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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    but everyone (after trying to put me off it too mind you!) is now pretty much assuming that's what his name will DEFINITELY be, and its really annoying me now! It actually doesn't matter how many times I tell people no, the next time I see them they're all like, "so have ye definitely settled on Noah then?" eh, what's wrong with people at all?! So ya, my advice, if people ask have ye thought of any names, tell them ridiculous things (like Optimus, Methuselah, random names of the opposite gender or whatever) with a completely straight face, cos people all just seem to think their opinions actually matter in things like this, and you might as well get your giggles off them for it.
    God I'll really miss my mid morning rant at you all come the end of July!

    Yeah, I made the mistake of telling my sis a name we were thinking of for a girl, and now it's like it's set in stone! Really annoying when she says " are ye still going with .....then?" I just keep saying I don't know.
    Still trying to get my own way re boy's name. Hubby wants his dad's name, I want my dad's name. My thinking is that if it's a boy it will already be carrying on his surname ( hubby only son in his family) and that I would like a name from my family to be carried on also. Is that unreasonable!? Or what? Hubby's father has passed away and he has a nephew with the same name albeit a different surname. My father is still alive and i'd love to carry on his name as we have always been very close. I'm at a loss what to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    Back from my own hospital, Kinda upset.

    First there was white cells in my urine but that could be just because I'm loosing my plug or I have a mild kidney infection.

    Then seen doctor, he went fecking mad at the nurses that,even though I told them months ago that both my nanny and my mam had diabetes, that no one ordered the GTT. He said I could be diabetic and now it's too late to do anything and as a result the baby is huge :(
    Ah java! That sucks but here, I've seen your bump pics and you are not huge, I'm twice the size and about 2 weeks behind you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    silly wrote: »
    Ah java! That sucks but here, I've seen your bump pics and you are not huge, I'm twice the size and about 2 weeks behind you!

    He's put her at 7lb 7 with two weeks to go. He said if I go over she could be at least 9lb.
    I didnt think my bump was too big either, but he has rightly petrified me now, what if I can't push out this giant amazon baby!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Silly, sounds like your sis is just clearing out her attic into your house. That's what my brother in law did - gave us a broken crib! It's going straight back to him! And I like your idea of using your dad's name seeing as surname will be your OH's. His dad's name could be the middle name. We are using my dad's name as middle name as he passed away years ago.
    Kash wrote: »
    My biggest complaint at the moment are my goddamned ankles! Whereas before they were shapely enough to warm the cockles of any Victorian gentleman, they now resemble half cooked ham hocks. The swelling never seems to go down either, I have it from first thing in the morning - and as doc said no reclining, I haven't been able to put them up, so i'm not sure how to fix them!

    Haha love that description. Surely you can sit with your feet up, as in you don't have to be lying down. Mine are swollen all the time & I feel the tops of my feet wobble with the fluid, eww!
    of course this doesnt come without consequences
    my bubs is still backwards so i slept on my belly to try to get it turned so am a bit worried that ten hours on belly wasnt my smartest move.

    How on earth are you sleeping on your belly???? Did a midwife or doctor tell you to for the purposes of moving baby, never heard that. They normally suggest spending time on all fours. I know the recommended sleeping position is favour your left side as will get better placenta flow & also positioning, but hey not everyone can sleep like that.
    javagal wrote: »
    Back from my own hospital, Kinda upset.

    First there was white cells in my urine but that could be just because I'm loosing my plug or I have a mild kidney infection.

    Then seen doctor, he went fecking mad at the nurses that,even though I told them months ago that both my nanny and my mam had diabetes, that no one ordered the GTT. He said I could be diabetic and now it's too late to do anything and as a result the baby is huge :(

    Ah java, big cyber hugs. Why are they freaking out re a 9lb baby. Both my sisters had all 9lb babies & they were grand - one was in birthing pool with no pain meds & other was straightforward with an epi, no tearing or interference/stitches etc.

    He shouldn't have worried you like that, you've nothing to worry about from the sounds of things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    ya I got the cleared out attic of a friend of mine too, its nice people are generous and saving you the cost of new things, but some of it can be taking the piss a bit alright :D know what though? I've a friend due in December who reads this thread the whole time and she can probably guess what's going to happen come November to my super clogged up baby room! :P in fairness, as far as hand me downs go, tis the Irish way, haha! (big cyber wave and cheesey smile to rachineire, mwuahahaha!)

