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If the tri suit fits, wear it?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Water was cold again this morning. Crazy guy was down in his togs again. Splashed around a bit, again, gonna pull out the figure of 200m. Guesswork really. As cold and as horrible as the water is though, I almost enjoy lugging my not even dry from the day before wetsuit on to my previously warm body. Almost.

    Hit the turbo a while ago. Did an hour session with a 7 minute break for toilet and to fish my laptop charger out of the house so I could keep watching 300. The graph shows that I was really disciplined for the first 25 minutes, and got a little erratic after that. Still held it together well though. Really need to invest in a fan. I didn't even bother with my cycling jersey from the start this time, as I knew I'd only tear it off, sweating buckets later. I'm growing to like the turbo sessions though.
    31.0km / 1:00:01 / Avg watts - 240(assuming I'm reading that right)

    Ran off the turbo after a relaxed transition. Did 5k in 24:42. No medals for that time, but it's done. Had a bit of a shock to my problem shin/knee area on a downhill, but after stopping and gradually taking off again, that went away. Should have known better really, tried that leaning forward on the downhill to let gravity do the work thing I read about on various logs here. I think I did it right, I certainly went fast, but my legs obviously objected to it. Stretched afterwards and cramped the hell out of my hamstring.

    I'm gonna head into the pool after work again. This time I might treat myself and bring my swim gear.:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    You're getting some great training in there insink. Fair play :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Didn't make the pool after work from my last post. Didn't make it out on time. Went home to bed instead :).

    Had an exam at 16:30 on Friday, so just hit the pool afterwards. Did 1km even I think. Almost entirely drills, trying to (and failing) do some of the things outlined in this video

    I struggled a lot with the swimming on my side. Was going really slow, and sinking at times. I tried keeping my arm extended as I breathed too, and I didn't get very far. I'm used to carrying the stroke through, so just getting around that was hard enough. I could also feel head and shoulders sinking as I tried it. (Although could this mean that I was just too high in the water in the first place). I was okay enough with twisting my body further and looking towards the roof. It'll just take practice I guess.

    Saturday, headed down to a small inlet where there is an adventure centre, to swim in water a bit calmer than the what we had been in recently. I'm not sure if it was the shelter, or that it was late afternoon on a sunny day, but the water was almost warm! :eek:. There was a pontoon used by the centre off in the distance, so we swam to that and back. On the way out we were against the tide and a strong onshore breeze, so I struggled a bit, and had to break out the breast stroke/paddle a lot more than a supposed triathlete should:rolleyes:, especially the closer we got to the pontoon and the more open the water got. My goggles were leaking too.. (Maybe I put too much toothpaste in there :p) Getting in was easier, going with the tide and wind, but I was kinda tired at that point. Not sure how long it took to be honest, but at this stage I'm concentrating on making the distance, more so than the time :) Measured the distance on google maps (assuming they haven't moved the pontoon since the map was made - doesn't look like it has), to a cool 514m. Longest OW swim ever. Feeling a lot more confident in my ability to make it around the course come June 17th. Not so confident in my ability to not be last out of the water though :).

    link to Google Earth of Swim

    Today, went for a short trail run in a nearby woods. First time trying it, and it was great fun! :). GPS signal was less than perfect however. :rolleyes: It reckons I did 7.5k in 25 mins, with a 3:23km average pace. The strong pace aided by my 22 second and 41 second kms :D. I reckon I actually did in the region of 5k. Avg 5:05.

    Coming week is the final stretch of my exams, and I finish on Friday, so I'm not sure how training will pan out. Brief plan looks like:

    Monday PM: Pool Swim or Turbo
    Tuesday AM: OW Swim & Run
    Wednesday PM: Pool Swim & Run
    Thursday AM: OW Swim & Cycle
    Friday PM: Cycle

    I'll be very happy to stick to that plan. They'll all be short sessions. With a class night out on the Friday, 12 hour shift and staff night on the saturday, I think the weekend may just be a write off.:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    As is the case with plans. They are only really there to be changed and or not followed :P.

