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Letters from C&H to the world!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,571 ✭✭✭Aoifey!

    Dear you,

    Please don't do this. I'm begging you. Please.

    Love me.

    Love, me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭Captain Graphite

    Dear hydroxyl group,

    Our relationship has already lasted a lot longer than I thought it ever would. And you make me a lot happier than I thought you ever would. We both know we have about a maximum of four or five months left before we have to go our separate ways. The fact that we both know it'll happen is a huge relief; at least we'll both be prepared for it.

    Promise me we can stay friends though. Bitter break ups do nobody any favours, and I still want you in my life. I'm really glad I met you. :) I don't know if I could have coped with 2011 otherwise.

    Lots of love,

    Dear cúnt,

    Yeah, turns out I was totally wrong about you. You did the one thing you promised me you'd never do. It was pretty much the only thing possible that could make me not want to be friends with you. And guess what? You did it. And didn't even feel that bad about it.
    I'm not gonna make this break up bitter or awkward; it shouldn't be too difficult to avoid you and never having to see your lying face again.
    I hate you slightly less than my other ex but that's about the best I can say for you.

    Yours go-fúck-yourself-ingly,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭degausserxo

    Dear me next August,
    I hope to fcuk you got off your arse and did some work. You've been given an incredible opportunity, don't waste it - god only knows what'll happen if you don't get the grades. Do you really wanna sink back into the state you've been in since 2009? I hope you came to your senses.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭degausserxo

    Dear b*tch,
    Why don't you go stomp your fake little Burberry boots all over someone else's heart?

    Angrily (still),

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,919 ✭✭✭Grindylow

    Dear girls

    Why you so hard to buy Christmas presents for?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭Captain Graphite

    Dear Grindylow,

    Y U STEAL MY AVATAR? :mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,919 ✭✭✭Grindylow

    Dear Grindylow,

    Y U STEAL MY AVATAR? :mad:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,463 ✭✭✭Leftyflip

    Dear "friends",

    go fúck yourselves off your high horses and into a pit of lime and stop ruining my confidence and making me feel shít.

    Kindest Regards,

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭TheRealSquishy

    Grindylow wrote: »
    Dear girls

    Why you so hard to buy Christmas presents for?

    Dear Noel,
    I would like a new handbag, new shoes, new laptop, new ghd, new phone and a selection box please :D
    Love Aoif xxx

    Dear Lecturers,
    I hate your stinkin' guts, you make me vomit, you're the scum between my toes.
    Love Alfalfa Aoife

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭TheRealSquishy

    Dear R,
    It has taken me years to look in the mirror and smile at what I see back. It has taken me years to be able to walk into a room, smile and not worry that everyone is looking at me thinking I am hideous and fat. Coming to uni I was worried that people would judge me for how I look, but they didn't. I get on great with everyone here. I love the banter I have with people and I love how we're all like a little family. After just 3 months, we're all quite close and care about each other.
    Except you. You bring me down. You make me feel so ugly and hideous. You make me cry so much. Worst thing about it is you do it on purpose. You do it to get a laugh. I've considered applying to change rooms just so I don't have to be near you, but I'd miss everyone too much. Dropping out has crossed my mind.
    People have told you it needs to stop. You said it will. It hasn't. I can't bear to think that after my lovely 3 weeks at home this Christmas I'll have to come back to it all for 4 whole months.
    I shouldn't let you get to me. Your words shouldn't affect how I feel, but I'm weak and vulnerable and I'm easily affected.
    Please cop the fúck on.

    Dear Ciara,
    Why are you still hanging around this person? You deserve more. You won't get Scotland again so enjoy every second and don't put up with that sh*t. You is a sexy lady!
    Chin up :), Aoif xxx

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,555 ✭✭✭Ave Sodalis

    Dear past me since September,

    You probably should have done more work then, it wouldn't have been as difficult now, when your exams are upon you. Better hope the repeats are easier in August!

