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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kildareash that really sucks, I'd say you are absolutely dying to get her home. I'd be stir crazy by now.

    My sister went through a similar thing, her boy was very jaundiced after birth & had to stay up in the ICU under those phototherapy lights for several days. He was nearly 2 weeks over, very long & 9lbs so he totally dwarfed all the other little babas, he looked like a toddler haha. I think they were in there a good 10 days (not saying that will happen to you) before they let him go home & even then he was still like a little carrot! He recovered fine though & didn't seem to be perturbed by the whole thing, she & the dad were with him up there a good bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43 barremic

    kildareash wrote: »
    Still in hospital :(
    Her levels r just above the level for the phototherapy bed. We will be here for two nights at least. She's back on the bed now and they will test her again in the morn on the bed and 12 hours later which will be tomorrow night.
    I cld see myself that she was gone quiet lethargic again, so I wasn't completely surprised. I've just never heard of anyone going through all this for jaundice.

    Spent most of the day crying! Think it's a combo of hormones, disappointment and frustration. But I will hopefully have company tomorrow. OH's cousins gf is being induced tomorrow morn. Hopefully N will have a new cousin by tomorrow night or Thursday morn.

    You must be tearing you hair out at this stage!
    On the plus side, I met a new mum yesterday, her baby is a day older than Joshua. She is still very jaundiced, but her mum is having a tough time of it at home, with the feeding every 3 hours she is worried that the baby isn't getting enough milk. And she is up crying most of the time. At least there you have plenty of experts around you

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi


    My money is on either Cyning, Java or Mamaheidi next.[/QUOTE]

    Congrats to notsobusy! More fantastic news. Mink, I love your optimism but I have had no signs of anything down there. Nowt. Nada. I thought I had a show a couple of weeks ago but it obviously wasn't anything to get things going. All I have now is a headcold to feel sorry for myself a bit.

    I'm also wondering if some of my many newly-acquired chins will disappear after the birth or will they hang around to keep the saggy tummy and big thighs company!? Not that I was ever a skinny minnie but it's getting beyond a joke at this stage!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Yahy Notsobusy!!!! really bucking the going late trend now!
    Mamaheidi I feel your pain, I hope my sinuses go back to normal, I can't handle not being able to breath properly! I also hope my hands and knuckles go down and my rings will fit again! I also can't wait to sleep on my stomach, not have to pee at least twice a night and for the sprouting skin tags to disappear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Ginny wrote: »
    Yahy Notsobusy!!!! really bucking the going late trend now!
    Mamaheidi I feel your pain, I hope my sinuses go back to normal, I can't handle not being able to breath properly! I also hope my hands and knuckles go down and my rings will fit again! I also can't wait to sleep on my stomach, not have to pee at least twice a night and for the sprouting skin tags to disappear!

    Aww I am covered in skin tags almost over night!
    Not even thinking too much about the giant thighs and ass or I'll cry- It'll come off!!

    I think cyning will be next :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Girls I have every single one of those things you mentioned. I'd like to add to the list... swollen feet that now wobble, swollen legs, really bad skin, straw hair, heartburn, haemmorhoids, not being able to see anything below my bellybutton, saggy boobs, a map of veins across my chest... I could go on.

    I don't know that I've loved being pregnant, I really really enjoy feeling baby move but I haven't enjoyed the rest, and I had a really easy pregnancy. Having said that I'd say I'll be well broody in a year or two & will have forgotten all of this!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I'm a bit stressed out about something. My sisters offered to fly over from UK to help me out for a week/long weekend after babs arrives. I made it clear that the first 2 wks after he arrives is just for me & OH. I really want OH to have this time with baby before he has to go back to work. I want us to muddle through it & find our feet together.

    So my sis is booking her flights already & she's bringing her 4yr old & wants to bring over his dad (OH & I are not fond of him at all) for a couple days. I don't know how she can book the flights as we don't know when I'm going to pop, I just really really don't want her coming in the middle of those 1st two weeks. Also she doesn't drive & the public transport here is crap so I feel like I'm going to be chauffeur while she's over.

    On the one hand I appreciate that she wants to come help, on the other - I never actually asked for it & this is a special time for me & OH. I don't know if I should ask her to come maybe right at end of August for a long weekend or to leave off on booking anything til I have the baby & I can help with the extra cost on the flights or something.

