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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    My diet :

    Rice crispies, mandarin oranges in juice, some toast mmmmmm......nothing else too sick :( poor baba feel so bad!

    So all of you are winning compared to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    theg81der wrote: »
    My diet :

    Rice crispies, mandarin oranges in juice, some toast mmmmmm......nothing else too sick :( poor baba feel so bad!

    So all of you are winning compared to me.
    So long as you are getting anything atall into you then you're doing good!
    They are not bad things your eating.
    I was watching "you are what you eat" the other day, there was a woman who drank 4lt's of coke a day!!! And ate chips, burgers, sausages, crisps, biscuits, buns, chocolate etc everyday. Not one bit of fruit or veg. Horrible!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    My diet is fricking desperate compared to all of yours....

    Okay I admittedly have the nausea complication but like really desperate! If I'm having a very good day:

    Breakfast: Nothing: I am way too sick to eat in the morning.

    Lunch: Depends on the day: if I can either pasta or a ham, tomato, cucumber and lettuce pitta with a scraping of mayo.

    Dinner1: Probably a pitta with the exact same thing as lunch. Occasionally (like yesterday) roast beef. Or salty chips.

    Dinner2: normally at about 11 at night: Pasta/another pitta/curry. There was a stage where it was a fried egg and white pudding sandwich!

    Snacks: pears/taytos/mint crisp bars

    If I'm having a bad day maybe a bag of salt & vinegar taytos...

    I know my diet is in crap but if i eat any dairy I puke: alot of food does the same. I know my baby isn't getting enough vitamins and minerals: thats why they give me them via IV when I'm in hospital.

    Im up to drinking about a litre a water a day now: only need to triple it now and stop puking any of it up :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    cyning wrote: »
    My diet is fricking desperate compared to all of yours....

    Okay I admittedly have the nausea complication but like really desperate! If I'm having a very good day:

    Breakfast: Nothing: I am way too sick to eat in the morning.

    Lunch: Depends on the day: if I can either pasta or a ham, tomato, cucumber and lettuce pitta with a scraping of mayo.

    Dinner1: Probably a pitta with the exact same thing as lunch. Occasionally (like yesterday) roast beef. Or salty chips.

    Dinner2: normally at about 11 at night: Pasta/another pitta/curry. There was a stage where it was a fried egg and white pudding sandwich!

    Snacks: pears/taytos/mint crisp bars

    If I'm having a bad day maybe a bag of salt & vinegar taytos...

    I know my diet is in crap but if i eat any dairy I puke: alot of food does the same. I know my baby isn't getting enough vitamins and minerals: thats why they give me them via IV when I'm in hospital.

    Im up to drinking about a litre a water a day now: only need to triple it now and stop puking any of it up :)
    You're doing great cyning. You've come a long way in the last few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    What's with all the pitta bread??? I may pick some up!

    To the girls who are too sick to be eating much, seriously DO NOT worry. As said before, baby just strips it out of you and when you're ready (even if that's after baby's born) then you restock your system. When you're ready to eat different you'll be ready. Asbolutely no point forcing something down your throat that's going to come up later.

    On my diet above, I may have failed to mention the copious bags of crisps I eat & occasional take aways, oh and sometimes wagon wheels. Funny how that slipped my mind...

    I have to say I'm loving the multi packs of Banshee Bones, Cheese Curls & Onion Rings. Can't beat them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Thanks Mink so hard not to worry.

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Hi all,

    On the topic of buggy - I'm going with the baby elegance beep in black, it's a really good deal overall. I've had a look around and seems to be the Irish version of the quinny at half the price so I'm happy enough with that! There's also a similar model called Baby elegance ego which is nice too but has 4 wheels so might be harder to manoeuvre but it's in a lovely green... can't have everything!

    For brekkie I've been having cereal and fruit, mid-morning I have a yoghurt and generally graze on whatever fruit or juice I have in the house. For lunch it's usually a toasted sandwich / scrambled eggs on brown bread / pasta. Dinner can be anything from fajitas / wraps / light snack / homemade pizza / pasta bake etc. I'm not a fan of meat or fish but am trying to eat more now & used to drink 3/4 cups of coffee a day and am down to one in the morning ... and Mink - I too would prefer not to admit the copious amounts of crisps, chocolate and occasional takeaways that find their way into my diet ;-)

    Are people planning on finding out if junior is a girl or boy?? I have my first (official) scan in 6 weeks (I'll be 22 weeks!) and both myself and OH are mad to find out but everyone keeps telling us not to 'for the surprise' and we'll 'jinx it' etc. etc. My argument is that the surprise is now during the 9 long months of waiting whereas after hours of pushing and panting I won't care if it's a boy, girl or baby kangaroo as long as it's out! We were thinking of finding out but keeping it to ourselves. Any opinions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Hi all,

    On the topic of buggy - I'm going with the baby elegance beep in black, it's a really good deal overall. I've had a look around and seems to be the Irish version of the quinny at half the price so I'm happy enough with that! There's also a similar model called Baby elegance ego which is nice too but has 4 wheels so might be harder to manoeuvre but it's in a lovely green... can't have everything!

