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Warning - Marathon Free Zone



  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    I suck at pacing.

    I really, really, really do suck at pacing.

    I know I haven't been running long at all, but I do believe I have to come to terms with the fact that I suck at pacing.

    This is my very first race report as a logger, apologies if it ends up being a rambling mess of an entry, you may want to stick on the kettle and get some chocolate before you start reading. :p

    Got to the Phoenix Park at about 10.35am and with the mess that is Chesterfield Avenue, ended up parking behind the zoo. I headed off for the start line, went the long way and ended up giving myself about a 2 mile warm up. Already an improvement on my two previous races where I hadn't warmed up, see joining a club really does work. :D
    Timed the arrival well because I only ended up getting to the start line with about 5 minutes to go, so not much standing round freezing my posterior off. Said hello to someone from the club, then waited for the off.

    Once we were off it took a little while to disentangle from the traffic to get running freely. Spotted someone from the club in front of me wearing a bright orange top, who I knew was faster so tried to keep him in my eye line, wasn't hard with the colours he was wearing :)

    Before this my PB was 19:44 which I did at the Racepix 5km in October, I felt I was running well in training and could take a big chunk of this. I wanted to go sub 19:30 as my main target, but I also had in my head that I could get close to 19 mins. With that in mind, I was planning at trying to go out at 3:50 per km and see how I'd go from there.

    After the early jockeying on the road the first km felt pretty fast, there was a bit of a bend in the road up by the papal cross and as soon as we hit that we got battered by the wind for a little bit. Got to the one km marker and it was 3:55, not bad, but also the same first km split as my last 5km race. I knew the wind was going to be tough, I was just hoping that the rest of the race was sheltered enough to allow a decent run.

    The second km was tough enough, having to run on the path where it was at max three abreast meant there was lots of zig zagging onto the grass and back to get past people. There was definitely time lost here, being held up. The wind was also tough in sections along here. It was occasionally nice to be stuck in behind some small to get some shelter. The 2km marker came along and the split for the km was 3:58. Well down on where I'd secretly hoped to be so wasn't sure what to think of it really. I knew the traffic along here and the wind had lost me some time.

    Along Chesterfield Avenue I also started a duel with a numpty who liked to cut right across you as soon as he got level with you. It's a bit like that driver on the motorway who overtakes you, cuts right across you then slows down. You end up overtaking them a while later and he goes and does it again to you. I got cut up by this guy three times, each time I had to slow as I had to adjust my stride, each time I wished to bitch slap him across the back of the head. :mad:

    This third kilometre was tough, I was looking at my watch telling myself I only had ten more minutes to run, then nine, I was really struggling. Luckily I was keeping my orange shirted teammate in sight, which also helped a little. Got to the 3km marker with a split of 4:01, was getting a bit worried that I'd even struggle to get a PB the way I was going. I was 11:54 for the first three km. :(

    Things started to click in the 4th km, after the numpty cut across me for the last time I'd had enough. I pushed on past him and kept the pace up and left him behind me for the last time. I started pulling some of the distance back on my clubmate and at the same time was having a mini race with a female runner who’d been near me since the start. Was still finding the going tough and was breathing heavy but at least I was doing it at a higher pace. I was still checking the watch, telling myself that I only had minutes left to run. Passed my clubmate at the 4km marker and pushed on even more. Split time for the 4th km was 3:46, a big jump and I felt with my normal kick that I could finish well and get under the 19:30 target.

    The last km felt fast, the female runner and myself were side by side chasing down a really, really tall runner ahead of us. The downhill section was very fast, no wind battering us either. I finally started to pull away from the female runner but just couldn’t get to the tall guy ahead of us. Did pass a good few runners over the five hundred metres though, which is always good to give you a bit more speed. Time for the last km was 3:25, so there was a spread of 36 seconds between by fastest and slowest km, I really suck at pacing :D

    Final time on my watch was 19:05, was delighted with that especially when the first three km were done in only 11:54. PB by 39 seconds, which I am more than happy with. There was all of two seconds where I thought, dammit I could have gone under 19 minutes, but that was me just being greedy. Next time maybe :rolleyes:

    Was a little peeved when I got my chip time and they had me down as 19:13, same time as my finish time even though I’d started well back. As it was the same time as my finish time I knew that my time mustn’t have registered on the final mat. Why are we all so hung up on timing chips when they’re often so hit and miss?

