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The Black & Tans in Palestine

  • 10-11-2011 12:23am
    Registered Users Posts: 24,056 ✭✭✭✭

    I found this webpage which mentions that quite a few B&Ts were recruited into the Palestine police-force after the unit was disbanded.

    This is some of it:
    Going Beserk”:“Black and Tans” in PalestineRichard Andrew Cahill The role that former “Black and Tans” played in Palestine during the years prior to 1948 has not been adequately studied. Their story does not begin there, but rather with the British actions in Ireland several years earlier. The “Black and Tans,” whose official name was the “Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary,” were auxiliary police that the British brought to Ireland to try to squelch the Irish Rebellion in 1919 and 1920. The Irish had grown more and more critical of British rule and by 1919 many Irish were openly resisting British control. Some forms of resistance included armed struggle. In an effort to shore up their slipping police and military control, Britain enlisted men into quasi counter-insurgent squads. They consisted mostly of young British veterans from World War I who subsequently received little if any training about how to “police” a civilian population. They were called “Black and Tans” because their uniforms consisted of black pants and tan shirts, apparently the result of making do from the remnants of various squads or brigades.1
    Not surprisingly, the “Black and Tans” used a wide variety of techniques and strategies in their attempts to squelch the Irish Rebellion. These included the following: the demolition of homes of suspected rebels or in some cases, entire villages; arrests and imprisonments without warrants, charges or trials; beatings; torture; and rape. The reports that were recieved from Ireland impacted public opinion in Britain and the United States, which in turn mounted pressure on London to withdraw from southern Ireland.2 By 1922, the “Irish Free State” (today’s Republic of Ireland) was established in the south and the British retreated. The “Black and Tans” were disbanded.
    But where could a young former member of the “Black and Tans” hope to find work? Did some find their way to Jerusalem and other places in Palestine? If so, what roles did they play there? The first part of this essay will seek to answer these questions. In the second section, I develop these initial points in order to examine public political discourse and media in the United States and Britain concerning these former “Black and Tans.” I will show how we might approach a question crucial to the representation of police actions and the Palestinian reaction to these events: namely, did public discourse and media coverage link police brutality in Palestine during the Mandate Period to the negative reputation of the “Black and Tans?”
    A British Gendarmerie in Palestine

    The first three years (1917-1920) of British control of Palestine were characterized by military rule. Then in 1920, the British set up a civilian government in anticipation of a Mandate for Palestine from the newly formed League of Nations. With the civilian British government came the establishment of the Palestine Police Force, consisting of 18 British officers supported by 55 Palestinian officers and 1,144 rank and file. With a total population of 639,228 in 1920 (consisting of 512,090 Muslims, 60,883 Christians, 66,102 Jews, and 153 Samaritans),3 the relatively small number of 18 British officers is striking.
    Almost immediately, the role of the police force or lack thereof was called into question. During the riots of 1920, Jews accused the “lower police officials” of standing by and allowing violence to be done to them.4When Herbert Samuel, the first High Commissioner for Palestine, met with his advisory council and discussed how the Palestine Police should be set up, he encountered tensions concerning the potential conflicts between the authority of District Governors and the head of the Mandate-wide police. At this same meeting, it became clear that the British did not recognize the indigenous security system in villages and towns of Palestine (ghafir or haras), and that a new (British) police system was envisioned to supersede it.5
    Although the number of British police officers grew from 18 in 1920, to 120 by 1931, this was still relatively small in comparison with the population. One might be tempted to interpret the Palestine Police of the 1920s as rather heroic for maintaining security with such a small number of officers.6 But the new Mandate Government was also moving toward bringing in some form of military or supernumerary units.
    The idea of having a special unit of British supernumeraries worried the few Palestinian Arabs who were aware of the plan. The members of the local Palestinian Arab community who served in the early years of the Mandate period on the Advisory Council for the High Commissioner objected to the idea of British gendarmerie, questioning whether the British intended to rule Palestine as a colony or as a country under Mandate. They felt that any gendarmerie should be made up of locals, pointing out that even the language barrier would make it hard for a British gendarmerie.7 But their concerns went unheard.
    The Mandate Government decided that the task of maintaining public security would best be accomplished by forming two gendarmerie units.8 Both were called Palestine Gendarmerie. One consisted of Arabs and Jews under British officers and was established in 1921. The second, established in 1922, consisted exclusively of British recruits.

