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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Bike position- on your turbo are you straining the neck to look at the telly/computer/straight ahead? I had similar issues a while back, physio called it "plasterer's neck" and is common with those who do more turbo than usual. A new bike fit sorted my issues straight away.

    Whatever it is you have my sympathies- nothing worse than that constant neck pain throughout the day!

    Nope - I tend to look down most of the time while on the trainer - wish it was that simple. But thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    As my life/training is getting busier, I'm finding my posting is getting a bit condensed and bunched. But that's okay. And maybe an abbreviated format will be more agreeable to those who frequent my log.

    Friday, April 8th, 2016

    Swim/run combo

    Today was not a good day for me with my neck - therefore I had to modify my workouts today.


    This was supposed to be my usual 30 x 100s at 1:19, but it was apparent during my warmup that my kick was contributing to pain on the right side of my neck...however, when I tried swimming with a pull buoy, the pain was immediately reduced. So, it was a no brainer to switch this up to a buoy-band session. Additionally, I wasn't about to plunge into the wave at the start of each 90 second interval, so I turned this into 3 x 15 minute continuos segments (thus, covering the exact same amount of time swimming), and I did those 15 minute segments at a wave pace of 1:24, 1:21, and 1:19 each. My arms were properly pooped at the end of this.


    This was to be 60 minutes on the treadmill at a setting of 6.6, but again, I wanted nothing to do with a jarring motion, so I did this in the pool at a progressive wave pace of 2:07, 2:02, 1:57 - upping the resistance every 20 minutes. I enjoyed this, and my neck seemed to feel much better for it.

    Actual swim/run: about 60 minutes splashing and 60 minutes dashing

    Saturday, April 9th, 2016

    Bike/run combo

    This was another bad day for my neck....and I will admit, I had moments of feeling pretty sorry for myself. And more modifying of the plan ensued.


    This was to be a 4 hour proper ride....but it snowed here this morning :eek: (wtf?), was freezing cold with insane wind...and then there was also my blasted neck. So, it didn't take me a New York minute to decide this was going to be done indoors....and by golly I was hell bent on making sure my "wimpiness" was erased by doing one humdinger of a session. Sooooo.....after expanding on an idea given to me by the gal who is helping me along, I settled on this:

    60 minutes easy warmup
    10 x (5 min @ 145w, 1 min easy)
    30 minutes easy
    5 x (5 min @ 145w, 1 min easy)
    10 minutes easy
    5 x (5 min @ 145w, 1 min easy)
    20 minutes easy

    Whew! This was a bit insane, but I had to do this...for me. Numbers looked like this:

    10 x 5 min/1 min:
    78 rpm...147w
    78 rpm...148w
    78 rpm...151w
    78 rpm...151w
    79 rpm...152w
    79 rpm...154w
    79 rpm...155w
    79 rpm...154w
    80 rpm...155w
    80 rpm...158w

    I had originally planned on taking a 30 minute recovery then right into a second 10 x 5 min/1 min, but I was starting to fade a bit on the 5th one and convinced myself I needed a break, so that's when I altered things and took a 10 minute easy recovery before diving into the final 5 intervals.

    5 x 5 min/1 min:
    79 rpm...153w
    80 rpm...156w
    80 rpm...158w
    80 rpm...159w
    80 rpm...156w

    5 x 5 min/1 min:
    79 rpm...154w
    80 rpm...158w
    80 rpm...158w
    80 rpm...160w
    81 rpm...165w

    That. Was. Tough!


    Straight off the trainer...and I was supposed to run for 45 minutes....and I opted to do this in the tub. I broke this into 15 minute segments with a wave pace of 2:16, 2:07 and 2:02. Running in water is harder than it looks!

    Actual bike/run combo: 4 hours on the Black Cat, followed by 45 minutes in the fish tank

    Sunday, April 10th, 2016

    Finally!! Some relief from my neck pain. Thank god!


    I was feeling well enough to take the Black Cat out for this 90 minute spin - yay! The weather wasn't too bad - chilly and marginally windy - but nothing as crazy-insane as last weekend. And I was amazed how quickly some of my handling skills/confidence came back after about 30 minutes on the Cat - double yay!! This was to be easy, and trust me, there was no problem keeping this easy after yesterday's doozy of a trainer session! Additionally, I had a bit of company for most of this ride, so that helped keep the pace and effort down as well.

    Actual bike: 21.63 miles in 1:30:07 for a snail's pace of 14.4 mph and an elevation gain of 1,523 feet



    Okay...this was to be 2 hours outside, but I just couldn't do it outside. I wasn't digging the cold (my toes were numb when I got off the bike), and I wasn't thrilled about the wind. I also was so relieved to have some relief from my neck pain that I didn't want to f*ck that up - so this was done in the tub. Another modification to the plan - but I didn't know what else to do. I hopped in the pool an hour after hopping off the bike, and I broke this down into 30 minute segments with a wave pace of 2:16, 2:07, 2:02, and 1:57 each. I love running in the tub!!!!!!!!

