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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    silly wrote: »
    Have soooo many friend who have had babies in the last few weeks! Dying to get a squeeze!
    I haven't booked mine yet, as I don't know if I will bother. But my midwife friend said to book straight away!

    I don't know anyone with a baby!! I have never known anyone with a baby. I have never even held a baby, not to mention changed/fed/winded one. If I let myself think about it for too long, I get so freaked out I can hardly breathe. I literally have no clue. Hubby has has loads of experience with them, and keeps saying that I'll be a natural - but he has to say that, doesn't he?!

    As for ante-natal classes, the nurse at the hospital told me to go to the first one before 20 weeks, and then i'd be given a roster for the next ones. Must really do that!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Kash wrote: »

    I don't know anyone with a baby!! I have never known anyone with a baby. I have never even held a baby, not to mention changed/fed/winded one. If I let myself think about it for too long, I get so freaked out I can hardly breathe. I literally have no clue. Hubby has has loads of experience with them, and keeps saying that I'll be a natural - but he has to say that, doesn't he?!!
    To be honest, alot of it is common sence! I was 20 when I had my daughter, hadn't a clue!! But she survived nearly 11 yrs so far!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kash wrote: »
    I don't know anyone with a baby!! I have never known anyone with a baby. I have never even held a baby, not to mention changed/fed/winded one. If I let myself think about it for too long, I get so freaked out I can hardly breathe. I literally have no clue. Hubby has has loads of experience with them, and keeps saying that I'll be a natural - but he has to say that, doesn't he?!

    As for ante-natal classes, the nurse at the hospital told me to go to the first one before 20 weeks, and then i'd be given a roster for the next ones. Must really do that!!

    You'll be grand, you'll pick up loads of stuff in the ante natal classes, also there's books re the first few mths, year etc. Then when the little one arrives, you decide what parts of what you've learned work for you & your baby, what makes sense etc. (Bear in mind that this advice comes from someone who has no children yet :D, just some experience looking after newborns & older babies)

    After reading some of these posts I've realised that I haven't actually held a baby (a proper little baby, not a toddler) in about a year or two!! I've forgotten what a newborn feels like in your arms. Don't really know anyone having one this year so I guess the next one will be my OWN!!!!

    Re the ante natal classes, I'm not doing the free ones offered by the hospital as it's going to be way too awkward working out time off for me & hubby to attend. We're going to do the paid ones that are done on a weekend over two full saturdays usually. Just have to find something reasonably priced as not like I can afford it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi


    I went to the early pregnancy class at Holles Street when I was about 8 weeks, most others were further along as I think people are reluctant to go in case they are spotted before they've told people, which I understand. The class was ok, a midwife, dietician & physio talked for about 20 minutes each. The midwife was really great and gave lots of tips that were nice for the OH to hear as well. Apologies for TMI! (One tip was to put baby oil on perineum daily for a couple of months before the birth as it makes the skin more elastic and therefore less likely to tear).

    The dietician was good too - main thing was only 300 extra calories a day needed which she said was an extra banana and slice of toast - she gave out a list of 100 calorie snacks that I can dig out if anybody is interested. 1st trimester folic acid is most important, 2nd trimester it's iron & 3rd trimester it's calcuim.

    Physio was ok - common sense about not exercising excessively, don't take up any new exercises, take it easy, drink loads of water etc. etc. Best exercises are water based - swimming and aqua aerobics and yoga & pilates are good too - the classes specifically for pregnancy. The aqua classes are supposed to help stretch all the muscles needed in labour and in lots of studies women who went to aqua classes regularly were less likely to need pain relief during labour...

    They said loads more but this is all I remember at the mo ;-)

    We had to book the antenatal classes asap as there was a waiting list, luckily my health ins covers the cost of the evening classes as morning classes were not practical but they were free.