    Overall I was happy with the race, pushed through the tough bits and put a pretty fast last km in. That would be a seriously fast course with no wind. Great organisation by Donore, love getting a mug at the end, think it’s nice instead of a tshirt.

    Splits were:
    1km 3:55/6:18
    2km 3:58/6:23
    3km 4:01/6:28
    4km 3:46/6:04
    5km 3:25/5:30

    Avg. Pace 3:49 per kilometre/6:08 per mile

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    Good running mr sprocket. Don't beat yourself up over pacing just because you have a fast finish!

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77


    That about sums up tonights club intervals session. Felt crap from the moment I got out of the car at Nutgrove Park and that was even before it started pouring down.

    I did a very wet and cold warm up, then we started doing the intervals, same as usual, 1km's followed by 90 second recovery. At least the rain had stopped by the time we started the intervals, I'm scratching round for positives now :)

    Even though my legs felt like I was running in concrete Asics, I tried to keep pace with the faster masters. I managed to keep with the group, but went too fast for how I was feeling. I was trying to just get through the laps one by one, but after four I had nothing left in the legs, we were supposed to be doing 6 but I decided enough was enough. The four intervals I did get through were faster than the previous sessions so at least that's something.

    After the race on Saturday I've had two days off, but the legs were still feeling heavy. I think over the next while I might need to concentrate on getting some miles into the legs and forget about doing as much of the faster stuff.

    Did about 1km of a warmup and the same warming down.

    The interval splits were:
    3:34 - 5:44 mile pace
    3:36 - 5:48 mile pace
    3:39 - 5:52 mile pace
    3:39 - 5:52 mile pace

    Busy tomorrow, so next session will either be the gym or a long easy run on Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Was going to do an LSR this evening, but the sleet that started when I was driving home was a little offputting and I caved and headed to the gym instead. I know I gotta learn to HTFU. :o

    Decided I'd do the long run on the threadmill instead, but went a good bit faster than the planned LSR.

    Warmed up with ten minutes at 12kmph pace, then did an hour at 14kmph, followed by a 5 minute warm down at about an average 12kmph.

    The hour at 14kmph ended up being quite tiring and a few parts of my body were shouting at me wondering why I was running so long. My calf is a little tight now, but I'll stretch that out easily enough.

    This was the longest distance and time I've ever run, although I know it doesn't really count as it's on the threadmill.

    Distance - 17 km/10.56 miles
    Time - 1:15:02
    Avg Pace - 4:25 per km/7:06 per mile

    Hopefully this weather will feck off, especially for anyone doing Waterford on Saturday. I'm thinking about doing the Clonliffe 5km next weekend, but the current weather forecast includes snow and rain, so may knock that on it's head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Skipped the club pace session yesterday, decided I'd do an LSR today instead with the club. Was supposed to meet at the clubhouse at 9am, alarm went off at 8am and I very quickly hit snooze. Why are club sessions so early in the morning, what's wrong with a lie in at the weekend. Instead of bailing on the session altogether I decided to head off for the LSR on my own later in the morning.

    So instead of 8am, I rolled out of bed at 11am and headed to do 10 miles which I'd mapped out on Mapmyrun. Being a masochist the first mile and a half or so of the run was straight up Killiney Hill, must remember not to start a long run with a category 5 climb, easing into it would be much better :)

    So worked harder in the first mile and a half than should have been for an easy run because of that hill, but took the descent easy enough so the extra work the legs did on the climb was eased out soon enough.

    Was a lovely morning to be running, so much nicer than running in the cold dark evenings. I was a bit better wrapped up than usual, with new body armour, gloves and a hat all being worn for the first time. The sun was shining down on me for a change and things look and feel an awful lot better on days like these.