    I managed to squeeze in a short pool session. Don't remember off the top of my head (really need to start jotting these down somewhere as a record), but I think it was ~550m. Any longer and I would have been late for work. Speaking of work, the swim was hard work. I felt like a tub of lead in the pool. For some reason, ever since I took my first OW dip, I'm finding the pool swimming harder. I havent been getting to the pool as much though, so that could be it too. Once my exams finish (tomorrow!!), I'll double up on the days that I go to the OW and get to the pool at some stage too.

    After work I hit the turbo. Did a straight hour for 32.3km. 235 average watts. My TRP was 834. which according to the manual is how many times I turned the pedals? Not sure of the importance of that, but it's nice to know I guess.

    Tuesday - Nada, hit the books to study for my Java exam :o.

    WednesdayPulled a bit of an all nighter for my exam, so when I got home I was pretty wrecked. Took a quick nap and headed out to a hill a friend of mine was telling me about. Did a short loop up and around it, twice, and home again. Climbing isn't my forté(not that I have one), but I'd like to think that the lack of sleep had an effect. Currently sitting 23/28 on the strava leaderboard for that one.:rolleyes: 21.5 km

    ThursdayOn the road earlyish, down to the little bay near the adventure centre, with our bikes. Water in there is quite pleasant and calm. Did 500m, 250 out to a pontoon and 250 back again. Visibility underwater was perfect. I'd prefer if it wasnt though, because I HATE SEAWEED:eek::o, and the bloody stuff is everywhere down there. There was three of us down this morning. One of them will be doing his third year of triathlons this year. The other is my "nemesis" if you will. The one I have the bet down on with the end of summer tri :D. He was out of the water a lot faster than I was, but on the short loop we were doing, he got to the top of the hill, and got sick, couldn't keep up with me and didn't do the second loop. Atm, any advantage he gets on me in the swim, I would hope to take back in the cycle.

    Haven't been running since the weekend, will try and make it out tomorrow after my exam. But for now, my final exam beckons - Database Management Systems and Distributed Environments. Feeling ill at the thought of it..

    1 Month exactly to my first tri! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Haven't been online much in the last while. Internet connection broke at home, then I was trying to get my phone fixed, yada yada.

    To sum up the last week. Have hit the OW every day last week. Noticing small improvements. Longest swim was 500m. Can't hold the front crawl for the full distance at all, and I break into the breaststroke, but I am still moving forward, and I'm holding the front crawl for slightly longer every time. I reckon I covered ~2km over the course of the week. My plan of "the more I go swimming, the warmer the water will feel" has officially gone out the window. I have also discovered about myself, that I am a lazy **** when it comes to hanging out my wetsuit, so to make matters worse I have been climbing into a wet wetsuit every morning :o
    Got to the pool at some stage, don't remember what day, did 1km even. Need to get into the pool more this week. Spent a lot of time on the phone to Apple and 02 last week trying to get my phone sorted though, so that shouldn't be too much of an ask.

    Got 20k in on the turbo in 36 mins on Tuesday, with 246 avg watts.

    Went out on the road for two short spins Thursday and Friday. It was crazy warm and humid. Nearly melted out there. Not gonna complain though, since it is currently raining again :mad:.

    Wasn't really happy with my biking over the past few weeks, so I went out with the tri club on Sunday morning and tore the legs of myself with my first cycle +40k since March :o. Happy with how it went.
    110.4km / 4h01m / 27.4km avg / 83 cadence

    Nothing. Disappointed with that. Gonna get out for a short one before work today to get it back on track.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Hit the pool after work. Shoulders and arms are tiiiiiiiiired from all the swimming. I think I just didn't notice with the cold water or something. Gonna take a day off swimming today based off that, and see how things feel then. Short pool session, 500m and spent a little too long chatting to guys in the lane.

    500m OW swim.Still didn't hold the front crawl for the entirety, but I think I'm getting more comfortable at the very least.

