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Due July 2012 Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Oh silly,

    That's horrific. Sorry to hear about your friend, it's devastating to say the least.

    Re work - that is completely unfair. You are entitled to your holidays & should not be penalised by having a mountain waiting for you when you get back. You should definitely make your manager listen to you. Actually he/she will need to train people to do your job when you're on maternity leave anyway - it's in their own best interests to do it asap.

    Go to the bathrooms and have a good old cry, nothing like it to relieve tension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    Silly, Sorry for your friend's bad news :( A lady over in the Sept thread lost her baby too. Thoughts with them both :(

    Re the bargains, keep an eye on amazon, I got that complete bottle feeding set that is 130 for 50 in one of their flash deals

    Edit: the tommy tippee one in 70 atm if anyone is going that way

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Oh silly, I'm so sorry for your friend.

    Don't stress about work. I used to and I used to work and harder than most of my colleagues, some days I wouldn't even take lunch breaks while everyone else counts down to 1pm!
    Since I got pregnant, I've adopted a different kind of attitude...
    There's only so much I can do, I try not to stress as much because it's not good for my health or the babys health which r my no 1 priorities at the minute.
    All my friends r saying to me they don't know how my work will cope when I go on leave, but it's up to management to make other people step up.

    You have a legal entitlement to holidays, you've given plenty of notice so there shldnt really be a problem.

    Do u have a union? I'm not that type of person, but if ur not getting any support from management, it might be worth having a chat with ur union rep.

    Hope things improve, but make sure u look after yourself x

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    Hi all,

    Mink - I'm just 16 weeks and no flutters yet either, so looking forward to feeling the little one move around in there - was at GP today for check up, all is good and got to hear the heart beat again :)

    Kildareash & Cyning, hope you're both feeling better....

    Silly - so sorry to hear about your friend, it's awful...
    On work, you're boss is going to have to let you step back a bit and let others help out a bit more, is there anyone else you can speak to - HR dept or supervisor? Try not to stress, you and baby's health is far more important than work...

    I just realised today there's two types of antenatal class, a regular class for couples or a physiotherapy dept class just for mums to be, a friend said the physio one is well worth doing as it goes through breathing exercises to help u relax during labour. Tried to book them today but office closed early..

    Hope everyone is well,
    T x

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Oh Silly thats awful: your poor friend. It's so hard to lose your baby. Especially when she was at the stage she was telling/just about to tell people. And its really hard on you too especially when your pregnant aswell. On work stop doing so much... tell them straight out that you can do so much but anymore than that is unrealistic. Talk to your boss again: they need to take it seriously.

    I'm 18 weeks I've had two small flutters thats all... I wasn't even sure the first time that it was babs! What I can't wait for is when my hubbie can feel :) and when the flutters get more regular (and roll on untill May/June and we're all complaining that baby is kicking is so hard it feels like they're going to hurt something!!)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    cyning wrote: »
    I'm 18 weeks I've had two small flutters thats all... I wasn't even sure the first time that it was babs! What I can't wait for is when my hubbie can feel :) and when the flutters get more regular (and roll on untill May/June and we're all complaining that baby is kicking is so hard it feels like they're going to hurt something!!)

    I can't wait for that, Cyning :)

    Still feeling really really sick. I've only been sick once and I thought that it was related to food I was after eating a few hours beforehand. But now I'm thinking its this blasted kidney infection! Still waiting on results of my sample from the lab, but the nurse in the doctors surgery said they wouldn't start me on anything yet because I had no symptoms.
    I was hoping the feeling would pass and I was starting to feel better last night but then I woke again durin the night and I felt like I was gonna be sick again if I even blinked!
    Docs surgery are fitting me in between appointments in the morning, so hopefully they can shed some light on why I'm feeling like this.

    The morning sickness was so different - if i ate, that would go away, but I was finding it hard to even drink water on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Kildareash & Silly hope you feel better by end of day!! Silly I'm in a slightly similar situation to you in that there isn't really anyone to cover my work. I've no holidays booked between now & going on mat leave.

    However, I will take holiday days/week and you absolutely have to insist on the same, same with taking your lunch. You just have to & if it shows up a problem with workload, then maybe this will flag it to your managers. They are not paying you enough to be expected to go so above and beyond the normal expectations of an employee, in my opinion - ie missing lunches, not taking leave etc.

    Mamaheidi I'll probably wait and see how get on with the breast feeding before getting a pump. I've heard the medela electric one is best and if I see a good deal on it between then and now I'll probably get it.

    Got some very cute baby basics in Penneys for feck all yesterday. Not buying anymore clothes til find out the sex. Their quality is a lot better compared to a couple years ago when was last looking at baby clothes for my sis.

