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Chronicles of a fish: the days of surf and turf



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, July 17th, 2013

    Run plan: easy

    Field trot.
    Lunchtime, sneaky style.
    With coyote.
    In the hot, hot heat.
    Sweating like a pig.
    With midriff showing.

    Actual: ~4.2 miles in the field at high noon


    Well.....thepooltempis90degreesandit'sreallyuncomfortabletodoanyserioustrainingin. :eek::o There. I said it. Never thought those words would cross my lips, but it's true. 90 degree water temperature is a definite mood killer for a properly structured session. All I could think of was meditative swimming ala Kurt tied and tethered, and ala Doryesque aquaculture. It had to be done.

    1,000 yard swim
    5 x 200 yard pull
    1,000 yard swim

    Actual: 3,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Wednesday, July 17, 2013

    Plan: 2 mile warmup, 3 x (15 min @ HMP, 3 min recovery), 2 mile cool down

    This was never going to happen at 6pm with the heat we are experiencing...and this belief of epic fail was confirmed when I passed the thermometer in the middle of town on the first mile and saw it read 104 degrees. :eek::eek::eek: Not. Going. To. Happen. Soooo....I just plodded ahead and when I could not get my speed up beyond 8:15ish min/mile for the first HMP section, I said feck this and eased it down and headed for home with Plan B being to get this session done in the early morning the next day knowing I could sneak into work late due to an unusually light surgery load that morning.

    Actual: 4.44 miles in 37:32.2 for an average pace of 8:27 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, July 18th, 2013

    Groundhog day plan: 2 mile warmup, 3 x (15 min @ HMP, 3 min recovery), 2 mile cool down

    Up and out early this morning to get this done before the heat became a factor...and all I can say is....what a difference running in non-heat makes!! was actually quite comfortable to begin with - probably in the upper 70s - and not too bad when I completed this run - probably in the lower 80s. And there was a slight breeze that actually feltl reasonably cool on my body. Happy days!

    I am not a morning runner by any means, so it really took a good 3 miles for me to start feeling comfortable with this run, but once my body fell into a rhythm I was pleasantly surprised at the pace I was going. My HMP pb is 7:33ish min/miles, so I was sort of targeting 7:30 in my mind....but when I saw I was going 7:00ish min/miles and feeling pretty relaxed, I just went with it. I will say the toughest of these 15 minute segments was the first one and I'm quite shocked to see its pace as I did not feel I was going that fast. The next two 15 minute segments felt at times super relaxed and quite comfortable, but they both did require a smidge more effort during the last few minutes. I took the liberty to walk/jog/hydrate on the recovery intervals, and that really helped me maintain a steady pace on the HMP sections.

    HMP sections:
    #1 - 2.15 miles in 15 minutes for an average pace of 6:59 min/mile
    #2 - 2.15 miles in 15 minutes for an average pace of 6:59 min/mile
    #3 - 2.14 miles in 15 minutes for an average pace of 7:01 min/mile

    Obviously there is some funky Garmin rounding going on here, either that or I've got an amazing internal metronome about me. Either way, I stayed pretty steady....went a bit faster than HMP, but didn't die and felt controlled throughout. I cut the cool down short by .33 miles, but I think I can be forgiven for that indiscretion. ;)

    Actual: 10.7 miles in 1:25:48 for an average pace of 8:01 min/mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Thursday, July 18th, 2013


    Met up with 10 other folks for a little lake action. Gorgeous night.....the sun was setting behind the mountains and it really was a spectacularly soothing scene. The swim itself was nice - good practice swimming ow distances to get into a rhythm while sighting various landmarks and dodging the turtles that were floating about.

    Actual: ~1,500 meter lake swim

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Turtles? You've done it again... thrown in another weird curveball to make me re imagine your life as a multicoloured sgt pepper album cover.

    We released two very overgrown terrapins into our pond this summer. Does that count?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    Turtles? You've done it again... thrown in another weird curveball to make me re imagine your life as a multicoloured sgt pepper album cover.

