo I raced - and then it was 30 minutes any way I wanted in the tank. I broke this down into thirds - 10 minutes of swimming at 1:33, 10 minutes of buoy-band at 1:30, then 10 minutes of swimming at 1:33 with a healthy dose of breaststroke thrown in for good measure. The water felt pretty fantastic today! :)

    Actual swim: 30 minutes of happy recovery splashing about

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    DeCeMber 25th, 2015 - ChRiStMaS DAy


    I was to do 90 minutes of running any way I wanted, so when I woke up this morning I decided I'd give myself a little gift and do this in the field with NO watch. :D(the gift part was the no watch thingy) But due to several unavoidable distractions on this day that is Christmas, I didn't get into my running gear until mid afternoon, and unfortunately when I stepped outside it was pouring down rain. Unlike our gal Oryx, I turned tail and headed for the safety of my climate controlled basement and the treadmill that resides within. Oh, and there was a clothing change too - into my indoor running gear. So, now I'm quasi-happily trotting along at a very easy pace when about 10 minutes into my set hubby comes downstairs and wants to know how long I'll be. Umm...."80 more minutes" was my reply. Ugh. I could tell he wanted to use the treadie...soooo, because I wasn't totally lovin' what I was doin', and because it is Christmas with all that peace on earth stuff floating about, I decided I'd go for costume change number 2 and head to the tub and get this done all wet and wild. And it was perfect. I had the garage doors up, Christmas tunes filling the room, and hair curling humidity rising from the water's surface. Honestly, this made me very happy. I started out at a conservative wave pace of 2:07, upped it to my usual 2:02 after 30 minutes, then upped it one more time very boldly to 1:57 for the final 30 minutes. Good session. I really need to toss some of these long tub trots in periodically - they are totally different than anything else I do, and I love them!

    Merry Christmas everyone!!! :)

    Actual run: 90 minutes of tub trotting while keeping peace on earth

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, December 26th, 2015


    Due to continued holiday comings and goings, I had the option of either doing 2 to 3 hours properly on the road, or a trainer session. I had originally intended on doing a proper ride, but between too many commitments and the crappy weather, I opted to do this on the Cat snuggled inside all comfy and cozy. ;)

    Trainer option:
    30 mins warm up

    Cadence set - 24 min total:
    4 x [easy gear, start cadence at 75 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until you reach 120 rpms (5 mins) + 1 min rest]

    Leg Drills - 9 min total:
    1 min each leg 60 rpm - hard gear. 1 min easy
    1 min each leg 80 rpm - easy gear. 1 min easy
    1 min each leg 60 rpm - hard gear. 1 min easy

    Standing big gear set -21 min total:
    3 x [5 mins standing biggest gear possible- surging the final 10 secs of each min + 2 mins easy]

    Leg Drills - 9 min total:
    1 min each leg 60 rpm - hard gear. 1 min easy
    1 min each leg 80 rpm - easy gear. 1 min easy
    1 min each leg 60 rpm - hard gear. 1 min easy

    Cadence set - 7 min total:
    1 x [easy gear, start cadence at 70 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until you reach 105rpms then hold 3.5 mins]

    3 x 3 at 135W with 2 min easy
    10 min easy

    This set actually was not specified - no set was - but because I waited until the last minute to act on the trainer option offered to me, I just pulled this one out of my back pocket pretty much as I was hopping on the Cat. Having done all or part of this session twice now in less than a week, I know how tough it can be...and today my head was in the game and my heart was looking to own this, and I think I did. :)

    Highlights include: I dragged out my very old and very heavy and very windy box fan I had growing up to keep me cool...I took one yummy Clif chocolate gel about an hour in, and popped a few discs after that to keep me du jour were a Green Day mix...I still struggle with the cadence set, in part (I am realizing) because I tend to get distracted and forget to focus on the spinning at left leg continues to appear to perform better than my right leg during the single leg drills...I was totally satisfied with my performance on the standing big gear set...and the single hardest task I faced today was the very first 3 minutes at 135w, in part because I had it geared wrong (I think), and in part because of the direct transition from spinning at 105 rpms to having to hold 135w. !!!! I fell short on that first 3 minutes, but the next two 3 minute intervals were much, much better. Data as follows:

    3 x 5 min standing big gear:
    53 rpm...152w
    54 rpm...161w
    55 rpm...174w

    3 x 3 min at 135w:
    87 rpm...132w
    80 rpm...136w
    79 rpm...138w

    Actual bike: 2 hours and 5 minutes comfy-cozy on the Cat

    Sunday, December 27th, 2015


    Treadie style!!!

