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Running Under the Influence of Jack Daniels



  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭irfrm

    Any day you PB its a good day, with the taper for DCM you body will be in the right place and that the goal. Still great running, 92 will come another day.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    An unusual training week for me as because I was on a training course for work for the week I had to do all my midweek runs in the evening instead of at lunchtime.

    Sunday 16th September
    Very slow 5 mile recovery run. Took it real easy as legs were still feeling the effects of the half marathon the previous day.

    Monday 17th & Tuesday 18th September
    General Aerobic runs on Monday (6.8 Miles in 58:03 - 8:32 pace) and Tuesday (8.71 Miles in 1:15:47 - 8:42 pace). Pretty uneventful except when I started the Tuesday run it was bright and sunny and then pitch dark when I finished which made the run seem a lot longer than it actually was.

    Wednesday 19th September
    Substituted the P&D VO2 max session of 5 x 1k with the MRG Interval session which was 3 x 6 mins with 3 mins recovery followed by 2 x 90 seconds with about 45 seconds recovery.

    I led the group for the 6 minute intervals and completed each of the 3 in a distance a little over 1500m which I was pretty happy with as it was only a little faster than the 5k race pace P&D recommends for these sessions. Tried to maintain the same pace for the shorter 90 second intervals where I covered just over 400m.

    Thursday 20th September
    Rest day.

    Friday 21st September
    5 mile recovery run on grass to keep me ticking over until the planned PMP run the following day.

    Saturday 22nd September
    Met up with Belcarra in the Phoenix Park for what was a planned 20ish miles with 14 @ PMP. We took the first 7 miles at an easy pace around the park and around the War Memorial Gardens before we started into the MP section.
    The first 7 miles at PMP were kept at a consistent pace in and around 7:35 but after this we both started to struggle and the pace dropped slightly. We met Basster and he ran with us for about 3 miles. We decided to head back to the car for some water before trying to do the last 5k at 5:00km/8:00mile pace. Legs felt heavy so our pace wasn't quite that fast but was happy to get through the session.
    20.40 Miles in 2:45:55. Average Pace 8:08.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Monday 24th September
    A very wet and windy 10 miles at lunchtime out to Blackrock and back. I was half thinking of giving this one a miss when I seen the weather forecast but the marathon won't run itself and I knew I'd regret it if I didn't go out. I have to say I really enjoyed it and found it quite refreshing :)
    10 Miles in 1:23:09. Average Pace 8:19.

    Tuesday 25th September
    Raining again today but nowhere near as heavy as yesterday for today's lunchtime run out to Clontarf. Tried to do some of this run on the grass area along the seafront but it was quite boggy in places and my feet kept landing in hidden puddles so ended up getting in some cross country training.
    8.99 Miles in 1:13:46. Average Pace 8:12.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Wednesday 26th September
    Meath Running Group Vo2max session consisting of intervals of 4, 5, 6, 5 and 4 mins. This was a considerably tougher session than this weeks prescribed P&D session of 5 x 600m but felt this would have been a good one to get in and it's always easier to do these sessions in a group. P&D recommend 5k pace for these runs which should be around 6:20 mile ish pace but I usually end up doing these nearer to 3k pace (6:00) as I find 6:20 pace too easy i.e. I feel I'm not working hard enough at that pace. Interestingly even at 3k pace my HR was at the lower end of P&D's recommended HR range for Vo2max 5k pace. The below poster seems to know what he is talking about so I won't try and slow down just yet :)
    tergat wrote: »
    Vo2 Max speed is roughly the speed one can hold for a maximum of 6-12 mins in an all out effort, vo2 Max does not equal 5km pace as is common place in many message boards. Typically it is about 3km race pace for most although famed distance guru Joe Vigil has expressed it as current mile pace. You are safe staying around 3km pace assuming you can run one in 8-12 min range.

    According to the Garmin the splits were:
    Mins|Distance|Avg Pace

    Thursday 27th September
    Rest/recovery day so just done 30 mins on gym bike followed by some stretching and core work.

    Friday 28th September
    4 mile recovery run. Took it very easy as I have a busy weekend ahead with 10k time trial tomorrow and 17 mile LSR on Sunday.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Saturday 29th September
    Met up wit neilc and we travelled down to Marlay Park to meet theboyblunder and BigBadTom for a handicapped 10k time trial as there was no local 10k races on today which was required as part of the P&D training schedules.

    We stated a target time and based on that headstarts were allocated. I went with my Dunshaughlin PB of 41:45. I wasn't sure if my time would have improved since then but considering I didn't taper and it wasn't exactly race conditions I'm used to it seemed like the best option.