    Actual run: 2 hours in the fish tank

    Monday, April 11th, 2016

    6 hours spent hauling 2100 bricks. Not an easy task - wore holes in my gloves, but it was a gorgeous day, and I had some pretty wonderful company.

    Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

    Woke up a bit sore in places from the previous day's brick hauling - hamstrings and biceps, mainly - but my neck wasn't any worse for the wear, so I was thankful for that!


    This was a sneaky lunchtime session....

    30 minutes easy, w/ 5 min of single leg drills
    10 x (20 sec 100+rpm, 40 sec easy)
    3 x :
    (90 sec HARD, 90 sec easy, 60 sec HARD, 60 sec easy, 30 sec HARD, 30 sec easy)
    12 minutes easy
    20 minutes at IM effort
    5 minutes easy

    The hardest segment of this session was the 18 minutes of HARD/easy. !!! I pushed my limits from the start, and watched my cadence fade, especially on the 90 and 60 second intervals...but that was fine - I was working it for all it was worth. And I honestly wasn't quite sure what to target for the 20 minutes of IM effort (I was to decide that myself!), so I just started pedaling in a gear that I felt comfortable with and at an effort I thought I'd be able to handle without issue. I stayed in the same gear throughout, and I tried to keep my cadence pretty even - 85 to 88 rpm - which resulted in a fairly even power (at least from my perspective while on the bike) of 142 watts. Happy!

    Actual bike: 95 lunchtime minutes with the Cat



    Okay....still protecting the neck some since I do notice continued "issues" when in the pool. Therefore, I altered this session a bit...and tried to alter it in such a way that I swam more, and maybe made this a bit tougher than originally planned. This was a shorter than normal swim session....but this is what I did:

    10 minute warmup
    10 minutes buoy-band at 1:24
    10 minutes buoy-band at 1:21
    10 minutes buoy-band at 1:19
    5 minute cool down

    Upper body felt good for this - good and strong, even for the spiffy 1:19 setting!

    Actual swim: 45 minutes in the fish tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    4 hours on the trainer :eek: :eek: it sounds like ye were sharing in the freakish weather that we got over the weekend also. I hope it warms up soon for you.

    p.s. what are you building?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    4 hours on the trainer :eek: :eek: it sounds like ye were sharing in the freakish weather that we got over the weekend also. I hope it warms up soon for you.

    p.s. what are you building?

    I'm having a little building constructed to house the endless pool. Right now it's in the garage, and for a variety of reasons I have decided to move it to its own space. My brother has dubbed this new pool house "The Natatorium", but I'm trying to somehow snazz that name up a bit with something like "The Nata-Dory-torium" or "The Dory-torium". ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, April 13th, 2016


    This first run of the day was done sneaky lunchtime style on a superbly gorgeous day! Chilly, yes...but the sun was out in full force, thus I was donning shorts and a long sleeve....and....I was testing out my brand new Asics in a fetching color of blue. :D This was just an easy jog around the field 5 times to get the blood flowing. No watch. Such luxury!!!

    Actual run: 35ish minutes in new shoes



    20 minutes easy
    5 x (1 mile HARD, 90 seconds recovery)
    10 minutes easy

    Barf. I really do not like this session. I did this a few weeks back and it went horribly. Yes, I did it in the field with a zillion twists and turns....but my mile splits were awful - slower than my average pace for my last half marathon. wtf?? I got out of doing this last week due to my very painful neck (silver lining much?), but there was no way to avoid this session this week. Blech. So I sucked it up and laced it up (in my new fetching blue Asics) and got it the field...even though I was supposed to do this on the track...but the track had an event going on, so I couldn't. Damn high school kids on the track team! And...this didn't go a whole lot better than it did a few weeks ago, yet I was a wee bit faster overall. I think my running has gone down the tubes. Ugh. Effort was there...but I faded...couldn't hold it....gave in....neck started hurting....blah, blah, blah. Dismal splits as follows:

    7:05, 7:16, 7:21, 7:34, 7:29

    Actual run: 8.41 miles in 1:13:36 for an average pace of 8:45 min/mile

    Thursday, April 14th, 2016


    20 minutes easy
    10 x (15 sec max cadence and power, 45 sec easy)
    12 x (3 min in my bars verrrrrry strong, 1 min super easy)
    12 minutes easy

    I did this sneaky lunchtime style on the Black Cat. I did this very session last week, so I peeked at the data from that session to get an idea of what cadence and power I should target - 90ish and 170s!!! There's honestly not too much to say about today's stint on the Cat...other than my legs were complaining from last night's character building run, and I fully expected to blow up at some point during these 12 x 3 minute verrrrrry strong intervals. I even told myself it would be okay to blow up. But I never did. I had to work my @ss off, and was hanging on by a thread, but I didn't blow up. Legs were shaky after this.

