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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Swim Session

    Air temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit
    Water temp: 84 degrees Fahrenheit :D
    Wind: blowing
    Sun: nowhere to be found
    Clouds: wallpapering the sky

    Headed out to the pool wrapped tightly in a nice big towel and slithered into the warm water with a pre-determined plan in my head that I had calculated out just minutes before. The bones of the plan was a warmup, an ascending pyramid, a pull/kick set, a descending pyramid, and cool down. I altered the original configuration of the pull/kick set, but I think my change improved the quality of this session.

    The warmup was a steady 800 free that I did slightly faster/stronger than my longer warmups, and it set the tone for my ascending pyramid which was also fast and meant the body was high in the water, the kick was hard, and the arm turnover was quick. Felt good to be high in the water. My pull/kick set was equally as spiffy in that I did 10 sets of 120 yards hard pull, 80 yards kick with no recovery between transitions as I used the kick as my pull recovery, and my pull as my kick recovery. The descending pyramid wasn't as fast as my ascending pyramid due to the arms being tired, but I slogged through it, and then finished with a cool down mix of backstroke, breast stroke and freestyle.

    6,000 yards as follows:
    800 free
    80/160/240/320/400 free
    10 x (120 pull, 80 kick)
    400/320/240/160/80 free
    800 mix of back, breast, free

    Stanley Cup Report: Caps and Rangers tied 1-1 in this game, and tied 2-2 in this series. Rangers are outplaying us in this game, but it's just a matter of who scores the most goals, not who has the best stats. We're on a power play here's hoping!!!!!!
    SCORE!!!!!! Caps up 2-1! Woo hoo!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    25 miles in a good hour and a half. Slow going at first, but got easier as the miles ticked by.

    Short post tonight.....tired and heading to bed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ....I did 10 sets of 120 yards hard pull, 80 yards kick with no recovery between transitions as I used the kick as my pull recovery, and my pull as my kick recovery.....


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Trainer-Treadmill Duel

    Tonight was supposed to be a run-then-swim night, but the rain dictated the decision to move my session indoors altering it to a trainer-treadmill decreasing distance, increasing effort duel. Loved this session. Loveloveloved this session. It was approximately two hours of high effort and crazy sweating, but the thing that really worked for me is that it was small, manageable bites of intensity and alternating transitions instead of large chunks of repetition. High quality for me tonight. :)

    5 miles trainer
    2.5 miles treadmill at 10 min/mile
    4 miles trainer
    2 miles treadmill at 9:14 min/mile
    3 miles trainer
    1.5 miles treadmill at 8:34 min/mile
    2 miles trainer
    1 mile treadmill at 8:00 min/mile
    1 mile trainer

    Totals: 15 miles trainer, 7 miles treadmill

    Tomorrow will need to be a big swim session. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tsunami Swim

    Good was so cold and blustery tonight that I believe the crazy resulting waves would have pressed the Coast Gaurd to ban all small vessels from sailing in my pool. Too dangerous for the mom and pop fishing boats or the leisure sail boats....and the red beach flags would have been out.....but there I was anyway, stroking in the wind and waves.

    Thank goodness I have a super-dooper heater to battle the cruel elements of cold. Air temp was upper 50s - brrrrrr... Water temp was 82 - ahhhhhh..... If I could have, I would have done this entire session underwater with a snorkel because the piercing chill of the gusting breeze was rather uncomfortable to this heat seeking fish.

    Good session overall, even if it did lack creativity.

    6,000 yards as follows:
    2,000 steady warmup
    400 pull, 400 kick
    320 pull, 320 kick
    240 pull, 240 kick
    160 pull, 160 kick
    80 pull, 80 kick
    5 x 160 free w/ 20 sec rest
    5 x 80 free w/ 10 sec rest
    400 cool down

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Proper Road Ride

    Gorgeous day here, and with the threat of rain tomorrow, hubby and I decided to hit the road today to get some pavement under my tires. Off went hubby on his bike to make his way up the mountain where I met him in my car with my bike in the back 45 minutes later. (Hubby is training for a 105 mile ride in August with some insane elevations - over 8700 feet of climbing, and at 90+ miles into the ride there's a 23% incline on top of a mountain. :eek:)

    Skyline Drive is a great place to ride a bike - scenic views, low vehicle speed limit, lots of wildlife, and everyone's got a smile on their face. We saw quite a few other cyclists, and they all give the nod or the wave to you as you pass. I felt like I was in the club. :)

    This was my second road ride this year, the first one being two weeks ago, and I was so much more comfortable on my bike this time around. Hubby didn't have to shout gears at me, my knuckles weren't quite as white, and I even came out of the saddle on a few hills for some quad burning power. I glanced at my speedometer a few times, and I saw anywhere from a suffering 10mph to a speedy (for me) 24mph. I still suck on the bike, but I definitely saw improvement today.

    Per Garmin:
    21.4 miles, 1:14:50, average speed 17.1mph, top speed 26.1mph

    Field Run

    Came home and made a quick change into running gear to trot around the field for a nice relaxing run. Nothing too spectacular to report about this run - kept it relaxed, practiced leaning into the downhills, tried to make a decision if I will keep training in my field when I start my next official marathon training in June or go back to the very public greenway and town streets, debated about how much harder and slower my field is than the greenway and streets which is nice from a training perspective to a degree, but did not decide anything in the end other than that my music choice for today's trot was spot on.

    6.17 miles in 52:51.41 for an average pace of 8:33 min/mile.

    I will probably go for a short swim this evening to complete a trifecta for today. Caps play in game 7 of this series with the Rangers tonight, so the swim will need to be done and dusted by 7:30 when the puck drops and the bottle is uncorked! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    You need to start posting your bike distances and speeds in kms, can get my head around miles and mph on the bike :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    griffin100 wrote: »
    You need to start posting your bike distances and speeds in kms, can get my head around miles and mph on the bike :)

    :) Okay...I'll play....

    Bike miles in kilometers:
    34.44 kilometers in 1:14:50 for an average speed of 27.52 kph with a top speed of 42 kph.

    The numbers are bigger, but I still suck. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    The day's trifecta is now complete....the bacon is frying.....the eggs will soon be scrambled....and we are moments away from the puck being dropped and the bottle being uncorked. I'm hungry, thirsty, and anxious to unleash the fury. Go Caps!!!!!!

    Swim session was pretty simple yet solid. Felt good, but unearthed my lower abs still sore (should I be worried?) and right knee a bit less than perfect (started today on the bike). Any way......

    3,000 yards as follows:
    400 each of - swim, pull, kick, pull, swim
    200 each of - swim, pull, kick, pull, swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    In my never ending quest to keep things un-boring for me while I train (not having a club or training partner can kind of make it tough sometimes), I decided to mix up my goal distances today in a series of segments - alternating swim, run, swim, run, swim. Not only did I think this would keep me entertained, but I also thought it would make it easier on me. And boy was I wrong. This was ugly and hard and nauseating and part (I'm thinking..) because I did quite a bit yesterday (about three hours training), it was hot and sunny today, the Caps lost last night and are now eliminated, and my tummy has been protesting ever since 2/3 through my first run. :( But I suffered through and got it done.

    Brief synopsis:
    First swim was steady and felt good. 2k straight swim to loosen up the body and prepare for the run.

    First run started out a little slow, but by mile 3 I was humming along, and by mile 4 I was flying and busting a few moves to Lady Marmalade.. Mile 5 was okay, but I was starting to feel a little low on gas and my stomach started cramping - which it does sometimes when I run in the heat. Mile 6 was just about finishing this segment up and getting inside to take on some energy in the form of a chocolate brownie Cliff bar.

    Next swim was much slower than the first, so I decided to concentrate on form and getting everything out of my pull. Another 2k straight swim.

    Took on 3 Cliff shot bloks then headed out for 4 more miles at a slower pace than the first set. Had to stop for a break at just over 2 miles due to more tummy issues, but finished the run in relatively good form.

    Last swim was another slow 2k, so it was all about form once again. I did take several random breaks, but got the job done. Ugh!

    2,000 yard swim
    6.21 mile run in 53:18.78 for an average pace of 8:35 min/mile
    2,000 yard swim
    4.11 mile run in 36:58.06 for an average pace of 9:00 min/mile
    2,000 yard swim

    Tummy is still not right, and I'm hoping it's not a bug of some sort. :confused::(

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Christ 10 miles of running and circa 6k swimming put down in that fashion... super stuff! My calves would have buckled me with cramp on the second swim :eek: Nice practice for something like this

    Does your OH think you are mad or has this sort of behaviour always been par for the course?!

    Hope the tummy feels better..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Nice practice for something like this

    You will have a ready made partner in Griffin100 for it as well he is mad to nab someone to do that race

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    catweazle wrote: »
    You will have a ready made partner in Griffin100 for it as well he is mad to nab someone to do that race

    Ah yes, but Dory can swim faster than I can run :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Christ 10 miles of running and circa 6k swimming put down in that fashion... super stuff! My calves would have buckled me with cramp on the second swim :eek: Nice practice for something like this

    Does your OH think you are mad or has this sort of behaviour always been par for the course?!

    Hope the tummy feels better..

    Tummy is better....mad behaviour is pretty much normal when it comes to certain things for me, like all things competitive.....and that race actually looks pretty interesting....;)
    catweazle wrote: »
    You will have a ready made partner in Griffin100 for it as well he is mad to nab someone to do that race

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Ah yes, but Dory can swim faster than I can run :D

    Then we'll need to get you doing some interval training to get your race speed up!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tour Of California Trainer Session

    Started out this session watching Sports Center and the terrible news that my beloved Caps' coach has decided that the love for his family in Ottawa is stronger than his love for his team in Washngton. :( And it was during these first few miles I struggled on the bike - wondered if I could get the speed up over 14 mph as my legs and body just wanted to quit. Then something happened......

    I turned the channel over to the coverage of the Tour of California, and I found myself cycling along with these international studs on two wheels. I didn't even realize I had picked up my pace until I looked down at the speedometer and it read 19 mph. Wow. My cadence had sped up and my legs were moving in unison with theirs and I found myself caught up in the excitement and intensity of the competition. Then I noticed the fellas had 15 miles to go in the race....I had 12 miles left in my session. We were even at 10 miles to go.....then the boys passed me, and soon they had 4 miles to my 7. There was a lone breakout with 2 miles left, and I was pedaling furiously at 20+ mph to keep him company, but alas, the peloton reeled him (us) back in. However, as soon as Peter Sagan burst from the pack, I burst with him and we gave it our final kick to cross the finish line with a simultaneous victorious double arm pump.......but, while my buddy Peter was receiving pats on the back and an escort to some post-race pampering, I still had 4 miles to go. All alone. On my trainer. In my basement. With game one of the 3rd series of Stanley Cup playoffs coming on without my beloved Caps on ice.

    Body still tired from a relatively big training weekend, so only 20 miles done tonight. You've got to back it off from time to time.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I love your version of backing off. Hilarious. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    With the realization that I have a half marathon in about 7 weeks and the fact that I've really not done any pure quality runs since the marathon, I've decided I need to get a little structure and discipline back into my life and lay down a few key runs each week. I am reading Run Less, Run Faster and I am learning several thing that some of you fine folk have been trying to teach me for months - such as the aforementioned need for quality.

    I have also decided that I will stick to my field running (for now) in hopes that the characteristics of the field will actually challenge me more and make me a better/faster runner. Sounds good in theory any way. I decided I would do 6 x 1/4 mile intervals (approx 1/4 mile, since I am doing this in my imperfect field) - 3 in one direction at a slight incline, and 3 in the opposite direction at a slight decline. I did this exact set just prior to my marathon, so it was interesting to me to compare the results. I also took the definition of "easy" warmup, recovery, and cool down to a new level by really, really, really going easy during the warmup, recovery, and cool down, thus making this session all about the little slice of fast interval quality. (There's that word again!)

    Actual interval results in terms of distance and pace (with pre-marathon paces in parentheses):
    .25 mile @ 6:53 min/mile pace. (6:52)
    .25 mile @ 6:51 min/mile pace. (6:58)
    .25 mile @ 6:46 min/mile pace. (6:47)

    .26 mile @ 6:31 min/mile pace. (6:33)
    .25 mile @ 6:33 min/mile pace. (6:29)
    .26 mile @ 6:29 min/mile pace. (6:21)

    I really tried to keep the intervals as close to similar as possible, and I think I did a better job this time around. And comparatively speaking, these splits tonight aren't too bad.

    6.22 miles in 56:10.85 for an average pace of 9:02 min/mile.


    Just a quick swim immediately after the run. Nothing fancy, but it felt good to be in the water.

