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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Java I was the same RE having the family history of diabetes in the family in a big way and they didn't bother looking into it til the morning after my last scan (32 weeks) where they also frightened the sh1t out of me saying it was a worryingly large baby (not just big like, worryingly large. hmm), sent me straight off for the gtt for half 8 the next morning! Freaked out for weeks I was, and the results of the test came back WELL within the acceptable range, I've made a point of asking every midwife and doctor who's had a feel of baby (no more scans, but you know when they just feel with their hands) if they thought it was a large baby and everyone since has said not really, its not small either like but it seems normal enough, which is good enough for me. I think its madness that anyone in the medical profession would scare someone like that, especially so close to the end when you can do nothing about it either way!

    Silly, that's not unreasonable at all about the name thing, though what I've noticed in my own family, and have deliberately tried to steer away from ourselves as a result, was that when you have a child with the same name of someone close still living and using in my family the passed down names are John or James, the kid ends up being known as "little John" or "junior" to distinguish...even years after Big John passed away and the little one is an adult. I can't imagine that's any fun! That's probably reading too much into things in fairness, but it was definitely a deal breaker for us...after the dodgy accent test! Of course, we STILL have no names picked out, so my advice is probably a bit on the useless side! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    I swear if I had brains I'd be deadly: had hoodie on after getting wet going from my car to shop lay down and obv pulled blanket down from back of couch: I'm worse than any child with a blanket! I wouldn't mind but I haven't slept with duvet over me in months :D

    poor you Cyning.

    Im so tired. my legs are killing me.
    4 year old son of my sis is so ful of energy
    he was able to keep going since 7 am this morning until 8pm.
    We spend 4 hours walking and he was again full of energy after 5 min rest
    i actually had to rest with my legs up for an hour afterwards.

    I now have doubts that I will be able to deal with a baby on long run

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak I can hear Noah exactly as Limerick youngsters would say it along with the "come ere I want ya" :D but sure that could be the case with lots of names or they will be nicknamed to suit the accent...a bit like Dublin boys end up with Os - Deano, Anto, stevo etc ;)

    My partner loves the name Noah & it was on the boy concern was I know I will be an ah ah mammy along with no so our child's name would be a combo of me telling them off :) It's a lovely name though & I think I was just over thinking it :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Saurelin there is a big difference between dealing with your baby and dealing with your four year old nephew while heavily pregnant after the amount you've been through. You havent had the easiest few weeks, what with been in hosp and all!

    Also would you please rest up a little :)

    Hubby has to go to Clare in morning For work bet I'll end up going into labour or worse think I'm going into labour just because he's not ten minutes away!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    ah no noah! I hadn't even thought of that twomums! I'd be worried the poor kid would be constantly on the alert over it and all, I had something similar having my first name translated to Sinead in all Irish primary school when the teacher was explaining something "sin e" that's it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Yep but we know a lovely little Noah and it doesn't seem to be a problem at all in reality :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I like Noah!

    Poor baby didn't sleep at all through the Germany Italy match. I was jumping around on my ball, shouting and generally full of adrenaline.

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    I also love the name Noah - would have been a contender if this little one had been a boy (or if it actually is a boy!)... still nervous about that - my mum has gone crazy buying pink for her and she already owns 5 little pink / red / flowery winter jackets - not to mention all the other stuff! Let's hope the midwife didn't make a mistake that one day back in March ;)

    Java sounds like you're about to pop any day - lots of symptoms! I wouldn't worry about what the doctors said I think they say stuff like that to scare patients which is nuts. I've found doctors to treat pregnant women very oddly and can be very flippant about things that concern us and making issues about stuff that shouldn't - some sort of power thing maybe?

    Actually being pregnant really opened my eyes up to a few things - I will never ever tell a pregnant woman she looks "neat" or has "not long left". I also won't ever offer "advice" where it's clearly not wanted or invited. And I will never ever comment on the name they have picked for their child! I see a set of pregnancy commandments being devised here and posted to all relatives / acquaintances / colleagues with the announcement of our next pregnancies :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I just dreamt I had triplet girls... Triplets. And I only had one Moses basket and no car seat to bring them home from the hospital and then I couldn't fit car seats in car.