    20 minutes warmup, easing into 6.6
    20 x (30 sec on, 30 sec off) - done as 10 @ 9.8, 5 @ 10.2, 5 @ 10.4
    20 minutes cool down

    Woo-wee! This was one big old sweat-fest! :eek: All I'm going to say about this session is.....thankgodIonlyhadtodo20spiffyintervalsbecauseIthoughtIwasgoingtopuke! :eek: The body is an interesting process, and this session always forces the entire body to be an active participant in the most extreme ways. :eek:

    Actual run: 60 minutes of bodily processing on the treadie


    Recovery swim

    This actually was supposed to be done yesterday, but I ran out of time so I did something I just about never do - I took the liberty of altering the plan to accommodate life. And between you and me, in the whole scheme of things I think this little alteration is okay. ;)

    10 minute warm up
    10 x (3 min @ 1:24, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    I did this late with the garage doors up on an unseasonably warm evening that reminded me of a summer night at the beach. I cannot believe this crazy weather - it is a bit concerning that perhaps we've really screwed things up. As most of you know, I love warm weather...but this isn't right. It's winter...two days after Christmas...where are the frigid temps and glistening snow? Poor Santa - I'm guessing he was on a scooter and in bermuda shorts this year!

    But...the went quite well. With the proper water level, swimming feels easier. No complaints from me on this one!

    Actual swim: 45 minutes in the tank with a warm evening breeze setting the mood

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, December 29th, 2015

    Swim/run combo


    20 minute warmup, with some backstroke tossed in
    8 x (3 min buoy-band at cruise pace, 30 sec rest)
    10 minutes kick

    Crazy @ss day with a trip to Charlottesville with my kitty for chemo that did not go very well. Poor little guy - they blew two legs and had to resort to a back leg for the IV. His regular doctor is out this week for the holiday, so I can't help but think that that may have contributed to the rough visit. Next week he gets a reprieve - he and I are both delighted!

    So this swim was done late in the evening, and it was a welcome diversion for me. I did the warmup at a nice 1:33 pace, which was lovely. Then because I can never remember what kind of effort "cruise" is supposed to be :rolleyes:, I started out at 1:24 for the buoy-band set only to eventually convince myself that "cruise" should be somewhat easy (but not too easy), so I dropped the pace down to 1:27 in an attempt to follow the directions as I thought they were intended.

    But the craziest thing of all was trying to kick in the tank. OMG!! That was a humbling riot. I didn't have my kick board (it's still outside by the pool, but it was too dark for me to bother looking for it tonight) so I used my pool buoy as a substitute. So. Not. Recommended. Kids, don't bother using your pull buoy as a kick board - it just doesn't work very well. And the humbling part of this came because I started out trying to kick at a pace of 1:37 but got slammed to the back wall. Ohhhh-kay. So I slowed it a down a bit...and then some more....and then some more...and then still some more. :o Holy crap. I gave in and just embraced how ridiculously weak my kick has become, and I proudly settled on a pace of 1:57. Who-op...<cough>...who-op. ;)


    Dripping wet and goggle eyed, I trotted on the treadie for 45 minutes. I started at my snail's pace of 6, upped it .2 every 3 minutes, then settled on 6.6 for the duration. My legs and body felt h-e-a-v-y for the first 15 to 20 minutes, but things improved after that. Not a bad little run!