    Kept the pace easy the whole way round, it is a hilly enough route, but only a couple of them are more than short sharp climbs. Got a little chillier as the run went on, was actually warmer running along sections of the coast which was odd.

    Ended up with the last km of the run being down hill so increased the stride a little bit to the finish.

    My first time ever doing ten miles outdoors, not sure I need to be running much further as I don't intend running any of the longer distances, but I'll see how I go form here.

    May do the Clonliffe 5km next week, I'll see how I feel at the end of the week and more importantly see what the weather is like, would prefer not to be trying to go sub 19 for the first time with strong winds. On the other side I would like to run a race that starts and finishes on the track in Santry.

    Distance - 16.09km/10 miles
    Time - 1:15:38
    Avg. Pace - 4:42 per km/7:34 per mile

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Good Jebus that was windy.

    Intervals tonight with the club and that wind was bloody hard work. Was able to warm up pretty quickly, so the cold wasn't too much of a problem, but there were two stretches in particular straight into a gale that were really tough. Funny how the bits where it's at your back never feels as easy.

    I got there early and did a couple of kms warmup, then we started with two 400ms at 1km pace and 60 second recovery. We started into the km intervals then and the pace was well down on previous weeks. The effort wasn't way down though, I'd say the wind was adding ten seconds onto each lap easy.

    After the first km we split into three groups and rather than being dropped from the back of the first group after each lap and having a reduced recovery time, I decided to stay at the front of the second group and get the full recovery each lap.

    The lap times were all pretty steady, all within a ten second range. Felt a stitch starting around the 5th lap, but it didn't quite become a full blown stitch. After the 6th lap most of the group finished up, but we were down to do 7 km intervals and I wanted to do the full amount this time. Each lap felt tougher, particularly in the last 400 metres which were mostly into the wind, don't know whether the wind was picking up or the legs were just struggling.

    Happy enough with the session, glad I perseveered through to the end and did more intervals than previous weeks, especially given how tough that wind was tonight.

    The time splits were:
    1:29 - 5:59 mile pace
    1:29 - 5:59 mile pace
    3:47 - 6:05 mile pace
    3:41 - 5:56 mile pace
    3:45 - 6:02 mile pace
    3:45 - 6:02 mile pace
    3:51 - 6:12 mile pace
    3:46 - 6:04 mile pace
    3:46 - 6:04 mile pace

    2km easy warm up
    1km easy warm down

    Intervals Distance - 7.8 km/4.85 miles
    Time - 29:59
    Avg. Pace - 3:46 per km/6:03 per mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    By jove I think he's got it :D

    I may actually be turning into a runner. Had the Christmas party yesterday and we all left the office at 1pm. Some people were heading straight in to town to have a few drinks before dinner at 4pm, not for me though, I went home, changed into my running gear and off I trotted :)

    Did a loop that's just over 7 1/4 miles, deceptively breezy out there, didn't think it was windy at all before I went out, but had to work it into the wind for quite of the run.

    Relatively easy run, got hunger pangs half way round and my left hamstring was a little tight, but enjoyed it all the same. Really do prefer running in daylight, so much more pleasant. Legs were a little tired by the end but my breathing was never strained at all and that's how I judge whether a run was easy or not.

    Then headed into town for what turned out to be a surprisingly enjoyable Christmas party. May just put my head down to sleep now though. The joys of having your own office, I'll shut the door and pretend I'm busy :D

    Distance - 11.7 km/7.27 miles
    Time - 53:48
    Avg. Pace - 4:36 per km/7:24 per mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    I had been thinking about doing the Clonliffe 5km this morning and spent the last week hmmmming and hawing about it. I hmmmmm'd and hawed and hawed and hmmmmm'd, hmmmmm'd a bit more, hawed just a little bit more, then this morning couldn't pull myself out of bed, so that idea went straight out the window. Next race will probably be the Raheny 5 mile now.

    Headed for the gym later in the morning instead, trying to keep up the core and strengthening work on top of the running.

    Session was something like this.