    We released two very overgrown terrapins into our pond this summer. Does that count?

    So the terrapins originated somewhere else? Cool....what was/is their story??

    Multicolored Sgt. Pepper album cover? I must say, I kinda like that. ;):)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So the terrapins originated somewhere else? Cool....what was/is their story??

    Multicolored Sgt. Pepper album cover? I must say, I kinda like that. ;):)
    A guy emigrating to australia had some fish and two massive terrapins that needed rehoming, (or they would be left to die) so we did. The terrapins were called Snappy (who was not a snappy turtle) and Not Snappy, (who was a very snappy bully of a turtle). They are not the cleanest creatures (and carry salmonella), so their tank was not the most pleasant place for them to be, especially when it got warm. So we released them into the wild of our pretty large pond, and told them to go forth and prosper with the koi. They may not have long lives, but they will have a good summer at least.

    The fish are still doing well indoors in their tank, and we even got them some new friends.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    A guy emigrating to australia had some fish and two massive terrapins that needed rehoming, (or they would be left to die) so we did. The terrapins were called Snappy (who was not a snappy turtle) and Not Snappy, (who was a very snappy bully of a turtle). They are not the cleanest creatures (and carry salmonella), so their tank was not the most pleasant place for them to be, especially when it got warm. So we released them into the wild of our pretty large pond, and told them to go forth and prosper with the koi. They may not have long lives, but they will have a good summer at least.

    The fish are still doing well indoors in their tank, and we even got them some new friends.


    I'm thinking good ol Snappy and Not Snappy (we really need to do something about those names) could winter with Kurt in his heated pool*. ;)

    *you can't tell me Mr. Resident Bright Spark isn't thinking of ways to make the heated pool thing happen....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »

    I'm thinking good ol Snappy and Not Snappy (we really need to do something about those names) could winter with Kurt in his heated pool*. ;)

    *you can't tell me Mr. Resident Bright Spark isn't thinking of ways to make the heated pool thing happen....

    Hmm, I presume terrapin urine is warming, but is it toxic?...

    Anyway, good excuse for some Syd;)

    "Coz we're the fishes, and all we do,
    The move about, is all we do..."

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Hmm, I presume terrapin urine is warming, but is it toxic?...

    Anyway, good excuse for some Syd;)

    "Coz we're the fishes, and all we do,
    The move about, is all we do..."

    Wow. Syd. It's been a long time. And here I was hoping for a home video of your 25.01 degree pool. ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Friday, July 19th, 2013

    Run plan: easy

    Hot, hot, hot....omg....was it ever hot today. Shoot, it was hot when I left the house at 6:30 to go to work this morning.....and even hotter when I did this run at noon in my field. I took it easy and listened to the body. I actually think I am acclimating a very teeny tiny bit to the heat, but I know with complete certainty that I could not get a quality session of any length done in this type of brutal weather.

    Actual: ~4.2 miles in my grassy oven

    I had planned a bike ride with a friend this evening, but we had a massive storm roll in (this kind of heat and storms go hand and hand) that knocked that idea out of the realm of possible. I've a little 10k race to do Sunday morning, so this weekend will be a dance between resting enough to facilitate the hopes of bringing home a pb in that distance, and getting a bit of tri training in.

    Oh, and good luck to everyone doing all the various events this weekend. I believe there is a massive sea swim tomorrow (Warrior of the Sea, I think??) and Beast of the East on Sunday. Do us proud, boardsies!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Saturday, July 20th, 2013

    Run plan: recovery

    This has probably been the easiest Saturday I've had in ages!! Not only did today's activities include a very easy trot around the field in the morning heat and humidity and an evening splash-about in the pool, but a nap and housework were fit in as well. :eek: Housework??? Based on the number of spider webs I sucked up in the vacuum cleaner, it'd been a while. :o I guess thank god races come around every now and then, otherwise squatters' rights might come into play and it's entirely possible I'll arrive home one evening to find the locks have been changed, all my clothes have been tossed on the front lawn, and the arachnids have claimed ownership of the house.