    I feel so bad about it as I haven't actually seen her since Christmas & haven't seen her son since last autumn which is terrible :eek: I don't know what to do

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Ah no my baby is firmly ensconced in my belly is happy out and never wants to leave ;) and I'm not sure I want babs to leave right now because I am really starting to freak out at the thoughts of giving birth :P My money on Java!! And I did have a show 17 days ago: and nada. Nothing!

    Mink: say it to your sister. Ideally it wouldn't even be an issue, but arriving with a 4 year old, oh etc in tow could completely stress you out: especially when your just trying to find your feet. She should understand and if not your priorities are to you and babs and oh: not anyone else.

    Can I add pins and needles to that never ending list of things that happen when your pregnant: just another fortnight just another fortnight :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Mink, that's a tough situation. I know you don't want to offend your sister but at the same time the first few weeks are so so important for you and your OH to learn everything together. Our midwife kept saying at the antenatal classes that you have to remember that for the first 2.5 / 3 weeks you won't be able to function properly so the best thing to do is turn off your phone, lock your doors and pretend you've died because you need to get yourself rested & learn how to take care of your new baby. I'd offer to help pay for her flights at the end of August or whenever you're up to having her for a week. You could explain to her that you really appreciate what she's doing but that if she could just give you and your OH the two weeks together it would be better as she'd be needed much more once your OH goes back to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Awe Mink that's totally understandable pet, I think I'd be the same now to be honest. It's nice that people want to call over and help, but sometimes you just have to close the zombie gates and turn off the phone! I know my mother will be trying to get in every day (and she can open the zombie gates SOMEHOW with her skinny little arms in through the gap...stupid not so zombie proof gates!) But you're dead right, especially if your OH has the time off it's going to be such a special (and stressful ya, thats all part of it!) time for the three of you getting to know each other, without having to worry about entertaining anyone else, putting extra food out, driving anyone anywhere, dealing with their opinions and ways of doing things and all that, well intentioned or not...only to have to readjust again when they f-off and OH goes back to work and all of a sudden you're left totally on your own, sure that alone would be enough to stress you! I think you should have a friendly firm word with your sis, explain to her how you and OH feel about her kind offer, maybe mention that her help and company might actually be more useful once OH isn't around full time any more? It's all perfectly understandable and I couldn't see anyone taking offence to honesty like. If all else fails...tell your mum on her? (rational adult brain falling away like wet cake over here by the day lads, I'll probably be talking in my own made up language and rocking back and forth by the end of it!)

    notsobusy, baby?! lads, what the hell like! congratulations miss, SO jealous right now! :D I'm all over the place about this ye all going early thing, I'm terrified of going into labour over BreechFace here, but at this stage now that doc pretty much said its unlikely he'll turn AND SETTLE (is the settling in ANY position not the turning that has him saying this as far as I know) before term so I might as well get used to the idea of a section now. ugh. I hope he does turn again, cop himself on, drop and engage already and come the f out! Its like he doesn't even know he's a fetus and why can't I do pregnant properly anyway?! seriously, sulking and going a little bit hysterical since yesterday lads, like someone here said recently, every little pain or twinge or sneaky fart and I'm freaking out. Only my baby can't come like that..(?!)...lads I might actually need to put myself to sleep well away from the internet- and people with ears -for a few days til I calm myself! Cyning, I don't know how you do it girl, dealing with the uncertainty and stuff, and your situation is way more serious than mine and I'm completely losing the plot over here!

    Also, the next person to say the cliches (you must be dying for it to be over now, ooh not long now! you're HUGE/tidy/neat/a gorilla, ooh I bet its a girl, just wait now til... etc) I swear to god I don't know if I can stop myself eating off part of their face.

    Sorry for the rant. Probably.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Its because we can't control whats happening :( we want the best thing for our babas and when we can't we get frustrated and upset and we have to deal with hormones on top of that: it's all natural.

