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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 3 linbrize09

    Hi all,mink I smoked gave them up 3 weeks ago and found it surprisenly easy,couldnt take the guilt or my husband(who does not smoke)driving me mad!when I get a craving I just rub my belly and think of baby!

    I go to Castlebar hospital and had a scan at 14 weeks was called back again at 20 weeks.all docs visits are free when pregnant this is my 3rd child.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Hey ladies, hope everyone is well.
    Had book clinic in hospital today and it definately was not the experience I wanted.
    I'm still feeling upset about it.
    Baby is fine and my dates were spot on, so all of that is good. But I did not like the doctor at all. She was horrible.

    I was carrying a bit of weight when I got pregnant and I did feel like I put on the guts of a stone before Xmas, so knew BMI was always going to be high. Midwife explained that doc might want me to go for the gestational diabetes blood test - no problem there.
    Midwife was lovely, older lady, absolute sweetheart.
    Anyway, get called for scan and doc tells me pretty much straight away that I need to go on a diet.
    Then she advised to cut out all sweets and sugars and hopefully avoid gest diabetes.
    When she scanned me she told us we wldnt get a clear picture of the baby because of al the...and then paused for a few seconds, I actually thought she was going to say fat, but she eventually got tissue out.
    She told us she cld only tell us minor things about baby because the picture was unclear from all the tissue. scan in gp's office in portable machine a couple of weeks ago was much better and that doc never mentioned any difficulty because of my extra tissue!

    That was grand, I was walking out the door when the midwife who booked
    Me in happened to walk in, knowing it was my first, she was like well how did you get on. Doc stood in the middle
    Of the corridor and told her how she had told me to go on a diet. Midwife made those don't mind her type eyes at me. But I started welling up, can't stop thinking about her attitude. She made me feel like a hippo.

    The other thing is they think I have a kidney infection and might need antibiotics. Have my fingers firmly crossed that I won't need them.

    Sorry for long post, just needed to get it off my chest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kildareash, I'm so sorry you had such a horrible experience!!! That doctor obviously lacks in tact! Most of them doctors can be so far up their own arse they do t know how to approach sensitive subjects.

    I wouldn't worry about it, the the first 3 months I was eating all round me and I feel that most of my "bump" Is just fat.
    I don't know what my exact weight was before I got pregnant but I reckon I'm after putting on about a stone.

    I'm trying to go back to the food I ate before I got married. Bread is my major downfall.

    Hopefully you won't have to go on those anti biotics .
    Feel better soon Xx

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    Hi all,
    Kildareash- I was getting annoyed reading your post that a doctor said that to you, she sounds like a wagon, try not to let her get to u... Main thing is your little baby is doing well:)

    Mink - on the smoking question: I smoked up until I found out I was pregnant, I had tried giving up so many times before and It was always torture and fairly short lived - I always said pregnancy would be the one thing that made me give up for good... Mother nature helped me out a bit - the smell of smoke makes me feel really sick, so it was a lot easier for me to stay off them this time, have been off them since the day I found out about baby... am determined to stay off them after the birth... Take it one day at a time, cut down as much as you can and you'll get there.. I read Allen Carr and found it helped... best of luck with it..
    Talk soon,
    Trions x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Thanks ladies, feeling better today. Putting it behind me.

    Just gonna look forward to the next appointment...hope the next 12 weeks will fly by.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Have any of ye thought of names yet?

    We have a nice girls name picked out (might try and think of a few more options) but we have hit a wall with the boys name. Hubby wants to name a boy after his dad, who died 10 yrs ago. I know he would like this but I think his reasons go far beyond what he wants himself, his mom is very old fashioned and thinks that the first boy should be named after father's father, first girl after father's mother, 2nd boy after mothers father and 2nd girl after mothers mother, then it goes onto aunts/ uncles etc!!
    There is NO WAY I'm doing that. This is the same woman that has yet to congratulate me on being pregnant.
    I think this is the main reason why my husband wants the name, because he'll be listening to it from her over and over if we don't. She won't mention it to me though.