    92 rpm...171w
    92 rpm...173w
    92 rpm...176w
    91 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...174w
    92 rpm...173w

    91 rpm...173w
    91 rpm...175w
    92 rpm...174w
    92 rpm...172w
    92 rpm...173w
    92 rpm...176w

    Actual bike: 90 minutes of thread hanging work



    10 minute warmup
    5 min kick/breast/choice
    8 x (6 min buoy-band @ 1:24 wave pace, 10 sec rest)
    5 minute cool down

    This went well - so well, in fact, that I didn't bother with the 10 seconds of rest in between the intervals. In the fish tank with a wave coming at you constantly and no end-of-the-pool to hang on to, stopping and starting is a bit cumbersome!

    Actual swim: 65 minutes in the fish tank

    Two side notes: 1) we treated a puppy at the clinic who ingested marijuana (which is an illegal drug here in Virginia!) - a first for us, and once we knew the puppy was okay we had a good laugh about it!....and, 2) I had xrays on my neck tonight. It was time. OH!!! And my outdoor lap pool opened today. It'll be a while before it's warm enough to swim in, but this is pretty exciting! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, April 15th, 2016

    Swim/run combo


    This Friday night splash had a main set of 15 x 3 min w/15 sec rest at 1:19ish pace, and because it's such a pain in the @ss to start and stop for just a 15 sec breath-catcher, I did this as 3 x 15 minutes at 1:19. No complaints!


    I decided to just stay in the fish tank and do this hour long trot in the tub with some pretty fantastic tunes filling the garage. The doors were up...the fresh air was pouring in...and I broke this into 20 minute segments with the wave pace set at 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 each.

    Actual swim/run combo: 60 minutes splashing, and 60 minutes dashing

    Saturday, April 16th, 2016


    I'm easing off the gas a bit this weekend, so this was just a 3 hour easy ride that took me up and down some healthy hills. I took the Mad One out - mainly because I somehow ended up with a flat tire after last Sunday's ride on the Black Cat that I haven't tended to yet. :o Opps!

    Today was a stellar day! Sunshine just pouring down all over the place, and the wind wasn't too awful bad. Even the black snake that was booking it across the road in my favorite hollow was taking advantage of the warmth! My neck and shoulder played ball today - best they've felt since this quasi-ordeal began 6 weeks ago - and to say I was delighted and relieved is truly an understatement. Thank god. Legs felt fine too, but they were content not having to work but so much. I really have learned to embrace the easy!!! :D

    Actual bike: 42.61 miles in 2:54:02 for an average easy pace of 14.7 mph and an elevation gain of 2,929 feet

    Sunday, April 17th, 2016


    Oh, what another glorious, sun-shiny day in the life of Dory! Good god, whoever finally found the sun so she could work her lovely magic needs to be thanked! I broke out the summer running duds for this one, and even wore my new Asics...but the bottom of my left foot felt like it was burning after a mile or two - wtf??? I figured it was friction, so I tightened my laces thinking that might help, but unfortunately it didn't. Boo. <grumble, grumble>

    The run was to be 90 minutes easy, and I was happy about that....and coincidentally, I fueled very brazenly with only a chocolate filled yummy-yummy-yummilicious locally made doughnut and a glass of orange juice 4 hours prior. :D Not exactly the breakfast of champions, and it showed in the first half of this run as I was dragging @ss around the field while my left foot was on fire. I gave in after 4 miles and snagged a round of shot bloks and downed a bit of an energy drink, and things eventually improved for me...and I sort of ended this run on a high note. (Kids! Nutrition and hydration are important!!!)

    9:28, 9:41, 9:41, 9:44, 9:45
    9:44, 9:28, 9:28, 9:24, 3:41 (9:14)

    Actual run: 9.4 easy field miles in 1:30:05 for an average pace of 9:35 min/mile



    I was given the option of either swimming easy for 30 minutes or tub trotting easy for 30 minutes, and I snatched up the tub trotting without a second thought. Tunes were blaring, Dory was belting, and all was well with the world once more. :)

    Actual run: 30 minutes with garage doors up and the world as my stage

    Okay....and now for the medical report!!! I have a damaged disc in my neck between C5 and C6 - a cervical disc. Yay me. Can I not catch a fecking break? This is now 3 freakin' years in a row with a significant injury - and they all occurred in February/March. The next step is an MRI, then to see either a neurosurgeon or a cervical spine doctor. I already have an appointment at the University of Virginia (the same peeps who tended to my fractured femur last year) in 2 weeks with a cervical spine doctor (I scheduled that prior to the x-ray) so I'll know more at least by then. The good news is, my neck is significantly improved....and the additional good news is, this could heal completely on its own. However, in the meantime, I'll continue to train, and I'll continue to modify sessions if/when needed to protect my neck. Fingers crossed. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    OMG how crap is that! Sending lots of good karma your way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    OMG how crap is that! Sending lots of good karma your way!

    Thank you! xoxo

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, April 19th, 2016


    20 mins warm up, including some single-leg drills.
    6x6 min in your bars, 60-65 cadence, IM to half IM effort (145 to 150 W), depending on how you feel. + 3 min easy spin.
    8x 20 sec 110 cadence+ 40 sec normal cadence.
    easy til 85 mins

    This is my favorite of all favorite trainer sessions...and I have to tell you, I was a little giddy when I saw this on the docket for today. Yay!!! I feel like I own this session...I am so confident when I do this session...and today, on fresh legs from a light weekend, I went further than I should have....but I didn't give a crap because sometimes, when you've got a sore neck from a frickin' damaged disc, you need to feel in control and on top. So today I was in control and on top. Numbers as follows....and I handled this with ease. (and yes, that was me giving that damaged disc the two finger salute! :D)

    80 rpm...155w
    81 rpm...163w
    82 rpm...167w
    83 rpm...174w
    84 rpm...176w
    85 rpm...182w

    Actual bike: 85 minutes owning it on the Cat



    I did this after work, and I had to modify it a wee bit as I am not interested in stressing the neck with hard currents or in-pool-diving-starts. It was a simple 10 minute warmup followed by 10 minutes at 1:24 (buoy-band), 10 minutes at 1:21 (buoy-band), 10 minutes at 1:19 (buoy-band), and a 5 minute cool down. Neck giving me a slight fit.....but I'm guessing this up and down is to be expected. My outdoor pool's water temp is on the rise, so if the weather plays ball, I should be swimming and perfecting my flip turn by the weekend. Whoop whoop!!!

    Actual swim: a mere 45 minutes in the fish tank


    My MRI is scheduled for Thursday. I have a half iron distance tri scheduled for a week from Sunday, but I'll wait and see what the results of the MRI are before I say for sure if I'll be rocking up to the start line on the day. I will actually listen to the recommendations of the experts and respect their wisdom. This race means nothing other than an opportunity to practice the mechanics of racing - which is important, especially for me - but it's not worth setting me back or doing me harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Jeez Dory you don't do anything by halves, do you? Training to the max. Race to the max. Injuries to the max (I'm officially never mentioning any injury less serious than an amputation). Hope your recovery is equally spectacular.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    best of luck with the MRI dory, hope it's nothing too serious, you deserve an injury free run after the last couple of years

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    I read your post yesterday and couldn't think of anything to say, I'm frustrated and annoyed for you Dory. You deserve a break - hope the MRI goes well and that it it will heal on it's own with some TLC. Your body owes you a free run to the IM at this stage. Mucho mucho good karma winging it's way across the ocean :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^^ Thanks everyone for your well wishes and crazy good karma. !!!! :)

    Wednesday, April 20th, 2016


    This first run of the day was just an easy jog around the field without a watch to weigh me down. Yay!! I wore my new Asics again, and there was no issue with the bottom of my foot feeling like it was on fire, but I suspect that was a function of the speed I was going. 6 times around, and then it was lunch by the pool with a friend before I had to head back to work. What a treat on a gorgeous day!!

    Actual run: 40 minute sneaky lunchtime field run



    This was to be a 62 minute treadmill run with some gradient work, but I just couldn't stomach being in the basement on such a spectacular I didn't feel like dealing with any I did this in the tank with the garage doors up. I increased the length of time running to 90 minutes, and broke down the wave paces as follows: 15 min @ 2:07, 2:02, 1:57, 1:52 each....and 30 min @ 1:48. Love. The. Tub.

    Actual run: 90 minutes running in the fish tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    What sounds like a serious injury to your neck and at the same time you're inquiring about runners on the main forum. I guess that's the nature of the beast.

    Take care and heal well. As you say, hopefully it will heal by itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thanks zico. Fingers crossed it's nothing crazy that will screw up my year....but the MRI I had today showed a disc problem with some bone issues. I go to see a neurosurgeon in a few weeks. Hopefully this is no big deal, and I am proceeding forward as such.....however next weekend's half iron distance tri may be off - my physician does not recommend I do any racing until I see the neurosurgeon. Fortunately this race is nothing other than an opportunity to practice racing. But I will sleep on this.