    Doesn't mean you wouldn't like to take your frustrations out on a punch bag though :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning I haven't been swabbed for MRSA but it might be standard if the hospital has had an issue in the past. He did swab me but only as I was concerned about having some greenish cervical mucous which was all fine thankfully :)

    Mink that's an awful situation to be in esp bringing a four year old with her aside from the other half you're not keen on! Booking flights now is just ridiculous & puts too much pressure on you. I think you have to be honest with her & just say that you don't want visitors in the first two weeks & as you don't know when bump will arrive there is no point booking tickets now! Don't let the fact you haven't seen her or her child in some time add to the pressure...after all she hasn't seen you either :) We have a friend who, I think, thinks we will be wanting to see immediately....this is SO not the case & my concern is her booking flights without even asking!

    I have quite enjoyed being pregnant but it's all been pretty easy for me so far (ducks) and in fairness I've had less ailments since being pregnant so I'm worried about those coming back when the bump is gone :) I actually had a little cry today about how I will miss my bump when it's gone :)

    Congrats Notsobusy, that's the first two due gone now which leaves Cyning & Mamaheidi next on the list but if Java has any control over it she will be next :D

    Kildareash that's gotta be tough but at least you could see that she needed to stay and get some phototherapy :) it's no surprise you are emotional...aside from being stuck in hospital you will also be hitting the baby blues hormonal slump! It would be nice if you get to share a ward with your relation. I have my fingers crossed she will be home soon :)

    Was at docs this morning & she told me I was looking great :D felt the bump and told me she was def a big baby :eek: and if she came today she was def already cooked! Nobody has ever used small words to describe my monster :) except the 3D scan woman said she had a cute button nose :)
    She was also very reassuring re if it ends up being a section & assured me that a planned section is a very pleasant birthing experience (she had one for a breech baby) so that was nice to hear :)

    Seems like I've wrote the longest post in history :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Mink I have similar problem.

    My sis is coming today with her hipper active 4 years old and crying almost all the time 6 months old.

    I'm so tired, that I don't think I have strength to deal with this.
    They will be in Dublin for a week. I hope baby will not decide to pop up during their visit.

    I love my sis, and her kids, and I didn't seen them for a long time but timing is so bad.
    I hope it will be ok but I'm afraid a little.

    On the other hand I didn't tell her not to come as I didn't want to hurt her feelings

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Had a cramp down there when I went for a pee and lost (sorry tmi) over a table spoon at least of mucous.

    Come on baby Java...

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Mink wrote: »
    Girls I have every single one of those things you mentioned. I'd like to add to the list... swollen feet that now wobble, swollen legs, really bad skin, straw hair, heartburn, haemmorhoids, not being able to see anything below my bellybutton, saggy boobs, a map of veins across my chest... I could go on.

    I don't know that I've loved being pregnant, I really really enjoy feeling baby move but I haven't enjoyed the rest, and I had a really easy pregnancy. Having said that I'd say I'll be well broody in a year or two & will have forgotten all of this!

    Mink I felt the exact same for months, not able to relate to the baby, and I felt awful for it! I got pregnant so easily, have had it relatively easy and I still wasn't happy. I don't think it was until I was 23/24 weeks that I finally started seeing this little person as a little person, rather then something taking over my body. I'm not vain at all but the lack of control over everything was hard for me.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Mink wrote: »
    I'm a bit stressed out about something. My sisters offered to fly over from UK to help me out for a week/long weekend after babs arrives. I made it clear that the first 2 wks after he arrives is just for me & OH. I really want OH to have this time with baby before he has to go back to work. I want us to muddle through it & find our feet together.

    So my sis is booking her flights already & she's bringing her 4yr old & wants to bring over his dad (OH & I are not fond of him at all) for a couple days. I don't know how she can book the flights as we don't know when I'm going to pop, I just really really don't want her coming in the middle of those 1st two weeks. Also she doesn't drive & the public transport here is crap so I feel like I'm going to be chauffeur while she's over.

    On the one hand I appreciate that she wants to come help, on the other - I never actually asked for it & this is a special time for me & OH. I don't know if I should ask her to come maybe right at end of August for a long weekend or to leave off on booking anything til I have the baby & I can help with the extra cost on the flights or something.

