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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    No double chin: but oh my god the spots: in my hairline down my neck, my back hasn't been so bad since i was a teenager: but then my face hasn't been so clear since I was i dunno 10! With the exception of constant white head pimples around my nose :rolleyes: I feel massive too... I'm sure I'm not but I really feel it because everyone tells me I'm nice and small... I think it all depends on what I'm wearing too though!

    I have no idea what babs is doing but i feel bruised she's moving so much!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Kiwi2011

    Hi Everyone - another week down!

    I feel massive somedays too - depends on what I wear. I have 10kg put on so far think thats about 2 stone! I think that most people probably dont know what to say so just the accepted norm is to say yoou look 'neat' as u cant offend that way!

    I have officially got myself organised and been on a shopping frenzy the past 2 weeks. Have most stuff sorted, clothes, buggy, nappies, most stuff for hospital bag. Only thing I have nothing done for is crib/ bedding etc - Im leaving this for when people ask what to buy/gifts I can suggest bedding etc - cant go too wrong and not too expensive for people.

    I only have 11 days left in my old job before I start my new job in June! I know it sounds mad but just the way it has worked out! Ill be working for the HSE so I think ill be entitled to full pay while off for the 6 months even though Id have only worked 5 weeks or so!

    Think I am addicted to chocolate!!! Cant stop eating it!!! Have my big scan monday week so looking forward to that!

    Congrats 2 mums on your big day last week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Some days I feel like my bump is huge, but the last few days I feel like my arse has tripled in size! I know there's still a bit to go but I really thought I was just going to balloon up when I got pregnant.

    Did anyone else find it weird packing the baby's stuff into the hospital bag? I've only a few spare vests, other than that I was packing everything into my bag. Felt like I was packing the baby away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I had my baby shower yesterday - it was great crack, especially after girl who was main organizer of the party went home with her toddler. I like this kid but honestly he wasn't behaving at all last evening. And my friend wasn't pleasant for other guests. Anyway I had a great evening. We get few nice gifts, all guests loved food I prepared and we finished around 11 pm (started around 6 pm).


    I get on Friday annoying pain in right hip. I thought that if I will spare myself today I will be better but not really

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I am getting great use out of the antenatal classes - I have my 2nd proper one today, focused on feeding. Last week was baby care, and for someone like me, who has never held a baby, it was really useful - they gave tips on dressing, washing, bathing, winding and putting the babs down to sleep - and some really practical, only picked up through experience, tips - like if a crying baby is chewing on her hands, she may be hungry, and if the baby is pulling at her feet it is probably gas. No idea if it will work in practice, but it made me feel better! Also, lots of photos of newborns - i never realised they can look so blue!

    Next week is on the labour itself, and the following week is on how to look after the new Mummy after the birth.

    They are a bit long, but I am grateful for them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Kash wrote: »
    I am getting great use out of the antenatal classes - I have my 2nd proper one today, focused on feeding. Last week was baby care, and for someone like me, who has never held a baby, it was really useful - they gave tips on dressing, washing, bathing, winding and putting the babs down to sleep - and some really practical, only picked up through experience, tips - like if a crying baby is chewing on her hands, she may be hungry, and if the baby is pulling at her feet it is probably gas. No idea if it will work in practice, but it made me feel better! Also, lots of photos of newborns - i never realised they can look so blue!

    Next week is on the labour itself, and the following week is on how to look after the new Mummy after the birth.

    They are a bit long, but I am grateful for them.

    Wow, those classes sound really useful. My first class was run by a physio, although she did give some good tips on birth positions. Im half tempted to skip the second class with the physio and just do the two midwife classes.

    Sounds like you had a lovely baby shower Saurelin. Hope ur hip is better

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Sounds like nice baby shower Saurelin. I know it's very American, but it would be nice to do more over here, I just think it's a nice celebration and ideal way for new parents to collect bits & bobs they need. Apparently the done thing is only to have a shower for your first. If you really wanted something for subsequent babies then they just do a diaper (nappy) party where the guests don't bring anything expensive, just some nappies & wipes etc. I think it's a great idea.

    Kash those classes sound great... I'm still undecided re whether to do them though.

    I haven't packed any bags or washed anything yet - but I'm still only 29 weeks so I'm behind all you guys.