    Has anybody signed up for the midwives clinic? I've heard only good reports about them and in my opinion consultants can be very standoffish and probably not what I'd need during labour (my sister in law said her consultant was texting for most of her delivery!). I know they call a consultant in if there's anything wrong so hope everything goes according to plan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Was giving it loads last week "Oh I can eat anything I want when I'm pregnant"
    Cut to today and that Tuna Mayo sambo gave surpisingly bad indigestion..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Ladies I'm A woman obsessed... I just cant get enough, it.s always on my mind. Even when my fiance says no, i go behind his back and get it down the chipper.. Chips with vinegar! I love it! And i hated vinegar till i got pregnant!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Ah you can't beat chipper chips swimming in vinegar!
    I've been putting brown sauce on everything since got preg. Hubby keeps making all these fancy sauces & gravy & I just reach for my bottle of HP! I think he's insulted.

    Mamaheidi - I've signed up for the midwives clinic in Rotunda but I don't have first proper apt with them til 28 weeks. From what I've heard it's a great service & if anything medical comes up they can refer you to the doc.

    That thing you wrote re only needing 300 calories a day & that being like a banana & piece of toast... it has me worried. I really think I've been overeating. I downloaded one of those pregnancy weight calculator things which gives you a good idea of what range your weight should be in for your given week (based on our starting BMI etc) and I've been consistently a few lbs above it. Oh well. I think I can circumvent it by getting more excercise. It's too feckin cold to go out for a walk though!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Mink - didn't mean to worry you (or anyone) and to be honest the 300 calorie thing really surprised me too. Though I really can't say I've stuck to it AT ALL (munching on marshmallows as I type!). I find that I'm constantly hungry and grazing on anything I can find - sometimes it's healthy like fruit but most often it's really not.

    By the sounds of it not many people stick to that though - I certainly don't. I usually work from home and my desk is right beside the fridge so that doesn't help ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Mink the way i look at it. I do enough stressing about is the baby ok?should i be feeling it more?is it healthy?is its heartbeast there? That if i start stressing about food I'll spontaneously combust!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Should see the amount of hair on my belly. And i'm fair skinned and dark so i.m like a werewolf!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Finally got my booking appt for the hospital: Valentines Day :) So I'll be 19 weeks: I would have been freaking out if I hadnt had the scans already! So glad I finally got it!

    All I wanted to eat this morning was avacado and boiled eggs... boiled my eggs and went to get my avacado and it was bad: so what did I do? Cry :rolleyes: so badly that I actually sat on the floor because I was so incoherent! Total total overreaction on my behalf I've got to say :eek: All these hormones getting to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Re watching harry potter for the fifth time. bawling my eyes out for poor snapey

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    javagal wrote: »
    Re watching harry potter for the fifth time. bawling my eyes out for poor snapey
    I've gotten über emotional lately. This morning I was listening to Ian Dempsey and there was a woman singing on it, but she started singing too soon so it didn't sound right, eventually she stopped and had to start again. I shed a few for her...

  • Registered Users Posts: 596 ✭✭✭Tinkerbell4484

    Girls does anyone know if the gender scan they do in newry is 3d

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Girls does anyone know if the gender scan they do in newry is 3d
    I haven't a clue but my guess would be no.
    I think you have to get 3d ones privately.apologies if this is incorrect.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    The past week my belly button has started to look very strange. I'm 15 weeks today (woohoo) and really started to pop in the past week and half. The top part of my belly button has flattened out like a downward smiley face like so :( Anyone else have this.

    The funny thing re my bump is I see now that it's not all fat, when I laugh it jiggles up and down but not in a wobbly fat way, more firm. And if I twist and turn I can see my stomach muscles moving the bump around. I'm not describing it very well but basically I can see that the bump is pushing all my stomach muscles forward, if that makes any sense.

    In other words, it feels like a pregnant bump, not just a bloated/fat bump.