    Thursday, April 21st, 2016


    20 min w/u
    10x15 sec spin up to max cadence+power (so this should sting)+ 45 sec easy.
    12x3 min verrrrrry strong in your bars at race cadence+ 1 min super easy. goal here is best avg power for 12. your legs should be begging for mercy at 2 mins in.
    easy til 90 mins

    :) All sorts of things can motivate me, but there is just about nothing that can motivate me more than when I feel my chips are down. I'm feeling like my chips are this session became a session to disprove that notion and to make me feel like I am in control of my body. I gave this session everything I had from start to finish, and there was nothing left behind. My Garmin was low on juice so I only tracked the 12 x 3 min/1 min. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to repeat these numbers as they honestly were a stretch for me at times, but here they are...

    92 rpm...182w
    94 rpm...178w
    94 rpm...181w
    95 rpm...183w
    94 rpm...181w
    94 rpm...179w
    93 rpm...176w
    94 rpm...182w
    94 rpm...179w
    94 rpm...179w
    94 rpm...180w
    95 rpm...184w

    Actual bike: 90 minutes proving a point on the Black Cat



    This was an evening swim in the fish tank that contained a bit of warm up, a bit of cool down, and a bit of buoy-band work in between. Specifically, I did the buoy-band at 1:24 for 50 minutes. No complaints.

    Actual swim: 60 minutes in the fish tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, April 22nd, 2016

    Swim/run combo


    The main set of this was 15 X 3 min at 1:19 wave pace, but I did this instead as 3 X 15 min at 1:19 due to how cumbersome it is to start and stop in the fish tank. There was a bit of warmup and a bit of cool down too!


    I stayed in the fish tank and ran 60 minutes broken down in 20 minute segments as: 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 each.

    Swim/run combo: 60 minutes splashing followed by 60 minutes dashing


    Saturday, April 23rd, 2016

    Bike/run combo


    I was to cycle 4 hours today....and I was to include some bits of IM effort at the end of the ride....but good grief what a chilly and gloomy rainy morning it was. Bah. This took some serious convincing by yours truly to force myself into my cycling gear and onto the Black Cat (cat's don't like rain!!!), but I told myself I wouldn't have the luxury of picking the weather conditions on race day, plus I knew the rain was supposed to clear out in a few hours and the sun was on deck to shine for the remainder of the day. Silver linings and things to look forward to. :)

    So, it rained for the first 90 minutes...and I was chilled to the bone, including down to my soaking wet feet. But it honestly wasn't horrible. As my dad would say, this sort of ride builds character. Once the rain stopped, it was nearly perfect conditions for me - some wind that pushed me around once in a while, but it was excellent training for me for I stayed down on the bars for nearly 2 hours straight and rolled with everything that was thrown at me. I love my Black Cat...I love cycling on it, and I love playing mechanic with it. Not only did I change the flat tire I had after my last ride, but I have even learned how to adjust the trim on my Di2 shifters to remedy the issue with the front ring chain dropping. My bike shop talked me thru that over the phone. Pretty slick little method involving the battery and hitting a few buttons. Appears to have worked!!! Yay! But I digress....

    The ride was solid, and I'm so pleased with my comfort and leg strength. Nothing too crazy happened on this ride - probably the most significant thing was that I saw my first turtle of the season - he was thinking about crossing the road right in front of me....which then made me pay closer attention to the road as I have a tendency to zone with my neck issue, I was keeping my head tucked a bit more than usual to avoid stress on it. My neck did fairly well, in truth...yet I was aware of some discomfort the longer I stayed aero. Hoping that will improve.


    I hopped off the Black Cat and tossed on my swim suit to do this in the tub. I know, I know, I know...running outside would be more in line with the intent of the brick, but I have got to protect this neck for now. I did this run at healthy effort and with a progressive wave pace of 2:02 and 1:57.

    Actual bike/run combo: 66.36 miles on the Black Cat in 3:57:45 for an average speed of 16.7 mph and elevation gain of 2,900 feet...followed by 45 minutes of running in the fish tank


    Sunday, April 24th, 2016


    This ended up being 2 hours in the tub with a progressive wave pace of: 2:07, 2:02, 1:57, and 1:52 for 30 minutes each. Garage doors were up and Dory was doing her best Gwen Stefani impersonation. Thank god no one was in ear shot as I'm not sure I've got her down yet. :o

    Actual run: 2 hours in the tub


    The outdoor pool has officially been opened for the season, and this monumentous occasion was marked by one of my finest belly flops ever into the deep end of the pool today. The judges would have wept as its perfection in style and enthusiasm was stunning in all respects. Let the 2016 season begin!! Whoop whoop!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, April 26th, 2016


    30 min warmup, including 5 mins of single leg drills
    30 X (1 min strong (but not all out, building in sets of 10), 30 sec easy)
    15 min cool down

    I did this over lunch, and because it's supposed to be race week, this session is a little easier than I normally do on a Tuesday. I structured this in such a way that I tried to maintain a fairly even cadence within each set of ten, and building between sets of ten by upping the gear. The first 10 seemed to average a cadence of 95-100 rpm with an average power of 130w...the second 10 a cadence of 92-95 rpm with an average power of 160w...and the last 10 a cadence of 85-90 rpm with an average power of 180w. This session was fine - nothing spectacular, but fine.

