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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Mink, she's lovely! Attached pics of my beasties too - they're all such posers :)

    My parents are stone-cracked about our pets, they have been surrogate grandkids for them - i think they are incapable of arriving to my house without a pocket full of treats.

    2 Mums, that story is lovely :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    Mink wrote: »
    Anyone else getting a bloody nose ALL the time? Sorry if this is tmi but every time I blow my nose, it's all bright red blood! Luckily it doesn't turn into a full on nose bleed.

    Oh all this talk of cots and bedding, I'm dying for the mother-in-law to take us to Ikea and get all this stuff!! I have to find a way to ask if we can do it this weekend without seeming pushy or cheeky!
    My nose is the same! and I find my breathing is getting a bit worse too now.. everything else is fine.. Oh and the toilet every 5 mins is absolutely wreaking my head!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    thanks for the info gals,

    Im sure ill just have to keep an eye on him. hes well used to kids and doesnt care who goes near his food etc..

    Here is himself


    Belly is so tight today, was in quite a bit of pain with my pelvis today

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    We used have a cat but she got killed and we both still really miss her: we won't get another pet where we're living now.... and I am PETRIFIED of dogs (sorry guys not that ye'rs don't look lovely. On a comp screen. Nowhere near me!) but I can't understand why anyone would think you'd get rid of your pets just because you have a baby on the way!! Or worse that they'd tell you.

    So if our little one is going to have a pet it will prolly be a fish. Or a hamster... at least untill we move to the country and build our dream house in about ten years time: then I'm getting two cats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Kash wrote: »
    Mink, she's lovely! Attached pics of my beasties too - they're all such posers :)

    My parents are stone-cracked about our pets, they have been surrogate grandkids for them - i think they are incapable of arriving to my house without a pocket full of treats.

    2 Mums, that story is lovely :)

    My mam is the same, she's disappointed that we won't be going away as much now when babs arrives so she doesn't get to babysit.

    Java, I'm sure your dog will be fine when baby arrives. He's just trying to reaffirm his position in the family unit.

    That's a lovely story Twomums, just shows how incredible animals can be.

    OH is really after pissing me off. He's just asked his mum to see if her brother who is sacristan in a local church to see if the priest will do the christening on a certain date for us. I'm pissed off on a number of levels, firstly he didn't even tell me he was going to do it. I think it's tempting fate.
    Secondly, the priest is really boring.
    Out plan was to ask my parish priest when the baby was born.
    We've a really tight window to get the baby christened because his sis is only home from the states for 10 days and my brother is getting married in England the second wkend shes home.
    I'm so close to tears, I cld strangle him.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Ops that's a fatal error for the partner of a pregnant woman! I can imagine how upset you are right now.

    Certainly tell him all the reasons why it has upset you esp if you feel it is tempting fate as that's such a personal & emotional thing!

    If you want your parish priest to do it then ask him when you are ready & if he can then you can still change to him I would imagine.

    Your timing is difficult but after all it is your child's christening and so it should suit ye first & foremost...if that means his sister can't be there then that's just how it is! I'm not saying plan it without her but it shouldn't be causing you problems as a couple just to please other people!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Yeah they are great company. My mother-in-law is a total dog person & she hates cats (as do her sons due to her - though I converted my OH). But when she visited our house and she say my gorgeous little white fluffy cat, she was mesmerised. I think she was used to seeing scruffy tom's.

    I know I'm biased but my cat is incredibly pretty, I have no idea how she keeps herself so pure white & fluffy. This photo of her is so funny, she's totally spread-eagled.

    After all this talk of dogs it's making me really look forward to getting a pup at some point after baby arrives. I don't think we could bring a full grown dog into the house as the cats would have heart attacks. Though I'd prefer to get a grown up dog from the pound that needs a good home. I'm a big believer in always getting your pets from the pound/shelters.

    She is beautiful!!! Thats a gas pic, she is really making the most of the bed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'd be really pissed off if plans were being made re something important like that without me knowing (though I sometimes have a bad habit of doing that to my OH, drives him mad :o). The most important thing is what suits you guys and the majority of your family, I wouldn't stress too much re dates that one person can go.

    Oh all your doggies are gorgeous! I love big dogs. Can't wait to get one. I'm going to educate myself on training them from pups though so they don't get into bad habits and they understand boundaries with the baby etc. like how you've done Twomums.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Last night was the first night I've woken up from heartburn. It was not enjoyable. Then had to pee, then baby decided it was baby zumba time (like Zoe does to java) and then I couldn't sleep for ages. Then when I was waking up with the alarm I was incredibly dizzy in the bed no matter what way I turned, wtf?!?

