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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Weekly update it is then!!!! (Was getting around to this, I swear. ;))

    Soooo......the last update was last Thursday, and since then I've done the following:

    Friday, July 8th....a godforsaken snorkel swim (I have a love-hate relationship with that snorkel!!) followed by a 30 minute trot in the tub.
    Saturday, July 9th...2 hours on the trainer by the pool.
    Sunday, July 10th...actually I didn't do a thing due to events that occurred out of my control.
    Monday, July 11th...After work I assisted a young gal (19-ish??) with her swimming - she has signed up for our local tri in August and wanted some guidance with her stroke. And because of that, I only got the swim done that I was supposed to do on Sunday, and I skipped the 30 minute post-swim trot due to it being so late.
    Tuesday July 12th...1 hour 25 minutes on the trainer by the pool.
    Wednesday, July 13th...3,500 yard swim (main set was 2 X (20 hard, 180 easy...40 hard, 160 easy...60 hard, 140 easy...80 hard, 120 easy...100 hard, 100 easy) loved this set!) followed by a 45 minute tub trot.
    Thursday, July 14th...1 hour 45 minute trainer session by the pool in the blazing sun!! :eek: Thank god for the breeze and for hopping in the pool a few times during the easy bits.

    It's quite different training the way I'm training right now, especially on the bike without power as it's all based on perceived effort for me. Honestly, not having power while I'm still healing might be best for me, otherwise I have this uncontrollable urge to push and push and push to get those numbers up - it's all about the numbers! With cadence as my black-and-white metric (which can be manipulated with ease), and with my body giving me the feedback that I'm trying to listen to, it's a different dynamic than I've been used to. And it's quite a different feel for my body on the road bike versus the tt bike. And speaking of the Black Cat (God rest her soul), I found out several days ago that Trek no longer makes my size frame in the Speed Concept - an extra small. The smallest size they offer now is a small, which isn't as good of a fit as the extra small is for my 650 wheels would no longer fit as the small frame requires 700s. Ugh. And, boo. And, crap. This went from bad to worse as I figured the solution to my bike troubles would be easy enough to resolve. Expensive, but easy. However this is proving me wrong....and my gut says it will be a while before I have a tt bike to ride. My bike shop has (and is) looked (and is looking) for a reputable shop to repair the damage, but so far Trek and a big outfit in California (can't remember their name at the moment, but Peter Kern also mentioned them to me) have turned us down.'t do what I did and break your bike while on the trainer. It's a royal pain in the tuchus!!

    And as far as my health and injuries go, I'm doing pretty well. My neck is doing great, in my opinion...and my knee seems to still be improving. In fact, there were a few moments yesterday when I couldn't tell which knee has the multi directional tearing. Yay!!! But I know I've got a good ways to go yet before I dare run on land!!! However, I'm making progress. Fingers crossed this continues and my running career is NOT over. !!! Sports med next week!!! Whoop!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Coach Dory has a nice ring to it alright! Great to see the positivity is still there, hopefully Karma exists and you get the pay back for all of this!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    In fact, there were a few moments yesterday when I couldn't tell which knee has the multi directional tearing.

    Fish have no need to tell left from right (up/down, back/forward are needed), so they show no preference for one lefthandedness over righthandedness. Sea creatures which display asymmetry (flat fish developing larger eyes one side, crabs developing a larger claw) are as likely as not to devolop this asymmetry one one side as the other.

    Except the Narwhal, which always develops a left-handed spiral on its spear. What's the deal with that? Figured you might know.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Snow-Balls have flown their Arcs, starr'd the Sides of Outbuildings, as of Cousins, carried Hats away into the brisk Wind off Delaware,-- the Sleds are brought in and their Runners carefully dried and greased, shoes deposited in the back Hall, a stocking'd-foot Descent made upon the great Kitchen, in a purposeful Dither since Morning, punctuated by the ringing Lids of Boilers and Stewing-Pots, fragrant with Pie-Spices, peel'd Fruits, Suet, heated Sugar,-- the Children, having all upon the Fly, among rhythmic slaps of Batter and Spoon, coax'd and stolen what they might, proceed, as upon each afternoon all this snowy December, to a comfortable Room at the rear of the House, years since given over to their carefree Assaults

    Regale us, Rev. Dory?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Regale us, Rev. Dory?

