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Letters from C&H to the world!



  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭TheRealSquishy

    Dear you,
    F*ck. You're stupid and I'm even stupider. How can it possibly hurt this much? Always though I was kinda numb to normal people feelings but by jaysus have I proved myself wrong. Ouch ouch ouch.

    There's so many things I want to say to you but don't know if it's even worth fighting for anymore and that's worse than anything. We both took each other for granted and now it's killing me. I love you, you f*cking idiot. All I want is a hug from my best friend but that's you so...:(.

    It's worse today. It's sinking in. I'm so disappointed in both of us. I hate the thought of making you sad (but you bloody better be!) and I'm not so fond of being it myself either.

    This is the hardest part, goodbye. It's been amazing and you've given me the best 2 and a half years of my life. Thank you. You know you saved my life and you'll always have a special corner of my heart.

    Love, Me xxx


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭decisions

    Dear _______,

    Your going to kill me when you find out what I have done, you probably won't want to talk to me nevermind confide in me. You need understand that I only did it for you, you need help and you would never go and get help yourself. Too much pride, like me. I hope that you understand, I hope that you trust me, that there will always be someone here to listen and offer a hand. Although I hardly ever show it I do care about you, everyone does, they just don't know how to talk to you because you never lower your shield.

    Most of all I hope you grab the lifeline I just threw you,
    I think it's your last chance to get yourself out of it all,
    You are worth it,

    Yours D.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,514 ✭✭✭PseudoFamous

    Dear Me,

    Work, idiot.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,571 ✭✭✭Aoifey!

    Dear Jacobs,

    After last night it's even clearer you have a problem. Like I keep saying, everything in small doses is grand, we all like to have fun. But you and I both know this has gone too far. You have a problem. I think you're starting to see that yourself. You know I'm always here for you and we can get through this together.

    Love, Arrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭TheRealSquishy

    Dear you, again,
    We can do this! I loves you and you loves me and f*ck all the rest of it! Not gonna lie it's gonna be tough but you're worth it :)
    Love, me xxx

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭Luno

    Dear E,
    I'm sorry for joining in with the backtalk about you. I know you have no idea what we say but I wish we never did. It's not all my fault, someone else says something and you can't help but join in. The three of us probably only do it to better ourselves. I've decided I'm not going to be that person anymore, who am I to say anything? Hopefully the others realise this too but I somehow doubt it.
    Yours forever sorry,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,321 ✭✭✭Jackobyte

    Dear -,

    I've shown someone something that should have stayed between us but I felt I had to.
    You won't let me be of any help so all I could do was put others, who you are willing to allow help, in the best position possible to support you.
    I hope you don't feel I broke your trust if/when you find out. It had to be done.


  • Registered Users Posts: 497 ✭✭Hairycopper


    I only joined a few days ago. I know we will grow to love one another but right now I'm not so sure, i blame grindylow for making me join ;)


    Dear work,

    Please stop giving awkward hours! I gave you three weeks notice that I wouldn't be working today, and yet you ring me asking can I go in today. If you could sort your sh*t out that'd be great!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,654 ✭✭✭shadowninty

    Dear cold,

    Fuck you.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,958 ✭✭✭Mr. Rager

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    Sorry for fighting with you almost every day over stupid things.
    We always make up but I still feel guilty.
    You have to realise I am growing up and have to make a lot of my own decisions.
    And I'm sorry that I can be such a lazy bastard, but that's something I have to deal with.
    And all 16 y/os drink, at least I'm not getting drunk every weekend, count yourselves lucky :pac:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 695 ✭✭✭Banjo Fella

    Dear T,

    I'm so sorry that we've drifted apart. I would do anything to fix it, but I'm so afraid of messing things up that I treat our friendship too delicately to make a difference! I still don't understand how it could have happened. At least it wasn't out of anger, or annoyance. It just seemed to happen over time, and distance, but I always feel like it's partly my fault.

    I met you at a really bleak time when I didn't feel I deserved friendship, and you were the most wonderful, inspiring, enthusiastic, hilarious, vibrant, beautiful, different, fascinating, and just... otherworldly person I had ever encountered. We got on so well together, and having you as my friend brought so much life to me, and changed me in ways that I'm so thankful for. You were my best friend (I still think you are), but before too long I had fallen for you oh, so very badly.

    I never said or did anything about that because I was afraid of screwing everything up, and you were in a relationship at the time anyway... but ironically, I think my inaction caused the thing I was trying to prevent. I imagine you sensed a change in how I acted around you - maybe you knew exactly why, or maybe you couldn't explain it, but either way it probably made you slightly uncomfortable - and I think our distance grew out of that. I wonder if things would have been different if I just opened up, and honestly admitted that I was completely crazy about you.

