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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Bear with me folks. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the Trump thing.

    P.S. And she's winning the popular vote!!! Ugh!

    I've been in several economic seminars the past couple of days, the consensus is that Trump's victory (combined with Republican control) will be a good thing for the US economy (and that will be a good thing for the Global economy). More money in peoples pockets (even the promise of it), resonates more than all the "Yes we can"-type good intentions, hashtags and FB campaigns in the world. Too many are plugged into electronics day and night (to paraphrase Mr. Keillor) and can come to believe their own rhetoric is the only rhetoric.

    Plenty of other viewpoints out there though, and thats just my 2c. I'm optimistic about the next few years- and I say that as an old NY Republican Party member whose fondest memories of the US are more Prairie Home Companion than Trumps boorish mannerisms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    :D You did your homework. ;)

    But, but, were a Republican?????!!!!! :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    :D You did your homework. ;)

    I really admire Garrison Keillor. One of America's Charms. He came to Dublin a few years back to do PHC, but I get the impression he was expecting to walk in the pages of Ulysses. Not that there's anything wrong with that, mind! (That sentence also works without the comma ;))
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    But, but, were a Republican?????!!!!! :eek:

    Ha, not something I shout from the rooftops. Right-leaning on fiscal matters; left-leaning on social matters. The Tea Party fringe scare the bejaysus out of me, but so does the fascist left wing who are so vocal for the Dem's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Yeah the Tea Baggers Party is certifiable for sure. But I sincerely care about human rights, civil rights, women's reproductive rights, global warming (just to name a few) well as the economy. And I also care about the tone our President sets and the way he treats everyone, no matter their sexual orientation, color of their skin, or religious belief. We'll see. It's a lot easier to undo all the good that has been done these last 8 years when you've got an all Republican administration steering the ship than it was to do all that good. My guess is he's sh*tting his pants right now. And the names I've heard floating about for his Cabinet have me sh*tting mine. But again, we'll see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, November 11th, 2016


    Today got a wee bit disjointed, so what I got done turned into an hour of tub trotting after work. When I embarked on this 60 minute session in the fish tank I had planned on doing this all at a wave pace of 1:57 (with secret hopes to increase it to 1:52 at some point), but I was being pushed back and hating life within the first 15 minutes so I made the executive decision to dial it back to 2:02 at the 20 minute mark. After getting my sea legs back under me, I upped it back to 1:57 when the big hand reached the 40. :)

    Saturday, November 12th, 2016

    Well.....I was supposed to get a trainer session done today, but it was beautiful outside and a friend wanted to go hiking, we went for a 7ish mile technical up and down and criss-crossing-a-stream hike up Jeremy's Run. Fantastic day!! And wonderful to have delightful company. We even stopped at a waterfall and had a snack of some Dairymilk chocolate I brought back with me from Ireland (when I snuck in under the cover of night about 6 weeks ago). :o

    Sunday, November 13th, 2016


    20 min easy.
    30 sec R leg only
    15 sec spin
    30 sec L leg only
    15 sec spin
    1 min as 20-20-20 build to high 200s last 20 sec
    1 min super easy spin
    1 more min easy til 35 mins.
    then this set:
    5x 3 mins strong, big gear (cadence 55-65, so this is low heartrate) + 1 min easy
    5x 3 mins strong, race cadence+ 1 min easy spin
    4 mins easy
    easy til 2:15

    I was hell bent on getting this Saturday session done. My first intention was to get up early before I had to go into work to do this, but I hit the alarm button when it went off at 5 and decided to get a bit more shut eye. I'm glad I did because I needed every last bit of my strength for this one. Yikes! This was crazy tough....and I was merely hanging on by a thread during that last 5 x 3 minute race cadence set. The only thing that kept me from cracking was I forced myself to only think about what was in front of me at that moment. Nothing more, nothing less. Data for those 3 x 5 min sets stated as "BG avg cadence...avg power / Race Cadence avg cadence...avg power" is as follows:

    67...162 / 85...167
    65...170 / 88...171
    65...173 / 88...170
    66...173 / 89...176
    66...179 / 90...177

    66...171 / 88...166
    65...173 / 88...165
    66...174 / 88...166
    66...176 / 89...170
    67...179 / 89...172

    Looking at my L/R power data, it is clear that my right leg is stronger than my left leg...which sort of makes sense, especially since that's the leg I fractured in 2015, and the leg I tore my meniscus this year. But one thing that's interesting is that the discrepancy is a bit larger as the cadence goes up. BG difference was 47%/53%....race cadence difference was 46%/54%. Not sure if that is logical....??? Any hoo....great session that nearly kicked my patootie!!