    Club TT. First time doing anything like this. Me and a friend cycled out, I got a flat on the way, which made us nearly late. As a result though, we bombed it out, and probably took a bit of bite out of our legs for the actual TT. Was quite nervous beforehand about being super slow and getting passed and all that, but turned out a lot better than I expected, with 8th fastest time (out of 21 riders) on the night. The course was a straight flattish out and back, and the return was fairly murderous with the wind. Looking forward to the next one, hopefully with fresh legs I can shave some time off.
    TT: 13.6km in 23:45 / 34.4kmph
    Total 47.1km

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Don't you have a tri event coming up sometime?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    June 17th :S Sunday 2 weeks, if my calculations are correct :S.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Haven't been so good at keeping this up to date. Been doing a fair bit of sea swimming, around 600m or so at a time. Starting to feel a little more comfortable about it. Still scared though, and I panic if I run into seaweed. Confident that I'll make the distance come next Sunday, I just hope I'm not last :O.

    Have done a couple of turbo sessions too, and a nice 60k loop, that was a good confidence boost. Speed over 30km/h despite the wind seemingly changing to be against us the entire time, and some slow bits to wait for a friend. I somehow ended up sitting on the front for most of it, so a good session. Did a small bit of running too.

    My weight simply isn't shifting, mainly down to an awful diet, so I'm going to start quickly logging what I eat here, in an attempt to guilt my way into being good :)

    Late night the day before, and I'm on holidays, so didn't rise from bed till around 11ish. :o

    Breakfast: Bowl of porridge made with LF milk, spoon of jam and an apple
    Afternoon run. Took it handy as I haven't run much lately. My iPhone is off being fixed, so no stats. Roughly 5k
    Lunch/Dinner: Turkey breast with 1/2 roasted aubergine and sweet potato wedges.
    Evening swim: About 500m in quite rough conditions. Awful swimming but happy to have the experience under my belt.
    Supper/Snack The other half of the aubergine,leftover wedges and another apple.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Are you racing tomorrow? Think you mentioned you were doing trimonkstown...

    Good luck if so. Have fun.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    +1 good luck insink. Cant wait to hear how you get on. Enjoy racing Sonia :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Good luck insink!!! Can't wait to hear your report - should be a doozy!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Thanks guys :)

    Didn't beat Sonia, didn't beat many other people for that matter. Will put up a report tomorrow possibly, or whenever the official results come out. But for a quick recap: Times are rough

    Swim: ~29 mins. I don't think ye believed me when I said I was a poor swimmer, so here's irrefutable proof :D:o (Not last out of the water though, which was my main goal :D)

    Cycle: ~36mins. Made up a couple of places, but I was too far back from the main group to manage much.

    Run - ~30mins. Cramp. Pain. Cramp. I was in agony for the entire run. Set off at a strong pace through the crowds, just to save face, got around the corner and wanted to throw in the towel. (First km was uphill @ 9.6% gradient....)

    Will flesh out with more detail sooooooooooooooooon :).

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You got through a tough swim, did a great bike and a pretty handy run too even with cramp issues. Sounds like a good result to me. Looking forward to the report. Hope your having pints or something now. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I second what Oryx said, so pat yourself on the back because you did a fab job!! Also, have you noticed how popular you are with the girls around here?? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Managed to get a look at a results sheet down the pub this evening, and the results went up online afterwards too, (but no transition times online)

    Tri Monkstown Race Report.

    So my first ever Triathlon. Took a while to get here, and I was absolutely bricking it. The two weeks before the tri, I pretty much stopped training, and any form of proper diet went out the window (excuses :rolleyes: ). After the first week however, the damage was done really, and I just said to myself that it's just gonna be a brutal wakeup come Sunday.

