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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    Ah, I was going to send you something delicious but I will wait, so.

    Mcos off the market this weekend? Ah jeez. Ruined my week!

    Aw, sending me something delicious?? :D Yep, just wait until I see you in October then you can give it to me in person!!

    And no worries about shotgun being off the market. I'm sure a little marriage won't ruin his skill for flirting. ;)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    And no worries about shotgun being off the market. I'm sure a little marriage won't ruin his skill for flirting. ;)
    KG has taught the young padawan well, I see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Perfectly gorgeous night....

    Plan: easy

    .....for a run. Seriously. Drop dead gorgeous actually. Stellar. Sunny....light humidity....comfortably warm. But, this wasn't a stellar-sunny-light-comfortable run. Blech. My legs are tired, and I'm not totally sure why since I haven't done a proper run since last Thursday. Maybe I shouldn't take time off....or perhaps I did too much fun stuff over the weekend and I'm paying the price...or my crappy diet the last couple of days is catching up with me.....or maybe waking up at 4 o'clock in the morning is taking its toll. But whatever it is, it better be long gone by tomorrow's session because there is no room in that session for mediocrity.

    My Garmin died on me just after mile 1 (must. recharge. tonight.), so I have no hard data about pace. I know the first mile was around 8 min/mile, and I suspect the average of the next 7/8 miles was somewhere around 8:20 min/mile. ??? I just ran by feel and kept it pretty easy due to the legs feeling like yesterday's news. And to make my life even more complicated, I ran a route I don't typically run, so after much math and measuring and estimating and imagining (all while I was running :cool:), I suspect that I put down ~8.5 pretty unremarkable miles on such a gorgeous night.

    Followed this up by dragging the yoga mat and supplies out by the pool to do some core, upper body, and stretching as the sun slowly retired into its evening slumber.

    Actual: ~8.5 miles at an unknown pace for an unknown time....core, upper body, stretching and sanity saving relaxation. Ommmm....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    In My New Running Ensemble

    Plan: 10 x (90 sec on (~6:15-6:25 pace)/2 min off)

    Needing a change in my scenery, I headed off to the local track to get this spiffy set done in style in my new running ensemble - cute, cute dark purple shorts with flouresent piping and purply-pink accents paired with a matching sleeveless dark purple running top and accents. Ooh la la!! ;):) I was looking good....feeling good....and after an easy 2 mile track round-and-around-warm-up, it was ready, set go.

    Okay....not too much to say about this run but I just hit it hard. I had a little company on the track - first, our local health department head honcho Mr. Dovel arrived on the scene to do his usual bleacher run followed by his signature running sideways and backwards on the track.....then there was the little fella who tried to take over my lane (not sure of track ettiquette, but I got there first!) and who I tried unsuccessfully to put an exclamation point on lane ownership by blowing him away during one of my "on" sets....and then there was the super nice and quite stout young man with red hair who has a diabetic cat named Triggy and whose name escapes me at the moment but who I know and like doing some bleacher/hill/field/sprinting-in-the-wrong-direction-but-not-in-my-lane work. Three guys and me. I guess it could be worse. ;)

    Paces for a run such as this, especially on a static track and with the obvious limitations the Garmin has computing pace for such a short distance, were pretty steady. Well, really steady if you take the Garmin paces as gospel.....which I don't....BUT, I think they indicate a few things: I was certainly at or under my goal pace, and I was able to put out relatively consistent effort. I started to really have to push things after the 5th spiffy "on" and I honestly considered stopping at the halfway point to catch my breath, but I knew that would defeat the purpose and benefit of this session so instead I decided I would slow up my "off". And that slow up morphed from a nice easy 2 minute trot to a 1 minute walk/1 minute trot. Gah. Oh well. From my perspective, at least I kept it within the boundaries of this session.

    Paces for the "on" per the Garmin, and I am NOT kidding:
    5:46, 5:46, 5:46, 5:46, 6:00
    6:00, 5:46, 6:00, 5:46, 5:46

    And because this is so much more interesting, paces for the "off" per the Garmin:
    8:20, 8:00, 7:42, 8:00, 10:00
    10:32, 9:31, 10:00, 10:32, 12:30

    Finished up with a 1 mile easy cool down.