    I feel so bad about it as I haven't actually seen her since Christmas & haven't seen her son since last autumn which is terrible :eek: I don't know what to do

    Mink can you say to her thanks, but can you wait a few weeks as I'll need you more when my partner goes back to work..
    Is she thinking of staying with you???? cause thats nuts!

    we were even considering telling people we want no visitors in the hosp, especially since I want to try and BF, last thing we need is OH's long lost aunt popping in. So we're not telling anyone when we go in, although I can tell you guys in FB obviously...:D

    Cyning I forgot the pins and needles and the sore hand joints!! I'm like an arthritic elephant in the mornings, I still can't open twist top bottles, I'm like a little old lady!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    It's the dead legs for me too.... like when i get up to go to bathroom in the middle of the night i feel like Im dragging an elephant leg behind me!!

    Java i am so right you will deffo be next!

    Also I want my concentration back: I haven't read anything "proper" in months, my spelling is gone to pot, I cannot seem to tell the difference between there/their/they're just serious serious concentration difficulties :rolleyes:

    I'm afraid I haven't enjoyed been pregnant at all: it's a means to an end for me: I don't care if that makes me an awful person etc I have had no break for the last 38 weeks and I am so looking forward to just having baby here :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    It's the dead legs for me too.... like when i get up to go to bathroom in the middle of the night i feel like Im dragging an elephant leg behind me!!

    Java i am so right you will deffo be next!

    Also I want my concentration back: I haven't read anything "proper" in months, my spelling is gone to pot, I cannot seem to tell the difference between there/their/they're just serious serious concentration difficulties :rolleyes:

    I'm afraid I haven't enjoyed been pregnant at all: it's a means to an end for me: I don't care if that makes me an awful person etc I have had no break for the last 38 weeks and I am so looking forward to just having baby here :)

    Lol it might still be you.

    I hope it's soon for ya either way, will make my day to come online to see cyning has popped!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    Just back from the clinic. Baby weighing in at 6lbs 2oz...."economy size" as the consultant put it :-)

    Back on the 11th for a sweep to hopefully get things started.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    cyning wrote: »
    I don't care if that makes me an awful person etc I have had no break for the last 38 weeks and I am so looking forward to just having baby here :)

    Cyning I think I speak for everyone on this entire forum that you are a saint (& possibly a medical miracle) to have stayed pregnant so long! I'm dying for your baby to arrive!

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Oh God, I forgot I got really upset yesterday when I was figuring out how to collect hub from town, I mentally just figure out the route. I'm an ex sales rep so have spent years on the road, figuring out routes an d roads, and I couldn't remember one I take every day!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    WWC1 wrote: »
    Just back from the clinic. Baby weighing in at 6lbs 2oz...."economy size" as the consultant put it :-)

    Back on the 11th for a sweep to hopefully get things started.

    That consultant was a bit of a smart arse! I hope it was said in a nice way. I'd say you'll go before your sweep!

    Right, discussed it more with OH & he definitely wants his 2 wks alone with baby & me. So I'm going to tell sis to hold off booking til I give go ahead. The problem is her little fella is starting school & she was planning this trip as her holidays as well & has plans to visit friends in Dublin & stay over night with them.

    When she had her babs 4 yrs ago she stayed with me & OH & I looked after her last few weeks of pregnancy (bringing her to her apts as she can't drive) and I was her birth partner & I took a week off work to help her when baby got back from ICU. Plus then she lived with us til baby was maybe 8 months & I helped her as much as I could in between working a crap load.

    So because of this & because she (& other sis) are over in England, they've not been able to do anything for me while preg, my parents are no longer around so they are really only family. So I think they feel obliged to come over.

    But as OH pointed out, is she actually coming over to help or is she coming over for a hol? I dunno, think I'm going to tell her to hold off and then if she insists on flying in early with her wee boy then they may stay elsewhere til my OH has his full 2 weeks with baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning you are not an awful person! Anyone who wouldn't want your pregnancy over & to have your little baby in your arms should be in a straight jacket in my opinion :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    javagal wrote: »
    Lol it might still be you.

    I hope it's soon for ya either way, will make my day to come online to see cyning has popped!!

    My little girl seems really content since I'm not dehydrated any more :rolleyes: I was so sure she was on her way then! Trust me it will make my life the day she gets here :)

    I am also dying not to worry about puking every day!! I'm not sure about the saint/medical miracle part though I'm not that bad am I??!!

    WWC1 at 6lb 2 oz and another few weeks to go you could be very surprised yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    twomums that's actually pretty reassuring to hear about your own doctors pleasant section experience, my fella was talking about it pretty negatively, so thanks :)

    Ginny and Mink I totally hear ye on that finding it hard to relate to and enjoy the pregnancy despite a relatively easy time of it, I do like feeling baby move around though, even if he IS going the wrong way! And ya, I think I will miss that much when its all over!