    For brekkie I've been having cereal and fruit, mid-morning I have a yoghurt and generally graze on whatever fruit or juice I have in the house. For lunch it's usually a toasted sandwich / scrambled eggs on brown bread / pasta. Dinner can be anything from fajitas / wraps / light snack / homemade pizza / pasta bake etc. I'm not a fan of meat or fish but am trying to eat more now & used to drink 3/4 cups of coffee a day and am down to one in the morning ... and Mink - I too would prefer not to admit the copious amounts of crisps, chocolate and occasional takeaways that find their way into my diet ;-)

    Are people planning on finding out if junior is a girl or boy?? I have my first (official) scan in 6 weeks (I'll be 22 weeks!) and both myself and OH are mad to find out but everyone keeps telling us not to 'for the surprise' and we'll 'jinx it' etc. etc. My argument is that the surprise is now during the 9 long months of waiting whereas after hours of pushing and panting I won't care if it's a boy, girl or baby kangaroo as long as it's out! We were thinking of finding out but keeping it to ourselves. Any opinions?

    I'm gonna find out!! Going for a private scan at 20weeks as hospital doesn't want me back till 25 weeks... We want to find out because I already talk to baby all the time and I feel I will know him or her more when I know the sex.

    I can understand why the surpise is exciting but personal preferance

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    We are finding out too,I'm not back to hospital until I'm 30 weeks and the dic I have hates telling,I found out in my 1st 3 (different doc) and it didn't ruin the surprise at all,so I'm going for a private scan too,have yet to book it though

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    hi all,
    I find on the diet topic I tend to have very good days or very very bad days:confused: Mon - fri am generally fairly good lots of fruit, veg etc and at weekends it all goes to pot and it's take aways and rubbish food!
    On finding out the sex of the baby I think it's completely a personal decision, do whats right for u and your partner... I'm not going to find out, purely cos i'm crap at secrets - not telling my family about baby until second trimester almost killed me - can't handle any more secrets!

    hope everyone is feeling well,
    trions x

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Had slightly rough intercourse when oh came now and had a bleed.. That.s ok right?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    javagal wrote: »
    Had slightly rough intercourse when oh came now and had a bleed.. That.s ok right?

    First thing they asked me when I had a bleed: if its only small and not very heavy I wouldn't worry: but do give doc a ring in the morning maybe? Even if only to set your mind at rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Yeah i Will. No wasnt hugely heavy just a light bleed that lasted about ten minutes. They asked me too when i was in epu. Oh Will not be happy that i.ll be avoiding sex for the next 5 months

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    Java, I'm sure that's fine - if it stopped after 10 mins, definitely. Just tell Mr Java to take it easy on you :D And you know the mantra at this stage: if you're worried, call the doc!

    My diet is atrocious compared to most of you - I normally have a slice of barm brack with butter in the morning with cranberry juice, some sort of sandwich or quiche in the afternoon (yesterday it was a bacon, guacamole and cherry tomatoe bap), and really random dinners: one day it will be sausage pasta bake, the next chicken quesedilla, home made pizza, or pork chops and potato gratin - whatever hubby/I am inspired to make.

    This would be fine apart from the copious packets of original hula hoops (I think i had 5 yesterday!), semi-regular chocolate, and often some sort of cake/bun/pie if there is any in the house. I am a sucker for crisps - and will eat them instead of dinner if i'm on my own and feeling lazy - my latest craze is Tayto Snax with philly cheese - nyom ;)

    My biggest downfall is water - I just don't drink. 2 litres is impossible for me. I'm happy if I drink over a liter. Even when I spent time in the Nevada desert, I drank very little. I do try to drink more now that I'm preggers, but i find it almost impossible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I snack on crisps etc too. I was always more of a fan of taytos than chocolate.
    I'm trying to cut down as I have definatley put on some weight thats not down to the baby. I'm getting love handles!
    I do drink a nice bit of water, maybe just about the 2lts, but the trips to the toilet are crazy! Yesterday, I started to drink a bottle after lunch, between 2-5 I went to the toilet 3 times, went just before I left at 5, went to a shopping centre up the road, 10 mins away and was bursting again, 20 mins later I was on the road again, stuck in traffic and bursting!!
    I get fierce sneezing fits and if I sneeze and I need to pee, well then I usually have a little's awful!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    You poor thing! I know how that feels... I don't have it with sneezing yet (kegel exercises for the win!) but when I travelled to France for xmas, I took the ferry - and the crossing was awful. So every 10 minutes I was puking... and the straining meant that I was also peeing. I ended up having to borrow hubby's boxers to leave the boat - it was miserable.

    The constant peeing is so very odd! Yesterday, I drank 200mls of cranberrry juice with dinner. I definitely peed a couple of times before bed, but once I had laid down with my book, I needed to go again. I had barely got back into the bed before I needed to go again, and then another time before the chapter was finished, and again before I switched off the light - it was like some sort of magic trick!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Now I`ve got a cold aswell Still sick too. Anyone any hints about how to handle cold when pregant?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    mamaheidi wrote: »
    Are people planning on finding out if junior is a girl or boy?? I have my first (official) scan in 6 weeks (I'll be 22 weeks!) and both myself and OH are mad to find out but everyone keeps telling us not to 'for the surprise' and we'll 'jinx it' etc. etc.

    I initially wanted to wait but hubby is determined to find out at the 20-22 wk scan. Only prob is my sis got told on this scan it was a girl & then found out (by accident) 2 wks before the birth that she was in fact having a boy. This really puts me off "finding out" as you could end up buying tons of stuff. I said to hubby that if we do find out I want to keep it a secret from friends and family til the birth... he doesn't get me and my secrets :rolleyes:
    trions wrote: »
    I find on the diet topic I tend to have very good days or very very bad days:confused: Mon - fri am generally fairly good lots of fruit, veg etc and at weekends it all goes to pot and it's take aways and rubbish food!

    I'm exactly the same on this, it all goes to crap on the weekend. But I think I've always been like this, very sensible eater during the week and then go mad on the weekend for some reason. I'm weighing myself once a week just to keep an eye on things that I'm not putting on 5lbs in one week or anything.
    Kash wrote: »
    The constant peeing is so very odd! Yesterday, I drank 200mls of cranberrry juice with dinner. I definitely peed a couple of times before bed, but once I had laid down with my book, I needed to go again. I had barely got back into the bed before I needed to go again, and then another time before the chapter was finished, and again before I switched off the light - it was like some sort of magic trick!

    I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but I'm finding I'm peeing more since hit week 11, will be 14 weeks on Sat. I'm getting up more in the night to pee & bladder just fills up so fast. Maybe baby is still sitting on bladder.
    I will say that I am a bit too good at holding in my pee & my bladder can get rather large. Sometimes I'm too lazy to get out of bed to pee & I keep it in. Does anyone know if this supposed to be not so good for baby?
    theg81der wrote: »
    Now I`ve got a cold aswell Still sick too. Anyone any hints about how to handle cold when pregant?

    I had one developing yesterday morning, I took a few grams of powdered vit c with my juice & then drank lots of water, and same again this morning and it seems to be going before it even had a chance to settle in (touch wood). Vit c is good for your immune system and I know I was a bit low on it as my nose is bleeding a bit when I'm blowing it which is a sign that you're low.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    theg81der wrote: »
    Now I`ve got a cold aswell Still sick too. Anyone any hints about how to handle cold when pregant?
    Sleep and lots of vitamin c . I did the honey and lemon and it was too disgusting to do again lol!
    Everything seems fine after last night Lol. Mr . Java was just saying the right words and i couldn't help it lol!
    Re the water. I drink loads and and loads, i always have. I have a litre bottle with the sport cap which i fill about 4 times a day.
    Does wonders for your skin and makes me sleep great.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    theg81der wrote: »
    Now I`ve got a cold aswell Still sick too. Anyone any hints about how to handle cold when pregant?
    My doc told me hot water and lemon and honey.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Oh girls, feel ur pain.
    I've had a stuffy nose for the last few weeks. The heating my office doesn't help coz it dries out the air. I actually have to open the window when the heating is on!

    Anyway scan on Friday.....can't wait :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Girls yer brilliant for the updates, I can`t find the time lately..
    Welcome to the new mammys too!!
    On the water to make myself have enough I have fizzy water with ribena for work and home so I can get thru 2-3 pints min, I couldn`t drink that much plain water no way.
    I had my scan today, I`m just 15 weeks so no gender info, just very cool squashed alien lookalike :D My husband just today agreed with my boy name and didn`t make any constipation jokes while looking at the scan!! :p
    Oh he`s so very cute (I`m convinced it`s a boy) but as expected the consultant was an abrupt dick with very bad B. O. :mad: I was gagging by the time I took a seat!
    He tried to convince me to have a smear cos it`s been 4 yrs, telling me that there was risks involved but he`d recommend it. I very firmly told him it`ll wait...
    Also I asked him about my badmington/running and he said "At your age with the miscarraige I`d think twice about any excercise"
    Not happy with that at all!
    Diet`s not great but not too bad either so I won`t worry too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Got he sounds horrible!!
    I am the same as you, 15 weeks today!!

    Are you showing? I am, but I look more fat than pregnant at the moment.

    I booked an anomaly scan yesterday, will get it at 23 weeks. €160....but I really want it, and CUMH don't offer it on public care.

    Girls what stretch mark creams are ye using, apart from bio oil?? Any brands I should be looking at? Just using regular moisturiser at the moment, but I know, if you're gonna get them, you're gonna get them!!!

    Have any of ye picked up your eumom gift bag in Supervalu yet?? I keep forgetting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    silly wrote: »

    Have any of ye picked up your eumom gift bag in Supervalu yet?? I keep forgetting!

    Oh yeah I actually got this like two weeks ago. For a free gift it ain't bad. Loads of cute baby sized samples etc. I was convinced the girl at the counter would look at me like I was a lunatic when I walked in with my collection card but she had the box right under the counter!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I didn't even know about it until your post. It looks decent enough tho, the sample bottles can come in handy sometimes.

    Anyone watch one born tonight? I was in tears watching that lady with the disability give birth. Bless her, she was so afraid someone was going to take baby off her. And when she said about crying when the baby was born, I thought my heart was going to break. Great to see she was able to do so much herself too, she looked so happy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Girls - I don`t want to jinx it but as of 2 hours ago my morning sickness stopped!!:eek: oh god thats ok isn`t it? I`m worried...I can`t wait till I get the doppler.

    What just happened has to be the worst baby brain insident EVER - hubby collected me and was driving home when I absent mindedly undid my seat belt opened the car door and went to get out YES WHILE HE WAS MOVING!!!!no I don`t know what I was thinking and thank feck the beepy thing went off cause it woke me up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Oh my god, your hubby must have had a heart attack when you opened the door. Thank god the beepy thing brought u back to your senses.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    I am seriously in shock I can`t get my head around what I did. He`s laughing at me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    theg81der wrote: »
    Girls - I don`t want to jinx it but as of 2 hours ago my morning sickness stopped!!:eek: oh god thats ok isn`t it? I`m worried...I can`t wait till I get the doppler.

    What just happened has to be the worst baby brain insident EVER - hubby collected me and was driving home when I absent mindedly undid my seat belt opened the car door and went to get out YES WHILE HE WAS MOVING!!!!no I don`t know what I was thinking and thank feck the beepy thing went off cause it woke me up.

    Nope don't worry about the morning sickness stopping all of a sudden!! It's the start of it starting to ease of your anything like me :) just be prepared for the waves of it you'll get!!

    I'm only getting sick once a day now: yesterday and day before not at all: although I do put that down to a tip I read elsewhere to either suck a sweet or a square of choc before I move in the morning!

    Hoping that if I keep eating like I am I'll be able to go back driving next week: I'm not half as weak anymore so fingers crossed!

    Has anyone not heard from hosp yet? I still haven't got booking appt: my gp said it was probably because I've been admitted so much... But surely I still need to have the apt? I'm 17 weeks next Monday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Cyning, I rang the hospital a few weeks ago because I hadn't heard a peep from them. They were able to give me an appointment there and then.
    The following day, I got two letters in the post - one to say I was on a waiting list for one consultant and the other was an appointment for the consultant I wanted. Their attitude was so blasé...kinda like oh yeah we received your letter weeks ago.
    Ring the hospital and find out what the story is, it'll be one less thing to worry about.

    I still haven't heard anything back about the combined sent the form
    In almost 2 months ago! Going to ring them today but do I need any documentation from that for my hospital appt in fri? I wish their was a little handbook you got at the start which explained all this stuff.