    Actual bike: 2 hours and 15 minutes purring <cough, cough> on the Black Cat


    Today's session was an hour run in the field, so after I hopped off the Black Cat, I grabbed a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, relaxed a bit, then laced up the shoes and headed out to the field for a very slow.....very S-L-O-W slog around the field. Because I had just hopped off the bike only 90 minutes prior, and because I was going way off script, and because I do not want to go backwards and re-injure (or injure) anything...I intentionally took this super, SUPER easy. I kept my body relaxed and just eased my way around the field. Any time I could feel myself tensing up or exerting too much effort, I would readjust and dial it back. Seemed to work. Hopefully this was beneficial from a strength and endurance standpoint. Still not wearing a watch :eek: but based on where I was in the Foo Fighters' cd when I finished (and a few other little indicators I was aware of), my best guess is my pace for this one was 11ish+ min/mile. :eek: Good god why do I torture myself with this data!!! :eek:

    Actual run: 9 times around the field (aka, 6ish miles), finishing as Everlong was queuing up!!


    A little Post-Run Yoga action. It felt good to stretch. Sort of. ;) Very glad tomorrow is a rest day!!!!!!!!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    We even stopped at a waterfall and had a snack of some Dairymilk chocolate I brought back with me from Ireland (when I snuck in under the cover of night about 6 weeks ago). :o

    THIS!!! You didn't think you'd get away with this did you? It's not a test to see if we thoroughly read your post and not just the numbers is it? ;) Sorry there was no catching up Dory, but you had a good time?

    p.s. delighted to see you pushing out a session and going for a hike with mates instead .... your log is oozing enjoyment and you're still as dedicated as ever :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Neady83 wrote: »
    THIS!!! You didn't think you'd get away with this did you? It's not a test to see if we thoroughly read your post and not just the numbers is it? ;) Sorry there was no catching up Dory, but you had a good time?

    p.s. delighted to see you pushing out a session and going for a hike with mates instead .... your log is oozing enjoyment and you're still as dedicated as ever :)

    I was traveling with Oryx from Tenerife and I made a long weekend of it with her in Ireland on my way home. Yes, it was lovely. I love Ireland. The only thing more gorgeous than the landscape and seascape are the people. If I travel over in 2017, we'll definitely make a date to do something fun!!!

    And yes....I am not going to miss any fun when it's presented to me. I'm still dedicated to training and hopeful about racing, but fun is going to take top billing. Life is too short. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I was traveling with Oryx from Tenerife and I made a long weekend of it with her in Ireland on my way home.

    Jeez. 30 mins down the road and I never knew.:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jeez. 30 mins down the road and I never knew.:(

    Crap. :(:(:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Swimmers ear has been bothering me a while now... I finanly managed to get rubbing alcohol, made a 50/50 solution with white vinegar, and put in a couple of drops. A warm mild burney tingle... seems to be doing the job!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Swimmers ear has been bothering me a while now... I finanly managed to get rubbing alcohol, made a 50/50 solution with white vinegar, and put in a couple of drops. A warm mild burney tingle... seems to be doing the job!