    Lol!! Mason & Dixon, Rev. Godel??

    Okay.....I'll post my training update tomorrow, but for tonight I'll give you the "medical" news on both my knee and my bike.

    I saw a sports medicine doctor at the University of Virginia yesterday - these are the same peeps who tended to the stress fracture of my femur last year - and he was fantastic. From the moment he walked in the room I liked him. Long story short, he said this was an easy call - I needed arthroscopic surgery to clean up the tearing in my meniscus in my left knee. He said it will never get better if I don't, and it could damage the bones in my knee if I leave this unattended. He also said without hesitation that I'd run again. Yay...yay...yay...yay...yay!!!!!! And...he said that I might make it to the start line of Louisville in October, so....maybe. At least he didn't say no! I have the procedure scheduled for Friday, August 5th. He said I'd be walking out of the hospital the same day. Fingers crossed!! bike. My dear sweet Black Cat (god rest her soul) is in North Carolina. My bike shop found a carbon fiber repair shop (via their Trek representative) who is willing to try and repair my bike. The Trek rep even transported the Black Cat in person to this repair guy in North Carolina last Sunday. !!! Wow - that's some kind of service!! Turnaround time (including paint job) is approximately 3 weeks. Fingers and toes crossed!!!

    Further update tomorrow..... :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Loving the medical & bike news. Both Dory and the Black Cat may soon be back in action! Is the big day Fri Aug 5th, 12th or 19th?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Loving the medical & bike news. Both Dory and the Black Cat may soon be back in action! Is the big day Fri Aug 5th, 12th or 19th?

    Oops! It's Friday the 5th!! My neuro followup for my neck is Monday the 8th. I keep blending those two appointments!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Yeaeeeeeeee sunshine and Dory will run again. It's about time you got a break Dory, delighted for you :):):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    A bike is for now, knees are for life.............Good news indeed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Alrighty's been a few weeks now since I've graced this place, but my life at the moment is crazy with work. All my peeps at the animal clinic are going thru their vacation rotation which leaves me picking up the pieces and running around like a mad woman. However, suffice it to say, I'm still training away Tuesday thru Sunday with Mondays as my usual rest day. My training (generally speaking) still looks like this: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - trainer sessions.....Wednesday, Friday and Sunday - swim and run sessions. Of course there might be some slight variations in that schedule here and there.

    And now in other news....

    The Black Cat is back from North Carolina and is in my bike shop being reassembled. My boys at the bike shop think she'll be as good as new, however the carbon fiber guy did not bother to work on the aesthetics of his workmanship (read: no paint job done, so the injury/repair is still raw and open (figuratively, not literally)), but when I give the nod (after we make sure what he's done is going to work and I am happy), we'll get the frame back down to North Carolnia for the finishing touches.

    Friday, I had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee to clean up the "multi directional tearing of the medial meniscus" went incredibly well. INCREDIBLY WELL! The doctor trimmed all the pieces and tears, and he shaved my knee to smooth the roughened surface. I woke up from surgery very fast, and basically walked out of the hospital. It's insane to me that I have no pain - no pain at all thus far, which is essentially the first time since March/April that my knee has been pain free. My recovery from this should be relatively fast - I can hop on the trainer and spin for 20 minutes starting tomorrow (and I can add 5 to 10 minutes each day), I am allowed to start swimming and running gently in water on Wednesday, then potentially back to running on land around the 20th of August. !!!! OMG, I have not laced up my running shoes since around April....this is going to be pretty damn fantastic, assuming all goes to plan.

    And, finally, I go back to my neurosurgeon tomorrow for follow up X-rays and evaluation, and I fully expect to be deemed fit for normal training once more. Thank my lucky stars!!! This has been a very different summer for me - not one I had expected to be faced with - difficult in places, but I managed to keep my chin up for most of it. My fitness is in the toilet (slight exaggeration....), but I'll ease back into things in such a way that I respect my body while keeping the bigger picture in mind. 2016 is shot for me, which eliminates all the normal self-imposed pressures I pile on myself...and, hopefully, this elimination of pressures will allow me to train the way I need to for now. I'm still signed up for IM Louisville, but I'm slowly letting that go. It's a process for me.