    Here's a bump pic from today (in my respectable work clothes this time). 29.5 weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    So, I went to a Clairvoyant last night...I'd never been to one, and i dont really believe in that kind of stuff, but the opportunity came up so i took it.
    He knew alot of stuff he shouldnt have, so i guess that made me believe it a bit more.
    So anyway, according to him....I'm having a boy, a big boy (over 8lbs - which is grand cos my daughter was 8.2lbs) and its going to be a really fast labour apparently. So, i guess all will be revealed in about...9 weeks!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Last night was the first night I've woken up from heartburn. It was not enjoyable. Then had to pee, then baby decided it was baby zumba time (like Zoe does to java) and then I couldn't sleep for ages. Then when I was waking up with the alarm I was incredibly dizzy in the bed no matter what way I turned, wtf?!?

    Here's a bump pic from today (in my respectable work clothes this time). 29.5 weeks.

    awww, lovely bump!
    Its nice and small...not like my basketball sized belly..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Mink wrote: »
    I'd be really pissed off if plans were being made re something important like that without me knowing (though I sometimes have a bad habit of doing that to my OH, drives him mad :o). The most important thing is what suits you guys and the majority of your family, I wouldn't stress too much re dates that one person can go.

    Oh all your doggies are gorgeous! I love big dogs. Can't wait to get one. I'm going to educate myself on training them from pups though so they don't get into bad habits and they understand boundaries with the baby etc. like how you've done Twomums.
    Aww you look lovely,

    I have a watermelon baby, feel like its doubled in size the past 3 days again.
    53 days to go :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Is anyone else's baby kicks starting to hurt a bit now, Zoe usually moves a lot in the morning and at night but during the day it was just the odd movement here..

    But now
    ALL DAY EVERY DAY, don't get me wrong I'm glad she's healthy but I'm nearly 90percent sure she is tranverse and my sides feels bruised from kicks..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm not as far as you and the kicks & squirms don't hurt as such but they are becoming slightly uncomfortable at times and sometimes stop me in my tracks. If she's giving you a beating have you tried moving around to try knock her off kilter?

    I've heard spending a bit of time on all fours (maybe with a birthing ball in front to rest on) can help encourage baby into better position. You could chase your doggy around the house then :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    Is anyone else's baby kicks starting to hurt a bit now, Zoe usually moves a lot in the morning and at night but during the day it was just the odd movement here..

    But now
    ALL DAY EVERY DAY, don't get me wrong I'm glad she's healthy but I'm nearly 90percent sure she is tranverse and my sides feels bruised from kicks..

    My little babs is constantly moving, and has been since 16 weeks...
    The kicks can get quite sore, to the point where they wake me most mornings. I woke this morning, and thought, oh thank god, baby is still asleep, i might be able to sleep on a bit, and then i got the mother of all kicks!! as if to say "i'm awake!!!!"
    Last night i was thrown on the couch leaning on hubby, and the baby was going ballistic, hubby didnt even have to put his hand on my belly to feel it as he could see it very clearly and could even feel my body jerk with each kick.


  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Javagal although my little one isn't into Zumba yet her I can feel her moving her knees about & her arms! She is breech at the moment with her legs tucked up hunker style so it's easy enough to work out what's what & they can be fairly uncomfortable.

    She flipped from transverse to head down ish over a couple of days and then to breech the day I fell...that flip was pretty uncomfortable & if I hadn't been lying on the sofa at the time I would def have had to stop what I was doing!

    If your punches are on both sides rather than down the middle I would agree she is probably transverse at the moment but she can baby Zumba her way out of there pretty quickly - mine moving from trans to head down was just a lot of wiggling over a day or two :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I get kicks all over, so i find it impossible to know what position baby is lying in..
    its different every day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh & mine is stargazing (looking out my belly) with her placenta on the back wall so the midwife told me I would be able to tell the type of movement more easily! I would imagine if she was facing my back as she should be then her knee movements and elbows would be a lot more painful as they would be into my spine!

    So she's the wrong way up, the wrong way around & looking on the big side :rolleyes: scan tomorrow though so looking forward to that :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink wrote: »
    I'd be really pissed off if plans were being made re something important like that without me knowing (though I sometimes have a bad habit of doing that to my OH, drives him mad :o). The most important thing is what suits you guys and the majority of your family, I wouldn't stress too much re dates that one person can go.

    I don't think he has officially booked it, he said he was just enquiring if it was possible. But even that is too much, without telling me first he was going to do it.

    We both really want his sister there, as she will be godmother, but I want to make sure that baby arrives safely and we are both ok before I book anything. Even allowing for baby to be two weeks late we still have a good four or five weeks to find a church and a priest, and we have a few options for that.
    silly wrote: »
    So, I went to a Clairvoyant last night...I'd never been to one, and i dont really believe in that kind of stuff, but the opportunity came up so i took it.
    He knew alot of stuff he shouldnt have, so i guess that made me believe it a bit more.
    So anyway, according to him....I'm having a boy, a big boy (over 8lbs - which is grand cos my daughter was 8.2lbs) and its going to be a really fast labour apparently. So, i guess all will be revealed in about...9 weeks!

    Oh, I hope he's right! Did he tell you anything else?
    javagal wrote: »
    Is anyone else's baby kicks starting to hurt a bit now, Zoe usually moves a lot in the morning and at night but during the day it was just the odd movement here..

    But now
    ALL DAY EVERY DAY, don't get me wrong I'm glad she's healthy but I'm nearly 90percent sure she is tranverse and my sides feels bruised from kicks..

    I think baby is gone into a nice position now, well all the movement I'm feeling is at the top and bottom for the last few days. But if baby gives me a good jab into the left side, it's really sore and tender.
    I'll find out on Friday what position baby is in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    javagal wrote: »
    Is anyone else's baby kicks starting to hurt a bit now, Zoe usually moves a lot in the morning and at night but during the day it was just the odd movement here..

    But now
    ALL DAY EVERY DAY, don't get me wrong I'm glad she's healthy but I'm nearly 90percent sure she is tranverse and my sides feels bruised from kicks..

    Yes JG my little one is driving me mad!!! I'd swear he/she is trying to escape. My OH put his hand on my tummy the other night and boy he got some kick, the look on his face was priceless!!! :D I couldn't stop laughing for about 15mins.

    Mink that is a lovely bump!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    kildareash wrote: »

    Oh, I hope he's right! Did he tell you anything else?

    Well, he asked me at the start if i wanted to know what i was having and i said no..but as the session went on i kept thinking that maybe i should ask him, so near the end, he just stopped and he said "ok, ask me what you want to ask me, i'm being told you have a question" i was like "oh ok then!" so he told me then that it was a boy. He said he couldnt stress how fast the labour will go this time, and he knew i was in labour for days the last time.
    He said to me that i was having difficulty deciding about breast feeding,(which ye all know that i am very confused about if i will or not) but that my grandmother (who was apparently talking to him) said that i should try it.

    There was lots of other stuff, but alot was telling me not to worry about the baby, and that everything will be fine, (apart from a fine set of lungs and colic) even my husband, who he knew was very nervous about the actual birth (but what new dad isnt?)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kildareash - if she is to be the godmother then obviously you will want to plan it around her visit :) but as you have said you have 6/7 weeks after your due date to get it sorted out once you know all is well!

    Now as you have probably gathered I have nothing to do with any church but as far as I gather they are generally multi baby affairs these days anyway so I can't see why you wouldn't be able to get the date you want esp when you have more than one option :)

    Also sounds like your baby is either up or down (hopefully down) by the kicks you are getting. Most of mine are around the belly button as she moves her knees & fists :) I think she's getting pretty squished in there!

    Will be interesting what both our scans show with us having the same due date & scans a day apart :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Do you all see your movement from the outside yeah?

    Its mad looking isn't it? Yesterday, my 6 yr old sister said, "urggghh it looks like theres a snake in your belly"

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yep see most of them from the outside, it's mad when he/she does a big punch or something one whole side of my belly will move :eek:

    My friend who does reikki has asked me to come back and see her a few times before I have the baby apparently it's supposed to help with the birth and calm and relax me. The weird thing is those I was panicking about everything and now I feel really calm about the pregnancy and the labour.

    Really looking forward to it as I enjoyed the reikki sessions I did before! I am also going to ask her if she can tell whether it's a boy or a girl!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Yeah lots of movement on the outside. The odd mega punch/kick will shake my whole body visibly.

    Bag of snakes is the only way to describe it. Like a little earthquake across your belly.

    Last time a midwife checked (2 wks ago) he was head down facing outwards so it was all limbs to the front. But I'm pretty sure he changes position depending on what way I'm lying for a while. I sometimes get that weird double kick out both sides of my belly, like he's lying transverse.

    He'll be running out of room soon so I expect the position changes will slow down.

    When he's poking around, I've absolutely no idea what body part is sticking out, I just can't call it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Has anyone noticed that this one thread for just the month of July is over 3000 posts, it's more than the moans thread and almost as much as the Pregnancy Thread Sticky which was started in 2007 :eek:

    Most of the other "Due in..." threads are a few hundred posts.

    There's not that many of us, maybe 15 when you add up the regulars & occasional posters??

    I'd say if we all met up, we wouldn't stop talking for hours, we obviously have a lot to say!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Yes we def win the chatterbox award :) but I would have our nattering everyday rather than having a month that was very quiet :D

    Your bump looks great Mink!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I was only thinking that yesterday Mink!!

    If we don't do a meet up,defo a facebook group after this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I noticed that too!!

    But we're better than a TV soap in here, we've had non-stop drama from day one with bleeds, hospital stays, trips and falls, and even a wedding to brighten everything up!

    Not to mention the day to day, pregnancy stuff that we're all very vocal about :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kash wrote: »
    I noticed that too!!

    But we're better than a TV soap in here, we've had non-stop drama from day one with bleeds, hospital stays, trips and falls, and even a wedding to brighten everything up!

    Not to mention the day to day, pregnancy stuff that we're all very vocal about :D

    and the series finale is coming close!!
    The next series will be starting in the newborns forum!
