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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Fingers crossed java... But not your legs as I keep getting texts saying!! That's totally normal so hopefully another few days and we will have Zoe here (haha on the we I'm so excited at everyone's babies on the way!!)

    Just got more gel but fingers crossed it works this time otherwise im looking at a failed induction and a stupid section: and yes I'm really vain but I get keloid scars and I don't want one :( also I kinda hadn't ever really considered the possibility of having one... Fingers crossed :) the contractions are as strong as they were yest but I'm coping with them a lot better today because I had sleep

    Mamaheidi: I've been a bit worried about feeling a bit down once baby gets here too. But I think even if you go do one thing like a mummy and baby group you'll get to know other mums around and they will probably feel the same... One of my friends gets out more now than she ever did because there is so much to do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Java - sounds like you're making progress. Keep us updated.

    Hope you're doing well too cyning.

    Ladies I know this might sound a bit strange but I'm terrified about what's going to happen after the birth and when all the fuss around the new baby dies down. I don't have any family close by and my friends are really busy (doesn't help that I was busy for so long that didn't get to spend near enough time with people and would feel bad calling on people now that I'm at a loose end). So last night I made a list of all the things that I can do but I know I won't feel like doing half of them (bootcamp with baby, special screenings of films at the cinema with baby, baby massage, breastfeeding support groups etc.) I've been prone to bouts of depression before and I just want to avoid that at all costs... anybody else feeling like this?

    MH you will be too tired to worry ir do anything else. I am quite content to do nothing most of the time and just look at Charlie :-)

    JG I hope zoe is making an appearence!!!!

    Cyning I hope you are making roads too. i'm so jealous I wasn't allowed to have pethidine.

    I am going to wait till everyone has had their baby then write my birth story :-D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Java I really hope things are moving along for you, that baby has been trolling you for weeks now pretending she's coming then changing her mind, that would have me sent to the mad house ages ago!

    Cyning, that goes double for you lady, to think we never thought she'd last this long in there and now she's throwing a stop about coming out! awkward babies the July crowd aren't they?!

    Saurelin that's awful re hubby, I have to wonder do men cop on at all half the job at this stage is keeping us calm, not adding to the stress! I had something similar with boyfriend during the week, he was in a mood over something from work or something and snapped at me cos I didn't pay him attention the second he started talking to me (I think I was replying to something on here at the time!) I got so upset anyway, like way more than I have done normally, hormones won't be missed in this house anyway!

    MH I know exactly what you mean lady, last night I had a pretty panicky few hours lying awake in bed freaking out that the maternal instinct won't kick in at all and I'll reject the baby once he's here or something, we've not told anyone when I'm going in to have him partly cos I don't want reminding, but also partly cos if that's my decision then I can't be sore if no one shows any interest, same with that baby shower thing I was freaking out about a few weeks ago, was genuinely surprised anyone showed up at all! I swear boyfriend has been getting more support and congratulating and the likes over all this, it makes me a bit crazy cos I'm the one doing all the hard part so far! I've said it before and I'll say it again, crazy in the coconut as I am, Id have been committed by now if it weren't for you ladies here, don't ever leave me! :D

    notsobusy, you have me worried now that your birth story is horrific if you have to wait til we're all through it before sharing! Although, I'd say I'm about this (makes itty bitty gesture with fingers about the size of a fly's fart) to skipping the country from the nerves anyway! Lads I can count on one hand how long I have left before it all gets that bit too real, dreading it now, least if it caught me by surprise naturally I'd be too distracted for The Fear! Twomums, I don't know where you got your big bag of calm about it all, but lady - sharing is caring! If only twas that simple! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭feest

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Ladies I know this might sound a bit strange but I'm terrified about what's going to happen after the birth and when all the fuss around the new baby dies down. I don't have any family close by and my friends are really busy (doesn't help that I was busy for so long that didn't get to spend near enough time with people and would feel bad calling on people now that I'm at a loose end). So last night I made a list of all the things that I can do but I know I won't feel like doing half of them (bootcamp with baby, special screenings of films at the cinema with baby, baby massage, breastfeeding support groups etc.) I've been prone to bouts of depression before and I just want to avoid that at all costs... anybody else feeling like this?

    I'm sure a lot of us feel this way mamaheidi--I know I do! My husband and I moved country the weekend before we found out I was pregnant. We knew a grand total of zero people here and our families are back in Ireland and the States.

    It's great that you have made a list of things that you can do with baby. Who cares if you don't do half of them? Do one of them and you will feel better for it. I bought this book off Amazon and think it's going to be useful: It goes month-by-month suggesting small things to do inside and outside of the house. Little as in: go for a walk around the block with baby or have coffee at a cafe. It may seem silly or overly simple, but I think the little things are going to make a big difference.

    I also wouldn't discount your friends yet. I'm sure they understand that you have been busy and would turn out for you when needed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    notsobusy wrote: »
    MH you will be too tired to worry ir do anything else. I am quite content to do nothing most of the time and just look at Charlie :-)

    Thanks notsobusy. I sort of meant in the months rather than weeks following the birth - kinda know that I'll be up to doing nothing except gawking at her for the first few weeks but I'm just scared that the monotony of sitting at home after a couple of months on my own will send me into a depression (again!) and that's something I need to avoid for both me & baby.

    Nyquist- why do you think that people won't show interest? Everybody loves a new baby (even if they may not have seemed keen on the idea beforehand). I can imagine that knowing the day & time that he will be born is a little daunting but at the same time it means that you can be prepared. I think you're right not to tell people if you don't want to because then you have time to bond with him & your OH afterwards without loads of texts and calls wondering if everything is ok. Take your time with it afterwards and don't feel pressured to ring everyone if you don't fancy it but when you do I'm sure everyone will be thrilled for you. (Of course you must first update us July ladies - goes without saying, right!? :p)

    Aw thanks feest will definitely have a look at that link!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    notsobusy wrote: »

    Nyquist- why do you think that people won't show interest?

    Because of the madness.

    Now that you said it, I'm also afraid my bag-of-cats grumpiness may not take too well to certain people showing interest after initially giving me or boyfriend a pretty hard time at the start over the pregnancy (and there were a few!) I can't stand hypocrites! Damned if I do damned if I don't...nah I think I'm just freaking out a bit now, been trying to distract myself but seriously starting to feel the nerves now, everything that could possibly go wrong is SURE to go wrong, know that kind of way?! No foundation for such thinking, but such is my delightful mindset sometimes! Need distractions! Distractions that don't involve googling early escape routes after the surgery and such like. Maybe I should remove myself from the computer altogether! There is no smiley equivalent of my current mindset, so here is a jumble of all of them :eek::mad::confused::eek::eek::( etc

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Good news! They will let me go home today if my scan doesn't show anything scary, then back in Monday for a few tests, and then I'll have an induction on Thursday! I thought having an induction date would terrify me, but I'm actually just delighted to know what is going on!

    Now, where am I going to find the patience to wait for the scan?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning & Javagal hope things are moving along for you both :)

    Mamaheidi it's good to be aware of your previous depression & the potential of it coming back but I would try not to spend too much time worrying about it :) It's great that you have made a least you know what's available in your area :) when things have settled down you can relook at the list and see if anything takes your fancy or whether you think your little one would enjoy it (baby swimming, baby music sessions), even going for walks in a local park will make you feel like you are part of the wider world - the amount of mini chats you have with people when walking the dog and im not overly sociable :) You will also have the newborn thread for support & suggestions of things to do :) not sure where you are based but one of us might even live local enough to you!

    NyquistFreak listen to the sound of my voice....breath :) You sound like you could do with a good session of acupuncture to relax you between now & d-day :) there is a woman based across the road from the crescent shopping centre who is trained for pregnant women...I haven't used her but she is meant to be excellent :)
    Why am I so calm...I trust my consultant, the knowing how, when & where is more suited to my personality type (we have a plan) and we really want to meet our little girl :) that's not to say I won't get stressed about the impending op when I'm on my own in hospital (I've never been to hospital) on Monday night & I did have a mini meltdown when I thought my waters broke so its not always calm believe me! ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Kash when there inducing you can I reccomend heat packs because the gel can give you back ache and double or triple the amount of underwear you thought uou'd need: I've had like 7 internals in the last few days and you'll need them!

    I'm out walking the hosp grounds I really need them to be able to break my waters :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »

    NyquistFreak listen to the sound of my voice....breath

    TwoMums - hearing voices is the last thing I need right now!!

    I might look into that acupuncture lady alright, based near Dooradoyle myself so it would be handy enough, I definitely need something to calm me down anyway! My lovely friend is coming to take me away out of the house for some lunch now in a while anyway, the distraction is greatly appreciated! :D Whatever about climbing the walls (and with my latest dust-cravings the wanting to LICK the bloody walls...don't ask!) I'll be the one who takes that metaphor too far and will be hanging upside down out of the ceiling or something by the end of the day if I'm not careful!

