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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    I guess it's one of two things....

    She wants your other half at her wedding so feels she has to invite you
    It is a means of trying to patch up your old friendship :)

    You seem to accept your part in the fall out so I would think the decision of whether to go or not comes down to if you would like the possibility of mending the relationship. You have obviously tried in the past which sounds like you would be happy to have her back as a friend. If it is an olive branch and you don't go...I would think that would be the end of it!

    It is understandable how your other half feels about it but he is just being protective of you :)

    You have to decide what you believe the motivation behind the invite is. Then also, if you decide its an olive branch, go & figure out that it wasn' will that make you feel? If that won't bother you & you think you will have a good time with your friends at the wedding...I might be inclined to go but I don't know all the water that's gone under the bridge :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    notsobusy, do you think you'll ever be friends with her again? if not, i dont think id go . but if you could see yourself friends again id go,

    weddings are expensive and are you gonna spend money on a gift and clothes and maybe hotel to go and find out its awkward and uncomfortable for you and then wish you didn't go ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    im waking up nearly every hour on the hour to pee and as much as i fall asleep on my side, im waking up on my back with so much pressure and pain its unbearable.

    soon as i hit 37weeks next Sunday,i am on my maternity ball and initiating eviction sequence!

    but my lovely oh is lovely today and brought me up coco pops in a bowl(i crave them) and left the milk up here for when i woke up and is downstairs painting

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yeah I thought that she might just want the OH there but to be honest the type she is, she wouldn't bother inviting him if she really didn't want me there.....I'm not really too sure of the motivation yet so I want to think about it!

    JG the wedding is very local plus I bought a new dress a couple of weeks ago in New Look that will do the job for the wedding :D

    I would like to mend the friendship, I don't think we'll ever be as close as we were but it would be nice to be able to just get on when we do see each other out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Notsobusy if you would like to have a bit of friendship back I would go the wedding: it might be a case of actions speaking louder than words?

    I feel a bit more relaxed today :) just got a shock yesterday I think!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    notsobusy wrote: »
    Totally off topic here but looking for a bit of advice, myself and the OH have been invited to a wedding. The problem is I fell out with the girl who is getting married about 3 years ago due to something stupid I said to someone else about her.

    I have apologised profusely on many occassions but she has usually refused to acknowledge me. Now I've gotten to the stage that I believe we can never been friends again but we could at least be civil to one another as we would see each other on a regular basis.

    She has known my OH for years and years. Now OH doesn't have much time for her due to her immature behaviour towards me. She does have a tendency to fall out with everyone on a regular basis. My question is do we go to the wedding? I would like to go because if she is holding out an olive branch I would like to accept it because I hate fighting with people and would at least like to be civil to each other for future events.

    OH can't even believe I am contemplating this. I spoke to a couple of mutual friends and they are shocked we have been invited and have suggested that perhaps it is an Olive Branch. I also do not want her to think I prevented OH from going if we decide not to go. It's all a bit awkward.....she is a nice girl just very immature with a loose temper.

    I should also explain that only a few people from my hunt have been invited so it's not like there's a huge gang of them going and she just threw us in the mix.......

    If you want to I agree that if you want to have a bit of a friendship back then go to the wedding.

    But how long is it since you've spoken to/seen this girl? I always get suspicious when you get invites out of the blue that you're just being rent-a-crowd. (Sorry, I know I'm way too cynical.) Or worse still, just being invited for a gift. Although I can never understand why people do that!
    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Although mine is predicted at being 6lbs with over 5 weeks left :eek:

    Snap! So is mine!

    Just back from hospital, had the most positive experience yet! In and out after seeing diabetic nurse, midwife and consultant in two hours!

    Myself and diabetic nurse were rolling around the floor laughing at my attempts to get my bloods within the range and sometimes failing! She said i needed to see consultant coz morning and bedtime bloods were always high and he might want to send me to Dublin to have a look at it. But she made some suggestions that might help bring them under.
    Also, according to their scales I've lost 2lbs in two weeks...happy days :D

    Midwife was grand, also suggested I see consultant coz of size of baby.
    She explained My consultant was away at a conference, but his replacement was very good and very nice. She wasn't wrong.

    He was lovely, took a look at my blood results in my record book and dismissed them straight away said they weren't high enough to worry about. Then told me I would have average 9lb baby, coz of my height and build. But he said this was completely normal and nothing to worry about (obviously he's not the one pushing it out!).
    He scanned me and said baby is measuring slightly bigger than dates and weighs about 6lbs so would be 8.5lbs when born...what he had predicted! Totally contradicting the doc I seen two weeks ago, he said this was perfectly fine.

