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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    javagal wrote: »
    Lol i threw the pic on the Facebook group- such a weirdo!

    I already got my oh a card notso from funky pigeon

    Oh yeah I remember you got that card.
    I couldn't figure out that photo on FB at all, I was wondering what you meant my Yankee, I thought you'd dressed up a Mrs Potato Head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I just ordered a card for the OH and one for my mums BD which is this weekend from Funky Pigeon! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Baby is measuring 5 pounds 7 ounces and is a nice average size! Feel a bit better now (altho nearly cried on consultant they are going to think I'm mental!!), and I'm back again at 37 weeks and 39: I'm definately going to be induced by 40 weeks which is a relief, but they do think I'll go naturally before that. Also when they assess at 37 weeks they'll see how I'm going with thyroid etc: if my levels don't come up they may need to induce then.

    I'm still a bit emotional: but I'm exhausted so I think it's that... 9th scan today another one now in 3 weeks :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    How far along are u now Cyning? I ask because at 32 weeks my baby was measuring at 5lbs and docs were all concerned because they had just realised I'd failed the GTT also. Be nice to know what other babies r measuring in comparison.

    Notsobusy, I get a mothers day card from my dogs every year, so bump was added to that this year.
    Probably will get him a card and something small to mark the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    kildareash wrote: »
    How far along are u now Cyning? I ask because at 32 weeks my baby was measuring at 5lbs and docs were all concerned because they had just realised I'd failed the GTT also. Be nice to know what other babies r measuring in comparison.

    Im 34 weeks... They said baby should put on about a half a pound a week so doesn't sound like your babs is much bigger than mine??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭feest

    kildareash wrote: »
    I ask because at 32 weeks my baby was measuring at 5lbs and docs were all concerned because they had just realised I'd failed the GTT also. Be nice to know what other babies r measuring in comparison.

    My last scan was at 33w0d and baby weighed 5lbs, 6oz. I thought that sounded huge, but both the ultrasound tech and my midwife are pleased with that size. They anticipate the delivery weight to be 7lbs, 8oz.

    Baby is still easily flipping around between transverse and head down, so that combined with his weight makes me think he's a stout little butter ball :)

    Sounds like your little one is spot on!

    *I also read somewhere that the standard deviation for estimating gestational weight is something like +/- 1lb. That's a huge margin for error!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink we will no doubt share or arrange something special for us both each year :) we decided not to mark it this year but as you said we were pretty early on!

    Trions thanks for the list :)

    At 31w4d ours was measuring 4.5lbs & he predicted her weight to be 8.75lbs at birth! Have another scan Thursday week so we will see how she has grown then :eek:

    Brights are my fav to be honest...despite knowing its a girl we haven't bought a single pink outfit but we have some super cute obviously little girl sleepers in orange & turquoise :) We will probably get shed loads of pink stuff as gifts & that will be plenty :D strong pinks are fine but I don't really like baby pink or blue :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I had my GP appointment
    my bp is fine, baby heart rate was ok as well

    I had busy day today
    oh and I get really nice maternity dress for work or evening (for 8 e instead of 59) and night dress for after labor (for 12 e instead 25) - I love sales

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Glad all went well with the GP Saurelin :) & sounds like you got some good bargains!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Thanks ladies, reassuring to hear I'm not having some monster baby!

    Saurelin, jealous of those bargains!!!!

    At yoga tonight, took the first deep breath in and baby took full advantage of having extra room and I got a foot right into the diaphragm. Not pleasant! I'm really loving the yoga, raging I didn't start earlier in the pregnancy. Three weeks ago I was really struggling get out of the car or getting up
    Out of the chair but I can do those things with a lot more ease now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    I know this doesn't sound too good but I do get reassurance reading that some of you are anxious.. I keep waking up during the night terrified about the birth, I can't even get excited about having a baby because of this.. Just can't wait for the end of July...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Robinc wrote: »
    I know this doesn't sound too good but I do get reassurance reading that some of you are anxious.. I keep waking up during the night terrified about the birth, I can't even get excited about having a baby because of this.. Just can't wait for the end of July...
    I think it's totally normal to be very nervous: and I don't think the hormones swishing around help either!

