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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Chilly Night Run

    Plan: 6 miles easy

    Good grief it was cold out there tonight!! And I didn't have some of my usual cold weather gear to wear because today is laundry day and they were in the BRRR!!

    Not too much to report tonight...I did the first 3 miles by myself and I kept it pretty easy and relaxed up and down a few hills. First mile was a nice warmup, then the next two miles were as steady as you can get, and I didn't even look at my watch - 8:56, 8:34, 8:34.

    I met my friend and his dog to do the next 3 miles, and these were a totally different story than the first. Ugh! He was not warmed up and was moving quite slow. His dog kept wanting to sniff and pee and find stinky stuff to roll in. And, we were also trying to do a little Christmas lights recce in advance of our group jingle bell evening fun run on Sunday, so there was a good bit of stop and go and turn here and turn there. Good grief, I never realized how miserable it is to run blocks in a neighborhood where you have to constantly turn right and left and your run is in small pieces thus making you go mad wondering when your watch is going to buzz indicating the end of the longest mile in the history of neighborhood running. Mile 5 tonight was that neighborhood running hell I speak of. 9:15, 9:24, 9:04, 5:44 (8:58)

    Actual: 6.64 miles in 59:33.64 for an average pace of 8:58 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Early Morning Undisciplined Run

    Plan: 6 miles at MP

    For reasons previously mentioned in a previous post, my target pace this morning was to be 8 to 8:15 min/mile....and my very short-lived plan was to start out at 8:15 and try to maintain or improve a bit with each mile. Didn't happen. :(:o I was very, very undisciplined. :mad: Because I have a massive Christmas shopping trip planned today, I had to get out earlier than usual and get this done - I was out on on the streets before 7:45 - so that meant I had to consume a bit of breakfast and do a few stretches all before I normally have any thoughts of throwing on the runners and pulling back the hair. UGH!! But this is good practice, I'm sure, for something....

    In a nutshell, first three miles were way too fast (felt too good and was loving life, even on a few of the hills) - 7:50, 7:51, 7:48......and the second three miles were more of a struggle (in my defense I did save the two hardest miles for last) - 8:00, 8:11, 8:14. I will say, however, I was feeling stronger as mile 6 went on, and I am glad I didn't shy away from the hills at the end. Oh, and some house frau must've been cooking a full fry up as I trotted by on mile 4 or 5 because the smell of it made me nauseous. I seriously could have stopped to puke.

    Now, off to spend all of my money!!!! :D

    Actual: 6.04 in 48:13 for an average pace of 7:59 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 369 ✭✭banner_phoenix

    So DCM pacer then eh....nice :). You can buy me a drink in McGrattans for planting the seed ;)

    You're coach ain't gonna be happy with those splits :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    So DCM pacer then eh....nice :). You can buy me a drink in McGrattans for planting the seed ;)

    You're coach ain't gonna be happy with those splits :p

    Whoa, whoa, whoa......
    I said I'd consider doing DCM as a pacer, but there are a few very important elements missing, I may not even be qualified or allowed to be a pacer....or, perhaps those horribly undisciplined splits seen above might very well disqualify me from being considered fit enough to be a pacer (yikes, hide that post from the Boston peeps for they might take my slot from me with those awful splits)....or, quite possibly they have a waiting list a mile long of pacer-wannabes and, if I'm lucky, they might put my name on the end of that list and I might be called to duty by the year 2016. Soooo, let's not be counting our McGrattans chickens before they are hatched. But if I do happen to make it to McGrattans for whatever reason and under whatever set of DCM circumstances, I'll certainly buy you that drink. ;):D

    In the meantime, I'll be working on those splits. :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    "E" is for Effort and Endurance

    Plan: 14 miles easy

    It's a bit of a dreary day, and I'm getting a little bored with my usual town running, plus I feel like I've shunned some quality hill running by the lake, and there's the little matter of my pretty pink Camelbak not being used as of late, so I decided to take the opportunity to make a little adventure out of today's easy run by running a route I've never run (I've run parts of it, just not in the order I did today), getting some awesome hill running in by the lake, and adding a bit of weight and freedom by using my pretty pink Camelbak. :D Wow are my legs screaming at me now. The pace was way down (as expected), but this was a solid 14 mile run that I hope will tick the box of strength and endurance. Highlights as follows:

    - Kept the effort pretty even throughout the run.
    - Did not stress about how slow I was going.
    - Was absolutely amazed how heavy my 3+ pound Camelbak felt on my back (this was my first road run with it). :eek:
    - Got me doing a fat inventory of my own body to see where I could shave some weight off and wondered to what effect. :o
    - Sang "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" over and over in my head, which, while it totally drove me mad after about 30 minutes, kept my cadence steady. :D
    - Love that the elevation gain on this run was 809 feet. :cool:
    - Took advantage of Lake Arrowhead's facilities - why not, right?
    - Saw all of our county's kitty cats out hunting... and scared a herd of cattle with my pack sloshing about.
    - Relaxed it as much as my tired legs would allow on the downhill, and was pleasantly surprised to see miles 10, 11 and 12 be at a decent pace and felt good.
    - The elevation profile sort of reminds me of the top of a cat's head. :)
    - Slowed it down for the last two miles, but honestly by the last mile my legs were toast.