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Fri.Day

    Last night I thought I could feel the baby moving and this morning myself and hubby felt it for real, and intermittently all day it`s been putting a big stupid grin on my face at work.
    It`s exactly what I needed to cheer me up cos I`ve been interviewing people and having people in on a trial basis for the last 3 weeks at work and hoping I get someone 100% reliable to cover me when I`m off on my 6 months love-in :) Thursday for no reason I could have just sat down and cried, I thought I`d be over the hormental phase, I might be a bit stressed so this is a good little pickmeup...
    It`s like a tiny little worm moving about an inch below the surface on my left side :D
    Anyone else feeling this at the very early stage??? I`m 16 weeks 4days

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    i.m feeling massive butterflies in my tummy bottom right today ! it.s amazing! had a long day walking around. i feel worn out and my back is at me . am 18weeks now and sorry for the tmi but has anyone been having an serious increase in discharge ? ive have to wear pads to keep fresh

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning thats so cool! I'm getting a bubbly feeling here and there but thats all... can't wait untill hubby can feel it: I'm nearly 18 weeks now!

    I'm having a desperately odd day.... I'm really dizzy or something and have pins and needles under my ribs and a dead arm... im just a bit uggghhhy :mad:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Oh girls, this is so exciting!
    The butterflies in the bottom left hand side of my tummy r definately increasing too. I used to only get them at night when I was totally relaxed, but since Friday I've been feeling them intermittently throughout the day. Such a cool feeling :)

    Baby brain is getting worse tho, was driving home from Dublin last night and I just took a random turn because I thought I shld. I'm barely fit to be let out on my own these days

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I'm getting those butterfly's too, only when I'm sitting back and relaxed on the recliner (where I spend most evenings) at home.
    I'm 16+6.
    Java I have that discharge too. And I'm using liners also.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,644 ✭✭✭theg81der

    Trying to listen to babs on the doppler yesterday and the heartbeat only stayed for max 10secs till babs moved. He/she is having a party in there something tells me this is going to be a really active baby!

    Oh and I`m moaning - I`ve no bump at all. Hubby says I look thinner than ever after all the weight loss from morning sickness. I want a bump!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Oh I'm so jealous with all these butterflies happening. I'm so behind at only 15 weeks :( Hopefully I'll feel something soon.

    I've had to use pantyliners for the past three weeks, definitely way more discharge and it seems to increase as the weeks go by! Knickers were getting ruined :o

    Listen, if any of you spot baby bargains whether it be in supermarkets or other shops where there's a sale etc. let me know as I have a long list of things and want to try get everything over the next 6 months all at reduced prices/sales etc. Same with nappies, sometimes there'll be a massive box of pampers priced down and I plan on stocking up on everything.

    Plan on stocking the freezer in the last two weeks, I essentially don't want to have to step into a supermarket or worry about food until baby is 3-4 mths old!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I'm getting a cleaner in around a week before I'm due. To do a deep clean etc.
    Hubby agreed to it last night. Don't want to be coming home to housework.

    We're getting a chest freezer soon, so will hopefully be filling that up soon too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    not a bad idea with regards to stocking up freezer . i only have a small freezer though
    getting comfortable anywhere is now a job, read somewhere the baby doubles in size between 15 and 20 weeks so i.m expecting lots more growing pains and discomfort.
    in a maths lecture at the minute and my bum is dead and i get pins and needles when i shift lol!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Not a bad idea Silly. I'm planning to do deep clean in stages over a couple mths before, but to be honest I don't know what way I'll be when I'm that heavily pregnant. Definitely don't want to have to do any major cleaning after baby arrives.

    We had a chest freezer out in shed that we'd never used (rented house) so it got dragged in & cleaned the other day. We've a terrible little box freezer compartment at top of fridge but can't even get a waffle in it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Mink wrote: »
    Listen, if any of you spot baby bargains whether it be in supermarkets or other shops where there's a sale etc. let me know as I have a long list of things and want to try get everything over the next 6 months all at reduced prices/sales etc. Same with nappies, sometimes there'll be a massive box of pampers priced down and I plan on stocking up on everything.

    Good idea, maybe we should start a separate thread for baby bargains. They have one in the newborn and toddler forum.

    Last week in Tesco, they had tommee tippee sterilizers for half price. I know the microwave one was less than €15 and it included at least one bottle.
    They also had stair gates and travel cots (i think) fairly reasonable.
    I was so tempted to pick up the sterilizer but said i'd wait till I was half way there.

