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Unregistered landlord/rent a room issue

  • 13-11-2011 11:58pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    Hello all,

    I'm in a bit of a predicament at the minute, it's a bit longwinded but bear with me please.

    I've been living in rented accomodation for the past year. My landlord isn't registered but I live with his son, and his daughter has lived here at various points over the past few years. I applied for job seekers benefit back in September, finally had my interview with the inspector last week and all is fine except for my proof of residence. All the bills are in the landlords name, and I have no lease or rent book, I just transferred money into his account at the end of every month. He wasn't actively trying to rent the room I'm in, he was moreso doing me a favour by renting it to me and has only charged me small rent given what he could get given the location.

    I'm wondering is he now at risk of being prosecuted for not registering as a landlord? Strictly speaking this isn't his primary residence, but it is essentially a second family residence, given that his children have lived here for most of their time in college. Would there be some way that my rent could be declared under the rent a room scheme? His earnings from rent are well below €10,000 for the year so that wouldn't be an issue.

    Thanking you all in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 116 ✭✭deepsouthtalla

    IMHO State Benefits is the not best place for a answer to that question, you should email/phone the PRTB

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,365 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    It is arguable as to whether he should be registered with the PRTB or not as he is only renting rooms, not an entire property.

    If the DSP was evidence of you living there, do you have a bill phone, bank statements, etc? If they are specificly looking for evidence of rent paying, then you need him to provide receipts / a rent book and/or a lease.

    However, this is largely between him and the organs of state (Revenue, NPPR charge, council housing department, PRTB), not you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 Rathnureman

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    I've been in touch with the citizens information board, haven't yet made contact with the PRTB though.

    According to the inspector even if I did have my name on a utilities bill I would still need to provide a letter from the landlord (in the absence of a rent or lease book) stating that I was living at the address.

    I know it's not really my business, but I want to help clarify the situation for the guy as much as possible seeing as I've landed him in it with my social welfare application. The man isn't a tax dodger, in this respect, so I'd like to think that if he were to be audited by the revenue they'd have a bit of cop on and see that.

    Thanks again anyway, all the best