    I did suggest my dad's name, as I think its a cool name that you don't really hear anymore, his dad's name is grand like, but I know loads of people with that name, he has a nephew already with that name ( my husband being the only son is the only one to carry on his dad's surname) I just think the name is pretty normal.
    He doesn't want my dad's name, which I have said fair enough to, but he's still going on about his dad's name!

    What am I going to do??? Should I just give into him, but really be giving into his mothers old fashioned way...will she be expected me to follow that rule if we have more kids?
    Her own daughters didn't follow any rule and hubby said she went on about it a bit, but if wasn't the family surname so I don't think it mattered as much as this child's name.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Yea Silly I`m thinking about names. I think its going to be very hard to agree names cause I want something exotic. I`m mixed race and would like something African but acceptable. No one else likes my choices and no way my child is going to be called something normal, the first thing I did was get the 100 most used names list for the last few years as a point of reference to exclude names.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Kildareash I was livid reading that: what a b i t c h of a doctor: I'd have been furious. It makes me so cross when doctors and nurses have the bedside manner of an icicle. Ignore her: I often think when they're having a crap day they pick on everyone. Do you know when they do the gestational diabetes test? It's the one thing I am desperately nervous about

    Silly I feel really strongly that our baby will have his or her own name. The middle name will be after hubbies mum or dad because both names work for my side too (his mums name is mine, my mums middle name and my grannys & aunts name and same kinda thing with his dads name). I don't want anything "popular" if that makes sense:Like I always loved the name Ava even when I was younger (still do!): 4 of our group of friends have called their children Ava in the last two years. I still like it but it would never be just their name... its just too popular at the moment! I don't know how we'll pick!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 774 ✭✭✭notsobusy

    Yeah we have a boy and girls name picked out. devin for a boy and ismay for a girl. ismay was my fathers.mothers secind name and her aunts name so in the family and i think its really pretty. devin comes from the my ohs side of the family. i think they are both original and a bit cool too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    cyning wrote: »
    Do you know when they do the gestational diabetes test? It's the one thing I am desperately nervous about

    I'll be about 26 weeks when I have the test. WTE book says gestational diabetes usually begins between 24-28 weeks.
    The blood clinic was able to book me in for an appointment when I was there yesterday.
    There's a family history of diabetes too, so I'm doubly at risk. My mam told me yesterday that she had it on all of her pregnancies, but it went when the baby was born. She gives us all her best points!

    The test itself doesn't sound that go in fasting from 9pm the night before with a bottle of lucozade and a good book! They do a fasting blood test and then give you a certain amount of the lucozade to drink and do two further blood tests on hourly intervals.
    My only concern is that the only day they do the test is my busiest day of the week in work, and I hate asking for time off on that particular day because it puts more pressure on everyone else.

    On the name thing, boyf wants to name baby if its a boy after his dad. Which I'm totally fine with as its a derivative of his name and my dads name.
    But we want the name to mean something, because we feel this baby is something of a miracle after all the health problems boyf had. So we're a little more picky about the girls name. We have one in mind, that I kinda stumbled across ages ago. But that's bound to change a million times.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Hi All :)

    Got the angelsounds doppler today and it worked. Was amazing to hear babs heartbeat. Best.But.Ever!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I too have the fabolous gestational diabetes gene so I'll be getting the test too. Think It has more to do with the weight of the women in my family-they are all obese but I try look after my weight as much as I can so finger crossed am ok.

    We have had our names picked ages!! Zoey,Violet or Eli ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    We have that stupid gene too: auto immune diseases and I already have a thyroid problem so I'll have to be monitored more towards the end! What I'm hoping is I've been unlucky enough with pregnancy ickiness so I'll avoid it :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    I just checked the babies heartrate. Theres an old wifes tail that says if it below 140 boy if its above girl. It was 144. We kinda thought maybe a boy, don`t know why. Any of you got any inkling about what your having?