    My time was the slower of the 4 so I set off first. As the course was 10 1k loops I set the distance and pace on the Garmin to KM's so I could easily work out how many laps done / how many to go as well as keeping account of my lap splits.

    I realised just after I had started that I had forgotten to calculate what pace this was in KM's but with some quick thinking I calculated around 4:15k's but it should have actually been 4:10. Either way it didn't make much of a difference as my pace was well under 4:00 for the first 2 laps. I was almost definitely sure this was too fast but it felt comfortable so it would have been counter productive to slow down. I looked at my watch when I completed the first lap and it showed 3:49. tBB hadn't even started at this stage and I wondered had I greatly underestimated how much my fitness has improved.

    I gradually began to slow over the next few laps as the lactic acid began to build up and by halfway my pace was around 4:10-4:15. I went through 5k in about 20:10 so I knew barring a complete blow up I was going to better my target time.

    I managed to maintain a consistent pace over the next 4 laps despite running into a nasty breeze in one corner of the park as well as trying to avoid a few obstacles like walkers and buggies. My splits for the next 4 laps were 4:14, 4:16, 4:15 and 4:14 which I thought at the time was bang on pace. As I started into my final lap a guy running with headphones pulled out right in front of me but this proved to be blessing in disguise as he just happened to be running at a pace just a little quicker than mine so my plan was to try and catch and try to overtake him (as long as he didn't turn off the route of course :)). I just about managed to pass him in the last 100m despite having to swerve a buggy or 2. The poor guy had no sprint finish in him at all. It's almost as if he didn't even know he was in a race :pac:

    A look at the watch showed an unofficial 10k PB of 41:34 and first across the line :cool: tBB flew past me around the 4th lap but apart from that I didn't see any of the others at all. The plan of all 4 of us sprinting for the line didn't quite work out as we all came in with a bit of a gap between us.

    All in all a great session to get in and certainly something I wouldn't have been able to do on my own. Fair play to tBB for coming up with this idea. I think we all benefited from it.

    6.28 Miles in 41:34. Average Pace 6:37.

    Managed to pass the 200 mile mark for September during the 10k too :D


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Sunday 30th September
    Was in Dublin so made my way to the Phoenix Park for my P&D post tune up race 17 mile run. Wasn't exactly looking forward to this one as I was still feeling the effects of the previous days 10k. Got off to a bit of a false start as I only realised a couple of minutes after I had started that I had forgotten to change the distance/pace on the Garmin back to miles and with the pace in KM's meaning nothing to me I had to change it back and start again.

    My legs felt sore and heavy for the first few miles and I had a feeling that it was going to be a long, slow, painful afternoon. Decided to start the run by following the same route out by the War Memorial Gardens and through Farmleigh which I had ran with Belcarra the previous week. Legs were feeling much better around the 9 mile mark but I was finding it hard to up the pace so decided to head back to the car, take a gel before finishing off the run.

    A few minutes break and I started off again up Chesterfield Avenue. I was feeling much more energetic now and managed to up my pace up to around 8:30 pace. I got a bit of momentum on the downhill stretch towards the Parkgate Street gate so decided to turn down the Conyngham Road and in the Islandbridge Gate. I remembered reading somewhere that the last few miles of this run replicate the last few miles of the marathon so when the Garmin beeped for 13 miles I decided to try and up the intensity and finish around PMP.

    The first section up the Wellington Road was mainly uphill so was a bit slow but I knew when I got onto the North Road I'd have a straight stretch back to the Castleknock Gate where I was parked. However when I turned onto the North Road I realised I was going to have to run straight into a headwind which was a lot stronger than I thought. Lovely...

    I found these last few miles tough but just kept at it and ended up getting faster and faster culminating in a final mile of 7:45 which just happens to be my current PMP. So a run which I thought would gradually become more and more of a struggle actually ended up being the complete opposite and I became stronger as the run progressed so ended up being a pretty good finish to a great training month and an unusually long report about a training run.

    17.01 Miles in 2:26:46. Average Pace 8:38.

    Monday 1st October
    Rest day. Pretty knackered and think I have a cold/flu coming on :mad:


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Tuesday 2nd October
    7 mile recovery run with 6 x 100m strides. Nothing else to report.

    Wednesday 3rd October
    My Vo2max session for the week was the MRG intervals of 4 x 5 mins which was almost identical to this weeks prescribed P&D session of 4 x 1200m.

    I'm generally out on my own at the front for these sessions so decided to try and stay in the 2nd or 3rd lane and encourage a few of the others to try and stick with me while running in the inside lanes which worked pretty well but they generally fell away towards the end of the interval. The reps were pretty consistent all being completed in and around the 1300m mark.