    I just keep telling myself it will all be fine, that we'll figure it out etc etc... I cannot wait till July!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Robinc wrote: »
    I know this doesn't sound too good but I do get reassurance reading that some of you are anxious.. I keep waking up during the night terrified about the birth, I can't even get excited about having a baby because of this.. Just can't wait for the end of July...

    as Cyning said its perfectly normal, especially with all these hormones buzzing around!

    I'm trying not to think about it and just let nature take its course. I'm sure as it gets closer ill start to freak out more.

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    Thanks:) I think it's important to prepared mentally for it and not panic during the deed...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Aww just home from my surprise baby shower!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ooh Java, so jealous! Did you get pressies for baby?

    RobinC I've definitely been feeling increasingly anxious as the weeks go on. It sort of comes and goes. I find if I keep busy getting stuff ready for baby (not easy when all I want to do is sit about) then I'm more chilled out about it.

    Saurelin where did you get that nightie?

    We have a tiny sitting room with a 2 seater & armchair that somehow manage to take over the whole room. So I've managed to get a corner couch on adverts for 150 euro! It looks quite comfy, will fit perfect & create more space & has machine washable covers (I'm sure it will be covered in baby puke in a couple months).

    I'm delighted as I will be spending a lot of time on the couch feeding & we weren't able to seat more than one guest at a time when people would come over, we had to bring in the uncomfortable kitchen chairs.

    Cyning that sounds like a great healthy size for baby. I don't think I'm getting anymore scans before baby is born so I won't have a clue what the expected size is to be. Haven't had one since 22 wks and he was less than a pound then! He's a big bruiser now I'm sure of it

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 barremic


    had my hospital appointment yesterday, went well in the end and the consultant after being not great last time was actually quite nice (must have been having a bad day)

    got a bit worried though, when I got there they said my blood pressure was up, its been fine all along. I thought it might have been walking from the car park on two crutches in that heat, so she tested it again later, and it was ok.

    but they said i had blood in my urine and suger, so i iwas worried. did the fast overnight thing and sent in a sample, they said it was fine, possibly the polo mints i was munching like mad because i felt sick in the car had upped my sugar level.

    they think it might be a kidney infection, but i have no symptoms at all? has anyone else experienced this. I may get a prescription in the post next week if it is.

    the baby is right on track, the consultant doesnt give too much detail, and i dont know what questions to ask, but at 34 weeks today, he said it was on track and weighing 2.35 kg which is almost 5lb i think.

    said he wants to take me in for section on the 9th july (my lil brothers birthday) all going well.
    so the count down begins

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Aww barr, that's my due date too lol!

    Mink, got loads of presents. Have all the bits i need now, got a bath,nappy bin thing, about two bags of clothes, a baby swing, a baby feet and bump cast thing,sheets bedding and lots of lovely keepsakes.
    Between my own baby washing, pink balloons, a giant pink cake and all the stuff from last night, it looks like a football team of baby girls exploded in the kitchen!

    If zoe comes out to be a boy , ill have loads of stuff to give yas lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Java baby shower sounds fantastic!!

    I'll have another scan in 3 weeks so I'll have an even better idea of the weight then :)

    Barremic I sometimes get kidney infections with no symptoms at all (although strangely not since I got pregnant) so its definately possible... fingers crossed you won't, but at least they'll know about it if you do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 barremic

    Thanks cyning, hopefully so.

    Was very relieved that my sugar levels had returned to normal too.
    cyning wrote: »
    Java baby shower sounds fantastic!!

    I'll have another scan in 3 weeks so I'll have an even better idea of the weight then :)

    Barremic I sometimes get kidney infections with no symptoms at all (although strangely not since I got pregnant) so its definately possible... fingers crossed you won't, but at least they'll know about it if you do.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Baby either really really loves Smarties and is gone mad because she wants more, or else really really hates them and wants me to never eat them again :D Well that or the sugar I guess...

    I know this will sound awful but I want to throw something really really hard at my brothers head: he's 21 next week and he wants to go out to dinner. But he's insisting on going for chinese or thai: no consideration at all for how I can't eat it: and his response: sure you can come anyway. So ya me, my seperated parents and my idiotic youngest brother and I'll sit there not eating :mad::mad::mad: i am just not going he is driving me mad anyway!!! And he's 21 going in 3 at that :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 barremic

    I'm with you on the little brother thing, I'm ready to,strangle mine too. Considering how excited he was initially when he found out, and all the promises to help my OH with finishing projects around the house, I havnt seen him since the end of march. And he lives about 4 mins walk from my house!

