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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Then I have the Dublin City Marathon at the end of October (whoop whoop!!!), and six days later I have the New York City marathon. :eek::D

    Bronchitis thrives sad to say. Mrs P has been completely florred and blames me. :rolleyes:

    Six days :eek::eek::eek::eek: .... well might see you in NY - I may be crewing for Mrs P.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad

    The Mad One

    Ah, the love affair begins. <sigh> He, all in his crisp summer white with perfectly engineered patches of grey and yellow.....and me, decked out in my little all black sleeveless number with strategically placed splashes of neon pink and white. Oh, me and my Mad One. <sigh>

    I headed out to Lake Arrowhead after work this morning to try and tackle the sprint course once again, with my two goals being 1) to get comfortable on the bike and 2) to formulate an attack plan to mastering the course. I knew from the very first hill in the very first mile that this was going to be a good ride as I immediately geared down (terminology??) to a proper ring (terminology?) and up the hill I went with very little trouble. And, further evidence of how good this ride was going to be occurred when I actually descended the corresponding hill without white knuckles and without braking the entire way down. Happy days!!! I allowed myself to trust in the bike and my balance....and I thought about some of the advice I've been given to help me be comfortable while blazing down a hill - pressure on feet, low on the bike, lean forward, feather the brakes (only when I felt I needed to) - and it really worked. And, I paid attention to all the intricacies of the course - the ups the downs, the flats the drags, the curves the turns, the places where I can make time, the places where I will lose time, and the places I can take a little breather. All good.

    Happy with this ride....and I was 2 to 3 minutes faster than last weekend's ride, even with some pretty good wind today. However, thinking back on the ride, I did have a tail wind at the longest drag that really did help me today, so perhaps the time savings is a bit inflated due to that, but it still was a good ride. :)

    Actual: 17.3 miles in 1:03:34 for an average pace of 16 mph with a top speed of 33 mph

    Run plan: 90 minutes steady

    I parked the bike, did a quick wardrobe change, downed some gatorade and water, swallowed a few shot bloks, and off I went....with the intention of doing 11.5 to 12 miles in 90 minutes.....but knowing in my heart that I had probably set myself up to fail, which I did. :( By the time I started this run it was noon-ish - and between the heat of the sun and the fatigue in my legs, I was beaten before I even began. I had decided to not worry too much about pace as I set sail, that this run would have to be more about time spent running rather than a pace that would be textbook '"steady".

    The first few miles were littered with too many vehicles heading to the lake on the narrow road I was running on, thus causing me to have to hop into the ditch of this very narrow road to prevent myself from becoming a line in this week's local paper. Apparently Sunday afternoons on a very hot day on the road leading to the lake is not the best choice to run on. Too. Frickin'. Dangerous. But, I was feeling pretty good and I was happy with my pace for the first few miles. Happy until I wasn't. Happy until mile 6 when I hit the first of the hardest hills. Happy until on mile 6 on the first of the hardest hills when I started to hate this run and could not stomach my initial plan of getting to the summit and then turning around and doing this course backwards back to the lake. I. Could. Not. Stomach. The. Thought. So I made the very hard decision (that really wasn't so hard at that very moment when I was hating life) to just keep plowing ahead, not turn around at the summit, and cut this run short by continuing the 1.5 miles beyond the summit back to the lake. I knew I'd be about 3 miles short of my goal, but it meant nothing to me at that moment.

    So, what are my thoughts? Well, I must not try and do a quality run session after an hour ride on the bike??? Or, how am I ever going to be able to make it through a HIM if I can't even run a half marathon after only 17 miles on the bike??? Or, I haven't taken a day off from running in two weeks and maybe I need to structure my training week better than I did this past week???? Oh, so many thoughts.