    Re bottles (for feeding expressed milk), I think I'm going to buy one or two of the most popular brands (NUK, Tommee Tippee & Avent) and then just see what baby takes best.
    Going to stock up on nappies & toiletries etc.
    Hoping in-laws might get us a buggy as a present. If not, we'll manage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭March11

    Jeez, I am getting panicky now when I see how ye lot are buying stuff already!!! It still feels a bit surreal yet! Anyone taking iron supplements? I started taking Spatone last Friday and I was murdered with severe headache all weekend since. Didn't take it today and am grand, so am gonna try taking it at bedtime to see if I can sleep through the headache if that makes any sense or will work!! :rolleyes:

    I am also still taking the pregnacare plus stuff with the folic and omega - it says it can be taken throughout pregnancy, so am keeping it up for the minute. Anyone else doing this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    The hospital advised me to take it from 18 weeks, midwife and doc recommended two different types.
    I'll check later and post them up, but the one the nurse recommended had folic acid in it.
    Still taking the pregnacare too.

    Those headaches don't sound right tho march, maybe ask your gp's opinion. He might recommend something else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭Kash

    I stopped taking the pregnacare plus after about 14 weeks.
    They made me feel really ill, so I haven't really taken them since.
    The doc never said anything about extra suplements, but I might ask them at my next checkup.

    Speaking of next check-up - no-one had told me when I was to go visit my GP, so I thought my next appointment was in April in the hospital. I rang last week because that seemed so far away, and they said that i should be popping in to my GP a couple of times before then... I felt like a bit of an idiot actually!

    You would think thety would give you a list with all teh appointment dates on it

    I haven't bought any baby stuff, but I'm thinking of getting the cloth nappies instead of the disposable ones.

    My parents are getting us the cot, but I am so confused as to what to get... what is the difference between the cots, cribs, baskets and bassinets? I can't make head nor tail of it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    March I haven't bought a tap yet.
    Not even a nappy... Nada!
    Prob won't buy anything for another few months.
    We got some vouchers when we got married last sept, some one4all, which can be used in mothercare, and multicentre vouchers which we will be able to get bottles/baby gro's with etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    I spontaneously bought a mars bar (never eat bars) last Friday. It's still in my bag. I'm peckish.
    Shall I eat it?
    It's a large one...

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    thanks silly- all i want in the whole world now is a mars bar, mmmm!!!!

    March 11 - pregnacare also contains iron, so u might just be taking too much - maybe check with GP of pharmacist...

    girls ye all sound so organised - I haven't bought a single baby thing... moving house in the next couple of months (currently in a very child unfriendly apartment), trying to hold off buying as it will only be more stuff to pack up and move... Paid my hospital bill today, €750 poorer :( roll on pay day!

    Hope everyone is well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    Is that bill for private patients?

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    no - going semi-private in coombe. so far so good, the midwives and consultant seem really nice...

  • Registered Users Posts: 128 ✭✭March11

    Oh didn't realise the pregnacare plus had iron in it, will look into with thanks a mill. Took the spatone iron sachet last night before bed and no headache this morning thankfully - am taking it because my iron was low, gettin bloods done again next week so will see what my level is like then.

    Glad to hear I am not the only one that hasnt bought anything yet, was getting frazzled!!

    TMI alert - I have been getting the additional discharge, but it has a brown tinge last night and this morning - anyone have this at all?? :confused:

    Me bloomin nerves and I don't want to be getting onto hospital with if it's a thing of nothing.... :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    March11 wrote: »
    Oh didn't realise the pregnacare plus had iron in it, will look into with thanks a mill. Took the spatone iron sachet last night before bed and no headache this morning thankfully - am taking it because my iron was low, gettin bloods done again next week so will see what my level is like then.

    Glad to hear I am not the only one that hasnt bought anything yet, was getting frazzled!!

    TMI alert - I have been getting the additional discharge, but it has a brown tinge last night and this morning - anyone have this at all?? :confused:

    Me bloomin nerves and I don't want to be getting onto hospital with if it's a thing of nothing.... :o
    I'm sure a phone call would put your mind at ease...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,722 ✭✭✭silly

    What to expect app tells me I'm 17 +0 and baby is size of a turnip. 5inches, 5oz.
    Baby bump app tells me I am 17+1 and baby is the size of an onion... 5.1inches, 5.9oz

    Who to believe...?
    And isn't a turnip much bigger and heavier than an onion??? Not according to my apps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    My What to Expect app has baby as a mango (6in .5lb (8oz))

    My BabyBump app has baby as a sweet potato (5.6in 6.7oz)

    And I'd think a sweet potato is heavier than a mango!! I just love those apps they are hillarious :D

    I just ate the most nutritious breakfast ever: two yummy chocolate pop tarts.... but I ate some grapes too: that makes it so much more balanced :p

    Not allowed back to work for an extra week now: I rang my boss. At least they are seriously great with it: once me and baby are fine they haven't worried about me being off. It is such a relief because I haven't worked in so long.