    I've been pretty much house bound since April, him popping in for a cuppa wouldn't kill him

    And he's 32, I guess they never grow up. I thought he would be chuffed the baby is due on his birthday.

    Pretty selfish of your brother though, especially if you have food restrictions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning that's just ridiculous to expect you to go and sit looking at everyone else eating! I know it's his birthday but if he wants you there then he has to take into account what you can & can't eat :)

    You must feel great about how far along you are in your pregnancy considering everything you have been through :) it's looking like you will get to pretty much full term!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    You could go to the dinner, and then show him why you can't eat that food - that'll learn him. Sometimes there are restaurants that do asian food as well as other european dishes (& I mean something a bit more exciting than burger & chips) maybe there could be a compromise.

    Has anyone noticed their heartburn getting worse the further along they get? I'm finding I have to take two tablets before laying down to sleep as the laying down part is making all the acide come up, then I sometimes wake up with heartburn. I'm definitely going through 2-3 packs of rennies a week whereas before I think it was a pack and 1/2

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yep my heart burn is awful. Sometimes it's so bad I want to throw up.....:(

    I had a reikki session with a friend today, to relax me and prepare me for the birth and labour. She also did breathing exercises with me which was fab as the mid wife in my ante natal class didn't do them.

    She put her hands on my tummy at one stage during the session and baby had been really quiet throughout and as soon as her hand landed on my tum, baby went beserk!!! It was really funny. Enjoyed the session and she kept refering to the baby as a he so I think it might be a boy! My instinct the whole way through has been a boy so can't wait to see!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Barrie, I've had a kidney infection and have had countless samples sent to the lab coz there is lucoytes showing in them. But nurse in hospital said that sometimes it can be hard to get a clean sample because of the way baby is lying. Hopefully it's will be clear too. I never get the typical symptoms anymore, only know when I'm absolutely floored by them!

    Java, ur so lucky! Sounds like a lovely night. Sounds like u got every thing u need...just need zoey now :)

    Wld someone not have a quiet word with ur little brother Cyning? Or let them go out for dinner and organise tea or something in ur house for another evening? Some lads r unreal tho!

    I've spent all afternoon pairing socks! I had three baskets of single socks...some have been washed months apart, however that happens. But we're slowly (very slowly) but surely getting organised. The Moses basket fits better beside our bed than we initially thought and OH's dad is coming over this eve to take the bed out of the nursery and we can decorate that tomorrow! Of course, everything that we've taken from those to rooms to accommodate baby is on the landing, but well find a home for it eventually :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Young lads can be so selfish at times. I agree with Kildareash, see of someone will have a word with him or try and find a restuarant that does asian and european cuisine and persuade him to go there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    I get my nighty in mother care.
    really soft one.

    I spend an evening with few girlfriends
    it was so nice to chat with them :-)

    tomorrow I have appointment in physio clinic in hospital
    i hope they will be able to help me with my hip & back pain.
    i cant sit anymore :-( and work was a nightmare today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Dads on hol in Spain this week so I'll get him to try and talk some sense to him: mum already tried but he can't see why if I can't eat anything why I wouldn't just go and sit there: he's being a pain in 80 different ways these days and he's just driving me mad regardless! And I do realise its his 21st but jeez can he not eat a chinese some other day?! Thanks though feels good to rant sometimes :D

    Went to visit one of our friends today she's going to be godmother: she asked me what a sweep was and I told her: I thought she'd either faint or puke she looked so horrified :D it was hilarious! I'm a bit mean I think!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Oh and twomums I'm thrilled... God even 6 weeks ago we did no think I'd get this far and this week we were talking being induced by 40 weeks: it makes such a difference: the weight off my shoulders is unreal! My last hopefully specialist appt is tomorrow so barring something going wrong at that while I'm still high risk it's nothing like it was!!

    Saurelin I hope you get some relief soon :)

    On the heartburn mine has improved dramatically in the last two days since my bump dropped a bit: the relief is great... Between that and sparkling water which does me the world of good it is such a massive improvement on what it was!! Still bad but manageable :)
