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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Happy St. Patricks Day from the Emerald Isle Dory :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Happy St. Patricks Day from the Emerald Isle Dory :)

    Happy St. Patricks Day to you too...and to Kurt...and to everyone across the pond from me!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, March 17th, 2016 - St. Patricks Day :D


    I did this little field trot over lunch in the breezy, breezy, blustery, partly-sunshiny sunshine. (In other words, it was quite windy and partly cloudy. ;)) I wore my watch with the half-hearted intention of turning it on, and I thought I had turned it on, but upon glancing at it just after the first lap around my field I realized I hadn't. Sooooo....I took that as a sign to leave it off. So I did. YAY!!! So I just ran easy around the field 9 times without a care in the world (such freedom!!!) in a pair of running shoes that really need to be tossed in the bin. They are WAY past their expiration date. And it occurs to me that I haven't purchased a pair of running shoes in nearly a year - I think the last pair I purchased was at last year's Boston Marathon expo - which tells me there is an Adidas or Asics or Saucony purchase in my near future. :)

    Actual run: 60 minutes and 9 times around my field (6+ miles) at high noon



    10 minutes warm up
    5 minutes, mainly doing backstroke
    20 x (1 min buoy-band @ 1:30, 10 sec rest)
    5 minutes cool down

    I hopped in the tub immediately after work and got this done without any issue. I swam straight thru the 20 x 1 min buoy-band without taking the rest because the pace was just too comfy. I considered upping the pace to 1:27 (since my instruction was to do this set at a pace of "1:30ish"), but I'm still nursing my neck/shoulder issue and I didn't want to push my luck since it's so much better than it was a few days ago.

    Actual swim: 40 minutes in the tub

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, March 18, 2016


    Did my TRX workout over lunch, and I was surprised how sore I was in places from Tuesday's TRX workout It's impressive how quickly you lose "fitness" when you take some time off from a particular exercise. !!!!

    Actual gym: 35 minutes hanging from ropes



    20 mins warmup
    10 x 20 sec spin up to 110+ rpm, 40 sec easy spin
    40 minutes, starting in the easiest gear and adding one every 5mins, in your bars, do this set 8x:
    1 min @ 80 cadence
    1 min @ 85 cadence
    1 min @ 90 cadence
    1 min @ 95 cadence
    1 min @ 100 cadence
    20 min easy

    This is a much harder session than it looks on paper. GAH! The first 5 x 5 minute sets were a relative breeze, but the last 3 x 5 minutes sets, uh, not so much. GAH! Let's just say I never hit 100 rpm on that very last one...but I tried as hard as I could and even felt quite nauseated at the end of it.

    Because I was curious about my data for those 8 x 5 minute sets, I hit the lap button on my Garmin every 5 minutes to record that data....and the following is my progressive power, stated as "average power...max power":


    I think I'm happy with those numbers!

    Actual bike: 90 minutes progressively spinning on the Black Cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, March 19th, 2016


    Originally this was supposed to be 3 hours outside, but I made the decision on Thursday to request a trainer option because of my shoulder. I wasn't about to go through what I went through last Saturday - in retrospect, last Saturday's ride was (borderline?) stupid, and I don't have the luxury of being stupid this year. But as it turns out, I couldn't have done today's session outside anyway because it....<wait for it>.....SNOWED TODAY!!! :eek: Good grief, will winter not go away?? One day it's shorts weather, the next it's winter coat weather. Sheesh!!

    So....the trainer session was this meaty little number:

    45 mins warm up with 8 mins single-leg drills, alternating 30 sec each leg.
    10x 15 sec spin up to max cadence+45 sec easy
    5 min easy
    30 mins of big gear 70 cadence/60 cadence/ 50 cadence in your bars--looking for IM effort here.
    10 mins easy
    then 1 hour strong as 10x (5 min strong in your bars+1 min easy). These efforts should be as strong as you can maintain for ten reps. OK to build into 'em a bit.
    20 mins easy
    3 hours total