    Do ye still get cramps? Not stretching pains, but like period like cramps. I have pains in my ribs and sides, but like cramps lower down? Doc not worried but I do!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Cyning, I still get the odd cramp below, slightly like period pains.

    Silly I have two apps and they tell me different measurements each week and sometimes the fruit downgrades in size! I just take them as a general guideline. Your baby is probably in between a turnip and an onion - some kind of veg we've never heard of :D

    March11, I wouldn't worry re the discharge but keep an eye on it & no harm calling the maternity ward in your hospital just to check.

    Re the iron/pregnacare thing, midwife suggested taking iron one day & pregnacare tablet the next, so I've been doing that past couple weeks after brekkie. I use the Galfer stuff - just take 1 teaspoon and then have a glass of orange juice and I won't have a tea or coffee for about an hour after as it hinders absorption.
    I'm starting to take a calcium supplement.

    Having said all that, if you're not taking any iron or supplements, I really wouldn't worry about it as baby takes whatever it needs from you and you just have to eat well & varied to keep yourself pepped up. Women have healthy babies ALL the time without taking stuff. However, I do know a lot of women who weren't getting a lot of calcium & subsequently lost a tooth with each kid and/or had problems with cavities etc. so that would be important.

    I'm not buying anything else big at all til much nearer the end (ie; buggy, car seat etc) cos I want to see what I can borrow off others. I think I'll just get little bits and bobs as and when I see deals. I must resist buying more clothes til find out sex!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    I'm so pissed off I could scream, I've taken a half day for my hospital appt and one annual leave day for private scan and my boss has been such a p****k to me this week.

    Doc has given me antibiotics for kidney infection, said that's causing nausea and signed me off for rest of week.
    Boss has been a bit ignorant on the phone when I've called to say I was I'll and wldnt make it in. Turns out another girl went home sick on Monday (she was also sick last Monday and Tuesday, came in for an hour on Wednesday but was back on Thursday not a bother on her - regular occurrence!)
    I rang him this morn and said doc had signed me off for rest of wk and then he txt me a while later to say more senior boss wld need a sick cert. I offered to fax it over but the txt implied that I wldnt have one. I've never in five years there taken more than a day uncertified leave. But I feel like I'm being punished for the other girl who takes the piss, but is never pulled up on it.
    She says she has a condition, but my oh has a similar condition but his is chronic and he's had surgery and everything but his boss has had to send him home sometimes because he was ill.

    Sorry for long rant, I'm just peeved about the whole situation and not particularly happy to be on antibiotics and feeling so crap. Doc assured me the antibiotics r safe to take, said they wldnt pass the placenta barrier.

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭mamaheidi

    Kildareash, that sucks. The kidney infection thing is bad enough but to have your manager act like such a git doesn't help. Forget about the colleague that gets away with everything - you're sick, you have a doctor's cert - end of story. Don't feel guilty for it - give the cert in and let them say or think what they like. And if you feel sick next week and the week after do the same thing. You're genuinely sick so don't feel bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭trions

    Anybody watching 'one born every minute, - that forceps birth was horrific, the poor mum must have been terrified, was lovely though when she finally got to hold baby... feeling a bit traumatised after that, hubby giving out to me for watching it in the first place!

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Hello ladies,

    I wasn't here for a while.

    Kildaraesh your boss has to be twin to my boss.
    I was taken to hospital from work week ago. I start bleeding and fainted. I had a lot of tests done, and it does not look great. I was told to rest with my legs up and avoid any kind of stress (it's not possible in my line of work - PA)
    I get cert for few days off and order to go to gp and get more.
    I send email to my boss he said it's ok, but then he started sending me emails with requests to do things for him, when I told he that I can do few things for him but not everything as I can't leave my bed he wasn't happy. He told me that he expect that on Monday I will be at work, when I told him that I'm going to GP for appointment he was so mad.
    And it is not my fault. I told him weeks ago that I do not feel good and I need to cut on hours and stress but instead of help I get more things to do.
    My GP get my tests results and they are not good, mainly my kidneys and heart do not deal well with pregnancy. He requested consultation with specialist and I decided to go private gynaecologist, as it is much quicker than in hospital.
    I have appointment tomorrow and I'm afraid what my boss will do if I will need to take another week or two of sick leave.
    And comment from my boss - are you aware that we are not paying for your sick leave - made me speechless - does he think I will exchange my baby and mine health for monies?