    Any way....paces as follows:
    8:01, 7:52, 8:04, 8:24, 8:05, 8:26, 8:47, 8:31, 4:38 (8:45)

    Actual: 8.53 miles in 1:10:52 for an average pace of 8:18 min/mile


    This was a really wonderful swim. Wonderful in the sense that I did 2,000 straight yards without stopping and got into a beautiful rhythm that was solid and strong, which really surprised me after fading so badly on the run. When I get into this steady rhythm, I can practically swim with my eyes closed and know exactly where the wall is and when to employ the flip turn. This was one of those swims that could have gone on forever, it was so lovely and enjoyable. I. Felt. Good. :D

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

    Target run mileage for the week: 50 miles
    Actual run mileage for the week: 47.05 miles

    Actual swim for the week: 9,400 yards

    Actual bike for the week: 27.3 miles

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgmcpq wrote: »
    Bronchitis thrives sad to say. Mrs P has been completely florred and blames me. :rolleyes:

    Six days :eek::eek::eek::eek: .... well might see you in NY - I may be crewing for Mrs P.

    If you are there, we should hook up!! :)

    Oh, and so sorry about the bronchitis!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Easy Outing

    Run plan: recovery

    I have promised to help one of my girlfriends get into shape for the sprint run leg of the local triathlon that she's doing relay style, and tonight was our first night to whip her @ss into shape. Wellllll.....we've a long way to go to get her ready for race day, but she tried hard...probably went out too hard....has never done hills...and she really does have a great attitude. We'll get her there. Slowly but surely we'll get her there.

    Actual: 3.1 miles running, walking, skipping, talking, laughing, chatting..... You get the picture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Running holiday, day 1 of 2 days


    It rained all day long today. All day. The entire day, it rained. But, a funny thing happened when I got off from work this evening....the sun came out and it was super-duper drop-dead gorgeous out there!!!! Ahhhh....into the speedo and out to the pool.....pause to appreciate the beauty of the surroundings....then a happy little hop into the comfortably warm water. :D

    Today's session's heart and soul was a set of IMs (individual medleys, for those uninitiated). IMs....I haven't done a set of proper IMs in eons!! That means you do butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle in that order. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Hmmm. Backstroke, no problem. Breaststroke, weakest discipline. Freestyle, it's freestyle. But, butterfly. :( Dear, sweet, beautiful butterfly...oh how you used to be my friend....but oh how my puny arms and shoulders have let you down in recent years. "V" shape? Did someone say "V" shape??? That's right, find yourself a true-blue butterflier and you will visually experience the artistically sculptured and well honed body that is the "V" shape. Point of reference, Michael Phelps.

    1,000 yards, alternating freestyle and backstroke
    10 x 80 yard IM, off on 1:30 (averaged 1:10 to 1:13)
    400 easy

    Actual swim: 2,200 yards


    Trainer on deck, check.
    Sun setting over the Massanutten, check.
    Bathing suit dripping wet, check.

    This was a low resistence, high cadence sort of spin. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Actual trainer: 10 miles

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Running holiday, day 2 of 2 days


    Butterfly, my old friend, oh how we are getting to know each other once again. <sigh> Yep, two nights in a row of doing some that must mean it was IM night again. But tonight, the distance was doubled....making my arms that much more fatigued....making me work that much harder....making me realize the cruelty purpose of this set, I think. I am just hoping I won't have to purchase a whole new wardrobe to accommodate my shoulders and arms that are undoubtedly on the fast track to becoming unusually large due to all the "V" shape chiseling butterfly I am doing. (see last night's post for previous discussion of "V" shape) ;)

    The other quality jewel in tonight's swim set was a timed 5 x 100 yard freestyle kick that, to my marathon running surprise, I could feel more than I anticipated I would in the quads.

    5 x 200 yard freestyle, easy to 80% effort with 10 second rest
    5 x 100 yard free kick, all in on 1:40ish, off on 2 minutes
    400 easy
    6 x 160 yard IM
    200 cool down

    Actual swim: 3,060

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Kicking faster than some of us swim...that's just sick!!!! :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Running holiday, the sequel


    This very simple session went pretty well. It was nothing fancy, but it forced me to really concentrate on my stroke, and on the strength of the pull/push. All good.

    400 yard warm up - easy to 80% effort
    2 minute rest
    10 x 200 yard freestyle - all in on 2:45 to 2:50, off on 3:00
    200 yard cool down

    Actual: 2,600 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Let the next phase begin....

    Run plan: easy

    So, after planning on taking two days off from running because my body was tired I actually took three days off because, well, I just did. But tonight I ran. I ran with my 14 year old fella who is training for a half marathon at the beginning of September, and it was surprisingly not as easy as I would have thought it would have been. :confused::eek: Granted, overall it was easy, but the first mile had me huffing and puffing and it was a bit worrisome; however, I very shrewdly never let on to my little friend during that first mile that he was killing me while he was chattering on like he didn't have a care in the world. But, soon enough I could hear the telltale sound of things crashing to the ground when the labored breathing of my companion became audible on mile two. And then the requests to slow down began....and then the admission of tummy trouble was shared.....and then the belching began....and then the query if this was the last hill.....and then the request to walk a bit.....and then the apologies. Poor guy - September is not all that far away! But we'll keep at it.

    Work starts again tomorrow. I will have to figure out a way to keep with my running plan while allowing for sufficient quaility swim and bike time without burning myself out and going mad. Balance. It will have to be about balance and smart planning. I. Can. Do. It. :)

    Actual: 4.7 miles in 40:46.7 for an average pace of 8:41 min/mile

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Balance and planning? Read my 2012 log from July onwards and then Don't Do That.

    And even though you try to hide it, I hear your glee at running that poor chap into the ground. You are a cruel, cruel mistress Mrs Robinson.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »

    And even though you try to hide it, I hear your glee at running that poor chap into the ground. You are a cruel, cruel mistress Mrs Robinson.

    Am I that transparent? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    A New Day

    Run plan: 2 mile warm up, 1 min hard(1 min easy), 2(2), 3(3), 4(4), 3(3), 2(2), 1(1), 2 mile cool down

    Please lord, tell me this was supposed to be a tough session because it felt very tough to me. Ugh. Highlights as follows:

    - Hot, hot, hot outside.
    - Tummy started to act up 10 minutes before I took off.
    - Did this entire session on the Greenway.
    - I didn't feel like I had that extra gear I needed to get this done properly today.
    - In fact, I felt like I was missing a few gears I needed to get this done properly today.
    - Started walking/stopping for water during the recovery intervals about halfway through the session.
    - Never would have guessed I did the paces I did in the order I did them.

    "Hard" paces as follows:
    1 min - 6:40
    2 min - 6:27
    3 miin - 6:31
    4 min - 6:09
    3 min - 6:15
    2 min - 5:53
    1 min - 6:15

    Actual: 8 miles in 1:05:36 for an average pace of 8:12 min/mile

    As pooped as I was from this session, I decided it had been way too long since I had done any upper body or ab work, therefore I dabbled in some of that jazz outside by the pool immediately upon arriving back home.


    Just a simple recovery swim that I could have done blindfolded.

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    @ss Backwards

    Run Plan: 90 minute long run

    I was stopped dead in my tracks as I left the house before six this morning at the sight of the most beautiful rainbow staring me dead in the face. It actually startled me. I don't know that I've ever seen a rainbow at that hour....and I had no idea that there had been any precipitation as the evidence was not obvious to me. As I was paralyzed in thought appreciating its beauty, I had to wonder, based on a few recent events in my life, if its presence before me was deliberate...if there was any crazy symbolism - good or bad - in it.....was it a sign....WAS SOMEBODY TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING!!!??? :o Or maybe my overactive imagination just didn't get enough sleep last night.

    Any way.....this run was done the-streets-of-town-style that morphed into peaceful-and-serene-by-the-Hawksbill-Creek-on-the-Greenway-style that concluded in my-field-where-anything-is-possible-style. It was a fine run that was done on a completely empty stomach, which was no issue at all. Who knew?? I did take one bottle of water and one bottle of Gatorade to sip along the way, but that was it. Happy days. :)

    Actual: 10 miles in 1:25:38 for an average pace of 8:34 min/mile


    Well, I found my gear that was missing on yesterday's run. Whoop whoop, this was a really good ride for me. :D After my run, I headed to work for a few hours where I downed two bowls of cereal, a banana, and a big glass of orange juice (with ice in it), and then just before I blasted off with the Mad One, I consumed 4 shot bloks for a bit of energy insurance. Must've done the trick because I was feeling strong from the very first hill all the way to the very last hill. Even the 2 mile drag that I'm usually hating life on felt like a doddle to me. AND, I even had a fierce wind coming at me on this 2 mile drag at an 11 o'clock diagonal that had me bouncing around a bit, and that was further compounded by a huge-@ss truck and trailer that blew by me and pushed me around even more making me see my life flash before my eyes. Holy merde! :eek: I probably should have been saying a few Our Fathers and Hail Marys at that moment instead of the ripe with passion profanity I was spewing at the driver.