    The Black and Tans Arrive in Palestine

    Who were the members of this second gendarmerie? Were there any former “Black and Tans” among them? Indeed, in April 1922, approximately 650 former “Black and Tans” arrived in Haifa, Palestine and commenced their duties as the British Palestine Gendarmerie. How did so many former “Black and Tans” end up in Palestine? They were not transferred there as a unit. Rather, there seems to have been a personal connection. The Inspector-General of Police and Prisons, Major-General H. H. Tudor (who also served as the General Officer Commanding), was in charge of the British military, Palestine Police, and the Palestine Gendarmerie.9 Coincidently, Tudor had been the Chief of Police in Ireland during the Irish Rebellion. As the “Black and Tans” were being disbanded in Ireland, enrolment sheets were being circulated. One former “Blank and Tan” who served in Palestine later claimed that before they had left Ireland, he put his “name on a list calling for volunteers for a new Force, the Palestine Gendarmerie, which the gods at Whitehall [i.e. the British] proposed to raise.”10 So it was the case that 75 to 95 percent of the new British Palestine Gendarmerie were former members of the “Black and Tans.”11
    The group of former “Black and Tans” deployed in Palestine were a motley crew. Among them were excommunicated priests and other former clergy, lawyers who had been debarred, a man who was arrested for murder in Mexico but had escaped, and a former medical doctor who allegedly raped a female patient after performing an abortion. In addition to formerly serving in the “Black and Tans,” most of these men were also veterans of WWI, some holding high ranks and many having received medals of distinction. They drank heavily. In Palestine, they wore a distinctive uniform that included a Stetson broad-brimmed hat, reminiscent of a cowboy hat.12
    According to their own reports, these former “Black and Tans” were brash and anxious for action. They delighted in skirmishes with bandits in the hills. Four platoons of British Gendarmerie were assigned to Nazareth. After becoming frustrated with their own accommodations there, they took over a floor of the former Russian hospice, which was used as offices for the staff of the civil governor of the Galilee. When a local Palestinian clerk resisted their take over, the Gendarmerie tossed his desk, chair, filing cabinet and him out of the second storey window.13 On another occasion in Nablus, one Gendarme proudly displayed, “an old cigarette-tin containing the brains of a man whose skull he had splintered with his riffle-butt (the smashed weapon was also exhibited).”14
    The British Gendarmerie in Palestine was short lived. In 1926, it was dissolved due to financial constraints. But did all of the former “Black and Tans” then leave Palestine?
    T. W. Williams reported to the New York Times that he had spoken with A. S. Mavrogordato, the British Deputy Inspector General in charge of the Palestine Police, who had informed him that “two hundred members of the former British constabulary, the famous ‘Black and Tans,’ are to be retained for any sudden uprising.”15 Indeed, about 200 of these former “Black and Tans” joined the “British Section” of the Palestine Police.16 One such person was Douglas V. Duff, a former “Black and Tan” who rose to the rank of the Police Inspector for Jerusalem.

    It seems that Douglas V Duff wrote over 100 books, but I can't find any mention of what he did, or where he was based in Ireland. He can't have been that old during the War of Independence, as according to Wiki he was born in Argentina in 1901, the son of the British consul.

    For reasons which probably speak for themselves, his name was apparently the source of the phrase "duffed up", because of his activities in Palestine, where torture was supposed to be common practice.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭dubhthach

    Interesting read though there is a mistake in that they conflate the "Black and Tans" and the Auxiliary Division. The two were separate (but related) forces, the B&T's been former rank and file and were paid 10 shillings/day (plus full board and lodging). The Auxiliaries were former Officers and were paid £1/day (plus full board and lodging)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 588 ✭✭✭R.Dub.Fusilier

    an interesting story that i have never heard of. good post. some B&Ts turned up in the Spanish Civil War fighting in the ranks of the British battalion of the International Brigade, it is my understanding that the Irish internationals relucently joined the brit battalion and clashed heads with the brits over their B&T past. one was supposed to have been involved in the killing of the lord mayor of Cork Tomas MacCurtain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,056 ✭✭✭✭ejmaztec

    I found more on Douglas V Duff, written by his daughter. She mentions that he joined the RIC, and didn't go into any details whatsoever, which is hardly surprising.
    When shipwrecked from the Thracia he had made a vow to dedicate his life to God if he was saved. Thus he entered the noviciate of a teaching order of monks at Deeping St James in Lincolnshire. However, after 22 months he left, for he discovered that he had no vocation for that kind of life. In addition he found that he had no liking for the discipline and that he resented the vow of celibacy.
    After this he joined the Royal Irish Constabulary. In the confusion of Irish politics of the time this was a strange decision. However, it is as well to remember that sympathies and loyalties in the Irish situation were often pulled in many directions. Indeed his Uncle Edward was the High Sheriff of Longford yet he had helped in hiding IRA members. In Douglas’ own immediate family his father was angry that he had ever become a monk and his mother was cross that he had left the monastery.

    He obviously showed God the door before he arrived in Ireland.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,371 ✭✭✭Fuinseog

    the current issue of Armourer has a picture of two medals from an auction. They belonged to a tan who won them in an ambush in Ireland in1921. They sold or were estimated at over a thousand pounds.

    There is a very famous picture of a Tommy waving his helmet, showing a bullet hole that went through his helmet and should have killed him, but only scratched him. His comrades believing he was dead broke off his dog tag and placed it in his mouth, which nearly choked him, when he came to. That Tommy went on to serve with the tans and then later in Palestine.