    Pre Race
    Had to sort out a picture for my TI card. Tried to glue it on with superglue. Ended up burning some of the ink off the card, ruining one picture and sticking it to the card, and in the process of sticking on the second picture, gluing two fingers to the card. Good start to the day :D
    Registered at 12, got our goodie bags, hat and chip. (My hat, and plenty of others were for the Lough Ine Triathlon :confused: ). Went for food, came back for transition opening at 1.
    Got a very decent spot in the transition (almost felt guilty considering I wasn't going to be anywhere near placing :P ), but what harm. Got off to a good start, when two of the staff members in transition tried to tell us that we weren't allowed to leave anything near or bikes (i.e bike shoes, run shoes, helmet). Set up with my bike. We put talcum powder in our shoes as recommended by the most experienced guy in our group. Got a little bit on the ground, and ended up chatting to some guy from TI, who had though one of us was marking our transition spot - apparently he was at a tri recently where one guy used powder to make arrows on the ground pointing to his bike in transition :eek:Chatted to people around us, just generally hung around. Spotted Sonia O'Sullivan around the place, thought her bike would have been fully kitted out, but seemed to be a regular roadie. Race briefing happened and then I started to get properly nervous.:pac:

    We were allowed into the water to acclimatise, but it was a standing start. Just as I went to put on my goggles, the strap started to pop out. They've been doing this a lot more recently, so I think it may be time for a new pair. After a lot of struggling around, and eventually getting someone to hold them together as I put them on, I was ready to go (they still leaked though). Was kind of caught by surprise by the starting horn, thought there may have been a countdown or something. Hung around the back anyway, because I didn't fancy my already flimsy goggle's taking a knock, plus I knew I was gonna be slow anyway, so figured I'd start as I meant to continue :pac:. Standing on the pier, there was a horrendous smell of pee :rolleyes:. Water was cold, I wanted to get out by the 100m mark, but I struggled on. Tried backstroke for a bit, but was going off course. Slogged it out. Wasn't last, but damn, I was close to it. Calk cramped in the last few metres. 28:56 (111/117)

    Was disoriented getting out of the water. Stripped my wetsuit down to my waist very quickly. Its a couple of sizes too big for me, so slips off easy. But damn, running to transition was tough because of all the water in it. Felt like running in a with a weight vest or something. Found my bike easy enough as there was only a handful left. Managed to get my shoes on, helmet on and out. 2:14 (no idea where that was overall)

    Hopped on to the bike and quite literally tore off. With a crap swim split, I basically wanted to show the crowds, that I'm a crap swimmer, not a crap everything :rolleyes:. Took one place straight after transition, and then was out on my own. For the first few minutes, I felt crap. Worried about my cramping calves, and the wind was against me and for a fleeting moment I considered throwing in the towel. Copped on to myself and got stuck in. Course was an out and back, so it gave me the opportunity to see just how far behind I was from the main group, and I knew I'd never catch them. Took about 10 places overall on the bike I think. After getting off the bike I thought I was happy, but after seeing the rest of the results I knew I should have done better, with the cycle being my supposed strong point. 36:57 (46/117)

    There was two old woman spectators for some reason standing in the transition entrance as I came in. Nearly took them out of it :o. Faster transition than T1 obviously but still room for improvement. Struggled to get my shoes on. I have elastic laces but I think they may be too tight. 1:30

    Got off the bike and I knew I was spent. Put on a burst of speed (at this stage though it just equated to average pace) through the crowds to save face, rounded the corner into the hill and wanted to cry. Both my calves, my right quad and my right lower back were in agony. Stretched, plodded and walked my way to the top of the hill, where things got a little better. My right quad wobbled like jelly the entire time on the downhill, but once I hit the flat I was feeling a bit better and managed to pick up the pace a small bit (still awful pace though). It was gutting in one sense, as aerobically I was fine. Chatting to marshalls along the route, nowhere near out of breath, I just couldn't push my legs. 28:11 (100/117).

    Amounts to a total of 1:37:50. A solid 103/117. So I was really picking up the wrong side of the table. Disappointed with not breaking 1:30, but I'm delighted to have the experience under my belt :)

    • Learn to swim :p. Starting a stroke technique course tomorrow evening so hopefully that will help.
    • I think a better fitting wetsuit would help with both my swimming and transition

    • Tri shoes over road shoes would certainly have saved me some time
    • Need to spend more time on Aero bars and get comfortable with them
    • Need to stay focused while on the bike. Sort of drifted off at points and realised I was no longer pushing myself.

