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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Best of luck DD. I have complete faith that you'll be back better, stronger and faster.
    Younganne wrote: »
    Stay off Boards as it will only annoy you when you can't train!!

    Nah, go check out the conspiracies :rolleyes: or the mustard :confused: forums. There's a world in here when you cannot train.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Fingers, toes, and fins, crossed for you today, good luck with the op and recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    Just to echo all the well wishes being sent your way. Good luck with the operation and recovery.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Good karma and positive vibes being sent your way from all the boardsies today C :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Today's the day? Alrighty then. Let's be fixing' ya. All good wishes with it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 827 ✭✭✭RJM85

    Good luck

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I have just heard from the Chief Hoochie of Boards. Our darlin Dory is in recovery, groggy but doing fine. The drugs are good, apparently. :)

    Speedy recovery DD xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    It's been a week and a day since my surgery, and I thought I'd stop by and just give a little early morning update since I am awake and can't get back to sleep. Ugh. I had considered doing a bit of a "surgery report" in the same vein as doing a race report, however I think I will pass on that...but if I can be of any assistance to anyone who may be facing similar surgery (cervical disc) or who may just be curious, feel free to toss out any questions here or pm me. But suffice it to say, my recovery is going okay. I was released from the hospital one day after surgery, spent two very foggy and don't-give-a-sh*t days doped up on pain killers and muscle relaxers to cut the pain, then decided those drugs weren't for me as they screwed with my head and made me so apathetic that I didn't care if I ate, drank or got out of bed. The fog was finally lifting on Monday, so in addition to popping into work briefly (I've popped in just about every day for an hour or two or three), I decided to embark on my new "exercise" routine - walking! Whoop. Basically, for the first 2 weeks I can only walk. And walk. And walk. I was given the green light to sit and spin on the trainer as long as I keep my neck in a neutral position, but for a variety of reasons (including that I need help moving the trainer since I am not allowed to pick up more than 10 pounds until further notice) I will just walk for now. The most devastating of news is that I am not allowed to submerge my incision in water for 6 swimming for 6 weeks. ???? !!!!!! So the snorkel will have to wait. But, at least that's my best discipline of the three - silver lining. So the walking....I walked 2 miles in the field Monday, 6 miles on Tuesday, only 1 mile Wednesday (fatigue and the blues were catching up with me), 4 miles Thursday, and 4 miles Friday. I'm finding walking - brisk walking - really is a good physical activity! Whoop!! Any way....that's been pretty much what I've been doing this week. Oh, and because it's been very hard to eat/swallow (the surgery is done from the front of the neck, so the manipulation of that important front-of-the-neck stuff leaves the patient with soreness in that area, thus it's difficult eating anything that is solid), I've lost a few pounds. Personally, I'm delighted, but I also know once I'm back to normal I'll need to watch what I stuff in the mouth. !!!! But all is well (relatively speaking ;)) in the land of Dory. :) More updates to follow......

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Two weeks since surgery, and I think I'm really recovering quite well....where the neck is concerned. A fairly boring accounting of my physical activity is as follows:

    Saturday, 2 miles walking in the field with an out of town friend who stayed for the weekend.
    Sunday, 4 miles hiking up Mary's Rock in the Shenandoah National Park on an insanely blustery day (not sure of the elevation gain/loss, but it's a good hike!!).
    Monday, 5 miles power walking in the field (I was hoofing it!!).
    Tuesday, 5 miles power walking in the field (hoofing it again!).
    Wednesday, rest as I hoofed it a wee bit too much the previous 2 days.
    Thursday, 75 minutes in the fish tank done as: 30 minutes at 4.0 treadie/2:07 wave current, 30 minutes at 4.4 treadie/2:02 wave current, 15 minutes at 5.5 treadie/1:57 wave current. I was told NO RUNNING for at least 2 weeks, and that included in the tank...the reason being the jarring on my neck with my surgery/bone grafts/titanium plate and screws, but I really paid attention and eased into this little tub trot, ensuring that I did not experience any additional (over and above walking) impact. Loved this session - felt strong, and was able to work it, especially for the last 15 minutes.