    So seeing pictures of the state of Cork this morning (used to live there and all) it brings me to thinking about our baby names list. I don't mind telling ye lads we shared one name with family and friends and got that whole thing of people trying to put you off it by saying it in terrible accent and the likes...the name was Noah (hence the floods reminding me, haha!)...what's wrong with that you wonder? now imagine the rubberbandits refusing to do something. yes, contrary Limerick city children giving out in the local accent sounds remarkably similar to the name. So (after this being pointed out time and again by the by) I've pretty much gone right off the name now, OH still mad for it, but everyone (after trying to put me off it too mind you!) is now pretty much assuming that's what his name will DEFINITELY be, and its really annoying me now! It actually doesn't matter how many times I tell people no, the next time I see them they're all like, "so have ye definitely settled on Noah then?" eh, what's wrong with people at all?! So ya, my advice, if people ask have ye thought of any names, tell them ridiculous things (like Optimus, Methuselah, random names of the opposite gender or whatever) with a completely straight face, cos people all just seem to think their opinions actually matter in things like this, and you might as well get your giggles off them for it.
    God I'll really miss my mid morning rant at you all come the end of July!

    dya know what...ill miss them too,youll have to start yer own thread im sure bubs will give ya plenty of material:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Had midwife around this morning, which meant I got an extra hour in bed - it made such a difference (along with the weather breaking) & I'm full of beans today.

    Baby very happy & head already 1/2 way engaged into pelvis which is good for 35 1/2 wks.

    She brought up an interesting point. When she used to work in the hospitals & MLU's, they always got a huge influx of women in labour during a full moon. She reckons this is cos when you start labour might be related to your menstrual cycle, which is somewhat based around the moon cycle. Plus there is the gravitational pull around the full moon, sea tides and so on. I had actually read some stats on this recently, so seems like there might be something to it.

    Anyway she said if there is a full moon or waning moon around my due date, to go take a walk on a beach in the moonlight. She said even if it's all nonsense, it would make for a lovely walk. I tend to listen to her anyway as she is a midwife for 20 odd years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    javagal wrote: »
    He's put her at 7lb 7 with two weeks to go. He said if I go over she could be at least 9lb.
    I didnt think my bump was too big either, but he has rightly petrified me now, what if I can't push out this giant amazon baby!

    try not to worry too much,your bump looks small compared to mine
    also any baby weight is less for you to lose later:)
    as far as i know your body adjusts to babys size ,like ive never heard of a 5 pound baby just falling out ,although id much prefer 7 pounds to 9 pounds

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    dya know what...ill miss them too,youll have to start yer own thread im sure bubs will give ya plenty of material:D

    Yep we'll be starting a "Summer babies 2012" type thread over on the newborn forum. I don't know when to start it, maybe in the next 2 weeks, I don't mind either way.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    javagal wrote: »
    He's put her at 7lb 7 with two weeks to go. He said if I go over she could be at least 9lb.
    I didnt think my bump was too big either, but he has rightly petrified me now, what if I can't push out this giant amazon baby!
    Ah She won't be that big, 2 weeks left? I reckon she'll be still under 8lbs!
    I'll ask on Tuesday about junior's size, I reckon they're going to be ginormous!!
    Mink wrote: »
    Silly, sounds like your sis is just clearing out her attic into your house. That's what my brother in law did - gave us a broken crib! It's going straight back to him! And I like your idea of using your dad's name seeing as surname will be your OH's. His dad's name could be the middle name. We are using my dad's name as middle name as he passed away years ago.

    Haha love that description. Surely you can sit with your feet up, as in you don't have to be lying down. Mine are swollen all the time & I feel the tops of my feet wobble with the fluid, eww!

    How on earth are you sleeping on your belly???? Did a midwife or doctor tell you to for the purposes of moving baby, never heard that. They normally suggest spending time on all fours. I know the recommended sleeping position is favour your left side as will get better placenta flow & also positioning, but hey not everyone can sleep like that.

    Ah java, big cyber hugs. Why are they freaking out re a 9lb baby. Both my sisters had all 9lb babies & they were grand - one was in birthing pool with no pain meds & other was straightforward with an epi, no tearing or interference/stitches etc.

    He shouldn't have worried you like that, you've nothing to worry about from the sounds of things.