    I absolutely swear by that little concoction! I keep a bottle of it on hand all the time, and I pop a few drops in after a swim periodically as preventive medicine. Good man!!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Oh I'll keep it alright! May even go into production this side of the pond... 50/50 split? ;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Oh I'll keep it alright! May even go into production this side of the pond... 50/50 split? ;)


    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! And you've got yourself a deal! ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, November 15th, 2016


    Up and in the tub by 5 o-freakin'-clock in the morning to put down 30 minutes of tub trotting at a wave pace (on average as the pace clock seemed to have a mind of its own this morning!) of 1:57. There were some technical difficulties with the morning tunes, but it wasn't the end of the world. I've got my own playset burned in my mind. ;)


    20 min w/u
    10x15 sec spin up to max cadence+power (so this should sting)+ 45 sec easy.
    12x3 min verrrrrry strong in your bars at race cadence+ 1 min super easy.
    easy til 90 mins

    Sweetmotherofgodandholycrapoly!!!!! :eek: I did this session last week was sort of suggested to me that this week I keep all 12 intervals in the 180 power range. :eek: But...what the hell, right? :eek: Garmin data stated as "avg cadence...avg power" is as follows:



    Whew! This was a toughietoughietoughie!!! My legs were working as hard as they could, and I was only thinking about the 3 minutes I was in at that moment. But I gotta tell you, I was dying on those last 6 intervals...gah. I was definitely on the verge of cracking, but I kept it working piece by piece, and I kept breathing and staying relaxed. And I kept them all in the 180w power range, even if it took a crap load of work to do so! :eek:

    Actual bike: 90 :eek: minutes on the Black Cat hanging on...barely

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, November 16th, 2016


    I was given the choice of either a 60 minute tub trot or a 30 minute field run...and because it was a gorgeous day and I had a bit of extra time over lunch, I opted for the sneaky lunchtime field run. Whoop! Not too much to say about this other than it went fine. There will be no pushing of the run until after the first of the year, so this was a 5 lap glide around at high noon. All good in the hood.

    Actual run: 3.33ish miles in 30ish minutes done field style


    A little strappy strength and core session was done after work this evening. No complaints!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, November 17th, 2016


    This was a rise and shine 30 minute tub trot before work. My tune-technical-troubles fingers crossed that when my wireless speaker fell in the pool Tuesday morning just before my troubles began, I didn't break it. Other than this lacking any audible musical accompaniment, the run went well at a wave pace of 1:57.


    20 min w/u (12 min easy spin. 6 min , alternating 1 min R/ 1 min L, 2 min easy spin)
    6 min big gear, in your aerobars (pick a gear that makes it challenging to get cadence up to 60-65. should still be a low-heartrate strength workout.)
    3 min easy spin
    5 more mins easy
    :30 sec very hard!
    2:30 super easy spin
    Easy til 1:35:00

    There's honestly not too much to say about this little session - I did it after work, but I kept the garage doors down because it was a wee bit too chilly for this gal, and I knew I'd freeze my patootie off during those 3 minute easy recoveries. So, without further ado, here's the data for the 5 x 6 min stated as "avg cadence...avg power":

    +1 gear...

    I suspect the next time I do this set it will be suggested that I do all 5 sets in that higher gear! :o:eek: Oh!! And I peeked at my left/right power ratio, and just like the last time I checked, the discrepancy in l/r seems to decrease with a harder gear. The first 3 x 6 min was 47/53....the last 2 x 6 min was 48/52.

    And the data for the 8 x 30 seconds ranged from 95 rpm to 101 rpm...and 227w to 255w. This was done with a higher cadence (easier gear, obviously) than the last time I did this a week ago (per suggestion), and this rewarded me with a slightly higher power - cadence up by ~25 rpm, power up by ~15w. I guess that's good!!

    Actual bike: 95 minutes on the Black Cat

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, November 18th, 2016


    This was a rise and shine 30 minute tub trot before work...all done at a wave pace of 2:02 - I just didn't have it in me to set the wave any faster. Tunes were crankin' tho! :)


    I did this after work, and it went fine. I was also supposed to do a 30ish minute swim set, but I was so tired that I skipped it and was in bed asleep before 9. I needed the shut eye!!