    Actual bike: 90 fine minutes on the Black Cat



    IN THE OUTDOOR POOL!!!! OMG!!!'s a different beast swimming in a conventional pool without a wave coming at you. Yikes! It takes a longer stroke, for one thing. And here I was getting all cocky with myself thinking I'd be the strongest fish in the sea with all that non-stop stroking I've been doing for the last 6 months. Ha! I felt weak as a kitten in the water tonight. Boo hiss. But, I remember last year going thru this, so I will not panic. I. Will. Not. Panic!!!! (not panicking)

    400 yard warmup
    20 X (100 off 1:30)
    400 yard cool down

    Again, a bit of an easier session than normal due to.....race week. :o This started out okay....was hitting 1:20 to 1:25....but then things went pear shaped....and I made the executive decision to give myself a pass and turn off the clock and just do this by feel with a 5-ish second rest between 100s. Neck was definitely giving me a fit when I'd breathe to my right, which at least is not my strong side to breathe to, however I'd like to be able to comfortably bilateral breathe! !!!! (still not panicking....) And of course, I need to get my feel for the water back. !!!! Honestly, I'm still trying to decide on this race on Sunday, however my very disappointing performance in my pool tonight may have just made the decision for me.

    Actual swim: 2,800 yards in my outdoor pool

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Given i am still contemplating an endless pool purchase it would be worrying if you yourself are not seeing the benefits transfer across from the endless pool to a normal swimming environment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Given i am still contemplating an endless pool purchase it would be worrying if you yourself are not seeing the benefits transfer across from the endless pool to a normal swimming environment.

    I'm not sure there won't be benefits transferring, I just think there is an adjustment period to get those benefits to transfer. At least that's what happened last year, and I've no reason to believe that won't happen this year as well. Keep in mind that 100% of my swimming for the last 6 months has been done in the endless pool. It's a different feeling and a different stroke when swimming nowhere against a current. You can't tell me I have not benefited from this of the best things I've ever done for myself. And if you do get one for yourself, get the treadmill. You'd be a fool not to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Forgive me Father for I have's been a week since my last log update. :o Ugh. But my life has been temporarily turned upside down - some good, some bad - and I've had very limited time to do much else other than make it thru the day getting all my "tasks" done before I turn into a pumpkin each night. This update is going to be quick and dirty!!

    Wednesday, April 27th, 2016


    This was a treadmill session....the one that is 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off. The settings ranged from 10 to 10.5 on the tread-o-meter!!

    Actual run: 60 minutes on the treadie

    Thursday, April 28th, 2016


    This was 90 minutes on the Black Cat over lunch - the guts of which was 5 X (5 minutes at HIM effort, 3 minutes easy). As far as I remember, this felt fine. Data for the 5 x 5 minutes (at an inflated HIM effort) as follows:

    81 rpm...162w
    82 rpm...171w
    82 rpm...171w
    83 rpm...174w
    83 rpm...176w

    Actual bike: 90 sneaky lunchtime minutes on the Black Cat



    This was supposed to be an outdoor session filled with sprints on top of sprints...but it was storming to beat the band so I just did a makey-uppy session in the fish tank. I kept it simple with a 10 minute warmup, then all buoy-band work at 1:24, 1:21, 1:19 for 15 minutes each. Oh, and I did a 5 minute cool down too!

    Actual swim: 60 minutes in the fish tank

    Friday, April 29th, 2016


    Since this was supposed to be race week, this was supposed to be a rest day. However, because I needed some clarity as to what to do regarding the race (do I race or do I not???), I had a neurosurgeon look at my MRI results prior to my actual appointment with the neurosurgeon (which is this Wednesday) and he advised me NOT to race due to f*cked up mess my cervical spine is in and the risk I'd be putting myself in. Fine. I can accept that....for now. So, instead of resting today, I decided to hop in the pool and just swim a lovely 2,000 yards straight...and yes, it was pure heaven....and yes, the feel of the water is coming back....and yes, there is no place I'd rather be than in my pool. :)

    Actual rest: 2,000 yards swimming and swimming and swimming

    Saturday, April 30th, 2016


    Well.....due to the race I am not doing tomorrow, this was supposed to be a little bit of all three disciplines. But I'm not doing the race, so instead of doing a little bit of all three disciplines I decided to do what would make me happy, and that was to swim in my pool. So I swam in my pool - 4,000 yards straight - and it was the salve that I needed to bring a smile to my soul. The rest of the day was spent doing fun things I don't normally have time doing, like meeting with a friend to catch up on life. When you're handed a pile of lemons, you make lemonade.