    Kash that's great they're letting you out, hopefully now scan will be grand and you'll be home before you know it, and sure come Monday yourself and Twomums can entertain yourselves having a laugh at the state of me and my poor frazzled nerves inside in the admissions room! I'll be the one with the fully-rotating-360-degrees-head talking absolute psychobabble in the straightjacket! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    MH - MH – at the moment just concentrate on what is happening now. I think sometimes we feel we are expected to bounce back within a few days of giving birth and be off to all sorts of mum & baby groups etc and loving every single second of it. The reality is different; we’re tired and adjusting to life with a new born. Don’t feel under pressure to do “baby things” every day….time to yourself is vital after a new born too. Most of my friends live in Cork and when my daughter was old enough to be left I loved to head down for a night and avoided all “baby talk”. I wanted to catch up with the girls, chat about their new relationships, tv shows, diets, books, any ole sh*ite….

    Do the baby groups etc if and when you feel like them. Sometimes a simple walk in the park with the baby is enough, sometimes heading off for a swim/walk etc on your own is what’s needed more.

    I envy large close families, I don’t have any sisters and we live in the country and I felt quite isolated at times and had to push myself into things, some I enjoyed some not so much. But adult company is a must - as was mentioned, Boards is always here for support and chats and some of the girls here may be close to where you live.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    Cyning...really hope baby makes an appearance soon, you sound so uncomfortable....7 deserve an award x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    cyning wrote: »
    Kash when there inducing you can I reccomend heat packs because the gel can give you back ache and double or triple the amount of underwear you thought uou'd need: I've had like 7 internals in the last few days and you'll need them!

    I'm out walking the hosp grounds I really need them to be able to break my waters :(

    Thanks for the tips Cyning, I have a lot of research to do on it over the weekend!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Mamaheidi, I am so sorry I didn't read that post correctly! I didn't realise you had suffered from depression. I can only agree with twomums, it is also amazing how friends and friends of friends who have babies and children already come out of the wood work when you have one. It's like your now part of a 'club' that's how I have found it anyway.

    I love the idea of cinema with babies!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    mamaheidi wrote: »

    Because of the madness.

    Now that you said it, I'm also afraid my bag-of-cats grumpiness may not take too well to certain people showing interest after initially giving me or boyfriend a pretty hard time at the start over the pregnancy (and there were a few!) I can't stand hypocrites! Damned if I do damned if I don't...nah I think I'm just freaking out a bit now, been trying to distract myself but seriously starting to feel the nerves now, everything that could possibly go wrong is SURE to go wrong, know that kind of way?! No foundation for such thinking, but such is my delightful mindset sometimes! Need distractions! Distractions that don't involve googling early escape routes after the surgery and such like. Maybe I should remove myself from the computer altogether! There is no smiley equivalent of my current mindset, so here is a jumble of all of them :eek::mad::confused::eek::eek::( etc

    Oh we have loads of those too!! Not about the pregnancy though about our whole relationship!

    We also had to deal with a psycho ex who once told us any children we would have would be retarded!!

    feck the begrudgers. When you all have a while to be entertained i'll tell you a story that could be storyline straight out of eastenders!!!:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Cramping again today, really hope it means ill go this weekend.

    Have to drag myself out the house now after no sleep to hand over 250euro for my maths exam repeats. Urgh.

    Cyning, i wonder Will they let you sneak your hubby in for alternate water breaking he he

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    TwoMums2Be wrote: »
    Mink re your cover person - is she making notes on how to do things. In the past when training people in I've found if you get them to write their own notes they have to absorb the info in order to write it down! Might help :)

    Oh yes plenty of her own notes made, she wrote down more or less everything we said but I don't think she's looked at them since. I'm having a meltdown today, thought Friday would be a good day to retrain her as it's usually quiet but it's just diaster city!
    Saurelin wrote: »
    I'm upset with hubby. We had silent treatment evening

    Saurelin did you talk to your hubby yet. It's really the only way to sort it. I know how horrible it is to be stuck being sad about it all day & night. I've found that since getting pregnant even the smallest of arguments seem huge to me & make me so so upset. But try talking to him.
    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Ladies I know this might sound a bit strange but I'm terrified about what's going to happen after the birth and when all the fuss around the new baby dies down. I don't have any family close by and my friends are really busy (doesn't help that I was busy for so long that didn't get to spend near enough time with people and would feel bad calling on people now that I'm at a loose end).

    I've actually been concerned re this too Mamaheidi. As I've said before, my parents are long gone, sisters live in England. I don't have many female friends and the ones I do have live a county or two away. My OH works 40hrs, long commute & then gigs 2-3 nights on weekend. So yeah I'm worried I'm going to be seriously lonely.