    Saturday, November 19th, 2016

    30 mins warm up with 5 mins single-leg drills, alternating 30 sec each leg.
    30 mins big gear, in your aerobars. looking for ironman effort here, decreasing cadence each 10 mins, so most likely adding a gear each 10mins to maintain watts. 10mins @ 70, 10 mins @60, 10 mins @ 50 cadence.
    10 mins easy spin.
    20 mins BG just like the last 20 of the 30mins, so 10 @ 60/ 10 @ 50, still at IM effort
    10 mins easy spin
    10 mins just like the last 10 of intervals above-so 10min in bars at 50 cadence and IM effort.
    10 mins easy spin

    I've done this set before, many months ago, and it's a meaty little session!! I approached this at the start with a target IM power of 135w (which in all honesty is probably about 10w too ambitious), but things went the way of Dory and in the end my power was too high. ??? I'm not really sure how bad that is since I was able to hold the higher power (actually, I am waiting on that answer), but either way I know what I was able to crank out is unrealistic on an IM bike leg. Here's the Garmin data stated as "avg cadence...avg power":




    One little blip that occurred during this session is that during the 20 minute and the 10 minute sets, my displayed cadence dropped to zero periodically, thus also dropping my power. ??? My one thought is that the batteries in my vector pedals might be dying on me, but they were changed just a month ago. ??? The strange thing is the funky cadence thing started as soon as I turned my phone off - my phone was paired to the Garmin, but my phone was almost dead, so I turned it off. It doesn't really make sense that that would be the cause of the cadence/power issue, but....??? I'll see what happens during Tuesday's trainer session, and if it continues then I may just change the batteries....again.

    Actual bike: 2 hours on a Saturday evening on the Black Cat

    Sunday, November 20th, 2016


    This was an hour run in the field on a windy and cold, cold, cold afternoon. BRR!!! I was all bundled up!! Hat, gloves, gaiter, wool top, tights and windbreaker pants. :eek: Hello winter!!! actually felt good out there. And because I am not bothered about my pace, this was fun. I stayed relaxed and comfy, and enjoyed my 9 lap trot....and I managed to up the perceived pace as the run went on....and I was comfortable enough at the end of the 9th lap that I could have gone around a few more times!! Yay. This was a good day! :)


    There was a little Post-Run Yoga happening in Dory-world. And the body thanked me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016


    This was of the rise and shine variety in the wee hours of the morning. !!! 30 minutes in the tub wiping the sleep from my eyes while Green Day was doing their best to wake the dead. Yay!!! :) And the wave pace du jour was a perfectly paired 1:57. Whoop whoop!


    Holy merde :eek:.....

    20 min w/u
    10x15 sec spin up to max cadence+power (so this should sting)+ 45 sec easy.
    12x3 min verrrrrry strong in your bars at race cadence+ 1 min super easy.
    easy til 90 mins

    This was a come to Jesus session for me tonight. Seriously. This was me hanging on by a thread...pushing until I nearly lost my cookies...negotiating with myself to keep my cadence above 90 rpm and my power above 180w. This was one of those sessions that makes you question why you are doing what you are doing...and it makes you realize that you either commit to it, or your don't. I need to clean up my diet. Garmin data stated as "avg cadence...avg power" is as follows:



    Actual bike: 90 very tough and introspective minutes on the Black Cat

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Those sessions are why we do what we do. They make you feel alive, and put a thankful smile on your face during the days non-turbo-sat hours.

    "you either commit to it, or you don't"- love that line!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Those sessions are why we do what we do. They make you feel alive, and put a thankful smile on your face during the days non-turbo-sat hours.

    "you either commit to it, or you don't"- love that line!

    You should have been a fly on the wall of my mind during last night's session. EEK!!! ;)

    And in other news - I just got word that I qualified (and accepted) for a seeded entry into the Cherry Blossom 10 miler in DC on April 2nd. :D This will be my first race of any kind since my last race, the half marathon (which qualified me for this 10 mile race) this past March which kicked off the precipitation of surgeries I had over the summer. I'm stoked. YAY!!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016


    I'll been adding in some field runs (very slowly and with very low mileage!) each week (or so) as long as my knee and body continue to hold up and feel good. Fingers crossed! This one was done sneaky lunchtime style on a chilly (yet sunny) afternoon. My legs were pooped from last night's trainer session (surprise!!!), but I managed to ease around the field 5 times without any issue other than the snail's pace at which I move when running these days. Oh well. Truth is, I've made great progress over the past two months, and that's nothing for me to sneeze at.