    From me now

  • Moderators, Education Moderators Posts: 7,849 Mod ✭✭✭✭suitcasepink

    Dear Tummy,
    You'd want to cop on soon nuff.. 3 days getting sick and over 4 days not eating isnt good, yet you seem to be having the bantz. I have school and Christmas anticipation to be keeping up with none of which I have been able to do.
    Also those cramps are not on, okay you've always given me cramps, I get it, its just the kinda tummy you are, but what I went through the other day was not on... I hear childbirth is less painful. And if it isnt, I vow to never EVER have a child, yup blaming you tummy. SUCK ON THAT. We could start over though, remember all the crap I gifted you with, chocolates and cakes and ice cream and everything else, but you need to show me why I should bother, Im "sick of" having to give so much in this, I want something in return, and that would be, to be able to hold food again.
    I feel this song sums things up well.

    Please let this bug be sealed again in time for Christmas, you know how I spoil you then.
    Ps. I have also googled people without tummies, just as a last resort(Hey final solution if thats what it takes) but then realised I couldnt read the results coz they'd probs be gross..
    Get better soon and also cop da fuk on.
    The rest of your organ buds/body youre in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 764 ✭✭✭floutingmaxims

    Dear me, you daft so and so

    Sometimes holding a grudge is better than letting yourself be walked all over repeatedly. Stop being nice to people who don't deserve it and be more appreciative of the people who are continually there for you.

    Love Cawcheen (The boards me who often has the ability to think more rationally than you do IRL!!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,849 ✭✭✭bluejay14

    Dear M,
    We've only been friends since last year but we weren't even that great of friends, I just became friends with your friends and it went from there. But that was fine because at least last year our whole class was practically one big group of people because it was just the 21 of us spending every class together making some of the best memories of my life.
    But since the start of 5th year things have changed. And people have started to notice. 2 of us were called down to the vice-principal's office for a little chat with her today. It was more than a bit awkward to say the least. She started off by asking us how we thought everyone was getting on and what it felt like being in the whole different year where we knew nobody at the start of the year. That much of the conversation was grand but then it got worse.
    She asked us if we thought that there was anybody who might be feeling like they were left our or just hadn't settled into the new year properly. As she was writing all of what we told her down the two of us gave each other the exact same look and mouted your name to each other while the vice wasn't looking in out direction. When she was ready for our answer we told her tht there wasn't really anyone that we could think of. But really we knew that wasn't entirely true. The vice knew too. She asked us if we were sure, we gave each other one last look and bit the bullet: we told her your name. We knew that was what she wanted us to say.
    She told us that a few of the teachers had mentioned to her about you, that you seemed alone and a bit isolated, just hadn't settled down properly. It hasn't gone unnoticed by us either. She asked us if we thought that you intentionally kept to yourself or what was up. We thought that you might some of the time because naturally enough everyone just wants to be alone at times but we also said that it was probably that you were just so shy. She asked us if we thought that you looked uncomfortable or anything at time and we had to admit to her that you did. We knew from some of the other girls from TY last year who we're still really good friends with that most of the time during lunch time while they're all sitting in the locker room having a laugh and a joke or whatever you sit there with them. You laugh along with their jokes even though you probably don't have a clue what they're on about and never get involved in the conversation. We've gone to look for you a few times during lunch but some of the time you're not there. You know where we usually eat lunch too but you never come to us.
    Trust me though, I know what it's like to be extremely shy because I used to be and for a lot of the time I still am: I don't even answer the door at home when the doorbell rings unless I'm expecting someone. I don't tend to answer the pone eother and I force someone else into making my phones calls. I can just about handle buying stuff in shops but if I can't find something I won't bother asking, I'll just forget about it and leave.
    She asked us to keep an eye on you, very subtley. To just try and get some conversations going with you. It's going to be pretty difficult though because with 2 of the girls you're in none of their classes and you're only in my biology class. We sit beside each other and work together in that one class we have together. We used to be in choir together to but for the past few weeks we've been doing a choreography course, carrying on from last year's p.e. You did it too for the first fwe weeks but last week you pulled out of that as well and went back to choir. This is going to make it so much harder to get along with you. No, "get along" is the wrong way of phrasing that but I can't think of another way of saying it right now. I'm rubbish at conversations. Because I'm so shy I'm never the one to start the conversation, even amongst close friends. But because you're even more shy, there's really no chance of you starting one so it's all put back on me.
    Even during the dance course, while you were still there one of our tasks was to come up with a routiney thing with specific elements. I ended up paired with you because nobody else rushed over to you. This is probably going to sound terrible but you gave practically no input and I was the one coming up eith most of the ideas, and creative bones my body has not got. You worked on a project last year with the other two girls from our close group of friends that went on over the summer because it went so well. Again this is going to sound so bitchy and mean but it's the truth and I honestly believe every word they say; but they were saying that you put practically no effort into it at least not compared to what the two of them put into it. Nearly the one job they gave you to do, you did it terribly and they had to offer a discount for the stuff that you ruined because it was so bad in comparison to theirs.
    I honestly don't know what else to say about it but there's not a lot I can do about it. We've to go back and tell the vice about you and what we think before Christmas as well so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how it goes.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Dear wnolan1992,