    Actual swim: 4,000 fantastic yards in my outdoor pool

    Sunday, May 1st, 2016

    Bike/run combo

    Have I mentioned that today was supposed to be race day....but I'm not able to race due to a wee issue with a disc (or two) in my neck??? Yeah. Well, it's race day in Charlottesville, but here in Luray it's just a Sunday with a bike and a run to do.

    And...the bike....was supposed to sort of simulate the bike leg of the race, but it was pouring down outside so I did this on the trainer instead. I was told to hold 140w for this session to prepare the legs for 6 to 8 miles of post-bike running to get a feel for what kind of run pace I might be able to hold.

    Without too much elaboration, let me just say that holding 140w for a few hours on a static, unforgiving trainer is way harder (for me) than riding outdoors with hills and turns and stops to give you a bit of a breather. :eek: Therefore, this is what I did:

    15 minutes of warmup
    45 minutes, per Garmin @ 94 rpm and 143w
    5 minutes easy
    45 minutes, per Garmin @ 86 rpm and 142w
    5 minutes easy
    30 minutes, per Garmin @ 86 rpm and 141w
    5 minutes of cool down

    I was hanging on for dear life throughout this entire session, and I even felt nauseous at the end. I'm not sure if this was so hard for me because I basically ate crap all day on Saturday (you folks would be shocked and horrified if I listed everything I ate...none of which had any nutritional value!), and I'm not sure if I was nauseated because of how much I pushed during these 2.5 hours, or if it had to do with all the bloks and gels I consumed....but suffice it to say....this was tough!!! YIKES!

    I hopped off the bike....took a longer transition than I intended, but then headed out to the field to see what the legs would do. By this time the rain had passed and the sun was shining, making it very humid and warm. But the run actually went pretty well. The paces went something like this: 9:14, 9:01, 8:48, 8:43, 8:42, 8:36, 7:34 (8:28 pace). Total was 6.9 miles in just over an hour.

    Actual bike/run: 2.5 grueling hours on the Black Cat followed by a very humid hour in the field

    Monday, May 2nd, 2016


    This was a super enjoyable 2,000 yards of straight swimming as one hell of a storm rolled in. I hopped out of the pool just in time!!!

    Actual swimming: 2,000 yards

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Sorry to hear you didn't get to race Dory, but at least you got in some good training in it's place. That sounds like a tough trainer session, short sharp intervals are nearly easier because they are over quicker, the longer steadier but tough intervals that seem to go on and on with no end in sight can be a killer. Well done on staying strong and not letting the missed race get to you, there will be plenty more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016


    This was a mere 90 minutes done easy....on the trainer. I had the option of doing this on the road, but there is just not enough time over lunch at this moment to do so, thus the main reason I did this on the Black Cat in my basement today. Sooooo....I did a nice, mindless spin while listening to a various assorment of tunes.

    Actual bike: 90 minutes on the Black Cat spinning easy

    Wednesday, May 4th, 2016


    Today I traveled to Richmond to consult a neurosurgeon about my neck. Ick. Long story short, I have two f*cked up discs - one has ruptured, and the other is compromising my spinal cord. According to this doctor, neither medicine nor physical therapy will correct this, and due to my "active lifestyle", I am putting myself at risk for serious and permanent damage if I elect not to do anything about this - i.e. surgery. He showed me the MRI, pointed out where the issues are in the spinal cord (wow...and YIKES!!!), did a physical exam, then interpreted his physical findings in conjunction with the MRI images. Gah. And....poop. It's I am taking this very seriously. I have an appointment for a 2nd opinion at the University of Virginia on Tuesday, May 10th (tomorrow, as I type this), but I've gone ahead and scheduled surgery for June 3rd to get the show on the road. (Obviously I can cancel the surgery if the 2nd opinion differs from the 1st opinion.).

    So...where does this leave me?? A bit numb, in truth. The ride home from Richmond was a bit introspective with every emotion you can imagine. This race year is essentially over for me...and I'm not getting any younger, folks. My mindset right now is to train as hard as I can (and as safely as I can) until my surgery...then recover properly post-surgery while doing what is "allowed" to maintain my fitness (proper sleep, proper nutrition, and staying as active as possible on the trainer and walking/jogging/running/swimming (with a snorkel??) in the pool)...and then give IM one more year of my life before potentially reevaluating my priorities. These are fluid thoughts, but for now these are the thoughts I can live with. :)

    Thursday, May 5th, 2016


    This may quite possibly be the first time ever I blatantly bagged a session, but that's what I did with this one. Said f*ck it, and met a friend for lunch. Was delightful, and I had zero guilt.

    Actual swim: didn't happen...didn't care



    20 minutes warmup, including single leg drills
    30 X (1 min strong, 1 min easy) - building in sets of 10
    10 minutes easy cool down

    I did this after work on the Black Cat. This went totally fine....but from memory I started in a gear for the first ten that didn't allow me to up it 2 more times, thus the second and third sets of ten were in the same gear (up one from the first set), so I tried to up effort/power by upping the cadence in that final set. Cadence averaged 85-90 rpm throughout this session...and power started in the 140s and ended as high as 210ish.

    Actual bike: 90 minutes on the Black Cat

    Friday, May 6th, 2016

    Swim/run combo


    It was pouring down rain....and this was supposed to be a sprint workout...and I didn't have the swapped the hour long swim for an extra hour of running in the pool....


    This was supposed to be an hour of easy running post swim, but instead I did 2 hours of running in the tub....and I enjoyed this. I had some rockin' tunes...and I even belted out a few good verses at just the right moments. I had the wave current set at 2:07, 2:02, 1:57 and 1:52 each for 30 minutes.

    Actual swim/run combo: 2 hours of running in the tub

    Saturday, May 7th, 2016


    This was to be 4 hours outdoors, but it was pouring down rain so I took to the trainer to flog myself with the following:

    60 minutes easy
    10 X (5 min strong, 1 min easy)
    15 minutes easy
    5 X (5 min strong, 1 min easy)
    15 minute easy
    5 X (5 min strong, 1 min easy)
    30 minutes easy

    I did this sessoin a few weeks back and remembered how tough it was so I wanted to give it another go. is still quite tough. However...I think it went really well today. Data as follows:

    10 X 5 min:
    79 rpm...152w
    79 rpm...155w
    79 rpm...156w
    80 rpm...158w
    79 rpm...154w
    79 rpm...156w
    80 rpm...159w
    80 rpm...161w
    81 rpm...164w
    81 rpm...166w

    5 X 5 min:
    79 rpm...154w
    79 rpm...155w
    80 rpm...161w
    80 rpm...161w
    81 rpm...166w

    5 X 5 min:
    80 rpm...160w
    80 rpm...161w
    80 rpm...161w
    80 rpm...163w
    81 rpm...171w

    Actual bike: 4 hours sweating it out on the Black Cat



    This was 45 minutes of tub trotting. Whoop whoop!! Luvin' the tub!!

    Actual run: 45 minutes in the tub

    Sunday, May 8th, 2016


    This was originally supposed to be a gradient treadmill session, but as you gentle readers may have noticed, I am doing all of my runs in the pool for now to limit any jarring motion. (Thank god for the treadmill in the pool!!!!) I did 90 minutes, and subjected myself to a wave current of 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 for 30 minutes each. All went well...and the garage doors were up to let the fresh air in!!!

    Actual run: 90 minutes in the tub



    5 X 800 w/ 30 sec rest, done as:
    1 & 2 - swim
    3 - buoy band
    4 - buoy band, 20 yards fast, 80 yards easy
    5 - swim

    I got a bit of a late start on this one, but I got it done on a very chilly evening in my comfy-warm pool. And I loved this session....I thoroughly enjoyed swimming in my pool at paces that my body agreed to. The fast buoy-band laps were interesting in that I used a much shorter and choppier stroke, but I guess that was the point. What a great way to end this week. !!!!

    Actual swim: 4,000 happy yards in my outdoor pool

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    We (Mrs P is reading over my shoulder) are gutted for you, but happy that you are taking this seriously, I know there is little consolation but you have a phenomenal base from which to recover. Screw age - so what if you're about to turn 30, :) you've been kicking pimply butt for years - you can do so again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    They are seriously impressive training numbers right after getting such news! Fingers crossed on the second opinion. Your "roll up the sleeves and get on with it" attitude will stand to you in spades.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Jeez Dory - that sucks. I'm obviously happy there are options so hopefully this is just another blip. I'm also awestruck that you could still motivate yourself to train after another knock-back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    i really hope you get good news today Dory, your dedication and perseverance through many setbacks is inspirational to all here, i have no doubt you will be on the start-line of an IM again sooner rather than later

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    i really hope you get good news today Dory, your dedication and perseverance through many setbacks is inspirational to all here, i have no doubt you will be on the start-line of an IM again sooner rather than later


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Hope you get good news today Dory - but no matter what the news, no doubt you'll be back bashing out the workouts this time next year prepping for IM all over again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Gutted for you Dory, there's no words. I can only hope that you get better news today. The sheer dedication that you show to your training is off the scale - you don't deserve to go through another injury.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I have every faith that no matter what life throws at you, you will come through it with your fabulous positive all conquering attitude intact. I, like the rest hope it is a positive outcome. Fingers crossed