    Any this space for more updates on my newly repaired bike and body, and for training posts when they become more meaningful, which I hope will be around the 20th of this month. Whoop whoop!!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    delighted to hear such good news.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Deadly news. Delighted (with a capital D) for you Dory.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Good news. Amazing that you are still training throught this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    And......the neurosurgeon was pleased with my X-rays and physical exam today. I've still some little issues due to the damage my disc caused to my spinal cord, but I've been given the all clear to start slowly easing into things. Yay!!! However, he did gently suggest that I'd be an absolute idiot to even consider doing IM Louisville in October. :o He said he saw no reason I can't get back to my full training and full strength over the next several months, but that October was too soon for my body. I guess it's official - IM Louisville is now off the table. Roll on 2017! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, August 9th, 2016


    This was the first "session" (I use that word very loosely!) since arthroscopic surgery on my knee last Friday, and it was just 20 minutes spinning very easy on the trainer out by the pool. The knee is slightly swollen, so it felt a little funny at the start, but things loosened up as the minutes ticked by. This micro-session probably did my head as much good as anything. One of the hardest things I've had to deal with thru these 9 to 10 weeks of recovery has been the lack of endorphins swirling in my body. I'm really looking forward to feeling that high once more!!

    Actual bike: 20 minutes spinning easy at high noon by the pool

    Wednesday, August 10th, 2016


    As long as my knee feels good and the swelling is behaving itself, I am allowed to increase my easy spinning time on the bike by 5 to 10 minutes each day. So, today was 30 minutes of spin, spin, spinning as the sun beat down on my body and a breeze blew in from the west.

    Actual bike: 30 minutes of easy breezy spinning in the sun



    Today was the first day I was allowed to swim post knee surgery, and it was also the first day I was allowed to swim without my snorkel. I was given a structured session to do - but between my desire to protect my knee and the fact that my neck started to ache after 1,500 yards from turning to breathe every 3, I altered my instructions and cut this short. I think I'll have to slowly wean myself off the snorkel instead of going cold turkey with it. !!!

    Actual swim: 2,000 yards with my pull buoy and band

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Its great to have you back around these parts... and to focus on non-injury stuff, I nominate you to answer all and every swim-related questions during this Rio week :)

    1. 5 years from now...GOAT- Phelps or Ledecky?
    2. What has been your stand out race?
    3. Did you every dance like a gayboy in front of brooding rivals pre-swim?
    4. Who peed in the diving pool?
    5. Can Lisa Graf of Germany medal in the 200m back? (cos I've a fiver at 50/1 that she can)
    6. 10k M & F predictions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Its great to have you back around these parts... and to focus on non-injury stuff, I nominate you to answer all and every swim-related questions during this Rio week :)

    1. 5 years from now...GOAT- Phelps or Ledecky?
    2. What has been your stand out race?
    3. Did you every dance like a gayboy in front of brooding rivals pre-swim?
    4. Who peed in the diving pool?
    5. Can Lisa Graf of Germany medal in the 200m back? (cos I've a fiver at 50/1 that she can)
    6. 10k M & F predictions?

    A little late here....but.....while I love Ledecky, Phelps will be the GOAT....standout race may have been Ledecky's 200 m win because it's just "so wrong" her range of swimming (I'm thinking she needs to lobby for the 1500 in Tokyo, then she needs to go for the 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1500 in four years!!!).....I never, ever danced like a gay boy in front of rivals pre-swim......I'm pretty sure it was Sun Yang who peed in the pool.....nope, 200 m honors belong to an American (whoop!).....and all I could give you at this point would be postdictions. But what about that bonehead Lochte??? Sheesh!! How frickin' embarrassing......

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Great answer on the green pee! I Don't like Sun Yang any more, I refuse to BE1 during a 1,500...

    Katie Ledecky is current favourite in our household, at least when it comes to explaining to 12 year old girls that not everyone that goes to the Olympics needs to hit her same AG times!

    Ryan Lochte... where to even begin?!?...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Kurt_Godel wrote: »
    Great answer on the green pee!

    According to this you're all at it :eek::eek::eek:

    How's the rehab going ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    According to this you're all at it :eek::eek::eek:

    How's the rehab going ?

    EWW!!! :eek: No, really....we really don't pee in the pool. Seriously....

    And my rehab is going pretty well. (Ugh...I really need to get this log going again but it's tough at the moment!). Last week I saw some glimmer of "normalcy" with my training, including my first proper bike ride last Saturday. Yay!!! I have not been released to start land running just yet (maybe this weekend?? maybe next weekend???), but every day I seem to be moving better with my knee. I'm taking my time with this thing - with zero races on the docket, there is no rush. Thank you for asking!!! I hope all is well with you and Mrs. P!!????

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    EWW!!! :eek: No, really....we really don't pee in the pool. Seriously....

    Good to know ! It's enough that I avoid kiddies hour in the local gym for this very reason without worrying about the adults as well...
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    And my rehab is going pretty well. (Ugh...I really need to get this log going again but it's tough at the moment!). Last week I saw some glimmer of "normalcy" with my training, including my first proper bike ride last Saturday. Yay!!! I have not been released to start land running just yet (maybe this weekend?? maybe next weekend???), but every day I seem to be moving better with my knee. I'm taking my time with this thing - with zero races on the docket, there is no rush.

    Hummm... first highlighted line worries me despite the second. Maybe the weekend after the next weekend might be even better. Seriously - don't be looking at the "minimum", and don't start off looking to "crush ut". You have "previous" on this
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Thank you for asking!!! I hope all is well with you and Mrs. P!!????

    It's been a tough summer tbh.
    On the running front. I'm three weeks away from another shot at BQing, but I'm not sure the speed is there. Mrs P persuaded me against my better judgement to turn up for a 15k at 5pm in 97 degress and 70% humidity. We are still married - but it was close. She managed to get mild heat stoke and was throwing up for 24 hours. TMI ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    EWW!!! :eek: No, really....we really don't pee in the pool. Seriously....

    And my rehab is going pretty well. (Ugh...I really need to get this log going again but it's tough at the moment!). Last week I saw some glimmer of "normalcy" with my training, including my first proper bike ride last Saturday. Yay!!! I have not been released to start land running just yet (maybe this weekend?? maybe next weekend???), but every day I seem to be moving better with my knee. I'm taking my time with this thing - with zero races on the docket, there is no rush. Thank you for asking!!! I hope all is well with you and Mrs. P!!????

    Hi Dory, my wife had the same knee procedure done about 13 weeks ago and started back running 3 weeks ago, she is now up to 40 mins on grass and managed a few 30 second sprints this week with no adverse affect, all in all she is very happy how the recovery has gone, heres hoping yours goes as well and you are back cranking out the miles in the field asap:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'm going to try over the next few days to get this log caught up! But from where I left off....

    Thursday, August 11th thru Sunday, August 14th

    ...let's just say I did some very easy/minimal training on Thursday and Friday, and did nothing on Saturday and Sunday. Why?? Well, two reasons: my knee swelled up on me big time at the end of that week (I was not keeping it wrapped, nor was I icing and elevating it!!) so I needed to give it some rest (and wrapped, iced and elevated), and I had an out of town family wedding I had to attend. Suffice it to say, by the time the next week of training rolled around, I was fit as a fiddle (well, as fit as someone can be after 2 surgeries in 2 months time!) and ready to get back at it. To be continued!! Whoop! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Week of Monday, August 15th thru Sunday, August 21st, 2016

    Honestly, this was the first week since my cervical spine surgery way back on June 3rd that I had structure, focus and the ability to do everything asked of me. This is a start. !!!





    500 warm up choice, 400 buoy/band, 300 kick
    2 x the following:
    (20 FAST + 180 EZ
    40 FAST + 160 EZ
    60 FAST + 140 EZ
    80 FAST + 120 EZ
    100 FAST + 100 EZ)
    300 buoy/band warm down

    No complaints here - I enjoy doing this set as it speeds by in no time. And...I did not use the snorkel!!! Yay!!! But I avoided pushing off the wall with my recovering knee.



    30 minutes of tub trotting at a wave pace of 2:07 and 2:02 for 15 minutes each. I added some water to the tub to maximize my weightlessness, and I believe I heard my knee thanking me. ;)



    40 minutes of easy spinning over my lunch hour. Knee is doing fine, but I'm staying very conservative.