    20 minutes on the cross trainer at a decent resistance

    3 x 15 squats with kettlebell
    3 x 15 assisted chin ups
    3 x 50 ab crunches
    3 x 15 press ups (I HATE PRESSUPS) mad.gif
    3 x 15 leg curls
    3 x 25 side to side with kettlebell
    3 x 15 dips
    3 x 15 pull ups
    3 x 60 second planks

    Was going to do 5km at the end but my legs were feeling it a bit after the weights, just did 5 minutes at mixed speeds for about 1.25km.

    Doing 15hr days for the next few days in work, so not going to get out much this week. Will try and get a decent run in on Wednesday or Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    I'm starting to get the impression that the wind hates me, slightly melodramatic maybe, but I'm going to stand by that assertion.
    Every time I turn it's there, waiting, watching, lurking, B##tard.

    Nice easy flat stretch, no, I won't bother him now, downhill section, leave him be, nice long climb, I'll get him now and on the next climb and next climb (insert evil laugh here) :mad: Grrrrrrrr

    Ran home from work last night, extended the loop to double the distance, so it ended up being 11km. I work near the seafront in Dun Laoghaire and the first half of the run was up to the Foxrock church on the N11, mostly uphill and as my previous rant may attest to, mostly into the wind.

    Felt like I was going at a half decent pelt from the start, but I did the first half of the loop in around 28 minutes, which was slower than I'd expected. The highest point on the loop was also pretty much the half way point, so most of the work was done in the first half of the run. The second half was done in just under 24 minutes and it did feel faster.

    I don't know how it happens, but on an 11km run, I didn't once have the wind at my back, I hate nature.

    It's funny how the choice of music on your ipod can affect your running. I had it on shuffle and at one point along the N11 I was running a lot more fluently and faster than earlier and I twigged that it was the song that was doing it. So if anyone needs a good song for intervals try DJ Fresh's Golddust, great up tempo beat to it. :)

    Felt fine after the run, hamstrings have been a little tight since the gym at the weekend, squats are not my friend, but they didn't bother me while running. Might need to look at my squat technique.

    After the run headed to the cinema to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie, bit of a disappointment really, bit all over the place. The 2nd series of the Sherlock TV series starts next week, so I'll have to hope that's up to scratch instead.

    Distance - 11.03 km/6.86 miles
    Time - 51:44
    Avg. Pace - 4:41 per km/7:33 per mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Went out for a long run this morning, loop is a little short of 9 miles. Don't really plan these runs so just ran at the pace that felt right. This morning that meant a pretty decent pace, even though the wind was fresh enough. This definitely meant the effort was higher than a lot of my recent runs.

    Felt good running at a faster pace, I'm not sure whether the mileage I'm doing is any good as I don't read up on any of the various training plans, but I do prefer running at the faster pace, feels more purposeful, if that makes any sense. At the very least I'm getting miles into my legs and hopefully improving my aerobic capacity.

    Distance - 14.34 km/8.91 miles
    Time - 1:02:14
    Avg. Pace - 4:20 per km/6:59 per mile

    First time the average pace has been under 7 minutes on one of these longer runs.
    Was going to head for a run down home tomorrow morning but managed to head down the country without my gear. Had that sinking feeling that I was forgetting something as I went out the door, suppose it's better I forgot that than anyones presents :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Club intervals session last night, numbers were obviously way down on the usual Tuesday night session, there was only seven of us out. Problem with the reduced numbers was, that with the exception of me, the others were all pretty fast runners, had a few of the decent young guys and the others were the faster masters. My 1km pace and their's is just slightly different.

    I decided rather than just letting them go ahead and me doing my own thing I'd try and keep with them as long as possible on each lap. I managed to stay with the group for three laps but I was spent, I was going a good bit faster than normal. After the third lap I let them off for the next lap and took an extended recovery, I decided on the next lap I'd let them go and work at my own pace. Even that didn't work out to plan, it was just the young lads left now and they were upping their pace, they were well ahead of me, but I still ran at a good whack. One of the masters was finishing off with a couple of 400m reps and I joined him for the last one.