    He recommended sitting up straight with my bum to the back of the chair to encourage baby's head to come down more and said I need to use my partner more to bring on labour naturally!haha!
    He also told me I will have baby before my due date as they won't let me go over coz of the GD. Floating on a cloud now, great start to the weekend. Going to see my favourite artist perform tonight, my favourite brother is coming in for the wkend for my niece's confirmation on Sunday and my lovely uncle is coming up for the wkend too. Can't wait to see them all :D:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    I don't think we're being used as a rent a crowd, there's plenty of other people who probably deserve an invitation over us!

    I would see her on a fairly regular basis, we have mutual friends and share a hobby. I saw her on Sunday and she didn't say anything to me hence we were both suprised to get an invite.
    The only thing I can think of is this maybe a few people told to her to grow up and cop on and maybe she is!

    KA great you had a good experience. It's makes the whole thing much easier to endure!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    notsobusy wrote: »
    I don't think we're being used as a rent a crowd, there's plenty of other people who probably deserve an invitation over us!

    I would see her on a fairly regular basis, we have mutual friends and share a hobby. I saw her on Sunday and she didn't say anything to me hence we were both suprised to get an invite.
    The only thing I can think of is this maybe a few people told to her to grow up and cop on and maybe she is!

    KA great you had a good experience. It's makes the whole thing much easier to endure!

    Sorry, I'm just way too negative for my own good. Maybe she genuinely wants to build bridges so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Notsobusy would it be any harm maybe testing the waters with that girl before the wedding itself maybe? I had similar falling out with a girl only from the other side, she really let me down having been really close before that, and it's come up to invite her to baby shower my American friend is planning for me. The invite is a bit of an olive branch alright cos although we've kinda made up now, we're not at all close or even really friendly anymore, I'd like her to feel welcome and take the invite for what it is, want things to be good and friendly between us again...but would possibly feel a little more relaxed if she didn't show up, if that makes sense? Token gesture I guess. I think in my situation if she suggested calling up or going for coffee or something before the event, that would really break the ice a bit for me, and at least then the olive branch can be acknowledged and (I don't know, passed around and enjoyed between ye, what is it you actually do with an olive branch in real life, stupid confusing metaphors!) without making the event itself all about that and how it pans out between ye. I know its a slightly different scenario to your situation now, but I'll have plenty other people to entertain the day of the party without having to worry about how my actions or attitude is being read or interpreted, or trying to read someone else's emotions about being there, and making it the business of the other guests. Sorry, only half awake here myself so probably not making any sense at all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kildareash I'm delighted you had a much better experience at the hospital this time. When people are nice to you, it makes everything easier!
    javagal wrote: »
    but my lovely oh is lovely today and brought me up coco pops in a bowl(i crave them) and left the milk up here for when i woke up and is downstairs painting

    I'm going to show this to my OH & hope for the best

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I hummed and hawed so much over my tiny guestlist that my gut feeling is that if you got an invite, then she wants you there.

    It can be hard to reestablish a friendship sometimes, as pride gets in the way, so this really looks like a gesture of goodwill to me. Personally, I would return the gesture: I would go, give her a hug, complement her on how beautiful the wedding was, get her a gift etc. and have a ball.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Going to ikea today to do up the guest room.

    It's not me, it's my OH i swear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Notsobusy would it be any harm maybe testing the waters with that girl before the wedding itself maybe? I had similar falling out with a girl only from the other side, she really let me down having been really close before that, and it's come up to invite her to baby shower my American friend is planning for me. The invite is a bit of an olive branch alright cos although we've kinda made up now, we're not at all close or even really friendly anymore, I'd like her to feel welcome and take the invite for what it is, want things to be good and friendly between us again...but would possibly feel a little more relaxed if she didn't show up, if that makes sense? Token gesture I guess. I think in my situation if she suggested calling up or going for coffee or something before the event, that would really break the ice a bit for me, and at least then the olive branch can be acknowledged and (I don't know, passed around and enjoyed between ye, what is it you actually do with an olive branch in real life, stupid confusing metaphors!) without making the event itself all about that and how it pans out between ye. I know its a slightly different scenario to your situation now, but I'll have plenty other people to entertain the day of the party without having to worry about how my actions or attitude is being read or interpreted, or trying to read someone else's emotions about being there, and making it the business of the other guests. Sorry, only half awake here myself so probably not making any sense at all!

