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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 2016


    Oh, my....Luray was a blanket of shimmery, white powder when I wiped the sleep from my eyes! And it was still coming down at a good rate! EEK!! And to make matters worse, I had to head into work to tend to the animals, but the snow was too deep to drive, so guess what?? I laced up the boots and hoofed it on it. Not a bad little workout, especially when I was trudging thru snow that was above my knees! But, this snow-slog may have contributed to some sluggishness on the trainer......

    20 min easy.
    30 sec R leg only
    15 sec spin
    30 sec L leg only
    15 sec spin
    1 min as 20-20-20 build to mid 200s last 20 sec
    1 min super easy spin
    1 more min easy til 35 mins.
    then this set:
    5x 3 mins strong, big gear (cadence 55-65, so this is low heartrate) + 1 min easy
    5x 3 mins strong (best effort you can hold for 5 reps!), race cadence+ 1 min easy spin
    4 mins easy
    easy til 2:15

    I've done this session once before, and I believe my numbers today were a bit down from the last time. I'm not going to elaborate - effort was there in earnest, but I just don't think the legs had it in them today. Numbers as follows:

    64 rpm...125w
    64 rpm...131w
    64 rpm...132w
    65 rpm...134w
    65 rpm...133w

    87 rpm...125w
    88 rpm...128w
    89 rpm...130w
    89 rpm...132w
    90 rpm...133w

    65 rpm...132w
    65 rpm...137w
    65 rpm...134w
    65 rpm...135w
    65 rpm...136w

    88 rpm...127w
    89 rpm...130w
    89 rpm...134w
    88 rpm...132w
    90 rpm...136w

    I find it very hard going directly from grinding in a big gear to spinning at race cadence, but I guess that's one of the reasons I am doing this session. This was a toughie...but it was a goodie too!!! Numbers may not be impressive, but no doubt there was value in this today!


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 24th, 2016


    With between 2 and 3 feet of snow lying on the ground, any sort of outside run was off the table. So, onto the treadie we go! Whoop whoop!!!

    20 minute warmup
    30 x (30 sec on, 30 sec off) - done as, 10 @ 9.8, 10 @ 10.1, 10 @ 10.4
    20 minutes at 7

    Yikes! 20 minutes at 7?? But, but, but I always do this at 6.6. ???? Ugh, I was a bit concerned how that 7 would feel - I love my 6.6, as that feels so comfy cozy to me. But I knew my love affair with the 6.6 would never last. I knew the 6.6 would tire of me...grow bored with my dull conversation and lack of variety in music. Oh well. Good bye 6.6, and hello 7!!

    The short and sweet of this session is: the spiffy bursts were okay, gut wrenching towards the end, but overall just fine....and the 7, well, the 7 was good. Real good. Surprisingly good. I guess that old 6.6 was overrated in my head - some things are, you know - but the 7 seemed to fit me like a glove! Whoop whoop!!!




    10 minute warmup
    8 x (4 min @ 1:24, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    I infused the warmup and cool down with some lovely breaststroke to give the legs some joy...and the 1:24s I actually did with my buoy-band. Enjoyed the time in the water!!! All good in the hood!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 26th, 2016


    A little sneaky lunchtime TRX action was-a-happening! All that talk on Oryx's log about her abs has gotten me inspired!!! I may regret that tomorrow, however. ;)





    10 minute warmup
    5 minute buoy-band, cruise
    20 x (90 sec @ 1:18ish pace, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute kick
    5 minute cool down

    Sweetmotherofgod this was a good session! I don't think I've done a set like this before, and this was meaty. I lost a few tips of my nails by swimming into the wave machine grate, but I guess that's a small price to pay for workin' it tonight. My pace clock goes from 1:19 to 1:17 (it skips 1:18), so I did the conservative thing and set it at 1:19, and I think that was perfect for the first time. I breathed every two, a true signal that I'm putting out effort....and I took the entire 30 seconds of rest, another true signal that I'm putting out effort. !!!! Whoop whoop...and splish splash!!!