    W/u 800 choice. 6x40 (15 sprint-35 easy) @15 rest
    Main: 3x the following:
    16x20 band only @ as 3 FAST/ 1 easy
    200 fast @10 rest
    100 ez @30 rest

    One question: how do you do band-only "easy" and not have your legs drag the bottom of the pool??? I actually laughed as my legs were sinking...but...another good evening pool session in the bag!



    45 minutes of tub trotting at a wave pace of 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 for 15 minutes each. Knee is coming along!



    OMG!!!!! A proper bike ride!!! Can you believe it?? It's more than likely been since April that I was on my bike last, and I have to tell you I was swimming with both excitement and tension. Would I remember how? Would my knee hold up?? WOULD I STAY UPRIGHT??? <exhale>. went very well. It took me about 4 or 5 miles to settle on my Made One, but once I relaxed and got back in the groove, I was happy as a clam. It was good to visit my usual haunts - up and back two hollows - and while I consciously relied more on my right leg than my left leg (protecting that knee!), I felt strong enough around mile 14 to put in a few surges. This. Felt. Fantastic. I rode about 19 miles in over an hour. The average speed was 15.x mph, which delighted me to no end all things considered, including the elevation gain of somewhere around 1,000 feet. I'm making progress folks! :)


    Recovery swim:
    8x300 @ 20 rest
    3 swim:
    #1 FR
    #2 , every 3rd lap BK
    #3, every 2nd lap BK
    #4 easy kick
    #5-6-7 BB easy
    #8 easy kick

    I did this late in the evening, and it felt super!!! Whoop!



    This was 60 minutes of tub trotting to finish off this week. I did this at a wave pace of 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 for 20 minutes each. Happy camper!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Week of Monday, August 22nd thru Sunday, August 28th, 2016





    This was a TRX extravaganza! :eek: It's been a wee bit too long since I've done this sort of work, and it showed. I was careful and I was smart - I omitted anything I thought might harm my knee, such as lunges and sprinter starts. I suspect my core is going to be complaining in the morning!


    20 mins warm up including 5 mins of single-leg drills, alternating 30 sec each leg
    15 x (1 min strong, in the bars, with race cadence (not all-out, just strong. try to increase watts each 5), 1 min easy spin)
    10 mins easy
    60 min total

    I did this in the evening on the deck by the pool, and all went well. I still don't have power available to me (haven't had time to get the Black Cat back!), so I just worked off cadence, gears, and PE. From memory, I believe I tried to keep cadence above 90 and upped the gear by one every 5.



    This was an hour of sneaky lunchtime tub trotting. I had the wave pace set to 2:07, 2:02 and 1:57 for 20 minutes each. All seems to be well with my knee!!!


    W/u 800 choice. 6x40 (15 sprint-35 easy) @15 rest
    Main: 3x the following:
    {16x20 band only @ as 3 FAST/ 1 easy
    200 fast @10 rest
    100 ez @30 rest}

    This was a repeat of last week's session, and while I felt stronger overall, my knee didn't feel quite right while I was swimming, so I swam with my buoy-band during the swim parts of the main set. The 200s got progressively harder, but I kept it together and took the 100s super easy!



    15 mins warm up
    Cadence set -
    3 x [easy gear, start cadence at 70 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until your reach 120 rpms (5 mins) + 1 min rest]

    Endurance Set -
    3 x [5 mins at race candence- surging the final 10 secs of each min + 2 mins easy]

    Cadence set -
    3 x [easy gear, start cadence at 70 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until your reach 120 rpms (5 mins) + 1 min rest]

    8 minutes cool down

    I did this after work by the pool on a humid evening. Gah. But this really went pretty well. I don't believe I've ever done this particular endurance set with all that surging, but boy does it work on you!!


    This was 30 minutes of tub trotting immediately off the bike, and boy were my legs toast for the entire trot! :eek: I did this at a wave pace of 2:07 and 2:02 for 15 minutes each. Legs were properly pooped when I popped out of the pool!!!



    400 swim/ 4x100swim @ 1:30/ 4x50 swim as (15 sprint+35 easy) @ 1:00.
    400 swim steady @ 10R
    2 x 100 @ 1:30
    300 swim steady @ 10R
    2 x 100 @ 1:30
    200 swim steady @ 10R
    2 x 100 @ 1:30
    100 swim steady @ 10R
    2 x 100 @ 1:30
    300 easy

    I was really hesitant to drag the clock out and actually time myself as I was afraid of how far I have fallen in fitness, but I bit the bullet and decided to see where I am in the pool. And....I'm actually not as bad off as I had thought. :) My initial 100 came in right around 1:18, then dropped to 1:20 to 1:25 for the next 3. All the other 2 X 100s came in with the first one right at 1:20, and the second one closer to 1:25...but honestly, I can't complain.


    Out of the outdoor pool and into the indoor pool - this was 30 minutes of tub trotting at a pace of 2:07 and 2:02 for 15 minutes each. This felt much easier than yesterday's trot, but that isn't suprising!



    Road ride number 2 under my belt, and this went even better than last Saturday's maiden ride. Woot! It was a bit breezy and a lot hot, and I drank nearly 2 bottles of fluids while out there...but the knee was totally fine. Yay! I didn't get all crazy out there, but I did go 22.74 miles in 1:29:02 for an average speed of 15.3 mph and an elevation gain of 1,379 feet. Happy Dory.



    I really felt I was ready to try a very short and very gentle and very slow and very light and fluffy trot around the field. OMG!!! A run on land!!!! It's probably been since April (???) when I last laced up my running shoes, but the good news is I haven't forgotten how to tie them. And, this wasn't too bad. I had promised myself to stop at the first sign of any trouble, but there really wasn't any. My biggest issue was probably how tense I was for the first half of this jog - I was so afraid of hurting my knee - but I was able to relax it down as I neared the end. I went ever so slowly around the field 3 times, and I feel a huge weight has been lifted. I know I've got so far yet to go, but this was the first step. The knee feels fine at the moment, but I think I'll know for sure when I wake up in the morning. Fingers crossed!!


    5x800 @ 30 rest:
    2 swim, second one faster than the first.
    2 buoy-band, second one faster than the first
    1 swim as 25 strong/ 75 easy

    I was pooped from the time I hopped in the pool to do this, but I got it done! I have no idea if my 2nd and 4th sets were faster than the 1st and 3rd sets, but I did put out a bit more effort! It feels good to have two weeks in a row of some good training for me in the books!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oh dear, sweet Kurt. Art and lyrics....painting and sport....your images and my updates. You've got a deal. And thank you. ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Oh dear, sweet Kurt. Art and lyrics....painting and sport....your images and my updates. You've got a deal. And thank you. ;):)
    Intriguing.... :P

    How are ya Dory? Any updates?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Oh dear, sweet Kurt. Art and lyrics....painting and sport....your images and my updates. You've got a deal. And thank you. ;):)
    Intriguing.... :P

    How are ya Dory? Any updates?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Intriguing.... :P

    How are ya Dory? Any updates?

    Hey you!! I am doing well. I do have updates.....ugh! Must. Get. Caught. Up!!! But progress has been made. I've a few more land runs under my belt, including two 6 mile slow-and-ugly trots in the field. Yay....but I will admit that my knee is a wee bit sore this morning, so, I will back off the land running for a few days to let it calm down. But I will work on updating...... :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Has it really been a full month since I've posted on here?? :eek: Jeez. I haven't even read zico's Kona qualifying race report yet - but.....CONGRATULATIONS ZICO!!! :D I'll be happily gathering my sports drinks and energy gels to get thru his very informative, inspiring, honest and well written report! ;)

    But in a nutshell since my last post: there was training, then no training (due to holidays!!), then I sort of lost my mojo (was in a total funk when I returned home from holidays (felt horribly out of shape and had ongoing concerns about my knee and if it was/is going to be my triathlon limiter)), then had a chat and decided to "reconfigure" training until the end of the year to get my head and my body screwed back on correctly, and now I'm happily training again. Oh, and I got the Black Cat back yesterday. Thankthegoodlordabove!!!! hope is to have the love to start posting again. It's time to draw a line under the summer that sucked for me. :)