    But I'm going to do same thing as you & join some local groups & just hook up with some local mums with wee babies.

    Luckily I'm somewhat used to spending lots of time on my own as I paint & that's not exactly a group activity & OH has had these types of hours for years so I'm well used to it.
    notsobusy wrote: »
    I love the idea of cinema with babies!!!

    My mum snuck me into cinema under her jumper to watch ET when I was a few weeks old. She said I slept or fed through the whole thing under her jumper without a sound.
    javagal wrote: »
    Cyning, i wonder Will they let you sneak your hubby in for alternate water breaking he he

    *cue "Carry On" film type shenanigans*

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Java I'd say you're in early labour, it could go on a little while, but at least you're at the finish line.

    OH talking to bump last night, telling baby he's welcome to come now. I butted in immediately saying "well mammy would like you to leave it 2 weeks and 1 day please cos she needs a rest so she can look after you better!"

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    It's looking like my induction has failed and they're talking about leaving me go home for the weekend and restarting again Monday... They gave me one last lot of gel.

    I'm exhausted right now

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Mink wrote: »

    Saurelin did you talk to your hubby yet. It's really the only way to sort it. I know how horrible it is to be stuck being sad about it all day & night. I've found that since getting pregnant even the smallest of arguments seem huge to me & make me so so upset. But try talking to him.

    Mink, I wanted to talk to him on the morning and he didn't.
    I know I'm more emotional and hormonal those days and I'm trying to get hold on myself.
    I will see maybe he will be in mood for conversation today. I hope he will.

    Re: worries regarding baby - I have similar. I have few friends with babies, but they live away.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    cyning wrote: »
    It's looking like my induction has failed and they're talking about leaving me go home for the weekend and restarting again Monday... They gave me one last lot of gel.

    I'm exhausted right now

    Awww cyning you poor thing...
    Baby cyning is a little messer!
    Just catch up on rest at home as much as possible and hopefully you just go yourself x

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    cyning wrote: »
    It's looking like my induction has failed and they're talking about leaving me go home for the weekend and restarting again Monday... They gave me one last lot of gel.

    I'm exhausted right now

    Cyning I hope you will be ok and the gel will start working soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Cyning for a baby that they thought wouldn't last the distance...she's really showing them :)

    I know that doesn't help you right now though! Hopefully this last lot of gel will do the trick :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Mink wrote: »
    Java I'd say you're in early labour, it could go on a little while, but at least you're at the finish line.

    OH talking to bump last night, telling baby he's welcome to come now. I butted in immediately saying "well mammy would like you to leave it 2 weeks and 1 day please cos she needs a rest so she can look after you better!"

    We have been having the opposite chat with our little one :) telling her to stay put til at least monday as my consultant if off this weekend & if I go into labour I'll most likely be sectioned anyway! My guy has a brilliant reputation (full stop but also) for his surgerical skills (he is a cancer guy as well as babies) and leaves very neat scars so I don't want anyone else cutting me open :)
    I'd also like to enjoy my partners bday tomorrow before our new life together begins :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    notsobusy wrote: »
    Not about the pregnancy though about our whole relationship!

    We also had to deal with a psycho ex who once told us any children we would have would be retarded!!

    Notsobusy, some people can be such gowls!! Sounds like some similar war stories could be swapped there alright, and god help any of them who come near us to see the baby after it all! I keep having a dream that one girl in particular keeps calling to my house and then waking up upset...

    Baby just gave me some almighty thump, haven't felt a movement like that now in a while. I want so badly for him to flip before next week though!!

    Cyning that's awful news about the induction, you must be so fed up by now!

    Java, I really hope things are moving for you now lady! Hate to say that your being in pain is sounding good, but you know what I mean! :D

    Why are so many of the July babas such awkward uncooperative people already?! Cop on the lot of ye!!! Your mothers' patience won't last forever!!:p

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    cyning wrote: »
    It's looking like my induction has failed and they're talking about leaving me go home for the weekend and restarting again Monday... They gave me one last lot of gel.

    I'm exhausted right now
    I can only imagine how your feeling... It's so weird, we spend the whole time thinking about the labour and the worst part for me was the two days of crippling period pains before I 'offically' went into labour, done my head in!!!! Labour will be a doddle for you now after what your going through.. ;)

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Awwwhhhh cyning :(

    I want!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Baby Ciara born 7/7 at 2.36 weighing 7lb 15 oz :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 58 ✭✭feest

    Yea--congratulations cyning!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Yeah Cyning :) wonderful news & if she is anything like my wife she will be the most wonderful person in the world - she wondered if any July babies would be born on her birthday :)