    But, the good news is I am getting over my fear of the downhill - barely used the break, and there was less white knuckling. I was comfortable and aggressive and tried to be efficient with my energy when I could be.....and I tried to use a smaller ring on the uphills, and kept pedaling when I could on the downhills. The best news is I shaved off another 2 minutes on this course. I'm getting it. And I really enjoyed this ride. Me and my Mad One. :)

    Actual bike: 17.4 miles in 1:01:17 for an average speed of 17 mph with top speed of 35.2 mph


    Yes, another enjoyable recovery swim to clear the mind and set the world right while I continued to reflect on the amazing rainbow from this morning and attached all sorts of crazy meanings to it. Oh if only I had a crystal ball! ;)

    Actual swim: 2,000 yards

    Actual run mileage for the week: 25.8 miles

    Actual bike mileage for the week: 27.4 miles

    Actual swim yardage for the week: 11,860 yards

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    The Monday Double, the middle thing doesn't count

    Run plan: easy

    In my attempt to structure the next 8 weeks wisely and accommodate both marathon and triathlon training without going mad or exhausting the body to the point that my posts make grown men weep, I am going to try (key word, try) and do (at least) two of my easy runs each week during lunch in my field to allow for a few quality swim sessions in those evenings. And further, because these are easy runs, and because they are in my field, I will not be wearing my Garmin for these runs. I know quite intimately the distance of the field, and leaving that watch safe and sound in the house will keep me sane and allow me to enjoy these little mid-day jaunts.

    So, today was one of those mid-day the heat, under the hot sun, and without a single bunny or groundhog or kitty to keep me company. I guess they all had the good sense to stay "indoors" and keep cool. I kept things nice and easy and had a grand time. The field is semi-rugged so the knees and body take a bit of a different beating than they do on the streets, but the convenience and privacy of this little slice of heaven affords a quite welcome option to the very public and very asphalt streets.

    Actual: ~4.2 miles

    Immediately post-run while still in my stinkin' and perspiration soaked running clothes, gave some love to the upper body and abs. Oh, and did some nice stretching too.


    The gorgeous evening that was this evening was the byproduct of a very short but effective storm that blew out as quickly as it blew in this afternoon. And it was in this gorgeous evening that I did this very quality swim set.

    The heart of this sesson was the 4 x 400 free set that were off on 6 minutes. My time from the stand alone timed 400 from a week or two ago was 5:26, so I figured I'd have little trouble getting this done in good form. My approach was to try and keep things controlled and steady from the get-go (keep in mind, I am a sprinter in the water), and I was conscious that I needed to do four of these with perhaps only 10 - 15 seconds rest between them. I did not intend to do this, but they were nicely descending and I felt stronger with each passing 400.

    400 yard warmup
    4 x 400 yard free, off on 6 min - came in on 5:45, 5:40, 5:35, 5:30
    200 yard active recovery
    16 x 40 yard in IM order (butterfly, backstroke, breaststoke, freestyle)
    400 yard cool down

    Actual: 3,040 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Take Two

    Tuesday, June 25th
    Plan: 2 mile warmup, 45 minute tempo (HMP - ~7:30 min/mile), 2 mile cool down

    The heat this week has been ungodly, which made me a bit apprehensive about getting this session done, but there really wasn't any other option other than doing this on the treadmill in the very comfortable cool of the basement. BUT, the thought of doing this on the treadmill was harder for me to stomach than facing being barbqued on the pavement, plus a very brief storm blew through about an hour before I headed out thus giving me some hope that the rain and wind would have cooled things off a bit. Wrong. No such luck. The only thing the storm did was create a steamy environment which may have been great for my facial pores, but not so great for my cardiovascular system and running statistics.

    But off I went anyway....ever being the optimist in the face of all my co-workers sharing words of wisdom...."be careful out there"....."drink plenty of fluids"..."go slow"....."are you fecking nuts???" ;) I took the warmup pretty easy and was feeling okay and relaxed and thought to myself I can do this thing! Into the first tempo mile I went, still feeling okay, still being the optimist.....then the second mile, still feeling okay but not quite as okay as the first one but I was okay.....and then came the third mile. Ugh. I was still hanging on to my tempo pace, but barely. I was wilting, and I was wilting badly. And I was starting to feel sick in the heat, so, after 3 tempo miles I made the decision to stop. At first I thought I'd just stop for some Gatorade and to cool down a bit, but I knew as soon as I stopped that I was in no shape to try and continue for 3 more tempo, stopping during the tempo sort of defeated the purpose of this run, so, the run was aborted. :o:(

    As I drove myself home with my head hanging low I vowed I would try this session again the next day - today. And that decision allowed me to accept my failure...unfinished business and all that.

    Actual: 5 miles, 38:18.96 for an average pace of 7:40 min/mile
    warm up - 8:14, 7:50
    tempo - 7:16, 7:25, 7:30


    I immediately hopped in the pool after giving up on the run, to lick my wounds and return me to where I am most comfortable and happy. Just an easy, short recovery swim while I got my head together.

    Actual: 1,000 yard swim

    Wednesday, June 26th
    Plan: to do the above aborted run from the day before - take two!!! hope was that it would be much cooler having a go at this run again this morning, but by the time the clock struck 9:30 and I was just about ready to sneak out of work to redeem myself, the thermometer was already displaying that it was 80-some degrees out there. UGH!!! But, I was committed to doing this off I went....this time with some tunes to distract me from my misery, however, as soon as I turned my Ipod on a sweet little robotic voice whispered softly in my ear alerting me that I had a low battery. Great, I can't win for losing. Oh well. The good news is the Ipod didn't die until the 5th tempo mile and I got this run pretty much done as intended. The bad news is it was freakin' hot out there (90-some degrees when finished) and I cut my cool down way short because I figured there was no cool down that could have been derived from running slowly for 2 miles in that heat. (translation - I just wanted this to be over)

    Actual: 8.49 miles in 1:04:24 for an average pace of 7:35 min/mile
    warmup - 8:05, 7:43
    tempo - 7:10, 7:17, 7:20, 7:15, 7:17, 7:25
    cool down - 4:49 (9:50)

    I will have to give serious thought to how I am going to get these sessions done in this heat. Creativity will have to be employed.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    As I drove myself home with my head hanging low I vowed I would try this session again the next day - today. And that decision allowed me to accept my failure...unfinished business and all that.

    Ah I am no stranger to these failures - with the hands on the knees and wondering how the hell I am going to do more and do them faster on race day. No harm in having a few of these in the lead up, it shows you are working hard.

    Think of it as heat acclimatisation for balmy Dublin as I expect you will be feeling the heat that day taking on the boardies after all your thrash talk ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Sounds like tough going, well done for getting out there and doing it. We have the same problem with the heat over here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »
    Ah I am no stranger to these failures - with the hands on the knees and wondering how the hell I am going to do more and do them faster on race day. No harm in having a few of these in the lead up, it shows you are working hard.

    Think of it as heat acclimatisation for balmy Dublin as I expect you will be feeling the heat that day taking on the boardies after all your thrash talk ;)

    I'd be lying if I said you weren't on my mind as I crumbled last night on this run - I felt I had joined the ranks of catweazle. Feeling pretty humble right now, and not so, you have the faster half marathon time. ;)
    Sounds like tough going, well done for getting out there and doing it. We have the same problem with the heat over here.

    Thanks, stubbornness can be a wicked curse. ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    In the Swim

    I had planned days ago to do a quality swim session this evening knowing that today's run was supposed to be an easy one.....that was before I died a slow, hot death on the black, steamy pavement last night and in my shame committed myself to having a second go of that run session this morning thus nixing the planned easy run.....which would mean I'd be doing two quality sessions (two different disciplines however) in one day. But, the show must go on....and go on it did.