    We had that too Mink, had a few things given to us that we had to dispose of!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    How on earth are you sleeping on your belly???? Did a midwife or doctor tell you to for the purposes of moving baby, never heard that. They normally suggest spending time on all fours. I know the recommended sleeping position is favour your left side as will get better placenta flow & also positioning, but hey not everyone can sleep like that.

    pure exhaustion i think ,normally i sleep on my left with about twenty cushions it takes about an hour to get into bed &and when im sorted i need the loo:eek:hubbie said i looked like a lula-ball when he came in ,ive been doing the all fours too but babs is a stubborn one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ooh it's exactly 1 month to my due date! 2 weeks and 1.5 days of work left :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    Mink wrote: »
    Had midwife around this morning, which meant I got an extra hour in bed - it made such a difference (along with the weather breaking) & I'm full of beans today.

    Baby very happy & head already 1/2 way engaged into pelvis which is good for 35 1/2 wks.

    She brought up an interesting point. When she used to work in the hospitals & MLU's, they always got a huge influx of women in labour during a full moon. She reckons this is cos when you start labour might be related to your menstrual cycle, which is somewhat based around the moon cycle. Plus there is the gravitational pull around the full moon, sea tides and so on. I had actually read some stats on this recently, so seems like there might be something to it.

    Anyway she said if there is a full moon or waning moon around my due date, to go take a walk on a beach in the moonlight. She said even if it's all nonsense, it would make for a lovely walk. I tend to listen to her anyway as she is a midwife for 20 odd years.

    im up for trying that is the dates 3/7/12 or 2/8/12 correct, might try both ill either be 2 weeks early or 2 weeks late

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Yep they are both full moon days. Link to a calendar here

    If it holds true then I'll go around 2/8 or the days after. I think I'll stay in on the night of 3/7 as I'll be a bit too early.

    So this is what it's like to be a werewolf...... or a fisherman

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    The weekend I got pregnant was Halloween...:D Oh God I hope I don't have to wait till the 2nd, although junior just got hiccups again and is obviously head up again, so they're going nowhere. They keep going head down low for a day or so, then popping back up then taking about a week to go down again....:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Javagal everyone tells me I'm very neat but my baby is still meant to be a big one...doc had a good feel yesterday & finished saying that's a big baby! My mam was huge with my brother & he arrived as a 7lb baby so I don't think bump size has much to do with it to be honest :)

    My bumps expected birth weight is 8.75lbs on time but she hasnt even thought about engaging yet so you might be inclined to think she will go over!

    At 7lb 7 with two weeks left you would be expecting 8.5lbs as its .5lb per week at this stage.

    How tall are you? Seemingly if you are over 5'5" giving birth to a 10lb baby wouldn't be a problem but it can be more (but not always) complicated for shorter I'm told! However as my mam likes to remind cousin gave birth to her 9.5lb baby and she is the same height as me!

    Now you will have read that my guy is looking at a potential section for me but this is a combination of factors including a somewhat dodgy hip that he feels would not tolerate a long pushing stage so there is nothing to say you won't do just fine with your baby & like I said before if you can manage it that baby will be here before the 9th!

    Don't let them stress you out...their is nothing you can do at this stage & it was there mistake! Your baby is well engaged, you have been losing plug & had plenty of practice contractions so you could have your baby any day now. Kildareash had her little girl at the size you are currently predicted at...a pound more is not that much really :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    How tall are you? Seemingly if you are over 5'5" giving birth to a 10lb baby wouldn't be a problem but it can be more (but not always) complicated for shorter I'm told!

    That's a good point, both my sisters are 5'8" and 5'9" and the 9lbers weren't a problem (obstetrically speaking ;)). Java I think you said you were about that height. I'm 5'8" so I'd be expecting a 9lber as I said.

    But then I could end up with a 6lber... oh there's no end to my speculations

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    See I'm a wee 5'4" at a push :D It was that 6'3" Dane that caused all this :P

    It is very funny partner said to doc he was predicting her at 8.75lbs & she said now? but her tone suggested that wouldn't have surprised her!!! I was like NO at Birth!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Java my Mum isn't evn 5 foot: i was 7 8 (I think baby brain is getting really bad) my brother was 9 pounds 9 ounces: no epidural, no nothing... and you are much taller than she is.