    According to the Garmin the splits were:
    Mins|Distance|Avg Pace

    Warm up and cool down brought me up to 10.5 miles.

    Thursday 4th October
    8 miles at lunchtime out to the Merrion Gates and back. Average Pace 8:50.

    Friday 5th October
    4 mile recovery run on the grass in Trinity.

    Saturday 6th October
    Met up with a few MRG members for 20 miles this morning. I was contemplating during the week whether I should throw some MP miles into my final 20 miler this morning but in the end decided to stick with the P&D plan which was just an LSR. I felt comfortable throughout and with about 3 miles to go I decided to try and finish strongly so I upped my intensity by quite a bit with the last 2 miles around 8:00 pace.
    19.91 Miles in 2:54:43. Average Pace 8:47.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Monday 8th October
    6 Mile Recovery Run.

    Tuesday 9th October
    Cross training day. 40 minutes on gym bike followed by stretching and core work.

    Wednesday 10th October
    Vo2max session for the week was 5 x 4 mins with 2 minute recovery.
    I was feeling a little bit too good on the first rep and this was ran a little too fast and I paid for it later on in the session as the lactic acid started to build up and each interval was slower than the previous one before I managed to put in one last strong effort for the last one.

    According to the Garmin the splits were:
    Mins|Distance|Avg Pace

    Thursday 11th October
    Rest day.

    Friday 12th October
    4 mile recovery with 6 x 100m strides. Took this run very easy and then found it hard to adjust to the strides at the end and was only really getting into a rhythm just as I finishing them.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    BHAA Teachers 4 Mile XC, Castleknock

    P&D called for a tune up race today so I decided to head to Castleknock College for the first race of the BHAA winter league. Distance was a bit shorter than the 8k - 10k in the plan but I reckoned a 4 mile cross country race was a good substitute to tire out the legs before tomorrow's 16 mile LSR.

    The course consisted of 4 mile laps for the men and 2 mile laps for the ladies. Both started off together and this resulted in a few bottlenecks in the first lap but soon settled into a group of 4 or 5. Was surprised at how dry most of the course seemed during the warm up but that didn't last long once the race started and by the second lap it was pretty muddy.

    Lost a couple of the ladies in the group at the halfway stage as they turned off towards the finish and now it was only really me and another guy on our own with nobody close enough in front or behind. I stuck with him for the third lap as it seemed to be working well but then he seemed to blow up a bit at the start of the final lap and I pulled away from him. Looking back at the splits now I got too comfortable running with him and this resulted in the only 7+ minute lap.

    Knowing this was the final lap I upped my intensity to try and catch people up ahead. Most (maybe all?) of the runners I passed in the next half a lap were people I was lapping so I didn't have to work particularly hard to overtake them. Then a guy in a yellow top came up beside me and was looking strong. I tried to go with him but I was struggling to move my tired legs any quicker then they were going already and I wasn't able to maintain his pace and he started to pull away. I kept him in sight and we managed to close the gap on a couple of others in front. He managed to pass them turning the corner onto the finishing straight but despite my best efforts I couldn't catch them and crossed the line with the watch showing 27:15.

    It was tough adjusting back to the XC after a long break but happy with how it went as it served its purpose of providing some racing practice before DCM.

    4 Miles in 27:15. Average Pace 6:49.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Sunday 14th October
    A good 16 miler this morning despite getting soaked when the rain decided to start bucketing down about 2 minutes after I'd started :rolleyes: The route I picked had a lot of ups and downs but no major hills. I hadn't planned on getting faster as the run progressed but must have sub consciously sped up for the closing miles and finished feeling I could have gone on a good bit longer if I wanted to.
    16.09 Miles in 2:14:47. Average Pace 8:22.


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Taper going well. Nothing major to report. Ticking along nicely :cool:

    Tuesday 16th October
    7 miles recovery with 8 x 100m strides. Always find it hard to adjust to the strides near the end of a recovery run as I get too comfortable running at the slow pace.

    Wednesday 17th October
    Vo2 max session with the Meath Running Group was 5 x 3 mins with 90 seconds recovery. Managed to run these pretty consistently covering 2 laps of the track on each interval.

    Garmin splits were:
    Mins|Distance|Avg Pace

    Thursday 18th October
    5 mile recovery with 6 x 100m strides. Grass track in Trinity now out of action for runners for the winter so will have to find a new spot for my recovery runs.