    The four 1km Laps I did were the four fastest intervals I've done since starting these sessions, they were on average 10/15 seconds faster than normal. We were lucky tonight that the wind decided to play ball for once, it was quite blustery as I ran my two lap warmup, but it had died for the intervals.

    1km Splits were:
    3:32 - 5:41 mile pace
    3:27 - 5:33 mile pace
    3:27 - 5:33 mile pace
    3:32 - 5:41 mile pace

    400m Rep
    1:18 - 5:14 mile pace

    2km easy warm up
    1km easy warm down

    Intervals Distance - 4.4 km/2.73 miles
    Time - 15:16
    Avg. Pace - 3:28 per km/5:35 per mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Bit windy out there today :D

    Went for a 9ish mile run this morning, from the bottom of Killiney Hill through Shankill to the end of Bray Promenade and back via Bray town.

    Was hard work after the intervals session last night and with the strength of the wind. Breathing was fine the whole way through, which is as close as I get to monitoring my heart rate. Legs were feeling it a bit and some of the sections into the wind really had them working hard. The climb from the seafront in Bray up Putland Road to the top into a head wind was particularly tough work.

    Two days running in a row, that's as close to a streak as I ever seem to get to :D

    Distance - 14.31 km/8.89 miles
    Time - 1:04:27
    Avg. Pace - 4:30 per km/7:15 per mile

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Donelson

    Great running Sprocket77. Dam you and your talent, making it look easy :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Donelson wrote: »
    Great running Sprocket77. Dam you and your talent, making it look easy :rolleyes:

    Says the guy who's aiming for a sub 35 min 10km :D

    Think you may be the one making it look easy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Last run of the year this morning and first time running down home. I mapped out a 14.25km on Mapmyrun on a nice flat midlands course. Seems to be my standard long distance at the moment, but it's just coincidence as the loops I map just seem to fall into the same distance range.

    Headed out into the wind and the rain, wasn't fun for the first few miles running into the wind and I was questioning the sanity of this run, but once I turned out of the wind it became more enjoyable, I didn't even mind the rain after a while.

    Running round Mullingar you realise just how many roundabouts there are, I counted 15 by the time I was finished, two of which didn't actually lead anywhere :D

    Got hunger pangs half way round, had slept in, so run ended up being done without breakfast, should grab a banana at least if I'm heading out for a longish run in future. Luckily they didn't seem to last too long.

    Feel good now, legs are a little on the heavy side, but they seem to be feeling better than earlier.

    Distance - 14.25 km/8.86 miles
    Time - 1:03:09
    Avg. Pace - 4:26 per km/7:08 per mile

    Hope everyone has a great new year and that there's lots of PB's smashed in 2012 :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    So, first session/run of 2012 and first injury of 2012 :(

    In fairness, I've been lucky, I've haven't picked up a single injury or niggle since I started running so to get a few months in without any problems is good going. Glass half full for 2012 :D

    Hopefully it's nothing too serious, I'm just getting low grade pain from one of the two tendons in my leg that run down to the toes. Luckily my OH is a physio, so after the session I was able to sit on the couch at home and have it treated, that plus a bit of ice, stretching and rest should hopefully sort it :)

    It was intervals for me last night. Ended up in a bit of a rush, so managed to go out without my watch, split times are approx. times based on those running around me.

    The wind was very strong last night, think it was the strongest I've done this interval session in, so I judged my progress more on who I was running with rather than the times. Injury aside I was pretty happy with the session, I was running with some of the top masters and the two top ladies in the club, the legs felt better than they have done, ignoring the wind it felt a little easier. Whereas in earlier sessions I'd have been trailing well behind the top lady, here I was finishing ahead of her on most of the laps. Really happy with that, because I know she's a really strong runner.

    Could be that everyone was suffering after Christmas, but I'd like to think it's that I'm making progress :)

    My shin started hurting half way through the 3rd lap, we were suppose to be doing 6 laps. After the 4th I was going to call it a day, but decided to give it one more lap, but the shin was getting sorer, so skipped the last lap. Was worried I'd aggravate whatever was wrong. Learned later it wasn't the shin, but the tendon that was the problem.