    You are painfully aware that you are in serious danger of failing. So why, oh why, are you sitting around aimlessly browsing the internet?



  • Registered Users Posts: 90 ✭✭jorges

    Dear me,

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have it good and nobody likes a pessimist. And those things that are going on that isn't good, well you can change that, so maybe try and change that from bad to good. From now on, let's try and have a more positive attitude about yourself, ok? You're smart (enough) and friendly so let's just try and make people see that and don't take every little thing to heart.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭Colm!

    All I can say is talk. I don't get why you've totally gone silent, but it's slightly un-nerving, to say the least. With both the marathon Facebook sessions and actual conversations just completely gone yet you seem to be moving on with life as normal, I'm worried that there's something you're afraid to tell me (despite me having been there to help you and vice versa for most of the year), or that I've done something wrong...
    Take care, okay?

    Sorry for saying something that's depressed the **** out of you. Also sorry for telling what is an outright truth that you absolutely needed to hear. You'll probably thank me for this some day.
    You can keep believing I'm an asshole for telling you to let go of an unattainable goal that you've been obsessively chasing for two whole years causing harm to you and those around you, or you can see my point.
    Your choice, J.

    Today, one year ago, I said something stupid that made me look like an idiot, confused the hell out of you, and something that I still to this day mean entirely and am slightly annoyed I messed up. It's an irrational thought that seems to be fuelled by nothing other than a desire to know what could have been: if never said, if said somehow else, if not for one factor or the other...
    Hopefully you've forgotten long before I did. For all that, I regret nothing, just felt like getting that much off my chest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Dear P,

    I miss you. I don't know why. We were never exactly that close. It was more my own stupid fantasies than anything else... but fu*k, you could make me laugh no matter what. Always. I miss that. I just want to see your smile again. Hear your laugh.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,919 ✭✭✭Grindylow


    I nearly got sick when I heard you'd passed. :( It was so unexpected, such a tragedy and you can probably see from up there how much people cared for you from all the updates over Facebook. You really made me think about how short life can be when I heard what happened to you; really to live each day as if it's your last, because there mightn't be a tomorrow. I hope you're happy wherever you are now, and that peace comes to your family after this.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,835 ✭✭✭✭cloud493

    Dear myself

    Although this is a pretty stupid thing to do, writing a letter to yourself, we need a morale boost. And since no one else is going to do it, we are. We are not beaten. We took everything that ****ing boarding school, our dad, and everything else, they could throw at us, and we're still here. So we're not giving up now, cos we're ****ing better than that, we both know it. He who dares wins, remember that. And remember what we say, better days will come.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,756 ✭✭✭IHeartChemistry

    Addressed to my ex boyfriend... Not even sure if I should send this.
    I know you don't wanna speak to me, listen to me, see me, hear me, or even read what I have to say. So I suppose typing what I'm feeling is the only way I may have a chance of you reading what I have to say. I'm scared, afraid and just woke up. So many things I need you to hear, so many things I need to say. Where to begin is the hardest part. I've been wracking up guilt the past 4 months. Knowing I made you feel so bad, knowing that I made you have nightmares, knowing that I made you cry, knowing that I hurt you so bad by what I said and what I did. I wish I'd never done it. I wish I'd never said those things, because you didnt deserve it. Any of it. You deserved so much better than me saying all of that horrible twisted **** that I said to you.

