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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    That's nerves. I guarantee you'll have more spring in your step on todays run (and for the next four years:D)

    Nate Silver, baby!!! ;)
    Must confess, I've been two-timing this forum.....:o.....I've been hooked to the Obama vs Romney thread in the After Hours forum. Might need to pay a visit to the Confession Box to confess my sins...... ;):D

    Today is a very good day.......

    WOO HOO!!!! :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Still over the moon about the election....woo tickety-boo hoo !!!

    Any way.....lower back is still a mess. Woke up this morning and could barely bend over to give the cats their gourmet breakfast of Fancy Feast served up in equal portions to the both of them. Attempted to solve the problem with a liberal application of Tiger Balm, but by lunch I was I resorted to some drastic measures - two Advil and an Icy Hot patch. I felt much better a few hours later, but decided I needed to swap my days around and make this my rest day. It would be very silly to aggravate this lower back instead of letting it heal. So instead of going for my 4 mile steady run, I did 40 minutes of yoga and will skip my usual marathon-runner-in-training portion of ice cream tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Slow and Steady Street Run

    Plan: 4 miles easy

    Woke up again to a stiff and sore lower back, but it was better than 24 hours prior. I resorted to my cocktail of Advil and an Icy Hot patch, and by lunch I was feeling SO much better. In fact, the lack of pain I felt made me feel like I was on a delicious high, euphoric actually, thus proving that it really does feel good to feel good. That high, however, began to subside as the afternoon wore on, but I knew I only had 4 easy miles to do so I figured I could go slowly and lightly to avoid further aggravation to the lower back.

    Perfect evening for a run - 40 degrees and crisp and clear. I briefly questioned the wisdom of doing this run after my first few strides, but I decided to get the muscles warmed up and to see what would happen. I figured out rather quickly that my back felt best if I kept my pelvis tucked under, my abs sucked in, and my stride short. I also figured out that I was more comfortable running uphill than downhill, which makes sense based on body position. Not much else to say about this run other than I went slow....really slow....and the back felt better with each mile that ticked by. I'm supposed to do 4 miles steady tomorrow, but I'll see about pace based on how the back feels tomorrow. I figure 4 slow miles is better than no 4 miles.

    Actual: 4.17 miles in 39:24.4 for an average pace of 9:26 min/mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    A Lovely Saturday Run

    Plan: 5 miles easy, 6 x 80m strides

    I skipped my makeup 4 mile run yesterday to give the back an extra day of rest as I really can't justify adding insult to injury when I'm 22+ weeks from Boston, only in the easy base building phase of my plan, and it was only 4 miles. I hate like mad missing something planned, but to do more harm than good is pure silliness. The back is still having some unwelcome aches and pains, but each 24 hours I can see improvement - thank god! I was, however, apprehensive about how this run would go pace-wise.....just really wanted to stay below 10 min/mile :o (preferably below 9:30 min/mile, but wasn't sure the back was up to it).....and figured I'd be writing today's post philosophically on the subject of what is pace really?? ;)

    Bolted out of my early Saturday morning work to get this one in the books. After 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and warming up the body, I took off from the clinic and headed into town at a very easy and relaxed pace. The main goal of today was to protect the back, but to get this session done. The first 2.5 miles were on the streets of town and they felt pretty good. I had weaved my way through some of the back roads to end up at a park that has a nice soft trail, so the next mile was done on soft mulch and surprisingly (and without me knowing it) my pace had picked up some. Out of the park there is a nice downhill (which means into the park there is a nice uphill), so the pace picked up a little more and I was feeling really good and digging this negative split action I had going on. I finished the run back on the streets of town with the wind hitting me in the face - but with the legs turning steady and the arms helping with the workload, I was able to keep this run within the definition of "easy".

    Finished up at the clinic with my 6 sets of strides. After shorting the distance of these last week, I had intended on doing these at the track this week, but upon arriving back at the clinic after my run I decided I'd just add distance to each set by running the width of the parking lot plus extra into the field - I didn't feel like driving to the track, to be honest with you. I was still short, but each set was closer to 70 meters this time.