    Splits were roughly:
    Low 3:4x
    High 3:3x
    Mid 3:3x
    Mid 3:3x
    High 3:3x

    Warm up 2km
    Intervals 5km
    Warm Down 1.05km

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Long run tonight and was plesantly surprised that it wasn't near as windy as I thought it would be, although did get blasted a bit along the seafront. The pain from the tendon in my leg started to go away yesterday and was fully gone by today so no worries there.

    Did the loop down to Bray and back which is just under 9 miles. Started off at a decent pace and actually seemed to pick it up as I went. Was working a good bit harder than the last run or two but the pace was significantly faster, so not too worried about that.

    Next session up will be the club pace session on Saturday morning in Bushy Park. I also have my first gait analysis booked in Amphibian King for Saturday, the joys of getting vouchers for Christmas :D

    I somehow managed to be talked, nudged, cajolled into trying a yoga class next Monday, how did that happen, where did it all go wrong :eek:

    Distance - 14.31 km/8.89 miles
    Time - 1:01:27
    Avg. Pace - 4:18 per km/6:55 per mile

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Donelson

    Sprocket77 wrote: »
    I somehow managed to be talked, nudged, cajolled into trying a yoga class next Monday, how did that happen, where did it all go wrong :eek:

    If is something like vinysasa or bakrim it'll be grand, if it's something like hatha you'll be bored out of your mind :pac:.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,142 ✭✭✭rom

    Do you run all your runs at a similar pace ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Donelson wrote: »
    If is something like vinysasa or bakrim it'll be grand, if it's something like hatha you'll be bored out of your mind :pac:.

    It's Beginners Yoga 101, no idea what that entails. OH thinks it will improve my flexibility, which I must admit is a bit crap. It's one of those groupon deals, so at least if it doesn't suit, it didn't cost me much.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    rom wrote: »
    Do you run all your runs at a similar pace ?

    I tend to run how I feel, rather than aiming for any particular pace. Yesterday I was just striding out a little bit more and it felt right, so I went with it.

    I just had a look through the log to see what kind of pace I've been going at for the last few weeks and it's been between 6:55 and 7:33 pace, last night being the fastest pace I've done a run of this length at.

    Should I be doing something different?

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Scratched todays club pace session off the list this morning, legs were feeling heavy after Thursday's quick LSR and after two nights of disturbed sleep, a lie in was needed. I really don't mind going to training sessions, but why 9am at the weekend, I need a lie in. :(

    After another two hours in bed this morning I went out for a ten miler. Did my previous 10 mile route in reverse as I didn't want to face the climb up Killiney hill straight out of the blocks, did regret that 8 miles in as I was facing it from the coast direction.

    My plan was to do this slowly, my legs were tired and I didn't want to make them any worse, intended to keep the pace down, hopefully a little under 8 minute pace.

    I went out and thought I was keeping the pace down to the required level, don't use a garmin, so no idea of pace. My only indicator on this route is that I know where the halfway point is, so I get an idea there of how I'm going. Even going slower I felt a little off on this run, I could still feel the last run in my legs, I was tired and I've a chest infection coming on, all makes a lovely combination for running. Halfway should have been around the 40 minute mark for 8 minute miles, instead it was around 36 minutes, more evidence of how I suck at pacing.

    Even though I know I suck at pacing I want to try and avoid a garmin as long as possible, reading other logs I think people seem to use them as crutches. I've read race reports where people seem to be running well, are happy with how they're running, yet their garmin tells them they're going too fast and they automatically slow up, I think people allow it to limit their performance, the limit should be your body, not a piece of equipment. So my plan is to try and learn how to pace myself and learn what my body's telling me and it'll be my body that limits how fast I can run, not anything else. God knows how long that'll take to learn :)

    Even though I was running faster than planned I kept the pace steady, it slowed considerably in a few spots for climbs, the one from Vico Road up to the top of Killiney Hill being particularly slow and not much fun either. Final time was way under what I'd intended, pace ended up 7:19 per mile. I just need to learn to slow myself down, it's something I'm struggling to get my head around at the moment, hopefully it'll just come with time. Part of my problem is all these runs are being done on my own, I need to do them in a group and be able to chat with others while doing it. I'll get the hang of it then.