    I'm obsessed with red velvet cakes with butter icing now. Got one of those Johnny Cupcakes yesterdays - a red velvet one - and I think it was the happiest I've been in weeks. I didn't stop talking about it for 1/2 an hour. I'm smiling now remembering the taste :rolleyes:

    I also amazed myself and made my first lasagne on Saturday. I used a recipe which is supposed to be from the character Carmella Soprano - came out sooo good! I did the whole thing properly - cooked the meat sauce for 1 1/2hrs, all made from scratch. Also did a batch of muffins. With the good weather I got 4 loads of washing washed and dried - I was a domestic goddess this weekend :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I wish baby showers were a bit more "done" here too... not even the gift bit, but just everyone getting together etc! Although I've got to say my friends have been fantastic... they always ask to see baby stuff and call over and ring because they know how hard it is for me to get out and about :)

    Kash your classes sound fantastic... I wish we'd been shown more on baby care: although I know they told us the midwives will show us in the hospital. But I did like how they went through what will happen as soon as baby is born, that they might be given oxegen, about the vitamin k shot (which I did not know about) and the tests on their hips (and that baby will cry when they do them), the heel prick test etc. Just for me, and I really do want to breastfeed, I found they concentrated too much on it: so I can't imagine what it would be like for someone who wanted to bottlefeed... And the tour of the labour ward was great: I think I would have hated to be seeing it for the first time when in labour! The info is great, just a tab bit drawn out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I don't think I'll get a tour of the labour ward coz none of the classes r held in the hospital grounds. Seems ridic!

    I don't think the people running these classes should rely on the midwives showing you things in the hospital. Especially now that they are so short staffed. It wld be nice to have been shown all you want to know before the birth so midwife wld only have to refresh your memory rather than show you from scratch.

    OH can't make the class this week, what are other peoples experiences of going in their own? Just want to prepare myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I went on my own and it was fine! I felt like a lemon at first but once it got started it was fine and I actually thought thank god he didn't come as he would have been giving out!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kildareash - I'm doing my classes in Ennis but I checked and they said they would arrange a time for our group to go see the labour ward so you might have something similar...certainly worth asking about :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I didnt book the antenatal classes in my hospital in time - so they were booked out when i eventually rang them. I think they book out very very fast anyway. But, someone did tell me that if I ask, they will give me a tour of the labour ward. I have my next appointment next week, so i am going to ask the midwife, if i can arrange a tour for the next appointment and i can bring my hubby. I think it might do him good to see the room as he is very very nervous about fainting.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    silly wrote: »
    I think it might do him good to see the room as he is very very nervous about fainting.

    Is he squeamish about blood? Would he test himself and watch some birthing videos & see how he gets on?

    Many moons ago, my mother did some acupuncture on my OH for his asthma. Halfway through she had to abort as he went really pale and looked like he was going to faint. So since then I've always thought he was scared of all needles as well as bloody gore stuff. Also he refuses to get a tattoo or donate blood.

    So when we were at antenatal apts and I'd be getting bloods I'd tell him to look away (especially as one of the times the needle slipped out and blood flowed down my arm, all over my new shoes & the floor - student nurse). I also keep telling him he can stay up the head end on the big day and doesn't have to look at anything. But now he's telling me he's not squeamish at all & where on earth did I get that idea :confused:

    But then you see loads of guys there for the birth on these birth shows and they get on grand and end up seeing everything. My point being that our OH's might surprise us on the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Actually... if he can watch Saw 3, I'm not going to worry about him!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Kildareash - I'm doing my classes in Ennis but I checked and they said they would arrange a time for our group to go see the labour ward so you might have something similar...certainly worth asking about :)

    Oh thanks, must ask on Wednesday.
    It's the little things that you don't even think about that are starting to panic OH was asking the other day what part of the hospital he has to bring me to on the big day.
    Mink wrote: »
    My point being that our OH's might surprise us on the day!

    I'd say adrenaline will take over and most of them will be fine. It's important for them not to be all macho and not play through the pain, so to speak. To sit down if they are feeling faint or queasy...don't want them stealing all the limelight by keeling over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Is he squeamish about blood? Would he test himself and watch some birthing videos & see how he gets on?

    Many moons ago, my mother did some acupuncture on my OH for his asthma. Halfway through she had to abort as he went really pale and looked like he was going to faint. So since then I've always thought he was scared of all needles as well as bloody gore stuff. Also he refuses to get a tattoo or donate blood.

    So when we were at antenatal apts and I'd be getting bloods I'd tell him to look away (especially as one of the times the needle slipped out and blood flowed down my arm, all over my new shoes & the floor - student nurse). I also keep telling him he can stay up the head end on the big day and doesn't have to look at anything. But now he's telling me he's not squeamish at all & where on earth did I get that idea :confused:

    But then you see loads of guys there for the birth on these birth shows and they get on grand and end up seeing everything. My point being that our OH's might surprise us on the day!

    Its blood.
    He just gets faint when he sees it..
    Human blood that is...He's a farmer, so is well used to cows calving!!! so i thought he'd be fine! but no, he saw his dad just after he had cut a big gash in his head once and he fainted..
    I dont know if seeing the labour ward will help, prob not, but it hopefully can do no harm!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    The class today was VERY pro breast-feeding, bottles were barely mentioned, and almost always in a negative light. If I hadn't been planning to breastfeed, I think i would have been quite annoyed. Still, very informative for me personally.