    Nyquist that does make sense although I am too chicken to ring her before hand! I figure that we accept to go to the wedding and just enjoy the day and give her a hug. It's about 3 weeks after I give birth so don't have to stay all day sort of thing.

    I am definitely going to make the effort to go if we can. Thanks for all the advice ladies! Just have to persuade OH now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    javagal wrote: »
    Going to ikea today to do up the guest room.

    It's not me, it's my OH i swear!

    Hormones! He's cute :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning - it is no wonder a phonecall like that gave you a fright & everything really is much worse in an evening! Well it is for me anyway :) Glad you are feeling better today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Just in relations to names! We have changed our minds again on what names we would like, we have settled on a girls name but can't think of a boys name but we have 5 or 6 on a list we like.

    Is anyone else getting hassle about names? we didn't initially but now we are from friends and it's really annoying. I actually had to tell one friend to totally back off and mind her own business the day before yesterday she thinks I should name the boy after his dad and then a junior. So it would be Joe Junior. She thinks my OH would like that. I tried to explain that he wanted x name and she turned her nose up and said that's very english sounding.......another friend said the same thing, joe jnr sure you couldn't call him anything else!! :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Kildareash - I can be just as cynical as you :) so you are not alone :D

    That's the thing about the size of have to look at the genes...nice to have met a consultant who seems to understand that! Our consultants are predicting the same then...mine is saying 8.5 to 8.75lbs birth weight but for me is a little concerned as I'm short enough (donor genes won the height battle :) ) & have a dodgy hip so he is watching her size, how low she drops and taking my hip into account (will make pushing difficult) and is weighing up a section over natural at the moment!

    We also don't have the male factor to help her come early...we both had a good smile with the midwife at our last antenatal class when she was talking about sperm helping start labour & then was talking about the necessity for contraception after birth unless you want Irish twins :D Can't wait for them to come to have that chat with me in the hospital :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Notsobusy - people amaze me with the fact they think they can butt into what you are going to call YOUR child :) Especially their dislike for a name or the fact that they might like it is some kind of seal of approval so you can go ahead and choose it :rolleyes:

    I don't think there is another subject that people feel so free to be openly really nasty about other than their dislike for a born or unborn babies name!

    If you are struggling with a number of names, a friend printed the varying names including surname out and put them up individually on their kitchen wall! Seeing them everyday helped them rule some of them out as they got bored or didn't like the look of them :)

    Don't call your child Joe Jnr just because other people tell you you should & don't not call your child something because it sounds English...what the hell does that matter :) Call your child what you both like...after all you will be saying it everyday ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    javagal wrote: »
    Going to ikea today to do up the guest room.

    It's not me, it's my OH i swear!

    Javagal my partner is nesting away too :) she is building a lovely nest for us :D
    Like you she has been through the wardrobes...didn't find any slipper socks though ;)
    It's a good job too as my nesting instinct has not kicked in at all yet :rolleyes:

    NyquistFreak - may I suggest that you might ring your friend for that coffee & tell her what you said re wanting her to feel welcome at your baby shower etc & give her the invite over coffee :) Then you can pass around your olive branch but she will know the invite is genuine. I only say because like Notsobusy if I got the invite I'm not sure I would make the call & would just decide from my gut :) It's obviously totally up to you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I re-packed my hospital bag, packed bags with spare PJs, spare baby stuff etc put an outfit for me to wear home from hospital hanging up in babies wardrobe where hubbie cannot miss it (I swear if i told him to bring me in jeans and a tshirt I'd probably get sparkly leggings and a jersey or somthing. And I don't own sparkly leggings!), cleaned out my wardrobe....

    Then I went cleaning shower and hubby came home from work early: he was NOT happy. I got given out to... I'm back to sitting on the couch now! And whats worse is the shower STILL isn't clean. Not to my standard anyway!

    Kildareash I'm glad you had a much better experience today: it makes such a difference!

    Nobody except me and hubby knows what were calling baby: and we are leaving it that way. It's so hard to keep any part of pregnancy etc to yourself so although everyone asks us we keep telling them they'll find out when baby gets here.

    I must write a list of stuff that I need to buy: sun shade things for the car, a mirror so we can see baby in car seat, a baby on board sign...