    Distance - 16.09 km/10 miles
    Time - 1:13:13
    Avg. Pace - 4:33 per km/7:19 per mile

    Now off to Amphibian King to have my first ever gait analysis and new runners :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭dna_leri

    hi Sprocket77,

    I agree with you about the Garmin. Self-pacing takes a lot of learning but is worthwhile.

    Be careful of over-doing it if you have a chest infection coming on - plenty of people on here have learnt that by experience too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    dna_leri wrote: »
    Be careful of over-doing it if you have a chest infection coming on - plenty of people on here have learnt that by experience too.

    Some sage advice and I'm leaning towards taking it at the moment, going to do yoga tonight as it shouldn't be too taxing, but tomorrow's intervals session isn't looking good.

    Had my first gait analysis on Saturday with Amphibian Kings and I have perfect gait, knew I had to be perfect at at least one thing in life :D

    So my new runner of choice and my first time out of Asics is the Saucony Triumph. They're a good bit lighter than my Asics as with my perfect gait :P I don't need as much support.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    First ever yoga class this evening and initial reaction is "I dunno".

    It's definitely very different to anything I've done before, I can definitely see the benefit in terms of stretching and what it can do particularly for my hamstrings and calves. A lot of the breathing stuff is very alien to me though, continuously had to be told to breath, you'd have thought that would have been something I'd have learnt at a young age :D

    Have 5 more classes on the citydeal that I got, so we'll see whether I'm a fully fledged convert by the end of that or not.

    In terms of running, probably going to skip tomorrows club session, I'm on the doorstep of a chest infection and I'm trying to be a good boy and avoid it altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    I'm not very bright sometimes. :rolleyes:

    I've been barking for a week now with a chest infection. I've taken it easy since Saturday, but wanted to get out for a run today to see how I'd feel. Sensibly, I cut the distance down, a nice short 8km, would be just the ticket, not so sensibly, I decided to up the pace to judge where I am ahead of the Raheny 5 mile, why do I do this to myself. :(

    As you can imagine, chest infection and pace is not a good combination and I pretty much coughed up a lung when I got back in the door, need to learn to take better care of myself.

    Did this run in 33:10, so happy with where I am ahead of Raheny as long as I can shake this. Raheny's my first 5 miler, so the initial target is to go sub 32 minutes, I'll see how I am on the day as to how far under that I aim for.

    Distance - 8.00km/4.97miles
    Time - 33:10
    Avg. Pace - 4:09 per km/6:40 per mile

    First time wearing my Saucony Triumph 8's tonight, felt pretty good, little bit lighter than my last runners.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Have had a chest infection for the last two weeks or so, so tonight was only my second run in twelve days and it felt it.

    Did a 7 1/4 mile loop at an easy enough pace, it was probably at a higher effort than it would have been two weeks ago, but it's pretty windy out there tonight and I'm still feeling the effects of the chest infection.

    I was feeling sore during the run, my right leg was a bit sore below the hip, but not sure what it is, it's the outside of the leg so not one of the obvious muscles.

    Raheny was my target race for the start of the year, but I'm probably going to have to miss it now. Would have liked a race but given how I've been feeling I probably wouldn't have been able to do it justice. Next planned race is the UCD 5km at the end of February, means I'll be a lot longer than I would have liked without a race. I enjoy having races to aim for.

    Now the plan is to just try and get more runs in, build up a little bit more mileage and make more club sessions.

    Distance - 11.70km/7.27miles
    Time - 54:28
    Avg. Pace - 4:39 per km/7:29 per mile

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    After last Thursday's run I was a bit sore at the top of my leg. OH says it's my gluteus minimus, that's bum muscle for us lay people. I got a bit of work done on it and spent 20 minutes or so hurting it, sorry stretching it out on the foam roller. Rested it since then, but didn't do the stretching on the roller I should have, the last few days.