    • Haven't had a proper running rhythm since recovering from my injury(which seems to be fine now). Need to get back to it, to improve run splits.

    • Make a training / diet plan and stick to it.
    • Lose weight so I can justify buying a wetsuit. Goal weight for now: 88kg
    • ROK cycle in July. Gonna find another tri to do in late July/early August, and then my "A" race come September 1st.

    EDIT: For what its worth - Sonia's splits:
    Sonia O'SULLIVAN 01:17:06 3549 Female 00:18:18 00:36:04 00:19:34 - First in her Category, 2nd in Gender.

    Chris MINTERN 01:02:42 1619 Male 00:10:56 00:31:32 00:18:43 - First overall, pretty sure he's in the Junior elite squad or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Oryx wrote: »
    You got through a tough swim, did a great bike and a pretty handy run too even with cramp issues. Sounds like a good result to me. Looking forward to the report. Hope your having pints or something now. :)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    I second what Oryx said, so pat yourself on the back because you did a fab job!! Also, have you noticed how popular you are with the girls around here?? ;)

    Thanks guys! :). Popular with the ladies: Story of my life :cool::pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Excellent report!! And very well done on your first tri. You should be very proud of yourself for what you accomplished today. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Back to regular logging. I'll keep on top of it this time.

    Wasn't too bad when I got up this morning. Tired from lack of sleep, but wasn't too sore or anything. 8 hours on my feet at work turned that into a different story and all I wanted to do was hit the hay after work. Instead, grabbed my newly bought flippers and paddles and headed out to lesson 1/6 of a stroke technique course. Ended up not using the paddles, but instead just focusing on body postion and using the flippers. There was two main drills. First was just kicking with the flippers, hands flat against your body, joined at crotch, and practicing stretching the body out. The second was the same idea, but with one arm out. He said a sign of doing it right was that you would be able to look through your armpit. I totally sucked at this one :rolleyes:. Kept sinking. If I remember correctly it worked out as:

    200m WU
    200m (100 + 50 + 50) with flippers, no arms.
    250m( 50m * 5) flippers, one arm out
    200m Warm down with flippers.

    850m total.

    Food Diary
    Breakfast: Bowl of porridge made with semi skimmed milk and a spoon of Jam
    Snack: Banana
    Late Lunch: In-Store chicken salad (chicken breast, noodles, cucumber, tomato, carrot, lettuce), Manhattan popcorn
    Snack: 2 bags of Minstrels :o:(
    Dinner(ish): Protein Shake

    kCals calculated with fitness pal. Goal: 1580. Actual: (1857[Food] - 281[Excercise]) = 1576

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator


    Unintended rest day. Made it out to the weekly Club TT, changed into my gear, forgot my helmet. Said to myself that I'd hit up the turbo when I got home, but I'm on the organising committee for the Lost Sheep, and we had a meeting for that, which ran late, and I didn't get home till 12. No way was I hopping on my bike at that time :).

    *Food Diary*
    Goal: 1580 Food(1904) - Excercise (0 :rolleyes:) = 1904
    Had been counting on the TT to take a chunk out of that to be honest..


    *Run* Wasn't sure what to expect from my legs, so off I set and damn they were heavy. Aim at the moment is to do nearly all my running on grass/sand and lose some kg's to offload some pressure on my legs. Ended up doing slow laps of a soccer pitch to the tune of 2.7k. A Recovery run then I guess.

    *OW Swim* Down to the usual spot in Oysterhaven for a dip. Out and back for 600m total. Was a damn sight more comfortable than the swim on Sunday, so that's encouraging. Enjoyed it overall. Need to figure some sort of method to time these swims.

    *Food Diary*

    Goal 1580. Food(2121) - Excercise(300) = 1821 Shouldn't have had that moro. :pac:

    Two days in the red there, but the Goal calories accounts for weight loss, so while I shouldn't be hitting red at all, I'm still losing weight at those levels, just not as much as I would like :).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Didn't keep a food diary for the rest of the week. No idea why, I just hit Saturday and realised I hadn't been recording.. Back to it today I guess.