    Friday 19th October
    Went to the physio on Friday evening just to get the legs checked over and apparently my legs are in pretty good nick so all systems go for DCM :)

    Sunday 21st October
    Last long(ish) run of the plan. Easy run around the Phoenix Park taking in part of the marathon course. Nice descent down to the Chapelizod Gate to look forward to on the day.
    10.92 Miles in 1:36:01. Average Pace 8:48.

    Tuesday 23th October
    Today's plan was 7 miles at lunchtime with 2 @ PMP. I was probably supposed to do the MP part at the end but that might have involved stopping at traffic lights etc so ran down to Ringsend Park for the MP miles where I knew I'd get a good crack at them. Plan was to try and keep the MP miles between 7:40 and 7:45 and my splits were 7:42 and 7:33 so happy enough with that.
    Weather conditions were perfect for this run. A little bit of drizzle and little or no wind. Will take that on Monday.
    7.19 Miles with 2 Miles @ PMP in 1:00:51. Average Pace 8:28 (MP 7:38).


  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭The_Boy_Wonder

    Best of luck on Monday. Hope you have a great run and take that PB down in fine style!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Barry Best of Luck on Monday, you have put in so much training that you deserve to smash your PB, like you have done with all the others throughout the've certainly lived up to you log title, now for the big one!!!:D
    Hopefully we'll get to catch up in McGrattans!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Good luck on Monday beeduybe, time to top off a great year with a great marathon time!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    Good luck Monday, have a great run

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Thanks everybody for the good wishes. Really appreciate them.

    Been a pretty quiet few days training wise...

    Wednesday 24th October
    Final Meath Running Group training session of the year. 5 x 2 mins with 1 min recovery. Made sure to take these very easy and stayed towards the back of the group before striding out in the last 100m.

    Friday 26th October
    4.5 mile recovery run with 6 x 100m strides. Nice easy run.

    Saturday 27th October
    Made the trip down to the RDS to pick up my number at the Expo. Pretty uneventful apart from being starstuck after meeting Claralara at the pacers stand :pac:

    Will probably do a few miles tomorrow morning to loosen out the legs. Good luck everybody running on Monday.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,957 ✭✭✭digger2d2

    beeduybe wrote: »

    Made the trip down to the RDS to pick up my number at the Expo. Pretty uneventful apart from being starstuck after meeting Claralara at the pacers stand :pac:

    Classic :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    Have a great race tomorrow beeduybe. You're well on track to take a significant chunk of your marathon time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 405 ✭✭irfrm

    Best of luck tomorrow, hard work does pay off, time to reap the rewards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    Best of luck. You are all set to smash that pb

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,842 ✭✭✭Micilin Muc

    Good luck Beeduybe! Have a good time, in both senses!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    3:21:13 for a 49 minute PB :D

    Will try and post up some sort of race report in the next few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭theboyblunder

    beeduybe wrote: »
    .....a 49 minute PB :D


    wow - that is serious improvement! Great running.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,900 ✭✭✭KielyUnusual

    I knew you'd take a serous chunk off your marathon PB but 49 minutes is unbelievable. Fair play.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Congrat B, thats fantastic time and very well earned,...... you've had a great year....

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    Dublin Marathon
    The final piece of the jigsaw...

    Despite having initially been happy to finish my first marathon in Dublin 12 months ago in a time of 4:10 the more I thought about it afterwards the more frustrated and annoyed I got at how unprepared I was and how easily I gave in when the going got tough and adopted a run walk strategy for the last 9 miles. This frustration was the motivation behind starting this log and attempting to structure my training and improve my race times before ultimately leading me back to Dublin for another crack at the marathon.

    I gradually started increasing my mileage and started making progress at a much faster rate than I'd initially anticipated as I started recording huge PB's at all distances before committing to a specific training plan for a race for the first time - P&D's 18 week <55 mile plan. I managed to complete almost all of the sessions in the plan without encountering any major injury problems as well as recording some big improvements on my 10 mile and half marathon times.

    I knew in the weeks leading up to the marathon I was in about 3:20 - 3:25 shape so rather than try and aim for a specific time and worry about wearing pace bands etc I decided to try and run by feel as much as possible and only look at the pace on the Garmin from time to time to make sure I didn't go paranoid wondering whether I was going too fast or too slow. In the run up to the race I tried to mentally prepare myself for the hurt I was sure to be feeling from around the 17 mile mark as that was the point where the wheels really came off last year. Such was my taper madness I even studied the unfamiliar roads around Milltown and Clonskeagh on Google Street View in order to know exactly what was coming around every corner.

    Arrived in wave 1 pretty early which gave me plenty of time to relax and not have to worry about getting into position between the 3:15 and 3:30. Met younganne on her way down to the next wave so we wished each other good luck as the crowds around me started to increase. Before long I was crossing the start line and the race was underway.