    This session was pretty simple, but not as easy as it looked on paper. I had higher expectations regarding what I could do in the guts of this session, the 12 x 200s. Based on my recent 400 set, I figured I could come in faster than I did on these. :confused: Perhaps the earlier run (compounded by the aborted half-run last night) contributed to the "mediocre" performance this evening in the pool. Long story short, most of the 200s came in between 2:45 and 2:50, but the average was honestly closer to 2:50 than 2:45.

    800 warmup, hypoxic, breathing every 3 and 5
    12 x 200, off on 3 minutes
    200 cool down

    Actual: 3,400 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'd be lying if I said you weren't on my mind as I crumbled last night on this run - I felt I had joined the ranks of catweazle.


    How insulting - that remark will be posted up on the wall beside my Rocky poster!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    catweazle wrote: »

    How insulting - that remark will be posted up on the wall beside my Rocky poster!

    :confused: Huh? Whuh?? But, but you said know, that bit about hands on knees, wondering how the hell.....:( Oh crap. I'm doomed for sure now in Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,828 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I'd be lying if I said you weren't on my mind as I crumbled last night on this run


    That is the sound of CW being well and truly b!tch slapped :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    griffin100 wrote: »

    That is the sound of CW being well and truly b!tch slapped :D

    No, bitch slapping will be if I get my remark stamped on my race shirt.....which I won't because what I said was said with love and respect for a truly wonderful and caring individual whom I am happy, nay, honored to share ranks with. :D

    (note to self: contact t-shirt printing place....) ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,828 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    No, bitch slapping will be if I get my remark stamped on my race shirt.....which I won't because what I said was said with love and respect for a truly wonderful and caring individual whom I am happy, nay, honored to share ranks with. :D

    (note to self: contact t-shirt printing place....) ;)

    I do believe we have found an American who understands sarcasm :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    2:45 for 200yards...hmmm Convert to metric DD its all in these days...! Still nice swimming whatever way you look at it :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Field Run

    Plan: easy

    Just a simple easy field run without the Garmin in the fading light of the evening. Easy peasy - I've got a 5k Vine to Wine race to do tomorrow night. Unless I fall down, get tripped up, break my leg, or am abducted by aliens, I should get a pb. Fingers crossed nothing fecks this up for me!

    Actual: ~4.2 miles by the light of the silvery moon

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,548 ✭✭✭Marthastew

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Field Run

    Plan: easy

    Just a simple easy field run without the Garmin in the fading light of the evening. Easy peasy - I've got a 5k Vine to Wine race to do tomorrow night. Unless I fall down, get tripped up, break my leg, or am abducted by aliens, I should get a pb. Fingers crossed nothing fecks this up for me!

    Actual: ~4.2 miles by the light of the silvery moon

    Hey there DD, just popping on to wish you Good Luck in the 5K, do you get wine at the end?;) I think you should edit your post in case the aliens are reading this, I'm sure they'd love to have you;)

    We're heading away next week for some warm weather training (well, we're going on a well deserved family holiday and we hope to get some running in:)) and by the time I'm back (July 21st) Dublin won't be far away at all:D and before you know it you and I will be in McGrattans sharing a batch of Jacques Torres chocolate chip cookies:D Keep up the good work

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Marthastew wrote: »
    Hey there DD, just popping on to wish you Good Luck in the 5K, do you get wine at the end?;) I think you should edit your post in case the aliens are reading this, I'm sure they'd love to have you;)

    We're heading away next week for some warm weather training (well, we're going on a well deserved family holiday and we hope to get some running in:)) and by the time I'm back (July 21st) Dublin won't be far away at all:D and before you know it you and I will be in McGrattans sharing a batch of Jacques Torres chocolate chip cookies:D Keep up the good work

    Yes, MS, wine glass with wine waiting for us as we cross the line. :D
    And, can't wait to see you!! Whoop, whoop!! I believe 17 weeks from today my plane will be touching down in Dublin. Dory will be in the house!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Yes, MS, wine glass with wine waiting for us as we cross the line. :D

    A whole bottle for the winners; now there is incentive ;) Lovely smiling photo on FB of the winner, well done!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    A whole bottle for the winners; now there is incentive ;) Lovely smiling photo on FB of the winner, well done!

    Good news then ?