    My aunt is 5"6 and had a 10pound 6 ounce baby: admittedly with treated GD: you have nothing to worry about. Women are "designed" for childbirth, and sometimes doctors rant for no other reason then they can. You will be fine pay no attention to that doc: if he was really worried he'd be talking about sectioning you.

    Doctors really annoy me sometimes :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Forgot to say, thanks for all the advice re my sis. I was real honest with her & then she called last night & we sorted out a very sensible solution that suits everybody and ended up chatting for over an hour (her phone bill is going to be awful) so I felt WAY better after.

    Communication is the universal solvent as they say

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    That's great Mink :) glad it all got sorted out for you!

    Javagal I agree with Cyning...if he was really worried he would be looking at a section for you :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Thats fantastic mink!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Silly.I dont thinks that's unreasonable at all!! Tell ur hubby to buck up and cop on. it's your baby too.

    JG are you serious you poor thing, hopefully everything is not as bad as it seems!

  • Registered Users Posts: 87 ✭✭tinkerbell79

    javagal wrote: »
    He's put her at 7lb 7 with two weeks to go. He said if I go over she could be at least 9lb.
    I didnt think my bump was too big either, but he has rightly petrified me now, what if I can't push out this giant amazon baby!

    Oh java, some people have no sense frightening you like that you are not huge therefore I'm sure baby isn't either... When I had my second scan on my first pregnancy the monographer said oh this is a big baby she frightened the life out of me but he was only 8lb 5oz which is pretty average, try not to worry:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    thanks for all the replies girls, yeah im a good 5 ft 9, probably why my bump doesn't look huge, could just mean Im carrying a tall girl too.

    two mums, i didn't know they only put on half pound per week, i thought it was a full pound , sure i only have eleven days left-and i was 8 pound 3 myself when i was born,so she's not even that big then.

    he had me freaked more about the fact i could have diabetes and it wasnt picked up on. he said in 9 months,no one checked my family background part of the chart!

    feel much better now, and im still expecting to go early. Her head is so low that i can feel her move it around and last night i felt a hand scratching me down there!odd sensation!

    thanks for cheering me up girls, just gonna try cut back on sugar sugar and eat lots of whole grain,May as well start my healthy eating diet early!

    on way to Jamess hospital with oh, his nanny has been loosing mobility in her legs,they thought it was just old veins due to her age and was scheduled to get them pulled up yesterday,after waiting on appointment for 6 weeks, they found she actually has a very serious clot and left any longer,she would of been paralysed.
    my poor nanny !i kinda rob her love cause i have no grand parents !

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    See that's not a big baby at all for someone your height :) remember long legs weigh more than short legs ;) well I'm counting that my little ones "substantial" feet & long legs are some of her weight & that she's not just a little pudding :D of course I'll love her pudding or not :)

    It is pretty bad that nobody looked at your family history on the chart but there is no point stressing you at this's not like you went in & said by the way I have diabetes in my family...I forgot to mention it! I've had the hand exploring that's really not pleasant :eek:

    I hope your nan is doing ok, they can sort out the clot & get her on the mend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    See that's not a big baby at all for someone your height :) remember long legs weigh more than short legs ;) well I'm counting that my little ones "substantial" feet & long legs are some of her weight & that she's not just a little pudding :D of course I'll love her pudding or not :)

    It is pretty bad that nobody looked at your family history on the chart but there is no point stressing you at this's not like you went in & said by the way I have diabetes in my family...I forgot to mention it! I've had the hand exploring that's really not pleasant :eek:

    I hope your nan is doing ok, they can sort out the clot & get her on the mend!

    we're gonna have two big tall gorgeous zoes running around in 18years twomums!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I napped today: and ever since I've felt crappy. I fell asleep in a hoody with a blanket over me woke up pouring in sweat, dizzy and weak. Felt like a right idiot after :(

    Got hubby one of the electronic bug zappers in Aldi today: he is like a child at Christmas :D plagued with small flies everywhere after leaving windows open all night... stupid rain with humid muggy weather!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh Cyning a hoody & a blanket in this must have been cooking! Hopefully the yuck feeling will wear off soon...nothing worse than having a nap & feeling worse than if you never had it :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I swear if I had brains I'd be deadly: had hoodie on after getting wet going from my car to shop lay down and obv pulled blanket down from back of couch: I'm worse than any child with a blanket! I wouldn't mind but I haven't slept with duvet over me in months :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    i think im gonna bloody pee myself! i have needed to go every twenty minutes the past 3 hours!