    I am so so glad I'm not having triplets. And am now completely freaked out. The midwife in my dream kept telling me sometimes they miss babies in scans. I don't think I'm going to be right for the day after that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Java, I was bring treated for the GD and the only other symptom I had apart from
    Failing the fasting GTT was that the baby was measuring two weeks ahead of time.
    One doc freaked out about it and then the consultant two weeks later was like look at your height and build you are going to have 9lb babies. The following week, by feel a gynaecologist said i was measuring right for my dates! So who knows! Once baby is healthy and happy that's the main thing. Mother nature won't give u something that you can't push out.

    Having cuddles with babs after feed, you cld set ur watch by her...every three hours she gives a little whimper!
    She got to meet and have pics taken with her new baby cousin yesterday...there is literally 6 days between them. She was born at 3.58am last Friday and he was born at 4.17 Thursday morn. He was a whopping 8 lb 11 and makes her look tiny!
    We called into her great granny on the way home and plan to get pics taken with her two great grandchildren in a couple of weeks.

    Guys, if u havent already don't go mad buying clothes. The amount of stuff she has already is unreal, there's no way she will get to wear it all. A friend of her granny on her dads side is currently washing and ironing all her granddaughters old baby clothes too.

    His mother is annoying me already. She came over and cleaned the house the other day and put away laundry and done a wash and hasn't stopped talking about it since. I can't find anything and I'm really freaked out that she went through all our drawers and wardrobes. She threw out newspapers we had bought the day she was born and handouts I had from the yoga class that I hadn't had a chance to return. She admitted yesterday that she didn't know if they were important or not. OH is going into work this morn for a course and she's coming over st 10.30am! I had a right go at him when she left for not backing me up when I said that was too early. I'm not leaving her downstairs in the house unsupervised because god only knows what she wld do. I can't even have my dogs in the house while she is around and she told OH the other day that we shldnt let them in anymore because of their hairs. They're so unsettled because theyve literally seen me for five
    Minutes since i got home but they know im in the house. I can feel this coming to boiling pt very soon.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh Kildareash you have the typical mother/mother in law nightmare...I bet the hospital is looking pretty good right now ;) You were right to have a go about your other half not supporting you re the time...she is his mother & he needs to stand up to her about her intrusions into your family home! She has already thrown out keepsakes you had picked up for the day she was born along with other stuff and she isn't helping your new family transition with the dogs by them being forced to be outside!

    Can he not ring her this morning and tell her not to come until midday at the earliest? The midwife at our antenatal classes was very clear with the partners that they had to deal with visitors to the house esp their family as a new mums voice just doesn't get heard! It's your home, your baby so if you want to let the dogs in today do so...if she doesn't like it she knows where her own home is :)

    That was lovely that the two new cousins got to meet in hospital :) and sounds like you have a lovely existing older generation to meet & love your little girl! My nieces have their great grandparents on the other side of the family & it's lovely for them....all our grandparents are long gone so I really appreciate people who still have them in their lives.

    If all else fails lock the doors & windows after today and try a set of those zombie gates NyquistFreak seems to have a supplier for ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh & I forgot to say you have a little angel there...every 3 hours is so must be chuffed :) I'm also impressed by the posting while feeding ability!

    To think a couple of weeks ago we were discussing if he should go to this training day in case you went into labour! I bet it never crossed your mind you would have a one week old ;)

    Focus on the things that make you smile and hopefully today will pass quickly & your other half can have a word re giving ye some space from now on :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Oh jesus I couldn't put up with that, I would have boiled over by now. You definitely need to sit her down with OH or get him to do it better yet. If she's coming over to help clean, you only want hoovering & dishes done or something like that. I would freak if she was throwing stuff out & going through clothes.

    Look I know she means well but this is YOUR time. Call her now & tell her you & baby are going down for nap & could she leave the visit for today as you are both exhausted & then she can come back when your OH is there & he can lay the ground rules.