    The memories I have of you are filled with sunshine, laughter, stupid puns, formal-wear picnics, music, warm sand, owls, spontaneity, a feeling of infinite youth, summertime and possibility, and closeness I didn't know could exist. I just wish we could have more of them. I don't feel our friendship is dead, not at all. It's more like it's hibernating, and if we could hang out more often a lot of it might come back. Why, then, am I too afraid to get on a bus to Dublin and see you at the party you invited me to? I could still make the 3pm bus, but I'm stuck here, paralysed with indecision and fear. Ugh, I'm so sorry... I will make this up to you.

    Stay awesome,


  • Registered Users Posts: 764 ✭✭✭floutingmaxims

    To G, (because there aint nothing 'dear' about you)

    I'm after remembering just why it was so great to escape to another county and you were that reason. I enjoyed coming home at weekends because you weren't there. You were always out drinking with money you didnt have. We have tried to do everything for you. Im sick of having to look out for you even when it should have been the other way around.There are only so many times you can spit in my face and i will let it go. You have tortured my parents and there is enough going on in their lives right now. Why cant you just grow up and f*ck off. Blood is thicker than water... yeah right. No one treats anyone the way you have treated our family. I'm not putting up with it anymore.

    From your sister...
    it's time you started acting like my brother.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭degausserxo

    Dear brain,
    We've had our ups and downs regarding sleep in the past, but c'mon, I'm trying to be good to you lately. So why do you insist on depriving me of a night full of wonderfully weird dreams again? You know you'll just be angry at me later for being tired. If you could just even let me snooze it'd mean I don't have to whittle away time on d'internet (why oh why did you make me watch a video of Colin Farrell on Ellen? Are you serious?). Please just let me sleep.

    Tx bayub xxxxx áine

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,850 ✭✭✭Indiego

    Dear N,

    Ok. You confuse me so much.
    We used to be so, so, so close, and we even dated for a while (not long at all though), and then we just kind of drifted apart, but we were young(er) and naieve and all that ****. So then we went about our own buisiness for 2/3 years, and all of a sudden you make a reappearence in my life, you talk to me on facebook and text me, and Im pretty sure you're flirting, though I cant be sure, I suck at interpreting things like that and Im always wrong. But I know we have a history, so I know its not impossible that you might have feelings for me, but even though we talk virtually practically all the time now, we still dont talk much in school. What the deal-io? Are you purpously trying to confuse the fúck out of me?? Please, start making sense, who knows what could happen if my intuition is right and theres the potential for something more.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,756 ✭✭✭IHeartChemistry

    I saw you today, I don't know if you saw me. Maybe I just imagined the eye contact. First time seeing you since we broke up. I kept calm, didn't text you and walked right past you. Proud of myself for that. I don't miss you, I don't even know if I love you anymore. The time apart is doing us good, I just hope that maybe someday we can fix it.

    x x x

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭Luno

    To ___,
    You are a horrible person. You can't talk to someone like that, not your own flesh and blood. Your words hurt and they hurt deep. It's moments like these I wish I was two years older and didn't have to put up with this ****. If you want me to do something ask! 99% of the time I'll do it just don't go expecting me to read your mind. The next 9 months can't come sooner!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,024 ✭✭✭shannon_tek

    Dear, J

    I know i may have offended you this summer, I know it has caused distress to you. It has made you feel Worthless for everything you have done for me in the past 15 Years. I truly want you to know that what i said is what they said. Its not my thoughts i was relaying the message.I feel horrible for letting it slip but I want you to always know you and Andy will always be second place, and im so greatful for everything you have done for me. Even though you are no longer helping me i hope nothing changes your still my Fam, I may not see you but im always thinking.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,013 ✭✭✭marko93

    Dear Frank,
    I was 10 years to late man. I never got to speak to you, laugh, cry be happy by your side. From the stories your sons tell you seem like you could of been one hell of a guy. A few of them think I'm basically a copy of you. Which is nice. I went to the graveyard today with Dad, I cryed. I cryed because I realised I never got a chance to know you. I cant help but feel robbed, because I know we would of got on really well. I still feel crap knowing this, and knowing I'll of never got to know Una ethier. Both of you guys are well before my time. It really does suck. I never see my dad too upset, but for once I understood why graves make people cry. I'll never get to have a pint with you, chill out or just talk to you and honestly it's quite depressing. I sit here wondering, what if you lived 30 more years. I could be a compltly different man. Oh well. Maybe one day our paths will cross.