    Actual: ~4.2 super dooper easy field miles

    Swim: 1,000 yards in my very warm pool to loosen and relax the body

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Sunday, July 21st, 2013

    Vibha Dream Mile 10k

    Okay folks, this is going to be the shortest race report ever by me. :)

    Basically, I am trying to do at least one race of some sort each month as a leadup to DCM with the hopes of gaining confidence and experience, and to also give me a feel for where I am with respect to the goals I have set.

    Up early to hit the road for a 90 minute drive into Fairfax in Northern Virginia. Great time to be traveling (5am) as there are no cars on the road on a Sunday morning at that hour. The race was supposed to start at 8am, so after picking up my bib, timing chip and tshirt, and then doing a bit of a warmup (and multiple potty breaks), I meandered over to the start only to be told that the race was being delayed by 30 minutes. :confused: Really?? Crap. The sun was already blazing at this point, so the extra 30 minutes was just getting the oven warmed up for an even more intense roasting to come. Happy days. :(

    Ready, set, go...and we were off. Still fresh in my mind, the massive blowup I had at my 5k last month when I took the first mile way too fast at a 6:26 was reminding me to go easy on the first few miles. Well, that and coach had given me instructions to take the first two miles "easy" too. :o So, when so many around me were motoring at a 6:30 pace on that first mile, I slowed it down to something I felt I could manage. The course was a 2 lap circuit - the first mile (and fourth mile) was (were) probably a net downhill, and miles two and three (and miles five and six) were probably net uphills (or at least contained the most hills based on my memory). Long story short, I felt great on this run and kept things quite disciplined. It wasn't until the hills on miles 5 and 6 when I started roasting in the heat with the sun's rays burning a hole into me did I start to have to up the effort and began to slow a little bit. But, even though I faded some at the end, I'm quite pleased with my result of a near 5 minute pb (my 10k split in Boston, mind you)....and was 2nd lady home, and 1st in my age. Whoop whoop!! After the race, I treated myself to a henna tattoo on the palm of my left hand. Nice little bonus that looks pretty cool. :D

    Actual: Per Garmin, 6.3 miles in 43:55 for an average pace of 6:58 min per mile
    6:46, 7:00, 7:08, 6:41, 7:07, 7:16, 1:54 (6:21)

    Official race time was also 43:55.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,829 ✭✭✭griffin100

    PB and a podium finish, can't ask for much more than that :) Big congrats.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Well done dory. Fantastic result. And of course there is more than that in you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Great idea to have a series of tester races this training block. To be blunt, that was your downfall last time (if a couple of minutes outside goal is a downfall), so you'll know where your training stands all the way up to Dublin. 43.55 10k, not too shabby at all, nice one:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    After the race, I treated myself to a henna tattoo on the palm of my left hand. Nice little bonus that looks pretty cool.

    God help you if do an Ironman - I can only imagine the tattoo for that one

    Well done on the 10k that's much more like what I think you are capable of (still think you can go lower) although I much prefer when I can sniff derisively at your crap short distance times!

    Although my own official 10k time is 45.01 :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,852 ✭✭✭pgmcpq

    Great performance in the current sauna. I love the 10k distance as a tune up. It really let's you know where you stand. In your case on the podium !

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    The best part of all this is listening to you struggle to obey your coach. :) The impulsiveness that makes you good in the first place can also be a problem, and you are doing well to discipline those inner wild horses.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Congrats DD on the great time, and the podium finish. It's just what's needed to help keep the training block going when it gets tough..the thought achievement of the PB's:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 226 ✭✭c07

    Wow!! Well done DD... Fab work. Bet that was a serious boost to the confidence. Fantastic result :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Forgot to include this in yesterday's post....