    And...this is where I drop the other shoe. Ugh.
    So, I've been dealing with a bit of a wonky knee...pretty much since my neck issue cropped up...but in truth it's been a bit off and on (subtlety so, in Dory terms) prior to that. I was hopeful that my required post surgery recovery would allow my knee to sort itself out, but it became obvious to me that my field walking was even inflaming the issue. Ugh. Soooo.....MRI number 3 in just over a year was done on Wednesday, and the verdict is "multi directional tearing of the medial meniscus." F*ck. F*ckf*ckf*ckf*ckf*ck. F*ck. There was a little voice in the back of my head a good month ago telling me to have this addressed then, prior to my neck surgery, but I was being hopefully optimistic that it would resolve on its own. But of course it wouldn't. This is Dory. This is my cross to bear. This is me living by "that which does not kill you makes you stronger". Right? ??? So.....I need to deal with my knee now. And this makes yet another obstacle in my way...another thing to force me to reevaluate my desired trajectory. Adjust and adapt. I just have figure out what that is going to look like. Stay tuned, I think. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I, I have no words Dory

    Adventure Racing?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I, I have no words Dory

    Adventure Racing?

    Knitting? Basket weaving?

    Or go fully bionic and race to your heart's content...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Positives- the knee will stop you from running too soon. Better getting two things fixed at the same time than fix the neck and then the knee breaks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    wow :eek:. sorry to hear this. what is the prognosis for the knee. As Kurt says ideally they can rehab in parallel.

    Your history suggests that you have a high pain threshold. Now this gets very useful a) racing or b) when you get trapped behind enemy lines BUT it is doing you no favors in training and will not serve you well in rehab. You really need to be aware of this going forward ... I rarely says this, but in your case:

    Pay attention to the voices

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Three weeks now post surgery, and I continue to forge ahead with care and continued determination. Here's my week in review....

    Friday, June 17, 2016, 90 minutes in the fish tank "running" at 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 for 30 minutes each. Luvin' my tub time!
    Saturday, June 18th, 2016, nothing as I spent the day with a friend doing fun stuff!! I'm taking advantage of this period of recovery to do the things I neglect to do while training.
    Sunday, June 19th, 2016, 90 minutes in the fish tank "running" at 2:02, 1:57, 1:52 for 30 minutes each.
    Monday, June 20th, no training due a trip to Richmond for my first post op exam, and an appointment with a joint doctor to evaluate my f*cked up knee and MRI. The neurosurgeon was pleased with the progress of my neck and released me to use my trainer as long as I keep my head in a neutral position, and to swim :D as long as I use my snorkel. YAY!! No running yet, but I can continue to walk and/or run in the tub. Very good news indeed. However, the joint doctor didn't give me such glowing news. Boo hiss. In fact, I was totally unprepared to hear the words that were coming out of his mouth telling me there is nothing surgically he could offer me...that my knee is no good and my running days may be over. Wtf?? Great bedside manner, doc! I had to fight back the tears, but I stayed strong and slowly processed his assessment of my issue. I asked what he could offer me, and he said basically there was not much he could suggest since the three things he usually recommends to people with my issue (lose weight, eat right and exercise) either don't apply to me or I'm already doing them. I left his office gutted and reeling. But I kept my chin up....and held a shred of hope knowing I go to UVA Sports Medicine on July 20th for another opinion.
    Tuesday, June 21st, 2016, 90 minutes in the fish tank "running" at 2:02, 1:57 and 1:52 for 30 minutes each with my Green Day tunes cranking! I actually belted out a few verses here and there, and the aqua acoustics are still my friend. after a bit of a pity party and an attempt to grasp the doom and gloom of my knee, I snapped out of my funk and decided to get a bit proactive with my own readings on the subject. Truth is I've not allowed it to rest, so that is the number one priority at the moment: Rest. The. Knee. I can swim and spin...and I will experiment a little with variations of running/walking to see if there is anything I can do that won't aggravate it. Obviously my field walking aggravates it. My tub trotting at times has aggravated it, so I will have to do a little trial and error there. If I have to eliminate all running and walking for a few weeks, then that's what I will do. And I have to learn to recognize what (unacceptable?) pain is, and I have to be honest about it. Not my strong suit. I am also going to start taking a few supplements that may help my joints/knee. And with that, so begins a bit of structured training.....

    Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016


    A very simple set to get back in the game...

    15 minutes warm up
    30 X (1 min in the biggest gear, 1 min easy)
    5 minutes cool down

    I was quite excited to get back in the game again - it's been three weeks since I cinched up the saddle on the Black Cat, and we did this by the pool in the glorious evening sunshine. Fanatastic! But....this was tough. Gah!! I've lost fitness, folks!! Holy mackerel have I lost fitness, but of course I was always going to lose some....but I'll claw it back slowly. This was nice...and I worked it. I kept my cadence 55 rpm and above, and my power looked to be 180 to 200ish for the hard bits, but I honestly did not worry about that for this first session back.

    Actual bike: 80 minutes on the Black Cat by the pool on a gorgeous evening!

    Thursday, June 23rd, 2016



    10 minutes walking on the treadmill at the steepest incline (12%)

    This was an experiment, and I was under STRICT orders to stop immediately if there was any pain in my knee. Was there pain? Gosh...I have such an issue with this. I could feel my knee, but I wouldn't define it as I kept going. I figured I'd know for sure if it was detrimental to my knee when I woke up the next morning.


    500 swim
    5 X 20 strong
    400 buoy band
    5 X 20 strong
    300 buoy band
    5 X 20 strong
    200 buoy band
    5 X 20 strong
    100 swim

    Boy oh boy did it feel fantastic to be back in the water swimming...and I felt SO GOOD swimming!!! I'm not sold on this funky snorkel thingy, and it took some time getting used to it, but I sort of did get used to it. And I used a god awful nose clip to keep the water from going up my nose. :eek: I have never, ever, ever, never used a nose clip in my entire life, and I'm not even sure I had it on right. :confused: And it sort of started pinching my nose by the time I was done with this, but it did keep the water from sneaking up my nostrils. But speaking of water, water kept getting in my snorkel - I think from the very small opening(s) in the bottom of the snorkel under the mouth piece. ??? I'm not sure if this is normal. ???? Or if my snorkel is defective. ??? Any words of snorkel wisdom are appreciated. But the swim was lovely overall, and the 20s done strong felt pretty nice - good to get the blood flowing again!!!

    Actual "run"/swim: 10 minutes walking at a 12% grade, followed by 1,900 yards with a snorkel and a nose clip!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Great to see you back training again Dory but please be careful of the knee! If it where me I'd be keeping everything very light on the bike for the meantime too.

    On the snorkel, I've no real experience of ones used for swimming but I used to work in a watersports shop and sold some scuba diving gear. Most of there snorkels had a little opening under the mouth piece of the snorkel, sort of in a U bend. You could clear this by blowing out, there would be a small one way valve-type-thing there that would let the water be pushed out. Like I said I don't know a huge amount about snorkels but I do remember that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    A bit of water ingressing your centre snorkel is expected, but it usually comes in from the top via splashes. Nothing should come from the rubber valve (should be one-way). Think Moby Dick rather than Dory to expel :)

    Good to see you are back swimming. Very good :)

    If your knees are fecked and you want a last throw of the dice... try wearing zero drop shoes for walking (then running). Worked for me after doc had said no more running.

    But its all about the swim anyway, and its very very good to see you are back swimming :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Sorry to hear about the knee, i know you are a masher like me and like those BG bike sets but i would leave them be for now. Far too much load being placed on the knees on those type of sessions.
    You really have been unfortunate with the setbacks but i have no doubt you will bounce back stronger than ever. BTW the kids thought you were great in the new film :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    as per JB
    please please please stay away from BG work, give your body time to fully heal and knee strengthen before you add that load to it,

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sorry to hear about the knee, i know you are a masher like me and like those BG bike sets but i would leave them be for now. Far too much load being placed on the knees on those type of sessions.
    You really have been unfortunate with the setbacks but i have no doubt you will bounce back stronger than ever. BTW the kids thought you were great in the new film :)
    BennyMul wrote: »
    as per JB
    please please please stay away from BG work, give your body time to fully heal and knee strengthen before you add that load to it,

    Thanks fellas! But did you guys send some crazy intervention across the pond last night?? Because...get bike broke last night. Yep, I was in the middle of my warmup on the Black Cat outside on the deck by the pool and the damn thing went down on me, sending me toppling to the brick pavement below. I was frickin' on the trainer....and I crashed. !!!! Wtf?? I'm sure my neurosurgeon would not be pleased, but fortunately my neck is okay....just some scrapes on my right arm and leg. And my poor Black Cat....looks like the bike snapped at the junction of the derailleur and lower frame where the wheel is attached. ??? I honestly have no words for my luck.....heading to the bike shop today to sort things out....and thru it all I keep asking myself why I don't give up. Why don't I just wave that white flag and call it a day. But I don't...not ready quite yet to call it quits. F*ck.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Christ, if it weren't for back luck...

    No white flags please, no surrender, never give up. JKS

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Christ, if it weren't for back luck...