    Actually I don't know what way my own mother-in-law will be. She doesn't drive so she can't easily get to the house. She's only been to our house once in the 2.5 yrs we've lived here even though we are 20 mins away. We always go up to her. Probably keep it that way and we'll go to her with the baby, nicer for everyone as then I don't have to worry about the house being clean. I'll bring her a bag of laundry if she'd like to help :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    By the way, 3 hour feeds is brilliant. Are you doing breast or bottle? If all babies were like yours we'd have 10 of them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    ash, babyash sounds like a perfect little lady!so chuffed for you two!

    does sound like you have the typical mother in law. i thought i had it bad with our two mothers but yours is like a squash of both them but together!

    my mother in law is giving loads about our dog. that we should be either getting rid of him or he should be an outside dog. some people seem to forget that most of us grew up with pets without getting eaten, modern dogs are not more vicious!
    my own mother then is going to be an overbearing nightmare as i posted about earlier.

    hopefully zoe takes after her Mammy and not her 2 nannys!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Ash, i feel for you with the MIL, i had that with my ex's mother when i had my daughter. She rearranged the furniture in my house once!! She gave my daughter nearly every bath for the first month..she did everything..albiet thinking she was helping... Her husband wasnt much better, he used to call to mine at 9am every morning to take my daughter for a walk...i literally didnt get to have any lazy morning in bed with my daughter. Eventually i stopped answering the door, but then he started throwing pebbles at my windows!!!! GOD, remembering all this is actually shocking myself!!
    Things are alot different now with hubby's mother, not a maternal bone in her body, so i doubt she will be annoying me.She is elderly and hubby has kinda taken over the care giver role for her (his sisters are useless) so i know he will start bringing her down more once baby is born..So i think i better mention to him soon that i cant wait for private family time with no visitors for the first few weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    My MIL has said they won't come visit for a couple of weeks after our little one is born unless we ask them...they have to fly in so they can't just pop around! The reason being my MIL had a similar experience to Kildareash but with the inlaws & her own parents when she had my partner all those years ago & swore she would never do it to her kids so they are giving us some family space which is great :) I reckon it will be hard for them to resist once she is here but I really appreciate the sentiment :)

    Anyone who knows us should know not to even dream about thinking of saying that our dog should become an outside dog! She is our third furry baby...we just happen to be having a furless baby now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    To be fair, those zombie gates are the job :D

    My own mother is already carrying on like that Ash, although to be honest I'm not too bothered for now cos I'm certainly not getting anything done myself! I'd have to draw the line though at some things, you need to learn to find your own way with baby in fairness! Lucky enough with MIL, we always call to her not the other way around, she kept all OH's baby things and has been sneaking them into the house though, I was a bit worried about that at first, 30 year old cot and 50 year old moses basket? Hmm...they're actually lovely though and once I find a new matress to fit them sure how bad :)

    Speaking of...we set up the moses basket in our room this week to help us get used to it (read: to get out of the habit of throwing our clothes into it and smother the child basically) The first thing I did this morning was spill a cup of tea into it. DON'T EVER TELL BOYFRIEND. Criminy. there's a stain and all where baby's head should be...yes I cried.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Silly, 9am every morning? Feck that. Can't believe you had to just stop answering the door. People mean well but can be mad at the same time.

    Twomums/Kildareash I agree, usually anyone suggesting you turf your animals out just because a baby is arriving are not pet friendly people, they just don't understand the familial connection you have with your animals. They also probably didn't raise their kids with animals nor were they raised with them. No way are my cats getting turfed out, we're just going to take precautions and safety measures and all will be fine.

    Nyquist don't worry, this is why we have to practise with all our baby paraphenalia! I want to get the cot set up before 2 wks time so that we can get used to the new bedroom set up and move things around to suit us, but OH seems to think it's just going to get in the way... eh we have to have it in our room probably for 3-6 months so what's another 2 weeks.

    I think he's planning on putting it together the day the baby arrives. He doesn't understand that I have to put all the bedding together and fart around with it for hours for my nesting process!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Mink exactly why we set up ours early! And good job too if this morning was anything to go by! And yes, I've already thrown a dressing gown in its general direction in the middle of the night not thinking, it's a good idea to catch yourself on all these stupid things BEFORE there's a little baby inside in it! Now...all I have to do is wash and dry the moses basket sheets, and hide the stain on the mattress with them before boyfriend gets home and sees what I've done! Seriously, tell your OH about my terrible mishaps and ask him would he prefer you get all this madness out of your system while its still safe to do so! And then tell him to cop on, last thing he'll want to be doing if you go early is leave y6ou and baby to go home to make up the cot!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I have my moses basket up since last week if not before, it is currently acting as my pillow dump for when they piss me off at night...