    You deserve such a happy life, part of whats killing me is the fact I can't make you happy anymore. You think of me and all you feel is hatred. I remember the fun we used to have, all the good times. It was so amazing. Like a fairytale. Then I lost control. Let my emotions take over, let my fear take over, and let everything fall apart. I ruined us. I ruined you. I hurt you so badly and I hate myself for it. I'm sorry, and I just wish you'd let me say all of this and more face to face. I suppose *insert best friend of his name* right though, you need space from me. I needed to get this down on paper so part of me could stop kicking myself for what I'd done to you. I'd say sending this is even pointless because you dont wanna hear it.

    My therapist recommended that I do this, as closure for me. Everyone knows that the guilt is still eating me alive inside. I tried numbing it by getting a tattoo. Her name is Betsy. I thought the pain of that would stop me feeling like hell. It didnt. It gave me something beautiful, no doubt about it. Pic attached. I love my tattoo, more than anything. Because it reminds me of the fact that I am strong. I can conquer anything and everything that I want to.

    Last week I got told I have ADHD. Not life long depression and anxiety. A bitta speed and I'll be able to focus and calm down. My focus and drive will come back and I'll be ok. It'll also made me calm down. In all aspects of my life. I've made a lot of mistakes. Too many to count. I screwed up. Once again, I'm sorry.

    I've found my purpose in life and found what makes me tick.

    New course, new housemates, (No *****...turns out she's a bitch!) and new Ais. I'm blonde now HA. I know who I am. I feel like a person again ya know? All the stress from my life is gone. I know I caused you stress when we were breaking up, I still cant believe I put you through that much pain. I just wish I could go back in time and take it all back so we could be ok.

    I'm sorry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,810 ✭✭✭Seren_

    Dear me,

    Please cop on and do some work. And don't ever say you will do something and not do it, again. It just makes things harder for others.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,571 ✭✭✭Aoifey!

    Dear you,

    Enough is enough. You've messed with my feelings. You've fucked me around. You've made me happy, but you've made me even sadder. You made me believe all those things you said to me were true but I know now they weren't. This is it, I'm not taking anymore of your shit. I'm not believing anymore of your lies. I can't deal with it anymore. I can't deal with you anymore. You know how I feel and from now on I'm not trying anymore. I'm not letting you use me anymore.

    I don't know what's going to happen from here on, but things are going to change. Fast.

    From me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Dear me,

    Well done.



  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,910 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    Hello you!

    I wish we'd been more romantic. It feels weird not having a picture of us together to look at and reminisce over fondly.

    Also, I still remember our very first hug. It was awesome. :) Could do with a hug like that again!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,445 ✭✭✭Jako8

    Dear exams I have yet to do,

    I'm gonna roundhouse kick you. Hard.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Dear me,

    You do know you've an exam tomorrow? Oh you do?

    Ok, you do know it's an insanely difficult subject, one which you will struggle to pass, and one which you have a second module in next year (if you get that far)? Oh you do?

    Right.... so why the fook are you on boards? :confused::confused:

    Kindest Regards,


    Dear Belgian freakshow,

    If you're suicidal/angry with the world, shoot YOURSELF in the head and be done with it. DO NOT GO ON A FU*KING RAMPAGE AND KILL A ONE YEAR OLD CHILD FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭Luno

    Dear _____,
    There's not enough words to describe how it feels to have you in my life. Things are so much better than they have been in a long time now that you're here. You've made me realise a lot of things and for that I'm grateful. I feel like we share everything and I'd never feel uneasy with you! Our time spent together hasn't been long but I hope it does continue on until the future because you've no idea how you make me feel. The word love is thrown around alot but I feel so strongly towards you that it's the only way to describe how I feel.
    Yours truly,

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,571 ✭✭✭Aoifey!

    Dear guy listening to Edel very loudly on your earphones in the library,

    Although I find it hilarious, please stop, I can't concentrate.

    The girl beside you

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,068 ✭✭✭LoonyLovegood

    Dear me,

    Come on. This has to get better. You've been doing so well, don't let it fall to the wayside. Don't let yourself go back in that funk. You've gotten out.

    Stay strong. Get through sixth year and get the hell out.

