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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink wrote: »
    Kildareash, is the nipple/part of the boob hot to the touch, extra tender etc? I'd get onto a lactation consultant (either through your mat hospital, La Leche or Cuidu (sp?)) and get it sorted. There may be an infection or starts of mastitis so best to get it checked with a professional.

    I'd put money on them telling you that you'll have to jut feed through it & best thing is to try feed on that breast as much as possible (ouch). Oh jesus I've all this ahead of me!!

    Java you sound so frustrated. There's nothing I can say as I know I'd be exactly like you, but I know I'll be like that at 39 weeks, never mind 40

    It's only really painful when she latches on, that first pull, and then it's ok. Obviously if she moves or pulls on it, it's sore.
    Showed it to doc last thurs and she said it wasn't infected. She told me to use sudocrem but it was sore washing it off before a feed.
    Breastmilk seems to be the best, I have used the lanisoh cream and the mamma mio (probably not the right name) compresses.
    We r with the public health nurse in the morn so I will get her to look at it and see what she thinks.

    Good luck Twomums and nyquist, hope ye get to meet over the next few days. Be cool if your babies meet...wld be the first July baby meet up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    2mums you've gone in to hospital by now, right? Best of luck! And you too nyquist for tomorrow. Best of luck & enjoy every second with your little bundles. Keep us updated!

    Thanks Mamaheidi :) yep all settled in now! I've even had some dodgy hospital food as I have to be nil by mouth from midnight!
    Not sure what time I'll be at tomorrow yet but I hope it's earlish as I can't eat for about 6 hours after...I'll be starving by then :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    I have no patience what on earth will I do if I go over!!! I have lots of other things to do but I don`t want to do anything other than have my baby now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Oh my god girls I'm so jealous of the woman in the bed next to me over her having the window, which she's just closed. what the hell?! Its melting in here! aaah! soon as she goes home I'm stealing her bed! She's going on about her natural birth now and I might have to strangle her early just to solve all my whinges at once! And how can one person have so many visitors?! aaah!! <\firstworldproblems>

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak if she can close the window surely you can turn off the rad ;)

    Has she had a baby yet? If not she has no idea what kinda birth she will end up with :rolleyes: Even if she has that doesn't make her delivery any more important than will both end up with a baby & that's what matters NyquistFreak :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 87 ✭✭tinkerbell79

    Has she had a baby yet? If not she has no idea what kinda birth she will end up with :rolleyes: Even if she has that doesn't make her delivery any more important than will both end up with a baby & that's what matters NyquistFreak :)[/QUOTE]

    I agree.... just ignore her!! good luck twomums and nyquist!!! ill be even more glued to this 2morrow waiting on ur news:D

    Java u poor thing im same re pain/contractions pressure pelvic pain etc... so i can sympathise wit you but i know thats no help 2 u!!! It will be over soon no matter wat and youll forget the waiting around when you have your beautiful daughter to stare at:):)

    Kildareash well done for doing the BF for this long, you havent had it easy, hope your dad is ok and gets better soon... Do ask health nurse tommorrow but dont feel guilty if you need to stop or subsitute with formula!!

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Good luck girls!!!!!:D
    I'm not sure if this tiredness is pregnancy related or tablet related, I just feel like a zombie!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    ya she had the baby today before I got here, haven't heard a peep out of it all day, but she could talk for Ireland! Hopefully I can usurp her super window bed tomorrow or the day after, I still have no bedclothes and I robbed pillows off the spare bed across the way but they have no covers just the plastic outsides that stick to you. cos your skin is melting! Still haven't seem the anesthetic guy, but they said something about having to take a pill around midnight so will ask about covers and things then. On the plus side, one of the tea girls seems to be psychicly linked to me, twice now she's read my mind and brought me tea just when I needed it, hurray for that girl! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    best of luck nyquist and twomums:D hope all goes well .looking forward to yere news

    java ...:(sucks doesnt it,

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 13,425 ✭✭✭✭Ginny

    Ack I now have a ash, I'm not sure if the rash is causing the itch or if the scratching is causing the rash...least I'm in tomorrow!

    Nyquist she sound like a pain, hopefully it was so easy for her she will be gone tomorrow and you can rob her bed!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    What's this pill you talk of NyquistFreak? Toast will be with me before midnight I'm told :eek: so much for getting an early night :D

    I'm about midday it seems so you don't have to wake up early for news ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭minibear

    Aw java i hope you're feeling a little bit better this evening. I know it's easy to say but try not to focus on the due date. It's a very random date really when you consider all the variables. And some babies are just plain stubborn on top of that.But i hope things start to move for you soon.

    Nyquist and Twomums, the very best of luck to you both tomorrow, if i can i'll be watching out for your news.

    I'm now wondering if i should bring my own pillowcases in case i end up robbing some pillows too. :)

    regarding the loudmouth in the bed beside you, it's no wonder you haven't heard the baby yet, the poor little thing can't get a peep in!

    well tomorrow will tell all for me. scan in the afternoon and we'll see if she has moved. There have been some painful contortions going on, so we'll see maybe she has righted herself again. Either way i suspect i'll be staying in so the bags will be in the car anyway. I'd be delighted (if she's still footling transverse) if they keep me in and do the section wednesday.

    If there's no news from me over the next couple of days you'll know where i am!


  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    Next door baby decided to save all her noise or the night! I knew it was too good to be true! Not that I could sleep anyway, been lying here staring at the walk two hours now and no sign of a snooze, isn't it always the way! child at Christmas (or the night before a big exam you haven't studied for or some other such terror!) syndrome here I'd say! minibear I'm half tempted to get boyfriend to bring in my pillow and blanket and all from home for me tomorrow, never mind pillow cases! girls I thought I was being pure clever a while ago running my phone internet through my laptop, didn't I forget that I had a torrent client open too so blazed through my whole months data allowance in no time at all, d'oh! So between that now and boyfriends amazing trick of sending the memory stick flying across the bed straight into the cup of tea earlier...bored. So bored! I'll still log in tomorrow at some stage to bring ye all my daily moan, and news! Not looking forward to the phone bill at the end of the month though! :D
    Best of luck with the scan tomorrow minibear, hope she's turned for you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Next door baby decided to save all her noise or the night! I knew it was too good to be true! Not that I could sleep anyway, been lying here staring at the walk two hours now and no sign of a snooze, isn't it always the way! child at Christmas (or the night before a big exam you haven't studied for or some other such terror!) syndrome here I'd say! minibear I'm half tempted to get boyfriend to bring in my pillow and blanket and all from home for me tomorrow, never mind pillow cases! girls I thought I was being pure clever a while ago running my phone internet through my laptop, didn't I forget that I had a torrent client open too so blazed through my whole months data allowance in no time at all, d'oh! So between that now and boyfriends amazing trick of sending the memory stick flying across the bed straight into the cup of tea earlier...bored. So bored! I'll still log in tomorrow at some stage to bring ye all my daily moan, and news! Not looking forward to the phone bill at the end of the month though! :D
    Best of luck with the scan tomorrow minibear, hope she's turned for you!

    i hope you get sonme sleep. ear plugs seems esential now :-)

    good luck today :-)

    i was getting period pains whole night so decided to take paracetamol to get som sleep. didnt work :-/

    12 days to go and I m praying that she will decide to arrive earlier :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    Minibear good luck today :) I hope your little one has either turned or they keep you!

    NyquistFreak I needed ear plugs to get to sleep & I have my own room so I can only imagine what it was like for you! They really need gentler doors in this place :) what a bummer re your Internet :eek: There are a few new babies up here this morning getting used to the world :) All going well I'll have my own later today which is both :D & :eek: at the same time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    So excited for ye two ladies today :) hope ye get down early because I imagine your anticipation for the day ahead is unbarable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Ah I can't believe we'll have two more babies today :D

    Good luck :)

    Kildareash my nipples are all brusied and cracked too: one of the midwives gave her a dummy in hosp Sun night: said all the sucking was a total comfort thing because she was literally attatched to me 24/7: milk still hasnt come in but mine will probably be delayed for a few days regardless: going buying nipple shields and a breast pump later :) its so hard too: the pain from it is unbelievable :(

    Minibear fingers crossed for you

    Cots getting delivered today for C: she has got some gorgeous presents!

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    oh my god twomums...I can't even begin to describe the night I had like I'm put off for life. its like everyone on this floor declared war on sleep, between slamming doors, nurses shouting each other up and down the halls hysterical babies and people coming in to poke at you all fuppin night long..., I'm serving my punishment anyway, such a wuss. if i wasn't so tired now I'd be wanting to go on a bloody murderous rampage. or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    More babies shortly, can't wait to see the pics!

    Midwife should be arriving shortly & I have this suspicion that baby moved position. I was in bits coming home in the car yesterday - felt like gas pains & baby was doing mad contortions which really hurt.

    I may stay home today as I think she'll want me to go to GP for bloods & I could do with the rest.

    I sleep with ear plugs too all the time & I bought a new batch in case have to go to hospital. I might also find out if I can get same day release if I did have to go in, seeing as I have a mdiwife at my disposal who can do my post natal care.

    Good luck mini bear.

    Java, you hanging in there?

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Good luck today ladies! Am so excited for ye getting your little bundles. Nyquist - hope you can get a bit more rest after the op - sounds like you had a tough night of it.

    Cyning - good on you for bfeeding through the pain... hope you get sorted soon. Enjoy your first few days at home with your little one.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    The doors are def loud even when just left to close by themselves! I've been put back to 1ish from 11.30 due to an emergency section this morning...hopefully we get to go at that time as I want as much time as possible with the three of us on her first day in the world :D

    It is hard to get rest with people coming for this that & the other...I can imagine that could be annoying once the little one arrives :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭NyquistFreak

    oh stop like, I've gone completely mad from it, desperate pain in my belly too today whatever he's playing at. not feeling the maternal thing at all either. was anyone else like that? i mean i hear baby cry, and my first thought is what is heavy enough to drop on it to make it stop it the quickest. I'm thinking more filing cabinet now and less comforter. what's wrong with me?! dreading my little fella now, don't want to have to deal with him at all. its a weird feeling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 141 ✭✭WWC1

    Ok, totally obsessed. My first thought this morning was "oh I wonder how the girls are getting on???" Closely followed by " i need a crane to get me out of bed"...