    *Trail run*
    Went for a short trail run with gf. Only 17 minutes or so as she hurt her leg and we just walked back to the car. No idea of speed or distance, as GPS can't be trusted with all the tree cover.

    Left it very late to get started. Had planned an hour, but cut it back to 30 mins. First time on the bike since the tri, wasn't expecting my legs to be that heavy, but there you.
    27.3km/h // 14.8km

    Got home from work absolutely wrecked. The thought of getting out of my bed made me want to cry, and with work at 5.30am the next morning, I left it. Nothing.

    First time in the pool in since the lesson. Should really have made more of an effort, but there is no lesson this week, so I have a bit of time to play catch up. 500m in 25/30mins thereabouts. Didn't bring my flippers as it was kind of busy, and I'm pretty sure they aren't allowed, and I reckon my best chance to get away with it would be a quiet evening.

    Out with the club. Only 5 turned up, and none of the more experienced regulars, so me and my buddy "took charge" if you will. Some not so great group cycling going on, but we got through it, with a coffee stop in Kinsale. It was one of the lad's first time out, so we took it fairly handy in terms of speed. Cycled in and out to the meet point to add on some distance for the ROK.
    105.8km. Strava says my average speed was 24.1. My unit says 26.3. Gonna go with the unit on this one :).

    Did the usual 300m out to a pontoon, and then it was suggested we go out to the even more distant one. I said I'd give it a go, and I could always turn back. Made it out there, just not in any great speed or anything. Straight back in to shore then. Google Earth puts it at roughly 1.5km. So not only my longest swim in the sea, but my longest swim EVER :D. If only I could do it without rest stops(They are becoming a lot les frequent to be fair) and proper form :).

    So a below average week really, up until Sunday. Gona build on the success of Sunday though and keep it up for the rest of the week :).

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,144 ✭✭✭Bally8

    A bit late getting round to it but congrats on the tri insink. Great bike. Well done

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    So, the last few months I was training a bit, started to suffer from lack of motivation. training eased off until it came to the last three weeks where I didn't run, bike consisted of one hour turbo and a 2k tester spin, and I swam a couple of times. So leading into yesterdays race I was more than a little underprepared.

    Lead up
    Luckily the distances were short (500m/10k/5k) so I figured while it wouldn't be pretty, at least it would be over quickly. At the start of the year I was hoping to squeeze 0:50mins for this. Yesterday, I was hoping to squeeze under an hour, but was expecting to tip over. Taking my results from Monkstown, and working out equivalent times for shorter distances I needed to beat 1:06 to improve. I wasn't feeling too confident.

    Swim (500m)
    I really wanted to improve on my time from Monkstown, which to be perfectly honest was pathetic (28:56). I rented a racing suit for the week before hand (damn those things are TIGHT), tried it out before the race pretty much expecting the suit to do so much that it would nearly swim for me. Didn't feel any different, so I was worried. Anyway, we were all boated out to the start point. Water was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. Everybody lined up, and we were held back by what I'm told was a fireman's hose as a makeshift start line. The siren went and everybody went off. I somehow managed to get myself tangled in the hose :rolleyes:, freed myself, and the race began. Water was a lot choppier than it looked from solid ground, but not exactly bad. All the same, I did take a few mouthfuls of water trying to breathe as a wave splashed over me. My line in the water wasn't particularly great. I swam head first into a boat at one point, and overshot the exit point by a few metres. Had no idea of the time when I got out of the water, but there was more than a few people in the water when I got out, and arriving in transition, I saw a friend who I know to be a much better swimmer than me, still there, so I was feeling quite confident that I had bettered my Monkstown time.
    09:55 (101/155) :cool:

    Wetsuit came off easy. Straight on with the helmet. Struggled a bit with my shoes (I have cycling shoes with 2 velcro straps and another plasticky one, so I can't leave them on the bike), ran out of transition, missed the mount line and realised about 2 metres afterwards that I had passed it. Hopped onto the bike, struggled to clip in for some reason :o and I was away.
    01:34 (no idea of placing)