    I did the big gear work as 10 minutes each at 70/60/50. I suspect my IM effort is between 120 and 125 watts, so I had it in my head to target 130ish watts for this set...which I was pretty close to on the 70 rpm, but exceeded on the 60 and 50 rpm. I am a proud masher, and the legs love to push the bigger gears...hence the increased power, I suppose. ?? Data as follows:

    10 min @ 70: 76 rpm...134w
    10 min @ 60: 65 rpm...149w
    10 min @ 50: 56 rpm...153w

    I was slightly worried I had expended too much energy here, and concerned the remainder of the session would by compromised by it...but as it turned out I was fine. For the 10 x 5 minutes strong, I targeted 135ish for the first one, then just played it by ear after that. I made the deliberate decision to stay in the same gear for all 10, increasing only my cadence to increase my power. Data as follows:



    Great session!! I honestly have no issue suffering it out on the trainer for 3 hours. Love the simplicity of it!

    Actual bike: 3 hours on a snowy March afternoon on the Black Cat

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, March 20th, 2016


    FARTLEK!!! Whoop whoop!!!

    20 minute warmup
    15 sec on/15 sec off, 30 on/30 off, 30 on/30 off, 45 on/45 off, 60 on/60 off, 75 on/75 off, 90 on/90 off, 75 on/75 off, 60 on/60 off, 45 on/45 off, 30 on/30 off, 30 on/30 off, 15 on/15 off
    20 minute cool down head spun when I saw all those numbers on the plan...15, 30, 45, etc. And as I was slipping into my running duds it hit me, "crap, how am I going to keep track of all those intervals??!!!" Hmmm. I've never programmed my 920xt, so I started some trial and error investigation and experimentation, but the only way I could figure to program a workout directly on the watch was to use the interval option. wtf??? only thing I could think of doing was to set the interval to 15 seconds....80 times. :o Yeah, what could go wrong with this brilliant idea? I'm good with numbers. I can count the beeps. I can focus and not let my mind wander. Yeah. All good.

    I did this in my slightly soggy field all bundled up for the cold weather that is stubbornly hanging on. Tunes were Gogol Bordello, and legs were feeling the previous day's 3 hour trainer. Once the on/off segment of this session began, I moved my path to the center of the field where it's flatter and straighter - the perimeter of my field is more dynamic and has too many moving parts for a set like this. (Translation: the center of the field is easier to run on. ;)) Because I had to count the beeps as the length of the intervals increased then decreased, I stayed super focused and repeated each beep number over and over again so I wouldn't forget where I was in that particular interval. :D Worked great!! I think. Theoretically, if I had counted this all precisely, then my watch would have seamlessly ushered me into my cool down....but...the problem was, when I was programming my intervals, I also set my rest period to 15 seconds thus apparently programming 160 x 15 second segments and not the 80 x 15 second segments I originally had thought. Make sense? Any way...what resulted was confusion on my part, and a watch that kept beeping and beeping and beeping and....

    Actual run: 6.37 miles in 1:00:03 in my field with my beeping watch



    10 min warmup
    5 x 10 min buoy-band w/ 30 sec rest
    5 min cool down

    I did this late in the evening, and all went well. I did the bouy-band at 1:30....and I just did those 50 minutes as a continuous swim. No complaints!

    Actual swim: 60 minutes of swimming in the tank

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    "Dory wrote:
    FARTLEK!!! ....... programmed my 920xt

    Professor FARTLEK would be spinning in his unmarked grave...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Professor FARTLEK would be spinning in his unmarked grave...

    Type A personality. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


    I snuck out a wee bit early for lunch to get this done since I had a swim and TRX session to fit in today as well. !!!!!

    20 mins warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6x6 min in your bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (135ish W), depending on how you feel. + 3 min easy spin.
    8x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    This kind of session with its 6 minute big gear interval work is made for me - I love the small segments...I love the slow cadence....I love pushing a big gear and seeing the power go up. :)

    I targeted the stated 135w for the first interval, but I felt so comfortable during that first 6 minute interval that I boldly allowed myself to venture outside of my IM/HIM effort zones. And when it was obvious to me that I was having no issue with the targeted cadence, I upped it one gear after the first three...then upped it one more gear for the last one. Data as follows:

    67 rpm...137w
    67 rpm...141w
    68 rpm...145w

    +1 gear
    64 rpm...148w
    66 rpm...159w

    +1 gear
    61 rpm...165w

    Happy camper! Whoop whoop!!!