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    trions wrote: »
    Anybody watching 'one born every minute, -, hubby giving out to me for watching it in the first place!

    Trions my hubby does not allow me to watch it at all.
    Every time when I mention anything about it he is so mad. :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,251 ✭✭✭cyning

    Saurelin I'd be furious with your boss: I'm furious on your behalf. That is utterly ridiculous: and especially when your so sick... Id go to hr if you have them: that is so wrong.

    I really hope appt with doc goes well: rest up and mind yourself. And if you have to go sick do: your boss will survive. You and baby are so much more important.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,237 ✭✭✭javagal

    I feel guilty that i seem to only come here to moan but no one listens! my back is at me again, hope im not getting a kidney infection. how is everyone? anyone due for scans soon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭kildareash

    Saurelin wrote: »

    Kildaraesh your boss has to be twin to my boss.
    I was taken to hospital from work week ago. I start bleeding and fainted. I had a lot of tests done, and it does not look great. I was told to rest with my legs up and avoid any kind of stress (it's not possible in my line of work - PA)
    I get cert for few days off and order to go to gp and get more.
    I send email to my boss he said it's ok, but then he started sending me emails with requests to do things for him, when I told he that I can do few things for him but not everything as I can't leave my bed he wasn't happy. He told me that he expect that on Monday I will be at work, when I told him that I'm going to GP for appointment he was so mad.
    And it is not my fault. I told him weeks ago that I do not feel good and I need to cut on hours and stress but instead of help I get more things to do.
    My GP get my tests results and they are not good, mainly my kidneys and heart do not deal well with pregnancy. He requested consultation with specialist and I decided to go private gynaecologist, as it is much quicker than in hospital.
    I have appointment tomorrow and I'm afraid what my boss will do if I will need to take another week or two of sick leave.
    And comment from my boss - are you aware that we are not paying for your sick leave - made me speechless - does he think I will exchange my baby and mine health for monies?

    Oh my god, what a jackass! Men!
    Time to adopt the two finger approach! I really do hope your appointment today goes ok. Your boss can be pissed off that you need the time off (it's not right) but he can't do anything. You need to take care of you and your baby now.
    trions wrote: »
    Anybody watching 'one born every minute, - that forceps birth was horrific, the poor mum must have been terrified, was lovely though when she finally got to hold baby... feeling a bit traumatised after that, hubby giving out to me for watching it in the first place!

    Yeah, I was watching last night. I held my breath when the baby was stuck. God love that woman, most have been the most traumatic thing ever to go through. Thank god it all turned out ok, I was really scared for them for a few minutes, the looks on the midwives faces said it all.
    javagal wrote: »
    I feel guilty that i seem to only come here to moan but no one listens! my back is at me again, hope im not getting a kidney infection. how is everyone? anyone due for scans soon?

    Fingers crossed, it's just nature doing its thing, making room for that growing baby.
    But just to be on the safe side make sure you're drinking plenty of water and try a glass of cranberry juice everyday. But be careful, I got a store branded carton of cranberry juice last week and the sugar content was through the roof. Something like 24% of your RDA per 100ml, I was shocked.
    If you do think its a kidney infection drop a sample into you GP's so they can test it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,260 ✭✭✭Mink

    Saurelin & Kildareash you need to get a copy of your company employee handbook or print off the relevant info from Citizens Information site re maternity stuff and quote this to your boss whenever you are challenged. It's not like you're both swaning around during your "time off", you have a legitimate reason to be off for illness. You need to stand your ground, though really you shouldn't even have to as it's the law. Grr makes me so mad when I hear about this stuff :mad:

    Java, +1 to what kildareash said, just drop a sample in so they can dip-stick it. Then you'll know either way. If it's regular back pain, I went to the pelvic girdle class with the physio in the Rotunda this morning and it was really good. Picked up a lot of tips and excercise to improve the aul back so it can cope with the rest of this pregnancy. They said if it doesn't improve within 10 days of doing the excercises they've given then you can phone and come back in to get treatment. If you rule out the kidney infection, maybe you can call your hospital and see if they have this class and go to it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Saurelin

    Thanks ladies :)
    It's nice to have support.

    I decided to ignore my boss as much as I can, and I feel much better now.

    Mink my boss is extremely smart, he behave well when there are any witnesses. Anyway I'm not going to be bother by his actions.

    Javagal if it is not kidney infection maybe your posture is bad and your back need some rest?

    Ladies did you start thinking about decorating nursery or only I'm so bored that I think about it?