    We bought a new freezer a few weeks ago too. Don't know how we survived without coz the one on the fridge is tiny! Be great for when baby is on solids because I plan to just puree our own food and try to avoid jars if at all possible. The smell of them made me retch even before I was pregnant!

    Been feeling really ill for the last 24 hours. Was sick in the middle of the night on Saturday night and have been feeling crappy since. OH wants me to go to doc, but I've been managing to eat tea and toast every couple of hours, so I don't think there's any point. I took today off work, so hopefully just resting will help.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    I bought a new fridge and we have the freezer aswell... I'm desperately spoilt though because he's a chef so cooking is never really an issue in our house :p now if only I could eat because I am sick AGAIN and I'm like a bitch because of it :mad:

    I really like the idea of posting baby bargains :D If you use Tesco online its great for seeing whats on offer: at the moment they have Tommee Tippee breast pump, steam steriliser and baby grooming set half price, and the pampers baby wipe refills too. They also have a baby club where they'll send you out magazines and coupons too!

    Is anyone else totally confused by baby stuff? What nappies to get, what breast pump to get, what bottles, what clothes travel systems etc.... its totally overwhelming!

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Hi all,

    Posting about bargains is a great idea... especially for a very broke PhD student ;-)

    My OH goes to the states quite regularly for work so I've been sort of cheating a bit and made a list for him to pick up there - but most places deliver to Ireland anyway.

    I found an avent set with microwave steriliser, 6 bottles, bottle warmer etc etc for 99dollars on which is roughly 75 euro - I thought that was good. There's another for those of you who want to breastfeed which is 130 sterling on with all the same stuff (also avent). I'm getting the bottle one first and going to buy the pump when baby is born and I'm sure I can feed myself - I think you have to wait a few weeks to express anyway to get the baby used to feeding first. I'm afraid that if I can't feed myself I'll have wasted the money on the pump (and they're expensive buggers!). My sister is law was in Asda a few weeks ago and picked up an avent microwave steriliser for 10pounds for me which will be handy for having a spare at my parents' house instead of lugging everything with me every time I visit.

    I've also seen a cot for 139 euro in toymaster including matress and bedding - I got the same one for my niece last year. But won't need it till junior arrives anyway as we're getting a loan of a moses basket for the beginning.

    The baby elegance beep package is what we're getting for the buggy which is 399 for all and 100 if you want to buy the car base. My parents have insisted that this is their present to us as they did the same for my brother last year. So that's one more thing off the list!

    Apart from that we've been picking up half price wipes and shampoos etc for the last few weeks with our weekly shop - OH and I are suckers for stocking up on half price toiletries as it is.

    We can't really go overboard with stuff though as we're in a small apartment, hoping to buy or own place towards the end of the year so we'll see how it goes!

    Looking forward to hearing everyone else's bargains. Ps, anyone know if we can post links to the products on boards or not? If so I could post a link to the cot etc. if anyone is interested.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Girls I'm having a really awful day....
    Found out a friend of mine lost her baby this morning, she was about 12 weeks. I'm devastated, I can't tell anyone. I'm unable to form the sentence.
    Work is really getting me down, I have a major workload and they keep adding to it, but refusing to give me a pay increase, I'm here since 2008 and I've never got a pay increase. I'm earning less than €400 a week.
    I have never taken more than a few days off at a time because nobody covers my work and it wouldn't be worth my while taking a week off as I would be under major pressure for the following 2 weeks trying to catch up.
    I've asked my manager if someone could learn to do at least one of my jobs to relieve some pressure from me if I need to take some days off - I'm hoping to take a week in march as I have my daughters confirmation and a friends wedding on the same week, but he's not getting back to me on it.
    I'm so stressed out today, and baby is moving alot, which I'm hoping is not because I'm stressing him/her out.
    I'm so close to tears and I'm snapping at anyone that comes near me....

    Sorry girls, just needed that rant.
    Think I'll go and have a blub in the bathrooms now.