    Also has anyone elses chest got smaller: I thought it was just bump getting bigger but I measured today: I'm down a full cup size: wasn't expecting that :P

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    notsobusy wrote: »
    Is anyone else getting hassle about names?
    Not really getting hassle as such. We couldn't decide on a girls name, and my friend said she would look up some names :rolleyes: Now everytime I see her, she has the most ridiculous names, while telling me that I can't use any of her names!
    She can be a bit pushy, she's my closest friend but she sometimes thinks she's my sister or something. (She wanted OH to miss a scan so she could come to one with me, because he has been to loads!)

    At the end of the day, don't let anyone else influence your decision. Go with what you want. It's just hard to listen to everyone else's opinion.
    I actually really like those "english" sounding names, like Harry and stuff like that.
    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Kildareash - I can be just as cynical as you :) so you are not alone :D

    That's the thing about the size of have to look at the genes...nice to have met a consultant who seems to understand that!

    It'll be interesting to see what size our babies actually are!

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    I actually had to tell one friend to totally back off and mind her own business the day before yesterday she thinks I should name the boy after his dad and then a junior. So it would be Joe Junior. She thinks my OH would like that. I tried to explain that he wanted x name and she turned her nose up and said that's very english sounding.......another friend said the same thing, joe jnr sure you couldn't call him anything else!! :eek:[/QUOTE]

    Haha, I've never heard anything so ridiculous! I mean I understand if you would like to call your baby after his father but for someone else to tell you that you should is utterly absurd! And so what if a name is too "English sounding" - so silly. People can be so insensitive when it comes to names - we've had that experience too. We've our name 99% picked and nobody really knows except us but when we were testing names we got some awful feedback for some really lovely names. Sometimes people just don't seem to know where the boundaries are with pregnant ladies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    My nesting instinct is pretty absent too, everytime I see my Mum she asks me if I have started cleaning yet - and I certainly have not, and I don't think I'm about to start any time soon!

    I think my nesting instinct is stuck in DIY and make and do mode - we've repainted the house, bought new curtains etc, i'm knitting a baby blanket, and considering starting a throw/quilt for the couch in the babies room.

    I love our nursery, and can't wait to have all the babies things in there - I've attached a couple of (pretty blurry) photos of it below - I just wish my Mum would relax and let me put the cot up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Kash your nursery is gorgeous!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    cyning wrote: »
    I put an outfit for me to wear home from hospital hanging up in babies wardrobe where hubbie cannot miss it (I swear if i told him to bring me in jeans and a tshirt I'd probably get sparkly leggings and a jersey or somthing. And I don't own sparkly leggings!)

    I must do this... hubby and I used to work together, and we had an unexpected team meeting to go to and my boss wanted me to go with her straight away, and so I asked hubby to bring a change of clothes for me for the next day. He showed up with a knee length green/brown tweed skirt (the worst part of a really ugly suit), a very low cut pink and grey pukka t-shirt and orange and black striped knee high socks. I actually thought I was going to die, I laughed so much! And I have never let him forget it :)

    And to all the naysayer name dictators, I say - screw you, go have your own kid!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Kash, your nursery is fab. Looks like something from a show house or a magazine. Puts our alphabet stickers to shame!

    Speaking of boundaries, my work colleague who has had three kids said my bump was looking really big today, was it hard and cld she feel it. I was so shocked and appalled!
    Everyone in the office turned around, and even the men were saying to her have u never heard of personal space.
    She said its different because she's not feeling me, she's feeling the baby. Without realising it, I moved my chair away from her too. She said she didn't mind people touching her bump when she was pregnant. Just because u didn't mind, doesn't mean u can go around touching other womens bumps!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Kash your nursery is fab! Are they stickers or did you actually paint?

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh Kash that did make me laugh :D did you actually wear it or stay in the clothes from the day before?

    Nursery is looking super :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    Notsobusy - if u think the invite is genuine I would go to the wedding- as it will make life easier especially if ye have mutual friends or would see eachother regularly, if u don't feel comfortable going to the whole thing maybe write her a note in the RSVP saying as u will have a small baby it's difficult to go to the whole day but you'd like to go to the afters...

    Kash - your nursery looks fab - ours has just become a dumping ground for all the boxes we haven't unpacked yet :rolleyes:

    On the names: I'm shocked at how pushy and forward people are - we decided at the start we would not tell people the names as I didn't want negative reactions putting me off names I liked, so many people have asked straight out what the baby will be called and look put out when I won't tell them - between that and bump touching GRRRRR :mad:

    Ash - glad your app went so well!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Kash lovely nursery :-)

    When one of our friends told me that she dont like name Alice for a baby I told her I dont care. She get ofended :-P

    finally weekend.

    my plan is to do nothing and sleep a lot.

    Trions how is new house and new car?