    Not much else to add other than this was a quality time-on-my-feet run, but I suspect I'll be suffering some consequences tomorrow.

    Actual: 14.01 miles in 2:12.15 for an average pace of 9:26 min/mile.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Jingle Bell Group Fun Run

    Necklaces that blink, check.
    Bracelets that blink, check.
    Santa hat that blinks, moves, jingles and sings, check.
    Glittery red Santa short skirt, check.
    Red and white knee socks with fuzzy stuff on top, check.
    Group evening run to look at holiday lights and decorations with good friends and smiling kids and tail wagging dogs, check, check and check. :D

    What a great idea to do this - and the kids really made this run both fun and special as they were so excited to be running at night decked out in various degrees of holiday dress - reindeer antlers, ornaments hanging from ears, ribbons in hair, Santa hats, things that jingled, things that twinkled....and they all were chatting and guiding and commenting and pointing out sparkly things and telling me who lived here and who lived there and all about a neighborhood cat named Wally. :) Really super kids, all of them even the young lad whose mother thought we may not be able to keep up with him who was huffing and puffing on every hill and we slowed down for until we got near the end of the run and he tried to very quietly beat me to the parking lot by picking up the pace at the end of our run but I was having none of that....Santa should be very good to all of them. :D

    2.5 easy miles, which was a nice little recovery run for me today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Plan: cross train

    Legs were feeling yesterday's 3-pound-pack-on-my-back-809-feet-up-14-mile-hilly run tonight, so this was a bit of an unpleasant session. Cue the mind trickery.....

    Partition the body into zones. Relax. Breathe. Enlist involuntary leg movement via musical choreography. Head down. Eyes closed. Distraction. Become the artist. Relax. Breathe. Partition.

    Actual: 20 miles on the trainer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Glittery red Santa short skirt, check.
    Red and white knee socks with fuzzy stuff on top, check.

    You got my full attention hoochiedoubleD :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    You had mine all along...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    You had mine all along...

    Which charm school did you go to Muffin Man :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Treadie Trot

    Plan: 7 easy miles

    Due to holiday obligations and errands, I'll more than likely be doing the next few days' training sessions on the good old treadmill. The treadmill is not my first choice for these sessions, but thank goodness I have it as an option for otherwise they may not get done - plus BeepBeep has given the nod to the treadie as a legitimate running option. :D

    I kept this session easy breezy in the comfort of my climate controlled, toasty warm, happy little basement. It took about a mile and a half for the cobwebs to be blown off (yes, the treadmill fan was on ;)), then the body felt pretty good for the next 5.5 miles. Other than the little issue I am having with my right knee and my left glute - more simmering-chronic than show-stopping-acute.

    It's been a few months since I've been on the treadmill and I actually rather enjoyed this change in scenery. Because I kept the pace pretty easy (but why do treadmill sessions always feel harder than they should at the pace we go?) my feet would periodically hit the front panel. Oops. I guess maybe I was taking it a bit too easy. :o Highlight alert: the crescendo of the session occurred as I approached the last mile and the endorphins reached their peak and my inner musician kicked in and Chris Cornell and I belted out a sizzling rendition of "Doesn't Remind Me". :)

    Actual: 7 lovely miles on the treadmill

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    Plan: 2 miles easy, 3 x 1000m @ 10k pace (75% time recovery), 3 x 800m @ 5k pace (100% time recover), 2 miles easy

    Massive Christmas luncheon at work today meant no sneaky lunchtime had to resort to the treadmill this evening, and that was fine considering all the holiday cheer and chores I have yet to do and am starting to slightly stress about.....not to mention the nagging cough I've picked up....and all that damn food I ate today, including some amazing peanut butter pie with whipped cream and chocolate sauce......sigh.....

    Other than some fancy footwork with Jack White and his tip of the hat cover "I'm Shakin'", this was pretty much a nuts and bolts session. Did the easy easy. Did the 10k pace at 7:30. Did the 5k pace at 7:14. And got all the miles in per the plan.