    Actual bike: 85 minutes on a lunch date with the Black Cat



    10 minute warmup
    3 x
    {4 x (30 sec at 1:15, 60 sec rest)
    6 min @ 1:24
    3 min @ 1:33}
    5 minute cool down

    I did this after a long day at work, and it was heaven to shake out the day in the tub. Absolutely no complaints with this one - in fact, the 1:24 intervals felt "easy", which always has me questioning the calibration of my wave machine!!!

    Actual swim: about an hour shaking it out in the tub



    This was done immediately after the swim with dripping wet hair. I did my usual set of exercises - triceps, biceps, hamstrings, quads, calves, abs, abs, name a few. I noticed the upper body work was a bit more of a chore than usual - no doubt due to the swim I had just done!

    Actual gym: 35 minutes drip-drying on the ropes

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, March 23, 2016


    This first run was just a little easy trot around the field during my sunny-sun-in-the-sunshine lunch hour. Shorts and a sleeveless top were required for this one - spring is surely on its way!!!! :)

    Actual run: 30 minutes lunchtime recovery in my field



    This second run was a wee bit tougher than the earlier one...and it looked like this -

    20 minute easy warmup with some strides
    5 x (1 mile FAST, 90 seconds recovery)
    10 minute easy cool down

    This was done in the field after the wind. YIKES! I know my field is slow, and I suspect my 920xt records my field distance while I'm not surprised how slow my paces were, I'm still left feeling flat about the run. Boo. All I can say is my effort was there - and the resulting numbers didn't feel commensurate with what I put into this run - so I guess I will use this as a marker for my field and my Garmin and go from there. !!!!

    7:40, 7:26, 7:29, 7:30, 7:34

    Actual run: 8.61 miles in 1:16:02 in my challenging field after work

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, March 24th, 2016


    20 minute warmup, w/5 minutes of single leg drills
    30 x (1 min strong, 1 min easy)
    10 minute cool down

    The 1 minute strong was not to be all out, and I was to increase my power after each set of 10. I did not bother to hit lap after each minute interval, but I kept my eye on both my power (that 3 second average thing) and my cadence to keep me honest. For the first 10 I targeted a cadence of 90-92, and my resulting power seemed to average 130-135. I upped it one gear for the next 10 and kept a cadence of 85-90 with what looked like an average power of 145-160. And I upped it one more gear for the last 10 while keeping a cadence of 80-85, and the power that resulted was a wide range of 160 to 220. Effort was progressive, but never out of my grasp.

    Actual bike: 90 minutes over lunch on the Black Cat



    10 minute warmup
    5 minute breast/back/kick
    15 x (3 min buoy-band @ 1:30ish, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    I did this after work with both garage doors up to let the warm, fresh air in...and this went well. I did the first half of the buoy-band at the pace of 1:30, and the second half at a pace of 1:27 since I was feeling so good. :)

    Actual swim: one fabulous hour in the tub!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    A bit of a catchup - heading into last Friday, I knew this weekend had a lot of moving parts...

    Friday, March 25th, 2016

    Swim/run combo...


    This was my 30 x 1:30 at a 1:19 wave pace session - I did this after work with the garage doors up. There was some warmup before the 100s, and there was some cool down after. All good.


    It was too late for me to do this run outside, so I trudged down to my basement and did an hour at 6.6. The first 30 minutes were a bit of a slog, but I seemed to get into a "comfortable" rhythm after that point.

    Actual swim/run combo: 90 minutes in the tub followed by 60 minutes on the treadie

    Saturday, March 26th, 2015

    Bike/run combo

    I was to do 4 hours on the bike followed by 4 miles of running, but I'm still having issues with my neck/shoulder while in certain positions (like down on the bike and looking up), so I requested a trainer session instead.


