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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    My fella is the same, eyes glaze over and just lets me ramble on til "ugh can we talk about this later?!" he hasn't really learned the art of nodding and smiling yet. Like i have when he starts about politics, ha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kildareash - glad to see you stick up for yourself :) honestly they make a mistake & then have a go at you re stuff! It's not your fault they realised so late that you are borderline GD :rolleyes:

    I'm also not sure why they are so worried re your baby measuring two weeks ahead! Our babies are due the same day & mines abdomen is measuring two weeks ahead at her 31+4 scan. Her legs were two weeks ahead at 26+4 but he couldn't get a good look at them last time but he did say she had a substantial foot :eek: . Her head has always been about a week ahead :) taking into account our donors size my consultant is happy with her size!

    If my memory is right it was you who told me about your tall nephew always being ahead in clothes size etc so if there is a family history of bigger genes in the family I can't see why it's a problem :)

    Don't let them stress you anyway :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    There's big babies on both sides, some of oh's cousins kids have been over 10lb!!!
    Apparently I was 24 inches long when I was born and the nurses thought I was huge. So I'm not really worried about the size, those machines can be out...just hope it's the minus rather than the plus!

    I'll get the hang of the diet over the next few days, it does require a lot of planning ahead and thinking about what it eating. There was only a few that we're out anyway. OH was ready to punch the doc coz of how she spoke to me!

    Aw Mink, that's hard when ye don't get to see much of one another during the wk.
    I think they're kinda afraid for us, the future etc too and r afraid to talk about or don't know how to!

    Maybe ye could plan a date night for tomorrow night or do something nice on Sunday. Something for u to look forward to and some uninterrupted QT where he can't escape the baby talk!ha! It's hard to talk about anything when our daily thoughts r consumed by ow that hurt or how long was it since I last felt baby move.

    I'm being brought to IKEA tomorrow!!! OH has never been, he said we wld be doing more browsing than buying but he's such an impulse buyer, I'll be reigning him!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    You should have told me you were going to Ikea, I still have one of those 10% off Children section vouchers (sent one to Twomums). Well you know what area I'm in if you want to pick it up. I can PM you my mobile number if you want to get it. I can't really drive anywhere as car will be in garage.

    Yeah the baby stuff is pretty much on my mind all the time, can't help it - it's right in front of my face ;)

    He's gigging Sat & Sun night and we have to go out to a "thing" with friends on Sun for the whole afternoon. Feck it, I'll try see him the bank hol weekend :D I'm just freaking out a bit as we're running out of weekends and have a lot of sh1t to do and I'm not fit for much after work on the weekdays!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink wrote: »
    You should have told me you were going to Ikea, I still have one of those 10% off Children section vouchers (sent one to Twomums). Well you know what area I'm in if you want to pick it up. I can PM you my mobile number if you want to get it. I can't really drive anywhere as car will be in garage.

    Yeah the baby stuff is pretty much on my mind all the time, can't help it - it's right in front of my face ;)

    He's gigging Sat & Sun night and we have to go out to a "thing" with friends on Sun for the whole afternoon. Feck it, I'll try see him the bank hol weekend :D I'm just freaking out a bit as we're running out of weekends and have a lot of sh1t to do and I'm not fit for much after work on the weekdays!

    Oh, I'd completely forgot about the vouchers. We only decided yesterday to go. Thanks anyway tho, your very kind.

    It's scary how little time we have left! I have to work Monday now but well be spending the rest of the week sorting the house out! I've so many jobs I want done, it was the only way we will get round to it coz weekends r just too busy and we both need time to just relax!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Had such an enjoyable day with my oh. Finally got to have an anniversary day. He is very lovely and says about every man he sees with a baby girl "theres me and zo"
    love him more everyday!except the other day when he was a knob lol!

    How is everyone doing-heat was more bearable today with the breeze.

    Ohs mam is having a eurovision bbq tomorrow, they've made a big deal about it and now i have to go , just wanna stay home and relax rather than have another night around drunkards

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Kildareash that sucks... it took them 5 weeks to tell you you had it because you were so borderline and then have to listen to that... sometimes docs are just painful. I'm not sure why they are worried about the two weeks ahead thing either: as twomums said some babies are just bigger, and with gd its highly unlikely you'd go over your due date regardless? Also I'm very jealous of you off to Ikea :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I think I've dreamt a few times now that I'm having leg cramps in the night! Weird or what!
    I wake up in the mornings wondering dd that really happen!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    I wonder if you are having them but not bad enough to wake you so your body just incorporates them into your dreams :)

    Enjoy ikea today :D

    Looks like another lovely day out there today although I'm judging that on the brightness through the curtains as I'm still in bed :) It was lovely at 6.30am when I was up feeding the dog :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Does anyone see specific baby body parts sticking out yet? I can guess what certain things are based on her position but nothing is obviously a hand or foot etc! I was wondering if any of you have seen a mini foot or the likes :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Oh it's gorgeous out, great clothes drying weather!

    I can't tell at all what's sticking out of me, I'd imagine it's a foot or a bum.

    Need to confront weeding the garden, just can't get the motivation!