    Actual: 9.2 miles in 1:22.44.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Treadmill Time, the Sequel

    Plan: 7 miles easy

    Well, I've come down with a full blown case of the creeping crud. Yep. Coughing, hacking, achey, stiff neck, tired, feel like crap - pretty classic stuff. But I'm not I had laundry to there was no legitimate reason to not get this session done it is. Tomorrow is a rest day (yay!) but I'm supposed to travel to Alexandria to visit my brother and his family for a Christmas weekend, so here's hoping I don't contaminate my dear family - I don't believe I remember seeing "the plague" on any of their Christmas lists.

    Actual: 7 snotty miles on the treadmill

    I'm glad to get these last 3 days out of the way, and I thank my treadmill for lending me a much needed hand, but I do believe I'm done with that apparatus for a while. :)

    Heading to bed to sleep this crud away....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Snot Trot :eek::o;):D

    Plan: 2 miles easy, 10 x (1 min on/2 min off), 2 miles easy

    With my cold now reaching substantially new heights (I believe I received a text from the CDC asking me to turn myself in to the neatest public health office ;)), and because I hardly slept last night due to the constant coughing I was doing, my brother and hubby were quite amused when I emerged at 7:45 this morning dressed and ready to go for a run. (We're visiting my brother in Alexandria.) Basically my thinking was, I couldn't sleep because I was miserable so I might as well get this session done and not waste time even if I was coughing up my left lung and blowing amazing amounts of snot out of my head while chain-sucking on cherry flavored throat lozengers. Duh. My brother gave me a bit of a lecture because my cold has gone to my chest, but after I explained that I really only had 10 minutes of hard running to do and that the rest was easy (and I promised him I'd go easy) he rolled his eyes and gave me one of those older brother looks that he's so good at....and I very merrily headed out the front door with snot rags, more cherry lozengers and a bottle of water. Good times! :o

    Down to the bike path that runs between the Potomac River and the George Washington Parkway I went - an old haunt of mine. As a kid, I spent many afternoons riding my bike from home to Old Town, so this was a treat for me. Well, other than the fact that I felt like I weighed 300 pounds and the wind was blowing me sideways, this was a treat for me. :eek: I suspected pretty early on that this would not be my stellar performance, and it wasn't. Oh well. I seem to be on a bit of a poor performance streak right now, but hopefully I'll snap out of it soon. I met many other runners on the path, many of whom were part of the Potomac Runners running club (they had club t-shirts on and a designated picnic table at the marina). I was initially a bit jealous of the running club because I think that is something I'd like to be a part of, but immediately snapped out of that rose colored glasses moment and was thankful to be running on my own considering the state I was in.

    No need to waste space on the easy sections of the run, let's just say they epitomized the word. Heck, I even took plenty of liberties by allowing myself guilt free recovery walking between fast intervals. The intervals themselves were so-so. The first few were into the wind and I would have bet you a million bucks they were my slowest ones, but they weren't.....and I was totally shocked and horrified when I saw my 8th interval as I have absolutely no idea what happened to me there. I will admit that I perhaps didn't totally push each and every fast minute so all of them probably could have been faster, but this is what I did on this day under these conditions, and without further ado here are the stats. (Will post Garmin as an edit later.)

    1 min on paces:
    6:35, 6:59, 6:35, 6:55, 6:51
    6:52, 7:14, 7:37, 7:05, 6:45

    Thinking about the 7th and 8th intervals, I believe these may have been slightly perhaps that's part of why they are so much slower than the rest.

    Actual: 7.29 miles in 1:09:19 for an average snail's pace of 9:30 min/mile.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    I'm hoping you're on the road to recovery and feeling much better:)

    Santa (well, the postman) delivered a beautiful Christmas decoration this morning and it has pride of place on our tree:D:D

    Warmest wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a very successful 2013 dearest DD, Boston here you come!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Better Than Nothing Session

    Yesterday's Plan: 14 miles easy

    My hope a week ago for this session was to do the exact same hilly 14 mile run I did last Sunday, complete with my camelback full of water, but I was way too sick yesterday to consider tackling this session then so I decided to put it off until today since we only worked a half day today. However, between this nagging cold with a chesty cough, and the wintry mix of sleet, snow and rain coming down outside, I opted to do this in the most artificial (if not warm and cozy) way possible - on the treadmill. Ugh! Just when I thought I was done with this revolving runway. Oh well. Better than nothing.

    The first 5 miles were a struggle - lungs and throat burning and some serious temptations to quit. Miles 6 through 12 were actually okay - White Christmas came on tv and I got into a steady rhythm watching Danny Kaye dance and Bing Crosby sing their respective little hearts out. Thank god there were only 2 more miles to go at this point because otherwise I probably would have stopped right then and there for my body was just about done, but I figured, what's 2 more miles??

    Came upstairs to find that in the 2 plus hours I spent getting this session done that the wintry mix had turned to snow. Looks like we're having a white Christmas in Virginia. :)

    Actual: 14 miles on the treadmill.