    2,000 yards as follows:
    400 each of swim, pull, kick, pull, swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Evening Swim Session

    I really liked this swim session tonight. It was the right distance, stress and effort on my body, especially after last night's interval session that my legs are still feeling. I walked out of the house with the bones of the workout decided, but as usual, a few changes were made as I was swimming my way through the plan. I was fairly sluggish at the start, but things kicked in once I started my first quick/no-rest pull-kick sets (which I love due to their fast and furious nature). As the swim sets' distances decreased, the speed increased, once again reminding me what it feels like to be high in the water (talking body position here, not the chemical induced state that makes you hungry and compels you to order deep dish pizza with pepperoni, sausage, green peppers, onions and extra cheese....not that I would know, mind you). Any way....felt good....felt strong....upper body definitely coming along here. ;)

    5,000 yards as follows:
    1,000 warmup
    4 x (120 pull, 80 kick)
    4 x 160 swim
    3 x (120 pull, 80 kick)
    4 x 120 swim
    2 x (120 pull, 80 kick)
    4 x 80 swim
    1 x (120 pull, 80 kick)
    4 x 40 swim
    400 cool down

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Field Run Tempo Attempt

    This didn't quite go according to plan, in part because I am still learning "how" to run not-by-my-usual-feel in my field, and in part because I am still learning training discipline in the form of not over performing unnecessarily. :(:o The plan was to do an easy warmup, 4 miles at around 7:37 min/mile, then a nice cool down to total approximately 6 miles. Simple enough, right?

    Long story short...I blasted off after the warmup and felt really good. I looked at the watch and it said 6:5x so I knew I needed to slow it down. Passed Mr. Smith's black cat who likes to hunt in the field and he was totally bewildered when I didn't stop to fuss over him, but I was on a mission. Mile 1 was still too fast even after adjusting, but secretly I didn't mind. Mile 2 was a bit tougher to hang on, and I decided to take a quick break to catch my breath, stretch and re-group before the next 2 miles - translation: I had cooked my goose and I needed to hop off that crazy train momentarily. I then decided because I had caved by resting that I should go ahead and continue with my way-too-fast theme and do the next 2 miles as equally undisciplined as the first 2.

    No need for anyone to preach to me, I know exactly where I failed. Practice makes perfect, and I will keep trying. Running in the field at tempo pace is challenging for me (especially with the wind tonight), but that's not necessarily a bad thing. :)

    Tempo miles:
    7:24, 7:25, 7:15, 7:21

    6.23 miles in 49:50.55 for an average pace of 7:59 min/mile.


    Just 1,200 yards of straight swimming immediately after the run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Proper Bike Session

    I'm sort of thinking that the Tour of California has brought me a little inspiration regarding this bike thing because today's ride was quite enjoyable with good effort and even more confidence. It was a repeat of last Saturday's ride - 21 miles on Skyline Drive with hubby, churning and burning and waving "hello" to fellow cyclists. And picking gnats out of my eyes. Omg...I must purchase an appropriate pair of sunglasses to aid in the prevention of ocular bug catching. Perhaps I should consult resident shade wearer, Krusty. ;) Any way, the gnats were definitely bothersome to me and my eyes, and between their irritation and the blasting wind (which I'd like to think was conversely related to my speed :D), my eyes teared quite a bit thus causing the trapped gnats to be swept like a waterfall out of my eyes and onto my cheeks along with my mascara. What a lovely sight I was.

    When I finished the ride, I was anxious to see the Garmin stats as I was confident that today's ride was much faster than last weekend's ride, but to my shock and horror they were almost identical. :( Today's ride was .1 average mph faster than last weekend's, however, my top speed today was 3 mph faster than last weekend's :), but, if you do the math, that then means I must've been slower in places too. :mad: How does that happen when you honestly feel like you're nailing a ride (boys, keep your mind out of the gutter!) and come to find out you're not?? Oh well. At least I'm gaining confidence and feel like I'm improving.

    Garmin stats:
    21.3 miles in 1:14:24 at an average speed of 17.2 mph and top speed of 29.6 mph.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Take heart. You're already faster than me ;) The elements will figure in your bike time more than you think tho. It was probably breezier today or something. And you were faster, anyway. What more do you want? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    Take heart. You're already faster than me ;) The elements will figure in your bike time more than you think tho. It was probably breezier today or something. And you were faster, anyway. What more do you want? :)

    First off, I'm probably only fasther than you after you've already cycled 91 miles and have only my remaining 21 to do. Oh, and you'd be going uphill and I'd be going downhill. Then, just then, maybe I'd be faster than you.

    Second off, it didn't feel breezier.

    Third off, I want to be fast as sh!t.

    And fourth off.....hey, good to hear the tooth extraction went well, and with very little residual pain. Just goes to show how frickin' tough you are, IronWoman!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Proper Recovery Run

    A very proper and very easy recovery run in the field after the bike ride. Oh! And speaking of the bike ride....I did pass one fella dogging it on the mountain. I had been worried about other cyclists passing me and how I'd feel, but I never expected to be passing one myself. Hubby told me to shout "passing left" so he would know I was there...and I did....and it made me dig just a little deeper and get my game face on just a little more. But I digress.....the recovery run....felt good on the legs and the body....sun was shining....slight (ever so slight ;)) breeze blowing....and then I hit the hammock by the pool to catch a few rays and relax. A swim is in order this evening.

    4.13 miles in 40:47.26 for an average pace of 9:51 min/mile.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    How does that happen when you honestly feel like you're nailing a ride (boys, keep your mind out of the gutter!)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    And speaking of the bike ride....I did pass one fella dogging it on the mountain.

    Admit it DoryDory, your library includes a book called "Irish Lexicons, Irish Sexicons". A cunning linguist's cuitlacoche-containing "sonnez la cloche", all in your end though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Admit it DoryDory, your library includes a book called "Irish Lexicons, Irish Sexicons". A cunning linguist's cuitlacoche-containing "sonnez la cloche", all in your end though.

    Whoops! Sorry! I'll get that book back to you ASAP! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Swim....for a day's trifecta

    3,000 lovely yards in my 88 degree pool. :D

    As follows:
    400 each swim, pull, kick, pull, swim
    200 each swim, pull, kick, pull, swim

    Feeling good.....and getting ready for a little wine with a side order of ice cream. It doesn't get any better than this! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Admit it DoryDory, your library includes a book called "Irish Lexicons, Irish Sexicons". A cunning linguist's cuitlacoche-containing "sonnez la cloche", all in your end though..

    Not gonna touch that.....BUT, how's your bike named Fanny? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Field Run

    When plotting out my runs for the week several days ago, I had loosely intended to do a proper LSR this weekend, hoping to go 13 miles at 8:10ish min/mile. I'm trying to get back into some sort of structured running format in preparation of upcoming events. I usually like to do my LSRs on Saturdays as I typically have a rest day (or easy swim or easy trainer) on Fridays, thus allowing me to be fresh for the long run, but with the incorporation of road cycling into my routine, and with hubby preferring to cycle on Saturdays rather than Sundays (which would be my preference), and with me being compelled to then run and swim after the bike on Saturdays, I'm not exactly fresh on Sundays any more.

    Headed out the door way later than I had intended, and I already knew before I stepped out of the house that there was no point in even attempting to run my planned LSR at the planned pace - it was too hot, too windy and I wasn't feeling it. I decided to just run for the complete joy of running and not worry about pace. And I decided to stop running whenever the complete joy of running started to lose its joy, which was on mile I stopped after 6 miles. But I wouldn't say this was a wasted effort for I stayed relaxed and worked on form (or my idea of form). I will swim tonight....and then I'm going to have to figure out how/when I'll be getting my LSRs in.

    6.16 miles in 55:14.94 for an average pace of 8:58 min/mile.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Not gonna touch that.....BUT, how's your bike named Fanny? ;)

    Fanny's doing great, thanks. She seized up on me and froze a few weeks back, when I was riding her hard, so I had to jump off before I finished; very annoyed with this lack of compliance. Decided I had to be brutal, so I stripped her down, played around with some lube and chains, and pumped her good. Probably a bit harder than was necessary, but it seemed to make her go faster.

    Today I showed her to my friends, left her in the rack for an hour, so everyone could admire her assets. Casual strangers were walking by and leering at her form, wondering how much she would cost. I worked up a sweat, got on top of her, and fooled around the whole afternoon. Very successful, I was applauded by all my neighbours who endured my grunting efforts when I came (second).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Fanny's doing great, thanks. She seized up on me and froze a few weeks back, when I was riding her hard, so I had to jump off before I finished; very annoyed with this lack of compliance. Decided I had to be brutal, so I stripped her down, played around with some lube and chains, and pumped her good. Probably a bit harder than was necessary, but it seemed to make her go faster.

    Today I showed her to my friends, left her in the rack for an hour, so everyone could admire her assets. Casual strangers were walking by and leering at her form, wondering how much she would cost. I worked up a sweat, got on top of her, and fooled around the whole afternoon. Very successful, I was applauded by all my neighbours who endured my grunting efforts when I came (second).

    Thoughts of a twisted version of My Fair Lady are now floating about my head. ;)