    Normally my most comfortable section of any triathlon, I was a little apprehensive of my ability to knock out an explosive 10k with little training. Worried I'd go out too hard, fail halfway and then suffer for the run. As soon as I got onto the bike I reasoned that with the run training I have been doing, my run will be crap anyway, so I said I'd go for it on the bike :D. Started taking people straight away, passed huge amounts of people. Wasn't taken by anyone that I can remember. Because the distances were so short, there was a lot of people just trying it out, and as a result a crazy assortment of bikes and some awful Ring-of-Kerry-esque lack of cycling sense with people weaving all over the road. Plenty of people drafting, even passed a couple of impromptu trains :mad:. I kept myself honest anyway, and did my best to get out of draft if ever got caught in one. Eased off towards the turnaround as I was coming on to the back of a large group, and it was going to bottleneck, freewheeled around, supped my drink and I was off again. As I approached transition, I tried to undo my shoes as best I could, but it's not something I had practiced, so I didn't do a very good job. I had my garmin with me on the cycle and I knew I was set for an excellent time. Was happy getting off the bike, but apprehensive about how it had set me up for the run.
    16:42 (7/155)(4th individual) :D

    Racked my bike with little issue, struggled to get my running shoes on for a few seconds and I was out. Still don't know what took a full minute though :eek:
    1:00 (no idea of placings)

    Set off on the run, and immediately, my calves were tight and quivering. Probably should have stopped and stretched them out, but there was too many people around watching:o. Carried on and they seemed to sort themselves out a bit, but they always made their presence known. 500m into the run, there was a hill. I was dreading it, after that awful hill in Monkstown, but this was nowhere near as bad. Was at the top before I knew it and all the happier for it. First water station at the top. Orange cups of water. Turned the corner, drank the water and saw cups littered everywhere on the downhill so "When in Rome!" and I tossed the cup on the floor. At the bottom of the hill there was what looked like two puddles of vomit :D. The run was a bit of a loop, and you passed the finish line once, going the opposite way. As I passed, the runner for the winning relay team passed (36:44 total time:eek::eek:). Plenty of people shouting for us on the run. The rest passed without issue really. Kept a steady pace the entire way round. Had grabbed my garmin from my bike before I left, didn't start a new activity or anything, but had the timer running to give me a rough idea of how I was getting on. Knew it was never gonna be great, but I just wanted to better my Monkstown time, which again was awful.
    23:56 (92/155)

    Crossed the line and I forgot to check the clock. I was too busy winning a sprint finish with two other guys :D. Felt confident that I had beaten my Monkstown times, but wasn't sure that I had squeezed in under the hour. Was totally unprepared for what I saw on the clock 53:10 !! :D. Quite literally delighted.

    Overall 53:10 40/83 in male individuals individuals, 63/155 in total

    So that more or less wraps up my season. Marshalling next week for the Lost Sheep. Motivation is well and truly back though, and I'm looking forward to dropping the hangover and getting back on the horse :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done!!! And glad you're back. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Delighted so see you back. I really missed you! :D

    Oh also well done on the triathlon, so jealous of your bike speed.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Sounds like you dont need to train, you just need to turn up! Well done. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    So I was sick for a few weeks, and I went back to college, totally unprepared for the workload this year was bringing. Hit my like a bagful of bricks. As I'm sure you can all imagine, this led to quite intermittent training, poor diet, and ballooning weight. I topped out the scale at 103.1kg :O. Back on the horse again now though. Diet is more under control and training hours are slowly creeping back up. Been lurking here the entire time though and am more or less up to date on everyone's logs.