    This was supposed to be done was supposed to be cross train.....tomorrow is supposed to be 7 miles easy. What a mess when the body decides to get sick and you start tinkering with the plan!

    Merry Christmas everyone!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Elf Who Stole Christmas Session :(

    Plan: 7 miles easy

    I'm still sick - hacking up crap, lungs burning when I run, and still feeling pretty pooped. Also, the intense fog made it look like pea soup out there this morning plus the roads were spotted in ice. Oh, and our clinic was broken into and robbed last night and we've been up since 2:00 this morning dealing with the police and inventorying all that was stolen. All that combined, I made the decision to use the blessed treadmill yet again. This has not been my finest week.

    Actual: 7 miles on the treadmill while trying to remind myself what this day is supposed to be about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Oh, and our clinic was broken into and robbed last night and we've been up since 2:00 this morning dealing with the police and inventorying all that was stolen.

    I can't believe that. Someone breaks into a clinic on Christmas eve ?? :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    interested wrote: »
    I can't believe that. Someone breaks into a clinic on Christmas eve ?? :mad:

    Yep. Sucks. And they knew exactly what they wanted and where it was. And they prob knew exactly how much time they had to get in and out due to our alarm system and how fast the police got there (in 6 minutes). :(:mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yep. Sucks. And they knew exactly what they wanted and where it was. And they prob knew exactly how much time they had to get in and out due to our alarm system and how fast the police got there (in 6 minutes). :(:mad:

    At least nobody was hurt. Hell of a response time by the local law enforcement.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    interested wrote: »
    At least nobody was hurt. Hell of a response time by the local law enforcement.

    The first thing I did (after telling the 3 armed police officers who were getting ready to enter the building thinking that the robber was still in the building where exactly my clinic cats resided (since they are loose) and to not dare shoot them by mistake) after we were allowed to enter the building was to check on all the pets - and thankfully none had been harmed. Hell of a response because we are such a small town - you're never too far from law enforcement! Too bad that doesn't stop crime though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,957 ✭✭✭interested

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Too bad that doesn't stop crime though.

    Indeed. Never a good time to deal with anything like that. Hope it didn't dampen the Christmas cheer too much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Sorry to hear about this Dory, today of all days. Keep smiling, keep bright; light is the best way to fight against darkness. Most folk are sound as a pound. Merry feckin' Christmas girl:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about this Dory, today of all days. Keep smiling, keep bright; light is the best way to fight against darkness. Most folk are sound as a pound. Merry feckin' Christmas girl:)

    Merry feckin' Christmas Kurt. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Crap DD. hope all is okay with the clinic terrible thing to happen today of all days. that I think about your wager challenge for next year on a cold run the other night, will post thoughts on the log soon.
    Take care

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Least the animals were okay. Sorry to hear. But as usual you didn't let it qwell your spirit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Sorry to hear this DD - that really sucks. At least no one was hurt. Hope it does not sour the season. I come here for unfailing "positivity" boosts.

    Go easy on those lungs - I'm not sure that running on "burning lungs" is a good idea. Maybe take it easy for until you can start getting the quality sessions done again. Having been sick myself with something similar I could not imagine getting through 14 mile, but after a week of little running I have been able to get decent work in over the last two days. Rest is part of training too !

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday Night Session

    Plan: 7 miles at MP pace

    For the first morning in 5 mornings, I woke up feeling less like death warmed over and more like I might not have to worry about who to bequeath my shiny new pink compression socks to. (Merry Christmas to me! ;)) But, it snowed and sleeted all day :(, so a proper road run was not even an option I saddled up my treadie and away we went. My goal was to average this run between 8 and 8:20 min/mile, and I decided to start out nice and slow and then increase the speed every half a mile. Job done.

    Being sick these last 5 days has been no bed of roses. I have not been this sick in years, and I'm not very good at it. I did take one day off from training, and good god the crazy thoughts of failure and plan strategy and lost time and lost days and starting from scratch and slow as molasses in January and ARGHHHH.....this has totally screwed everything up!!!! PANIC!!!! Whew. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. But, on the bright side, if we had to have bad weather, I'm glad it happened now while I've been sick and forced me to do these sessions indoors. So at least there's that. I'm on the mend....should be good as new by the weekend. Oh, and the lung burning was much improved tonight - just smoldering ash. So there's that too. ;):)

    Actual: 7 miles in 57:18 for an average pace of 8:10 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭Abhainn

    Dory,very sorry to hear of the break in. Here is to 2013

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Jeez Dory, so sorry to hear about the break in. How horrible for ye. As Kurt so wisely said- remember that the majority of people are good and decent- dont let some scumbags damage that wonderful dispositon of yours :)