    Actual swim/run combo: about an hour in the tank followed by 45 minutes on the treadmill

    Wednesday, December 30th, 2015


    20 minute warmup
    10 x (15 sec max cadence and power, 45 sec easy)
    12 x (3 min best effort at race cadence, 1 min super easy)
    12 minute cool down

    Not a bad little session - and this was the first time I've done this particular session. My goal tonight was to try and keep the 12 x 3 minute intervals as hard and as even as I had in my head to target my cadence ~90 rpms, and I hoped to maintain a power at or slightly above 140w. My constitution "seemed" to be touch and go at times, and I even had one brief moment when I thought I was going to cave...but I just kept plugging at it and didn't let my mind get too far from what was in front of me. In the end I am super pleased with how I did. Data for those 12 intervals is as follows:

    88 rpm...138w
    89 rpm...141w
    90 rpm...143w
    90 rpm...144w

    90 rpm...145w
    90 rpm...145w
    91 rpm...146w
    91 rpm...146w

    90 rpm...145w
    91 rpm...145w
    91 rpm...145w
    92 rpm...152w

    Oh, and I emptied the tank on the last interval. I saw no need not to leave it all out there. ;):)

    Actual bike: 90 minutes of 90 rpms and 145ws

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, December 31st, 2015 - NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!!!

    Run/swim combo


    Treadie time!!! And when I saw this I thought I was going to barf....

    20 minute warmup, easing into 6.6
    30 x (30 sec on, 30 sec off) - done as 10 @ 9.8, 10 @ 10.2, 10 @ 10.4
    10 minute cool down

    This morning was absolutely insane at work! OMG...but we all busted our hineys and I was able to sneak out and get this done over my extended lunch "hour". ;) These 30 second bursts of speed were amped up, and it was a pure and total sweat-fest happening in my basement. :eek: But I managed not to puke, and they honestly weren't as horrible as I thought they might be. I know I sound like a broken record but the whole process the body goes through when doing these snappy anaerobic bursts and then going through an equally brief recovery is fascinating. And this may sound strange, but in some ways I am most "uncomfortable" during the last 10 seconds of recovery. :confused:


    10 minutes swim
    10 minutes buoy
    10 minutes buoy-band

    Still hot and sweaty from the run, I hopped in the pool and set off at a pace of 1:33. I then upped it to 1:30 for the buoy...and then to 1:27 for the buoy-band. It felt pretty wonderful to be suspended in water, what a nice treat after the treadmill session! And I have to say I think swimming with the buoy-band is "easier" than buoy only because the band allows me to totally relax my legs! Pure luxury!!!

    Actual run/swim combo: 60 minutes of sweating on the treadie followed by 30 minutes of cooling down in the tank

    Farewell 2015. I have to honestly say you weren't much better than 2014. Roll on 2016!!! Whoop whoop!!! :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Happy New Year chief chica of tdar... just keep doing what you are doing and this coming year will take care of itself. Good luck with your plans!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Happy new year Dory :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Happy New Year DD, I've no doubt but that 2016 will bring another step up in consistency and determination on your part (though I don't know how because you're already running at 1 million %), I hope it's an injury free year and I 100% know that there will be many podium finishes :) Thanks for brightening up all of our days with you're well written, funny, clever and dedicated log :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Friday, January 1st, 2016


    Ugh. This was done after only 4 hours of sleep. :eek: These holidays are hard on a girl. :D

    60 minute proper run with pickups:
    15 minute warmup
    10 x (1 min fast, 3 min easy)
    5 minute cool down

    It feels like it's been an eternity since I've run outside, so this felt a little strange at first. I did this in the field on a chilly but nice day...and I wore my 920xt, which as I know makes me look slower than I really am, however I wasn't really wearing the watch to record pace, but rather I was wearing it to keep me straight on my 1 minute intervals. Buuuutttttt.....I peeked at my pace from time to time on my spiffy sixty seconds, and I was stunned at the paces displayed. There is no way on earth I was going that slow. If so, then I need to take up something else as a hobby. Based on effort, I was pleased with how this went. Forget the watch - what does it know anyway??!!! :)

    Actual run: 6.1 miles in 60:06

    Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

    Gorgeous crisp morning here, which was perfect in an Eskimo sort of way for the hike up to Mary's Rock with family. Nice warmup to my bike....