    The physio part was hilarious, they were teaching massage techniques and other methods to cope with early labour pains, and at one point they said to stand facing your partner, then to lean forward at an angle, and cross your arms on his chest, while he held your hips. Trouble is, there is just over a foot between our heights. So i tried, but if i was at even a slight incline, my arms are crossing level with his bellybutton, and his arms were nowhere near my hips! When the instructor came round to see how we were getting on, we were laughing so hard we could barely stand up :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kash wrote: »

    The physio part was hilarious, they were teaching massage techniques and other methods to cope with early labour pains, and at one point they said to stand facing your partner, then to lean forward at an angle, and cross your arms on his chest, while he held your hips. Trouble is, there is just over a foot between our heights. So i tried, but if i was at even a slight incline, my arms are crossing level with his bellybutton, and his arms were nowhere near my hips! When the instructor came round to see how we were getting on, we were laughing so hard we could barely stand up :D

    ha, maybe ye should try and do that position when really in labour and the laughing might distract you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Lol kash thats classic!!!

    Exam today went a million times better!! got the card for the OH already, looks brill-delighted with it.
    Also got his bday present today and something small from zoe, its not his bday for 4 weeks. I am well oiled machine!

    If only men took just as much time on us!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Quick question...
    Where have people bought their bedding fitted sheets & bumper sets for their crib from?
    Crib is built now so I need to get some sheets for it :)
    Still need to buy changing table etc...not sure whether to get drawers with table on top or a seperate changing table...opinions welcome :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    What hospitals are you all attending? I'm going to Holles Street.. I'm starting classes this week, not looking forward to them too much as I hate going near the hospital (makes it too real!)... Was there this morning for a check up and was just wondering if anyone else had the pleasure of meeting Dr Foley.. He spends about 20 seconds with you and is gone in the blink of an eye!! I always leave there laughing to myself...

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    I'm going to limerick maternity :) Kevin Hickey is my consultant & he is a gem :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Quick question...
    Where have people bought their bedding fitted sheets & bumper sets for their crib from?
    Crib is built now so I need to get some sheets for it :)
    Still need to buy changing table etc...not sure whether to get drawers with table on top or a seperate changing table...opinions welcome :)

    Got my bumper set-bumper and quilt in penneys for 25euro, it's lovely and great quality, can post pic if ya like!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Thats great jg must go have a look. we got 2 sheets in smyths where we bought the cot and mattress. they were waterproof aswell!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Quick question...
    Where have people bought their bedding fitted sheets & bumper sets for their crib from?
    Crib is built now so I need to get some sheets for it :)
    Still need to buy changing table etc...not sure whether to get drawers with table on top or a seperate changing table...opinions welcome :)

    I bought Moses basket sheets in tesco. There was a pack of two for about €5, they were jersey material but I ruined them coz I threw them in the dryer and now there too small!!!!! Such an idiot! Never even checked the label.

    Must check out the sets in penny's. That's all I've left to get.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    javagal wrote: »
    Got my bumper set-bumper and quilt in penneys for 25euro, it's lovely and great quality, can post pic if ya like!
    Got that one too, it's lovely.
    We;re just going with a chest of drawers and a cot top changer for the bedroom. We got a lend of one of those Cosotto changing units/baths to ue downstairs too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Kash, is it you that has the dogs, are they sensing something going on??
    My fella can open doors and we must of left zoe's room unlocked, he went in and peed twice..

    Worried anout this

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I bought my moses baskets sheets in Smyths: they had the Baby Elegance ones buy one, get one half price on all sheets actually. I love Baby Elegance stuff!!

    Kildareash i did the same but I put them on the moses basket mattress and it stretched them out again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    javagal wrote: »
    Kash, is it you that has the dogs, are they sensing something going on??
    My fella can open doors and we must of left zoe's room unlocked, he went in and peed twice..

    Worried anout this

    We have a dog Javagal but she is a she :) I think she senses the baby in my belly now as she will lie across my legs and either lick my belly or rest her head on's kinda sweet :)

    As we have changed the room we have let her in to the new nursery but she has to lie down...most of the time she lies outside the door! She is a goldie so we are planning to let her be in the room for nappy changing etc depending on how it goes :) she licked our friends little ones toes (she is 1 & a half) when she was getting her nappy changed here!

    Sounds like he is marking his territory...I wouldn't worry about it too much just yet :) by all accounts the what to expect first year has tips on the baby & pets.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    We went for a crib over a moses basket as they are a little longer so need sheets for that...must check out smyths :)