    Painted my toenails last night and it was a real struggle, also got very swollen feet for the first time, went down when I put them up but it's a taste of what's to come. They looked like old lady feet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    It is Mink, I put on two loads last night specifically for the line this morning :) drying away now!

    The bump had hiccups for the first time (that I've felt) this morning :) all I know is everytime my partner has bump time she gets lifted off the bump by a foot :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Mink wrote: »
    Oh it's gorgeous out, great clothes drying weather!

    I can't tell at all what's sticking out of me, I'd imagine it's a foot or a bum.

    Need to confront weeding the garden, just can't get the motivation!

    Painted my toenails last night and it was a real struggle, also got very swollen feet for the first time, went down when I put them up but it's a taste of what's to come. They looked like old lady feet!

    ugh you've just reminded me I've a couple plants to move on to the ground before the die in their little boxes!

    Seriously swollen feet here for the first time two yesterday, it was horrible! Feel so sorry for any of ye that's been dealing with that so far, I had one little evening of it and I was a walking whinge! Probably the heat, although I drank 2litres of water yesterday! Wondering how i can avoid same again now this evening. I've my uncles 50th to go to later, all the family will be there and I don't want to be broken in the corner!

    Hope ye're all getting to enjoy a bit of the nice weather anyway :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Urgh my oh is annoying me . Literally since the good weather started we've been at a bbq which i suppose is a wrong reason for complaining but he has drank and i have driven EVERYWHERE, today his mam is having a euro vision party, starting in a bloody hour , so it means all his brothers and uncles Will be up drinking from one and he doesn't understand why i dont wanna go up.

    Feel like a bloody chauffeur when all i wanna do is stay home and weed my garden and he is saying everyone Will think im boring.

    Stupid bloody men Urgh

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Javagal - starting at 1 when you can't join in is a lot to ask - you could always head down a little later :) esp as you have been the driver all week! I can understand why you are somewhat pissed off at this stage :)

    My partner is the other extreme & is (by her own decision) on non-alcoholic beer until the baby is here! I've told her she can drink if she wants to - she doesn't have many anyway but I think the fact that she had planned on having a beer the night I fell really affected her & she wants to be alcohol free in case anything happens :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Java I hear you on that, my OH is the very same, at least I don't drive so Im not playing the cart horse on top of everything, but ya I'm starting to get well pissed off about watching everyone else get drunk and have good time, its really becoming clear to me what a serious drinking culture we live in! His buddy was there buying him tequila in front of me the last day, whatever about a social drink now that was the last straw like! (unreasonable part coming right up) so I had a bit of a hissy fit and said its up to him if he wants to be getting so drunk, but if I DO go early and he's in that state he won't be coming in with me, it'll be my mother, couldn't be dealing with that! Same now as some of ye, theres barbecue and birthdays (including his own!) and all sorts pretty much every weekend between now and the Scary Day. He's the other way with me though, trying to put me off coming along cos he knows I'll just be sitting there sober, judging everyone from my sober judging stool. ha. Its actually no fun, but at least he's trying to include you. :) Anyone else getting pure nervous of crowds lately though? Got co elbow into the belly there (barely touched me now in fairness, didn't hurt but just felt weird?) and I'm gone very odd about having too many people around me now at all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Java I hear you on that, my OH is the very same, at least I don't drive so Im not playing the cart horse on top of everything, but ya I'm starting to get well pissed off about watching everyone else get drunk and have good time, its really becoming clear to me what a serious drinking culture we live in! His buddy was there buying him tequila in front of me the last day, whatever about a social drink now that was the last straw like! (unreasonable part coming right up) so I had a bit of a hissy fit and said its up to him if he wants to be getting so drunk, but if I DO go early and he's in that state he won't be coming in with me, it'll be my mother, couldn't be dealing with that! Same now as some of ye, theres barbecue and birthdays (including his own!) and all sorts pretty much every weekend between now and the Scary Day. He's the other way with me though, trying to put me off coming along cos he knows I'll just be sitting there sober, judging everyone from my sober judging stool. ha. Its actually no fun, but at least he's trying to include you. :) Anyone else getting pure nervous of crowds lately though? Got co elbow into the belly there (barely touched me now in fairness, didn't hurt but just felt weird?) and I'm gone very odd about having too many people around me now at all!

    I hear ya about the drinking culture.
    My ohs mam has a drinking problem-they all know it but still go up and drink with her and then when she turns nasty when she's drunk , they get upset about it to the ladies in their lives!

    I feel the same about crowds, im very protective of my bump, i find no one Will move out your way if they're blocking you, as if its my fault they're in my way.

    Today is just pissing me off from all angles. So im out my back in my maxi dress with garden gloves taking some frustration out on weeds. My oh best not come near me yet,

    or worms,

    or else!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I think babs is the wrong way around and lying diagonally: I keep thinking its a head up by my ribs and getting kicked to death on my right side: I'm probably totally wrong: but something keeps coming out the side of my tummy and I'm sure kicks are stronger than punches??!

    Java and Nyquist: I'd be pissed too: although like Twomums my oh is nearly gone to the other extreme these days!

    Was back in inlaws house earlier and there was visitors and we were all out sitting in the sun: and I had to go puke: I was mortified but I was so hot and kept drinking water which triggered puking. I was even on a swing seat under a canopy to keep cooler :( Seriously embarassing :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    cyning, oh no! well if its any consolation i went into the house for the bit of shade about half two and passed out for myself, only just woke up there now with most of the day gone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Java and Nyquist totally understand where ur coming from. It's so frustrating, I don't think they understand what it's like.

    My OH has a self imposed cut off point for drinking about 4 weeks before baby is due. He's working on a project in work for a festival and it finishes up on June 16 so that's his last hooray, as it will be the end of the festival and his involvement with a certain group. I'm happy enough with that. Hes going out with that group tonight and he probably won't be out again till that night so I can't really complain. And he's offered to stay at home tonight because I've no
    Plans and we've had a lovely day together.

    Got everything we wanted and more in ikea today. Didn't go overboard and picked up a few extras for the nursery! My feet r a bit puffy now from all the walking but I'll keep them up tonight and hope for the best.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Hope everyone enjoyed the weather! It seems our OH's are doing some drinking this weekend

    Well my OH didn't get back to the house til about 1.30 today (he stayed in his mam's last night as nearer town) then I had my midwife come, then he had to take a nap as he was so hung over and then he was straight out to a gig so I was pretty much on my own today. Boo hoo :-) ah well I think we'll see each other during these weekday evenings.

    Baby in perfect position (head down, back sort of facing my left) and measuring bang on 31 weeks so happy days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    That's great re baby position Mink. Does she figure all that our from just feeling your bump?

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Lads I'm at my uncles 50th, there was a band on a while ago now some sort of open Mic going on (musical family) but the man doing sound is just SOOO terrible at his job (yes, I'm also sound head and am on my sober stool of judgement) just watched him make sh*t of my own poor mother on stage, had her singing into a dead microphone til he turned it to the speaker for some lovely feedback...I've never felt such physical hate for a stranger before in my life (aaaaaaah!!!) it makes me want to take up smoking again just so I have an excuse to leave the building. bah. Sorry for the rant, it was either this or risk giving birth in prison!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Lads I'm at my uncles 50th, there was a band on a while ago now some sort of open Mic going on (musical family) but the man doing sound is just SOOO terrible at his job (yes, I'm also sound head and am on my sober stool of judgement) just watched him make sh*t of my own poor mother on stage, had her singing into a dead microphone til he turned it to the speaker for some lovely feedback...I've never felt such physical hate for a stranger before in my life (aaaaaaah!!!) it makes me want to take up smoking again just so I have an excuse to leave the building. bah. Sorry for the rant, it was either this or risk giving birth in prison!

    oh poor you! I would actually go to this guy and tell him what he is doing wrong.

    i broke one of my toe nails and I don't know when, strange.

    we spend yesterday afternoon at my friend house with bbq.
    it was really relaxing :-)

    have a great day ladies :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    That's great re baby position Mink. Does she figure all that our from just feeling your bump?

    Yep, I don't know how midwives and docs figure it out, experience I guess.

    No lie-ins for me this weekend, woke up early today and yesterday. Loving this sun though, was out for half hour in it this morning, I'm going to be careful though.

    Nyquist I would of eaten the head off him, he was probably drunk!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I'm so pissed off
    my hubby wake up with cold
    reason yesterday during bbq he was feeling quite cold but he was to lazy to go to the car and get jumper
    so instead of going somewhere nice, outside we are stack at apartment :/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    My hubby has been drinking a bit this weekend too, while we've been at home having BBQs. I can't say I mind, he's going out of his way to make sure that I am well fed and watered and not overheating, and he's not getting smashed if you know what I mean.

    He's going to stop drinking in June too so that he's always able to drive.

    The heat is killing me though, it's too damn hot. I actually got burned yesterday, despite spending 90% of the day under a big tree with a book. Ouch. So, I'm in factor 50+ kiddie sunblock today!

    Looking forward to seeing the Avengers later :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Kash wrote: »
    My hubby has been drinking a bit this weekend too, while we've been at home having BBQs. I can't say I mind, he's going out of his way to make sure that I am well fed and watered and not overheating, and he's not getting smashed if you know what I mean.

    He's going to stop drinking in June too so that he's always able to drive.

    The heat is killing me though, it's too damn hot. I actually got burned yesterday, despite spending 90% of the day under a big tree with a book. Ouch. So, I'm in factor 50+ kiddie sunblock today!

    Looking forward to seeing the Avengers later :)

    Awesome movie!

    Bought loads of plants for my freshly weeded rockery and every time i bend over i get cramps in my foot so oh is doing it to make up for yesterday!

    I am in his biggest shorts and a maternity t shirt bloody state of me !

    Since i finished college i have this new calm feeling over me that if i went into labour at any time-i could handle it. So im actually really enjoying these last 6 weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Sat on a step today to have cuddles with my dog & literally couldn't get up :D Had to be rescued so best not do that when I'm on my own!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Twomums I'm not allowed to have a bath without OH being in the house for that reason! Can barely get out of bed!