    Down to the treadmill I scampered with google eyes and wet hair swirled on my head.....and since I ventured into the world of 7 on the tread-o-meter a few days ago, I decided I'd ease into that 7 tonight by breaking the hour up into 3 segments as follows: 20 minutes at 6.6, 20 minutes at 6.8, and then 20 minutes at 7. This went fine, but I think the fact that the music channel was playing some particularly good tunes tonight may have facilitated the success of this hour. Tonight's mantra: money in the bank. :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Unfortunately this ddos attack still has handicapped my ability to utilize all the bells and whistles in my log, and I no longer receive any notices of any boards' activity, therefore I find I am just losing my inspiration to update. Poop. But here is my very tardy attempt at some catching up.

    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27th, 2016



    20 mins warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6 x (6 min in my bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (110 to 135W, depending on how I felt) + 3 min easy spin)
    8x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    Not long after I hopped on the Black Cat, my Garmin politely alerted me to the fact that my battery was nearing its last breath. Crap. I knew I'd never make it totally thru my 6 x 6 minute sets, but there was nothing I could do about that as I was perched in the saddle. I squeaked in 4 of the 6 minute sets in their entirety, and 2:13 of the 5th set before I gave the Garmin its last rites. The following is what I retrieved from the watch after I hooked it up to life support:

    63 rpm...127w
    64 rpm...131w
    64 rpm...131w
    65 rpm...135w
    65 rpm...140w (only 2:13)


    Gah. T2 was super quick, and things got pretty weird pretty quickly. !!! About 15 minutes into this little trot I started to feel like an out of body experience was going on...and I honestly questioned if I was going to make the entire 40 minutes I was supposed to run. The only thing I could conclude at that moment was perhaps I was low on energy - perhaps I was just running out of gas - so I downed two sugary-sweet-yummy Quick Discs fairly quickly and sure enough things started to feel much better for me. I took a third disc about ten minutes after the second one, and that was like icing on the cake. Back to normal, whatever that may be. The structure of this trot was 15 minutes at 6.6, 15 minutes at 6.9, and 15 minutes at 7.2.


    THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2016


    This was a 20 minute recovery jog over lunch. Done...and dusted. Whoop whoop!





    On the treadie, gradient session, and all done at 7.2:
    20 minutes flat
    2 x
    {3 min @ 2%
    5 min flat
    2 min @ 4%
    5 min flat
    1 min @ 6%
    5 min flat}
    5 more minutes flat

    Okay, this was a toughie. !!! I can't remember the last time I trotted for 67 minutes at a pace of 8:20, which is sort of depressing to think, and sort of concerning when thinking about how slow of a runner I've become. Ugh. But I will be patient. It will either come, or it won't.


    10 min swim
    10 min buoy
    10 min buoy-band

    I did this easy peasy - the swim was at 1:33, and the buoy and buoy-band were at 1:30.


    FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2016

    A day off as I was out of town attending a funeral for a friend. RIP MJT.

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th, 2016



    20 min easy.
    30 sec R leg only
    15 sec spin
    30 sec L leg only
    15 sec spin
    1 min as 20-20-20 build to mid 200s last 20 sec
    1 min super easy spin
    1 more min easy til 35 mins.
    then this set:
    5x 3 mins strong, big gear (cadence 55-65, so this is low heartrate) + 1 min easy
    5x 3 mins strong (best effort you can hold for 5 reps!), race cadence+ 1 min easy spin
    4 mins easy
    easy til 2:15

    This was the same session I did last Saturday, but I didn't feel great about my performance a week ago. Today was different - I felt good from the beginning (no snow to trudge thru, plus a day off yesterday probably helped!) - and the numbers show that today the legs had it in them and that I worked my @ss off.

    65 rpm...134w
    65 rpm...139w
    66 rpm...140w
    65 rpm...143w
    65 rpm...140w

    86 rpm...133w
    89 rpm...134w
    90 rpm...137w
    90 rpm...138w
    91 rpm...143w

    66 rpm...141w
    65 rpm...143w
    65 rpm...142w
    66 rpm...146w
    65 rpm...143w

    88 rpm...134w
    91 rpm...141w
    90 rpm...140w
    90 rpm...141w
    91 rpm...141w

    Very happy with this today!!! :)


    30 minutes easy off the bike at a setting of 6.6 on the tread-o-meter!




    Sweet Jesus, don't ever do a TRX workout after a killer trainer session. EEK!!! The legs were shaking from the start and I felt as weak as a kitten during some of the exercises. But I got it done. Whew!


    SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st, 2016


    As gorgeous as today was, it was a sin I did this indoors. Boo! But I had no choice - there are still huge piles of snow cramping the sides of the roads, there are no sidewalks that are continuously free of snow, and my field is still carpeted in the white stuff. So...this was done indoors on my treadmill. Barf. 2 hours and 15 minutes easy was my task, and I felt I had no choice but to combat the boredom by doing this as a progression run...specifically, I started out at a setting of 6, upped it .1 every 10 minutes, and ended at a setting of 7.3. I have to say, this went pretty darned well! :) The 10 minute increments were perfect, and the mere .1 increase in speed was barely ever noticed. I consumed my yummy-licious Quick Discs - took the first one at about the 50 minute mark, the next one probably about 30 minutes later, then after that I popped one every 10 to 15 minutes. I have to say I really do enjoy these discs!




    10 min warmup
    10 x (3 min @ 1:24, 30 sec rest)
    5 min cool down

    The body was certainly tired for this one, but I got it done. No further elaboration needed...other than the water felt great!


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Sorry to hear about your friend DD. Nice long run on the treadie, to do that on the treadmill shows serious commitment to the programme

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thank the good lord above!!! My smiley faces work!! :):):):D

    I have been post-ddos-attack restored!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016


    A little sneaky lunchtime TRX action was happening at the Dory domain today. This strappy workout I do is becoming more fluid and efficient, which means I am enjoying it even more than I have been. The toughest move for me to do is by far the side planks :eek:, but today I saw a glimmer of hope in that I didn't fall over or put my "up" hand down on the mat at all. Progress. :)

    Actual gym: 35-ish minutes planking and yanking


    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    5 min buoy-band, cruise effort
    20 x (90 sec @ 1:19, 30 sec rest)
    5 min kick
    5 min cool down

    I did this session last week, and this week it was every bit as meaty as it was seven days ago. !!! I'm basically doing 20 x 100s, but without any flip turns, and while battling a bit of a wave/current....all of which makes me appreciate the full 30 seconds of rest. I breathed on 2, and I counted my strokes - 54 for the 90 seconds. One thing I've noticed is I think my left elbow is dropping some, but I'm honestly not sure if it's dropping or if it's a function of the turbulence I battle. ??? I'm watching it...staying conscious of it. The real test will be when I move outdoors to my real pool in just over 2 months. Yay!!!!


    The body was wet and tired when I hit the treadie - between the 100s and the kicking, my legs felt like they had already slogged thru a half marathon when I hit the start button. (slight exaggeration, but you get the picture) I did this all at a constant 6.6, and it wasn't too bad. Sessions like these are all about I just stay strong and get it done.

    Actual swim/run combo: 60 minutes in the tank followed by 60 minutes on the treadie

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016

    Well, I screwed this up. Grrrrr. This was supposed to be a bike session...then a 60 minute easy run....two separate workouts. This was not supposed to be a bike/run combo, aka a brick session. I processed in my head two days ago "bike/run combo" when clearly it was scheduled as NOT a "bike/run combo". Poop. But I didn't figure this out until I was practically on the Black Cat, and then I had to scramble to decide what I should do...and what I decided was to do this like last Wednesday's session - bike followed by 40 minutes on the treadmill. So there ya go!

    Bike/run combo


    20 min warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6 x (6 min in my bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (110 to 135W), depending on how I feel + 3 min easy spin).
    8 x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    This went well!!! I felt pretty good throughout the entire 85 minutes...and the data for the 6 minute intervals is as follows:

    64 rpm...128w
    65 rpm...133w
    65 rpm...133w
    65 rpm...136w
    65 rpm...136w
    65 rpm...138w


    After a super quick transition, I hopped on the treadie and set the setting to 6.6 for the first 10 minutes. My very loose plan was to up the speed by .2 every 10 minutes, and I did that twice (6.6 to 6.8, then 6.8 to 7.0), but I never got comfortable at 7.0 so I dropped back to 6.8 after 10 minutes at that uncomfortable 7.0. And immediately the 6.8 felt pretty darned good! Yay!!!

    Actual bike/run combo: 85 minutes on the Black Cat followed by 40 minutes on the treadmill

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I saw this and thought of you. You probably have all of these on your plan already but just in case: [URL] [/URL]

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I saw this and thought of you. You probably have all of these on your plan already but just in case: [URL] [/URL]

    What a great series of videos!! Thank you! I've never done those hip hinges...but good god I am all too familiar with those awful side planks! :eek:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, February 4th, 2016


    My alarm went off at 4:40am :eek:, and I was dressed and on the treadie by 4:50am :eek:. Good god, there are no words.....

    The instruction was to do this as a rise and shine easy jog, so a rise and shine easy jog it was - with the emphasis on "easy" and "jog". I set the tread-o-meter to a carefully calculated 4 on the trichter scale, and eased it all the way up to a sizzling 5.8 in increments of .2 every 3 minutes. Ha cha cha!!!

    Actual run: 30 sleepy and creaky minutes on the treadie long before the sun was even thinking about coming up



    This was a sneaky lunchtime run!!

    Gradient set all at a 7.2 setting...
    20 minutes flat
    2 x
    {3 min @ 2%
    5 min flat
    2 min @ 4%
    5 min flat
    1 min @ 6%
    5 min flat}
    5 more minutes flat

    No complaints with this one! I found myself very conscious about the length of my stride on the inclines - I am always trying to find ways to conserve energy, so I shortened my stride in an attempt to keep things comfortable and out of the red. Success. :) And oh how I love how easy the flat feels when coming off an incline at the same speed, thus proving that everything is relative. :)

    Actual run: 8.05 miles in 67 minutes inclining on the treadie



    Oh how I had been looking forward to this all day long!!!

    10 minute swim
    10 minute buoy
    10 minute buoy-band

    This was a slice of heaven. Not kidding!! I did the swim at 1:33 and tossed in some breaststroke and sprinkled it with a smattering of finger tip drills...did the buoy at 1:30...then finished this off with the buoy-band at 1:27.

    Body. Feels. Good.

    Actual swim: 30 heavenly minutes in the tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    If you don't mind me asking, how much sleep do you normally get at night? I suspect if I was training as much as you I'd need about 10 hours a night but to start before 5am that'd mean going to bed before 7pm!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    If you don't mind me asking, how much sleep do you normally get at night? I suspect if I was training as much as you I'd need about 10 hours a night but to start before 5am that'd mean going to bed before 7pm!

    During the week I probably average around 7 hours of sleep each night - some nights closer to 8, some nights closer to 6. On the weekends I try and get 8 to 9 hours a if I can do it, I'll squeeze in a nap on one of those weekend days too!!! I honestly feel I should be getting more sleep than I am, and as training increases I'll need even more, so I'm going to have to be even more efficient with my time and my sleep as race season nears, but as we all know, that can be tricky!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    There goes my "I could do that much training too if I had time for enough sleep to recover" excuse...

    Guess I'm just unfocussed and unmotivated...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    There goes my "I could do that much training too if I had time for enough sleep to recover" excuse...

    Guess I'm just unfocussed and unmotivated...

    No point in glossing over this, its worth emphasising since you bring it up. I don't mean to be a pr*ck in pointing out the obvious, but look at the training effort in this log. 2 or 3 sessions a day, consistently for years. No pool in driving range so an endless pool is purchased. Training continues on a broken femur.

    You're not unfocussed or unmotivated, you're just a hell of a less so than this log. Ditto most everyone reading it, and its obvious what needs to be done for everyone to improve.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    There goes my "I could do that much training too if I had time for enough sleep to recover" excuse...

    Guess I'm just unfocussed and unmotivated...

    That's not true. We're just at different places in our lives. :)
    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    No point in glossing over this, its worth emphasising since you bring it up. I don't mean to be a pr*ck in pointing out the obvious, but look at the training effort in this log. 2 or 3 sessions a day, consistently for years. No pool in driving range so an endless pool is purchased. Training continues on a broken femur.

    You're not unfocussed or unmotivated, you're just a hell of a less so than this log. Ditto most everyone reading it, and its obvious what needs to be done for everyone to improve.

    Keep in mind that Peter Kern once told me I'm my own worst enemy. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, February 5th, 2016


    TRX over lunch. I suspect I'll be adding more reps/time/moves soon since this is becoming very fluid and efficient.

    Actual gym: 30 minutes of strappy stuff


    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    3 x
    {4 x (30 sec @ 1:15, 30 sec rest)
    6 min @ 1:24
    3 min @ 1:33}
    5 minute cool down

    Yikes. I tried setting the wave current to 1:14 for the very first spiffy burst (just as I have done for the last several weeks of doing this set), but holy moly did I lose that battle. So, with my tail between my legs, I bumped the pace down to 1:15....and that was much more manageable. Truth is, after that first set of 4 I probably could have revisited the 1:14, but I opted not to. However on a brighter note, the 1:24 sets felt great - probably the "easiest" they've ever felt! Of course me being me wonders if the wave calibration is off and I really wasn't going 1:24 but rather was going 1:27 or slower. Ugh. It's a curse!! :eek::o;)


    Yuckyuckyuckyuckyuck. This was the slog of all slogs. Ick. I think the body was tired and the head was not in the game. Honestly, I think the only reason I kept going and made it the entire 60 minutes was because I taunted myself with that thread I started over on the main page, Lies, bribes and deceit. I kept thinking about that...about all those grand things I posted that I think about to keep me going....and I thought to myself that I would be a total fraud if I quit on this tonight. So I didn't. I didn't enjoy this...but I didn't quit. 60 minutes all at a very boring and fairly miserable 6.6 on the treadie scale. :D

    Actual swim/run combo: 60 minutes in the tank followed by 60 minutes on the treadie

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    A few years back I would never quit a session. Then one day I did and from then on it became easier and easier to give up. You're thread on the main forum is a great help and your log here of course. Next time I feel like quitting I'll think of your horrible tready run and keep going :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    No point in glossing over this, its worth emphasising since you bring it up. I don't mean to be a pr*ck in pointing out the obvious, but look at the training effort in this log. 2 or 3 sessions a day, consistently for years. No pool in driving range so an endless pool is purchased. Training continues on a broken femur.

    You're not unfocussed or unmotivated, you're just a hell of a less so than this log. Ditto most everyone reading it, and its obvious what needs to be done for everyone to improve.

    I have to confess it took more than one read to conclude you were trying to be more honest than offensive. But, with that in mind, you're obviously right. I don't think I know anyone as consistently committed to training as Dory. There are precious few who could compare. It intimidates me that this might be the level of work required to make a decent run at IM. It's not on my near radar but it's definitely in the back of my mind that my whole lifestyle would have to change to not totally suck at that level. In the mean time I remain in awe reading this log.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, February 6th, 2016


    I was given the option of doing 3 hours outside or 2 hours inside, and for various reasons (including: I'm a wimp when it comes to the cold and threat of black ice), I opted to do this in the safety of my basement. :)

    30 mins warm up, including 4mins single-leg drills alternating 30 sec each leg.
    5x 9 mins cadence pyramid with increasing effort each 9 mins. start solid on the first one though!
    cadence pyramid as follows by minute: 50, 65, 75, 85, 95, 85, 75, 65, 50
    2 mins easy in between each
    5 more mins easy.
    8x 1 min easy gear 100 cadence + 2 min normal cadence.
    easy til 2 hr total

    My legs were dead last night on the treadmill, and they weren't much better when I hopped on the Cat today. Ugh. Soooo, I honestly didn't know what to expect with this session. I've done this cadence set before and my recollection was that it's a wee bit of a doozy, and I wasn't mistaken. The first set was tough, and my numbers throughout that set were lower than I had hoped, but I stayed positive with the knowledge that I typically gain steam as the session progresses, and fortunately I wasn't disappointed. The one interesting thing that was consistent in each of the 5 sets was that my power decreased as the cadence increased, so my power graph for each set is in the shape of a "U". I'm not totally sure if that is to be expected...or if it's that you just can't take the mash out of a masher. ???

    Overall I have no complaints about how this session went. I was able to increase my effort throughout the 9 minute cadence sets, and I threw the kitchen sink at the last one. Oh, and the 8 x 1 minute intervals in an easy gear at 100 rpms??? Um, yeah, they are way tougher than they look on paper! ;) Data for the 9 min sets is as follows:

    72 rpm...119w
    73 rpm...122w
    73 rpm...126w
    73 rpm...129w
    74 rpm...138w

    Roll on Super Bowl tomorrow!! :D It's the Republican Presidential Debate tonight as I type this, and good god these whackadoodles are scary. :eek:

    Actual bike: 2 hours going thru the gears on the Cat

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, February 7th, 2016

    Run - Track session!!! :eek:

    20 min warm up easy build.
    2 laps with strides on the straights.
    then our set:
    10x 800 starting at 3:35 and working down from there as you can. 3 min rest, including one lap suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper easy jog.
    10 min c/d.


    Dear twenty-something "jogger" in the excruciatingly bright pink top with the painfully perky pony tail who arrived at the track nearly an hour after I did to make us a party of two:

    Stay out of my lane. Stay out of my lane. Stay out of my lane, or the next time I will unleash my inner zico on you. So, you might want to stay the hell out of my lane.

    Yours truly,
    Dory "don't make me tell you to stay out of my lane again" Dory

    There. Much better. :)

    Sooooo....I arrived at the track ready to rumble. I had the whole place to myself, which is honestly just how I like it when I have business to attend to. Of course I had an intruder who hadn't a clue about track etiquette arrive at about the two-thirds point into my session, but I won't dwell on that. ;)

    My pacing on most of these 800s was awful. I'd start out way too fast, worried that I wouldn't hit my target, only to realize after the halfway point that I was not following my instructions so I'd slow down. Ugh. I did a better job of this on the last five (due to fatigue, I'm sure), but none of them were sterling performances in truth. And I am still dazed and confused that I ever was able to hold a sub 7 min pace for 5 miles just a year ago. ???

    Times stated as "800...recovery":

    3:28...3:20 (was getting a stitch, so took a little extra time to work it out while walking)
    3:27...3:10 (stretched out legs briefly)

    I opened it up on the last three. Tank was beyond empty at the end!

    Actual run: 10.55 miles in 1:35:31 for an average pace of 8:58 min/mile



    10 minute warmup
    10 x (3 min @ 1:24, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    Done. All good. Body was very happy to be in water!! Whoop whoop!!!!

    Actual swim: 50ish minutes in the tank

    GO DENVER!!!!!! ;):)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Presumably all that was done early so you could watch the SB?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    mossym wrote: »
    Presumably all that was done early so you could watch the SB?

    The run was in the afternoon, but the evening swim infringed on the Super Bowl by about 30 minutes so I missed Lady Gaga sing the National Anthem and a few of the commercials. I thought the commercials were stranger this year than in past years - that's not necessarily a bad thing, just some of them seemed, well, a bit odd. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    It was way past my bedtime when I got training done yesterday, thus no post until today!

    Tuesday, February 9th, 2016


    Some strappy TRX body sculpting going on. Adding some to the ab work - forcing my mantra to be planks are my friend, planks are my friend, planks are my friend....

    Actual gym: ~35 minutes in the dungeon hanging from the rafters


    When I saw the following on the plan I nearly fell over. :eek:

    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    5 minute buoy-band
    30 x (90 sec @ 1:19, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute kick
    5 minute cool down

    30 x 100s??? :eek: In my endless pool??? :eek: Holy sh*t Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

    I didn't allow myself to think too much in advance about this session today - no need - I've done 30 x 100s before (albeit in a conventional pool!). But I think the image of doing THIRTY 100s as one big block of 100s was a bit nauseating in my head when I did think about it, so instead I thought of these as 6 sets of 5 x 100s - it's so much more manageable when things are broken down in small pieces. I'd say the first 20 of these went fine - they were decent work, but fine. The last 10 is when things started to pinch, and the last 5 in particular required healthy effort. I count my stroke when I'm doing these, and it takes me 54 strokes to get me to 90 seconds...and on those last 5 yucky 100s, it was at the 35th stroke when the joy would exit the pool and I'd have to focus on the diminishing number of remaining strokes to keep me going - 19, 18, 17....6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...!!! To say I was happy when the 30th one was done is an understatement. :)


    Oh....60 minutes of easy running while goggle-eyed and dripping wet....and while watching the Primary results come in for New Hampshire. Ugh. Okay, double ugh for both of those things. I set the treadie to 6.6 and kept it there....and this became an exercise in battling boredom more than anything else. All silly tricks were used: take a sip of water at the next commercial, don't look at the time until the end of the next segment, try and focus on what the commentators were saying about the what the results tell us so I wouldn't think about how much longer I had to go. This wasn't horrible, but these hour long slogs after a swim aren't skipping thru daisies on a breezy afternoon either!