    Nyquist, had a little lol at the image of you spilling tea (Sorry!!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Speaking of...we set up the moses basket in our room this week to help us get used to it (read: to get out of the habit of throwing our clothes into it and smother the child basically) The first thing I did this morning was spill a cup of tea into it. DON'T EVER TELL BOYFRIEND. Criminy. there's a stain and all where baby's head should be...yes I cried.
    I'm so sorry but I laughed out loud at this.
    You poor thing!!
    I have the Moses basket set up in the spare room down stairs ( will prob be put in the sitting room for day time naps) we have a crib too that will go into the bedroom so just need hubby to get his act together and put it together and bring it up to our room.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak we also had a good giggle about the tea incident :D no baby was hurt in the process so no harm done & isn't it better to figure out these potential hazards before your little lad arrives!
    Re the cot - if it's painted you might want to pick up a testing kit for can get them on the net! Some paints back then had lead in them which is banned now so worth checking out...I'm sure I read about someone here on boards doing it but it might have been elsewhere :)

    Mink you're having a home birth...surely he realises that after labour while relaxing with your new baby in bed you don't want to watch him cursing at flat pack instructions! Our crib is up in bedroom & buggy with pram attachment is in the dining room...neither seems to have phased the dog which is super :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Nesting like nobodys business!!!
    Made apple pie from scratch and lasagne from scratch including pasta sheets :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    I wouldn't have thought about testing th paint actually! the cot is just varnished wood, the Moses basket is painted alright, and that's older so better safe than sorry about the test kit! what could we do with it if it tests positive then, paint over it? I actually never would have thought of that now

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    I've agreed with my boss that for my last two weeks I can start at 10am rather than 9. It will reduce my hours to 35 so less dough but I think it will be worth it to be that bit more rested. I was like a zombie today, but on Thurs I was in flying form as I'd gotten that little bit extra sleep.
    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Mink you're having a home birth...surely he realises that after labour while relaxing with your new baby in bed you don't want to watch him cursing at flat pack instructions!

    I can still see him leaving it til then. He's very good about doing things for me but he enjoys the buzz of leaving certain things to the last minute, whereas I... do not
    javagal wrote: »
    Nesting like nobodys business!!!
    Made apple pie from scratch and lasagne from scratch including pasta sheets :D

    Good woman, I'm impressed by the lasagne sheets!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I know my MIL won't spend anything more than an hour here: my hubbie has told her already and I have my mother told. First few weeks especially. My mother would drive me far more cracked than my MIL: my MIL would probably come in and go bonkers cleaning (I swear when I got back from honeymoon my house had NEVER been cleaner) my mother would come in and hog my baby and think she was being a great help :rolleyes: actually I'm most worried about my dad and his partner: they never get the hint to go home: ever!

    Nyquist I had to laugh at the spilling tea I'm sorry :D

    A child kept hitting me in the head with a balloon in MacDonalds today: just kept walking over and hitting me in the head :confused: while the mother watched. I really hope to god I'm never ever that kind of mother. Also yummmm MacDonalds well needed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Oh Cyning when we were in Oz McDonalds Cafe did a cookie & cream cheesecake type was gorgeous...would love one now :D I swear to never be a mother like that...would drive me mental!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    I wouldn't have thought about testing th paint actually! the cot is just varnished wood, the Moses basket is painted alright, and that's older so better safe than sorry about the test kit! what could we do with it if it tests positive then, paint over it? I actually never would have thought of that now

    I think if it tested positive they would recommend the tip for it (or keeping it/giving it back as a keepsake) but I'm sure someone with more knowledge good advise you :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Mmmm cookies and cream cheesecake: or a mint and malteser one.... yummmmmmmy :)

    Just spent nearly an hour in bath: really nice when I was in there but now I'm out back and belly pain back: I NEED to have this baby. I just don't know how I am going to do another week of this :eek:
