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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I have swelling in my hands and feet too Ginny, nothing too extreme, but it is mildly uncomfortable to make a fist, and I've had to take off my wedding ring

    I have been concerned about pre-eclampsia too, but apparantly it's more of a symptom if it comes on suddenly and particularly if it happens in your face/around your eyes. You need another symtom to be classed as pre-eclamptic though - it's not just the one. Interestingly, a dutch study claims that you can reduce the risk by exposure to your partners sperm - particularly orally! I bet our hubbies will be over the moon with that nugget of information!

    But I will be checking it out with the doc on thursday, so as Mink says, if you are worried, you should ask.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Oh Lol Kash I hadn't heard that treatment!
    Yeah I have been taking my BP once a week for peace of mind as my sis had Pre-eclampsia on her little girl. I was talking to the nurse and said I was worried and she said that they only get concerned about 2 or 3 symptoms coming on suddenly rather then in isolation. My BP was 124/63 yesterday so that seems to be fine. I think the hands issue is part of the carpel tunnel stuff, I'll get onto the Dr. this week and if all else fails I can get onto the hosp. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kash - If I could I would be rolling on the floor laughing but then I would end up laughing even more at not being able to get up :D I'm guessing that study was conducted by a man with a pregnant wife who wasn't getting any!

    I guess I'll be risking pre eclampsia ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kash wrote: »
    I have swelling in my hands and feet too Ginny, nothing too extreme, but it is mildly uncomfortable to make a fist, and I've had to take off my wedding ring

    This is exactly how my hands are since the hot weather started.

    On a completely different note, I got invited to a book launch for which I was supposed to paint the cover portrait. The guy (a friend) asked me to do it and it was all systems go and then he said nothing about it, not even to tell me that he got someone else to do it. Well I've seen the cover portrait and it is absolutely woeful. I'm not blowing my own horn but I would have done a far far better job (I'm not bad at portraits). I'm such a biatch cos I'm a little bit pleased that it turned out sh1te :D Jesus... hormones

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Ginny wrote: »
    We both took a day off and sat out and had a little picnic in the garden, was so lovely!!
    Heading to Ikea later for a mattress and chest of drawers.
    I'm in a bit of pain pelvic and hip wise, stood for 4 hours yesterday in the sun watching the match! Hips did not like me later, but at least I made it to all the matches this season,I think if the season went on any longer I'd be missing them. I've noticed my hands and feet are swelling a bit now, how much swelling is ok? my finger joints are starting to hurt as are the bones in my hand. I do think it could be the heat but I'm terrified of pre-eclampsia!

    My hands are a wee bit puffy but not mega mega bad but I rang the Dr and he said if they get very puffy then ring back. If your fingers are hurting I would deffo give a ring and double check.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 45 Kiwi2011

    Hi all, sorry to be periodic in my posting just never seem to get round to writing on here!

    He did our anti-natal class on sat all day - done and dusted. Was really quite good, did not learn too much I didnt already know but has def opened up my mind and to keep an open mind esp to do with epidurals etc!

    Think all my xmas's have come at once - OH has organised a cleaner to come 1x weekly she started last week and did 5 hours top to bottom of house! its better than christmas!!! Def planning on keeping this up long term as its just not worth the stress hassle for a few pounds!

    I finish my work next thurs and start my new job the following week at 34/35 weeks pregnant - there is one for the books!!!

    How is all the shopping going ladies - I well working through my list of stuff, would hate to think how much we have spent but hey...who cares!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink I totally get you feeling pleased its pants :)

    I had something similar with a website & I'm sure the many broken links on their new appallingly designed website are still unfixed but heck I'm not going to tell them :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kiwi our shopping is going ok but I'm pretty sure we will be without tonnes of stuff when the baby arrives...everyone talks about their lists! I need someone to give me a list :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    That's why I've been reluctant to pay for an antenatal class kiwi, I don't think there's a huge amount they can tell me that I don't already know. I may go to an active birthing class that the local yoga school does.

    Well I had to go downstairs and sleep in the spare room, OH just would not stop snoring. If I was asleep already it wouldn't bother me but he was really tired and conked out within seconds of lights out. I was so wound up took ages to get to sleep. So I'm exhausted again.

    I did talk to him a bit re feeling anxious re being a mother etc, he feels the exact same re being a daddy so I felt better. He'll be home a lot this week so we should get a good chunk of the to do list done I hope

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kiwi, i want to know all about this cleaner.
    I nearly have hubby convinced to get one for one say a week also, but maybe not till i go back to work after mat leave..?

    Do you give cleaner a list on what you want done each week or is it the same jobs she does every week.
    Does she decide when she is finished, or do you ask her to come for a certain amount of hours.
    Does she get a key to your house and alarm code? My hubby is a bit concerned about that...
    How much does she charge per hour?
    Was she recommended by someone or did ye get her through an agency?

    Sorry for all the questions, just very curious about it!

    re: the antenatal classes, I doubt i will get much out of it either, but its for hubby that i want to do it. god love him, he hasnt a clue what the labour is going to be like (despite being a farmer that delivers calves every spring) so i think he might get more out of it than i will. Also, he has the best memory ever, so he will remember everything that she tells us. Its a private one on one class, so that should be interesting.

    i am very slowly going through the list. i bought nappies yesterday, i got one free pack (got the voucher from the hospital) Huggies NewBorn x27 (4-11lbs) then i bought another pack of newborn huggies x35 (7-13lbs)

    I must start to assemble my bag next. Its a suitcase really! i hope its not too big, but with the nappies and the maternity pads etc, it doesnt take long to fill!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    This cleaner thing really does sound so appealing.

    I'm not allowed wash dishes as can't reach into sink properly & because OH was gone nearly all weekend, they had stacked up since Thursday :eek: we don't have a dish washer. So we were an hour washing & me drying the dishes last night. Ridiculous!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Lads what over counter pain killers are ok for pregnant ladies? I'm in bits with the pain in my hips/back/belly/everything all night, I can't do another night like last night! Was in with midwife yesterday, she's getting me into see physio over hips and back soon, and asked her about the painful braxton hicks and she said its normal for some people so not worried or anything, I'm just not able and need some rest! </whinge>
    I laugh in the face of my own notion of a natural unmedicated birth now too. such a baby about any bit of pain!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak - paracetamol is about it! Are you sleeping with a pillow between your legs and/or under your bump? I was getting some pelvis pain but the pillow between my legs has really helped :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Check with your doc, but as far as I've been told Paracetemol is ok. I took it when my back was really bad some weeks ago but to be honest it had no effect on me whatsoever. For instant relief I found a maternity support belt great - but I don't think you have the same problem as me as you seem to be very sore when you're laying down in bed - I found this the only position to get relief!

    I'd really recommend doing Pregnancy Yoga classes, I've found them brilliant - you could even just go to a few classes and then do some of the excercises/poses at home that you find most relieving. That's what I do & it's made a difference. I know this doesn't fix the pain & give you sleep now though!!

    Seeing the physio asap should help too as they may be able to give you some stretches that will help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Lads what over counter pain killers are ok for pregnant ladies? I'm in bits with the pain in my hips/back/belly/everything all night, I can't do another night like last night! Was in with midwife yesterday, she's getting me into see physio over hips and back soon, and asked her about the painful braxton hicks and she said its normal for some people so not worried or anything, I'm just not able and need some rest! </whinge>
    I laugh in the face of my own notion of a natural unmedicated birth now too. such a baby about any bit of pain!

    oh, you poor thing!
    afaik you can take panadol/paracetemol.
    but if i were you, i would make an appointment with your doctor or even just ring the doctor and ask for advice.
    you really shouldnt be in so much pain, we have enough going on than to be dealing with that kind of pain!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    So we finally got the cot set up in the back room, bought a chest of drawers too but thats waiting till the weekend to be set up. Got a light and a lamp in Ikea too. Going to start filling the drawers on Sat, going to be so weird!!!!
    My swollen hands and feet seem to be just from sitting in the sun too much yesterday, as soon as I cooled off inside last night I looked a lot better, have an antenatal class tomorrow with the midwife so will ask her then!

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Kildareash - I know the's getting so hard to not look silly these days :) Sounds like you had a lovely day & added bonus getting your cot sorted!

    Speaking of cots - have people went for cots or cotbeds? A few friends have said to get a cotbed (they got cots) but interested in your opinions :)

    Two mums we are getting a cot bed from bella baby - figure it will save us the hassle and expense of buying another bed a year or two down the line. I have a hospital and home baby list a friend sent on to me will have a look for it and post the link. Am off today so spending the day at home washing babies things and packing hospital bag..

    I was freaking out a bit in bed last night that I don't feel ready to be a mother!!! I'm a teeny bit scared of my baby arriving. I'm hoping these feelings will pass![/QUOTE]

    Mink - don't be worried, it's completely normal to be worried and anxoius - having a baby is pretty life changing!! I go through phases of being really excited or really terrified that something will go wrong. Talk to you're OH, if he is anything like mine he is prob working throught the exact same fears and concerns and you'll both feel way better afterwards and we are always here for a good moan whenever u need it...

    Ginny - my feet are very swollen and uncomfortable - was with the consultant on friday, he said they would monitor it and if it got any worse to contact them, he wasn't worried about pre-eclampsia as urine test and bp was fine. Prob no harm to ring your GP and flag it with him/her anyway -

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    Two mums - here is the lists, hope it helps!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Just on the swollen feet, I wore those pop sock yokes yesterday and last night my right foot was being pinched in my shoe, left one also looked a little puffy.
    Only realised when I went to bed that the elastic was really digging into my leg. It was a good hour or more before this big red line started to go away. Moral of the story make sure the tops of ur socks are not too tight!

    Went cinema last night and it was so uncomfortable. I'm such a lazy ass, but all I wanted to do was sprawl out! And baby was going crazy...OH put his hand on my tummy and one stage and actually said ow the force on the palm of his hand was that strong. I seriously think this baby has no sense of direction and is trying to come out through the top of my tummy rather than the right away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    how many baby gro's and vests have you girls got?
    I have about 10 ish of each to put into the hospital bag - but just kinda realised that i dont have any for when we come home..
    Maybe i should buy a few more now, or do ye think it would be ok to wait until baby is born so then we will have a better idea of size/colour??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I'm all up in a heap for some reason: I'm exceptionally emotional: like the worst pms I have ever had! Plus I ache and my head hurts but my bump has dropped a bit so I'm a bit more comfortable: but really glad I have a scan later :) Still getting all the stupid bh: I just cannot drink anything more which is making me feel guilty which is making me cry because I'm so emotional: I swear to god I'm a wreck today :rolleyes:

    Silly I'm just waiting untill babs gets here now to buy stuff: see if its a girl or a boy: otherwise I know the neutrals will never get worn!! I know the liklihood is I'm having a girl but just going to wait to see for now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Aw Cyning hopefully the scan later will give you a happy boost later today :) you could ask them to check the sex again to increase that 80% to 90+ ;)

    Kildareash - I know what you mean...mine was trying to add on an extension yesterday! She now has something stuck in my ribs :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink, I've just bought one pack of neutral babygros, literally just enough for the hospital and a special going home outfit. but both grannies have bought me white vests, so I've probably 20+ of them. But they won't go to waste as they're all 0-3mths.
    I know once baby is born Ill want it in colour appropriate stuff, and I'm sure both families will get us a few bits.

    Cyning, sending u lots of cyber hugs today. Hopefully ur scan will help cheer u up a little x

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Cyning hope your scan goes well later & puts a smile on your face!

    Anyone know when father's day is? And are you going to do anything for your OH (Twomums you and your Mrs will have to fight over who gets spoilt on Mother's day!!).

    My OH didn't do anything for me for Mother's day & I was slightly disappointed but I can see his reasoning. However, I'm a lot more pregnant now & I think I'll get him something small for Father's day just to mark the day even.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I have about 9 vests and 6 sleep. My mum just rang and said she'd gotten a bag of baby clothes from a friends daughter for me. So glad I didn't go out and buy more.

    We're not finding out the sex so just went with lemons and whites. Although bought a 2 pack of baby gros in NEXT last week. Really colourful ones!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    Anyone know when father's day is? And are you going to do anything for your OH (Twomums you and your Mrs will have to fight over who gets spoilt on Mother's day!!).

    June 17th i think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Girls does anyone have baby care on their washing machines, if so, what does it do!

    My oh has dressed my strawberry yankee candle in our daughters clothes, maybe he's not quite ready for kids lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Omg JG I've just disolved i laughter at the thought of that!

    My OH is freaking out about everything! The price of milk is set to go down again this month.:(
    Whoever said farmers have loads of money are talking out of their arse!

    Oooh I'd love to get OH a fathers day card from the bump :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Oh and I see lidl have beach tunics on sale from Thursday, they also have a handy looking shelving unit thingy. Might get that for the babys room!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Lol i threw the pic on the Facebook group- such a weirdo!

    I already got my oh a card notso from funky pigeon