    Actual: 7.74 miles, including 2 mile warmup and 1 mile cool down


    Did a quick change out of my brilliant running ensemble and into my bright orange/pink/black Speedo, then down to the pool I went to shake out the body and legs. Did this very simply - just 10 sets of 200s with about 20 seconds in between. Effort was increasing. I'm trying to concentrate on my stroke - proper stroke <cough, cough> - and feeling it a little in my puny triceps. :o;):D

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    A Good Day To Be A Duck

    Plan: easy

    Rain, rain and more rain. All day long. So, I opted to have my focus tonight be on swimming; therefore, I did this easy breezy on the treadmill and followed it up with stretching, abs and upper body. Lovely.

    Actual: 3 miles on the treadmill done easy as pie....stretching, abs, upper body

    Swim set....

    The rain was still gently falling from the cloud covered sky when I got out to the pool....and the evening air temperature had dropped into the chilly zone, making the water feel so much warmer than usual even though the water temp had also dropped but not in proportion to the air temp, thus proving that everything is relative. I eased myself into the pool and took a minute to appreciate the scene before me as I fiddled with my pink Vanquisher goggles....and as I appreciated the dark, gloomy sky that set the moody backdrop to the rain that was falling around me...and as I appreciated the steam that was rising off the water's surface in the quiet of the late evening....and as I appreciated the comforting feeling of the warm water around my cool body, I was thankful that Mother Nature saw fit to remind me of the power she wields and the dynamic beauty she can create.

    The swim set itself was good. I did a bit more yardage than I've been doing, so that's a plus. I'm nowhere near where I want to be speed-wise, but upping the mileage and working on my stroke and my strength-challengened upper body is a starting point I'm happy with for now.

    1,200 yard easy (400 free, 2 x 200 stroke focus, 400 free)
    5 x 400 yard free, descending - easy to 80% effort
    400 yard easy, mixture of free and breast

    Total swim: 3,600 yards

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Mr. Robinson much?

    Plan: easy

    Well, so starts my mentoring of a 14 year old youngin' who has asked if he can run with me some in preparation for his first half marathon coming up in 12 weeks. Yikes! This young lad is on the high school cross country and track teams, a good kid with a very attentive and nurturing single/widow mom, and I have always engaged him in conversation about running when I see him, but I never would have guessed he'd want me to help him prepare for his 13.1 mile big day. Doesn't he know I know nothing about running from a coach's perch?? Just because I made the front page of our local rag of a paper because I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time in Boston (which has me thinking about our very own Abhainn and his front page media coverage and headlines ;)) does not mean I know what the feck I am doing. But I am delighted for the vote of confidence from this young man, and how in the world could or would I turn him down? So off we go.

    Tonight was my maiden voyage with my young student, and I explained to my young fella pace strategy as we loosened up in the parking lot - explained that we should keep to an 8:15 to 8:30 pace so we don't die a slow death late in the run...and I could have scripted exactly how this might go down. I knew going into this run that I had two options: be a strict partner/coach and force him to slow down and be pace disciplined from the get go (listen to me, Ms. Undisciplined herself!), or let him learn about pace discipline the hard way by allowing him to ignore my words of wisdom then watch him be reduced to panting, heaving, and crawling home. Let's just say he had a hard lesson tonight. But I think tonight's lesson was much more effective than if I had forced him to slow down. Paces were as follows: 7:33, 7:45, 7:59, 9:04, 8:36, 9:09, 4:40 (9:09). Tsk, tsk.

    For me, this was an enjoyable run. Legs felt good...I was quite the Chatty Cathy with my companion, imparting all sorts of crap to him from school to running to race strategy to arm pumping to needing to slow down to we didn't slow down so now this feeling of shortness of breath and cramping in your stomach and begging me to slow down over and over again is the result of not slowing down. Yeah, I think he learned about pace discipline tonight. ;):D

    Actual: 6.51 miles in 54:48:18 for an average pace of 8:25 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    From Puddles to Steam

    Plan: 2 hours easy

    When I set sail on this 2 hour journey it was chilly and rainy, but when I headed back into the clinic parking lot and docked my booty into the pier it was hot and steamy. What a difference a couple of hours can make!!

    I did my hilly Lake Arrowhead run today for a change. I like this run because it's on a winding road with a nice section that goes through a wooded area that takes me away from the hustle bustle of Main Street. The biggest negative about this run is that the road is narrow, and because it's a winding, narrow road it can be a bit dangerous in places with the cars wizzing by me. More than once I had to hop off the road and into the grass to avoid being the next skeletol memory of "what was".....and trust me, there were plenty of those already deep in the asphalt from cars running over them over and over and over again.

    But probably the most interesting sensory stimuli I experienced on this run was the very loud mating song of the periodic cicadas as I ran through the wooded section noted above. At first I didn't know exactly what I was hearing - it sounded I was in the middle of a sci fi movie - but then it hit me!!! THE CICADAS!!!'s been 17 years since the last cycle, and here we are once again having to deal with their deafening noise and the carcasses they leave behind. Here's a link for anyone interested -

    The run itself was fine. The ol body protested at first and didn't want to get in the groove, but I didn't fight it and decided if the body wanted to go slow, then slow we'd go. I was pleasantly surprised, however, that with each passing mile the body found the love and rewarded me with some decent paces that were commensurate with the ups and downs specific to each mile. No complaints today....all is well....and there will be an easy swim in the books within the hour. Whoop whoop! :)

    Actual: 15 miles in 1:59:40 for an average pace of 7:59 min/mile
    8:30, 8:13, 8:05, 8:07, 8:26
    7:50, 7:48, 8:32, 8:07, 7:24
    7:24, 7:23, 7:31, 7:58, 8:10

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Math geeks love cicadias. Crazy little buggers eat everything, so seem to self-regulate the larder between two distinct populations, the 13-year and 17-year awakeners. It's speculated that they developed this prime number arrangement naturally, so they'd only both appear at the table every 13*17=221 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Math geeks love cicadias. Crazy little buggers eat everything, so seem to self-regulate the larder between two distinct populations, the 13-year and 17-year awakeners. It's speculated that they developed this prime number arrangement naturally, so they'd only both appear at the table every 13*17=221 years.

    I totally thought of you when I was reading and writing about the cicadas. ;):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    A very wonderful straight 2,000 yard swim in my very wonderful pool...all by the beautiful early evening. Nothing more to add.

    Actual: 2,000 yards

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    But I think tonight's lesson was much more effective than if I had forced him to slow down. Paces were as follows: 7:33, 7:45, 7:59, 9:04, 8:36, 9:09, 4:40 (9:09). Tsk, tsk.

    Sounds like if you caught him smoking you would be of the "now smoke the whole box" opinion (or carton as you would call it) and leave him sick for two days after.

    Next to instill a love of the Foo Fighters and Green Day in to this young blank canvas

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Sounds like if you caught him smoking you would be of the "now smoke the whole box" opinion (or carton as you would call it) and leave him sick for two days after.

    Next to instill a love of the Foo Fighters and Green Day in to this young blank canvas

    Too funny....because that is exactly what my mom threatened to do with me when she found a pack of cigarettes in my room when I was in Elementary school. Must be an Irish thing.

    The Foo Fighters and Green Day may be a tough order to fill as he was wearing a bright pink tshirt when we ran. Don't get me wrong, a guy who can pull off wearing pink or purple is a hottie in my book, but I'm just guessing he's more into LMFAO.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Morning, Noon and Night

    Plan: easy

    I knew I was just about at my target mileage for the week, so I decided to streamline this little run by getting up bright and early before work and shaking out the cobwebs on the treadie. I kept it nice and easy so as not to upset the ol bones before they had a chance to organize themselves for the day.

    Actual: 3 sleepy miles on the treadie before the sun had crested over the mountian

    With only 10 weeks to go until my triathlon, it's way past giddy up time. I've only sort of been on the Mad One one day a few weeks back, and that was just some silly commuting to work miles, so today it was a proper spin on the sprint tri course.

    Let me preface all this by saying....I totally suck on the bike. Even with a gem of a steed as my Mad One, I still suck. To keep pressure and disappointment down today, I approached today's ride as one to: 1) reacquaint me with the course, 2) get comfortable being clipped in to the bike, and 3) work on embracing the loss of control I feel when I'm going downhill, gripping the handlebars with white knuckles and riding the brake the entire way. :o Not kidding. You should have heard the noise that was going on in my head on this ride - circle, circle,, circle, circle....elbows in...body low...sit back....pressure on feet....feather the brakes....clip out....look both ways...clip, circle, circle. And I have no idea if any of that is even correct instruction. My biggest hurdle is by far my fear of the downhill. If I can get over that, I'll be in pretty good shape. My next biggest hurdle is clipping in and out, and I imagine that just takes practice. I'm also trying to learn how to pedal properly being clipped in, hence the circle, circle, circle mantra I had going on. I tend to be a masher, so this circle idea is not second nature to me.

    I guess this ride was productive, I just need time on the bike which is easier said than done. My goal for the next 10 weeks is to get one decent (decent for me) ride on the weekend, and one quality bike session on the trainer during the week. Not great, but it will have to be good enough.

    Actual: 17.4 miles in a slow 1:06:xx with a top speed of 30-something mph

    Night.... staple 2,000 yard swim done in the loveliest of lovely evening sunshine. I'd write about the joy these swims in solitude bring me...or how wonderful the lush mountain setting is to look at between sets...or how the water washes away all the stresses of life....but I'll save all that for another day.

    This was done as a straight and steady 1,000 easy, followed by 5 x 200 concentrating on strength and efficiency of stroke.

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

    Target running mileage this week: 45 miles
    Actual running mileage this week: 46.45 miles

    Actual swimming yards this week: 11,600 yards

    Actual bike mileage this week: 17.4 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    A New Week Begins

    Plan: recovery

    It was pouring buckets of rain and thundering and lightning when I got off work this evening so it was an easy decision to do this recovery session in the basement on my trusty treadie. I followed it up with much needed love to the upper body and abs, and did some very nice stretching with both house cats vying for my attention.

    Actual: 4 recovery miles on the treadie embarrassing....I just noticed my Mrs. Robinson title was typed in error as Mr. Robinson. Ohforheaven'ssake!!! And it's too late to edit it. :o

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You forgot 'relax your shoulders' 'back and forth pedals' and 'play piano with your fingers' on the bike. :)

    And downhill adjust your weight forward and feather the brakes.

    Now. Teach me to run fast. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    You forgot 'relax your shoulders' 'back and forth pedals' and 'play piano with your fingers' on the bike. :)

    And downhill adjust your weight forward and feather the brakes.

    Now. Teach me to run fast. ;)

    Does "Heart and Soul" count? :D

    Thanks for the tips - not sure what you mean by "back and forth pedals"??? And...teach you to run fast? Oh my....that'd be like the blind leading the blind, except that the one being led isn't as blind as she thinks. ;)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Back and forth pedals do exactly what they say on the tin. If the circle your pedal makes were a clock face, you think as if you're going from 9 to 3 and back again without passing 12. Its best done as a single leg drill on a turbo, to get the feel for it. Other useful single leg drills:

    Scrape mud, on the back part of the stroke, 'scrape mud off your shoe'
    Toes forward, push your toes into the front of your shoe for the whole stroke
    Foot up, press the top of your foot against the top of your shoe for the whole stroke

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thank you, IronWoman, for those tips. :)

    One Tough Session

    Plan: 4 x (6 min on (5k to 10k pace)/3 min off)

    Good god. :eek: What can I say about this session??

    - I ate very poorly today.
    - I ate very poorly yesterday.
    - I probably ate very poorly at the weekend.
    - Did this on the Greenway.
    - The 2 mile warmup was tough, truly could not imagine being able to hit my desired ~7 min/mile "on" pace.
    - The 6 minute intervals were miserable...felt dizzy and thought I was going to puke....and perhaps my pace was too hot and undisciplined. (imagine that!)
    - It was hot.
    - Took full advantage of the 3 min "off".
    - The 1+ mile cool down was s-l-o-w.
    - Caught the eye of a 74 year old man who recognized me from the Boston bombing tv interview I did and approached me when I finished the run to chat about "things". Boston just never seems to end......

    "On" paces as follows:
    6:23, 6:19, 6:27, 6:27

    "Off" paces for sh*ts and giggles:
    8:20, 12:00, 10:43, 12:30

    This was really, really most sincerely tough. My upper body/arms got a good workout on this one as I tend to rely on the pump to keep my legs ticking over when they'd rather slow down. And, I employed some of my "tricks" I use when I'm hating life on the treadmill, like relaxing the entire body and trying to separate the mind from the body. But the best part of this session was when it was over. :)

    Actual: 2 mile warmup, 4.87 miles of guts, 1.13 mile cool down....totaling 8 miles (nice how that worked out to be such a round number :D)


    I really think my body appreciated a nice swim after a tough run...and tonight my body was thanking me profusely.

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Triple Play

    Plan: easy

    Skipped out at lunch and did this one field-style. Not too, too much to say about this little run other than I had originally planned on doing 8 miles, but by 6 miles I was starting to wilt in the hot sun, and my easy pace was dropping even further than a respectable easy, and my glute and hamstring that have been feeling much better started to become inflamed, and I was tired of fighting the grass and uneven surface, so I decided to call it a day when I reached 7 miles as I could see no further benefit being derived from this run.

    Actual: 7.06 miles in 1:01:18 for an average pace of 8:41 min/mile


    Hit the pool upon arriving home from work. I dug out the trusty pool clock and fired it up (after I replaced the battery) for the first time this season. My goal is to try and get 2 quality swim sessions each week, and fill the remainder of most days with my lovely jubbly recovery swims that my mind and body have become quite addicted to. Tonight was all about a starting point. I've maybe done one quality swim session since my pool has opened, and now with some times in the books, the work begins. ;)

    800 yard warm up
    100 yard easy
    60 seconds rest
    100 yard timed
    600 yard easy
    60 seconds rest
    400 yard timed
    400 yard cool down

    Actual: 2,400 yard swim


    I had set up the bike on the deck before I hopped in the this was done in the fresh air as the sun was setting over the Massanutten Mountain. My pace was miserably slow, but I pushed it best I could and let the legs burn and chanted in my, circle, circle, back and forth, back and forth, scape mud off and something else I couldn't remember, toes to the front, foot to the top, circle, circle, circle......

    Actual: 10 miles on the trainer

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    What's the deal with people who give their run paces but omit their swim paces?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    What's the deal with people who give their run paces but omit their swim paces? was a test to see if anyone actually pays attention to my log? ;)

    Times were okay I guess for where I am and for the lack of swim training I've done....
    100 yard came in at 1:12
    400 yard came in at 5:26

    <Kurt furiously rushes to do conversions and calculations.....> ;):)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: » was a test to see if anyone actually pays attention to my log? ;)

    Times were okay I guess for where I am and for the lack of swim training I've done....
    100 yard came in at 1:12
    400 yard came in at 5:26

    <Kurt furiously rushes to do conversions and calculations.....> ;):)

    Jeez, you've just hopped back into the pool and you can pull out those times? Great going, thats seriously impressive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oh good god....

    Plan: 30 minute tempo

    I am not even going to waste much real estate with this post....suffice it to say that Mother Nature screwed with my night by dropping a little crazy storm action on us with a side order threat of swirly tornadoes. So.....down to the safety of the basement and on my trusty treadie to get this done sweaty style. 2 miles warm up....30 minutes at 7:04 min/mile.....1 mile cool down. Barf. This was awful...hated it...barely got it done. I seriously had to force myself to do this session from the start....and then the 7:04 pace seemed impossible....but it is done....and I will do everything in my power to block it from my memory. Barf.

    Actual: 7.26 miles in an hour....with 4.26 miles at 7:04 min/mile pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Oh good god....

    Plan: 30 minute tempo

    I am not even going to waste much real estate with this post....suffice it to say that Mother Nature screwed with my night by dropping a little crazy storm action on us with a side order threat of swirly tornadoes. So.....down to the safety of the basement and on my trusty treadie to get this done sweaty style. 2 miles warm up....30 minutes at 7:04 min/mile.....1 mile cool down. Barf. This was awful...hated it...barely got it done. I seriously had to force myself to do this session from the start....and then the 7:04 pace seemed impossible....but it is done....and I will do everything in my power to block it from my memory. Barf.

    Actual: 7.26 miles in an hour....with 4.26 miles at 7:04 min/mile pace

    Hope you made it through the storm ( what the heck is a "derecho" ?). I wake up every morning expecting to be in Kanas. So what's the plan or is that on need to know basis again ? Yes, we're paying attention !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Hope you made it through the storm ( what the heck is a "derecho" ?). I wake up every morning expecting to be in Kanas. So what's the plan or is that on need to know basis again ? Yes, we're paying attention !!

    Hey there!!! I hope your bronchitis is a faded memory by now....and I hope this response does not find you and Toto residing unexpectedly in Kansas. ;) And yes, I did make it through the storm just fine - it really wasn't too awful in our county, thank goodness. There was a derecho that hit our area about a year ago and it was wicked. My understanding is that to be defined as a derecho the wind damage zone must exceed 240 miles and the wind gusts must be greater than 58 mph. Crazy stuff.

    The plan?? You mean what is on my race schedule? If so, I've a 5k (a Vine to Wine race :D) on Friday, June 28th. Then I'm looking for a 10k and may have found one the second weekend in July. In August I am doing two days worth of triathlon (I believe it's the 3rd weekend in August), followed by a Spartan race the very next weekend. I'd like to do a 10 mile or half marathon in September, but am still looking into that. I've signed up for a half marathon in October (first weekend) in my hometown of Alexandria - it's a point to point on the George Washington Parkway (they close the parkway for us runners) starting at historic Mt. Vernon and ending at the National Harbor. Then I have the Dublin City Marathon at the end of October (whoop whoop!!!), and six days later I have the New York City marathon. :eek::D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Easy in the Field

    Plan: easy

    Did this easy run in the field with Mr. Smith's black cat keeping watch over me. This was a no Garmin night, so it was slow and delightful....even stopped twice to fuss over my favorite field cat who purred and pranced in appreciation for the attention I was showing him. The legs and body feel pretty good, but I need to watch my weight as it's down below my Boston weight and I think it's starting to wear on me energy-wise. Must. Eat. More.

    Actual: ~4.2 lovely field miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Saturday Double

    Plan: easy

    The sun was shining and there was nary a cloud in the, in other words it was a fairly hot day out there today. The first 5 miles were done west-end-town-style to get in a few hills and because the thought of running the boring east end of town is soul crushing at the moment, and then I used the flat of the Greenway as a happy interlude before I tackled a few more hills on my way back to the clinic.

    My goal for this run was to average 8 min/mile and to keep things in a very comfortable zone. I think I pretty much accomplished that, but honestly around mile 6 (coincidentally, I was on the flat Greenway on mile 6) I started to feel a lack of energy. Was it the heat? Was it the fact that my diet is in the toilet? Probably a bit of both. :( But, the diet will be my focus this coming week. I can't control the weather.

    Splits: 7:58, 8:05, 7:58, 8:19 (easing up the hill), 7:44 (easing down the hill), 7:47, 8:05, 8:13

    Actual: 8 miles in 1:04:15 for an average pace of 8:02 min/mile


    Ah, it was a gorgeous evening to be playing in the pool. <sigh> Have I mentioned recently how much I love my pool? Well I do. Just about more than anything in the whole wide world. Really. Trust me. It's true.

    In my quest to get a little quality into my swim, I did a nice set of 5 x 200 yard free off 3 minutes in the middle of this swim. The first 200 came in around 2:45, the next three came in right around 2:50, and the last one came in around 2:45. I concentrated on my pull, and I could feel the workload in my puny arms. I am all kick to be honest, but I've always been all kick. And it occurred to me as I was dragging out the clock that my kick board and pull buoy are probably feeling pretty neglected considering I haven't even had them in the pool with me yet!

    1,000 yard free
    5 x 200 yard free off 3 minutes
    1,000 yard free

    Actual: 3,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,828 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Great swim times after a winter of no swimming Dory. If I miss a week in the pool I'm almost back to wearing water wings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Great running and swimming Dory. Do you get out much on the bike?????

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Great running and swimming Dory. Do you get out much on the bike?????

    The bike? I have a love/hate/fear/thrill thing with the bike....but I did get out on it today. I don't do any of those epic rides that all you fine folk do on two wheels, but today's ride was a good one.....and I'll write about that in just a bit. :)