    20 min easy.
    30 sec R leg only
    15 sec spin
    30 sec L leg only
    15 sec spin
    1 min as 20-20-20 build to high 200s last 20 sec
    1 min super easy spin
    1 more min easy til 35 mins.
    then this set:
    5x 3 mins strong, big gear (cadence 55-65, so this is low heartrate) + 1 min easy
    5x 3 mins strong (best effort you can hold for 5 reps!), race cadence+ 1 min easy spin
    4 mins easy
    easy til 2:15

    This was hard. This was a fantastic workout. And this was the first time I've ever done this session. Obviously the guts of the session were the 2 sets of big gear and race cadence work, and my Green Day/Jack White/The Killers/Muse/Red Hot Chili Peppers/et al mix was perfect for the sweating and suffering I was doing during this. Data for the various sets is as follows:

    Big gear:
    65 rpm...131w
    63 rpm...130w
    64 rpm...132w
    64 rpm...131w
    64 rpm...132w

    Race cadence:
    86 rpm...127w
    87 rpm...128w
    87 rpm...130w
    87 rpm...129w
    88 rpm...132w

    Big gear:
    65 rpm...133w
    64 rpm...134w
    64 rpm...135w
    64 rpm...138w
    64 rpm...135w

    Race cadence:
    86 rpm...126w
    87 rpm...127w
    87 rpm...129w
    88 rpm...133w
    90 rpm...143w

    I had hoped my power would be north of 135w, and I also had hoped my race cadence would have been 90 rpm, but I gave this all I got, and I honestly can't ask any more of myself than that. This was one meaty session!

    Actual bike: 2 hours and 15 minutes of some serious work!

    Sunday, January 3rd, 2016


    2 hours easy!!!

    But, but, do you achieve the "easy" when your legs and body have some crazy accumulated work in them? :confused: And because of that crazy accumulated work in my legs and body, and because this was 2 hours easy, I made the executive decision to not even worry about my pace. What will be will be was my motto! Which is a bit comical since I wore not one, but two watches to record my data today. And why did I wear two watches?? I wanted to compare how they record my field mileage - a bit of a science project! :)

    So with my new Garmin 920xt on my left wrist and my old Garmin Forerunner 610 on my right wrist, I headed out to the field in some cold weather apparel. In my usual fashion, the odd miles were done in the "slower" end of the field, and the even miles were done in the "faster" end of the field. I took one gel at the one hour mark, popped 3 quick discs at various times throughout the run, and sipped on some water here and there. The data below is probably garbage, but here it is anyway....

    920xt - 12.25 miles in 2:00:24 for an average pace of 9:49 min/mile:
    9:59, 9:47, 10:08, 9:48, 10:08, 9:55
    10:04, 9:57, 9:57, 9:18, 9:48, 9:12, 2:24 (9:35)

    Forerunner 610 - 12.7 miles in 2:00:26 for an average pace of 9:29 min/mile:
    9:20, 9:48, 9:24, 9:39, 9:20, 9:35
    9:20, 9:51, 9:25, 9:13, 9:24, 9:20, 6:42 (8:56)

    One thing that is totally out of synch today is my old watch recorded the "slow" miles faster than normal...but that's not a perfect comparison due to the increasing spread in mileage between the two watches and the fact that I was basing where I was in the field on the 920xt. But generally speaking, that little detail does not make sense....and it is out of character for that watch. I'm actually surprised the difference between the two watches isn't greater than it is - my brief glances at the two watches gave me the impression the difference per mile would be around 40 seconds, and not 30 seconds. Hmmmm.....I suppose it is reasonable to split the difference in the two watches, but in normal Dory style I'll give the old watch 20 seconds and the new watch 10 seconds. :D But I also know that this data really isn't important....and I know the limitations to all these gadgets we use. I had the spirit of Peter Kern's pearls of wisdom with me today - the pearls about the usefulness of gadgets and the benefits of being old school, and the pearls about how the only real data that "counts" is race day data. (and I paraphrase) So I will approach 2016 not so hung up on Garmin data, but rather I will put my heart into the effort asked of me each session and use the Garmin data as a secondary guide.

    But enough of this boring Garmin gobbledygook, what is really important about this run is this little tidbit I am about to impart to you: it is seriously not recommended to inhale a 3.5 ounce Lindt chocolate Christmas bear immediately prior to running 2 hours, even if you purchased it on sale for 50% off, and even if you are swearing off all crap come midnight that very night. :o I'm not saying that's what I did <wipes chocolate remnants off mouth>, I'm just saying that it's a really bad idea.