    Do any of you know if your public will they tell you at your 20 week scan?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kildareash I really hope you don't get that doctor again. I'd make a complaint, at least it might help stop her being like that to other women.
    Re the testing being on busiest work day, there's nothing you can do to get around this other than give lots of warning and try to get as prepared as possible on the work day before so the impact on your colleagues is lessened.

    I'm really stuck on names. Silly I wouldn't get pressured into anything name wise, it's your child and you're going to have to repeat that name all day long when your little one arrives!

    We've decided that we're not going to tell anyone our name choices. We did say a couple to a few people and they said "oh I don't like that one" and it completely put us off them, disappointed I said anything now. We will chose relatives names as middle names. Were going to. Arrow the boys and girls names to 3 choices each that we can both agree on and then decide after baby is born so we can see what suits, don't know how we can tel but there you go.

    My moan today is that our heating oil ran out sat evening and can't get a delivery til mon. So we have the fire going but even with a back boiler it's so cold. Plus I have a cold and feel rotten. May be sending himself out for some electric heaters! We only got a fill a month ago but with price of oil gone up we didn't get as much oil as we usually do for the price we pay. So annoyed!

    I've put on a pound and a half in a week so I need to watch it as I was really over eating this week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I put on 6 pounds last week Mink... I nearly had an absolute heartattack. Don't know what to do though: I am so hungry all the time I just keep eating (unless I can't eat!). Obviously going to have to stop eating crap :rolleyes: still 5 pounds under pre pregnancy weight!

    @the81gder I'm convinced I'm having a girl! No idea why though to be honest: I actually don't mind :) I think that is just an old wives tale about the pulse though... no basis in anything! I can't see why they wouldn't tell you at your scan!

    Bought my first maternity item of clothing today: Jeans! I got them in Next they are so comfortable. I got a 12: the 10 fitted but I was afraid I wouldn't get long enough out of them: I know they say your pre pregnancy size but that was not working for me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    We haven't discussed names at all yet - there is a tradition in my Dad's family that the boys are named after the grandads, consequently there is a shedload of Robs, Bobs, and Robbies in our family. I would prefer something different to be honest, but might keep it as a middle name if it's a boy. No real ideas for girls either, but I like the idea of naming her after a tree or flower... but want something that it easily pronounced in french and english.

    Have no idea if it will be a girl or boy, but I had a dream that it was a healthy baby boy, so we'll see if I was right :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    cyning wrote: »
    I put on 6 pounds last week Mink... I nearly had an absolute heartattack. Don't know what to do though: I am so hungry all the time I just keep eating (unless I can't eat!). Obviously going to have to stop eating crap :rolleyes: still 5 pounds under pre pregnancy weight!

    I'm delighted for you Cyning, you obviously needed it! I wouldn't worry about it, you're just catching up etc.

    I'm being sensible today and having a chicken, humous & veg wholegrain pitta for lunch! Although I did have half a Terrys chocolate orange last night.
    And I left the smokes at home so I'm getting closer to giving them up altogether - would like to kick it by valentines day, just as a target.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Mink wrote: »
    cyning wrote: »
    I put on 6 pounds last week Mink... I nearly had an absolute heartattack. Don't know what to do though: I am so hungry all the time I just keep eating (unless I can't eat!). Obviously going to have to stop eating crap :rolleyes: still 5 pounds under pre pregnancy weight!

    I'm delighted for you Cyning, you obviously needed it! I wouldn't worry about it, you're just catching up etc.

    I'm being sensible today and having a chicken, humous & veg wholegrain pitta for lunch! Although I did have half a Terrys chocolate orange last night.
    And I left the smokes at home so I'm getting closer to giving them up altogether - would like to kick it by valentines day, just as a target.
    Well done mink!