    Target run mileage for the week: 40 miles
    Actual run mileage for the week: 40.34 miles

    Actual swim yardage for the week: 9,650 yards

    Actual bike mileage for the week: zero, zip, zilch :o:(

    But I did get a shiny new 10k pb.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    ^^^ Thanks all. :)
    @Kurt...I knew you'd say that about tester races....I had that very conversation with myself as you yakked in my ear while I was running that 10k. ;)
    @catweazle....oh I love it when you make me look good. :D

    Monday, July 22nd, 2013

    The snore-fest continues....I feel like I need to provide elevator music to accompany this log when I post days like this. Ultraman has a more dynamic log than I do at the moment.

    Run plan: easy

    Lunchtime sneaky field was hot, it was humid....sweated like a pig....<yawn>....legs were slightly sore and felt marginally heavy. OH!! I's something - I have been using these easy runs to work on proper running form in hopes that it will become second nature, and I do think it's paying off as it wasn't so "forced" on Sunday.

    Actual: ~4.2 miles


    Having a bit of a block with my swimming...but I did this one while trying to simulate the swim in the tri - pacing steady, deliberately and with confidence while knowing it's not worth burning the candle at both ends in the opening leg of a three discipline sport. 1,000 swim....1,000 pull <ZZzzzzz.....>

    Actual: 2,000 yard swim

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Only catching up now. Smashing run on Sunday and a top 3 finish. Delighted for ya, you defo put in the work so its well deserved

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

    Run plan: easy

    It's hot. It's too damn hot.

    Actual: ~4.2 sneaky field miles at high noon


    The sweltering day gave rise to a gorgeous evening - hooray! I did this session as the sun was quietly slipping behind the mountains to the west. The guts of this was the 16 x 200s off 3 minutes with #1, 5, 9, and 13 being timed with the goal to keep them near 2:35. The first one was a little slow, the next two were bang on, and the last one was a skosh faster...but, in my opinion, the increased effort uleashed on the last one was not proportional to the increased gain realized. Bah.

    600 yard warmup - swim/pull/kick
    16 x 200 off on 3 min (timed 200s - 2:38, 2:35, 2:35, 2:33)
    200 cool down

    Actual: 4,000 yard swim

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    ...but, in my opinion, the increased effort uleashed on the last one was not proportional to the increased gain realized. Bah.

    (timed 200s - 2:38, 2:35, 2:35, 2:33)

    It's pre-coffee wakey wakey time, so brain not function good, but "Bah" and "2:33" does not compute, and it ain't coz of my dim brain!

    PS you misspelled "uleashed": subliminally you want a tether...;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    It's pre-coffee wakey wakey time, so brain not function good, but "Bah" and "2:33" does not compute, and it ain't coz of my dim brain!

    PS you misspelled "uleashed": subliminally you want a tether...;)

    Don't worry KG, its only 200 Yards. So its only 183metres in 2:33. Sure thats only 1:23 pace per 100m.



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    BTH wrote: »
    Don't worry KG, its only 200 Yards. So its only 183metres in 2:33. Sure thats only 1:23 pace per 100m.


    16 times off 3 mins :eek:

    That's the difference between us and the fish. No doubt DDs form held true to the end too. Nice swimming hoochiedoubleD and congrats on your podium finish!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    It's pre-coffee wakey wakey time, so brain not function good, but "Bah" and "2:33" does not compute, and it ain't coz of my dim brain!

    PS you misspelled "uleashed": subliminally you want a tether...;)

    Bah is because of where I've been and where I am now. Bah.

    Subliminal?? I guess just too many images of being tied in Kurt's pool coming to surface. ;)
    BTH wrote: »
    Don't worry KG, its only 200 Yards. So its only 183metres in 2:33. Sure thats only 1:23 pace per 100m.



    Short course....very short course!!!
    16 times off 3 mins :eek:

    That's the difference between us and the fish. No doubt DDs form held true to the end too. Nice swimming hoochiedoubleD and congrats on your podium finish!

    I believe you've grown a set of gills yourself after this weekend's antics. Well done to you, Stud Muffin. :)

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    I think in comparison to you lot of fishies, I am the only one entitled to say 'Bah'.