    Actual run: 5 times easing around the field...3.33ish miles in 30ish minutes


    This ropey dopey session was done after work while my turkey stock was brewing!!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,110 ✭✭✭Kurt.Godel

    Happy Thanksgiving, Pilgrim!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt.Godel wrote: »
    Happy Thanksgiving, Pilgrim!
    Neady83 wrote: »

    Thank you!! And Needy, nice work with the colorful message! That took some work!!! :)

    Been a crazy day with work, trainer, tub trot AND cooking a full Thanksgiving meal. Wow. I'm pooped, but I got it all done. I'm getting ready to dig into my homemade pecan pie, then work again, then I'll update this. But...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, November 24th, 2016 - THANKSGIVING DAY!!!!


    15 mins warm up

    Cadence set -
    3 x [easy gear, start cadence at 75 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until your reach 120 rpms (5 mins) + 1 min rest]

    Standing big gear set -
    3 x [5 mins standing biggest gear possible- surging the final 10 secs of each min + 2 mins easy]

    Cadence set -
    3 x [easy gear, start cadence at 75 rpms, increase 5 rpms every 30 seconds until your reach 120 rpms (5 mins) + 1 min rest]

    Standing big gear set -
    3 x [5 mins standing biggest gear possible- surging the final 10 secs of each min + 2 mins easy]

    12 mins cool down

    I did this while the bird was in the oven, so I was sort of multitasking to maximize my efficiency....and the only little footnote on this session is I had to pop off the bike twice to check on the bird, so the data here is qualified. I have no complaints on this one. I worked it hard, but I've been looking back at my numbers pre-surgeries (so I've been looking at April and May numbers), and I am behind by 10 to 20 watts for both this session and the one I did on Tuesday night (12 x 3 min very strong). Based on how hard I am having to work for the numbers I am currently hitting, I'm amazed at what I lost over essentially 6 months time. It's only November, but I've got some strength to build back up. And this is the reason I won't wear my Garmin right now while I run. I'd be shocked at my pace. Data for the 5 min standing big gear work stated as "avg cadence...avg power" is as follows:



    I hopped in the tub straight off the bike and did 30 minutes at a wave pace of 1:57. My legs were properly pooped, but they didn't fail me. :)

    Actual bike-run: 1:45:00 on the Black Cat while the bird was cooking...followed by 30 minutes trotting in the fish tank!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, November 25th, 2016

    Nada. I was supposed to do basically 30 minutes each of running in water, swiming in the tank, and TRX...but I had grossly miscalculated my time today (work was manic and I had domestic chores in preparation for weekend guests!), so I let it go. I'm learning to allow myself to let go of sessions for valid reasons every once in a while. I used to be so rigid about training, and we see where that's gotten the post-surgeries-and-crappy-summer Dory is allowing herself to live and breathe and be reasonable and easier on herself. Some of the best and most successful athletes here let go of sessions every now and then, and maybe that is the secret to things.

    Saturday, November 26th, 2016


    30 min warmup, include 5 min of single leg drills

    5 min BG 60-65 + 5 min high cadence above 90 rpm
    10 min BG 60-65 + 10 min high cadence above 90 rpm
    15 min BG 60-65 + 15 min high cadence above 90 rpm
    10 min BG 60 - 65 + 10 min high cadence above 90 rpm
    5 min BG 60-65 + 5 min high cadence above 90 rpm

    BG should be low heart rate and high cadence should be easy gear. No need to go crazy here.

    15 min warm down

    I did this on a brisk and breezy morning with the garage doors up....and by the time I finished this, my toes were numb from the cold. :eek: I guess I should have put my little shoe covers on to keep my tootsies warm...but who would've thought that on a trainer??? Any way, this went fine...I seemed to get stronger on the BG segments as the session went on, but I took the high cadence segments relatively easy where power is concerned, however just moving your legs at that rate is a workout in itself! The gearing was consistent throughout the session, and data stated as "avg cadence...average power" is as follows:

    66...144 / 95...128
    66...150 / 93...119
    67...158 / 92...115
    68...162 / 92...115
    69...168 / 95...127

    I hopped off the bike and had to change into my winter running gear, thus my T2 was a bit extended (15ish minutes???)...but once I got out to the field all bundled up, I was shocked at how good my legs and I felt. Wtf???? Honest to god, by the third time around I was actually feeling like someone who might race again. Fingers crossed, and I will cautiously temper my enthusiasm/hope...but today was a good day in my running shoes! This was a short little jaunt of only 2+miles, but it was full of positive things. :)

    Actual bike-run: 2 hours and 15 minutes on the Black Cat followed by a couple of awesome miles in the field. Whoop!!!