    Went out for my loop down to Bray from Killiney, through Shankill and back, about 8.9 miles. Was a nice evening for running, very little breeze to talk of at all. Set off at a reasonable pace which felt fine for the first half or so. At about half way I've a long continuous climb from the Bray seafront up Putland Road, back to the main street, started to exert myself a little bit more going up that.

    The pace felt like it dropped in the second half, I'm not running long enough to be able to virtually stop running for two weeks and not have it affect how I run. I had probably gone out at a faster pace than the circumstances warranted. With about two miles to go my leg started hurting in the same spot again, guess I didn't give it enough rest this time. Need to get the foam roller out this evening and try and sort it once and for all.

    Raheny is now definitely out :(, not going to be in Dublin this weekend. Going to maybe try and get the Wicklow Fit4Life 2 mile next week in instead just so I get some form of race in, it'll be my first 2 mile race.

    Distance - 14.31km/8.89miles
    Time - 1:01:47
    Avg. Pace - 4:19 per km/6:57 per mile

    Ok, just worked out the average pace and that was a lot quicker than I thought, got to try and calm it down a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Really didn't want to go out last night, it was cold and windy, but worse than that, I was being indecisive, I couldn't even decide where I was running. Ended up heading out the door and finally decided on a shorter loop, just over 7km, was probably not the worst idea as my leg's still a bit sore. It's good that I'm even getting out the door when I'm not in the mood, before picking up running if I was feeling like that and the choice was between the gym or couch, couch would have won every time.

    Leg was a little sore early in the run, but it either eased out or I just forgot about it. Usually it only starts hurting in the last mile or two, strange that it's started hurting early in a run.

    It was pretty breezy last night, luckily I was only really running into it at it's worst for a couple of minutes, an extended blast of that would have sapped the will to go on.

    The run didn't feel easy, but it didn't feel too hard either. I'm not really sure where I'm at anymore, for one reason or another I've only been to one club session so far this year, the club interval or pace sessions are great for getting a feeling of where you're at. Bummed I'm missing Raheny now, with the leg hurting it probably wouldn't have been the best thing for me anyway, but still would have liked to race it.

    I ended up on the foam roller last night trying to get at the spot that's causing the trouble, originally thought it was the glutes, but those stretches aren't hurting so the new diagnosis is that it's my abductor muscle. Problem is I just can't seem to get it stretched out. :(

    I'm hoping to get to the clubs pace session in Bushy Park in the morning, I'll see how that goes.

    Distance - 7.06km/4.39miles
    Time - 30:24
    Avg. Pace - 4:18 per km/6:56 per mile

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭Sprocket77

    Can I go back to 2011, running seemed easy, no strains, no coughs, no missing runs or races, just nice easy running.

    Three and a half weeks since I got this chest infection and I'm still coughing. Think the infection's gone, just can't get rid of this bloody cough. I've also had a problem with my IT band and it doesn't help that for the life of me I can't get a proper stretch on it.

    I had my first club session in four weeks tonight, still didn't feel 100%, but wanted to get back into it. It was 1km intervals with 2 minute recovery in between, people were doing 6-8 intervals, but I decided that I'd take it a little easier for my first session back and do a few less.

    I started off feeling pretty good, the pace seemed really easy and I felt really comfortable for the first lap and I led my group in. Strange then that on only the second lap my legs felt crap as if they'd already run a good distance. I pushed through the next couple of laps not feeling great and coughing up a storm after each lap. Started to feel the IT band hurt a bit on the fourth lap so decided that was enough for the session, really don't want another injury problem.

    I'm thinking about doing a 2 mile race in Greystone on Thursday, I'll play it by ear and see how I feel then. I really want to race at this stage, even if I probably shouldn't. Stubborn fecker :D

    2km easy warm up
    No warm down, too much coughing :(

    The interval splits were:
    3:35 - 5:46 mile pace
    3:35 - 5:46 mile pace
    3:33 - 5:43 mile pace
    3:34 - 5:42 mile pace