    My husband thinks we are having a girl. He said its all down to the father, so, his dad had a girl first (3 girls before my hubby) so he reckons he'll have a girl first. I think that's total bs. But I'm trying to think of people we know who have had kids that would prove my point, but most people seem to be having what their fathers had first! Wierd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I can kinda see his logic, silly.
    I'm the last of my siblings to have a baby and the first few were girl, boy, girl etc. but it kinda when off pattern in the middle and now back to boy, girl. So if the pattern in my family is anything to go by I think it'll be a boy, but something inside me is saying girl (cld be wishful thinking!).

    The other thing in my family is that there is no gender mixes with my brothers and sisters kids...they've either had all boys or all girls!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Hope all you ladies had a nice weekend, First day back to college today since December :(

    Got one of those V shaped pillows yesterday, Hopefully they'll be good for later on. Need no help with sleep now, I've never slept better, Only got up ONCE to pee last night!!

    Does anyone have private scans booked for soon?Interested to see what they thought.
    17+1 today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Oh BTW. Is anyone here on the Social welfare/back to education?? I am on back to education atm and a few weeks ago my washing machine clapped out. I went into HSE to see if I was entitled to any help, They said no on washing machine but the CWO told me to come back when my bump started to show and she would give me money for maternity clothes. Was then reading up on this and apparently there are 3 grants for preggers. 1 for maternity clothes which is 150-200e. 1 for hospital bag 80-100e and 1 when baby is born for cot and pram 200-300e...

    Just thought I'd share in case any of you were in the same boat and didn't hear of this/

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Wow, wish I was entitled to anything!

    It seems everytime we talk about saving a million and one things crop up.
    We've something on every wkend in feb, but at least I won't be drinking and Boyf only drinks occasionally.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    kildareash wrote: »
    Wow, wish I was entitled to anything!

    It seems everytime we talk about saving a million and one things crop up.
    We've something on every wkend in feb, but at least I won't be drinking and Boyf only drinks occasionally.

    Meet your Sister!!
    This year before baby comes I have 2 confirmations,a communion,2 christenings, 2 40ths and a wedding which I'm MOH and OH is best man, Oh and both our car insurances!!

    This is kinda why we bought loadsa baby stuff already, so It's not all ontop of us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    You're right to plan ahead Java. All those family get togethers can get so expensive. I don't think I've anything coming up this year prior to baby arriving. I really need the space to build up some savings (which got decimated over Christmas.... as is the other half of the Terrys Choc orange I stupidly brought to work with me!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I take your Terry's Chocolate Orange and raise you a whole white chocolate tolberone!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    I take your Terry's Chocolate Orange and raise you a whole white chocolate tolberone!!
    I've come to the conclusion that I can't have anything with sugar in it, as I get bad headaches. Which I suppose I don't mind as I love crisps and popcorn!

    I have my daughters confirmation and a friends wedding on the same week in march have a hen party this weekend ( not too far from home thank god) I have 2 communions (2weeks in a row) in may.
    Jedward concert in June!!! Which my sister in law has kindly offered to take my daughter instead.. Thank god!
    Getting 4 new tyres for my car tomorrow...
    Haven't bought a tap for baby.
    I wish I was on Sw..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    It's murphy's law that as soon as u try and save u become the most popular person in town and something in the house will need replacing.

    I sometimes wish I was a more organised person. Although this was a surprise pregnancy, we had talked and talked and talked about it, we shld have been sorting out our finances at the same time!

    I think I was very naive as to the cost of a baby!
    Bought a couple of little babygros in boots after my hospital appt on Friday, to cheer myself up. Might pick up something else in a couple of weeks to mark the half way point

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Yep I had 200 put aside for "savings" which took me over two weeks to put together and that's gone right back into the oil tank - wasn't expecting it to run out so fast. Actually that savings was really earmarked for car tax, which has also conveniently gone up for both our cars so I don't know who I was kidding with my piddly savings!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Yep I had 200 put aside for "savings" which took me over two weeks to put together and that's gone right back into the oil tank - wasn't expecting it to run out so fast. Actually that savings was really earmarked for car tax, which has also conveniently gone up for both our cars so I don't know who I was kidding with my piddly savings!