    A grandson that just wishes he was born 20 years before.
    A kid who misses the grandad he never got to know.
    See ya around man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,654 ✭✭✭shadowninty

    marko93 wrote: »
    Dear Frank,
    I was 10 years to late man. I never got to speak to you, laugh, cry be happy by your side. From the stories your sons tell you seem like you could of been one hell of a guy. A few of them think I'm basically a copy of you. Which is nice. I went to the graveyard today with Dad, I cryed. I cryed because I realised I never got a chance to know you. I cant help but feel robbed, because I know we would of got on really well. I still feel crap knowing this, and knowing I'll of never got to know Una ethier. Both of you guys are well before my time. It really does suck. I never see my dad too upset, but for once I understood why graves make people cry. I'll never get to have a pint with you, chill out or just talk to you and honestly it's quite depressing. I sit here wondering, what if you lived 30 more years. I could be a compltly different man. Oh well. Maybe one day our paths will cross.

    A grandson that just wishes he was born 20 years before.
    A kid who misses the grandad he never got to know.
    See ya around man.
    Thats so touching. I can relate. One of my grandfathers died long before I was born. His wife, my grandmother, had suffered a massive stroke and I couldnt even have a conversation with her. My other Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and quickly died when I was ten. Never got to know her as well as I'd like, but I still have fond memories. Just as I was getting to the age where I'd like to learn about his travels across the world (he was a seaman), my grandfather developed Alzheimers.. it was really sad seeing him - he passed away 11 months after my grandmother - just a few days short of her first anniversery. I guess he kind of lost his best friend, the person he lived with for 51 years. He mustve lost the will to live and fight the cancer he had fought off before with her.

    I hope my kids get to know my parents, it always makes me happy to see my cousins kids being so close to their grandparents who'll hopefully be around for at least 20 more years.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,013 ✭✭✭marko93

    One of my grandfathers died long before I was born. His wife, my grandmother, had suffered a massive stroke and I couldnt even have a conversation with her. My other Grandmother was diagnosed with cancer and quickly died when I was ten.

    I hope my kids get to know my parents, it always makes me happy to see my cousins kids being so close to their grandparents who'll hopefully be around for at least 20 more years.

    That first section is exactly identical to me. Well I was 13 when my Nanny died.

    I seriously hope my kids get to grow up with my Mam and Dad. They made me the person I am. God knows they'll need some moral support and sympathy from some one :p

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,819 ✭✭✭EuropeanSon

    Dear College,
    Why couldn't you leave the 24 hr room open? Closing it for two weeks at the most important time of the year (besides, maybe, April/May for some people, but not for me this year) is just stupid and frustrating.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,089 ✭✭✭jefreywithonef

    Dear Santa,
    Where the hell is Christina Hendricks?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,068 ✭✭✭LoonyLovegood

    Dear Godfather,

    I get that money's tight. I get that you have two young sons. Honestly, I do.

    But a fiver in a brown paper envelope? Is it too much to ask for a fúcking card? I feel like you're paying me off.

    Your goddaughter.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭IsMiseLisa

    Dear Young Me,
    I wish you'd heard this quote earlier as it's how you try to live your life now. "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Make sure there's lots to smile about.
    Your Future Self.

    Dear Einstein,
    Apparently I invented time travel. Suck my left one.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,014 ✭✭✭Colm!

    Dear IsMiseLisa,
    I already invented time travel.
    Colm! wrote: »
    PS. did you just invent time travel? dayum son

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 403 ✭✭IsMiseLisa

    Dear Colm,
    I travelled back in time and invented time travel before you, thus negating your future posts declaring yourself as the father of time travel.

    P.S. I always wrecked your time machine, 'cause my patent's still pending and all that jazz. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,272 ✭✭✭Captain Graphite

    Dear Captain Graphite,

    Ok so writing letters to yourself is pretty lame, right? You better not make a habit of it. But this one is pretty important so unroll your eyes, shut up and listen.

    You've survived the last three years where, more often than not, things have gone against you. I don't know how you did it but you managed, and you should be pretty proud of yourself. And there'll still be times where you'll want to stick a knife in your arm or swallow a box of pills with a bottle of wine but it's natural to feel like that sometimes. Just try not to act on them.

    2012 is gonna be such a huge year for you. You're already going to China for 15 weeks; you never thought you'd actually do it, and I bet anyone you mentioned it to figured you didn't have the balls to go through with it either, but it's happening. It's a massive risk to take but at least you're taking it so give yourself some credit. And, if your application goes well, you'll be doing a Masters in England too next year. There's still a big chance you won't get that and if you don't it's not the end of the world. A plan B will more than likely work out, even if you're not entirely sure what that plan is yet.