    Actual run: 12.x miles in 2:00:24 for and average pace somewhere between 9:29 and 9:49 min/mile


    Swim/tub trot

    I did this late this evening. The first 30 minutes were done swimming at a lovely wave pace of 1:33 with a random rotation of free, breast and back. The second 30 minutes were done tub trotting. I started out with a wave current of 2:02, but eased it back after 10 minutes to 2:07.

    Actual swim/run: 30 minutes of each in the tank!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Watches know nothing DD, they know nothing. Still though, that's an interesting experiment and I'm surprised at the results, they're quite different.

    ps. I love your honesty, poor Lindt Christmas Bear. If I'd nobbled that I would not have gone running, I'd be back in the shop buying a second one :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Watches know nothing DD, they know nothing. Still though, that's an interesting experiment and I'm surprised at the results, they're quite different.

    ps. I love your honesty, poor Lindt Christmas Bear. If I'd nobbled that I would not have gone running, I'd be back in the shop buying a second one :D

    Oh, there's 3 more bears waiting to be eaten. I bought 4 - couldn't resist with the 50% off!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    Do you use a hr monitor for your runs?
    I have gone back to using mine again and find it very useful. I just work within the relevant zones for long/tempo runs etc.
    It makes a change from always looking at pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Do you use a hr monitor for your runs?
    I have gone back to using mine again and find it very useful. I just work within the relevant zones for long/tempo runs etc.
    It makes a change from always looking at pace.

    I was mulling over heart rate yesterday as I was trotting along, but I absolutely hate wearing a heart rate strap!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I was mulling over heart rate yesterday as I was trotting along, but I absolutely hate wearing a heart rate strap!

    Why ????

    I hardly notice mine - have you it tight enough on so its not slipping down? I tend to always wear a tight base layer top as well particularly in winter to keep it extra secure.

    It comes in handy, I am only starting base now - after being shook from Sundays cycle I could only manage 5.40km pace for mid 130s heart rate yesterday however today I am somewhat recovered so I was around 5.10 pace for the same hr effort

    2 different paces entirely for the same effort ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    catweazle wrote: »
    Why ????

    I hardly notice mine - have you it tight enough on so its not slipping down? I tend to always wear a tight base layer top as well particularly in winter to keep it extra secure.

    Having a sports bra on makes it more difficult to get it to sit right especially when you've got to get the other bits to sit tightly but Dory might have other reasons :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Why ????

    I hardly notice mine - have you it tight enough on so its not slipping down? I tend to always wear a tight base layer top as well particularly in winter to keep it extra secure.

    It comes in handy, I am only starting base now - after being shook from Sundays cycle I could only manage 5.40km pace for mid 130s heart rate yesterday however today I am somewhat recovered so I was around 5.10 pace for the same hr effort

    2 different paces entirely for the same effort ;)

    I think I hate it because I always have it cinched down so tight for fear it slipping down - makes it hard to expand my chest it's so tight. And it's got that clunky thingy that records the heart rate that is sort of a nuisance...and the strap is usually cold when I put it on. :o But I won't argue with you regarding the merits of heart rate monitoring for proper training and racing. It is a valuable tool for sure, one I may have to revisit in spite of my Diva objections to it. Thanks, peeps, for reminding me. :)
    Neady83 wrote: »
    Having a sports bra on makes it more difficult to get it to sit right especially when you've got to get the other bits to sit tightly but Dory might have other reasons :)

    The sports bra definitely adds one extra dynamic to work with, but I find I can tuck the heart rate strap under the bottom of the bra to assist in keeping the heart rate strap in place. However, the tucking and situating isn't in keeping with my streamlined approach to getting out for a run! ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, January 5th, 2016

    Ugh. I wrote my day's log and it was wiped out before I could post it. So here's a very brief summary of what I did today....



    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. :eek:

    Okay, so I don't belong to a gym, but the exercises given to me are designed for me to be able to do at home with the tools available to me - mainly some weights and resistance bands. I did this over lunch and I think it went okay. I worked everything from my biceps and triceps, to my abs and glutes, to my hamstrings and calves. There's a good bit of fine tuning to do, but this was a nice start to something new for me!