    Pleased with this run :).....and I may post the Garmin info as an edit later today. I did learn something new today - Icy Hot patches heat up as you run. I had quite a little inferno going on at my lower back. Yikes!!

    Actual: 5.82 miles in 51:15.35 for an average pace of 8:48 min/mile
    9:06, 8:55, 8:58, 8:43, 8:31, 7:00 (8:34 pace)

    Garmin data....

    Strides: paces which may be meaningless - 6:29, 5:56, 5:30, 5:29, 5:31, 5:29


    I cooled down my warmed up body with 36 minutes of Yoga for Runners while my two kittles used me as a jungle gym to get their own version of Yoga done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    He'll of a post for a 5 mile run!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Lake Arrowhead Loop

    Plan: 7 miles easy

    **Cranky alert** It is time for my back to be done with its injury for I am no longer impressed with its stiff and soreness, I am bored to tears with the inconvenience it has subjected me to, and I am tired of smelling like Bengay. :mad: (Please note that this rant is very mild compared to the hissy fit I had going on in my head while I ran today....not to mention the aggravation I felt due to being overdressed for this run - think, sweating like a mad pig who wanted to rip off all her clothes and say to hell with everyone!)

    Any whoooo.....

    Gorgeous morning here in the valley - the sun was out and it was early enough that there weren't too many folks stirring about when I started this run. Because I am in the building phase of my plan, I had to add a mile to last Sunday's run so I ran a short section at the 1.5 mile point that I had never run before - it's kind of nice exploring new options.

    There's really not too much to tell you folks about this run....nearly got ran over a few times by vehicles moving way too fast on a winding and narrow section....had a little dog chase me until I stopped and turned to face him with my "make my day" attitude....wore my heart rate monitor so I could watch it climb on the hills and to amuse catweazle.....enjoyed running by myself and enjoyed my pity party and enjoyed the miserable hills that I plan on having renamed after me once I've properly mastered them.

    In spite of all my b*tching and moaning, this run was actually pretty good. The back is improving, I've just lost my patience with it.

    Actual: 7.11 miles in 1:03:51 for an average pace of 8:59 min/mile.

    I will attach Garmin link in a bit so you can see splits, elevation and heart rate.

    Garmin data......


    Same song, same dance - 36 minutes of Yoga for Runners. I find this a great post-run session to stretch out the body.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I may try and track some data through this marathon plan - unless my data tracking enthusiasm dies down, that is - or if I come to the realization that the data I am tracking is so bloody useless that it isn't worth the time and space of this log.

    One of my goals this time around is to really commit myself to hills in the hopes that they will translate into quality miles, stronger legs and lungs, and faster marathon times. I am currently in the easy/base/building phase of my 24 week plan so the mileage to date is less than impressive, but I've really enjoyed these two weeks (other than my blasted lower back!), and I know the mileage will be inching up with each passing day so I better make the most of these easy weeks while they last! Woo hoo!!

    Data I am tracking...but can certainly track more data, different data if I so care's the limit, really (is this what happens when you aren't spending very much time training??).....

    Week 1 - 22.21 miles in 3:07:31 with a total elevation gain of 1216 feet. Average pace, 8:26 min/mile....and average elevation gain per mile, 54.75 ft/mile.

    Week 2 - (missed one 4 mile steady run due to back issues :() 21.57 miles in 3:15:04 with a total elevation gain of 1115 feet. Average pace, 9:02 min/mile....and average elevation gain per mile, 51.69 ft/mile.

    To be able to put this data in chart format would be if anyone can show me how, that'd be doubly grand for comparative and tracking purposes. And if anyone has an extra pocket protector I can borrow, let me know!! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Hey DD, I hope that back issue clears up soon for you, have you thought about taking a few days break to rest it? (of course this is the kind of advice I give to other people but never heed myself;))
    In the meantime PM me your address and I'll pop the Boston book in the post to you (the Klown returned it to me with yummy chocolates:), isn't he adorable? Although I'm sure Emer probably had something to do with it, either way, YUM:))
    You can while away the extra time reading useless information interesting facts about this amazing race:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I took last Wednesday off....and Friday is my normal rest day, so shouldn't that have been enough??

    PMing my address.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Plan: cross train

    I returned to the scene of the crime tonight, the back breaking bike, only I behaved myself and didn't even consider any standing bursty bursts....just kept it low and spinning quickly. As I spun quickly, I kept trying to think of additional importantly useless running data to track, in particular data related to elevation gain and pace....but I think every time I thought I was onto something I was actually onto redundant pace data. I did calculate grade, but that was so unimpressive that it's not worth boring you with (basically, my average grade thus far is only ~1%). I then decided I'd lookup the elevation gain of Boston when I finished this session so I could calculate its average elevation gain per mile, and I did, and I calculated it is ~30 ft/mile, so, um, there's that. :o:):D :cool:

    Actual: 20 miles on trainer in 70 minutes.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory quest to figure out what it is I am trying to figure out.....

    .....and it may be this - Normalized Graded Pace....

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Actual: 20 miles on trainer in 70 minutes.

    Keep it up, 3rd Gold close! You are still the lead hoochie in my eyes ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Keep it up, 3rd Gold close! You are still the lead hoochie in my eyes ;) sure know how to sweet talk a gal. :D 3rd Gold now on the radar. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hilly Evening Run

    Plan: 5 miles easy

    I don't know if it was all the chocolate I consumed today :o, or if it was the crisp chill in the air, or if it was the combination of my back feeling better and me embracing the hills, but this run was what I love about running - feeling strong. :)

    I met up with my friend and his dog at our clinic and we hit the streets. First, we ran down Main Street where his pup had to stop once or twice to sniff and roll....and where I started and stopped my watch a few times due to the pup sniffing and rolling and at some point realized I had gotten out of on/off synch and had stopped my watch by accident. Ugh! Oh well. Then up the hill and we turned left onto Court Street to take in this slightly upper crust street with some healthy hills and our local jail with three of its inmates (but they prefer to be called trustees) blowing leaves off the sidewalk who were very polite about turning off their equipment and getting out of our way as we passed. (Just because they've broken the law doesn't mean they don't have manners! ;)) Then back to Main Street, and a weave to some back roads, and up another big hill, then Main Street again, and a return to the clinic. Yacking most of the way.

    Blah, blah, blah. Yack, yack, yack.

    Bottom line - the back is much better (stopped hurting after the first mile), and this run was steady/strong/relaxed/easy. :D Good times!

    Actual: 5.29* miles in 46:38.04 for an average pace of 8:48 min/mile
    9:02, 8:36, 8:48, 8:39, 8:55, 2:35 (8:46)

    Edit - Garmin link...

    * Actual-actual mileage per my friend's Garmin was 5.46 miles.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    I was just going to come on here asking if you run with company? I'd say if you could find a group (moderately faster than you), it'd be a big step up the ladder. Any clubs/groups around Luray? (Or should you set one up?)

    *Caveat: all this is written under the influence of tight calfs that were tested by group running last night

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    I was just going to come on here asking if you run with company? I'd say if you could find a group (moderately faster than you), it'd be a big step up the ladder. Any clubs/groups around Luray? (Or should you set one up?)

    *Caveat: all this is written under the influence of tight calfs that were tested by group running last night

    Unfortunately, Luray is more known for its all-you-can-eat buffets and not for its talented runners. :(:o There is no running club here (an attempt to form one failed miserably last year) other than the high school cross country team - but they only target 5k for their running goals....and the few high school kids I know on the team would rather play video games in their "off" season (which is now) than run with a mother figure (me), even if that mother figure is uber cool and running in Boston. ;) The friend I run with every now and then is one of the high school cross country/track coaches, but he's not exactly faster than me.....and I do agree 100% with you - the best way to improve yourself is to train with folks who are faster and more knowledgeable than you. I just don't have that available to I rely on my focus and these logs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hill Repeats

    Plan: 2 miles easy, 10 x 30 second hill repeats, 2 miles easy

    I have never done hill repeats before, so this was a new one for me and all I can say is they suck. But like most yucky things (think brussel sprouts), if they suck they must be good for you.

    Slipped out of work for a sneaky lunchtime quickie. Sunny, but very cold and windy....and at the start of this run, I felt very under-dressed. Brrrr. First two miles were nice and easy and felt pretty relaxed - 8:44, 8:39. Then the hill repeats began. :eek: I kept a check on my watch for the first run up to determine where my hill finish would be - and then jogged it back down. I did this 9 more times....
    ...and the hill paces were as follows:
    7:11, 7:02, 7:24, 5:34, 7:13
    6:16, 6:10, 5:35, 5:38, 6:20

    I was pretty wasted by the end of them...and because I did these repeats on the hill by our house/field, I jogged on into the field and did two very easy miles to finish up the session - 9.34, 9.29.

    Actual: 5.62 miles in 48:50.7 for an average pace of 8:42 min/mile.

    Here's the Garmin data....but damn if the watch does not indicate any elevation gain for my hills. I guess the distance is just way too small to calculate, plus it sort of looks like the Garmin just gives you a total gain and loss at the end of each mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Dory Dory wrote: »

    Slipped out of work for a sneaky lunchtime quickie.

    Best fun I've ever had in my life too.... :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Best fun I've ever had in my life too.... :)

    I smirked a little smirk when I wrote that. ;)


    36 minutes to show the hill climbing leg muscles some love. Done. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Town Trot

    Plan: 5 miles easy

    I bundled up for this one as it's turned quite cold around here!! Hat, check. Gloves, check. Extra layers, check. My friend met me at the clinic after work without his dog and we embarked on our running and chatting adventure. I didn't even look at my watch until we were over halfway into our second mile to confirm my suspicion that we were indeed running way too fast. Tried to put on the breaks but that was hard to do since we were getting ready to do a few downhills. Oh well. We definitely kept it easy and relaxed for the first three miles even if our pace was faster than intended, but we also knew the hills in miles 4 and 5 would naturally slow us down, and they did.

    Good run. Body is getting back to a happy state. Really enjoying these easy, hilly runs. Really, really happy with where I am. :)

    Actual: 5.51 miles in 46:17.25 for an average pace of 8:23 min/mile.
    8:35, 8:12, 8:12, 8:35, 8:26, 4:15 (8:19)

    Garmin link...

    I had a little surprise in the mailbox when I arrived home - apparently I came in 4th in my age at the Steamtown marathon last month and I was awarded a nice little plaque. Class that they sent it to me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I had a little surprise in the mailbox when I arrived home - apparently I came in 4th in my age at the Steamtown marathon last month and I was awarded a nice little plaque. Class that they sent it to me.

    Only 4th :eek:

    I am amazed you haven't it thrown in the bin already for fear of it sullying all your recent 1st place awards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Only 4th :eek:

    I am amazed you haven't it thrown in the bin already for fear of it sullying all your recent 1st place awards

    That is so funny that you wrote that because YOU were the very first person I thought of when I opened the package and saw what it was....and those were my very thoughts. :( Maybe I've already hit my peak and it's all downhill from here........ ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Afternoon Delight?