    Actual swim/run combo: ~90 minutes in the tub followed by 60 minutes on the treadie

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I feel your pain on the 100s, done a similar birthday set recently and i am fast approaching 40:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, February 10th, 2016


    This was a sneaky lunchtime run on the treadie. I very, very, ever so briefly considered doing this outside, but the temp was below freezing out there today so I said, heck no!!

    This was one of those runs that started out a bit creaky but got better and better as the time ticked by. The run was to be 60 minutes easy, so I decided I'd start at 6.6 and increase the speed by .2 every 15 minutes...however, I felt so good when I got to 7.2 that I decided I'd then up the speed by .1 every 5 minutes, thus ending the run at 7.4. Good little run!! Yay!!

    Actual run: 7 miles in 1:00:33 on the treadie



    20 minute warmup with single leg drills
    6 x (6 min at a cadence of 60-65 rpm and power of 110-135, 3 min easy)
    8 x (20 sec at 110 rpm, 40 sec easy)
    Easy to finish in 1 hour 25 min.

    This went well. I think this is the third time I've done this set and I think these numbers were the strongest I've done. Yes, some of the numbers this time were in excess of the targets, but not by much. The first three 6 minute sets each started out a bit too ambitiously, while the last three 6 minute sets each were pace much more evenly. I'm trying to work on keeping things even....but it's not easy for me. Data as follows:

    63 rpm...130w
    65 rpm...135w
    66 rpm...141w
    65 rpm...137w
    65 rpm...139w
    66 rpm...139w

    Actual bike: 1 hour and 25 minutes on the Black Cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, February 11th, 2016


    This was to be an easy morning jog to loosen up the legs, but I didn't have it in me to do this at 4-fecking-o'clock this morning - I just couldn't drag myself out of bed...sleep has not been my friend of late - so I snuck out of work after the surgeries were completed and got this done before 9:30. Not bad. I eased into a sizzling setting of 6.0 on the tread-o-meter over 12-ish minutes, then kept it there for the duration.

    Actual run: 3.2 miles in 35 minutes of jogging on the treadie



    20 minute warm up
    15 x (3 min @ 7.9, 1 min rest)
    15 minute cool down

    I did this after a long and crazy day...and this went fine. I was creaky during the warmup, but after the intervals got going the body started to come to life. Yay!!! During the 1 minute rest periods I stretched and flexed, and realized how achy my body is right now. I think this achiness started after the 30 x 100s in the turbulence of my endless pool. I need a massage. Or maybe I just need to foam roll. But right now I need to go to bed. I'm tired. Night folks! :)

    Actual run: 1 hour and 35 minutes of some good work on the treadmill

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, February 12th, 2016


    TRX in the basement over lunch. Normally my furry little feline, Norris, hangs out with me in the utility room while I'm doing my various exercises (he likes to go exploring in this room that is usually shut off from him)...but today it was my reclusive kitty, Butler, who was darting in and out of the room chattering away at me. The company was nice. And the strappy body sculpting went well.

    Gym: ~35 minutes playing with TRX and Butler


    Swim/run combo


    10 minute warmup
    3 x
    {4 x (30 sec @ 1:14, 30 sec rest)
    6 min @ 1:24
    3 min @ 1:33}
    10 minute cool down

    This went very well! The 1:14 intervals were hard, but I didn't falter....and the 1:24 sets felt easier than they have in previous weeks (which always makes me question the calibration of the wave current). My stroke count for the 30 seconds at 1:14 was 20. :) Numbers. Numbers. Like many of you, I tend to do math in my head when I naturally wanted to compare these 30 seconds to the 90 second set I did earlier in the week (90 seconds at 1:19 and a stroke count 54). Bottom line - my stroke at a 1:14 pace is 2 strokes more than at a 1:19 pace per 30 seconds. :) Numbers.