    You're not the worthless fúckup you've always thought yourself to be. You actually do have some potential and 2012 is the year where you finally have to live up to it. You need to learn to stop feeling defeated before you've even made an attempt. You've always wanted to lose weight and get fit - so just fúcking do it. Stop coming up with excuses to remain lazy, miserable and overweight. College didn't go well; you've accepted that. So if you do get this Masters then work your ass off and get a first in it. You know you have the brains (screw false modesty for a second; you are genuinely smarter than (or at least as smart as) most people you know), you just need to get past the mental blocks you set up for yourself.

    You've let yourself down so many times and blamed the rest of the world. Yeah, people have let you down before but you can't blame them for everything. Just take a deep breath, remember that you're actually not a worthless, useless, pathetic excuse for a human being (despite telling yourself you were for the best part of 22 years) and get out there and show the universe exactly what you're made of.

    You've survived 4 years of college despite being stuck in a course you never really liked, being saddled with mental illness and intense social awkwardness, plagued by confusion about your sexuality and being let down or abandoned by people you thought were friends. That's more than a lot of people could say so don't beat yourself up all the time by thinking about how things could have been or should have been.

    Think how great it would be to read over this in 12 months time and be fitter, thinner, happier, wiser and a lot more confident about life. You actually can do this. Seriously, you can. I know you think New Year's resolutions are generally a pile of **** but maybe it's a good idea to do it this time:

    *Eat better and exercise more; you don't have to go overboard, just improve your fitness a little and lose maybe a stone or two and that'll be good enough.

    *Talk to people more often. You've gotten better at making friends but you so rarely ever hold onto them. Try to be more sociable and actually get to know people better. It'll be worth it.

    *Forget shít that happened in the past. It's simpler and healthier to forgive someone than bear a grudge forever. It doesn't mean you ever have to like or respect them, it just means you don't waste your own time dwelling on past mistakes.

    *Try not to be so cynical and bitter about everything and everyone. The whole world is NOT out to get you.

    You could be so much healthier and happier than you've ever been. Just don't let yourself down again. Please do it this time. Please.

    Yours etc.,

    Captain Graphite.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,819 ✭✭✭EuropeanSon

    Dear Captain Graphite,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    Dear Captain Graphite,

    +1 to the vast majority of what you posted.


    Dear wnolan1992,

    You will not let 2012 be the same as the past 19 years. Cop on, and actually make the effort to make yourself happy rather than bitch and moan.

    Grow a pair of balls and go for International Co-op. The worst that can happen is you won't be able to adjust... and at least then you'd know.

    I know you probably won't take any notice of what you've just written to yourself, so when you're even more miserable than you are now next Christmas, just remember there's no one else to blame.

    Yours in anticipation,

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,888 ✭✭✭Fergus_

    I have a load to get off my chest now.

    Dear Dad

    It's been 7-8 years since you've been gone, you passed away when I was so young, it makes me sad that I can only remember a few things about you. If only you could see how hard Mom is working now, you'll be so proud of her and the rest of the children for having their own families and lives.

    Sincerely myself.

    Dear Mom

    I'm sorry for being so ungrateful, you're working 2 jobs and managing the house and looking after me. And I'm always so snappy when you ask me to do some jobs around the house. I understand how much you work for this house and I appeciate you trying to get me to study to do well in college. You sometimes give me breakfast in bed and always cook the dinner and I hardly do anything in return. You usually give me money to go out (even though I refuse it most of the time), you insist anyway. I really do apperciate everything and I'm sorry for being so ungrateful at times.

    Sincerely myself.

    Dear Me

    Stop being so unsocial, already in the past 3-4 days, you've spent most of the time in your room. Stop brushing off people on facebook and ending conversations quickly so you can return back to games. You had the family over for Christmas and you spent most of the time in your room. You didn't go out to a nightclub or a disco yet. Stop being lazy and gather your friends together and spend a day out in Dublin or in the local town. Stop holding back the fact that you think you're possibly gay, stop making excuses because you have 0 interaction with girls of your own age, you've seen people come out in school and why can't you do it yourself. Go out in the local town, meet girls, make some kind of effort to establish a relationship with a girl of your age. Stop making excuses because you're in an all-boy school. Make an effort to strike up a conversation with someone outside your circle of friends, stop using your disability of being half deaf as a barrier to not talk to others. Your friend has made an effort to organise trips to go to town and you've made excuses not to go because you want to stay at home. Get up, go out with your friends, make an effort to be more sociable, stop being so dependant on others and the time you spend on games/internet is horrific. Also go to the gym and get fit, you shouldn't be panting after running for 10 seconds.

    Sincerely, me.