    Plan: 5 miles steady

    Ugh. This was a slog...and I did not enjoy much about this run at all. I knew heading into this weekend that I had committed to doing too many thngs, and I had a feeling the quality of this run would suffer. Dinner last night with friends had me eating and drinking things I don't normally eat and drink, plus I was up way past my bedtime. Then early this morning I had to rush into work for a bit before I dashed off to volunteer for 5 hours at our local Turkey Trot. I had finish line cheering and directing duties (and I did a brilliant job at both, if I do say so myself! :D). The temperature when I arrived at the race was 26 degrees....Fahrenheit. :eek: Then as soon as the trot was over, I rushed home and hit the pavement to get this session done. To make matters worse, I did not eat or drink anything in between work and the run. Those are my excuses. My fear is.....I really have peaked. :(

    Any way....after I warmed up about a half a mile in the field, my goal was to keep my steady 5 miles around 8:00 min/mile. Job accomplished, but it took more effort than I wanted to expend. I had a few hills, but nothing too horrible - more gradual slopes. And the wind was fairly gusty - and just when I'd be heading down a nice hill, the wind seemed to gust a little harder, thus creating drag I didn't really welcome. Boo hiss to the wind!

    Actual per Garmin: 5.5 miles in 44:27.73 for an average pace of 8:05 min/mile
    Steady miles: 8:06, 7:50, 8:05, 7:56, 7:52
    Cool down: 4:36 (9:18)

    Garmin link....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Lake Arrowhead "T" Run

    Plan: 8 easy miles

    Gorgeous morning....crisp and clear....but for the second day in a row I was dragging @ss because for the second night in a row I ate and drank things I don't normally eat and drink, and I stayed up way too late celebrating four more years Chicago style. Woop, woop!!! :D

    I had intended on doing my normal lake loop with a slight adjustment to get me to my 8 mile target, but at mile two I was enjoying the road and direction I was on so much that I decided to just see how far that particular road would take me. And it was grand. It turned to gravel, but there was no traffic - zero cars, essentially - and the land was rolling with farms and their cattle scattered about. I even had two good looking horses come over to the fence to greet me, so I cooed a few compliments their way. (Hey, we all need to feel good about ourselves. ;)) The road ended in a "T" about 1.8 miles after it began, so after a brief stop to decide if I wanted to turn right, left or back, I opted to turn back. I did a few calculations in my head while I was running, and mapped out the rest of my run knowing I'd be finishing up with some pretty good twists and turns and uphills that my glutes and hams were/are definitely aware of!!!

    Pace was slow, but it was mentally enjoyable. I do think I felt yesterday's steady 5 mile run in the legs today - they seemed a bit tired after 4 miles. In fact, the legs and body seemed to do better on the ups and downs compared to the flats - on the flats I felt so heavy and I felt like I was running through mud. My form was sloppy at times, perhaps in part because I was carrying a bottle of water (that I don't normally carry) in the left hand. Overall, not a bad easy run considering the weekend I've had. My goal was to keep my average pace around 9 min/mile, and I wasn't too terribly off that.

    Actual: 8.08 miles in 1:13:15 for an average pace of 9:04 min/mile

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ....but for the second day in a row I was dragging @ss because for the second night in a row I ate and drank things I don't normally eat and drink, and I stayed up way too late celebrating four more years Chicago style. Woop, woop!!! :D

    It's taken a while, but we have a convert. Welcome to Boards Dory Dory, you'll fit right in around here. You can mask your gluttony/alcoholism by buying and discussing expensive training aids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Post run yoga session with the cats. :)

    Potentially useless running information as follows:
    Week 1 - 22.21 total miles in 3:07:31 for an average pace of 8:26 min/mile with a total elevation gain of 1,216 feet for an average elevation gain of 54.75 feet/mile.
    Week 2 - 21.57 total miles in 3:15:04 for an average pace of 9:02 min/mile with a total elevation gain of 1,115 feet for an average elevation gain of 51.69 feet/mile.
    Week 3 - 30 total miles in 4:19:29 for an average pace of 8:39 min/mile with a total elevation gain of 1,502 feet for an average elevation gain of 50.07 feet/mile.

    Not sure how long I will track this.....but for now.....yawn.....zzzzzzz.....

    And now it's time to update SBR challenge data!! Woo hoo-ieeee.....!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tunes and Trainer

    Plan: cross train

    Hubby was feeling generous and dubbed me the governor of the remote tonight while we spun side by side on our trainers. Woo hoo!! And I do love me some channel surfing! :D Because I know hubby prefers to spin to music rather than listen to political chatter, I kept the channels to all sorts of rock options - classic rock, retro rock, heavy metal, alternative rock - thus giving my thumb an excellent workout and making this session more about which tunes could take me to where I wanted to go than how to position my derriere on the seat without falling off the back of it. Really.

    Long story short regarding tune-age highlights (because let's face it, the music is so much more interesting than the spin itself) favorite song during this session for nostalgia reasons and lyrical pleasantness was...I met her in a club down in old Soho where you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry cola...Kinks' Lola, of course. Favorite song due to the "who knew that this would SO work while on the trainer" factor....Sun! Is! Shine! In'! In! The! Sky!.....ELO's staccato poppy hit, Mr. Blue Sky. And favorite song for, well, um....let's just say this song had a tendency to come on the radio when I was riding in the car with my uber conservative dad, thus simultaneously making me want to suddenly disappear and causing me to talk faster and louder to distract him from the content and urgency of the need for any lyrics.....Meatloaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light. :o

    Actual: 20 miles spinning and grinning while holding court in my basement.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You AORocker, you. :)

    I did a two and a half minute plank to the Weathergirls 'its raining men' last night. Im singing along while everyone else in the class shot dagger looks at me. We all have our guilty pleasures. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Urban Running

    Plan: 6 miles easy

    A solo evening for me, which was fine. Not too much to say.....pretty much my normal route plus one additional loop was on tap for me. Oh, one slight catastrophe - I must've hit a button by accident on my Garmin at some point between Sunday and today because about halfway into my first mile I wanted to peek at my pace, and to my shock and horror, average mile pace did not register. :eek: Crap. :mad: So, I was forced to run this 100% by feel. That's fine....this was an easy run anyway, which begs the question, what is pace really???

    Nice evening....felt good.....was a little slow on mile 2 :confused:...a quick hello to the very well mannered inmates blowing leaves outside the courthouse....miles 3, 4 and 5 felt grand and were very even....consciously slowed it even more on mile 6....and huffed it up the hardest hill to finish the run into our field. :)

    Actual: 6.39 miles in 55:40.4 for an average pace of 8:42 min/mile
    8:45, 9:03, 8:28, 8:33, 8:31, 8:51, 3:26 (8:51)

    Will post Garmin detail as edit tomorrow.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Field Fartlek

    Plan: 2 miles easy, 5*3 min on/off fartlek, 2 miles easy

    Work is crazy and pretty crappy today (don't ask!) but managed to slip out mid-morning to get this done. Too foggy to run on the road so I opted for a field session, and that was fine by me. Fit my mood. On with the tunes, off with the work clothes.....and out to tackle this bad boy.

    Warm up was easy breezy.....fartlek was interesting. I've never done a fartlek before, but this was sort of like doing intervals. I was so lulled into a slow pace with my 2 warmup miles that I wasn't even sure I could get my rear in gear and pick up the pace, but I did. First 3 minutes on felt pretty good, and felt easier than the pace - 7:19. Next fast 3 minutes were fine, but I could tell I had one fast 3 minutes already under my belt - 7:22. Third spiffy 3 minutes were my best, don't really remember anything spectacular, but it was my fastest - 7:17. I must've fallen asleep on this next one as it was my slowest, but I also know I was getting a bit pooped at this point since my recovery 3 minutes had been reduced to a slow jog - 7:27. :o The last fast 3 minutes were okay, just glad to get it done 7:22. Walked my last recovery 3 minutes and even stopped for about 30 seconds to take in some water. And for my easy 2 mile cool down, I think I gave new meaning to the term "easy". :D

    Good session - I'm enjoying doing new things this time around.

    Actual: 7.32 miles in 1:09:37* for an average pace of 9:30 min/mile*
    *time/pace includes walking and a stop for water