    Miles 1 - 6
    My plan was to try and keep my pace conservative from through the first 6 miles to the Phoenix Park which was helped by the congestion in the early miles. I was conscious of conserving energy for the second half of the race so I tried to relax as much as possible and not to worry about those passing me. In what felt like no time at all I was running over the 10k mat and a look at the watch showed 48:46 so things were pretty much going to plan.

    Miles 6 - 11
    I knew there was a nice descent down to the Chapelizod gate here so I slightly increased my effort in order to make up some time while letting the hill do some of the work and this saw my pace increase from by 15-20 seconds per mile to just under 7:30 pace. The momentum gained here was carried along to the 11 mile mark around Dolphin's Barn.

    Miles 11 - 13.5
    I had read Tunguska's course breakdown a couple of days beforehand and remembered that he had said that this was a tough part of the course if there was any sort of wind and sure enough we were running straight into that wind so for the first time ever I decided to tuck in behind a group of runners and do some drafting :eek: The group broke up when we approached a water station on the Crumlin Road where I took on my second gel. Passed through halfway feeling really good in 1:41:26.

    Miles 13.5 - 20
    Tunguska's course breakdown had told me that the next few miles were a good opportunity to make up some time and as I was feeling really fresh I subconsciously started to get faster as the race progressed. Flew through Terenure like I was out for a stroll. I wasn't watching the mile markers at all at this stage so such was the shock I got when I realised I was passing the dreaded 17 mile marker that I almost forgot to take the gel I had planned to take there! I couldn't believe how good I was feeling and maybe got a little too carried away here as miles 16-19 were my 3 fastest of the race. I moved up 540 places between halfway and 20 miles and passed over the mat in 2:33:22.

    Miles 20 - 26.2
    Roebuck hill saw the first signs of tiredness hit as it was the first time I felt I was struggling all day. It didn't feel like it at the time but from this point to the Merrion Road my pace gradually started to dip. I was nearly at the RDS when I looked at the pace on the watch and realised it was time to HTFU and put in one last big effort to get to the finish. The stretch from Shelbourne Road to Westland Row seemed to go on forever but I knew when I did turn that corner that I was almost home. Once I turned onto Pearse Street I really put the foot down and was determined to put in a strong finish. I must have been in my own little world on the finishing straight as it felt like there was nobody else near me at the time and everybody was cheering me on. The photos suggest otherwise :o Anyways I crossed the finish line, stopped my watch, stumbled over to the nearest railing for something to lean against while I caught my breath and quietly celebrated my new PB of 3:21:13 :)

    Dublin Marathon in 3:21:13. Average Pace 7:41.

    So there ya go. I've managed to greatly exceed all my expectations from when I started this log almost a year ago. Thanks to everyone who read, contributed and offered advice and encouragement along the way. It was very much appreciated.

    Distance | 1 Mile | 3k | 5k | 4 Miles | 6k | 5 Miles | 10k | 10 Miles | Half Marathon | Marathon |
    Pre Log PB | 6:41 | 12:57 | 22:52 | 28:44 | 28:53 | 37:32 | 48:31 | 1:21:35 | 1:46:03 | 4:10:01 |
    Current PB | 6:10 | 11:58 | 19:47 | 26:13 | 24:20 | 33:23 | 41:45 | 1:08:54 | 1:34:16 | 3:21:13 |


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,759 ✭✭✭belcarra

    Seriously well done B, you have learned so much from the past 12 months and put it all to use on Monday - fair play!
    Just wondering what the next marathon will bring?? Planning on a fast Spring marathon??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Savage race man, that's a super time and your progress has been impressive. I hope you keep the log going and make it "2013: A PB Odyssey"!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭beeduybe

    belcarra wrote: »
    Seriously well done B, you have learned so much from the past 12 months and put it all to use on Monday - fair play!
    Just wondering what the next marathon will bring?? Planning on a fast Spring marathon??
    pconn062 wrote: »
    Savage race man, that's a super time and your progress has been impressive. I hope you keep the log going and make it "2013: A PB Odyssey"!

    Thanks guys. I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I'm probably going to take a slightly different direction with my training and follow Daniels 5k-15k plan for the first half of the year and try to improve my times over the shorter distances and try and crack sub 40 for 10k. If that goes well I might have another go at a marathon later in the year. I think one marathon a year is enough for me at the moment. I won't train specifically for it but I'll also probably race the Meath Half in March as it's a local race for me that I'd like to do. And yes I'll still be logging my training here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 327 ✭✭The_Boy_Wonder

    Great run and you got the reward for all the hard work throughout the year. Serious kudos to you. Congrats