    Actual gym: 45 minutes with Norris the cat by my side


    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    4 x (4 min buoy-band at cruise pace, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute kick

    The warmup was at a wave current of 1:33 and the bouy-band was 1:27. All that was fine, but good god the 5 minutes of kicking was killer at a pace of 1:57. :eek: No elaboration required, just more work needed!


    Down to the treadmill immediately after the tank I went...and off I set at 6, then upped it .2 every 3 minutes until I held it at 6.6 for the duration. Legs were like concrete, but they had every right to be in truth. When the 45 minutes were up, my legs and I gave a little "whoop" and cheerfully hopped off the treadie and skipped upstairs to find some dinner. I was starving!

    Actual swim/run combo: 30ish minutes in the tank...followed by 45 minutes on the treadie

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, January 6th, 2016

    Bike/run combo


    30 minute warmup w/ 5 min single leg drills
    30 x (1 min strong w/ race cadence, 30 sec easy) - build thru the sets of ten
    15 minute cool down

    It's been a while since I've done this session, and I think tonight I didn't respect it enough when I started out on that first set of ten - I started too ambitiously. Ugh. My stubbornness carried me thru those ten, but I eased it back just a wee bit on the second set of ten and it was much better going for me and more in keeping with my instructions to make this strong and not all out. Legs got a proper workout in preparation for the little trot they were to do next!


    My t2 was super swift (only had to change shoes!), so my legs were still thinking they should be pedaling when I hopped on the treadmill, which means they were totally confused. It took about 5 minutes at a constant 6.6 to find some joy, but the joy was indeed found...and for the next 15 minutes life was really good and I was feeling like I owned this bike to run thing....however, once inside the final 10 minutes, I found myself doing a countdown to the end. Eh. I guess that countdown thing is pretty normal though. And I sort of feel I made some progress tonight by feeling comfortable and relatively "strong" (at 6.6?? really?? :o) for a period of time (15 minutes?? :o) on the run off the bike. I know to some it may not seem like very much, but for me (who can't run at all off the bike, just ask catweazle), this was a positive tonight. Baby steps. :)

    Actual bike/run combo: 90 minutes on the Black Cat followed by 30 minutes on the treadmill

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Just caught up on your last few days while putting on a cold garmin strap. We jump in lakes. We run in snow. Why does a garmin strap feel worse? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    Just caught up on your last few days while putting on a cold garmin strap. We jump in lakes. We run in snow. Why does a garmin strap feel worse? :)

    Ha! Never said it felt worse. But I can assure you I'd be avoiding cold lakes and slippery snow too! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Ha! Never said it felt worse. But I can assure you I'd be avoiding cold lakes and slippery snow too! :D

    Ask Norris to lie on it for a while before you put it on. That should sort the cold effect :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Ask Norris to lie on it for a while before you put it on. That should sort the cold effect :D

    All I'd have to do is spread out the Sunday newspaper, place the strap on top of the opened section I was reading, and he'd plunk himself down and warm it with his furry bum. :D
    catweazle wrote: »

    I just want to know one thing - how do you know about this when I've never heard of such a bra configuration???? And....Victoria Secret?? Really?? Lol! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, January 7th, 2016


    A well spent 45 minutes of sneaky lunchtime luvin' on the yoga mat with some weights and a resistance band. This went much smoother than Tuesday's session, and the push ups :eek: went better as well!

    Actual gym: 45 minutes done homestyle


    Run/swim combo


    On the treadie...

    20 minute warmup easing into 6.6
    30 x (30 sec on, 30 sec off) - done as 10 @ 9.8, 10 @ 10.2, 10 @ 10.4
    10 minute cool down at 6.6

    In some ways the hardest part of this session tonight was the 20 minute warmup - I was bored and the body just wasn't cooperating. BUT, as soon as the spiffy bursts began, the legs hopped to it! No complaints really - and the bursts seemed to get "easier" as they went on - however I was more than overjoyed when the 30th one was in the books. And as usual, the cool down at 6.6 felt nice and slow!