    No white flags please, no surrender, never give up. JKS

    And that's exactly what I did last night. I picked myself up, dusted myself off, strapped on my snorkel, and just kept swimming. Thank god for my swimming.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Just popping in to say I am doing well. My neck is so, so, so much better - I think I have more range of motion than I did prior to surgery, and my tingling down my left arm is gone....and....I have no pain. !!!!!! My f*cked up knee is also significantly better - I no longer limp when I walk. YAY!!! I've still some stiffness and soreness in it when I first get up in the morning or when I've been sitting for long periods at a time, but I'm "nearly" pain free by Dory standards.

    As far as my training goes, I'm continuing to do my trainer on my road bike, the Mad One, since my Speed Concept, the Black Cat, was more or less given its last rites by Trek due to the frame being busted from my fall off of it while on the pool deck going nowhere. (who does that??? I mean, who the hell crashes on their trainer??? :confused:) The good news is they are giving me a 20% discount on the replacement frame. :rolleyes: I'm also swimming with my annoying snorkel, however, secretly there are things about the snorkel I like....but, shhhhh, you didn't hear that from me. ;). And I am doing some "running" in the fish tank, which is lovely and therapeutic and thank-god-I-have-that-option-as-I-would-go-mad-if-I-didn't!!!!! I'm training nearly every day, eating well, maintaining a nice weight, feeling better and better, and wondering where all this will leave me. I go to the sports medicine peeps at the Unversity of Virginia on July 20th regarding my knee, and then back to the neurosurgeon the first of August about my neck. I figure after those two appointments I'll have a better idea of what I am left with. IM Louisville is in October. I'm probably kidding myself by even thinking I'll make it to the start line, but letting go of it is a process for me. Fingers crossed.

    I'll start logging again when I feel I've more focus and structure. In the meantime, I'll stop by periodically for some Dory updates! Whoop!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Thanks for the update Dory, we need these :) Keep em coming.

    RIP Black Cat :( I can understand crashing on your trainer - I neglected to log the fact that I fell off my bike again, while it was in a stationary position two weeks ago. It was early, I was sleepy, my left foot clipped out but I leaned to the right, thud :o So yea, I get it.

    Are you allowing yourself two ice creams a week to help with the recovery?

    p.s. your strength and positivity is unfaltering, your a ray of light. Keep up them good vibrations and you'll be kicking ass in no time :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Glad to hear you are improving DD, as for the black cat I am surprised you are not getting a new frame under warranty, you only have her a year and she snapped on the turbo, surely you have a good case for a replacement??

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    Glad to hear you are improving DD, as for the black cat I am surprised you are not getting a new frame under warranty, you only have her a year and she snapped on the turbo, surely you have a good case for a replacement??

    I wish....but unfortunately it appears it was my fault. Looks like I did not have the left side of the bike secured tightly into the trainer and I toppled to the right, the drive train side (I pop the rear wheel off to use this trainer). Because the right side was secured tightly, and because the base of the trainer did not move (as it shouldn't), the frame had no other option but to bend/break as I was falling to the brick deck....and the trainer's skewer also bent in the process. :( Not a good day for me. An expensive day for me. I won't be making this same mistake again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I wish....but unfortunately it appears it was my fault. Looks like I did not have the left side of the bike secured tightly into the trainer and I toppled to the right, the drive train side (I pop the rear wheel off to use this trainer). Because the right side was secured tightly, and because the base of the trainer did not move (as it shouldn't), the frame had no other option but to bend/break as I was falling to the brick deck....and the trainer's skewer also bent in the process. :( Not a good day for me. An expensive day for me. I won't be making this same mistake again.

    Jeez, you are having no luck lately, it has to turn Dory, you'll be bouncing along again in no time at all with the help of god/allah/budda/bowie or whatever higher being gets you through the day:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    Jeez, you are having no luck lately, it has to turn Dory, you'll be bouncing along again in no time at all with the help of god/allah/budda/bowie or whatever higher being gets you through the day:D

    ......... and the luck of the Irish. Time for a holiday in the Emerald Isle Dory? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    ......... and the luck of the Irish. Time for a holiday in the Emerald Isle Dory? :)

    Is that an invitation Needy?? ;)

    But actually a holiday in Ireland is a bit overdue. Not sure I'll get there in 2016 (maybe the teeniest of windows in September tho....), however, I might be looking at something in 2017! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Is that an invitation Needy?? ;)

    But actually a holiday in Ireland is a bit overdue. Not sure I'll get there in 2016 (maybe the teeniest of windows in September tho....), however, I might be looking at something in 2017! :)

    1,000,000% an invitation :) I've a place for you to stay in Galway :) and you and your other half are most welcome any time. There's a direct bus from Dublin airport to Galway city, it's very easy :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Weekly update? Surely your luck has turned now... do you play the lottery?