    1 hour w/u with 10 mins single-leg drills
    12 mins @ 100w
    10 mins @115w
    8 mins @130w
    6 mins @145w
    4 mins @ 160w
    2 mins @ 175 w
    14 mins easy
    8x 15 secs spin up to max rpms + 45 secs easy
    14 mins easy

    My first glance at this session and I thought this was a soft one, but the truth is, the final 12 minutes of the progression section took enough healthy effort to make it far from soft. It's easy to be fooled sometimes - thus the saying, looks can be decieving!

    Data as follows...
    Round #1:
    12 min...82 rpm...99w
    10 min...80 rpm...118w
    8 min....83 rpm...131w
    6 min....78 rpm...147w
    4 min....71 rpm...162w
    2 min....69 rpm...176w

    Round #2:
    12 min...77 rpm...108w
    10 min...79 rpm...118w
    8 min.....75 rpm...137w
    6 min.....69 rpm...149w
    4 min.....66 rpm...164w
    2 min.....64 rpm...184w

    One thing that is quite evident looking at the above data is how I gravitated to a bigger gear, slower cadence in Round #2 to maintain my power, which is something I tend to do without realizing it when I start to tire.


    After grabbing a quick bite of an energy bar, I headed out to the field to see how these 4 miles would go. I was told to go easy, easy for the first 2, then to up the tempo over the last 2. I was kicking myself on mile 2 for not having snagged my Quick Discs because I was starting to feel low on energy, but I kept going, tellling myself I've only two short miles to get thru with some effort. But I noticed on mile 3 as I was upping my pace that I was becoming slightly nauseated. Yuck. But, I kept going...and I kept upping my pace. I suspect there was a correlation between lack of nutrition/hydration and my increased effort that resulted in my nausea...and this is something I struggle with in this is something I need to start working on. So this was a good experience for me to go thru today.

    Paces as follows:
    9:54, 9:41, 9:26, 8:30

    There is no way I could have sustained that pace on mile 4 for very long the way I was feeling...and in all honesty, that pace is unrealistic for me to maintain in an IM.

    Bike/run combo: 3 hours on the Black Cat followed by 37 minutes and 38 seconds (aka, 4 miles) in the field

    Sunday, March 27th, 2015


    Because this was to be only 90 minutes done easy on the bike, I thought this would be a good opportunity to test out the neck/shoulder and see how it does. did so-so. Better than two weeks ago, but it's not good enough...yet. But I enjoyed being out on the bike without any pressure, and my legs felt really strong, so that is a defiite plus I will focus on while I'm being patient and keeping my fingers crossed this nagging neck/shoulder issue goes away. And it's not like I can't keep training - there is no doubt my bike trainer sessions are benefitting me in many ways - but, I'd like to be getting out on my bike on the road soon!!!!

    Actual bike: 23.82 miles in 1:32:12 for an average easy speed of 15.3 mph and an elevation gain of 1,316 feet



    This was 60 minutes of running any way I I decided to treat myself to a trot in the tub. Whoop whoop!!!! It was a cloudy-gray day any way, so why not? Plus, I thought this might be good for my neck/shoulder, especially since I had just hopped off the bike less than an hour before I started this run. I opened up both garage doors, turned on some tunes, set the wave pace to 2:07, and worked it with the resistance of the water. I need to do more of these tub trots - they do me good both mentally and physically!

    Actual run: 60 minutes in da tub



    It was a no brainer to do this immediately after the tub trot - I mean, seriously...a no brainer.

    10 minutes swim
    10 minutes buoy
    10 minutes buoy-band

    I set the wave pace to 1:30 for the first 10 minutes, then upped it to 1:27 for the remainder. Nice way to end my weekend of training! Whew! :)

    Actual swim: 30 minutes in da tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, March 29th, 2016


    This was done over lunch -

    20 mins warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6x6 min in your bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (135ish W), depending on how you feel. + 3 min easy spin.
    8x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    This is the same session I did last Tuesday, and I peeked at my numbers from last week just before hopping on my bike just to refresh my memory of how things went. And things went well last week. Yay! This week...well...I think things went well, but wouldn't ya know my Garmin died on me during the third 6 minute interval, so I have no data beyond the 2nd minute into that interval. Boo! However, because I knew what gear I was using when the battery died, I just kept going, using my phone's stopwatch to keep time, and periodically counting my cadence over 6 seconds to keep a check on it. In other words, I did this zico-style!!! And, it worked just fine!