    10 minute swim
    10 minute buoy only
    10 minute buoy-band

    A super quick wardrobe change, and then a fabulous plunge into the tub to get this going! I did the swim at 1:33 with a random rotation of free, back and breast. I love doing breaststroke to stretch the legs out - it feels WON-derful! The buoy only was done at 1:30, and the buoy-band at 1:27 with the lower part of my body totally relaxed and enjoying the free ride. The water felt particularly perfect tonight!

    Actual run/swim combo: 60 minute on the treadie followed by 30 minutes in the tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I just want to know one thing - how do you know about this when I've never heard of such a bra configuration???? And....Victoria Secret?? Really?? Lol! ;)

    he needs them for his new found moobs :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, January 8th, 2015

    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    3 x
    {4 x (30 sec at 1:15, 30 sec rest)
    6 min @ 1:24
    3 min @ 1:33}
    5 min cool down

    This felt really good! The 1:15 wave current is a rockin' and a rollin' thrash-fest, but tonight I had it all under control. I breathed every two and counted my strokes - pretty much I was bang on 18 strokes for those 30 seconds. I'm not totally sure I'm ready to up these spiffy aquatic intervals to 1:14 yet, but the thought was swishing around in my head!


    Done treadie style (of course!)...

    This was a straight-out-of-the-pool kind of affair. Nothing fancy or complicated about this one - and it was all done at a constant setting of 6.6. Gosh, what can I say about these 60 minutes other than I felt pretty dang fantastic. Not kidding. I honestly felt like a million bucks....and I quite possibly felt better than a million bucks for the final 10 minutes of this little trot. :confused::D Tonight was a good night, and I'll take that!!!

    Actual swim/run combo: 60 "really good" minutes in the tank followed by 60 "even better" minutes on the treadie - whoop whoop!!!

    Diet note: if you read Needy's log then you probably already know I'm doing a diet challenge with her. The challenge is similar to what I did 3 years ago with shotgun, but it's not nearly as restrictive. Five days into this challenge thing and all is going well. My diet has been radically cleaned up from the mass quantities of holiday crap I had been shoveling in my mouth during the last half of December, and I am now actually eating real food. I know it's only been 5 days, but ohmygosh I feel so much better! I can't help but think my improved diet might have contributed to my solid day of training today - it certainly didn't hurt it! Roll on healthy/smart eating!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, January 9th, 2016


    Brrrrrr!!! BRRRRRR!!!!! I am typing this as I am thawing out. Good god I am not meant for cold weather! And honestly, by your standards it really wasn't all that cold. :(

    Today was 3 hours on the bike. It's been a while (a month or so??) since I've done a proper ride on the Mad One, and it was nice to get the dust blown off her. I had on a few Christmas gifts today - a pair of Castelli long pants, and a spiffy new long sleeve uber-cool and uber-badass cycling jersey. :) I might not have been fast today, but damn I looked good! :D

    These 3 hours were done as prescribed, easy...and I had a bit of company for the first hour, which I was grateful for because of how bitter, damp, dreary, and all around yucky the day is weather-wise. Blech. A day like today was meant for people to be tucked in someplace warm either reading a book, making a batch of soup, or taking a long nap - not for riding your bike outside for 3 hours. But I made it thru just fine. The two most notable things that occurred while I was out there was the rooster I passed 4 times that kept cock-a-doodle-dooing over and over again (this time of day?), and the 3 random swarms of teeny tiny little bugs I cycled thru (this time of year?). Strange, both of them.

    Actual bike: 43 slow/easy miles in 3 hours

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I was mulling over heart rate yesterday as I was trotting along, but I absolutely hate wearing a heart rate strap!

    You could look into an optical HRM. usually worn around the wrist or arm. There are some that even work with pretty old watches - e.g. this is one I am going to get for my old Garmin 305 Btw, this is NOT a recommendation, it just one that I happen to be looking at.

    The optical HRMS have the advantage that they don't require a moist contact with the skin to give sensible results.

    For more recent watches there are smaller, fancier choices. Now that I am gainfully employed again, I might have to get myself a belated holiday gift - maybe a new watch with a built in OHRM... who needs food.