    Thats a pity TM2B but still not too long to wait now...NQ - could you grab a few hours now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 776 ✭✭✭TwoMums2Be

    NyquistFreak you might want to mention the pain to a midwife - I would prob refrain from mentioning the filing cabinet ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 61 ✭✭Robinc

    oh stop like, I've gone completely mad from it, desperate pain in my belly too today whatever he's playing at. not feeling the maternal thing at all either. was anyone else like that? i mean i hear baby cry, and my first thought is what is heavy enough to drop on it to make it stop it the quickest. I'm thinking more filing cabinet now and less comforter. what's wrong with me?! dreading my little fella now, don't want to have to deal with him at all. its a weird feeling.
    I didn't feel the maternal thing either, it's kicking in now though, Emma is one week old today... I think its completely normal cause I've spent the whole morning thinking back on the last 10 months and how surreal they have been, it's only when you actually have baby in your arms that reality hits you!!! Yeah and maybe stay away from cabinets lol :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 299 ✭✭minibear

    Hi girls.

    all the talk of sore nipples is starting to scare me now! i'm definitely going to give the bf a go but it sounds painful.yikes

    i feel a bit odd this morning. Have lower back pain and period type cramps and i'm glad i'm going in today. One way or another i'm going to get checked out even if they think i don't need to stay.

    i'm bringing earplugs too, but i'll be bringing several pairs for the OTHER women because i know i snore and i don't want to upset people with it. maybe after the first night they'll put me in a room on my own, possibly even the broom closet for the sake of everyone else.

    just getting the last few bits organised this morning, feeling very emotional and i actually feel physically sick at the thought of walking into the clinic this afternoon.


  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    oh stop like, I've gone completely mad from it, desperate pain in my belly too today whatever he's playing at. not feeling the maternal thing at all either. was anyone else like that? i mean i hear baby cry, and my first thought is what is heavy enough to drop on it to make it stop it the quickest. I'm thinking more filing cabinet now and less comforter. what's wrong with me?! dreading my little fella now, don't want to have to deal with him at all. its a weird feeling.

    Hope you're doing ok nyquist. I'm sure it'll all change once you see your little baby and if it doesn't then I'd definitely mention it to a midwife/ sister/ friend/ mum/ stranger on the street until someone listens to you. Not saying that it would turn into PND but it's best to nip these things in the bud before something more serious comes of it. Babies and hormones are hard enough to deal with separately but when mushed together it could make for a very difficult time for you (and the rest of us if we feel like that when the time comes!). Our midwife at the antenatal class said that it's perfectly normal for some women not to want to hold the baby after the birth because she's so tired, overwhelmed and emotional so you're definitely not alone in feeling like that. But please talk to someone about it if you're still feeling like this in a day or two!

    Best of luck minibear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    Ginny wrote: »
    Ack I now have a ash, I'm not sure if the rash is causing the itch or if the scratching is causing the rash...least I'm in tomorrow!

    Nyquist she sound like a pain, hopefully it was so easy for her she will be gone tomorrow and you can rob her bed!!

    hi ginny best of luck today:)dya know if you are having boy are girl?just wondering about that post that nyquist had about it being more common with boys

  • Registered Users Posts: 70 ✭✭mmmn..chicken

    oh stop like, I've gone completely mad from it, desperate pain in my belly too today whatever he's playing at. not feeling the maternal thing at all either. was anyone else like that? i mean i hear baby cry, and my first thought is what is heavy enough to drop on it to make it stop it the quickest. I'm thinking more filing cabinet now and less comforter. what's wrong with me?! dreading my little fella now, don't want to have to deal with him at all. its a weird feeling.

    yup i defo know how you feel had check up last friday in limerick and this ones toddler kept crying/acting up ,my head was paining my teeth hurt and it was all i could do not to kick its arse:)said to hubby that i was a bit worried about my maternal instincts kicking in and he said its a "your own s**t doesnt smell thing" (when its your angel you wont mind the nappies ,snots and screams) rough and ready but i guess he is right ,

    all the same dont put too much pressure on yourself to be all gooey straight after section ,my sis who is the best mum now to 3 kids(honestly a lovely happy fun family) said her first thoughts were...oh god take that f**kn baby away i just want to sleep.

    thanks by the way im off to buy pillow cases:-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Best of luck TwoMums and Nyquist, you're both stuck firmly in my head today!

    I had my last checkup yesterday and they said that the babies head is in the right position (facing my bum) so I'm over the moon about that.

    I'm getting a little bit freaked out by the impending induction on Thursday... but at the same time, I am really happy to be able to put a concrete timeframe on when the baby will make an appearance.

    I didn't have any sleep at all after 3:30 last night, so am a bit zombified today - I've also been having irregular contractions, so am a little bit curious if she'll come out early!