    Sunday, November 27th, 2016


    It was so gorgeous out today - crisp and sunny - an ideal day for an easy run with moody and relaxing tunes. I kept this super dooper gentle and low key...and I was feeling the love, so I eased myself around the field 12 times - an new high since last spring. Yay! The body and legs felt good, but I was done by the time I reached the 8+ mile mark. :)

    Actual run: 8+ gentle miles in the field on a gorgeous Sunday


    Injury Prevention video with a black cat weaving thru my arms and legs on the yoga mat. Namaste.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'm learning to allow myself to let go of sessions for valid reasons every once in a while. I used to be so rigid about training, and we see where that's gotten the post-surgeries-and-crappy-summer Dory is allowing herself to live and breathe and be reasonable and easier on herself. Some of the best and most successful athletes here let go of sessions every now and then, and maybe that is the secret to things.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ...but once I got out to the field all bundled up, I was shocked at how good my legs and I felt. Wtf???? Honest to god, by the third time around I was actually feeling like someone who might race again. Fingers crossed, and I will cautiously temper my enthusiasm/hope...but today was a good day in my running shoes! This was a short little jaunt of only 2+miles, but it was full of positive things. :)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I kept this super dooper gentle and low key...and I was feeling the love, so I eased myself around the field 12 times - an new high since last spring. Yay! The body and legs felt good, but I was done by the time I reached the 8+ mile mark. :)

    If I ran a regression using all this info., I'm pretty sure we'd see a correlation :) Delighted to see you getting back to your happy running place :) You can only do good things by being easier on yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, November 29th, 2016


    20 min w/u
    10x15 sec spin up to max cadence+power (so this should sting)+ 45 sec easy.
    12x3 min verrrrrry strong in your bars at race cadence+ 1 min super easy.
    easy til 90 mins

    So....this was the 4th week in a row that I've done this session. Typically I would have done a different session after 3 consecutive weeks, but because of a few things, including the fact that after last week's session I looked back at my data from last April/May when I did this exact same session multiple times and I discovered that I was stronger back then (not surprising) while using a harder gear (surprising?), it was decided that I'd give this one more go. And...this was still very tough....and I worked it as hard as I could. The first interval was way too ambitious (plus I was in way too hard a gear for about the first minute), and the last 6 intervals were character building to say the least. :eek::eek::eek: Data was up overall, but I was secretly hoping all power would be above 190w. I'll get there. It's only November. ;)



    I hopped off the bike and into the pool for 30 minutes of tub trotting at a wave pace of 2:07. Legs were pooped, but this actually went okay...and in some ways, my thighs were actually thanking me. :)

    Actua bike-run: 90 minutes of huffing and puffing on the Black Cat followed by 30 minutes of trotting in the fish tank

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Aiming for 190w, the furthest away you were was 185w. That's not far at all, I'm no Kurt with my maths but I'd put that around 2.5% off where you were aiming. Can't be unhappy with that!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, November 30th, 2016


    I did this sneaky lunchtime style in the wind and rain. :eek: The legs were still pretty creaky from last night's trainer session :eek:, but probably the biggest issue I had today was the rain itself getting in my eyes. :eek: I wear contacts. Not a good mix. I basically had crappy vision for this entire run...and when I didn't have the feeling that the contacts were just going to float out of my eyes from the natural flood that was occurring, I had desperate thoughts of ripping them out myself! But this was a great learning experience. Next time I will wear a hat with a bill!

    Actual run: 3.66ish field miles in buckets of rain at high noon


    Done!! And my pushups are getting a wee bit better....and my planks seem to be improving as welll! Whoop! :)