    Data that was recorded as follows:
    66 rpm...139w
    68 rpm...144w
    +1 gear...
    63 rpm...147w

    I love this session - big gear work plus manageable bites equals a very happy Dory. :)

    Actual bike: 85 minutes over lunch on the Black Cat



    10 min warmup pace
    Then 3 x :
    {4 x 30 sec @ Max Pace (1:15) with 60 sec rest
    6 min @ 1:24 pace
    3 min @ 1:33 Pace}
    5 min warm down easy

    I did this after work on a beautiful evening....with the garage doors up!!! Everything went no further elaboration is needed!

    Actual swim: 60 minutes in the tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, March 30th, 2016


    This was to be an easy, easy, super easy jog...and that's pretty much what I did...however, I will admit I had a bit of an audience in the form of some workers at the house so it is quite possible I was a bit "peppier" than I should have been when running by the four strapping men wielding hammers and saws. :D

    Actual run: 30-some minutes in the field over lunch probably going a wee bit faster than I should have been :o



    This was run number two done after work and on the treadmill....

    20 minute warmup
    30 x (30 sec on, 30 sec off)
    10 minute cool down

    I eased into a warmup setting of 6.6 over the first 6 minutes of this run. I then did the quality section by starting at a setting of 10, then upping it .1 every 5 other words, I did 5 each at 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5. I haven't done this session in a long time, and it was tough tonight, but it went well. I'm always intrigued at all the processes the body goes thru with this sort of run - the breathing, the flooding, the wanting to throw up - but I like this session. And tonight, the last 5 at 10.5 were by far pushing my limits, but I got it done!

    Actual run: 60 minutes of crazy running on the treadmill

    Thursday, March 31st, 2016


    20 mins warm up including 5 mins of single-leg drills, alternating 30 sec each leg
    1 min strong, in the bars, with race cadence (not all-out, just strong. try to increase watts each 10)
    1 min easy spin
    10 mins easy
    90 min total

    I did this over lunch....and it went quite well. I didn't bother to hit the lap button every minute during the intervals, but I kept an eye on my power (avg of 3s) to confirm I was putting out proper effort. For the first 10, I kept my cadence between 92-97 and my power ranged 110-140....for the next 10, I upped it one gear and kept my cadence between 90-95 and my power ranged 135-170...and for the final 10, I upped it one more gear and kept my cadence between 85-95 and my power ranged 160-230. I worked hard on that last set of 10, and to my sheer delight I notice that my max power per my Garmin file was 311...(holy sh*t! :D)...which may have only been held for one millisecond, but it's now on record that I hit the 300s!! Whoop whoop! ;)

    Actual bike: 90 minutes on the Black Cat while living large and hob nobbing with the powerful ;)



    This was a post-work little splish-splash!

    10 minute warmup
    15 x 3 minutes buoy-band @ 1:30ish
    5 minute cool down

    I felt really good in the water tonight, so I did the first 15 minutes of buoy-band at 1:30, the next 15 minutes at 1:27, and the last 15 minutes @ 1:24. Absolutely no complaints from yours truly on this one!

    Actual swim: 60 minutes in the tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Another crazy weekend of training....seems this is how things will be for a bit....and if I don't get into the shape of my life with this format then I never will get there! :eek:

    Friday, April 1st, 2015

    Swim/run combo:


    This was my 30 @ 1:19 wave pace session, but the recovery period was reduced from 30 seconds to 15 seconds. Good god that was a bit manic in a wave pool. It's such a dynamic hydro-environment with the wave coming at you - not at all like a normal pool for stopping and starting, so this was a bit tricky at times...and it got progressively harder with the shortened rest.


    This was to be 60 minutes at 6.6 on the treadmill, but after Wednesday's double run my left knee has been sore. The old Dory would have ignored it and hopped on that treadmill and said to hell with the aches and pains...or rather, she would have said, what aches and pains? - but the new and improved 2016 version of Dory is going to mind every little niggle and respect her body in her quest to get thru this racing season with minimal wear and tear. So, instead of hopping on the treadmill in my basement and potentially aggravating my knee further, I took advantage of that other treadmill I have in my arsenal of training tools and did this hour in the tub. Tunes were cranking and I even belted out a few verses here and there. Loved this hour running in water with a wave pace of 2:07. if only there were actual tub trot races!!! :D

    Actual swim/run combo: 75 minutes of splashing followed by 60 minutes of dashing in the fish tank

    Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

    Bike/run combo:

    The plan was for me to get out and ride 4 hours today with an hour of 10 x (5 min @ 145w, 1 min easy) done over the last hour if I could find a stretch of road that would accommodate that. Because I wasn't sure how my neck/shoulder would do on a tt bike for 4 hours (:eek:), and because there honestly is no stretch of road that I (at my ability) could get to work for me, a compromise was found in that I would do the first half of these 4 hours on the road, then swiftly transition to my trainer for the remainder of the session to get the power segment in.

    Briefly - lovely day...took the Mad One out....up and down and around we went....shoulder/neck in the best shape it's been since the insult to it (yay!!!)...ate some....drank some...said hello here and there to random folks...legs felt good....happy with ride. I even managed to stay on the bike and ride it up to my house from the street (nearly a quarter mile) on the grass by the driveway - I took "swiftly transition" to heart! Racked the Mad One....did a quick change....hopped on the Black Cat...and away I went. (which sounds sort of funny since I was actually going nowhere :confused:;):)) I estimated I had 1:35 left to do, so I decided to do the first 30 minutes easy, then the next hour my power-hour, and then the remaining 5 minutes easy. I've absolutely no complaints on this one!! I picked a gear for the 10 x 5 min @ 145w and just stayed in it, daring myself to waiver even a little bit. Loved it! I exceeded my expectations, and worked it like I owned it. Data from my Garmin:

    78 rpm...150w
    79 rpm...151w
    79 rpm...153w
    79 rpm...152w
    79 rpm...153w

    79 rpm...153w
    79 rpm...152w
    79 rpm...152w
    79 rpm...152w
    81 rpm...163w

    Oh yeah, that was me emptying my tank on the very last one. !!!!


    I was to do 45 minutes easy immediately after the bike, and I decided to do this in the tub since my left knee was still vaguely sore. I know running in water is not the same as running on land off the bike, but I have to make choices based on what will benefit me more long-term and what will keep me from missing sessions altogether due to real/ignored/aggravated injuries. But I also have to tell you, running in water is no walk in the park!! In fact, I dare say this was harder in effort than it would have been outside running around my field. It's strength, and coming off of a 4 hour bike session, this was solid effort. I was pooped when I hopped out - I was honestly as pooped as I've been in a long time. A happy pooped. This was a good day. :)

    Actual bike/run combo: 35.82 miles in 2:18:29 for an average speed of 15.5 mph and an elevation gain of 1,992 feet....approximately 11 minutes of "swift" transition....then 95 minutes of power on the Black Cat....then 45 minutes of running in the tub....followed by an evening of laying on the couch in front of the tv like a wet noodle

    Sunday, April 3rd, 2016


    This was awful...horrible...ugly....and I will get this over with quickly!

    Took the Black Cat out for the first time since Louisville.
    Handling skills on tt bike very rusty, and add to that the insane wind and you've got yourself a mess on a bike that got pushed around and nearly knocked over and almost wet her pants more than once. :eek:
    Couldn't even get myself comfortable enough to drink water.
    Shoulder was in bits.
    Massive headache ensued.
    Chain dropped off my big ring just like in Louisville - this was supposed to have been fixed by my bike shop, obviously it's not - and now I've got this to deal with, and only 4 weeks until my first tri race. :mad:
    Hated every blasted thing about this ride.
    Could not get off the bike quick enough.

    Actual bike: 21.59 horrid and windy miles in 1:28:24 for an average slow-poke speed of 14.7 mph and an elevation gain of 1,476 feet



    30 minutes easy
    30 minutes at 8:30 pace
    30 minutes at 8:00 pace

    Just an hour after I hopped off the bike I hopped onto the treadmill to do this 90 minute gem. :rolleyes: I decided to do this on the treadmill because I was so done with the wind, and also because I knew I'd never hit my target paces unless they were forced on me. I didn't have a hope in hell of hitting them.

    And ohhhh....this started out very painful and tough. Blech. I believe the fact that I hadn't been able to take on any water during the bike contributed to this, plus I was probably down on nutrition too. The easy 30 minutes were yucky...the 8:30 minutes were even worse....but I kept going and I took on an entire bottle of water, a quick disc, and three shot bloks (that equals one gel!) and FINALLY by the time I was 68 minutes into this I started to feel some joy. In fact, even though I was tired for those remaining 22 minutes, I actually felt sort of strong. Nice to end on a good note!

    Actual run: 10.47 miles going nowhere in 90 minutes



    10 minutes swim
    10 minutes buoy
    10 minutes buoy-band

    I did this late in the evening...and I did this all at 1:30. My body thanked me for this!

    Actual swim: 30 minutes in the tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Bloody hell Dory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Yikes, two big tough days Dory ....... and you nailed um, well done. How's the shoulder today?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    There is no discomfort in my shoulder with normal movement, which is a huge improvement. However, there are still certain positions that elicit discomfort/pain/tingling...primarily when I'm on a bike...specifically when I'm on the tt bike. Boo. But fingers crossed this resolves completely over the next few weeks. I've been told 6 weeks - I'm now at 4. Thanks for asking. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Are you still keeping up yoga/stretching/S&C? (are there enough hours in the day for any more training!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Serious work over the weekend....i feel lazy. Get thee out on that tt bike more regularly!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Are you still keeping up yoga/stretching/S&C? (are there enough hours in the day for any more training!)

    I am doing my TRX twice a week (I have been forgetting to log it here!)...I get some stretching in here and there, but nothing to write home about....and I haven't done a lick of yoga in ages. I'm struggling with keeping the house in decent enough shape to avoid the health department from condemning it ;), so time is definitely becoming a factor at this point. I work too many hours - I need to try and address that in truth.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, April 5th, 2016


    20 mins warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6x6 min in your bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (145 to 150 W), depending on how you feel. + 3 min easy spin.
    8x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    This was done over lunch with my Green Day Pandora station feeding me my inspiration. The targeted power was upped from 135ish to 145-150 due to my recent success in this very session - translation: I've been knocking the snot out of it! :D was another snot knocker! :)

    The data for the 6 x 6 minutes per the Garmin is as follows:

    68 rpm...146w
    68 rpm...149w
    68 rpm...149w

    +1 gear...
    65 rpm...152w
    66 rpm...161w

    +1 gear...
    63 rpm...173w

    I lovelovelove this session!!!!! Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!!!

    Actual bike: 85 minutes on the Black Cat over lunch



    10 minute warmup
    3 x
    {4 x (30 sec @ 1:15, 60 sec rest)
    6 min @ 1:24
    3 min @ 1:33}
    5 minute cool down

    I did this after work....and all went well. Honestly, the most notable thing about tonight's swim is the fact that I may need to administer last rites to my trusty Speedo as it's beginning to lose its shape and becoming even too ratty for me....and I tend to wear my Speedos until they are just but a thread!! As a kid, I'd wear 2 or 3 suits to swim practice (yes, I'd layer them for drag), so it was not unusual for me to strategically coordinate my tattered suits in such a way that all "sensitive" body parts were fully covered. :)

    Actual swim: 60 minutes in the tank



    A bit of TRX action was-a-happening after my swim. All good!!

    Actual gym: ~25 minutes of strappy work

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, April 6th, 2016


    This was to be a 30 minute easy jog, and due to waking up this morning with a crick in the other side of my neck (yes, I said crick in the OTHER side of my neck!!! :mad:), I opted to do this in the tub over lunch. Ay yi yi.....

    Actual run: 30 minutes in the tub at a wave pace of 2:16



    This was supposed to be a spiffy 5 x 1 mile done as fast as I can (with some easy stuff before and after the mile intervals), but there was no way on earth I was going to even attempt doing that with my freakin' f-ed up neck. %^&@^%#$!%#*!&@#%^!!!!!! So, back into the fish tank for 90 minutes of running in water against a current. When my mind wanders, I pretend I'm at the beach running in water while dragging a raft behind me. Whatever it takes, right? I set the wave to 2:07 for the first 30 minutes, 2:02 for the next 30 minutes, and 1:57 for the final 30 minutes. Time flew!!!

    Actual run: 90 minutes in the tub

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, April 7th, 2016


    20 min w/u
    10x15 sec spin up to max cadence+power (so this should sting)+ 45 sec easy.
    12x3 min verrrrrry strong in your bars at race cadence+ 1 min super easy.
    easy til 90 mins

    3 minutes "verrrrrry strong." :eek: Yikes! I honestly had no idea what to target for this - I've never done this session before, so I didn't really have a marker to focus, I just focused on cadence first, then tried to get a feel for what sort of effort I might be able to sustain for all 12 of these intervals.

    My first 3 minute interval was at too high a cadence - I knew I couldn't sustain that cadence, nor did I want to as I was fairly uncomfortable moving the legs at that speed and at that power - so I upped it one gear after that, and settled into a cadence and power that I felt I could hang onto for the remaining 11 intervals. I was told to push this hard enough so that my legs were hating life by the 2 minute mark of each interval, and truly, the hating started way before then - and this was evidenced by the data on my Garmin display that showed a robust cadence and power at the beginning of each interval, only to peter out over the entire 3 minutes. But, I'm happy with how this went...and perhaps how this went was exactly how it was intended to go.

    Garmin data as follows:

    99 rpm...163w
    92 rpm...170w
    92 rpm...174w
    92 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...175w

    92 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...171w
    92 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...173w
    92 rpm...171w
    94 rpm...181w

    I dumped all that I had left in me on that final interval!

    Actual bike: 90 minutes on the Black Cat trying to be verrrrrry strong



    10 minute warmup
    5 min kick
    15 x (3 min @ 1:30ish buoy-band, 30 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    I did this after work, and all went well. I did the first 15 minutes of the buoy-band work at a wave pace of 1:30, upped it to 1:27 for the next 15 minutes, then upped it once more to 1:24 for the final 15 minutes. I was worried how my neck would do, but it was fine. Not 100% normal, but WAY better than it was this time yesterday! Thank god.

    Actual swim: an hour in the fish tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Those bike sessions Dory, they send shivers down my spine and you're nailing them :)

    How's the crick in your neck? I'm sure you're doing everything to get rid of it but I find rubbing tiger balm into my neck really good and/or sleeping on a hot water bottle swaddled in a blanket.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Those bike sessions Dory, they send shivers down my spine and you're nailing them :)

    How's the crick in your neck? I'm sure you're doing everything to get rid of it but I find rubbing tiger balm into my neck really good and/or sleeping on a hot water bottle swaddled in a blanket.

    Yep....been throwing the kitchen sink at the neck - tiger balm, icey hot, apsercreme, biofreeze, advil, aleve, heated lavender neck thingy, orthopedic pillow....and now I'm looking at a new mattress for the bed!!!!! My physician said x-rays are next up! Boo.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yep....been throwing the kitchen sink at the neck - tiger balm, icey hot, apsercreme, biofreeze, advil, aleve, heated lavender neck thingy, orthopedic pillow....and now I'm looking at a new mattress for the bed!!!!! My physician said x-rays are next up! Boo.

    Oh no, no no no not an x-ray. This year has to be injury free for you, you're owed an injury free year.

    Hopefully the mattress and pillow combo. with some massages will work. Poooooo it's not fair.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Oh no, no no no not an x-ray. This year has to be injury free for you, you're owed an injury free year.

    Hopefully the mattress and pillow combo. with some massages will work. Poooooo it's not fair.


    Oh....put those bad thoughts out of your head!!! I can't go there....happy thoughts only!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Great numbers dory, the bike is really coming on. Must be them new garmin pedals!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Bike position- on your turbo are you straining the neck to look at the telly/computer/straight ahead? I had similar issues a while back, physio called it "plasterer's neck" and is common with those who do more turbo than usual. A new bike fit sorted my issues straight away.

    Whatever it is you have my sympathies- nothing worse than that constant neck pain throughout the day!