    Cyning, nail on head there re lack of control and knowing what's going on/what's best for baby at this time, feeling like I'm in way over my head now and not liking that at all. Also on the lack of concentration thing, even when I AM being given information none of it is sticking! I don't know how some of you are still so calm and collected at all!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Nyquist, you should see me trying to train people in here on my job, My head is going "lalalalalalalalalalalalala" and somehow my mouth is still speaking, although in fairness I can only show them so much, and the rest is up to them. Hub was saying yesterday I should turn off my phone when I leave here as I'm bound to get phonecalls, even though they'd never call our manager who is also on maternity leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ginny wrote: »
    Mink I felt the exact same for months, not able to relate to the baby, and I felt awful for it! I got pregnant so easily, have had it relatively easy and I still wasn't happy. I don't think it was until I was 23/24 weeks that I finally started seeing this little person as a little person, rather then something taking over my body. I'm not vain at all but the lack of control over everything was hard for me.

    See I don't actually know if I am relating to the baby or not. OH talks to him the odd time, I just don't know how to. I just can't get into the habit of talking to him. How I communicate with him is when I feel him squirming, I give him a good rub on the butt & tap his feet when they stick out. I only get time to do this at night when in bed. That will probably end up being our baby massage time after he arrives.

    I still see him a little as taking over my body, but not neccessarily in a resentful way. I kind of look at him as doing me a service, I really wanted to get pregnant & have a baby & he is certainly facilitating me & I know he'll give me a huge amount back in terms of joy (sorry, getting mushy now) even through the rough patches.

    I am a little bit vain so the lack of body control & issues does get to me. I was giving out about my stretch marks again & OH was saying I should immortalise them in a painting :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink sounds like you did loads for her & she probably wants to repay you which is nice but your other half is right. Dads (& my mrs) don't get much (if any) time with their offspring before they are back to work full time so the last thing they need is to spend it minding visitors! If your due date doesn't fit with her holiday plans she could arrange to come over during half term when you will be well settled into your new routine & she could pop over (on her own) for a weekend a few weeks after the birth :)

    It's so hard because people don't ask...they just assume their plans/desires are exactly what you want! Our midwife said that the other halves should control the visitors but I know that's not appropriate in the case of your sister :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Ginny wrote: »
    Nyquist, you should see me trying to train people in here on my job, My head is going "lalalalalalalalalalalalala" and somehow my mouth is still speaking, although in fairness I can only show them so much, and the rest is up to them. Hub was saying yesterday I should turn off my phone when I leave here as I'm bound to get phonecalls, even though they'd never call our manager who is also on maternity leave.

    my OH has been warned if I find his work phone in the house after BreechFace arrives I'll be burying it in the garden for him! Actually we're lucky, his company loooove him so are giving him 2weeks paid leave, and letting him take 2weeks holiday right after so we'll get a nice bit of time together to get used to baby, at least if its section for me I'll have plenty of looking after for recovery, he's pretty good like that :)

    Actually feeling much better since that rant a while ago lads, I don't know if I'd still be sane at all if it weren't for you guys! (haha, she thinks she's sane)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    It's so hard because people don't ask...they just assume their plans/desires are exactly what you want! Our midwife said that the other halves should control the visitors but I know that's not appropriate in the case of your sister :)

    Yeah I feel kind of sorry for OH that he doesn't have more time.
    He'd probably be a bit heavy handed with her, so best I deal with it as tactfully as possible. She can be really really generous & caring most of the time & then sometimes she just doesn't get how much she's putting someone out.
    Actually we're lucky, his company loooove him so are giving him 2weeks paid leave, and letting him take 2weeks holiday right after so we'll get a nice bit of time together to get used to baby, at least if its section for me I'll have plenty of looking after for recovery, he's pretty good like that :)

    I'm so jealous I can barely stand typing this!!!!! :eek:

    Actually it's nice to hear companies do that, the paternal leave laws in this country SUCK. We are the only country in the EU that provide no paid paternity leave.

    I guess it hasn't stopped us having babies seeing as we are the most fertile per capita :D