    Didn't fit anything but swimming in last week, but they were 4 good sessions and I'm feeling a lot more confident in the water (don't seem to be going any faster though :P ). I have started swimming with the Cork Tri Club on Tuesday evenings. First time I have done anything structured like that in a pool. In my 5th week now I think. Definitely is making a difference, although it was interesting the first week getting my head around the timing sets etc. Will get around to getting something where I can time sets properly, but for now it's just a rough estimation from the pool clock, so you can all see how slow I actually am :)

    Monday 12th November PM
    3 x 75 FC (2:00) ~1:45
    3 x 75 FC w/PB (2:00) ~ 1:45
    2 x 4 x 50 drills (1 arm x 2, catchup, fist)

    The drills came from one of the Tri Club swims. The way I have named them seems self explanatory, but just to be sure. The 1 arms are swimming with 1 arm fully extended the entire time, and stroking with the other. Catchup is your stroke arm must touch hands with your other before you can continue, and fist is swimming normally just with a clenched fist. He gets us to do them 25m out doing the drill, then swim back normally. They are quite tough! :eek:

    850m total

    Tuesday 13th November PM
    4 x (25, 50, 75, 50, 25)
    3 x 50 (25 easy, 25 sprint)

    1.05km total

    Thursday 15th November AM
    There's a newly started UCC Triathlon club, and they are piggybacking off the swimming club for training. This was their first session so I said I'd call along. 7 turned up from the tri club. It was interesting enough, not as structured as I was expecting, but got through it.

    100 WU
    200 FC
    200 drill (one arm up)
    400 FC
    200 kick
    150 Back
    100 drill (one arm up)

    The one arm up drill was basically stick your elbow up as high as you could and stroke with one arm for a few strokes, then swap. Nearly swallowed half the pool doing this, but everyone I was with was just as bad so it was ok :). The guy leading the class was swimming that drill faster than I swim Front crawl from the looks of it.

    1350m Total

    Saturday 17th November PM
    100 WU
    4x75 FC ~1:45/2:00
    4x75 FC w/PB ~1:45/2:00
    500 FC
    100 FC w/PB

    1300m total

    Round up for the week:

    4 swims. 4.55km. Some of ye do that kind of distance in one set. I'm quite happy with it as a total for the week though. All things considered.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Some of ye do that kind of distance in one set.
    As long as this encourages you rather than discourages you, its all good. Trouble with this forum is, we have so many posting here who are at the pointy end of things, that an intense level of training becomes almost normal. :p Good for motivation though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Glad you're back. You keep things in perspective for many of us. :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,165 ✭✭✭insinkerator

    Oryx wrote: »
    As long as this encourages you rather than discourages you, its all good. Trouble with this forum is, we have so many posting here who are at the pointy end of things, that an intense level of training becomes almost normal. :p Good for motivation though.

    It encourages me alright! Something to aim for :)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Glad you're back. You keep things in perspective for many of us. :)

    How's that? When you have a bad training day and think you are slow, you can just click on my log and know there is someone out there worse off? :P :cool::D

    Monday November 19th

    Had an exam set by one of the companies I want to go on placement with, as well as lectures and work so had nothing planned. However that all went to pot when my car wouldn't start, an hour before my exam!!

    33.2km commuting. Didn't use the garmin, all my commute times are slow because of all the weight I carry on the bike.

    Tuesday November 20th

    Lack of car meant I was forced in cycle commuting again. Was'nt exactly pleasant hopping up on to the bike for a 45 minute cycle home in the dark after the club swim session, but I'm pleased to announce that one of the guys in my lane offered me a lift home and I stood my ground and stuck my sorry arse up on my bike.

    37.8km Commuting. Strong crosswinds along with big bags and panniers and wet leaves make for interesting cycling. Especially descending!

    Another Club session. I look forward to these now every week. Even if they are tough.

    100 WU
    8 x 25 side drill w/ flipper. Need to work more on rolling instead of lifting my head, particularly on my weak side.
    8 x 100 FC off 2:45. No reliable way of tracking times yet, but they all came in within the range of 2:00 to 2:15. The slower ones being the later sets. Shared 50/50 with another guy leading out the lane in this one, so happy enough with that! (even if it is the second slowest out of 6) :D
    7 x 50 FC w/ flippers off 1:30. Coming in between 45 and 50 for these. was supposed to be 8 x 50 but we were being kicked out.

    1450m total