    Out of the pool and onto the treadmill, this was to be 60 minutes easy. I set the tread-o-meter to 6.6 for the first 15 minutes, then upped it .2 every 15 minutes after that. No real complaints here - my muscles are some achy and sore, so I really need to dust that foam roller off!

    Actual swim/run combo: 60 minutes in the tub followed by 60 minutes on the treadie

  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭RJM85

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    No point in glossing over this, its worth emphasising since you bring it up. I don't mean to be a pr*ck in pointing out the obvious, but look at the training effort in this log. 2 or 3 sessions a day, consistently for years. No pool in driving range so an endless pool is purchased. Training continues on a broken femur.

    You're not unfocussed or unmotivated, you're just a hell of a less so than this log. Ditto most everyone reading it, and its obvious what needs to be done for everyone to improve.

    I have to confess it took more than one read to conclude you were trying to be more honest than offensive. But, with that in mind, you're obviously right. I don't think I know anyone as consistently committed to training as Dory. There are precious few who could compare. It intimidates me that this might be the level of work required to make a decent run at IM. It's not on my near radar but it's definitely in the back of my mind that my whole lifestyle would have to change to not totally suck at that level. In the mean time I remain in awe reading this log.
    Add your reply here.

    Of the logs on this forum the most likely people to get a KQ are Dory, Zico and Peter. It's no coincidence that they are all some of the most dedicated athletes you'll find and have managed to set their lives up in an abnormally focussed way for years to allow them to get the training done.

    The real dedication is in the setting your life up to allow you to do the necessary training

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, February 13th, 2016


    20 mins warm up with 5 mins single-leg drills, alternating 30 sec each leg.
    10x 15 sec spin up to max cadence+45 sec easy
    5 min easy
    30 mins of big gear 70 cadence/60 cadence/ 50 cadence in your bars--looking for IM watts here.
    10 mins easy
    then 30 minutes strong as 5x (5 min very strong in your bars+1 min easy). These efforts should be as strong as you can maintain for five reps. OK to build into 'em a bit.
    15 mins easy
    2 hours total

    Holy mackerel this was a toughie!!! And my thighs are still buzzing from the effort!!!! Okay, I honestly wasn't totally sure how I was to do the 70/60/50 set (and in usual Dory style, I didn't really look at the plan until I was cinching my saddle up on the Cat :o), so I made the executive decision to do 10 minutes each at 70 rpm, 60 rpm, then 50 rpm - figured the decreasing cadence would be a crazy good workout. I also am not 100% sure what my IM effort is, but my gut tells me it is somewhere around in my head I wanted to target the 120s. Long story short, I probably overshot the IM effort by a bit, but the good news is I never wavered. The data for this big gear cadence set is as follows:

    69 rpm...129w
    64 rpm...129w
    55 rpm...132w

    I was worried I had cooked my goose going into this next set, and I was kicking myself for not backing off the effort in the previous big gear cadence set to real IM watts. But the damage was done, and there was no use crying over spilt milk! My goal here was to hold a race cadence while putting out power that was in excess of 130. My plan was to build into this, and I told myself to be patient. I'd say the first 5 minutes may have been the toughest. I couldn't really get my leg turnover going - I guess when you mash for 30 minutes the legs get a little confused when you ask them to hop to. But things got progressively better for me and I found myself working this like a big girl....and I felt I was handling this set so well that I decided to risk a total blow up on the last 5 minutes - figured what the heck - so I just kept my eyes closed and gave it everything I had left in me from the beginning to the end. I think sometimes you have to risk failure in training to find/test/push your limits. Fantastic session!!! Data as follows:

    78 rpm...130w
    79 rpm...135w
    80 rpm...138w
    81 rpm...143w
    83 rpm...157w

    Oh, and as a side note - the weather is dangerously cold here at the moment. We are well below freezing 24 hours a day with significant wind chill. There is no possibility of outdoor training for me at the moment, so I am very thankful I have indoor options for all three disciplines.

    Actual bike: 2 hours of crazy good fun on the Black Cat
